kjk? into i i M.uktv. by h'm iYieuJs ,: .n n pplcmlid business man, i.l a loii hc!l on his shoulders, an tyo on lltp ruckles, was fond of tho fair ox, but when they ciuue to spauk of his writicg accomplishments, llioy shook their heads among themselves quietly paid "Awful I positively terri ble. Looks as it the pic3 ""'I kocu rooting around in it," etc. , . This merchant was a splendid fel low, but then with his other accom plishments ho thought ha was a great in fact a self made man. It was bad for him. All truly great men writo wretched hands.. Look at Dea con Richard Smith, Colonel Forney, Sam. Bowles, Eli Terkij?, Sergeant Bates, Gail Hamilton, ))r. Mary Wal ker, aud a host of other great literary lights. This merchant's handwriting look ed like a picnic in n thunder storm. Wa saw ouo of his letters yesterday. )u tho first page could be seen where tho lightning had preformed a quad ruple summersault and gono tearing around like a wild bull in a ton acre lot. A river Danubo was fouud" on the socond page and along its tortuous winding courso could bo soon the ri val armies of tho East. On the third pago tho storm must havo been at its height. In the south corner was outline ! a dripping um brella with ten people under it, while in tho center swimming around stumps were pound cakes, sandwiches, nap kins, and lunch baskets. The fourth nud last page apparently was struck by a three-cornered bolt of chain light ning, that doubled and twisted itself into more shapes in one second than seventy-two boys with a simultaneous attack of cucumber colic could n three days. l spread in one hundred and ten directions and tho signature looked like a war map cut bia3. A good joko is related at this mer chant's expense. Some of his friends secured a letter of his that was written to a Boston house. The business head and signature were cut off and the merchant was then requested to ree.il it. He picked the letter up, studied it awhile, threw it down in disgust and despairingly said that no deceut man could read such beastly scrawl ing. "The man that wrote that," con tinued he, "must have ld a misera ble education, and should go to school a year or two" "Perhaps," said one of h'13 friends, smilingly, "this will assist you," at tho same time holding the cut portions of the letter in place. A blank look cams into the mediant's face, then he looked up, and thunder ed out "Hang it, nny child can read that ; plain as a circus poster; it's a latter I wrote to King & Co., of Bos ton." lie set em up for tho boys that wight. Following a Trail. One of the most remarkable features of uncivilized life is the power the sav ages show of tracking men and beasts over immense distances. Many trav elers have spoken of this as something aliuost miraculous, yet it is ofteu the result of careful observation of wrll known sigus; and we have here before ua a collection of very common sense hints on the subject. In countries like ours every trace of foot-print or wheel track on roads and paths is soon oblit erated or hopelessly coufused ; but it is otherwise in the wilderness, where neither man uor beast can conceal his track. In Kaffirland, when cattle arc stolen, if their foot-prints are traced to a village, the herdsman is held respon sible for thorn, unless he can show the same track going out. A wagon track in a new country is practically indeli ble. "More especially," says our au thor, "this is the case if a fire sweeps over tho plain immediately after, or if a wagn passes during or after a prai rie tire. We have known a fellow- travc.er recoguize in thi3 manner the tracks his wagon has made seven years before, the lines of charred stumps crushed short down remaining to indi cate the passage of tho wheels, though all other impressions had been oblite rated by the rauk annual growth of grass fully twelve feet high." Somotime3 tho original soil beicg (lis- luroeti, a new vegetation will spring up along the' wagon track, ami thus mark out tho road for miles. Even on hard rock a man's bare foot will leave tho dust caked together by per spiration, so that a practiced eye will see it ; and even if there is no track, a stone will bo disturbed hero and there, the side of the pebble which ha long lain next the gtound being turned u 0. Chambers Journal. "Talk about mysterious disappear ances," jeered a Chicago hotel keeper recently, "why, I have them from my house every week by the dozen. ' "Does no friend ever coniQ ground inquiring for the lost V" asked a stranger stand ing by. "Friend inquiring V" echoed the landlord. And patting on Lis own breast, ho continued : "The only friend I ever see inquiring and mourning over these mysteriously missing is thej inau who stands righ there before you.' Dauiel Webster's repairing tailor iu "Washington was a German who bore tho euphonious uaruo of Uttermuhle. lie made a mi-take once in an enlarge ment of a pair of pants, ami Webster called him au utter jackass. ited-tailed snakei lira the produc i of O wensboro, Kentucky. It takes two gallons to raise them. SQUARE GRAND PlftNOS Retailed at Wholesale Trices. ftGOOfor $250. SGOOfor $300. 700f0r 43O0. 800 for 300. Tin-: "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO. a. F. STHUriC EIAEtI PAX FItlCIiS. Only One tvica for Cnsli, nnd a low one. NO DEVIATION. We give no discounts. Wo pay no agents' commissions, which double the prices of nil I'ianos. Wo look to tho 1'eople, who wnnt n first class I'iano at i fair profit over cost of manufacture. Wo appoint the l'eoplo our agents, and give them our Pianos i low as any agent can buy equally pood Pianos of any other, manufacturer, giving the l'eoplo, in ix reduced price, what is usually expended in commissions, rent, frol-diL i : a , . , ' iiaveiiicr aim incidental expenses. The "Modelssohn" Piano (V,. can sell you i octave rosewood caso Piano, 0 feet JO inches long, with front round corners, carved legs, serpentine and plinth mould ings, uu improvements, including Full Iron Frame, Over St run;; Rass, Agrafl'o Treble, and French Grand Action, which only accompany tho best Pianos of I he most celebrated makers, at the very low price of fci.V), 75 or J;0, according to style of case, or with four round cor ners and full ngrnflb for ?:(), and guaran tee them In every respect equal' to any Piano mado of similar style, or no sale. Tho ".Mendelssohn" Piano is. manufac tured from the very host materials, and by tho most skilled and linished work men. Tho manufacture is conducted by ouo of tho most experienced Piano manu facturers in the country. This is no now enterprise, turning out n poor and cheap piano, mado from grcoii wood, and by ureener mechanics. Our I'iano is unsurpassed lv nnv in the market for its rich aiul powerful tones, and its adaptation to the. human voice in sympathetic, inetloAvaud singing qualities. It speaks for itself. We aro willing to place it besido any otlrer make of Piano on its merits, either in beautv of caso, or excellence of tone, and "at half the money" of equally good instruments. "The best tho cheapest" When it costs the leat inonej-. All Pianos fully warranted for five years. Send for our illustrated and Descrip tive Circular. The Mlcndclssolin" Piano To., Office of Manufactory, m imoAmvAY, n. y. 0LY REJIflSttY FOIl HARD TIMES. CHANGE YOUR SURBOUfiDIKGS. All wanting Fruit Farms, especiall ad apted to tho growth of tho Vino, where it is an established success and pays large profit. Tho land is also adapted to the growth of Peaches, Pears, Apple and small fruits ; also Grain, Urass niul. Veg etables. Many hundred of excellent Vineyai k, Orchards and Farms, can now bo seen. flu) location is ouly:l miles south of Philadelphia, by Kailroad. in a mild, de lightful climate, and at tho very doors of tno JNew York and Philadelphia Market.". Another' ltailro.ul rum direct to New York. The place is already large, nuecossful and prosperous. Churches, Schools, and other privileges are already established. Also, manufactories of Shoes, Clothing, (Mass, Stnuv -Goods, and other things, at which different members of a family can procure cm ployincnt. it lias noon a iicaiin resort lor some years past lor people suffering from pul monary uifectiims, Catarrh, Aguo, and de bility; many thousands havo entirely re covered. A new brick hotel has just boon com pleted, 100 feet front, with back buildings, four stories high, including French roofK and nil modern improvements for tho ac commodation of visitors. Price of Farm Land 25.00 per acre, payablo installments, within the period of lour years. In this climate, planted out to vines, 0 acres of laud will count fully as much as KMl acres further north. Persons unacquainted with fruit grow ing can b'jeomo familiar with it iu a lior't t'mo on account of surroundings. Five acre, ono acre, and town lots, in tho towns of Landis.ville and Yineland. also for sale. Whilst visiting tho Centennial Exhibi tion, Yinu'.and can Co visited at small ex pense. A paper containing full information, will be sent upon application to C11KLEM K. LAX MS, Vi'.iehmd. N. J., free of cost. Tho following is an extract .from a de scription of Vilielaud, published in tho New York Tribune, by the well-known Agriculturist, Solon Hobiuson : AU tho iUi mers were of tho "well to do" sort, and some of thoni, who havo turned their attention to fruits aud market gard ening, havo grown ri.:h. The soil is loam, vaiymg irom sandy to clayey, and surfa'-e gently undulating, intersected with small streams and occasional wet meadows, in which (leposts of pent or muck uro stored, sullicicnt to fertilize tho whole upland sur face, after it has been exhausted of its natural fertility. It is certainly ono of the most extensive fertile tracts, in nu almost level position, and suitable condition for 'pleasant farm ing, that wo know of this side of the West ern prairies. We found somo of the old est farms apparently just us profitably productive as when iirst cleared of forest fifty or a hundred years ago. The geologist wo'uld soon discover tho causo of this continued fertility. 'I'he whole country is a marina deposit, ami all tlirough tho boil we found evidences of calcareous substances, generally in the form of Indurated calcareous marl, show ing many distinct forms of ancient shells, of tho tertiary formation ; und this marly substance is scattered all through the soil, in a very comminuted forn', and in tho exact condition most easily assimmilatod by such plants a tho farm r desires to only vat , fti cuiiscmi;j-;fortho k-'lt will pay. Forest P.epublican JOB RK PONE AT THIS 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the lowest cak jiricef, neatly, fittompU ly, and in stylo equal to that of any other establishment in the District. BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARL,, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, ENVELOPES . RILL HEADS, V letter heads, note head:?, circulars, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS labp;ls, SIIIPriNG TAGS, &c. ON ATTAINED AT LAST! 1 A TRIAL Will INSURE ITS POPULARITY EVERYWHERE. " rV !-,' :rj :. mjmm Irs mm w mm. Whoa onro useC will rctulu lt plftco fonvor. IT IS CELEBRATED FOR IT3 ACVANHf.r.r IN THAT If IS ONE OF THE LARGEST EtWiNO MACH-NtS .JAi-IUFACTUnEa.-ADftPItU ALIKE. TO THE l: 5irl OF THE FAMILY OR THE VVOJIK SHOP. IT HAS THE LAROtKST SHUtlLE, V.'ITH A B08BIN TliAV HOLL'S ALMOST A SHuOL OF IHfiSAU.o THF. SI'tlTTLE TPMEIO?! 13 AD'Ur.TAr.Lti h"tiiout htiy.ovirja visa c-Hurrts mom rrni MACHIiJiT. THIS MACHINE 13 SI CCNSTrUOTCO THAT THE POWER IS APFLIED UIHF.CTLY OVCrt THE NFtDLI", THU!i FNABLINC4 IT TO ECW THt HtAViESr IVi ATEH! t. WITH ON EvVJAI.E'J t-ASF.. I T IS t.Ui &!V1PLE liM IT3 CC.NSTnur.TION. DUr! ACLG IRON AtO fTCLL CAN MAKE IT, AIL IT? WEAKINO. PNGENiOiJSLY PPOVinrO WITH MEAN3 FOR TAiilMO UP LOST MOTION, SO WE Alili JUS TIMED Irt Warranting Every Hachino far 3 Years. IT 13 THE LIGHTEST ANEASICST-RUNNIN.1 MACHINE IN THE MARKET. ITIS, ALPO.THF! MOST ELABOHATLLY OUNAMEN TED ANO f PETTIEST MACHINE CVE! PRODUCED. V.'ITH ALL THESE AOVANTAGtiS. IT IS SOLO FROM $15 TO S?5 LESS THAT4 OTHER FIRST CLASS MACHINES. EXCLUSIVE CONTROL CF TERRITORY GIVEN TO AGENTS. EXT3A0H0INARY INDUCEMENTS OFFERED FOR CASH OR ON CREDIT. SEND FOR CIRCULARS ANO TERMS T 3jS lCuclld AvctntCf itfEK. CLEVELAND, 0.. .." A. 15AI.DWTX, Tidioulp, l'a., A pent for Warren County. iti-lo BiXBY'S BLACK8ri3G- a omiiim:i I'OMSII iu.ajkimj am l.KATHKK I'KliKKllVATlVi:. ICxperts find Profesion:il BootblueUs In New York, ami all otlier larie cities where this V.lackint' 1kk been introduced, nc knowledwo its superiority over all import ed or domestic l'.lackinjjs in use, as un Flegant I'olish and Conservor of Leather. . 9IOTICIS. Bixliy'B "Bent" Blackinp: lias a lied and III mo Lahe.. Io riot ho deceived by ac eeptiiiL; our "Standard'' lllnckinir in i!ac( of 'ilcst." The Stiuidard has tho label stamped into the. tin rover.. This brand is inndo to compote with other .American and French lilackius, but is inferior to our "Ilest."' P.ixby's "ilcst" i;hu-kin will savo its entire coct in lho wear of your boots and kIiocm. HOUSFKFKPFltS THY Bixby'b French Laundry Blue, .,N SIFTINO liOXFS. Tho r.i.t conveiuuit and economical pfcokavf, ami (ho only -oniblned Illeach ar.d Illueirif I'owder in use. iM. IIIXHY A CO., Manufacturing Chcinlsta, , 11 Nos. 17.J it 17 j Washington St., N. Y. s 1 1 i) A' 1a ' n MAGNETIC SOAP 1 he Clieapufct Soap that can be use Ibo followin'j; reasons1.: 1 for bst.- One-b.ir v, iii no i's f;'' as two of eny other. lid. Onlv half Dm us-nal rubbinpr bcinj; le'iU'.i'cd, ihero ir. a nu ii"; of mon; than the. entire (C- l of Uc Su:rp in labor ainne. lid. Tho clothes arc nia.le Swoot, f:lean and white without: Moiling in' Scahl in;r, thic! :!! injnry to them in avoid ed. There i a sitvin;; in fuel and hard work, :iid tho ashing is dii)o in about half the usual time. It is also j.Miaranteed under a penalty of fifty dollars not to iujuro tho clothes or lunidrt. and us ono trial will enable ativ person to ascertain tho truth of these .t itcincnts, it would never pay tho pro pri 'tu' to ( nao in un extcn.sivo system of advertising and claim .such decided merit for his Soap unless ho knew from positive experience that it wou'd prove to he in evcrv respect what is churned tor it This is also a superior Soap lor Toilet and Shavinjj purposes, WAUNFR, KiroPKS t CO.. Wjiolksai.k Fakcv (S iiuckhm, tJenoral Agents. Oil I'hiladeluhia, Pa. Acn vi: awkxts, ;i:xtli:mkx on LA tI ICS, wanted instantly to intro duco a sidcndid hook, CEflTEfiiiifiL EXPOSITION Nearly HU0iat;eK, rich illustrations, sujierh l)indiii;M, very attrai-tive, and a treasure as tho lest aud cheapest history of tho Ureaf Exhibition. Endorsed hy the oiii ciala, liress and elerry. Is is'elliiec iiu inensely. One lady of no exj orienee has cleared f'.ri0 in four veeks. Aet uuiekly if at all. Now or never. Eor full nartie. ularisaddress 11 UlilSAUl) JiltOS., l'uh li.'hcrs, I'hihidelphia, l'a. 41-:t yiRHTCn Mon to koII to Merchants 1 I LU Ulaiimnili and traveling expenses i. aid. Uem Mfi?. Co., St. Louis, .Mo. US-1 GLENN'S SULPHUll SOAP. TllOROt'C.m.Y Ct'RKS DlSEARFS OPTtlK SKTV, Ukautiviks the Comvi-exiox, riiEVK.ra and Khmkhii's Rheumatism and (out, JlF.AT.S SORhS AND AllP.ASlONS tlf 11115 Cuticle and Counteracts Con tagion. This Standard External Remedy for Fr;ui. tions, iurcs and Injuries of tho Skin, not only REMOVES FROM TIIK Co.MI'Lt.MON A I.l. lil.I'M Isiif.s arising; from local iaipiuitics cif the Mood and obstruction of tha pores, but u! ;o those produced by tho sun and wind, such n-i lan and freckles. It renders the cinin.ii MARVi:i.OUSt.Y CLKAR, S.M0O1II ami 1'I.IANT, and being a wholesome beaotifiek, is fir preferable to nny cosmetic. AtXTHF. REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OK Sl'T.- rmiR JIaths are insured i)Y the use ok fli'ctlH'i SilfjhllV twipt which in addi tion to in purifying cflcot'-,, remedies aud 1'KE VENTS ltllEUMAIISM and Gout. It also rir.iNi-r.cTs ci.othino and i.tnf.n and I'K EVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED liY CONTACT wi'dl the VEUSON. It nissoi.V".5 Dandruff, prevents Laid noss, and retards grayncss of the hair, lliyski uip r peak of it in h.i'i terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Ca.'w; per Box (3 Cakes), 'GOc. and $1.20. M. I!. The so cent ca!:cn nrc iriiite the si8 of thoie et ?5 cents. "IIILL'S N VTR AM) WHISKER DYE," ltlai k or liruwn, 00 '-ntn. 1 1. CMTTEXTOS, I'rop'r, 7 Sixth Av., 1Y. Music Has Charms . TRICKS niCDUCKD. THE BEST in i HE WORLD ! WILL LAST A LIFE T.rdE ! 45,000 or tii i: fCEKuiiAiT-.n mm IX DAILY USE. A Stool Boxed Fixe M'illi rncli Orjrnn. Tho best talent in tho country rocom inond thofo orpum. '1'hc niocKt' und host. More for tho inonoy, nnd jrivex hcttor ku( iKiaittion than any iiow nuulc. Thov com priso the E;ira;o:s, am! ;7. -111 hkI rated C:i!nloun sont hy mail, post-paid to any addro.-is, r.jiini itpnlii-a-tion to li. KIIOMXOKU OKfJAN CO., i to ill CiiKsTsvrr St., l.r Now llavon, Conn. o hi z li R Oh is i: W C KM (A z o 2 . U 5 "3 - ii i 5 o a o o s cc . r. ir. o 'A Q r. '0 2 - 7? iti , M n U ci Li3 a H 7" H YAITRS" Orchestrion c liimos ORGAN fi . i'.'l.lie moHt Im uiihi'hI t'V HlKlyl)! dint u i l.-ct :Si i lone ever iiut(l. Il ('.i-lii-nirl 'OliriTtOHIOIt, vlii "mi f 'i ?--i ' 'i -.f fs? vs thiia line iniiitiiiiiu '. '-1 tfn,. i...-. v. ... ... ...... V , , i fl'i't lvt ii ml 11 liall' ' Orlavt-H of bt-Slfi lu m-il ii prrlrrl hnr ninny w ii li(Aart.f,l, A; thir I'llrrl u ntn ir E:M;;j';'';A iciil ir li-rlril vin. 1 s.-- 'VI KHy lii If lm '. . O.N , IMM'MI STK- Ai :(m:j.:iitii,vipeu, ceti:nmai, t hi ii:s, iiai"i:i., una i ottauic oit- liANsi, ill I'uliitiit I rrnrli Caaca are i'l eve rv rrNpcrt KlUT ( l,A. .WATERS' PIAHOS,0.. 'AIU'TIIE Ui:sTiWAIH..;(.e 'I'.hi, Toiu-Ii, V orkiiinnxlii DurnhilllT I iisiirpusxt-il. Viiprium-il lr M VKAHS. . d 1'IIK IvS i:.TrU:.MlCJ.Y I.OVur cnh. nilllllllly lltnlllllllK-IIIH JTC-lVI it. A I.llll-llll liMrunl t' Ttnrh,'f, N iitUtvif,VUurchn,t,'UotU. fA.A.i; IN U AM 111. Midi.. I in. hue. int-iita to Hie Irnile.llliihirnli'il I'uii-.l.iKiirK JHailcil.Secoiifl-liaiiil 1 iiNtruitif.UMil li-i-ut llarcraiiia. IIOK JC W A1KKS t CON-, Uliiuulm-liircru nnd Ikt-olrrH, 4t KAST Mill hTKEKT, I N10N fsQUAlti:, MiW OKli., liux, 3o(7. Oft l-'aiu-v Cards, no J alike, any i:ain,IO wU, i ts. C. hiuitii, liinu IJi-.H.!':, t.l. ('.-. X. Y. i 1 1111 hi FfflUA If 'ill ! .J Si H I T 1 U.lUllllli wAw4 NEW REVISf-P EDITION. i:xtii!1-.ly itiowitrrnc.v nv tjie aijlkht wuitkks ox -' i;vi:uy suiuect. I'rinleil from Xew Type, and illustrated n il h si'verl.il Thousand Eti gia'lii;vs and Mays, Tie work original I e pulillshfd nndf r thfl title of THE NEW AM I'dtlCA N CYCLl.) r.EHJA wan eoniph'lod in 1 sn;(, Nineo whh h tini", the wide circulation which it has a'taincd in all parts of tho Cnilcd Slates, and the Hhjnnl d'-vrlopnients which have taken place in eve; v lirnneh l' science, literature, and art, fiave Induced the editors and puMhdiois to siihlnit it to mi exact and Ihoroii'.'h revision, nnd t issue a new edition eutit led THE AMER!CS?i CYCLOPEDIA.' Wilhln (he hint (e;i ears the pro'rrc.a.i of d!-iovery in every d ;nirlinent of knoul eih.e 1 i : : s innde a new woi k of relerence m imp,' r;iii u - ant. Tho iiio (.nietd of political nlhdrs 1mi kept eace with the discoveries of science, and their Iruilt'nl appli. -.ifion to the iiclus trial and UMrul ai ls nnd (he convenience and rciim inent of set i'-l life. !reat v avs end eotiM'ij iici 1 1. 1 ovol :i! ions have occurred, Involving :iii"ii:il iuuejes of pi cnliar iooi."ii(. 'flu" civ: 1 a I- ol on r mi n conn tiy, which vmis at ii height when the last ol i no." of the i.l, ( i 'j appeared, has hap pily !'. en ended, and a ii'-w eourseof eon; nieii iid anl iud usi i i;d activity has licen comiueuc l. L".r;:e accessions to our i;i-:m;i:.u,iiif.iL knov!t:i!(;j: Have la-en made hy the i'ulf !':.tia!'le ex plorers of A trie:'. Tee ejv:;t. poliliiid rcvolnlions of tJio hist (loeade, with the n.r ural result of the lapse of time, have luoiiuht into puMio iew a iiiiiititiiito of in w men, avIioko names are iu every one's mouth, and of w lio.-.c lives every is eiirions ( kieivv tho particulars. ' i . ri'at halt les have been foiiirhi. and important hiees inaintained. fit' which fiie di (nils are a- yet presi.rv ed only in the new spap.u s or in tin; transient publication nf lhehi-, bu! .which ouht now to take their " in ri:in.M:M axd jTi'iieatii' msToiir, In prpparinir liie present edition for tho prcf!s,it has aci oi-illn.';ly been theairn of iho I'ditors to hriu'r do o tiie inforinat ion to (he latest possible dates, and to furnish nn accurate account oi' t.;o most recent dis coveries in science, of every fresh produc tion in iiieriuuie, am; ol I lie newest in ven t'ons in the "pracl h-al a-t, ns Veil us to wive a succinct and original record of tho progress of rOLlTIClt AM) ni3T0RIC.lL- EVENTS. The avi u-k has peen be;run after lore and careful preliminary labor, pud with the most ample lesoim cs for carrying it on a successful termination. " Nono of .ho original i-tereotyne plutes havo been used, bnt every pnjto' Ii-as boiiu I'KIXTED OS SEW TVPE, I'onnlnir in liiet u iicav f'yelopivdhi, wiHi tlio same plan nnd compass as its iredo eessor, but with it far greater pecuniary expepdifnie, and Avith such iuiproucinciits In its eoinposiiiini as have been mijrjrested by iony;ereNperieneeandenlnri:cd knowl edge. THE ILL! STRAT1I1SS which pre Inlrodueed for too lirsl time In Hie prenent edition haA n been added not for the snko or pictorial effect, but to givo rreater u -idiiy and Ibree to ttm explana tions in tho text. They emhrare idl branches ofHcieneo and of uatuiel history, and depict the must famous and remarka ble Rati! res of scenery, achith-tui-e, and irt, as Avell a-; l;n. varion.'i prm -esses of ineeh-i flics and m iniifactures. AlthouIi intemlod (br instruction nnhor than em bellisliinent, no pains have been fparcd to insure the;r AUTISTIC EXrELLEXfE. The cost of their execution is enormous, and it is believe.l they will find a Avehioino reception as an admirable feature of tho Cyclopatdia, and worthy of it-s high char acter. This work Is Kohl to subscribers only, payablo on dt livery of each volume. It will be eomph !o in' ,Ki.,l, in .,',: O-turo iiliiiiirs, each containing about !K) pages, rfdly illustrated Avith several thousand Wood Engravimrs, and Avitii numerou.-i cdored Lilhojpaphic .Maps. Trleo end Stylo of Bindtnsri T I. I .41. ... . 1... UIV...II.IVJ.II..I, pcrAOIUJUO - ', in jjinrary j.eaUier, per vol. -In half Turkey morocco, per vol. In half lius-iia o. iivi iU, p,.,. vo. . In lull morocco, amiijuo, gilt cdcs 7 U0 13 10 pej- U. JO,,,) In lull Kussia, per vol. - . o 00 FIFTEEN VOLUMES 3T0W EEADY. Sui'c-eciling volumes, until completion will bo issued once in two mouths. Specimen pu-cs of The Ainericiiu Cyclopicdia, nhoAviie.v type, illusi rations, (:!., will hoi-Tiil i i.-. on' application. Firxl-Cl'wt C,,:, o. .:.:, A:;ci,i.t li-(,,(,-,7. Ad lre.-s tho J'ublishers, 1. Al'ri.E'l'O.V ,v CO., "'0 ,",!: & ,v,i Ib-ondAvay, Y .- V a L, -S I : ii . :.- h ' Fire an-. i)i;rybr- Count"!'. r?.v.fbrpi, '.Vu'.im.-i Tr:.c!c r;-u. tv;,...;.:u. .a AVa.it.,,1, 235 Droa(iv"i v. ;-!.nv "for!-, 721 Chst.rjt - J.; Ph.la. loo youi. ; men tid women to h ai n I TICLEi il-A i'l I Y. Kit, unions na,--1 aiitccd. ho:. ill t-.darv wl.il i praclicin.' Ad-dies., Avi:h Sump. KIIEIOIA-N Ti-T'- JKiKAI'll tu., ohiiiiii, u.