The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 25, 1877, Image 3

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Sht ovcrt jKcpuMirim.
flurrrcil. AV. ""
thuiifUmrnV. D. Thomas, y. .1. Notloy
Wm.Hlebi.rds, I). S. Knox, A. 11. Kelly,
C. A. Kitttilidl.
JuMtitr of the Ponce i). S. Knox, O. A.
t y)il(ihlc If. Swaggnrt
tfuhonl PirtetorHU. 11. Mnv, II. O. Pn
vIh, . W. Robinson, T. J. Villi Oiesen, I).
AV. Clark, AV. It. Dunn.
Prcntd"nl Judfjeli. I. M'i:tmohk,
Asmeinte. Judge Jon. (I. Dam-:, Ed
iva mi K nun.
Trcnmircr S. .T. Skti.ey.
Prathnnotarii, Register it Recorder, rfc
J. AY. Clank.
MieriT I its m S f r a w k 1 . v.
t.'iirnMis.iionrraKi.i Dkbmn, Isaac
IiflNit, John Rkok.
fount) iVuiwinlendentW. R. RllOCK
WAV. ftiatrict Attorney f. P. InwiN.
.itry Comiiiinnioncin IF, Z. ToWNKit,
1-YMAN Cook.
OmiiM Siirrrimr T. P. C'oi.I.IXH.
Vowir M. Ittkf,, ,Th.
Count 1 Auditor XwnaT.A TllOMV
ros, J. H. Ntm.t., II. A. Zri:Ni)Kr,t,.
Member nf Congee Gr.o. A. Jr.NKS.
Ax.wm.ltti I. 15. AmnicWi
1Ikaixh'ai!Xi:i:s UKrxvr.ucAN'')
Statu Committer, v
. UAisnisiifiuj, July 12, 1877. j
By direction of tlio Republican
State Committee, tlio Republican State
Convention heretofore! ca'loil to meet
nt Ilarri.sbnrg on t lie 29th day of Aug-
net next, Is hereby postponed, to meet
in Harmbuiig, nt noon, on Wednes
day, September 5,077. Thi3 post
ponement is inndo nt ibo request of n
large number of delegates elect, who
havo engagements to be presont nt n
triennial conclave of Knights Tcni-
fplar, which assembles nt Cleveland,
Oliio, on the 29th day if August next.
By order of the Committee-,
HENRY M. IIOYT, Chairman.
A. WILSON NORIUS, Secretary.
Rev. Elliot will preach in the
Presbyterian Church, on Sunday cxt,
morning and evening. Sabbath School
at 3 o'clock r. m.
jScvcrn? of our citizen?, malo and
lemnle hare gone to the woods in quest
of raspberries, which aro reported quite
plenty this season.
Oil seems to hnvc a downward
tendency fur a few days past. The last
rise was rather rapid to bo solid, al
though it did not gut up to the figures
that oil is actually notth nt present.
Mrs. K. L. Davis has our thanks
for a beautiful bouquet of veilxmas,
which sho presented to us on M nday
litHt. She has tv cactus in bloom,
which is tho most beautiful flower we
likvo seen for many years.
It is lawful now to shoot squir
rls and woodcock until tho 1st of
January, but it is not lawful to shoot
or kill pheasants, deer, or wild turkeys
until after the 1st of October. We
merely stato these facts to satisfy the
curiosity of sgmo of our readers, and
not to scaro anybody.
Tho Presbyterian Church steps
arc now favorite seals for tho gentle
men of leisure iu our town, of whom
there are, just at present, quito a num
ber. These afternoons when the mer
cuiy gets to gliding up to par, those
steps afford abou, ns cool a resort ns
can be found in town outside of the ice
houses. "Zip" Guyton captured a rattle
snake on Suuday last at the old "den,"
where ho and Park Grove killed n
large number of (hose reptiles last
summer. lie has the snake in a box,
and we hope it wont get out. It was
reported that this snako bit Geo. Hun
ter's dog, but wn have not heard that
any evil effects followed.
Chas. Bonner has returned from
Mcadvillc, where bo has been attend
ing Collego for some months past. He
will remain in the Store here this feuru
itmr. I Mr. 11. Bonner, of J. it A. Bonner
f Stoncboro, Pa., has been in town
(ior several days past on a visit. He
:is somewhat out of health, aud is out
recuperating, Wo wish him u ppeedy
.return of health ami strength.
Mr. Varncr, of tho Forest House,
-j i) forms us that we were mistaken in
.-stating last week that his fox killed
. Kcplor's chickciif, as the lox was tied
ju the .cellar at the timo the mischief
Avne doue. Our informant last week
informed ua that Kepler had seen and
eliot at tho fox, so that there appears
to be a difference of opinion. Ilowev
f, if the fox was tid in the cellar at
t lie time the chickens wtre killed, why,
vhat fox is not repuii :i'd'i for tho death
!,' t'lofe chickens.
Thg following paaticulars in regard
to the Chautauqua Excursion, in which
a great many of ou citizens are in
terested, wc clip from th Tidlotite
Xews :
The excursion to Chautauqua Lake,
of which we have fpokeu before, will
take place on Saturday, the 4th day
of August. Ample arrangements have
been made to accommodate all who
wish to go.
On that day Francis Murphy, the
great temperance apostle will speak at
the Point, as will also Rev. C.N.Sims,
D. D., of New York city. Excursion
ists w ill havo seven hours nt the Point,
while those who wish to go over tho
lake will find a steamer at Fair Point
to take them to Jamestown and re
turn in timo to get the excursion train
Tho train will start from Tionosta
at six o'clock in the morning; Tidi
oute, 6:45 ; Irvincton, 7:00; CorryO:
35, arriving at Fair Point nt 10:15.
Returning will leave tho Point nt :
30, p. m. ; arriving at Irvineton 8:35;
Tidioute, 9:20; Tioncsta, 10:00. Par
tios who w ish to go from Warren can
find tickets at Davis' Variety store,
and by taking tho morning train on
tho P. & E. Ryi, will connect at Irv
ineton. Faro as follows, from
Adults Children
Tioncsta 2 00 81 50
Tidiouto 2 25 1 30
Irvincton 2 00 1 10
for tho round trip. Thoso who wiih to
maka the trip over tho lako will find
tickets on the train nt 50 cents each.
Parties who intend tarrying at the
paint will, fiud this tho cheapest and
, l.ckest way of getting there, as tho
faro for the round trip is considerably
less than half faro.
All should improve this chance for
a holiday, and the opportunity to see
Francis Murphy a man so well
known, nt least by name, to so mauy
of our people.
By lessening the number of pen
sion ngents in the country, the dis
tricts of thoso remaining in office have
been very considerably increased.
Major McGregor, hereafter, will have
to pay tho pensioners in forty coun
ties in the State, ns follows those
marked with a star having heretofore
been patrons of tho Philadelphia Pen
sion Office: Adams, Allegheny, Arm
strong, Beaver, Bedford, Blair, Cam
bria, Cameron, ""Center, Clarion,
C!etii field. "'Clinton, Crawford, Cum
berland, Elk, Erie, Fayetie, Forest,
Franklin, Fulton, Greene, ""Hunting
don, Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, Law
rence, Lycoming, McKean, Mercer,
MirlUn, Terry, Totter, Snyder,
Somerset, T;ogn, Union, Venango,
Warren, Washington and Westmore
land. Commercial- (Jazefle.
We take the following from tho
Derrick of the 20th inst. We suppose
it is J. P. Siggius, formerly Treasurer
of this count', who is hurt:
Mai:tixsiiui;o, July 19.
As Conductor Keating's !ra'w bound
for Parker was passing a small trestle
below town this morning, n passenger
named Pat Siggius met with a severe
accident. Mr. Siggins had ridden some
distance with his arm out of tho win
dow; and coming in coutact with the
beam of the trestle, it was broken in
three different places. Mr. Keating
run him back and had him placed in
care of Dr. Dcruison, who dressed the
0und3 properly. Siggius then da
parted for Karns City.
--On tho Fourth of July, Chief Jus
tice Aguew, ot the Supreme Court, in
company with some friends of Beaver,
went out gunning for woodcock. Not
finding any of that kind of game, the
party turned their attention to snoot
ing pheasants, and secured some twen
ty or thirty. It is unlawful to shoot
pheasants at this season of th3 year,
aud the entire party have been notifi
ed to appear before a magistrate of
Beaver, and auswer to the charge of
violating tho game laws. It is under
stood that at tho hearing the Chief
Justice will plead guilty as accessory
before and after the fact.
Mr. N. B. Battell, who has been
stoppiug in town for several weeks,
painting and paper-hanging, has been
doing some very good sign-painting,
noticible among which aro those of
tho Fored liepublican, Robinson &
Bonner, G. W. Bovard, Central House,
and Mr. Tale's. If any of our read
ers wish anyihing of the sort, they
houM inspect his work end then tend
in their order.
Murpbyism in Clarington.
Clarinotok, V., July 1G, 1877.
En. Fokkst Rkiiibmcajj: Our vil
lage has been refreshed by a Temper
anco shower. We have had several
meetings, and still the great tidal
wave rolls on; tho majority of this
town has enlisted under the banner of
Francis Murphy, and with their mot
to "with nialieo toward none and
charity for all" are determined to go
forth and "Rescue the Perishing." On
the evening of tho first meeting we
were favored with the presenco of Dr.
McKnight and Dr. B. Sweeny, from
Brookville. Thoso able physicians ex
plained at length, the effects of alco
hol, on the physical, as well as the
mental man.
On tho third evening, wo were fav
ored with speeches from Deputy Sher
iff Steel aud Mr. John Heichhold; the
gentleman acquitted themselves credi
tably. Other speeches were mado by
Judge Coon, Rev. P. II. Sbecklcr,
Rev. J. Q. Sweeny aud others. Miss
Emma Thompson prosided nt tho or
gan and rendered tlio meeting valua
ble assistance.
Sometimes wo think, it is quite dif
ficult to educate people on the respon
sible position they occupy in this
world toward God, toward their chil
dren, aud mankind in general ; they
seem to say'by their actions that they
are only ciphers, and havo no position
to fill, ami is it not probable, or at
least possiblo that when in after years
they sco tho effects of ths ground they
took in these Murphj mottings culim
inale in deplorable results, will they
not fatly realize the terrible results?
The young lady who will not sign the
present "Murphy pledge" will reap
tho harvest she has sown in the ihar
ncler of a drunken and profligate hus
band in years to come, it may be a
fathci, a brother, or a son, but the day
of retribution certainly will come.
"He that is not for me is against nie."
We must occupy either positive or
iirgativo grounds, there is no inter
mediate place, no purgatory.
Lovku of Tkmi'kkaxce.
We will pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tionesta, for whito oak
stavo and heading bolts at the follow
ing prices:
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 ft. by 4 ft., 84.50. Heading bolts
22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4
ft., $4.00. Heading bolts must be
made from timber nt least 20 inches
in diameter. Office at Lawrenco
House. J. II. Dkrickson & Co.
A box of Glenn's Sulphur Soap,
which contains three cakes and costs
only sixty cents, is sufficient to supply
material for at IcaC twenty Sulphur
J3aths which would eradicate a whole
catalogue of rheumatic and cutaneous
maladies. Sold by nil Druggists.
Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or
brown, 50 cts. 14 4t
By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour 1 barrel - $!).75 11.00
Flour' aek, et - - - 2.7.r
Corn Meal, 100 Yin - 1.75
Chop feed 1.C-0
llye fl bushel - Soy; !K)
Oats f, bushel - - - - ' - 4.3
Coi n, shelled ----- 8."
Hoans V- bushel - 2.00(3.(10
Ham, Hugur cured - H
Iu-eak last Ilacou, sugar t:iired - - 1-5
Shoulders ----- 10
Whitolish, half-barrels - - - 0.00
Lako herring half-ban ols - - 3.75
Sugar 12&11
Syrup 75M.00
N. O. Molasses ... - 7."(.i:i)0
Itoiest Kio CollVo --- 2."i ft; :M
Itio Coffee, S.-.S
Java Coffee
Tea .l.Vl.on
Uutter 18(J 20
like It
Kggs, fresh - - - - -11
Salt 2.00
Lard - 12f.il5
Iron, common bar - - - - 3.s
Nails, lOd, "0 keg .... Xoo
Potatoes, New - - - l.iKtf-rtl.oiV
Limo "fcl bbl. 1.75
Driod Apples per lb fitfi-H
Dried lieef - 17(-i lS
New Advertisements.
J. M. MURl'llY,
Mr. J. M. Murphy, lato of Now ork
City, hiiH taken rooms in tho Aeomb liuil
ding, over Deriekson A: Co.'s xtore, and is
prepared to do anything in the lino in
liit-eUss manuw. He has held Mitt posi
tion of Cutter in Home of the bet houses
in England and the United States, nnd is
eoutldonl that ho ran give Katilurtion.
Suits cut and Hindu from . lo to ?12 ami liu
jjUaianUtd. L'')iipil;Utjn dclitd. I'j-Chu
Financial Report of Ilowe Township.
ltod Com mlsslonor of Howe Township
In account with mud Township for 3-ear
ending May 2rt, 1K77.
Iy amount of ta levied for Kond
pnrposo $1.1,19 59
To ain't ree'd from Co. Com-
mixsionorn $1105 M
To ain't remaining in Com
missioners' hands 374 05
?l.ri3!t50 1.-.IW69
lly fttn't expanded on roads 1!3S 38
Toordcrs ree'd from County
Treasurer 1165 Gl
To ord'rs remaining unpaid
this data 772 84
$1R' 38 J 938 38
Hy balance due on order unpaid... 772 81
a mo. r. no well c co.
wh,'M Advertising Commits cn txi initio.
To I?,vrioNAT, IxVAl.tns. -In sickness
every portion of tho bo.1v Hvnipathizes
with the seat of the disorder. When tho
stomach fails to perforin its functions, tlio
liver, bowels, nerves, muscles, veins, nr-tTi:-s,
iVe., aro all more or less-affected.
Thoso delinquents requiro a medicine,
combining tho properties of n stomachic,
an alterative, a purgative, a tonic and a
sedative to bring them back to their duty,
and all these elements, in, their pure-st and
most effective forms, are united in
Tarraiil's Effervesce .Sdlzrr Aperient,
the reat Saline HenMNty for Indigestion,
nnd its eoneoinitarittftiil.seuuences. Sold
by all druggistH. . 114
For sale by (i. W. IJOVAUD, Tionosta.
A week to Agents. $10
OmJUr I I Outfit Freo.
I . O. Vick-11-lt
cry, Augusta, Me
Q1 Q a day at homo. Agents wanted
i Outfit nnd tonus treo
CO., Augusta, Maino.
tf CC a week in your own town. Terms
40 and ?5 outnt free. H. HALLETT
& CO., Portland, Maino. 11 4
Q C Extra Kino mixed cards, with namo,
. 10 cents, post paid. h. Jones A Co.,
Nassau, N. Y. 114
CC O COfl For Day it home. Sain pi u
W f worth 8,
?5 freo. 8TINHON k
Co., Fortland Maine.
invented in tho 17th century by Dr. Wm.
Oraeo. Surijoon in Kim; 'Jaines' army.
Through its agency ho cured thousands of
tho most serious sores and wounds tnni
ballled tho skill of tho most eminent phy
sicians of his day, aud wns regarded by all
who knew hini h n public benefactor.
Price 25 cents a bo. Prepared bv SETH
W. KOVVLE A SONS, 8ti Harrison Avenue
Ronton, Mass. 15 4
25 Fanov Cards, with your namo, 10c.
Business cards printed on the back of
Knre Photos, .samples ana terms 10 cts.
Statuarv Photos. 3 lor 25c.; 1 10c. All
post-paid. A. L. HOAU, Nassa", N. Y.
1 ho Chenpit Snap that can be used for
ibC!"! ing reasons:
1st. Ono bar will go as far as two of any
2d. Only half tho usual rubbing being
. ieipiire.1, tliero is a saving or moro
than tho entire cost of tho Soap in
labor alone.
3d. The c-Iothes are mado Sweet, Clean
and whito without i'.oiling or scald
ing, thus all injury lo them isavoid
ed. There is a saving in fuel and
hard work, nnd tho washing is done
in about halt the usual lime.
It is also guaranteed under a penalty of
(illy dollars not to lnpiro tho clothes or
hands, and as ono trial will enablo any
person to ascertain tho truth of thoso
statements, it would never pay tho pro
prietor to engage in an extonsivo system
f advertising and claim Mitch decided
merit for his Soap unless ho knew from
riositivo experience that it wou'd provo to
e in every respect what is claimed for it.
This is also a superior Soap lor Toilet
and Shaving purposes.
Wiiolksai.k Fancy OitocKits,
(Jencral Agents,
0 11 Philadelphia, Pa.
LADIES, wanted iiixtiitly to intro
duce a splendid book,
tii-S.CiUiiiO A.U ILl.t)sXltAXia.
Nearly SOOpaiios, rich illustrations, superb
bindings, very attractive, and a trcasuro
as the best and cheapest history of tho Exhibition. Endorsed by "the offi
cials, press and eh-rgy. Is selling im
mensely. Ono lady of no e. crlenee has
cleared j:!r.U in I'oiir wicks. Act quickly
it at all. Now or never. For full partic
ularis address 1 1 1' KHAKI) DUOS., Pub
lishers, Philadelphia, Pa.
UJAMTFn Mj'ilosell to Merchant-
IIMll I LU s'ki a monih and traveling
expensc-j jiaul. Oeiu Ml''. Co., St. I mis,
Rotailod at Wholosalo Tricos.
fOOOfor 2S0.
650 for 300.
800for 93BO.
i.-tVt BTRfCK
Only One Frleo for Cash, and low ono.
Wo give no discounts.
Wo pav no agent' commissions, which
doublo the prices of nil Pianos.
Wo look to tho People, who want n first
class Piano at a fair profit over cost of
manufacture. Wo appoint tho People our
ngents, nnd givo them our Pianos ns low
as any agent can buy equally good Piauos
of nny other manufacturer, giving the
People, In n reduced price, what is usually
expended in commissions, rent, freight,
traveling and incidental expenses.
The "Medelssohn" Piano Co. can sell
you a 7J octavo rosewood case Piano, 0 feet
10 inches long, with front round corners,
carved legs, scrp'Mitir.o nnd plinth mould
ings, with improvements, including
Full Iron Frame,
Over Strung Haws,
Agraffe Treiilfl, aud
French Orand Action,
which only accompany tho best Pianos of
tho most celebrated makers, nt tho very
low price or $250, $275 or $:;iH), nccording
to stylo of ease, or with four round cor
ners nnd full agraffe for giloO, and gnaran
too them in every respect equal to any
Piano mado of similar style, or no salo.
Tho "Mendelssohn" Piano is manufac
tured from tho very best materials, and
by tho most skilled andjlinlshed work
men. Tho manufacture is conducted by
one of tho most experienced Piano manu
facturers in tho country. This is no new
enterprise, turning out a poor nnd cheap
piano, mado from green wood, and by
en-oner mechanics.
Our Piano is unsurpassed by anv In the
market for its rich and powerful tones,
and its adaptation to ibo hitman voioo in
sympathetic, mellow and singing qualities.
It sooaks for Itself.
W o aro willing to placo it beside any
other make of Piano on its merits, eithe'r
in beauty of case, or excellence of tono,
and "at half tho nionoy" of equally good
"Tho host tho cheapest"
When it eosts the leat money.
All Pianos full v warranted for live years.
Send for our Illustrated and Descrip
tive Circular.
The "Mcndehsoliu" Tinno Co.,
Otllco of Manufactory,
All wanting Fruit Farms, espeeiall ad
spied to tho growth of the Vine, whom it
is an established success and nays large
profit. Tho land is also adapted to the
growth or reaches. Pears, Apples ana
small fruits; also Gruin, Or ass ,4ind Veg
etables. Many hundred of excellent Vineyai n,
Orchards and Farms, can now lo seen.
Tho locution is only 34 miles south of
Philadelphia, by lUilroad, in a mild, do
lightful climate, and at tho very doors of
tno row York ana I'liiiudoiphia Markets.
Another Kail road runs direct to New
The plsico Is already large, successful
and prospenms. Churches, Schools, and
other privileges are already established.
Also, manufactories of Shoes, Clothing,
Glass, Straw tioods, and other things, nt
winch diiierent members or a ranniy can
procure employment.
It has been it health resort for some
years past for people suffering from pul
monary affections. Catarrh, Ague, ami de
bility ; many thousands have entirely re
covered. A new brick hotel has just boon com
pleted, 100 feet front, with back buildings,
four stories high, including French roof,
and all modern improvement!! for tho ac
commodation of visitors.
Price of Farm Land $25.00 per acre,
pnyablo installments, within the period of
four years. In this climate, planted out
to vines, 20 acres of land will count fully
as much as 100 acres further north.
Persons unacquainted with fruit grow
ing can bscomo familiar with it in a short
t'me on account of surroundings.
Five acre, ono ncre, ayd tow n lots, in
(ho towns of Landisvillu and Viiieland,
also for salo.
Whilst visiting tho Centennial Exhibi
tion, Vinoland can bo isiicd at small ex
pense. A paper containing full information,
will bo sent upon application to C1IHLES
K. LAN IMS, Vinoland, N. .?., free of cost.
Tho following is aiMtxtract from a de
scription pf Yincland, published in tho
New York Tribune, Jy tho well-known
Agriculturist, Solon Kobinsou:
All tho farmers wero of the "well to do"
sort, and some of them, who havo turned
their attention to fruits and market gard
ening, havo grown ri:-h. Tho soil Is loam,
varying from sandy to clayey, and surface
gently undulating, intersected with siuull
streams and occasional wet meadows, in
which denosts of peat or muck arc stored,
sulllcienl to fertilize tlo whole upland sur
face, alter it has boon exhausted of its
natural fertility.
It is certainly one of tho most extensive
fertile tracts, in an almost level position,
and suitable condition for pleasant farm
ing, that wo know of this side of tho West
ern prairies. We found some of tho old
est farms apparently just as profitably
productive as when lirst cleared of forest
iifty or a hundred years ago.
The geologist would soon discover the
chuso of this continued fertility. The
whole country is a marine deposit, and all
through tho toil wo found evidences of
calcareous substances, generally in tho
form of indurated calcareous marl, show
ing many distinct forms of ancient shells,
of tho tertiary formation ; ami this marly
substance is scattered all through the soil,
in a very comminuted font', and in tho
exact condition most easily Hssiinunlaled
by such plants us tho farm tr desires lo
cu I 'J vat). fl
MIliSCKlBE lor the Foiled KepuUlican
Olt will pay.
Allan Pinkerton's groat book, i
Mom.y Maouiuks aspthr Dktk;tiv
U tinur rnnilv fnr flirwif l. i.... .
It is ono of tho most wonderful nnd ab
sorbing books ever written. A largo, olo-
ganily oounu volume, nearly (jot) pages,
unit 4X Intpfianll? t Ml front i n tr ntirrnvm..u
Tho easiest and quickest book to sell cvck
For terms, circulars nnd territory rtif
dress O. W. CA HELTON t- CO.,
W-4t Publishers, N. Y.
is not easily earned In these timo.
butitcanbomalo in throo months
by any one of either sex. In nnv
part of the country who is willing to work
uteadily nt the employment that we fur"
nish. per wook in your own towtiw
You nood not be away from homo over
night. You can give your wholo timo t.r
tho work or only your spare moments. It
costs nothing to' try tho business. Terms
and ffi Outfit free. Address at onco. 11.
Hai.i.ktt Co., Portland, Maine. -Il ly
Fy II. N Maguiro, who has spent Pi
years in this region. Latest accounts of
(.old and Sib-er prospects, Agricultural
nnd ( resources, Climate, Hunting,
Fishing, Indians, nnd Settlers' ad ventures
with them. Mining and Wild Western
Life, the Waterfalls, I'.oiling tieysers, no
ble scenery, immense. ( lorges, etc., Willi'
27 lino illustrations, and new map. Price'
only 10 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers,
or sent post-paid for 12 cents by Donnel
ley, Loyd Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111,-
dispose of lot) Pianos and Organs, new and
second-hand of ffrst-class, makers includ
ing Waters' at lower prices for cash or in
stallments or to let until paid for than ev
er before! offered. AV liters' Oram Squaro'
and Upright Pianos and Organs (in.-lud-.
ing their new Sovnoir and Jtoii-loir) nio
the host made 7 Octave Pianos 15'). 7
do ?lii) not used a year. "2" Stop Oran
50. 4 Stops .'i.s. 7 Stops r7. J wioj a $7ii.
10 Slops $ss.. 12 Stops 100 cash, not used
a year, in perfect order hp. I warranted.
Ijocal trave. ing agents wanted. Illustra
ted Catalogues Mailed. A liberal discount
to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, cte.
Sheet music at half price. Horare Waters
A' Sons, Manufacturers, nnd Poaleis, -10
East 11th St., Union square, N. Y. 7 4
C. C. LEEKS, M. D. (formerly of Ilos .
ton) has n harmless euro for INTUMPE--KANOE,
which can ho given without tho
knowledgo of tho patient. Also cue for tlio
Permanent cures guaranteed in both.
Send stamp for evidence. Ask druggist:
for it. Address LEEKS A CO., Lirming
ham. Conn. j i 41
IC Fancy Mixed Card., 10c. post-paid.
w Address J. W. F.roekway & Co., Wil
son, Niagara Co., N. Y. 114
EVERY Scientist, Architect, Huilder,.
Tinsmikh and Property Owner should
havo a copy of tho practical troatiso on
by tho undersigned. It exposes tho sori
ons defects of tho lightning. tods now erect- -od,
and Rives explicit directions for prop
erly protecting buildings, ships, oil tanks,
steam boilers, wooden bridge's, telegraph
apparatus, etc. It shows nnd describes '
simple method by which metal roofe aiub
rain pipes, or other suitable metallic con--,
ductors about buildings, will effect abso- '
luto protection. Sent by mail, postiuro'
prepaid, on receipt of $1.50. Henry AV.
Spong, Heading, Penna. 114
P h WnC'l-octavo, lino rosewood "(not
' IHimOiiHnd over six months), only
fl DH AW C$1 M; cost &350. Now Piano
UIIUHHOnt wholesale. Groat bargains.
Nearly new, $20; 2 stops, $15; 5 stops $j(; 0
stops $55; 7 stops $i0: 0 stops, $05; 12 stops,
$55 to $75. Hare opportunities. New or
irans at wholesale. P.owaro imitations.
Host-offer over made, it kai. Sont on 5 to
15 davs' tost trial. Money refunded nnd1
freight paid both ways if unsatisfactory.
Est. 185(1. Agents Waiitori. Discounts to
Teachers, Ministers, rc. Address DAN
IEL F. HEATTY, AVashington, Now Jor
soy. 11 4
Red Hot! Spicy I Newsy!
Oil City Daily Derrick,.
For 1877.
licit er ThH.11 Kvrr
More and Fresher News, nud Moro Head--ing
Matter than any other Dni!y Paper
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TnitOtr, City Daily Dun hick will be--gin
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In Pennsylvania out'sido'of th largo cities.
Ii lias gained this by giving all' tlio fresh
est news, and sparing no expotise in ob
taining items. It bus correspondents ill'
every portion of tlio Oil Region, bosldos
ticveral rcjmrtera who aro constantly trav
eling. Tho proprietors, editors and ro
isirtoiial stall, are all young and energetiiV
men, whoso aim Is to make tho Derrick
tho leading newspaper of Western l'onn
hylvaniiu Tlio Dkhiuck will bo better than ever
for 1S77. It will havo special reporters iv5
Washington and llarrisburir. who will
send daily specials of nil important events.
Its readers will bo kept, posted on nil tho
political news of the day, as reported from
1111 independent standpoint, w hile it largo
n-portorial force will keep them informed
on local matters. It will also, ns it does
now, tako the lend in disciissiiigquestionM'
of importance to oilmen, and woi k fait.V
fully for tho interest of tho Oil Legion. r
will maintain its position ns nuthority in'
oil statistics, ami its market fj notations1
will always ho touud reliable-.
If you want spicy reading, fresh nows
information concerning tho Oil Hegion,.
and 11 red-hot paper, subscribe for the On,.
City Daily Di-;i:up k. Turin-, fciu per
year ; six months ; a mouth in ad--VHiice.
'. 'it Publishers, Oil City, Pa,
' rl' 7m, '" !'''. ASK l-UKITr
OVJ' TAKt: so oruKK.
tTk 1011 SSLS rv ALr' OKAfcK.l
AC in ri.m.
Tho Best EepuMiean' Paper Published in
New York.
Weekly Commercial Advertiser
ni: noi.i.Ait n il veab. Fit TV t i:nts
i im si v .itovms.
Send fir specimen copies audi l.'' rates.
HUGH J. HASTINGS, lJiU-'uil.-i. Street,
New York Cuv. S'I
MIND HEADING, Psvcliomaiicy, Fas
cination. S011I ChaVming, Mesmer
ism, and Mai-riau'e (im.ic, showing how
cither sex may fascinate and gain the lovu
and alfeciion of nnv person they lroso in
stantly. 4(Hl piiures. lly mail iiU cts. Hunt
it Co.," 1 in S. 7th St., Phila. IS 4
jr Fancy Cards, no 'I alike, nnv name,!-'
5w cts. C. Smith, Uiwu lliook, Col.
. Y.