h c I i ! t! i ci ii w w di u,' i i i v walking down ,j, a Lcnt voleut umiie on his ...y countenance!, and a fat, white uil dog trolling complacently at hi liceli. Occasionally !.lr. Tarker would look around at his dog an J chuckle to bimnelf. "The board of aldermen bo darned," nald Mr. Parker. "I'm not going to put a fur-foot alrap on your neck, Marcus Aurelius," and Marcus Aurc lius wagged his stump of a tail. Just then a small boy exploded a bomb di rectly under the dog's black nose, and that animal gava a howl and made a dash at tlm small boy. "Look a year," yelled a policeman to Mr. Parker, "you want to put strap on that year dawg. He's mad." "Ha is not mad," said Mr. Parker. "Well, old foliar, who's the judCe? I say that year dawg's mad, and I'm join to knock 'iru'on the head with ny club." Mr. Parker for the moment looked frightened. Suddenly, however, n twinkle came into his eye, and, draw ing himself up to his full height, he addressed the policeman haughtily: "Officer, you evidently do not know who we are. We had desired to pre serve our incognito, but you force us to reveal ourselves. We are the Grand Duke Alexis! and that is our bull dog. That dog is an alien ; he is not a citi zen, and must noiba bound by for eign laws and straps. Do you wish to mbroil your land in n war with Rus sia? If you do just club that dog." "Well, call otTyour dawg," said the policeman. "Here, Blovitskinourskiroscurobii. kInaschowhockouRki," said Mr. Par ker, without the slightest hesitation. "Well, I'mAlowed," mused tho offi cer as Mr. Parker and hu dog disap peared. "I'm blowed ef that dawg wouldn't work a free lunch route ofl' the people's legs afore the juke could pernounce half his name." New York World. A Good Mare. Some twelve or 6fteeu years ago a queer character, nicknamed "jersey Hill," lived at Otisville, N. Y. Dur ing the races at Goshen and Middle town he used to visit the courses for the purpose of peddling whips, which were made of reeds, and which he sold for five and six ceuts apiece. When Bill had accumulated a little money he abondoued his itinerant pursuits, settled down at Hampton, and became proprietor of the tavern there. He had fnany acquaintances among the far mers in Sussex county, N. J., and when business was slack he would take a run across the line to visit them. On one of these occasions Bill chanced to see a mare which he admired greatly, and which, after some dickering, ho purchased for $150 and brought her back with him to Hampton. She stood about fifteen bands high, was a spright ly, neat-limbed creature, and attract ed considerable attention from the con noisseurs in horseflesh who frequented liill'a tavern. Not long after he re ceived an offer of $750 for the animal, nnd finally accepted it. Tho mare was taken in charge by her new owner, re moved to Newburgh, placed in the rara of a careful trainer, and in due time regularly introduced upon tho trotting turf. Her history from that tim8 forward was marked by a series of triumphs. Last week she made tho fastest time (2:161) ever known on the trotting course in the slate of Califor nia. The gentleman who purchased her from Jersey Bill was Alexander Goldsmith, and the mare's namo 13 Goldsmith Maid. A 6an Francisco husband thought to indulge in a practical juke by tak ing home a full-sized, rough wooden coffin, and as he stood it behind the kitchen door he remarked to the wife's noxious inquiries : "You'll know what it's all about before morning." But the wife despatched one of her crying, frightened children for the police, and while two officers were smashing the coffin with their club3 the husband was explaining to his wife that it wns all a joke. Leasing the German author, waj, in :is old age, subject to extraordinary is of abstraction. On his return home, je eveuing, after he had kuocked at :8 door, the servant looked out of the indow U see who was there. Not cognizing hU master in the dark, i mistaking him for a stranger, ho Jlcd out, "the professor is not at .me." "Oh, very well," replied Les :g; "no matter I'll call another ;ae 1" A physician recently died at Ports tutu, N. II., who graduated at llar rd and afterward studied in Paris, t never had but one patient, for urn he extracted a tooth, receiving of 25 cents. He was never mar 1. and lived ta be nearly four-score us old, leaving a fortune of $400. ). Why should doctors be less liable be su k on tho ecean J Because ihcy j mora used to see sickiieta. 'All tho world's a top, says the '.ilosopher of the Brooklyn Argus, wid woman spins it." The weather has nothing lo do with ; heat on a race course. J'hUadcl- l JiUllclill. Vmper is a good thing. Keep it. I'? .State h 11,011) farms. UNEQUALLED OFFER. Full Nickel Silver Plated 7 Shot Revolvers as Premiums. A MONTH'S ApUNITION FREE Tramps, Burglars and Thieves Infest all parts of tie Country. Every One Should go ArmoJ. .23 J !:..-I-tiZ.sZ .093 '',:.. r 2 2. fc 0 3 -a 2 MFJiSlsSssiSS re.. CC8 . . "J -J " u s s 6 g E TT-i o tt V zz . M t O. -L, p j. v.'v :u ; .,.-i.r:.-.r-'o 1 3 - 3 C fc. .. r n 2 " 3,.- 2 - t. t! m 7. 5, d A. r b 03 h E w y SQUARE GRAND FlfiXOS Retailed at Wholesale Prices. S600for 2230. $630 for 953CO. $700fCr$300. S300for!5350. THE "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO. a. VK STRUCK 5IA5 PltlCKW. Only Ono 1'iice for Cash, anl a low one. NO DKVIATIuX. Wo fiivc no disoonnts. AVTo .ay no at'iitx' commissions, which double tlio priiHis of all l'ianos. Wo look to iho l'ooplo. who wantalirHt class Piano at a fair proiit over cot of manufacture. Wo appoiiit tho l'ooplo our BKonts, and f;ivo thorn our I'iunoH as low as any ajvciU can buy tfii:illv frood l'ianos t any other nianulUcmier, givin" tho lVf.j.ln, In a reduced priee, what is iisuall y expended in commissions, rent, freight, traveling and incidental expenses. The. "Medelssolm" l'iano Co. can soli you u 71 octavo rosewood case Piano, 0 n et 10 inches long, with front round coi ners, carved los, nerpyiitine and plinth mould ings, wiili improvements, including l-'ullIron Framo, Over Strung liitss, Agraffo Trehle, and French Grand Action, wliich only aceompnnv Iho best TManos of tho most celebrated niakers, at tho vcrv low prieo of $2ro, 75 or WOO, iK-cordin'" toKtyle of case, or with four round coi" ners and full a-rall'e lor frr.O, and miaran loothcin in every res.,(et equal to any l'iano made of similar style, or 110 nale. " The "MeiKlelssohn" Pfano U inanufae ture.l from Iho very best materials, and by iho most skilled and liniohed work men. Tln ii,-i:iti:'actui- N conin-ti ,v 0110 of tho most experienced l'if.uu uiiiini lacttirers in the country. This is no now enterprise, turning; out a poor and che.ip piano, made from rcen wood, and by crooner mechanics. Our Piano is iinsurjiasso.l by any in the market for its rich and powerful tonea, and hs ada)lation to iho human voica in Kvmpathetie, mellow and wijiiiini' finalities. It speak for itself. o are willing to plaro it beido auv other make of piano on its merit, either in beauty of case, or excellenco of tons, nnd "at half tho money" of coually good instruments. " ' "Tho best tho cheapest" When It eosls tho loat money. All Pianos fidly warranted lor live vein's. Hood for our illustrated and J'cscrip tivo Circular. The Mlfiiilrlssoliu" l'iaua fo., Ollice of Manufactory, i:ku. IjY V, . V. JOB WORK DONE AT THE 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE 1 n r ' K( ;1 i ' . I - !': ' ,- ,- .:.'.,..:.,. At hs loweet cash priced, neatly 'promjtt ly, and in etyld equal to tnt of any other establishment in the patriot, -to:- BUSINESS CAR D S j . ; ..-. r m j SHOW-CARDS; i.i,-,'j , . .. ' .VISITING CAIIW.,, , u i SCHOOL CARDS WKDDIXG CARDS, TROGRAMJIKS, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADHIS3ION TICKETS, MOXTIIY STATE3II2XTS, ENVELOPES BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POST ER S . DODGERS, HANDBILLS fv LABELS, S1II1TINGTACS, Ac. era ATTAINED AT LAST I A TRIAL will INSURE ITS POPULARITY - - EVERYWHERE. . 1 mm It .it a, j Vhen onr vntxl will rotnln IfTi ' ,,, ...,! ,, llnco forTcr, IT IS CtLtGRATED FOR ITS ADVANTAGES, IN THAT O 13 ONE OP TH3 LARGEST SEWIN'J MACHSNHS ,fl AMUFACTl'PCO. AOAI'TED 0LIK4 , 10THBOUE C'F THfi FHWILV OH (HE V.'OPK SHOP. U HAS THE tARGEST tHUTTLE, WITH . A HCBBIN THAT HOLD ALMOST A bPOOL OP IHPtAO.O THE bHUTTLB TtNSION IS ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT REMOVING THE SHUTTLE fKOM THE MACHINE. . . . ; THIS MACHIMP l5 SO CONSTRtJCTCO THAT TUB POWER 13 APPLIti OlhtCTLY OVEil "THE NF.CDLc, THUS ENAELINQ IT TO 6tw The Heaviest material with tN- tauALED EAbE. IT IS VEtiY SIMPLE IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE A$ IRON AND STEEL CAN MAKE IT, ALL IT9 WEARING PARTS CASE-HARDENED Oft STEEL, AND INGENIOUSLY PROVIDED WITH MEAN3 FOR TAWNG UP LOST MOTION, SO Wli ARE JUS TIFIED IN Wcrranting Every Machine for 3 Years. IT 13 THE LIGHTEST AND EASISST-RUNNINd MACHINE IN THE MARKET. IT IS, ALSO, THE MOST ELAKONATELY ORNAMENTED ANO PRETTIEST MACHINE EVEH PRODUCED. WITH ALL'THESE ADVANTAGES, T IS SOLO FROM $15 TO 425 LtSS THAN OTHER JMHST CLAS3 MACHINES. - ' t 1 - EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF TERRITORY GIVEN . TO AGENTS. . ' ' ' EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS OFFERED FOR CAiH OR ON CREDIT; (..-., , JEENQ FOR CiaCULAliS ANO TERMS TO . j '...u Wa Sewing Hiciiao.fo.i-..T ' '.. l,y. : 358 Euclid Avenue, . 'wanted. -.-CLEVELAND, a K. A. V.ALinYIX, TUll.'uic.'Vii., Apoiit for Wnrrfri ,ouiitv ; i )4ii-10 BIXBY'S i . ;. ; '1 ; I II .- . .' t . fll' i ' .1 BLACKING. A O.UHIl.l POLISH iii.ackino ami I.l.ATllLi: I'KKSXiUVATIVi:. Kxports nnd Pnifossionnl IlootMauks in Nw York, mid nil otltorliirnofitioM wliero this rl:ickiiir lins lioon intr.Mliii'od, nc knowlodKO ils superiority overall Import ed or doincKtio Blackings in use, , lis an Klegant Polish mul Couserverof Iii ather. r.ixliy's "Hcst'' I5!ackiii'; lms n Ked nnd lil'ie l.rtlie.. lo not l.o Iec'ivi il liy iic ect.iiiK our "Standard" l'.lack inir In plaen of '"Best." The Standard has the laliel stamped Into the (in oover. This liriind i.i made to coin pete with othwr American and Krenrh lln-kiiix, hut is inferior to our "I lest." . P.ihy'rt "J'.o-f lil.ickin will wave its eutire cost in tho wear (' your lKoti and f-hoo. , ... 1 1 o cs i :k io i :p k p.s t it y Bixby's -French Laundry Blue, Tho most 'eonvnnieiit nnd eeononilenl paekspte, nnd the only combined P.leach und niuciiiK Powder in use. . . t, . . K. HI. P.IX15Y it CO., , ilanuracturins t'lieinisls, 11 Voh. 17.5 A 175 Washington Kt., N. Y. HUM) A I. I'ti FV3ACWETIG SOAP Tho Chrunent Heap that ennlhq used for ' the following rcv-ons: lt. One liar will go as far us two of anv other.'" I'd. Only half Iho' usual ruhhinif lein reijuired, tbero is a .saving f more than the entire -ost of tho Moan in labor ahine, , . . 'Id. The clot hes arn made Sweet, Clean nnd white without ISoUinx or Scald . in;;, thus all iujury to thoia isiivoid ,. , eil. There is a saving in l'ut l and hard work, and tho wnshln is done i:i ahout halt tho usual tiiue. It is also fruamiitoed under n penalty of lifly dollm-s not t in.ftlro the elothe's or hands, and as ono trial will enable tiny person to m-certain the truth of those t.itenients, it would never pay tho pro jM ietor to ennajrt in an extensive system t( . advertising and elaiin sueh ileeiiled merit for his Soap unless Jie knew from nositivo experieneo that it won'd prove to be in every respect what is churned for it. This is also a superior Snap lor Toilet and Khaviiifj purposes. WAUXEll, ItUOUlCS A CO.. -AViioi.ksai.e Pancv Oi:oi-;:r..s, C.onend A(-n!s, 0 11, Piiiladclohia, Pa. Acrivio a(;i:nts, ihntli-:mkx"(k LAI)1KS, wiintoil instantly to intro duce a splendid hook, CEHTERIJIAL EKPOSiTiOFJ Nearly 8i0 pasres, rich illustrations, superb binliiiu;s, very attractive, and a treasure us the best and cheapest history of tho Great Exhibition. Endorsed by the otli cials, press und clergy. Is w'cllinjr im mensely. One lady of no experience has cleared f !.")0 in four weeks. Act tuicklv if at all. Now or never. For full partic ularis address 11 1' 15 HA UP liKOS., Pub- lisliers, l"liil;idclihia, Pa. 4J-,H lANTFri Mjn S('H lo Merchants IIHI1 I ImU jo u iiHinth and Iraveliie; e peiics pniil. (b in Ml';;'. Co., St. I.ouis mm R C7i vn 1 -:f - GLENN'S S ULPllUli SOAP. ... .' TnoRorom.Y Curfs Pisf.asvs on itu Skin, HkAi'tifik.9 tiik CoStrt.KXfoy, VrkvIms i and kEMKDiF.i Rheumatism ami (iotr, lltvAt.s Sores and Abrasions ok the Cuticle anu CoiwteractS Contagion. ' "Thi' Standard External lsemedy for Enin. tion, Sere and Injuries of tha Skin, not only KF.MOVKS FROM T11K COMPLEXION ALL Ul.EM lsnH? afi'sinfj from" local impurities of tho blood and obstruction of the pores, hut also those produced by the sun and wind, such as 1nn and freckles. It renders the cuticlb MARVELOUSLY CLEAR,, SMOOTH and FI.IANT, and being a wiiolksome DEAUTJFIER is far prcferablo to any cosmetic. ' ' J ALI.TIIK RKMEDIAt ADVANTAGES OF Rt'T.- rmiR JIatiis are insured by tiik use or (Zfciin'x fitiljthur Soap, which in addi tion to iu purifying effects, remedies and fRE ve.nts Kheimatism and Gout. It also D1SI.NFKCTS CLOTHING and TINF.N nnd TRKVF.MTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED DY CONTACT With lb TLRSON, . . . . , It nifisoLvrs Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grflyncss of the li.nir. !hysician9 speak of it in high terms. Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per Box ( 3 Cakes), 60c. and St. 20. N. D. The socentcakra are triple th tii of Ihow it tj CC111S, "HILL'S HATH AM) WHISKER DYE, Ulack r UroXTu, 50 Cents. 5. 1. CBITTE3TM, rrop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,5.1. Music Mus Channs . PltICJ:.S ItJCDl'CKl). TH BEST IN i HE WORLD ! " wilt, Last a iafk t1 .iei . of tiik c ti.tniiAi i n siiffl mm ix paii.v i si:. .'.. A Stool Boxril Free with null t)r?nn. The best tuU'iit in the eonntrv reeoin iiicimIs there oruans. '1'he nieesf'nud best. More for the money, and elves better sat isfaction than any iiow made. They com prise the t'yiiabrllu, OrchcNfral, Iara;i. ami raiul Orjjnn y '"Illustrated Calalo-ue sent bv niail jiost-paid to iiiv address, upon applica tion to , P.. KlIONINIiKH OliiAN CO., 17 lo til CJlK-ii Nu r S r., Xcw Haven, Conn. X. c - i) 2 r; ' r H' O a a s "A w O 1 5 a, 3 B 2 U I r3 5 ' ' 1 ; 5 i 1 I "2 t c Pi K O . 'A ... t , K - 'A o u c 3 Q o 111 r- if. rz c 5 3 2 5 2 .3 u a LU ta a o 3 O n a S 5 f; -1 n - - l WATERS' Orchestrion cli lines 0R0 AN iVIIk. iiiuki lifuuiiiul i'l stylo Mini iiui luct 4 n tune ever uiudc It lin(Aci.rbrHlnl t'oiiri'riooiuii. m hi- yy rliiia lino luiimiliiu r,l' tk.. II . ..... ! AJ Uuuiun Voice, and tiru unil n lialf OrlnveM of bolU (u lied in M-rl i t Imr. niony with Hit ret'UH, V' Hi. ir rlli-fi i' in,,.. 'ill - W i WATl':ltiM'I..lil. . VT -, v v- ON.i, OKI HtsTK- Ai.,(t.ci.itTO,vi:sii;K, chxtuxnmi, Hl.m.M, C HAIT I,, and COTTAtJ K Oil. ii AXS, ik Tniiiiio Frtui li ( nscu urc in vvm ry rfsi.cci 1'lltisT I.Ass. .WATERS' PIANOS.ffi. 'AUi: Tllj;iIi:iHT.MAIiK;!;..!''i oii., Toii. li, W ork.ina.ilii,iV. Itiirnliilit v I uaiiriuiB!cl. i.rri.iilcd for SIX I.U1S. . I'KK'KS Iv VTIII.I.I ,V MlWnr rnt.h. Monthly IhmuIIiiiciiIh rrrcltftl. A l.iliciiil DlK.'Ol.llt ( V u. Adn. tiiiiirtr.-, hurchet.s.l.ni.ln tt..U hvrs W A M i l). Special in.lu. i i l.K iili lo t lie ll'iiilc.llliiiriHi a rnliilouiicM lluitrl. Sfi-oiiill.il ml ImkIi ii.ii.'iiis i I. rent Kuruttli.N. IIOKAI I! WATMCS A: SONS, aliuiut'act.irrrit and l.'n l.i-., 40 i:ST I4ili hTHI'KT. IMON SQUAltt, .NtW VOltK, lo, aa?.. "!! WOKK" nea'h- cNcco'r I at ll I'f ci y.MOA. op.;,. I Mi NEW REVISED EDITION. KNTlUIUiY PKWHITTKN P,Y TUK AlUil'ST WlMTP.n.S OX i:vr:itY sun.iia'T. Prinled from New Tvie,. nml 1 1 1 us t-irX r-rl w ith sevt rial Thousand Pn ftravliiK nnd Mhvk, Ti e work riu.in:dlv imblished under th" 1 Jl lo of Till! MOW AM Id UC AN I'Vt'LO P.PDIA was . eomiilcted in isc.t, slnco w hich lime, the w ide circulation which It has attained In Ml parts of the I'tilted Milton, and tfie urinal tlevelonnentn which have taken place in every branch of science, literntniv. and art, inwo Induced tho editors and pnblishei-H tofoibmit it lo an exact and thorough revision, and t issue h new edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, - Within the last I en years the jirv;n." o' discovery in every department of knon I' ede. has made u now work of referenneiw Imperative want. The movement .l(f poliUoid nflnira hnn kept jiHcc with (he discoverhiH of ncieiiwy and tbeir fruitful application to I'm Indus-' trial and useful arts, nnd Iho con veiiicnen and rcllnement of social life, tircat whik and consc'iuent revolid ions boveoisMirred, involving naiional .iaiiee- of peculiar mowienl. The civil war o'f'our own coun try, which was at ils height when (he last volume of the eld wi k appeared, haw hap pily been ended, and a new course of com mercial nnd industrial activity ha been commenced. , J,arne aeccsKinnn to our (iKflCirtl'lIU'AL SMJWI.EPCK Have been made by Iho indefatigable, a pjorcrs of Africa.' The o,re.,t political revolulions of the, lat decade, vith the natural result of tho lapse df time, ha vo .brought into publio viy( a Inultiludi. 'of new men, Whoso namennroiu cv(;ry one'H mouth, and uf who.'-eliveM every oue W curious to kn.w the jarticiilais. Orcat battles liave been fought and important Hcc.c. malnlaitirtd, of which thodetailx are as yet. prp.scrvod only J:i tlio newspaper or in the ttr.iiMiorit publications of the day, but which uuirht now to take their plac'o in . , rEi:"i.i.LT iu,;UTiitMic umm. In prriwiHng Mm present -edition rr tho press.it has accordingly been I he aim vflho editoi-K to brina down llm Information Ut tho latest possible dates, and lo furnish an accurate account of ti p most recrnt di eoveriea in science, of every frckth prudnu tlon in 1 li'iiiture. and tif tho newest inven tions in the practical arts, an m-II iu. u !;ive a Kiiccinct and original lecord of Uim in-ogress of : . rOLITirL AM) HISTOBICAI EVKSW. The work has been lwp-un after Urf careful preliminary labor, and wlt Mmi ""- ample resource for enrrjtnu H a Nueei-asful lerminatirtn. Xono of .ho original uterentys ! have been uwed, but aveiy paf hM k PB1XTED OX UlETT Korminj; in fact a now Cvolopwdla, yrtoit the sjune plan and ef.iur it n ta jirclo ecssor, but w ilh n furVieater foeunlary expenditure, and withnueb lmprounin in ils composition as have been ncnrn.fcH by jonger experieneo and eiiUretH kit w ole.. , TIIC 1LLISTB1T10SS w hich are Introduced for Ihn first 4nio urn prescnl Cilillon have bcrn added n.,t for tho sake ..f pictorial ctiect, but to pirg irreaU r lu .-idity and force lo the einlxjin- ttons in the tet. They embrnro all i.imiiciics oi science, ami or natural hlMory, and depict the most f.inioiit; mid remarka ble features of scenery, aehitictui n, ai,d art, as well as toe various procf.'Nen of mechanics and manufacture. AIIUwiitIi int"iided for instruction iNilhor ll.au phi bellishinent, no pains have been fpared tv insure their ' ARTISTIC EXI'KUESrE. The cost of their ex ilion lionornioeM, and it is believed they will find kt welciun receplion as an iidnnrablo feature of Ui CyclojiaHlia and worth v of itM hi'-h. ehar aeter. This work U ,, (, Mibscrlbers onlv ravablo on il. livi.rv ..r ...... i. ..... 1 1 will be eimplcto in' .SV.i7rr r.trj Octnva I iiiniir., iae cmitainintr about SCO pare fully illustrated with several thoimaii.i OlJll J.ll.rrn V i 11 .ru niwl .,.!, colored liithoyraiihic Ahq a. Price nnd Btvla In extra (Moth, jier volume - . fs i a. liioiiii v i.eaincr, per vol. - . (J 00 I' half Turkey morocco, per vol. . 7 m In half Russia exira uilt, p, r vi." . s M lu lull morocco, autioue, cilt ed-ea . lii'r vi, I. . -"" In full Pussia, per' vol. - - "lOra riFTEET VOLUMES U0 EE ADY. ' Succeeding volumes until eoniplelhKi. n ill be Is.uied onc ii in two months. t .t man . 1 i.i.e.s i T1. Aimiricau ( yclopa-dia, showing type, illustrations, etc., will bo sent irralis on iiiilimir... ' r a t-07'. tVjHVf.w.ui Agvnt U'ontnl. Address tho nhlir hers. 1). APPl.KTOX Af'O. ijo r, t'l .it jV-.i i?..,....i 0t& & P F . ws-- "vtr ,.-.-. "r. ' -i.i l .'..it ; ' ' ' ,. -' :. .'-' Fire nnd Burgbrv 43 ft, y7u Count r. n-.remi, Wacon . Track '' K JLii SZl ,!JU Sci'-J l..r I'rir. -;, ?. t cuiH Vi. J. 3Iarviii's S:jn K, 2G5 Drcxdtvt'. ri.y Yvv. 7''i Ci ' ' l; if " C I ii.l.,.,,". v;,."."'-; "ii a Il.lul woiu.-n to Irani H.ivHA HI, dua'.ioiiK kuai , '. n'!'ln 'i.ii'y wiuu practlcinir MBRICAW CYCLQPiBDM 4 1 ti 1 . i 1 r. r H 1 t C - I hi h P .y-.ii" v- , iui v.uiip, m 1 r. 1 ; M A. N 'I'J ;l. J - 1 . -1 1 II l ' '., 1 M e; : ;n. (1 1