WEDNESDAY MQBMSG, MAY !, l&?7. BOROUGH OFFICEPtS. Bur gen--G. W. RotunroN. (,;ri7i. n T. J). Thomas, a. J. Sotley Win. Richards, 1). S. Knox, A. B. Kolly, ;. A. Kitmliill. Juntieen of the Peace D. S, Knox, C. A. Randall. (AnntOthl If. Hwaggart Hkool Dirertor 11." If. May, II. O. Da is, M. n. Haslet, A. H. Kellyja. W. Kob- mon, T. J. Van Gtcson. VORKST COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge L. T. Wftmork. Atitorinte Judge Jon. O. Dai.k, Kd w nu Kerr. Treasurer fl. J. Skti.fy. Jothonntary, llegiiter it Recorder, tie, J. W. Clark. a Sheriff Jvhtjh Shawkey. Oomminioncra EM DkuMN, Isaac T,eVa, JoHN Heck. . lriny Superintendent II. S. Brock Way. JUntrirt Attorney fl. P. Ibwijc. .wry (iommiioer II. X. Towukr, Lyman Cook. (iunty Surveyor T. P. CotU!. tfcrott'er M.Ittel, Jr. t.ioinrv y4 wrfifo?' Thomv- tOS, J. U. NltM., II. A. ZUESBKI.Ii. Member of (ngrexa--Cir.o, A. Junks. .rlMmty J. B. Aoskw. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. There will bo a meeting of tlie "Re publican County Cotnmittco at the Arbitration Room in the Court House, on Tuesday evening, May 22il, at 8 o'clock r. M. Representatives to the State Convention will be chosen, and a time fixed for holding the Republi can Primary "Meetings of Forest Coun ty. A full attendance is desired. C. A. Randall, Chairman. Rev. Elliot will preach in the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday next, morning and evening. Sabbath School at 3 o'clock v. M. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fel lows of this State will meet in Erie on the 15th inst. If anybody wants a new double band Remington breech-loading shot gun, below cost, let him speak now. Apply at this office. . Benj. W., son of Mr. II. II. May, returned honifcifom his school at An dover, Mu9s., yesterday. Ho is some what out of health, and is home to recuperate M. Einstein Jus gone to New York and Pliilulelphia on business. F. E. Mabie is equal to the occasion and runs tho store nlono in Einstein's absence. Jas. Furman, of Elk City was in town on Monday looking around. He is looking well, and reports the terri tory in which he is interested produc ing fifteen barrels of oil per day. A daily paper has been started at Edonburg, by Mr. J. M. GitTord, pub lisher of the Herald. It is a good jioint, and it is probable that tho pa pel will succeed, at least for a time. A slight full of fduw occurred yesterday morning, to the dismay of all our early gardeners who have all their early "garden sass" in and up. The clerk of the weather at Washing ton is evidently not attending strictly tto business. The wildest kind of wild-catting is going on at present. Rigs are up nd wells going down in nearly every county in the western part of this State. Should any new territory of .extensive production be discovered, wo may look out for forty cent oil Again. We notice by tho Republican that tlicro is loud talk of establishing an oil exchange in Meadville, It has generally been considered that Mead villa was "off the belt," but if the sol id men of that place put their bauds to tho work they will undoubtedly make a success of it. The departure of fifty-four fami . lies from Scranton for the far West on ; the I'Uh ult., was the occasion lor a r demonstration sucb as has not been vitncssed iu Scranton since tho stir- ning scenes characteristic of the civil war, when the "boys" were going to ,th front. The adieus at the depot were of the most affecting character. Prof. G. Adlphus Weber, whom .nil our citizcuri will remember, and who went back to tho Fatherland some two years ago, has retained to the Land of the Free, and is now" in iulioute. Jlo has been improving himself in music under the "Old Mas ttrs," since he went away,.aud is now undoubtedly a line musician. We suppose wo blull sec him in Tionesta in the course of a week or so. At least hi would bo treating his friends in ihr k eli'-ni budly ii'h? did not cn.ll on llicm. Tlic G:ime Law of l77. Black bans may bo taken ny time with rod, hook and line. Wild ducks may be killed any lime. Wood and summer ducks- may be killed any time from October 1 to Jauuary 1. $25 penalty for catching wild ducks with net. Fish can not be taken with any set net, fieh basket, pound net, gill net, or anything in the nature of seines in any waters of the State, except tidal wa ters, with gill nets whoso meshes are under threo inches, under a penalty of $25. There 6hall be no fishing or bunt ing on Sunday under a penalty of $25. Grouse, partridge or pheasant may be killed from October 1 to January 1. Hare and rabbits may be killed from October 15 to December 15. Plover may be killed from August 15 to January 1. Quail ma be killed from October 25 to December 15. Squirrel may be killed from July 1 to January 1. Speckled trout may be taken from April 1 to Xugust 1. Woodcock may be killed from July 4 to January 1. Lake trout may bo taken from March 1 to December 1. We haven't seon a string of trout for two or three weeks. The trout fever is spasmodic in its action, more particularly when the fish are scarce. Ex-President Grant and family will sail for Europe on the 15th inst. We hope be won't get mixed up in the war between Russia and Turkey. Several sets of the New Ameri can Cyclopaedia were delivered in town yriaterday by the agency of Mr. Jos. Clary. This is a work which eve ry one who is able to buy should pos sess. The extension of the Einlenton & Shippenvillo railroad to Clarion seems to be a fixed fact. The building of the road from Edenburg to Clarion, in cluding a bridge across the Clarion river, has been let, and the company expects to have the road completed by the 10th of September. This will be a good thing for Clarion. The war in the East, it seems has actually begun. An engagement is reported to have taken place between some of the forces of Russia and Tur key on Thursday last, in which the Russ'aus were driven back with a loss of about 800 men. From the tone of eastern dispatches there is every rea son to believe that this war must in evitably draw other powers into the cocflict. If so we may expect a long and bloody struggle. Black Hills emigration contin ues brisk. The arrivals at Sioux City are from fifty to ocventy-five daily. Mr. D. E, Davenport, of New York, has contracted to build 75 miles of the Covington, Columbus and Black Hills Railroad this season, which will ex tend the road to O'Neill City. ; Other sections will soon be let to - contract ors, insuring the building of thfe road 150 miles west of Ponca before next winter, and to the Black Hills within eighteen months. Judge Jenks with his usual promp titude has looked Bharply after the constable's returns at this term of court. One result of his previous care iu this matter is the return of no less than eighteen peisous from Elk City alone, fir violations of the liquor law. In fact all the townships have made lair returns, which adds materially to the list of Commonwealth cases. A most excellent judge. May he con tinue the good work of justice so well begun. Clarion Republican. By the Greeley (Col.) Tribune, of tho 25th ult., we notice that Mr. Chus. L. Hanna, for several years a resident of this county, has been appointed sheep inspector for Weld County, that State. We also- notice that Charley has been elected Vice President of the Weld County Wool Growers" As sociation. From this it would op pear that Charles is growing up with the country, end giving LU undivided attention to sheep. "The Poor Old Tramp," is the title of a new and beautiful song and chorus, by Will L. Thompson, Author of the famous "Gathering Shells from the Soa Shore." Dealers are order ing it by the thousand. The whole country will soon be singing "The Poor Old Tramp." Price, with hand some picture title, 40 cents. Pitts buryh Dixpateh. Published by W. L. Thomp on it ('., "ul Liverpool, Ohio. Treasurer Setley proposes to vis it the various tr wni'hipi of tho county for the purpose of collecting taxes. The times and places are advertised in to-day's paper. Andy Weller is moving into the house at the east end of the bridge. He informs us that Jno. Ilulings pro poses to occupy the house ho is leav ing shortly. Mrs. Dewees, who has been stop ping with her patents in town since last fill, left for Pittsburgh yesterday, where her husband, Col. Dewees has a contract on tho Connellsville Rail road. Prit. Agnow has moved into the houso at the other end of the creek bridge, heretofore occupied by Wm. Hood. The latter has moved into the Robb house a mile or more up the creek. The nineteenth regular session of tho Northwestern District Conven tion, I. O. G. T. of Pennsylvania, will convene, pursuant to adjournment, in the city of Titusville, on Tuesday. May 15th, 1877, at 11 o'clock a. m. Alex. Wilson, of tho boat "Ven ture," which is anchored over aloiis side Dithridge's Mill, builds a very superior skiff, and if any of our read ers wish to invest in a good boat, they should give him a call. A silly young lady of Titusville got enraged because the man she ex pected to marry didn't come up to the scratch, and in revenge married a col ored waiter at tho Parshall House. Her parents are very respectable peo ple. Mr. Ross Freeman returned from the West last week, bringing with him a couple of prairie dogs, which are curiosities iu this part of the country Mr. F.'s father whom he went to see, was very much improved in health and came east with him as far as In dianapolis. Three tramps called at our office on Friday last "to get some exchages to read." They were hard-looking customers, but they believe, in the old saying that "he who runs may read." There is an ordinance in force here in regard to tramps, but we believe it wasn't enforced lat Friday. The machiuery for Derickson & Co's new stave mill, at Tylersburg passed through town on Friday last. It is the purpose of this firm to-put up a good mill, pay good prices for bolts, make good staves and get good prices for them. They have contracted for a large amount of boll's in that viciui- On Wednesday last Judge Jenks entenced a man to a certain term iu the Clarion jail. When the man heard the sentence, be seemed to think it was funny, and so burst out L. igli ing. That laugh cost hiia ten days additional in jail. It is not wise to provoke the Court when it has your liberty or freedom in its-hands. Mr. J. T. Dale arrived home from Pittsburg on Friday last, aud informs us'that when be came up he observed the steamer Iron City, stuck on Pithole Riffle. We me not in formed whether she has yet been got off. Should the boat be obliged to wait for high water it will prove a dear trip to tho owners. At Knox's mill, ou Wednesday last, Prit. Agnew got one of his hands too near the saw and got the flesh torn somewhat. No bones injured, wo be lieve, but he is carrying that hand very carefully iu a sling and "will probably not be ready to take his usu al place in the mill for a few weeks to come. rAn Allegheny merchant has put up a sign : "In God wc trust ; all oth ers cash." This is a safe way of do ing business, but when laborers get only about a dollar a day, and are obliged to pay $12 per barrel for flour, and $1.25 to $1.50 per bushel for po tatoes, it is going to be hard for him to raako ends meet, if the merchants trust only their maker. There appears to be a gang of highwaymen in tho neighboihood of Elk City. We hear of one Mr. Long, a resident of that place, who, while going from that place ti the Stone Church, one evening recently, was at tacked by three men, fctruek on the bead with a bludgeon, his skull fra3 tured, and his pocket-book, containing upward of thirty dollars, taken. Oue Cumn..ng9 was also attacked and rob bed of twenty-five dollars. Vigilance Committees are in order. A bir lot of Cure Fishing Rods j'tft received, at Robiusuu & UounerV. Finding of tha Body of P. P.'.DIin. Ci.fvklanp, April 29. On Friday last a party of sports men of this city, while gunning along the lake shore at Euclid village, ten miles cast of here, found a dead body of a man on the beucb. The had was burned on the back, one leg brok en and the other had a large flesh wound. The bead was perfect and covered with black hair and the face with whiskers. Thpro was no cloth ing on the body. There was no one bad any idea who the body was. They dug a grave near by and buried it. Alter tho burial a description of 'the body was told at the railroad station, it was at once recognized as 1. r. Bliss, of Chicago, who was lost on Fri day night, December 29, at Ashtabu la, in the great railroad accident. The theory is that the body was frozen to a cake of ice and can ied up the lake trt the point where it was found. Eu clid is fifty miles west of Ashtabula. The body will be taken up to-morrow and further investigation made, prob ably. Latkk. Cleveland, April 30. Henry W. Stager, of tho Lake Shore Railroad, and D. W. Whittle went down to Euclid this afternoon on a special engine and had the body thought to be the remains of P. P. Bliss disinterred. The body is not that of Mr. Bliss. The corpse is that of a man about five feet eight inches high, thick set and in appearance a German. Both Mr. Stager and Mr. Whittle are "confident from personal experience at Ashtabula in search for bodies that it is extremely improba ble if not impossible that any of the bodies from the wreck could have passed under the ice and down, the creek into the lake, and Unite in send ing this message to assure friends of those lost at Ashtabula that in their judgment no more bodies will ever be found. White, smooth and soft any lady's hands, arms or neck may become, who uses Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Pimples or other disfigurements of a complex ional nature, arc surely obliterated by this healthful promoter of beauty. Da pot, Crittenton'8 No. 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 cts. 3-4t Teachers'. Examinations. Examinations will be held in the following places : Clarington, April 20. Fagundas, April 30. Neillsburg, May 1. Tionoeta, " 3. East Hickory, " 5. No eeitificates will be issued to ap plicants who have cot studied or read works on teaching. Examinations will commence at 9 a. m. II. S. BROCKWAY, Co. Sup't. We will pay cash on delivery at our mill in Tionesta, for white oak stave and heading bolts at the follow ing prices : Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., 84.50. Heading bolts 22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4.00. Heading bolts must be made from timber at least 20 inches in diameter. Office at Lawrence House. 27tf J. II. Derickson & Co. TIONESTA SIA-TIICKTW. CORRECTED, EVERY TUESDAY, By Robinson & .' Bonner, Dealers in General Merchandise. Flour barrel Flour X sack, best f 10.75 12.00 3.00 - 1.9002.00 - 1.76 85(3,00 - 60 85 14 Corn Meal, 100 lb a . . Chop feed - - - -ltye bushel -Oats "p budlipl ... Corn, shelled -Hctins bushel -Ham, siiKrtr eured IireaUfiist Bacon, sugar cured 8houlilrs - - - . . VhUefinh, half-barrels Lake herring half-barrels Sugar - Syrup ..... N. O. Mola8M ... lloast Kio Coflbe No. 1 Itio Colfeo, -Java Coflbe ... Tea Butter Bice - - - - Kgss fresh ... Salt Lard - - - - Iron, common bar Nails, lOd, keg -Potatoes, .... Limo "(S bbl. ... Pried Applea por lb -Pried Boef - 14 10 - 6.50 3.75 111012 7501.00 - 7590 25 30 - 252S 35 .45(1.00 25(528 0 - 121 2.00 - 12& 15 - 3.50 - 3.40 1.00Q1.25 - 1.75 eaa 17 18 Notice is hereby given that tho fcillow iiiff naniod Persons Imve filed their peti tion tor I.iceuso aud that tha name will be presented at our next Court of Quarter SesHions on tho 3d Monday of May. Samuel A. Varner, Hotel TiuncMta Boro. William Lawrence, " ' John Woodcock, " Nuilltown D. W. CLAUK, Clerk. Tioripnta May 1, 177. m.iXTi:i im5ii:iiati:i; Y H HH) voting men ana women to learn II l I'.Lil'Ai KAi li Y, Situations uuar anteed. Small Salary whiU practicing Addict, with Stamp, SHERMAN TKL-W-iRAl'H C., oiitilin, O. 3',-4 Neio A'nriif rut nly Notico to Tax-Fayers. The undersigned will bn at thi follow ing named places within tho county of Forest for th purpose of receiving Coun ty and State Th for tho year 1877. Almto liient of 5 per cent, allowed for payment before tho lirst day of August: BAKNE'FT TOWHSJIir. Cooksburg, Wednesday, May 30, from 10 to 12 A. M. Clarington, Weduesdav, May 30, from 3 to 0 1. M. JKNKS TOWNSHIP. Msrien, Thursday, May 31, Itosidonco of N. K. Burton. HARMONY TOWNSHIP. Tuesday, Juno 10, Store of J. I. Kango. Wednesday, Juno 20, Trunkcyville. HICKORY TOWNSHIP. Thursday, Juno 21, Store of T. J. Bow man. OR KEN TOWNSHIP. Friday, June 22, Nebraska. KINGSLBY TOWNSHir. Saturday, Juno 23, Newtown. HOWE TOWNSHIP. Tuesday, Juno 26, Brookston Store. TIONESTA TOWNSHIP. Thursday, June 28, Trcas'r'a Office, Tio- llaHla. TIONESTA BOROUGH. Friday, Juno 2f, Treasurer's Ofllee. Those Indebted lor Mcrcantilo" Tax of 1877 will suvo ono dollar by paying tho name before.the first day of July. S. J. SETLEY,.Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, May 25, 1S77. LIST OF CAUSES sot down for trial at May Term, 1877. No. " Pl'lf. Dof't. No. Tr. Y'r 1 B. 4 J. J. Itxynnldi ti. Rlcrt Wllwa 6 Vtb. 1077 1 Tre.i Kobarll tt l tl. J. J. Fl.htt II Sep. 1R1 I ! Flemlm . n. Jntia Fettraua l in t 64 Uj lrnt i i. T. Of rlnder tt. Ckrl Hloton M 174 t 1. O. Root v. Georgt Mnrnan M Ha; 1871 Jm Cnoa Tl. Robert U. Clrm It Bap. 1374 T Juaa A. I'roptr for MTI.J.f. H. Relrlnfrr ttalAJm'u (I Mar ltre 8 Ooorr Mortpui ra. Rimer X. Larf 14 .ft'ob. IB78 Holbrook Collin Te. g.ld.n Whllra.a. M Boa. 1S1 II) Goo ft. Bovu4 Ca. ra. Milloa 1. Bond M grp. 1I7( 11 Jarob Cooper ra. Ju.Ui gbawker IT Sap. MTt 1! Seldeu W kiuuao ra. 1 W U Ralilofter at al Adm'ra ii !. 17 1 K Hutoj for aae r M Clark at at M Dec. 171 14 William Lawrence ri Robert Buddleeoa Feb. 1TT 16 Joiia W Trrrell Ta ScMen Wtltraan U feb. 11177 1 J W Mcr-arland ti Cbarlea 8 McCray II Feb. ItIT 17 John B C'arr fiJf Caraon IT Sep. 1874 14 Kancr Dawaia Adfnn tb Sarah Ana Data ' I Bep. 1874 D. W. CLARK, Prothonotary. Frotbonolarv's Office, Forest Co., Fa,, April 23, 1877. Register's Notico. NOTICE is hereby given that the follow ing Administrators and Guardian havo filed their tlnal accounts, and tho f-nme will bo presented to our next Court for confirmation. II. H. Stow, Guardian of Earnest Stow. James R. nnd Z. Shriver, Administra tors of Saoob Shriver, deceased. l. W. CLARK, Register. April 16, 1877. FINE GOLD WATCHES, SillVEIt WATCHES AX JEWELBY I Watches, Clocks, Solid and Mated Jewelry y Hlack Jewelry, Eye Glasses, Spec tacles, Violin Strings, Xe., AT L. KLEIN'S JEWELRYJSTORE, TIDIOTJTJD, IV. WATCHES AND CLOCKS lleimii'ocl find AVarrauted. LEAVE YOUR WATCHES at O. W. Ilovard's Store, Tionesta, Fa. WONDERFUL SUCCESS ! 25,000 of tho CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION I)liS( UIHEI) AND ILl.l'STH ATI'.I) Sold in 60 days. It being the only com plete low-price work (770 pages, only $2.50) treating ol tho entire history, grand buil dings, wonderful exhibits, curiosities, great days, etc.; illustrated, and fl cheap er than any other ; everybody wants it. One now agent cleared $350 in 4 weeks. 3,000 agents wanted. Send quickly for proof of above, opinions of officials, clergy and press, sample pages, full description and extra terms. HUBBARD BROS., Pubs., 733 Hansom St., Philadelphia. P A 1 1 7 I fl M Beware of falsolv claimed WMW lull ofl official aud worthless books. Send for proof. 49 4t A SiOiTiE AND FARIY3 O YOUR OWN. On tho line of a GREAT RA I LRO A D, with good markets both EAST and WEST. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE IT. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, Best Country for Stock Raising lu the United StaUs. Bookn, Mnps, Full Information, also "THE PIONEER" sent frrtoall purteof tho world. Address (). F. DAVIS, Land Com. U. P. It. R., Omaha, Neb. 40 4t TIFCRATIVE BUSINESST 5&U.WE WANT 500 MORE FIRST CLASS SEWING MACHINE AGENTS, and 500 men of energy and ability to learn the business of selling Sewing Machines. COMPENSATION LIBERAL, but vary ing according to ability, character ond fualincttions f tho agent. For iiai llcu lars addrtws Wilson Sewing Machine To., fliicugo, 827 and 820 Broadway, New York, or New Orleans, La. 4j-i rXlUNKARDSTOP '! " C. C. BEERS, M. I), (formerly or Bos ton) has a harmless euro for INTEMPE RANCE, which can bo given without the knowledgo of tho patient. Also cue for tiio OPIUM HABIT, Permanent cures guaranteed in lr iii. Sold stamp for evidence. Ask dm 'i-mm I for it. wtddroKS BEERS A CO.t Aivuuiig ' ham. Conn. j n HARD Th. CHANGE YOUR SURROUNDINGS. All wanting Fmii f-'nrms, rspcr-iall ad' apted to tho growth of the Vine, where It is an established success and pays large profit. Tho land is also adapted 'to tho growth of Peaches, Pcsrs, Apples and m1l fruits; also Grain, Grass and Veg etablcs. Many hundred of excellent Vineyai , Orchards and Farms, pan now be Keen. The location Is only 34 miles south of Philadelphia, by Raiirond, in a mild, de lightful climate, and at the very doors of the New York and Philadelphia Markets. Another Railroad runs direct to New York. Tho placo is already large, successful and prosperous. Churches, Schools, and other privileges are already established. Also, manufactories of Shoes, Clothing, Glass, Straw Goods, and other things, at which different members of a family can procure employment. It has been n health resort for some years past for peoplo suffering from pul monary affections, Catarrh, Ague, anil de bility; many thousands havo entirely re covered. A new brick hotel lias just been com pleted, UK) feet front, with back buildings, four stories high, including French roof, and all modern improvements for tho ac commodation of visitors. Price of Farm Land $25.00 per acrer payable installments, within the period ot' four years. In this climate, planted out to Vines, 20 acres of land will count fully as much as 100 acres further north. Persons unacquainted with fruit grow ing can b9come familiar with it in a short t'mo on account of surroundings. Five acre, ono acre, and toM n lots, in the towns of Landisvillo and Vineland, also for sale. Whilst visiting tlin Centennial Exhibi tion, Vineland eirtit yisited atwnall ex pense, 'if A paper containing full information- will ho sent upon application to CHRLES K. LAND1S, Vineland. N. J., free of cost. Tho following is an extract from a do scription of Vineland, published in tho New York Tribune, by tho well-known Agriculturist, Solon Robinson : All tho farmers were of the "well to do" sort, and some of them, who havo turned their attention to fruits and market gard ening, have gj-own riuli. Tho soil is loam, varying from sandy to clavey, and surfaen gently undulating, Intersected with small streams and occasional wet meadows in which deposts of peat or muck are stored, sufficient to fortilizo tho whole upland sur face, after it has been exhausted of its natural fertility. It is certainly one of tho most extensivo fertilo tracts, in nn almost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant fann ing, that wo know of this side of tho West-: ern prairies. Wo found some of the old est farms apparently just as profitably productive as when lirst cleared of forest fifty or a hundred years ago. The geologist would soon discover tho cause of this continued fertility. Tho whole country is a marine deposit, and all through the noil v o found evidences of calcareous substances, generally in tho form of indurated calcareous marl, show ing many distinct forms of ancient shells, of tho tertiary formation ; and this marly substance is scattered all through tho soii, in a very comminuted foriv, and in tho exact condition most easily ussimmilatod by such plants as the farm r desires to cultivate. PFfKlfafK Xo matter Lv ulightlr rLilOIUilO tabled. In creases 'now paid. Advice and circular lice. T. ,Me MlciiAEL, "Att'j- 707 Samaoin St. Phila.Pa. $500 A fON'I U to Active Men soiling our Letter Copying Book. No pree or water ii i( i. Sample worth $3.00 frro. ' Sond stamp l'r circular. EXCELSIOR M'F'G CO., W Madison, and 132 Dcartnrn Street, Chicago. 41 J ELBOW-ROOF. MAX ADELER'S New Book. Just published. Will outsell any book in the field. This brightost of humorous booHs is profusoly illustrated with tho most laughable pictures by Arthur B. Frost. Will sell by reason or its beauty and cheap ness. No other book pnb'ished possessing such general litnesn for tlio wants of tho present times. Agents who wish to rnaka BIG WAGES wanted in every town. Tempting tc-ms and circulars sent, oit application to J. M. STODDART Ji CO., 723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 38-4 The Best Eepublican Paper Published in Hew York. Weekly Commercial Advertiser ONE IIULLtll 1FH YEA It. FU' T V l'ENT5 run (MX. .IIO.NTIIS. Send for specimen conies and club rnli-N. HUGH J. HASTINGS, 120 Fulton Street, jIND READING, Psychomancy, Fn i'j- cinauon. soul Charming, Mcsnw ism, and Marriairo Guide, showing lun eithei'.Rex may liuscinate and gain the lov anu aiieeiion or any person thev ehoeso n stantly. 400 pngen. By mail 50 cts. Hyi Co., 130 S. 7th St., Phila. 18 4 PEABODY HOUSE, CORNER of LOCUST NINTH S i PHILADELPHIA, PA, " Couvouient to all plat es of amueen,. and car linesin tho eitv. No chaivc and from tho Centennial grounds. '.'ol. Wati-ou, proprietor of tho lit Houso, Cincinnati lor tho past twt years, and present proprietor, has h the houso for a term of yesrs, and newly furnished and tiittul it throii"!, llo will keep a strictly lirst-chiss fi. and lias accommodation for 3u0 jr,, Terms only fcl por day. No bar lias ever been kept in the 11 House, nor will any )c kept at the budv. y . CTIVE AGENTS. GENTLEMEN V LADIES, wanted imsUtntly to j duco a splendid book, CENTENNIAL EXPOSITI iXbaCiUUiOJ AXO lJLLl'S'l'iLlIJLv Nearly 800 j mgos, rich i 1 1 ust rat ions , v bindings, very attractive, and a ti as tho best and cheapest history , Great Exhibition. End Jrsod by ' eials, press and clergy. Is bcli. inonsely. Ono lady nf no fxperi. charel'f:t5(l iu foni weeks. Act if at all. .Sort or never. For (it,t ulaiisaiMiCos Ill'lJBAHl) lil;,. JWurs, Phik'.dolphia, I'a.