The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 02, 1877, Image 3

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    forest gtpuMifan.
W. R. DUNN -
Our Washington Letter. to tho Repcblicak.
Washington, D. C, Apr. 27, 77.
A few days since a gentleman who
' an applicant for a foreign appoint
ment, made asocial call ou President
ILiyc, and, in the course of conversa
tion, alluded to the threats of Jllttinp,
Ben Wade and other extreme Repub
licans to antagonize the Southern poli
cy. The President said he saw no
reason for uneasiness on that score,
and that he did not see how these gen
tlemen were going to giva practical
force and effect to their opposition.
They could not do it by thwarting
any personal plans or prospects of his
own, had none for them to
thwart, and they could not do it by
di 'i'oating his nor.iioatious in the Sea
nto, because he never would send any
name to the Senate in whose confirm
ation he had any interest beyond that
inspired by his general views as to
the good of the public service. lie
did not see that they could do any
thing beyond denouncing his policy
in speeches. Even if they could find
a majority in the Senate opposed to
his Southern policy,- they could not
undo what had been done. They
could not restore the troops to the
State Houses uor could they rehabili
tate the governments which vanished
as soon as Federal troops were with
drawn from their support. To a sug
gestion that the opposition might take
liopa by the seating of Kellogg as
Senator from Louisiana, the Presi
dent's reply was that that would be
the Senate's affair, and not his. The
Senate was the judge of the qualifica
tion of its own members. He had
done his whole duty in withdrawing.
Federal interference and so leaving
the Government of the State to adjust
itself according to the ruling senti
ment of the people. Turning the con
versation upon the foreign appoint
nents, the President said that Mr.
JCvnrts was making up a budget of
recommendations, which would be
made the basis of all appointments
nnd charges in the consular and di
plomatic service. Without passing
any personal opinion upon these, his
pentiments, we give them as they came
from the President himself, and as be
ing his own exposition of his own poli
cy. The report is again current that
-certain Democratic leaders will en
deavor to get a bill through Congress
at itc next session, similar to Mr.
Field's quo warranto bill, making it
mandatory on the Circuit and Su
preme Courts to take jurisdiction in
the matter of the President's title. If
any attempt of this kind is made it
can only result in failure. The Rich-
uiond (Va.) Dispatch speaks the gen
eral sentiment when it says that to
raise the issue in question "would be
to damage the Democratic party in
calculably, because it would offend the
peace-loving people of the whole
country." The Presidency is fixed
for four years. Let all mischief-makers
take notice.
A friend of Hon. Yf. II. Morrison,
of Illinois, who is in his coufideuce,
ays that his canvass for the Speaker
ship is genuine, and that in no event
Avill he give any of what strength he
-may be able to transfer, in case he
faAi himself, to Randall. The 6arae
.friend saji., indeed he will exert him
Molf to beat Rrndall. Sayler, one of
.the candidates for the gave,!, is at
Lancaster, Ohio, setting up the pins
with Tom Eiw"jd. Cox is drumming
up votes in the South. Randall is in
this city, quite cheery and coufident.
lilackburo is at Lis heme in Ken
tucky, but his candidacy is not over
serious. It is amo::g the rumors on the street
that the President will appoint Gov
ernor Packard of Louisiana to be col
lector of the port of New Orleans.
Judgb Join L King has received
the appointment alcove referred to.
Jenkins' Java Flavored RoasibJ
Rio Coffee at Robinson & Bonner's.
T7 t- 3 2t.
RoLinson & Bonner have been
mining their stock of Dry Goodd
' and are stllius at bottom
AVhkrkah. The Hon. L. D. Wetmoro,
President Judge of tho Court of Com
mon rieas nnd QuarlerSessions in and for
tho county of Forest, has Issued lit pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Picas
Quarter Sessions, Ac.., at Tioncsta, for
the County of Forest, to commence r.n the
third Monday of May next, being the
mst clay ot May 1S77. Notice is therefore
Riven to tho Coroner, Justices of tho Peace
nnd Constables of said county, that thov lie
then and there in their proper persons at
ten o'clock, A. M., of said (lav, with their
records, inquisitions examinations and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their otllccs appertain to bo done,
and to those who are bound in recognizance
to prosecute acainst the prisoners that nro
or Khali be in (ho jail of Forest County, that
they be then and there present to prosecute
against them as shall lo just. Givcu un
der my hand and seal A. 1). 1S77.
Auditors' Settlement, Harmony Twpi
J. 'Woodcock, Treasurer, in account with
Harmony Township Road Funds.
To balance on hand from hist year... f) 00
Ta nm't ree'd from lands returned... 3M 12
To nm't ree'd from P. M. Guild 01
To ain't ree'd from Jno. Thompson 18 00
Total $383119
By orders redeemed $223 60
By pcreentago 4 47
Total $227 07
Balance in Treasury $150 02
J. Woodcock. Treasurer, in account with
Harmony Township Poor Funds.
To balunco on Land from last ve;ii- 4S
To interest from Pleasantvilln Bank'
on said lunds from May 14, 1S75,
to Feb. 12, 1S77 40 43
Total f 420 (10
By orders redeemed I'.K) 00
By percentage 1 SO
Total $9180 .
Balance in Treasury 10
Road Commissioners in account with
Harmony Township with Koad Funds.
To ain't (hx levied lsTfi tl TS
To am't ree'd from individuals ' 18 91
To am t ree'd from unseated lands S35 12
To am' t cash on hands from last y'r I) oil
Total $1,738 73
By work done in tw'p $1,217 74
By unseated lands ret'd... 200 55 '
By exonerations 1140
By am't in hands of col
lector : (W03
By am't orders redeemed 223 50
By percentage 4 47
Total $1,782 GO
Balance in Oom'rs hands $ r 04
Road Commissioners in account with
Harmony Township of Poor Funds.
To cash on hand from last year with
-Interest '. $420 90
By ein't of relief granted as
per orders redeemed $90 00
Bv percentage 1 80
Total $9180
Balance.'. $335 10
J. H. Bowman, ")
W. Y. Siooins, I Auditors.
T. W.'Allender, J
Financial Report of Jenks Township.
' Road Commissioners of .Tenk Township
in amount with said township for tho year
ending April 9, 1S77.
To am't tax levied for road purpo
rts $1,958 00
To back money drawn from Co.
Commissioners 50 00
To seated money from lands ro-
turned 40 "0
To amount paid over by former
Treasurer 33 89
$2,098 19
Byam'texpendedon roads
per returns of path-masters
$2,093 50
Balance due Twp 2 03
$2,096 19
We, the Auditors, have examined tho
above accounts, nnd lind them correct as
set forth in the alovo statement.
A. K Shii'b 1 . ... n
C. 1). Kldiudge, Authtors
Attest: S. F. Roiikku, Clerk.
George D. Kldridge, Treasuror of Jenks
Township, in account with said Township
for tho year ending April 9, 1877.
To balance on last settlement $ 38 t9
To amount orders draw n from Co.
Commissioners 2,057 30
By vouclurs produced ut
settlement $2,0."3 51
By percentage 6161
Bal. duo Treasurer 18 93
$2,115 12 2,115 12
We, tho Auditors of Jenks Township,
do certify that we have examined the ac
counts of the Treasurer of said Township,
and lind tliem correct and true as above
A. K. Shipe, )
C. D. Eldhiihie, Auditors.
Attest: S. F. Rohukk. Clerk.
Auditors' Settlement, Tionesta Twp.
S. J. Setley, Treasurer in account with
tho Road funds of said Township for the
vear ending April 9, 1877.'
To balance last settlement ...$1,183 15
To balance 35 53
$1,219 98
By orders redeemed $1,190 23
By 2i per ct. Trea-s. Coin.. 29 75
$1,219 93
By btilnnco t'uo Treasurer 30 53
To balance last scttlomen- 105 21
To balance due Township 14 57
By orders redeemed 110 97
By 21 per ct. Treas. Com.. 3 67
By balanc.o 14 57
$105 21
We, the undersigned Auditors of Tionos
ta Township, met at the Court House, in
Tioncsta, and did audit and settle tho sev
eral accounts of Township Treasurer, and
tind them as above set forth. Witness our
hands this 9th day of April, 1877.
C. W. Clark, I . . ...
D. G. llt'NTFH, Auditors.
Orders outstanding $1,135 75
Duo from county tax of 1S74 nnd
1ST5 110 55
Seated tax returned of lt7d 3H in
Unseated tax of 170 l,lsl 04
N. Thompson, )
J. W. Jamikkon, I Road Com'rs.
ti, Bvi:ns, J
rnWRfST 1 cur0l,i flI'l Kiived, and boat
CHImHElS increased by applying tho
Spiral JJrutt. Send stamp for eireutar( with
testimonials) to HENRY COLFOPD, 720
Kelson, St., Phil'a, Pa. ' l 4
I Oil WORK ..fall UiTTl Tdone thiVo
' le e nn f hurt notice.
ai:o. r. no wkia c co.
tv,rs---: j -wry
Whom Advertising Contmcla van b miula.
!A ir ' F0R BAI DKALKB 1
CCC In your own town. Terms
UU ami outfit frno. IT. 1 1 A T.t.CT'P
A CO., I'ortland, Maine. 3 4
SOCjTT to Agents.. 10
JJhO I Outfit Free. 1. O. Vick-
crj', AugnsU, Me.
$1 O rlay at homo. Agents wanted.
'4? lw Outii.t and terms free TRUK t
CO., Augusta, Maine. 3.4
Q AKxtra Fine mixed cards, with name,
"10 cents, post paid. 1. Jones & Co.,
Nassau, N. Y. 8 4
2 9fl 1!r T)a-V at 1,omi'' fcaniplos
t ' Wltrill Ki T inn
Co., Portland Maine.
Vx B k. echeoe;z2 nr.. ealxu3C3. to.
Pntentl'ortAble A Ntntlonnry lliiplnPK
It I irculnr Nnw IKHIn.
L?;57V . Mnley Kitslt mills,
t,.Vv .A-a rlHt Flonr MiU. Wtr
1 whI. Khlnirlc, ItMrrel eft
I U:lJl . WoMlwrklnu Miu-hlnrir,
V'M Jft Twn i to Kmrrr Wilful nnd
4riiiltrH. Sawn, Mill NtirrU(, Ac,
Fancy Cards, no 2 alike, anv r.nnie.10
cts. C. Smith. Green Brook. Ool. Co.
N. Y
- 34
X CO., of tho U. S. of A., with its paid-up
Capital of Si, 000,000, and Assets of over
?4,900,000, oilers insurance at Cah rates,
and gives in itf policies doiinito contractu,
plain features and liboral conditions. It
lias no complications with othor compa
nies, and does not propose to have, but ot
ters Insurance on plain business princi
ples, and secures tho policy holder by
economy of management and careful in
vestment of its funds. Address B. H.
KUSSELL, General Agent, No. 411 Wal
nut Street. Philadelphia.
Agents wanted in overy county, to whom
liberal terms will bo given. 3 4
Mixed Curds, with name, lOcts. Sam
ples for 3 ct. stamp. J. Minklkk A
, Nassau, N. Y. . a-i
.) r Kxtra Fino Cards, no two alike, with
den Bridge, N. Y. ' 3-4
Ofl Mixed Caids with name, 10 cts. Kam
pies for 3 ct. stamp. C. B. LINSiCY
A CO., Nassau, N. Y. 8 4
35 Faney Cards, with your narno, 10c.
ousmens carus printed on tne tmck or
Rare Photos. Samnliw and lorma in r.tu
Statuary Photos, 3 lor 25c; 1 10c. All
post-paid. A. L. HOAQ, Nassau, N. Y.
Qt Fancy Mixed Cards, 10c. "post-paid.
J Address J. W. limtwiv .t i:- vii.
son, Niagara Co., N. Y. 3 4
Wo tako plensuro in recommending
those goods to our friends as being the
finest chewing tobacco on th market. For
sale in all shapes by
DILWORTH BROS., Pittsburgh.
Freight paid botli w ays if not en
tiicly satisfactory. 3 4
DURING our osperienco of the pa t si x
months, in theGROOKRY, Pitt VIS
ION, FLOUR A FFICD Business in Tio
nesta, wo have found the old maxim
aved Is money earned," a true one, and
that wo.have saved tho people ot the. bor
ough and surrounding country a consid
erable amount.
Having had a long experience in the
wholesale business, wo havo poculiar fa
cilities for buying from lirst hands, which
enablosusto oiler extra inducement to
Cash Buyers, and having adopted tho true
system of doing business for
onl v, we can soli goods fr a much leso
profit, in fact, competing with prloos in
any of the cities in the State.
In thanking the citi.ciu lor liberal pat
ronage in the past, we announce 011.1 re
moval from the Fisher store, to tho pleas
ant locatioiknown as the
(immediately south of the Company Store)
where, in consideration of the continued
depression in the times, havo again lower
ed our prices, believing that goods should
nwt be sold at war prices, where the oppor
tunities to make money are so much loss.
fffrln futuroourstoro will be keptopot
until 9 P. M., for tho mutual benefit of tlo
general public and ourselves.
is not easily earned in these times
but it can bo made in three month',
by any one of either sex. in anv
part of the country who is willing to work
steadily at tho employment that we fur
iiish. $oi per woek in your own town.
You need not be away "from home over
night. You can give your wholo time to
the work or only your spure moments. It
costs nothing to try the business. Terms
and 55 Outfit free. Address ut once. 11.
Hallkit iV Co., Portland, Maine. 4 My
WANTED men to travel and soil
our Lamp Guuds to DiiAi.Kiis. t5u month
hotel and traveling expenses paid. No
peddling. Address MONITOR LAMP
CO., Cincinnati, O. , 411 4
SC73SCK!BKfort!i6 Forest Republican
No Machine has sprung so rapidly Into fa
vor as poHsunHing just te qualities needed
In a family Machine namely : Lirjht Hun
vino, .Smooth, jo n, Jhijwl, Durable.
with A perfect Lnck-Stileh.
Within tho past year Important im
provements havo been added ami no
trouble will benpnred in keepingtho Kkm
lxoTo?f ahead ol nil competitors.
Creed iijo or Eli fie.
C'ltKEDMOnU, 1471.
lOM.Y.IOllNT, 1S73,
:ot UH8.
The best gnns for the price ever produced.
Universally recommended by those who
havo used them.
The only complete npparatus ever iuvent
ed, I'ombining in ono complete and porta
Vile machine all the various implements
employed in loading paper and metallic
rrvolvutjs. ri:pkting pistols,
Cultivators, Solid Steel Cultivator Teeth,
and Points, Wrought Iron Standard Cul
tivator 'I of th and Points, Sayro's Patent
Horse Hoc, Shovel Plows, '(Shovel Plow
Blades, Plain and with Wings, of all sizes.
Wrought Iron Bridges
Arch rihI Trapezoidal Truss, Cast Steel
Shovels, Cast Steel Hoes nnd Garden
Rakes, Planters' Handled Hoes, Mower,
wheel Horse Rokes, Needle Cotton Gins,
Armory nnd Principal Cfficr, ILION, S. Y.
281 A 283 Broadway, New York, Arms.
Madison Square, 6 K. 23d St., New York,
S. Machines.
Boston, 146 Tremont St., Sowing Machines
and Arms.
Chicago,- 23" Stato- St., Sewing Machines
und Arms.
St. Iouis, 600 North Fourth St., Sewing
Machines and Arms.
Philadelphia, KI0 Chestnut St., Sewing
Macnines and Arms.
Baltiin- re, 47 North Charles St., (Mascnic
Temple) Sewing Machiues and Arms.
Wa-sliington, I). C 5J1 Seventh St., Sow
ing Machines and Arms. 47-5m
Red Hot! Spicy 1 Newsy I
Oil City. Daily Derrick,
Forl?77. ',
Jtctu-r Than Ever!
More and Fresher News, and Mom Read
ing Matter than any other Dai)y Paper
in North-Western Pennsylvania I
The Oil City Daily Derrick will bo
gin the new year with a larger circulation
than ever attained by any daily newspiper
in Pennsylvania outside of the largo cities.
It has gained this by giving all tho fresh
est nows, and sparing no expense in ob
taining items. It lias correspondents in
every portion of the Oil Region, besides
several reporters who are constantly trav
eling. Tho proprietors, editors and re
portoiial staff, are all young and energetic
men, whoso aim in to make the Derrick
the leading newspaper of Western Penn
sylvania. The Derrick will bo bettor than ver
for 177. It will have special reporters at
Washington and Hnrrisburg. who will
send daily specials of all important even Is.
Its readers will be kept posted on all the
political news of tho day, its rcpovteu from
an independent (standpoint, while a large
r.'portrfiriaf force will keep them informed
on local matters. It will also, as it does
now, take the lead in diseuKsiiigquestions
of importance to oilmen, and worn faith
fully lor tho interest of tho Oil Region. It
will maintain its position as authority in
oil statistics, and its market quotations
will always bo lound reliable.
If you want spicy reading, fresh news,
information concerning tho Oil Region,
and a rod-hot paper, subscribe for the Oil
City Daily Dbjuuck, Terms. $10 per
year; six months 5; $1 a month in ad
vance. W. II. LONOWELL A CO.,
o'JZt Publishers, Oil City, Pa.
mu Fort Smith
running L.tnds, firazing Lands, Fruit
Vi!i.- T. -nds, Coal Lands, Wood Lands,
sonic i'i..irio Lands, Bottom Lands, and
Uplands, on terms to suit tho purchaser.
Six per cent, interest on deferred pay
ments. Ten per cent, discount for cash.
For full particulars, maps and jamphlet.s,
apply to W, D. SLACK, IjuuI Commis
sioner, Little Rock, Arkansas. 41 -it
,v for the money lender. J uteicst paid
scme-unmially in N. Y. Fxchango. So
sui ity 3 to 0 limes tlio loan in land ulone,
exclusive of tho buildings. (Present cash
value by sworn appraisers No invest
ment safer. No payments more promptly
met. Best of ri 'l'ciH nccs irivcn. Scull
stamp for particulars. D. H li. JOHN
STON, Negoti Uor of Mortgage Loans, St.
J"! 1. 1, tiniitf ..a. ' ill
Allegheny Valley Rail Road.
Pittsburgh, Titusvillo & Buffalo
Railway, and Buffalo, Corry &
Pittsburgh Railroad.
N AND AFTKK Sunday, Jan. 28, 1S77,
trains will run as lollows:
Northward. Southward
Mo. I No I No t No. 1 hit. No.
a m p m p in p m p m a m
Pittsburgh 8:00 2:15 8:4(1 0:10 2:.V, fl:-lil
W 1'enJiiuc tt'J H;:i;t 10:.)0 7s4!t 1:82 4:fi."
Klttannlng 10:(r 4:15 ll:4.r. 7:0S 12:.".0 i;t.
R. B'k Juncl0:r7 r:02 l'-Wri :.Vi 1 1 : 10 2:3."
Brady Bendlhlu 5:15 1:'J( 5:10 11:2!" 2:15
Parker 11;50 5:5( 2;:i0 5;()0 10: in 12:10
Knilenton 12::t() 0::to 3:02 4::i2 10:25 12:ll
Scnibgrass 1:10 7:IH 4:2:1 .1:51 0:12 Hi: 15
Franklin l:ft: 7:57 5:115 3:1) 0:0.' 0:11
Oil City 2:20 ::I5 (1:25 2:;t5 H;2,5 8:15
Oleopolis :i:07 9:15 10:41 (1:40
KngloRoek M:Hi i:Htt lo::!o (;:n
Tionesta l!:4!i ID::!7 10:00 5:L'5
Tidiouto 4:42 12:20 H:0H :t:ir,
Irvlneton r):;i." 1:15 8:15 2:05
Rousevillo 8:5.1 7:02 ...... 8:04 8:18
Titusvillo J::t( H:45 7:55 1:15 7:10 7:25
Corry 4:42 0:10 11:55 l:(l)
Mayvillo )l:Ki 10:54 10: 1M 8;5ii
Butlalo 8:10 UM 0:45 12:15
p. m ;. n p. ni a. m a, m p. 111
Trains run bv Philadelphia Time.
DAVID MoCARUO, tien'l Sup't,
Oon'l Passenger A Ticket Agont.
GEO. A. PitlNCE & CO.
The Oldest, Largest, nnd Most rn-rcet
Manulactory in tho I'niled
Stales, nearly
56,0 0 0
Now in use.
No other Musical Instrument ever obtain
ed tho same popularity.
piff-Sen J for Price Lists.
Addrcs BUFFALO, X. Y.
The fact of ours boing the oldest and
largest manufactory in the United States,
with nearly 60,000 instruments now in
use, i a sufllcient guarantee of our ro
sponsibilitj and the lueriU'of our instru
ments. 0-Oni V T.O. A . P R I N C K A CO.
Awarued the Highest Modal at Vienna.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
691 Broadway, New York.
(Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.)
Manufacturers, Importers A Dealers In
.Albums, Grnphoscopes, and Suita
ble View s.
w e are Headquarters for everything in
the way of KTEUKOPTlrovu 11 a u
IC LANTRUNS, beinsj manufacturer of
Micro-Scientific Lnntorn,
University Stercopt'con,
Ad veilisers Storooptieon,
School Lantern,
Family Lantern,
Each style being tho best of its class
' in tho market.
Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with
directions for using, sent on application.
Any enterprising man can make money
with a Magio Lantern.
s jEJCut out this advertisement for rcf-ercnce.-Tlfe
The ex pei ien'e of live
years has proved that
Lhis Compact and re
liable ivork of Genor '
Informutioii la l.nitnp
ici newca wwm
jvlapted to tho wantso
411 classes or ine com.
munity than any other
worlr nf thn t'in'.l
published. It has been proven by its
by tho numerous
And by its uniform
The edition of 1P70 lias been
It contains 150,000 articles, 3000 wod
engravings and eighteen handsomely en
gravod and colored maps.
Tho w ork is issued in parts, nnd a speci
men copy, with map, w ill bo sent to any
addross, froo tf postage, for twenty cents.
BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers,
(Successors to T. Klwood .ell.)
Nos. 17 and 10 South Sixth Si
I'll I LAD ELF A1 A,
Cau't be made by every a-ent ev
ery month in tho business we
furnish, but those willing to woi k
can easily earn a dozen dollars a
day right In their own localities. Have no
room to explain here. Business"ple;is:tnt
and honorable. Women and bovs nud
girls tio iu woll as men. We will furnish
you a complete outfit free. Tho business
pays I fttcr than anything else. We will
liearexpciifu of starting vou. Particulars
free. Write and see. Farmers nnd me
chaiiics, their sons and daughters, nnd all
clashes in need of paying woilc at home,
sh5tild write to us and learn all about tliu
work ut on. e. Now is tho time. Don't
duluy. Address True iv. Co., Augusta
Maine. ' :i
$ 45PTr te : n m ,
Sch(H,l established 1V50. Property 1CJ -000.
Endowment flo.oiiO. Our' vout'h
(both sexes', sl'.all have the benefit" of it.
V. inier tt.rni ojiens l(e. 5. Send 'or cIji
l".'iie (free) to Rev. J. T. IWaHUs. D, D
l'liu:;..ii. u
(ilLMoUE if-CO., Successors to Chip
man, llosmer it' Co., Solicitors. I'mont
procured in all countries. No Fees in mi
vnnce. No charges unless the patent is
ginnted. No fees for making preliiniiiu
rv examinations.' No additional fees for
obtaining and I'ondueting n rehearing. Ity
a recent decision of the ( 'ommisioner a i.'i.
rejected npplicKtions nmy be revived.
Special nttcnlinn given to Inter!'ereiice
Cases before tho Piilent Ollicp, I'.xtcnsions
before Congress, Infringement Suits In
different States, and nil litigation apper
taining to Inventions or l'titents. Send
stump to fill more A Co., for pamphlet of
sixty pages.
Land C'kscn, Warrants iiimI
Contested Lund Cases prosecuted bcloro
tho U. S. (;p:ieral Land Otllco and Depart
ment nf the Intirior. Private Land Claims.
Mining nnd Pre-emption Claim, and
Homestead Cases attended to. Land Scrip
in 40, 80, and 1(10 acre pieces for sale. This
Scrip is assignable, and can bn located in
tho name of the purchaser upon miy Oov
ernment land subject lo pvivnto entry, at
1.25 per acre. It ii of equal value'with
Bounty lind Warrants. Send stamp lo
Oil more fc Co., for pamphlet of Instruc
tion. Arrcarr of aa.y fc ESocanij.
Oftli'ers, Soldiers, nnd fi:iilors of tho lalo
war, or their heirs, are in many case en
titled to money from tho (iovernmeut of
which they have no knowledge.- NVritu
full history of service, anil stato amount,
of pay and bounty received. I nclose
stamp to Uilmoro eVCo., and a full reply,
niter vxamiiiation, will lie given you treu.
All Oflieers, Soldiers, and Sailors woun
ded, ruptured, or injured In Uie lnt war,
however slightly, can obtain a pension by
addressing (iilniore A- Co.
Cases prosecuted by (iilmoto A Co. be
fore thu Supreme Court of the I'nlvci'
States, the Court of Claims, and the South
ern Claims Commission.
Each department of our business Is on
diicted in a separate bureau, under chnrge
of tho same experienced parlies entplovuii
by the old firm. Attention to p.!l buHluc
entrusted to (iilmorj A C. is thus kw
curcd. Wo desiio to w in diui kki by de
serving it.
Address CHLMORK A CO., fi20 Fftroo,
Washington, 1), C. 4lif
y 5? 'J
? V $ P V
) )
T(T TH E WO II K T Vf 1 r r. AUs! v
now prepared to furnish all classe wiUi
constant employment at home, tho wholes
of the time or for their spur mominto.
Business new light nnd profitable Per
sons of either sex easily earn from 50 elm.
to 5 per evening, and ii proportional mm
by devoting their whole tinio to tho busi
ness. Boys and girls can earn nearly a
much as men. That nil who seo thi no
tice may send their address, snd Ut tie
buMms we make Ibis unparalleled cffwri
To such as are not well satisfied we will
send ono dollar to pay for the trouble of
writting. Full particulars, Kaniplm worU.
several dollars to commence work on, auil
a copy of Home and Fireside, one of th
largest and best Illustrated Publication,
all sent free by mail. Reader, if you waui
permanent, drotituble work. adrira,
(ieroge Stinson A Co., Portland, Me. t
Tho Little Rock and Fort Smith Hall
way Company is selling, at exceptional
ly low prices and t.n terms to null pai
chnsers, over
c?ie mill.!gm:acres
of their magnificent grant on every Id
within twenty miles of their road. Ad
mirubly suited for, production of Corn,
Cotton, Oram, Orass, Fruits, nnd all ether
Northern crops. Winters are mild, p--mitting
out door labor for eleven months.
Soil ferlilo beyond precedent. No irraiw
hosiers, no .'roupht. Social induce
menus lor cstablihmentJof maiiulaciorics.
1-or circuhirs, address W. i). SLACK,
Land Commis'ii. nur, Little Rock. Arkan-
J. & J?. COATS
have l)een awarded a Medal nnd Diploma
at tho Centennial Exposition and com
mended by the Judges for
npoo ij cj otto "v
: : A. T. G0BH0RK,-Direotcr-Gfcwal.
: BKAI" j J.B.H4WLEY,rf.,
1 Al.KV. R. BoTUt.KR,
3 -R secretary pro tern.
Ilyoii wantrellablelnfonuution w hereand
how to get a cheap Farm, or geveremeiit
Homestead, free, send your addrcis to 8.
J. (iiliiioie, Land CoinuiSasioner, Law
rcni'.i, Kansas, and receive gratis a copy
ot The Kansas Paeiiie Homestead. 20 1
TO AOENTS on a:. -vno n .:'- ! wokk
the big mma
Dan Dc (inille's new .-..,!. with intro
diiction by Murk Twain is pi-t ready. It
is tlio richest in te.ts ana illuslridlouB
seen lor 11 long time. Are v .-u out. of work
or dragging along on snio uii.l boo it r
lor this ono. It will fill your pockoia surbt
Don't delay and lose territory vou Want-''
send for eircnlarnt onci. It costs in.thin
to see them. Address A M EltlCA N PC U
LISHINO CO., Hartford, Conn., or F. C
BL1SS .0 CO., Newark, N. J.
'i:n is. 1 7 "".t.t " J iwuu:
V,.-. , I.MMIMlMSVf I f.l2w
Thojudicious selection and management of
Stock Privileges
Is a sure road to
. .... ....... lvliJ i ms; tno Hkrveli
Market. POTTiir. Wlu UT CO
Wull Street, New Voik.
SEND " l ta to ADAMwTco Sox
I'rmciA 1 ' vum t of the live
eleifniitly carved in l;l i, i- w, . V ... ,
i.nd huelv lii8h,d i'xact .n"'; '
tho,e which cr i , .1 "'X.or;.ly Hail durin,! 't ' ' .ln