i i I! i t r ' 1 V r : 1 it 1 She $TOt gcpulilknn, in njiiLwnr.n kvkrt wi:tou:may, hy W. R. DUNN. orncr. n uoiuNaoN BowNKH'a edildikq r.r,M BTRXETfTIOlJ K3T A, PA. TERM, ?2.0 A YEAR. No (Subscriptions received fr n Miorter fctiM Ihmi three months. Corrofpoivlriicn solicited from all parts of th country. No notice will bo taken of mionynious communications. DUSINttSS DIRECTORY. ZftL? TIONIHT A "lODQE MKETS every Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, iu tlm Hall lormcriy occupied llV UlO Uoixl TclllllaiH. S. .1. SET LEY, X. (J. I). W. CLAl'JC, Secy. 27-lf. TI0NE3TA COUNCIL, NO. ?A2. O..TJ. -A.. 3VL". MKF.TS nt Odd Fellows' Lodge Room, every Tuesday evening, lit 7 o'clock. P. M. CLA UK, C. N. A. VAllNEE, E. S. :u W. K. l.ATIIV. .1. H. AllNW, .1 t r o ii jv a v s a r j Air, TIONKSTA, PA. ATTI'.NTION ftOMMHRM! I have been admitted in practice as nil Attorne v lu tlm Pension Ofllco nt Wash ington, ' D. O. All ollicors, soldiers, or Bailors who were injured In tlm Into war, can obtain pensions to winch they inny be untitled, bv culling on or addressing nio nt loncstn, Pa. Also, claims for aiTearnyos of pity nml bounty will receive prompt at tention. Having boon over four years it soldier in the late war, nnd having for u number of years engaged in tho prosecution of sol iliuiV claims, my experltMico will assuro tlio collection of claims in tho shortest pos mhU time. J. R. AGNEW. 41 If. K. L. Davis,- ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collections made in this ami adjoin ing oountirw. 40-ly ATTORNEY AT LAW, TIOXESTA, PA, F. W. Hays, ATTORN JCT AT LAW, ind NoTAtiY PcnLlc, Reynold llukill tVCo.'s Jilouk, Sanoou Wt., Oil City, l'a. 3!i-ly KINA'HA Jl .6 SMI L KY, tUn-neys at Law, - - - Franklin, P. tiJRACTIOF. In the overnl Courts of V X iwuati, Crawford, Forest, nnd nd.joln l&X oountiew. au-ly. Lawranco IIouw, rwrONKSTA, VKNN'A,- V. V.. fo 1 CltAY, riioriiiKTOK. This hons 1 ftttntmlly located. F.verything new and wtll fiirniitlied Superior accomnida Motis and strict attention iven to miests. Vejreibles nnd Fruits of nil kinds served in their season. (Sample room for Com blweliU Agenti. CENTRAL HOUSE, rftNNKK v "AWNKW 15LOC1C. L. Amnkw, I'ropriotor. Thin is a now I lA iuL lioi'ii fitted Ul t'u4ho nowjm'nindatioli of tho public. A portion f Ui patrnnno OI 1,10 rumlu 1' w,,Jl:nv" 40-ly ' ' FOREST HOUSE. s A. VAItN 1T.H PltoPHIBTOIt. Opposito Court House, Tionostfl, l'a. Just povie.l. KvorytliuiK new riki ciean nnu ii'iui Ia Tim limit nt' lirniors koit eonstantlv on hivnd. A portion ot' lho public patron- K3 Is rosnoctluuy soiieiieu. -i-iv V. C COOURN, M. D., tk vKtrriV KlinnEOX oiTcr his .L nwTiccs to tbe people of Forest Co - . . . r rn i . . . Having had an oxperienco of Twelve turn lnakos a specialty of the treatment mi aiiLfrH io aive sausiui'iioii. v j- of Nana!, Thro.it, Lnn;? and nil other 'irnio or lingerinur diseases. Having InvatiRatod all soiontille methods of cur lii!? diseasw and Relcctod tho fc-ood from nil uy Mtems, he will guarantee relief or a cure liiii-a n I'll ri in DOFsiblo. No Chsrico for Conmiltation. All fees will bo ifiwonablo. Professional visits mado at nil houi ii. Part 'tps at a distaneo can eon Otlica and ltetidcnco second huildins; t 1 lonso. Tionesta. l'a. 1- tio days Wednesdays and (Saturdays. "Otf Ik M. MAT. JXO. P. rAEK. A. p. OUT MA Y, rAJIK e CO., B A1TKHBS Corner of Kim it Walnut Sts. Tloncsta. Bank of Dlseount and Dopof it. Interest allowed on Time Deposit. etollootion-s madeonoJl thoPrlneipal points of tho U. S. Collections solicited. 181y. WILLIAMH CO., MEADVILLi:, - - rENN'A., TAXIDERMISTS. Tlno A ..inula fcf nlTul ftllil mOUIlt fi (Hi to order. Artifleial Lyes kept in I fiEBRASKAGRIST MILL rfAIIE GRIST MILL at Nebraska (Lacy tv. Liiji luei. thor tucUly overhauled and related in lirst-t-ls order, and is now running and doing I nil kind of ' HUBTOM J It I IV I I x I 1,'T.rttiu ! FKED, AND OATS. ConsUmtly ouband, and wdd at Iho very towmiuics. uw,LKI)iniUn. tAt V 1 ,0 YM EXT. Malo a;id l'cmalo, alu JlL ry or emu mission. Wo pay agent im salary of ?:JU a week anilexpciiMjs. lwl-' ka Matuifaoturimr Ou.. IJaitturd. C ona Particulars 1'rue. toii won ) lice Oil h rot; WOllK of ail kinds done at this oi- V0L.X MO. 5. 3II5S. 4!. 31. IIIMTII, DRESSMAKER, Tioncsta, Ta. M US. IIHATII hay recently moved to this jdaitn for tho purposo of meetinp: n want winch the lnilies of tlio town ana onnf v Imvo fur n loiisr timo known, that of hiivimc n droNsniaker of experience nmoiiK tliem. I n in prepared to make all kinds ol dresses in tho latest styles, mm Kunranteo Kalislaction. Stamping lor lraid- iik nnd embroidery rtono In liio liest man ner, with tlm newest patterns. All! ask a (air trial. Kesnlence on l-Am f-itreet, in tlio Aeoiub ltuilding. tf. Frank Stobtiiiax, PHOTOG HA PHEE, (strcensson ro dKmiso.) Pictures In every stvleof tho art. Views of thu oil region for sale or lukeii to or der. C1SNTUK STUICKT, near It, It. crossing. riYCAMOKK STUKKT, near Union Pc- pot, on cay, ra. av-n rnOTOGRAPIl GALLERY. KLJI HTH E 15 T , SOUTH OF JIONTNSON & JIONNER'S HTOItK. Tionosta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, - - - Proprietor. Pieturos taken In all the latent Btylos tho art. 2C-tt' II. . TIIVKER & CO. OIL CITY, PA. WIlOIJiSALK & KKTA1L Dealers in Oil V11 iiili-H, ;. e. hwthlny, Vttshiy, Stirker Hods, Worktiuj Ita rrcls,' Valves, Vc, IS ran. Steam Fittings, ISelt- itiff, Lrtre Leather, Casing, (?., Iron, IVnils, Ktccl, ISopc, Oalmui, At. Woinuko a SPKCIALTV of one-nnd-a- fit:u'fer-incli Tubingtuid Steel Kods lor Small Wells. II. G.TIIIXER& CO., Oil City, Pa. TI3E LARGEST FUFNITURE ESTABLISHMENT INTIIKOIL It H IONS! ZMCIIj!HjS SMITH, Dealer in CABINET AND UPHOLSTERED FURNITURES. FK AN KLIN, - - - PKNN A Consisting of Parlor, Offico and CotHRn Furniture, Waitresses, 1'illows, Window liadcs, Fixtures, Look- ing Glasses, .uiCj . Aljn iiifunl for Venfui'j-O eonntr for. the Celebrated Manhattan Spring ited .'and Combination f.fattiHisn's, ' tnnmtlaetured and for sate at my Furniiuro Warorooms, 13th fitroet, near Liperty. Cail una see sample J led. ; 9 Jy J , wr;i-v-Tf tit You Can Have Money P,y buying your PIANOS nnd GROANS from Jlio undersigned Manufacturers' Agent, lb i the best brands in tho market. Instruments shipped direct from tho Fac tory. CHAS. A. SHULTZ, Tuner, ly Lock box 17-10, Oil City, Pa Dr. J. L. Acorrb, PH YSTCIAN AND SUROKON, wholnw I.m.I .'.lY.m.. i.navc nvfirtrlln'H 111 u lnrirn and Hiiceessful practice, will attend all Professional Calls. OlUce in Ids Drug and Grocery Store, located in Tidioute,. near T1U1OU10 JIOUSG. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery. Glass, Paint. OiU, Cutlery, all of the best quality, and ...;m 1..! UO.Vit r!i'ifi!)tVil a rstns. .Till I ' u ux.nt ' 1)11, C1IAS. O. DAY, an experienced Physician and Druggist from New York, has charge of the Stwre. All proscriptions put up accurately. t A' bVrKltTisElviS send itfi cents to Geo. i i? mi.-Ml . "o 41 Park Row. N. Y.. for their Kighty-pago l'amplilct, showing costot advertising. f OFFICI Leiite OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THEtfSI HI EXHIBITION Tf kirvll4 I'lvt'!' tJ:m wiiv otir book. Cue Agent sold ;!1 copies in one day. This is the oj.ly authentic and complete history putilislicil. Meiui l'r our exua i"" agents. National Puulisii in. Co., Phil-ici'-lpliiii, Pa. . . .. : . l J M L . J V A.r AV TIONEST A, PA., i a jm juwhpwtm 1 arm FATHER PHIL'S COLLECTION SAMUEL LOYKK. Fatlir Blake wrb more familiarlv known by tho name f Father Phil. By either title, or io whatever capaci ty, tho worthy father had great influ ence over his parish, and there vas a free-arid -curt way with him, eveu in doing the most solemn duties, which ngreed wonderfully wilh the careless spirit of Faddy ; stiff and starchad formality being repugnant to tho very nature of Irishmen. With all his in trinsic worth,. Father Fhil was, at tho earner time, a strange man in exterior manners; foi, with an abundance of real piety, bo had an abruptness of de livery, and an odd way of mixing up au occasional remark t his congre gation in the raidt of the celebration of the ma?vwhich raigh well startle a stranger" but this very want of for mality made him beloved by the peo ple, and they would do ten times as much for Father Phil as for tho se vere Father Dominick. On the Sunday in quetion Father Phil intended delivering an address to his fleck from the altar, urging them to tba necessity of bestirriDg them selves in the repairs of tho chapel, which wna in a very dilapidated con dition, and at one end let in the rain through its wornout thatch. A sub scription was necessary ; and to raise this among a very impoverished peo- f)le was no easy matter. Th weather lappencd to be unfavorable, which was the most favorable to Father Phil's purpose, for the rain dropped its ar guments through tho roof upon the kneeling people below, in the most convincing manner ; aud as they en deavored to gt-t out of the wet, they pressed round the altar as much as they could, iur which they wero re proved very smartly by his reverence in the very midst of the masa. Theuo interruptions occurred sometimes in the most serious places, producing . a ludicrous effect,' of which the worlhy father was quite unconscious, in his great anxiety to make the people re pair the chapel. A big woman was elbowing her way towards the rails of tho altar, and Father Phil, casting a side-long glance at her, sent her to the right-about, while ho interrupted his appeal to Heaven to address her thus: . "Agnus Dei You'd better jump over the rails of the altar, I think. Go along out o'that, there's pleauty o'room iu the chapel below there " Then he would turn to the altar, and proceed with tho service, till, turning again to the congregation, he porceived some fresh offender. "Orute, Fratres! Will you mind what I say to you, and go along out of that ; there's room below there. True for you, Sirs. Finn it's a shame for him to bo tramplin on you. Go along, Darby Uasy, down there, and kneel in the rain it's a pity you haven't a dacent woman's cloak under you, inaeeu i urate, rratrca: lhcu would the service proceed ngain till tho shuffling of feet edging out of tho rain would disturb lnm, and, casting a backward glance, he would say I hear you there can t you ba quiet, and not be disturbin' my mass, you haythens?" Aain bo proceeded, till tho crying of a child interrupted him. lie look ed around quickly-- "You'd better kill the child, 1 think, tramplin' on him, Lavery. Go u4 o'that your conduct is scanda lous I Dominun Volnmim " Again Le, turned to. pray, and after some timo be made an interval in the service to address his congregation on the subject of the repairs, and produc ed a paper containing the names of subscribers to that pious work who had already contributed, by way of cxamplo to those who had not. "Here it is, said Father Phil," here it is, and no deuying it down in black and white ; but if they who give aro down in black, how much blacker aro those who have not given at all I out I hope they will be ashamed of them selves when I howld up those to hon or who have contributed to tlio up holding of the house of God. And isn.'t it ashamed o'yourselves you ought to be, to laye His house in such a condi tion? and doesn't it rain every Sun day, as if He wished to remiud you of your duty ? areu't you wet to tho skin a'most every Sunday ? Oh, God is good to you I to put you in mind of ai si n t tr rriiiin' rti cnsii Kit f Pi cowlds that you are eoughin and sneezin' everv Sunday to that degreo that vou eant hear the blessed mass for a comfort and a benefit to you and so you'll go on 6neezin until you put a good thatch on the place, aim prevent the appearance of the evi dence from Heaven against you every Suuday, which is condemning you ba fore your facts, and behind yourbr.cks too, for don t 1 sea this minnit a stream o'wather, that might turn a mill, run nmg down Micky AlcAvoy a back, between the collar of hi coat and his "MAY 2, 187T. shirt?" . ' Hero a laugh ensued at the expense of Micky McAvoy; who certainly was under a very heavy drip from the "im perfect roof. , "And is it laughing you arc, you hnythens?" said Father Phil, reprov ing t'.o merriment which ho himself had purposelr created, flint he mi'jht reprove it. "Laughing is it you are, at your backsliding and insensibility to tho honor of (Jod laughing be cause when you come here to bo sav ed, yon are lost entirely with tho wet; aud how, I ask you, arc my words of comfort to enter your baarts when the rain is pouring down your backs, 'at tho same time ? Sure I have no chance of turning your hearts while you are under rain that might turn a mill but onco put a good roof on tho houso, and I will inupdate you with piety I 'Maybe it's Father Dominick you would like to have coming anioug you' who would grind your hearts to pow dher with his heavy words." (Here a low murmur of dissent ran through th throng.) "Ila I ha 1 so you wouldn't like it, I see very well, very well, take care, then, if I And you insensi ble to my moderate reproofs, you hard hearted baythens, you rnale-facthors and cruel persecutors, that won't put your hands in your pockets because your mild and quiet fool of a pasthor has no tongue ih his head 1 I say, your mild, quiet, poor fool of a pasthor,(for I know my own faults partly, Godi forgive me !) aud 1 can t spake to you as you deserve, you hard-living vaga bonds, that are as insenisble to your duties as you aro to the weather. I wish it was sugar or salt that you were made of, and then the rain might melt you if I couldn't ; but no,, the naked ratihers grins in your laco to no purpose you chata the house of God but take care, maybe you vrou't shato the Divil so aisy." (Ilere there was a sensation.) "Ha I ha ! that makes you open your ears,' does it ? More shame for you ; you oiigbt to despise that dirty enemy of man,' depend on something better but I sea I must call you to a sense of your sit uation with the bottomless pit nndher you, and no roof over you. Oh dear! dear! dear! I'm ashamed of you -' throth, if. I had time and gthraw enough, I'd rather . thatch . the place myself than lose my lima .' talking to you ; sure the pUce is more like a sta ble thau a chapel. Oh, think of that ! the house- of God to be like a stable for though our Redeemer was born, in a stable, that is no reason why you are to keep his house always ..like one. "And.now I will read you the list of subscribers, and it will mako you ashamed when you hear the names of several good and worthy Protestants in the parish, snd out of it too, who have .given more than the Catholics." He then proceeded to read the fol lowing list, which he interlarded co piously with observations of his own ; making viva voce margiual notes, as it were, upon the subscribers, wiich were not unfrcquently answered by tho per . ii. .1.1.,. . p . i . sons s noticed, from me oouy oi me chapel ; and laughter was' often the consequence of theso rejoinders, which lather 1 nil never peinnuea io pass without a retort. Nor must all this be considered in the least irrevereut. A certain period is allowed between two particular portions otrthe -mass; when the priest may address bis congrega1 tion on any public matter of interest, an approaching fair, or the -like,- in which exhortations to propriety of con duct, or warnings against faction?', fisbts. etc., are his themes, lhen they listen only with reverence. Hut when the subscription ior sucn an oojeci as that already mentioned is under dis cussion, tho flock consider themselves , entitled to "put in a word" iu case of necessity. This preliminary hint is given to the reader, that he may better enter into the spirit of Father Phil's m . . . I. I . subscription list for th repairs and enlargement of Ballysloughgutthery chapel : Mickey llickey, tsm. "lie migtit as well have made it ten shillings; but half a laf is better thau no bread." "Plaze your reverence," says Mick, from the body of tho chapel, "sure soven and sixpence is mora than the half of teu shillings." (A laugh.) "Oh bow witty you are ! Faith, if you knew your prayers as well as your arithmetic, it would bo better for you, Micky." Hera the father turued ths laugh against Mick. Billy Iv'tley, 8. Ad. "Of conrse he means to subeeribe again." John Dwyer, 15$. "That is something like! I'll be bouud hu's keeping back the odd five shillin's for a brush full e' paint for the alther ; it's as black as a crow, iustaad of beinj; as a dove." He then hurried over rapidly soma small'Subscribers, as follows: Peter Hefferiuan, 1. 8J.; James Murphy, 2t. Gd. (two and six); M:it Donovan, Is. 3;.; Luke D.uinely, 3..; Jack Quigley, 2-t. 1'.; Put Fiunegan, 2. 2d. F.dward O'Couner, cm., X'2. "There's for you! Edward O'Couner, c?j. a Protectant &2PE11 ANNUM. of the parish two pounds." "Long lifo to him," cried a voico in tho chapel. "Amen !" said Father Phil; "I'm not ashamed to be clerk to so good a prayer." Nicholas Fagarj, 2i. C,1 .; Young Nicholas Fagan, fw. "Young Nick is bother than owld Nick, you see Doyle, 7. Gd- Owny Dovle. fA. Tim Well done, Owny na Coppal you deserve to prosper, for you make good use of your lliriviugs." Simon Leary 2i. Gd.; Bridget Murphy, 10. "You "ought to be ashamed o' yourself, Simon ; a loue w'dow woman gives moro thau you." Simon answers, "1 have a largo fam ily, t-ir, and she has no childcts." Judo Moylan,Ci. "Very good, Judy; the women lire behaving like gintle-, men ; they'll have their reward in tlio next world." Pat Finuerty, 8. Ad. "I am not sure if it is Ss. Ad. or 3s., for tho figure is blotted, but 1 believe it is is. Ad." "It was threo and fourpinco I gave, your riverence," said Pat from the crowd. "Well, Pat, as I said t ight and four pence, you must not let me go buck o' my word, so bring mo five shillings next week." : "Sure, you wouldn't have mo pay for a blot, sir?" . "Yis, I would; that's the rule of backgammon, you know, Pat. When I hit tho mark you pay for it." Here his reverence turned round, as if looking for nome one, and called out "ItaDerty! Pvafferty! Bafferty ! where are you, Uafl'erty?" An old gray headed man appeared, bearing a large plate, and Father Phil continued "There now, be active. I'm sending him among you, good people,(and such ns cannot give ns much as you would like to be read among your neighbors, givo-whilt little you can toward the repairs, and I will continue to rend out the names by way of encourage ment to'you, aud the next name I see is that cf bquira Lgan. Long life to him !" fequiio Fgan, 5. "Squire Kgan five pounds listen to that a Protes tant.in tho parish five pounds ! Faith, the Protectants will make you ashamed of yourselves 'ifyou donTt take care." Mrs. Flannegaii, 2. Not her own par ish, either. A fine lady." James M tl -ligan, of lloundtown, 1. "And hero I must remark that tho people of Koucdtown haven't been backward in Jgcr, took place. The nnilfitudo was , ! 1 - .. a U ! - T TV ' . . 1 .... . Cfrrainrr forward on this occasion. I have a list from lloundtown I will read it separate." He then proceeded at a great pace, jumbling the towu niul tbo pounds and the people in a most extraordinary manner: "James Milli gan, of Kouudtown, one pound ; Darhy Daly of Tioundtown, one pound ; Sam Fiunegfin, of Roundtown, ono pound ; James Casy, of Boundpouud, . one towu ; Kit Dwyer, of Townpound, ouo round pound, I mane; Pat Bound pound Pounden, I mane Pat Pouiii den a pound of Poundtown also there's an example for you ! "But what ar you about, Baffsrty ? I don't like thcrfund of that plate of yo'irs-r-you aro not a good gleaner go up first into the gallery there.where I see so mauy good-looking bonnets I suppose they will give somethiug to keep their hornets out of the rain, for the wet will be into the gallery next Sunday if tbey don't. I think that is Kilty Crow I see, getting her eilvcr reaily ; them ribbons of yours cost a trifle, Kitty. Well,' good Christians, here is more of the Butacriptiou for you." ' ' Mathew Lavery, 2i. Gd. "He doesn't belong to Boundtown Konndhgwu will bo renowned in future Hgesforthe support ot tho church. Mark my words I Koundtown will pros;i"r iroru this day out ;' lloundtown will be a rising place." Mark llennessy. Off. (uyo and auu six); Luke Clancy, Is. Gd.; John JJoa lin. 2.?. Gd. "One would think had all agreed only to give two and sixpence apiece. And they comforta ble men, too ! And look at their names Matthew, Mark, Luke and John tbe names of tho blessed evan gelists, and only ten shillings among them ! Oh, they are apostles not wor thy of tha name we'll call them the poor apostles from this out!" (Hero a low laugh ran through the chaptd.) "Do you hear that, Matthew, Mark, Luko and John ? Faith 1 I cau tell yob that name will stick to you." (Hero tho laugh was louder.) A voice, vvhon the laugh had sub sided, exolu' iied, 'I'll mako it ton shillin's your riverence." "Who's that?" said Father Phil. "irennt:;sy, your riverence." "Very well, Mark. I supposo Mat thew, Luke and John will follow your example ?" "We will, your rivsrenee." "Ha! I thought you made a mis take; we'll call yon the faithful npes tles and I think the change in your namo is bettur than seven and sixpenco apiece to you." "I soa vou in the gallery there, Riif fei'tv. What do you pa-.s that well- ItatC3 Of I u v . . . One Hanaro (1 inch,) one insei :;ti OneSipiarn nn month - One SU.tro " three tiioiillis OneS'iUiiro " ono yenr -Two Squaws, ono 'year - -OuaibrCol. - - -llfiif " " Ono " .... 1(1 (!) 15 '.) 30 (-0 . no t o I'x) to Legal notices at. established rates. Marriage and dcal'i notices, gratis. All bills for v early advertisement col lected quarterly. 'iVntporary tidverlixc nu ntM must be paid for in advance. Job work, Casb oti Delivery. dressed woman for ? tbry back. Ila! see that, fche had her money ready if you only asked for it don't go by that other woman there- :Oh, ho ! So you won't 'givo anything, ma'am? You ought to headhunted of yourself. There is a woman with an elegant straw bon net, and tho won't givo a futhing. Well now afiher that, romemhci I give it from the ailhcr, that from this day out slhraw bonnets pay fi'penny pieces.". Thomas Durfy, esq., XL "It's not his parish, and he's a brave gontla man." Miss Fanny Dawson, .I'l. "A Protcstaut, out of tbo parish, and a sweet young lady, God bless-hr! Oh faith, t!ii Protestants is shaming you ! Dencii Fannin, It. Gl. "Ver' good indeed for a working ina3on." Jemmy Riley, . "Not bad for a hedga car penthcr." "I gave you ten, plaza your river- ence," shouted Jemmy "and by the samo token you may remember it was on tho Nativity of the blessed Vwrgin, sir, I ijavo you tho second five shil lin's." "So you did, Jemmy," cried Father Phil ; "I put a UtlU cross before it to remind me, ami 1 forgot it afther; and indeed myself doesu't know what I did with that five shilling!." Here a pallid woman, who was kneel ing near the rails of tbo alter, uttered an impassioned blessing, ond exclaim ed, "Oh, that was the very fivo shil lings, I'm sure, you gave to mo that very day, ti buy some litlio comforts for my poor husband who . was dying in the fever !" aud the poor woman burst into loud sobs as she spoke. A deep thrill of emotion run through tho flock as this accidental proof of their poor pastor's beneficence burst upon them; -and as an r.li'ectionate murmur began to rise above the silenco which the eaiotiou produced, tho burly Father Philip blushed liko ;i girl at this publication of his chariYy, and even at the foot of that alter whore ho stood, felt somethiug )iko. shame in bo ing discovered iu tho commission of that virtue so highly commended by the Providence to whose worship that alter was raited. He uttered a hasty Whisht,, whisht!" and waved, with his outstretched hatidc', liis flock into silence. In an instant ono of those sudden changes so common to an Irish Assem bly, and scarcely credible to a stran- hushed, the grotesque of tho. subscrip tion list had passed away and was ior gottcn, and that same man and that same multitude stood in altered rela tions they were agaiu a reverent flock, and he once more a Bnlemu pas tor ; the natural play of his nation's mirthful sarcasm win absorbed in a moment in the pacrednesB of his office ;. and, with a solemnity befitting the highest occasion, he placed bis hands together before his, breast, and, raising his eyes to heaven, he poured forth his sweet voice, with a' tone of the deepest devotiou.'in that reverential . cull for prayer, "Omie retires I" The sound of a multitude gently 'kneeling dowu followed, like tho soft breaking of a quiet sea en a sandy beach ; and when Father Philip turu ed to tha alter to pray, his pent-up feelings found vent in tears, and v.hilo he prayed ho wept. , 1 believe such scenes as this aro of not unfrequent occurrence in Ireland that country so long PutTering, so much nialii'ned, and so little under-stoH.- i'i . ' O ruh-r .: Ireland ! why have you not sooner learned to lead that peo phi by love, whom, all your severity haa been uuablo to drive ? WBM- Tho San Francisco Muil uses plain English. It says tho A ltd and tdher papers that speak of tho magnificent ' importunity wmcn tjmirornia presents the new comer, lie in a very gratu- tnvrTitously criminal way. "liio uuvar- nished truth is," it says, "that mir la bor market is stacked to overflowing, and every fresh arriving train but adds to the miserable multitude that waits, suffers, starves and finally fights its despcrato way east agaiu. Men of brains and culture, good clerks, excel lent accountants, business men of tni deui.ible energy, meeh...iics of ability, walk the streets in dumb despair. 'Westward ho !' is the national tuna in California as well as in New York.and wnrkingmeu hr.d better keep step to the music wherever they are. To tho young man who is about to put hi-i college education nnd trunk on a Cal ifornia train, tho Mail cries 'Stop ' Yes. lei him stay where ho is, and if h 11 can't find tho chance ho wants, let him take tho first that offers. - A Noiwich .man snoke sharply to bis canto homo an I wife. His litO;, boy heard it, and icaring troubl- , slipped out and called i:i a policema . It isn't every father that has Much i boy to take t-aro ol' hitu. Butter was in usii -1,000 years n; Soina of the original stock appear ' have held over. Ho-iun l' . hul l lioliur.