V i l!n cnllcnifu., just el from over the Ciuiailintivbor- iiT, tews ineeo nones : lie was in the hotel gcncral-acoommodation room, when two veterans of the (Jiotel) bar, layiug schemes for a lrink, began to tell stories to each other for his ben efit. "Thefe are awful hard times," raid one. "I never saw such timc3 be fore, except w hen I was in Ohio, au' then I was hard put to t to get tuoni' Nothin' to do. I had a yoke of steers, but they wn'nt carnin' nothin'. But I lived right on the road the West ern emigrants went over every day. So I dug a hole in that road at the foot of the hill near my house, turned II liviu' spring of water into 't, and made a good mud-hole. Well, when the emigrants camo alon, every day there would be one or mOrc teams git stuck in the mud-hole, an' they would sec my steers standin' out doin' nothin' an' they would send up an' git mo to come an' help 'em out; and I rIivuz charged as much as five .dollars a lift. "Well, I kep' that mnd-holo right up in good repair till I made $25,000 out on't, an' then sold it out for $3,000, an' moved up here." Story number two was the other Munchausen's com-panion-pieco lor the yoko of steers. "When I was a-choppin1 -I could chop some, you know an' folks used to ask mo how much I could do in n day. 'Have you ever tried it?' says they. 'No, never but once, an' that wasn't really a try.' You see, just to show 'em what I could do, I got up one winter mornin' aforo light nn' ground up my ax sharp ; oh! just as sharp, an' went into the wood?. .An I chopped like sixty till about three o'clock in the afternoon, when I thought it was as much as I could pile aforo sundown, an' I went to pilin'. Well, when I had it all piled up it measured twenty-seven cord. An' then I knew sonrtthiu' - was vrrorg, for I knew at tho rate I had been chopping it oughter be more. So I went back an begun lookin' .'round to see what the trouble w-f.s. An' there, right at the fust tree I cut in tho mornin' was my ax-head. You see, the thiug was looso and slipped off, an' I had been choppiu' all day with the bare helve." Motion Advertiser. - Removing" Disabilities. Price M. li. Young, a recent repro seotative in Congress from Georgia, wis a Confedcrato geneiKl and a grad uate of West Point. Ha came to Washington soon after ths war, seek ing to have his disabilities removed. Jle is a fine, niauly fellow, and seems to have accepted the results of the war in good faith. IIo went to Thad Stevens, aud Thad began to play with .Jiim, as he sometimes did with those Jskom he iutended to make hte vic tims. He said : "You ara a graduate of West Point, . T believe?" "Ye?, sir." "Educated at tho "expense of the United Slates, 1 believe, which you swore faithfully to forever defend ?" "Yes, sir." "lou went into tho service of the infernal rebellion?'' "Yes, sir." "You were a brigade commander in the rail intoennsylvania which de stroyed the property of so many of my constituents ?" "Yes, sir." "It was a squad of men uudei your direct charge and under your personal command that burned my rolling will r "Yes, sir." .Young' thought he' was gone, but seeing that tho old veterau had come into the possession of tho last fact, which Young did not dream he knew, it was impossible to deny the truth of Lis question. Thad roared out : "Well, I like your impudence. I will see that your disabilities are removed. Good morning." And the next day the bill passed tho House. A French Lady's Experience. A lady of thirty, a plump and jolly brunette, scti with some anxiety a dark, downy liiTe penciling itself" on her superior lip. Sho does not care to cornpeto with the bearded v man, aud consults the advertisements. She finds just what sho wants a depilatory pomade, warranted to remove tha most ibuoxiou moustache woman had in ive 'applications. She obtains a box ::t a price of ten francs, and follows !ia directions on the label with care. I ho moustache thrives on tho depila ry, and a for a while madam yields the inevitable, and consoles herself y rcfl..'ctit.g that it night Le worse. . hiee or four years roll by, and che .s with alarm that her hair is be :inin' to thin. A trifta of mous ho can be borne, but a bald head ver, and again she has recourse to ; advertisements. Sho finds the ar id bho needs a miracle pomade increase the thickness and beauty her hair. Ou v'-iting tho shop sbu tupeh'ad. It is the samo shop, the . .18 attendant, tho sauij bottle at tho 'tie price, the sunn pomade sj far ho can judge from appearances. '::! tho label has been changed. Tho ithant, on being tevercly examin ', aJiuits that it is tha samo pomade, failed bo utterly lu reuove hair ha turned it into a hair invigora Witli groat joy tho customer a pot uiiii applies it aud her - on falling out faster than SQUARE GRAND PIANOS Retailed at Wholcsalo Prices. iOOOfor S250. S030 for 300. $700 for $300. S800for330. TIIR ! MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO. i 7K STIU'CK Only One Prieo for Casb, nnd a low one. XO DEVIATION. We pive no discount. Wo pay nn agents' mm missions, vhic-h double t !io prices of all l'ianos. Wo look to (lio People, who want n first class Pi.nio nt a fair profit river eost of niiuinftctiiro. YVc appoint tho People our ie;onts, and reive theni our Pianos ns low as any apent ean buy equally pood Pianos of any other mannl'aciurer, pivinp tho People, in n reduced prieo. what is nsnnll v expended in commissions, rent, freight, in'vi'uii'r ami incidental expenses. Tho "Medelssohn" rhino Co. enn sell you h "J octavo rosewood euso it.no,0 I'ect 10 inches loop, with front round corners. carved leps serpentine and plinth mould ings, wiui improvements, including Full.Iron Frame, Over Strung Pass, Agraffe Treble, niul French Grand Action, which only accompany tho best Pianos nf tho most celebrated makers, nt the very low price of .-!(, $275 or 300, Recording to stylo of ease, or with four round cor ners nnd full nprafl'o for $ !.-0, and guaran tee them i?i every respect equal' to any Piano made of similar stylo, or no salo. The "Mendelssohn'' Piano is manufac tured from the verv best materials, nnd by tho most idcilled and finished work men. The manufacture is condueieil by one of tho most experienced Piano lmimf facturors in the country. This is no new ciUorpivIs?, tinning out a poor nnd. cheap piano, made from green wood, and by iri oener mechanics. Otr Pia.io is unsurpassed bv any in the market for its rich r.nd powerful tones, and its adaptation to ilie. human voice in sympathetic, mellow and rinsing qualitici. It speaks for itse'.f. We tiro willing to place- it hc-dde nny other make of Piano on its merit-j, cither in he.-utty of cave, or excellence of tone, and "at half the money" of oqually good instruments. "The best tho cheapest" When it costs the leat money. All Pianos 1'ullv warranted for live yea: s. Kund for our Illustrated nnd Pe'scrin tive Circular. The "3!eiidclssoha" Piano Co., Ofiioe of Manufactory, Si) nKOA LtWAY, N'. Y. C3f Ij u' bi:hi!;o- for HARD TISVIES. CHiiiGt VGUi! SURSOUKDIiiGS. All Avanting Fruit Farms, especiall ad apted to tho growth of tho Vine, where it is an established success nnd pays largo prolit. Tho land is also adapted to tho growth of Peaches, Pears, Apples nnd sniyll fruits ; al.so Grain, Grass nnd Yeg ctablcs. Many hundred of excellent Yineyai s, Orchard. aud Farms, can now bo seen. The" local ion inoulv:!! miles south, of Philadelphia, by Railroad, in a mild, de lightful climate, and nt tho very doors of tho New York nnd Philadelphia Markets. Another ltailroad liuw direct to New York. The place is already large, successful. nod prosperous, fjiurcnes, V'lioo!s, and ether privileges are already established. Also, manufactories of Shoes, Clothing, (ilass, Straw Goods, and other things, at which different members of a family can procure employ incut. It has been ii health resort for somo years past for peoplo suffering from pul monary affections, Catarrh, Ague, and de bility;' many thousands have entirely re covered. A new brick hotel has just been com pleted, luO feet trout, with back buildings, four stories hizh, including French roof, and all modem improvements for the ac commodation of visitors. Pricw of Farm Land 25.00 per acre, payable installments, within the period of four years. In this climate, planted out to vines, 0 acres of land will count fully as much as Kill acres further north. Persons uiuiciiLiainted with fruit grow ing can bscome familiar with it in a short t'tno on account of surroundings.' Five acre, one acre, and low n lots, in tho towns of l.andisvillc and Vinokmd, also for sale. Whilst visiting tho Centennial Kxhibi ti"i), Yinuhuid can bo visited "t small ex pense. . A paper containing full information, will Le- sent upon a .plication t i I'i lltl.l;.S K. LAN Ills, Yinehind. N. J., free of cost. Tho'foliowf.ip is an extract from a de scription of Yinoland, published in (lie New York Trihuno, by tho well-known Agrit'uhurint, .'viU.n llohiii.son: All the farmers were of tho "v.clltodo" sort, and wane of them, who have turned tlK'ir attention to fruits air I murk'-t irard eninp, have grow a li-i,. 'J'l.i.-s.il i-1 .fir., varying from sanirr to clayey, and surlaco gemiy undulating," inter-cctcd with small streams and o:-c:isi;,i;;ii wi t meadows, in vhi-h depo.-ts of peat or muck are stored, Hii.'licieiit to fertilize tho whole upland sur face, alter it has been exhausted of its natural fertility. It is certainly one f the most extensive fertile tracts, in an almost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant farm ing, that wo know of this side of tho W ast ern prairies. Wo found somo of the old est farms apparently just as profitably productive as when iirst cleared of forest lirty or a hundred years ago. The geologist would soon discover tho cause of lhi:j continued fertility. 'i ho whole country ii a marino deposit, and all through tho boil wo found evidences of calcareous substances, generally in tho form of indurated calcareous marl, show in:.' many distinct forms of ancient shells, of tho tei tiary foi'ui.ilion ; and this marly Kubrii.iiico is scattered all through tho soil, in a very comminuted foi iv, and in tho exact condition most easily ussimmdated by such plants as tiio farm r desires to cul.ivatc, l.'n JOB WORK DONE AT THIS 'REPUBLIC Air OFFICE At Vie lowest ca& price, neatly, prompt hj, and in shjU equal to that cf any other establishment in the Di&iriet. -to;- BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CA11D8, VISITING CARhL, SCHOOL CUiDS WEDDING CAKDS. PKOOEAMMi:.1.!, INVITATION 8, BALL TICKICTS, ADMISSION TICKETS,; OJfTEIIi Y WTATI 251 2 STB, ENVELOPES BILL HEADS LETTER HEADS, KOTE HEADS, CIIICULAI13, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGEiiS. HANDBILLS LABELS, SIIIPrLNO TAGS, Ac a Vs&a feu u PKsJ iED AT LAST I A TRIAL Will IN.V0r?K ITS POPULARITY .5 -A . ... , -.-. ' '' v -' ., ti. -v-;.i - " iVV':""""" Mi MM MM WMi TTheu oncn nsrv? will retain i'a llnco foiavcr, IT 13 CTlFBuU! F01 ITS rXVAMTArrs. IN T!!AT II 13 CNR CP TK" LAFfiHSf ftv.'i,! MA0HIM3 .JIAWUFACfllRfeO. f i'APiri) rwt 10 1H-i tSli OF 1 1.S FAf.'ILY 0H TKE VVt.K- fitnr. ir has tie iauccst sMiimn. wim a RO'Mifj t::at iicllo Attiosr a si cot "i'.IREAO. :' THE :ii!ITTlC TENIIOfl IS f.C'USTASt K WITHOUT IIE.M0VISQ T.U UilUULE FKOM TH tvACHIMS. tiiio r."Ac::iN5 is ?o constructfd that ti-is power? 13 APrLicn turitoiiY OVER Hili MCUDLti, THUS FNA2LIMG IT TO BEV TH ii HCAViEST MATERIAL WITH DM EGUALtD F AGE; IT IS VERY SWiPl.K IN ITS CONS.TI1UCTION, DHUABLE A3 litON AND ?TEFL CAN MAKE IT, ALL ITS WtAHINH rARTS CASE-HARDENED C'H STEI'l., AND INCtNIOUSLY I'ROVIDCD WITH MEAN3 FO'l TAKIMG UP LOST MOTION, GO WE AfiE JU3-Tlllt-DIU Vr-iT-nilng Every Kschina for 3 Ycarp. IT IS THE LIGHTEST ANO EAIEST-nUNM'MG MACHINES THE MARKET. IT 15, ALf.O.THE .,OST Ft AISOHATI LY ORAMCNTEO AND F'RSTTSEST MACH-.NE F.VER PFSOtUCFO. V;!Til ALL Tlll-S ADYA'CTASSS. IT IS SOLO rno--.! fir, to $25 i.ti,'j i;u:i c-rni:ii fii.si- CLASS r.'AC?i:KES. E.T! .0SIV5 C0MTRCL CP TCRHIVCRY GiVEN TO Af.rrjTS. EXTRAORDINARY I'.'DliCEf.-c.MTS CFFEP.l!) FUJI CA?H 0?l 0 J ChLDir. ENU FOR CU:CtiLAI(3 AND TERMS T SZS I'.uc'id A vennc, WAM T 10. C L. L.Li.lli 0y 0 V A. ):AT.1)V,-1X, Y:V.-;.-.u-, I 'a., Av;, for Witl icil C'(!i.iitv, i.i i.) BLACECEG, a to.'fiuMT roi.isn i:lac ;:i.i am i.j:.vTi;nt rarsf kvativ!. lTx ports nvA Pnircs'-.ltmal '.o:.(l.!.n i.s in New York, i:id :iUthcrl;ii C'i!it';i'.s viiiT, tliis l:!r.cl;ir..; lin.i linen iatrod.nod, ho Ktovi. (!j;o'il" !!j iri''i-ity ovi-t-ui! import ed or tioinf-stic J;liH'l;iiif,s in usi. :is mi I'dcgant lVdii h nml (.V.nscrvcr v'.' l.i alitor. F.Kby's 'T.ost" mai kiii!'- lm :i Ttcd ar.d Ulitci I.ubc. Dii 11 t lio decoiv cl by :ic-fi-ptinq; our ''Standard'' ll:it'Uin;r in p'tv.'e of "Host, " Tin) Stiuidmu tja.) ti-c ia'.ol stnnipod into tho tin cover. This brand is mado to toaipi to widi o!lir A tnpriiMti mil fii-mh ji::t:i.i;;'vi, b'.:t is iiiforioi tf our "li'-st.'' l!ixl)j''n "ilcKi'' ;;:ickin will save i(n entire cost in the v. car i.f your l oots ut.d Fl.CCS. IIOL'S E KE E '.'KliSTlt Y Bixby's French Laundry Blue, IN 8iETi:;; Jlo.XFS. Tho most eoiivf.'idout and ('i'oio.iii'.i-;d I ackao, and tho only combined li'.caoli Hnd Kittrin lVvdcr in fe. a. m. iuxi;y a- co., Manilla, tnrin.'jr C'liOinists, II kv. 17.1 A 175 WiiKiiin-ton ,St., .'. Y. H I 55 3 A ff. Tj ii Tlie CiioajK.-sl Soap t!-..it can l o ned foi tiio following rc:i-on.j j 1st. Ono Lur will o ftr two of any otlitr, 2d. Only half tiio usual rubl,i:i;; bi in; romiirnd, tlioro is a saving of jnoro than tho cnliro .-Ht i f tho N;.a; m labor aloii'.'. 5J. The clothes arc made Sui t !, ('loan and whilo wiih'jtit iloilinu; -r Scald ing, thus nil injury to tho ::i i-;avoii!-cd. 'I'lu-ro is u M-.vinp: in And tuid hard work, and tho wash.in;; is donu in about halt lo usual time. It is also jutaranlood under a jf-!ii'.lty of fifty dollars not to injure tho ; lies or hands, and us (.no trial will ( liable any person to ascertain tho truth of Uie.-'o i-tao nu'i.ts, it would never j.ay tho )ro I'liitoi lo ony-ai'd in an extcusivo system of adv(-rti:dn;r a:id cl.iim su, h decided merit for hisNoap miles lie kne.v fieui j .. it no e.pi in u-.v that it won hi prove I I hi in every lcsm-cx v. ..at is cl.".!oe--t I This U ii!.- a so;.. !,! ;s.,a;, 1 r '1 it. ,iht and Sliasjne p-.u-j:...--t -s. WAiiNr.i!, !;i;oih:s: a co.. YViioj.iCsA!.!-: I'a.m.-v i to u.--, (ieneial Av.eats, 'J 11 I'iiiiade!;-!.;.!, I'a Ci JV EAIUKS, v.anii-t duce a siihuuid book. to ii vlisviumu .M) iixt'i'i-:.Vi-. Nearly t oo j.aires, rich illiislratioiiK, supri b bindiii;;.-., vcjy mi i .u-tive, an I u trcasoiv tho bust and cheapest history of too (.rent Exhibition. Endorsed by 'tho olli cials, press and clergy, i.-s siliiiej; im-in.;ii-iy. One l.aly of no e. j ericiii c has c, caret s.;",o iu lour wcei.s. Act quii kiv if at all. Now or never, l'orluil jMiiir n hi i is ad.ii is-. 1 1 1' l:i:. Kl) j;E'j:-;., pub lishers, J'hiiadel piiia, I'a. VfMTrn ! " t' sell to Merchauts. WiMlli t LU ?.oa month a-.d travel, u.; rxpjii'i' . pa; 1. ie:n Jify. '., f-'t. I,..m. Mo. Cy-l .-liy T-K' 11'. - . '" iEjc s' v VJl '.1.0 --'' ' SULVUUll tiOAP. Tiionot-cnivCuitES 1iiorAt:t.s orrnr. Surf, JiKAi-iit i'.-s tin: C.'Mri k.'chIn', I'bh i.m:; AM) U' Mr.IHl.S li!Ii:i'MAn:.M AN!) C.'H I', IlKALS SOKFS AND AlttlASlDMS OF TlliJ Cuticle and Cim'.nii.uacij Cun i-aiudm. This Standar.l Eti;rnal Krmo !v for Fi cp- tions, Sores tmd Iajnii.'s of tlie SI. in, not REMOVKS 1 KOM TltK Cor. r! r.SIDN ALL l'l I..M- 1SUK.S avisiiifj from loc:il ie.ipm i'.ic . ol lite blood ri'.i.l obstruction of the ports, hat nlso those .rod uce J by the rain nnd wind, siuh r.-. tun nnd heckles. It rendcis the et.' I l' l r. MARTi.orsi.Y ci.f.ar, smooth and im;.r, and beinrj a WIIOLRSOMI? HEAtru u ii i-j f.ir I'lufcrcl.'le to any cosmetic. AU. THE REMEDIAL ADVANTACFS OF Set. rtllTR ISA i lis tire insured HY Tim I : r. : Slam's Stt?)!ilir iooj, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, r( inclies and l'Kl-.-VENTS KllKUMAIiS.M and COUT. It also PISINTKCTS CI.OTIilNC? nnd I.1NKN Clld I-KK KNTS DISEASES CoMMl'NlCA'iTD DY CONTACT V.il!lIiO IllKSON. It dissolves Dandudit, prevents Lald ties, nnd retards grnyprss of ti e hnir. l'liysici.tns speak of it in 1 1 i g,h terms. Pi iccs-25 and 50 Cents per Cakz; per Box (3 Cakes), COc. and $120. N. C The 50 ctat cukes are topic Uio i.ie uf tlics nt Sj elms. "HILL'S HAIH AM) WlitSXKK DYE," lluo!k cr ISrwi), 50 ('eels. 1 1. CuITTESTOX, Vnp, 7 Slilli Av.,lY. jlnsic lias C'lujnns . rincKs ni:i)i. ci:i. . THE BEST m Tij WOULD ! WILL LAST A LIVE 7 .til j.l Lv p 'ly s o;- Tut; cvmojiW! i t hmimhll l k Is ii j h IN PA11.Y I si:. A Slo-l i;,n-.ti! I'm: villi C'.'iril (ifr;!;i. 'i'iie he-t (ah id in t!,e count rv recoin ;ncnd; th.-fe or,.aos. The nicest' i:i.!Jies!. More for the in mi y, and p;io.-. bclor ii. islaetinii than any iiow nnule. 'i'loy e.uii prire tho Orclj-i'fcira!. V 1 v. . . tfc. Vi' i.. . i ;: lllil.'-tiv.!', d (a,-do.;i.:o .-,.. by ,o;.;i, post-paid lo ae.y tiddns.-i, t..oi njiplica lion to 11. S1IONI.M51-.U ; CO., J7 to Ol Cji.csr:- n : ; ., 1' - . New 1 1 .i en, Conn. - JU t'-ijf j. - 0 h : -i r, 5 a. a tu -i 9 o a o 5 o r . 'y n n C.) r 1 1 L'l to U o 7 4 M WATERS' Ci-l-Lctiirlou cli$a:osO!!A N i till l.llif.l Iii-j: 111 i Oil V' ll l .oi l lu-i-U rt in limo over lan.l... 1 1 has ill t l li-!,, a!..il .. Com criohtoii, l.i ril if (I tliic lillil : if ,;i .j fif Ir.D I. a I. ,1111 ' to I v. o i.-al n I:.ilf 1" O; !;;voi c L.'itf, lu lit it l'l 1'ci lr, l hiuM . iittiuy xv il h Ilia rcuilo, tV 4ac-t i ui.. . iri.l iV cIith i! itm. U!.l 1 1 , .:-. t'-A-" VTfi;H (A Ii f - V OKi'111-..Vi'U. A1..I-OM i.lt'lO.VI .-ITIf, r.VI'.VNNI l. i!(.Il.S, C1IAI l.i., ii.sil ol I (til. i ANS, Vii I nt.) tit; I t t'ririi I'ustuatui'.i-i c-1-v lY'ini-c! IttiV 'LASS. AUI-.-'l lililil.l'lAl)!:;!'.! rr,ai-, 'I'uiicii, V:. J Vi ol ll iiiiii:mii i,t i.iiiii..ii:.y ( lll.t;ril.(ii tl. ariiuils d li.i- l-!V I.AKS. i'lcu i:- i:Tii i.ai v i.ow cat.u. iWoiitlily liisiullineiOit 11 i clvi il. A l.iiit riil iinialoul t" 'it't--krrs, Mir 10V1V, l"-u Si l.oid, (f;'.Al;l..V'l'N V . N'l H.i riiii imiiu'c- liiciilN to I In. I r ii iii'. I .luM ri'.Ii'd rutitl..i;iii-i J)i itllt'il.t'rii.i.l-liiiiiil I ic.i I'll it 1 1- ii; all O-i ui li.il'fciiiiiN, liuLAi K W'A'i Lj.S ..., ilaiiuiai-liirfi'H tfil l)..filri!, l. i: S i lln, Ki-l' KT, IMON ISQCAiJi;, NiiVV V lio a, UCC7. Cl'i'l.-it KH.1-' fir the IVr, - I :, , 3lt w ,li pa., . IlffiCElFIi. r.NTii;i;;,Y iii-:wi;hti:n p,y niv Altld'Sf Will I I. l;s r. i:iiy ;-i-i'..i i;t t, Ihinled fr.-ni New Type, and iilu.-inK, ,i wilh severed 'I h..o: im,. l'.n ,e,rn'in;'.s nr..! Mav-;. ' ' Tl.'wm!: i.tt'.'nallv pi,' I ',.,! inidcr ;l . .tlib- -r 'l'l! M NJ".V M f:lt!-. N ' c 1 .( 1. I'.i i'I. v:w conii!clcd io p-c:;, lonce w hi.-h time, lb" w i 10 ; o 1 1' ', t w j. I. a.-, la'.-ini.'il in all rirt - i f the 1; S Ii! i'i, '.!,d 1 !'.. si L mil 1 1 cm 1 1 i 1 1 1 f 1 1 : x v !,!,.i. ,c l.il.in in ct: br.iii.h f "i nee. lol l cine, ami iwi, have unJoc.-t (ic editors and 1 ul'lislicrs to i bnol p t,, nil exit. I- and l ooi'oujrh reviio;i aiei f.. is -i'e a new oditi 1:1 1 ..litli-d YH:rinEniCf,SCYCl.C?.T.O?A. iiliiil the he I ten ycain (he pin. re-m r ( dire ''. cry ill every depart incut of himw! ed . o has n:a lo a new worii of n .'ercnee mt i m p ;M e want. The iiiovcimtd of polifiej.d aD'air:! haw' hci.t pic " v. i!h the diHcoveries of ncionoo, -avil Ihi :r fruilnl apiliciitii.n I 1 the IndiiN t! : d aa I n-efrd arts and the c ai cnii nc ii od 1 e: nt incut oi soeiid IPr. ilrial, v low and con? i ouciil re vol nt ions h:i o eeciiri 1 d, i-i nl in;; n.nionnl clianj'cs ci' ptcn'.iar monieot. '1 he." iv d win n i.ia- invn cuiiii fry, v-loeh was at- its le - i - - . t wb ui the VO; II HI c l.f !l" eld Vol - j, pp( hp- pi I v b. '. ,1 ended, nod a 111 v coo r j( i.-t com . met eial a nd in. 1 o:-l 1 ial u-iiv.ly Ii.m l..(-cu .- .'.inoeiiei 1!. ,ar,:e aeces?ions to nur (;i.iii;i;.i;.'ii'.i. knowiei'cij II,-.ve been made by Iho indefat;,ah!o (.v. plorers of Africa. The (.Tc.i. 1 oliiic.d rovoliillon of t.'.n hist ileca le, v, p h the le o rai n suit of f hit l:rp"e of time, h-ive I m -iivht into pnhlio view a miillitmb. of mv; men, v.-lunn I'.-.me:. t (-. 111 ev ery oia ' mouth, Hiid of v. ho. e lives every one is curious to kunw I h' .articiihii-s, '( Il eal bait ii x Iihvii. been fetijvht and impoi tiir.t sie-ro.H mr.iiitniricd, of v. Iiich 11, e ti Is are u yet pri kcimii! 0. 11y oi llic i:i iv .iip iim or in (ho tnumieut publieaiioH i of the day, but vvhieh wtl.iljt le w to t.'l.e their place in ri;;!iiAhT. and .h'them'ic insTiM. In prr.pai'i.ie. the prcsenl rdi!i'n for C11 pr ,-s.lt h,.- i.e. ord.i''. ly bee:! !!. c.iin of ;hu i-iiitoia !o brinj-ibiwn !io inloi niatien to the lah'.-t p.o..i-ib!" dales, red to (nrnhh nu e-":i ;'c '.ei-oen! ii ,1 in r.-t reeniit di-.-1 011 rii s 01 srit o- e, of every fn-sh ;.'i-.)i.!ue-ii'. :i in 1 .ferat'iie. .1:1 I . f li.e i-.ev,vvt if. vtis t.oosin l e praeli.el v.rb', as i;l! in x-j ulv ' saeein, 1. :,;id 1 ivdmi! ic-ejd tt tj;g piO'l-eSS of I t ?Ui! l Wis Kl.vrCRH'AL lUtl. 'I !; vri ' l:.".s l.-r-n bivi-n aiter Ivb eaieiol 1 m ii mine,:-;,- ii-.h.u-, uui v.l'.i.i ll-s lii.-l ;-.!.ip!i te.-ol!re--s for e.o iy i i) it orj a su. ci ,,.;',: ti'rniiuu!:.n. Nomi of .ho oi-l-iKal htfceol rp A.iir have been :i.-ed, but every 'iu:o h'i 1 iM.Mhli f':; r-.rv; iu K rm'.m; l-.i f.t -i a new f.'yeloptvdln, wlt! the Kniue idao ai'd et-inpais nn it predo eesior, but wiili a far Kreater nocunittry e.vpeiidi'.iira and wi'.h.sm h h.iproucmsnu i:i Ks eoniposiiioii as lan e been Ktiyjivit-od by loic'ei e..ei ion v end enhiravd k'u.w I-ed.-ro. v.-hic'i me Int-"dti.-ed fortlio f.rnt lir,o , ihe p.cMiM 1 uhion have been nd.h'd not bo- tic f e ..f jicl .i -.:! c'-eet. he.t- to pvu 1. ii ai. r hi i hte and he. o to the ovpl.u.ii Imns in the io!. 'I l.i v cmhraf.. id! bimieci-., f ,; I . - iii-.- and .-I nali.r ii hi.vlorf an I oepief (I,,- most !a;n.-i..i and renmrha ble li-jiiii'e.i of scenery, iichi :ict o 10, nnd art, :is i d ;t 1 .ii: v.n io.i-. procevsvs of i..( . b ode. 0:1. I ii;;:!i-,::l:ii., -!thoi'u jlit'-leh'.; inr :i:'-'.n.ej;..ii r.hf-r ih.'oi em - in sine taoir ARTISTir UCI'LlI-XfL '1 !e co-.t of ;, execution isoia'.rnienn and it is hi fi.i: 1 t!iey v.id Ii mi a w t-loonrs icc(. (:on as an a.lmirabh. fiutnre of ih" ryelepa dia, and worthy of it. iihili t Inn -ji-Ii r. 'fhisvvoiK is si-h to n.hsi ribcr oe.lv, l avrbloi n d. -livery of each votnr.m. )t wil! he cmi h :,: I'.Y'.rY. .1 l.n: -. Oc.'avi 1 tihiinrs, (. acb :t;ii.i I'fcT alio lit Noll pa"CM billy i;;Us;ia!.d with several thousand U .ad l.i ravin.-s, ,;l:! wli!; numoiu ml r.-d !.;th .;;raphie Al.ips. I-h-e find i'tyio of niuCl.nc : In extra Cloth, per volninn - - frj CO J" '' "''""i I'cr v..!. - - it (mi .1 JLiiiiM", inoioi i-o, ni-r vol. . 7 fx) 111 nan 1.U--S1 1 exira i-i I. ncr (, . . k in in bid morocco, ai.tapie, ,L cdyOSI r ' ' - 1SC0 itl In!. I.ussjm, u r ol. - - JJ CO llFiTSS YOLVilU ITCT EEALY. Siie.-eedh'.'r volumes, until completion, v:d be issued one;, in t-o monllis. ,. : .-pc.-i)-,:(. pa-;es of TllO . liU.rie.Tl .m I -ii e-oa, shovvir..; tvi.e, i t! ust rations, lc., win be si m j rfjijs 011 nj.j liciaion. "trst-CUfAX ('iii-'i,v..i'.-;7 .-I ym! Yntr.l. Ai'dros the I'libii.-hers, i. Ari'i.iroN .v co., ;A "' !' i' e d Urea.! way, K. Y 1 j , - I' J - I . s , . . ' 1 5 v . il'.. I I - "re . . . 1 -.'- . 1 .1 '. ti C.'ici.-.i.; :j " 0 -'" ' ' "" i-itd W'ii,...ii to !, .,. ,, W .. : i-;. i -.i: rin . tuuu.-ns , e. b I. u:l i- ,: .ry v, bil . prai-tlcino v. Ii M.ioH'. .- it I'.KM X 'i i.-i 1 . i : 1 11 1 1 1.. 1 ft .:!. I . !:n. l .