WEDXESDATMORMXB, APR. J5, TS77. nonouGH officers. . Ilurac .Ton n A. l.n. Oi iw if in m J. V. Robinson, S. A. Hrnor, A. If. Partridge. O. V. Sawyer, ,J. Vim (iiosen, VV. J. lb.berl. Jttxtit'.t of the l'eitee I). S. Knox, C. A. thiiidaU. ( 'mmtnlile If. K wii'Tgnvt .School )i rurtorx II. IT. Mav, IT. O. la- I.i, H. II. lfnslet.A. lb Kt'llyiU. W. Eob iis'.in, T. J. Van Oirseu. . FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Prf.tiilmt JudyIt. I). WkCjiw! k, AXOciltttt JtlltrCN Jos. (i. Il.xi.n, Eo ivaiio K Kit it, Tren.nirer S, .T. Ki; tothonlari, lleyixter ' Tteeordr.r, ifr.-i- J. W. Ol.AM,'. Sheriif Trvrix SlIAWKKY. ltnmiitHrs Et.l JJkki.IN, Isaac I.QXd, JotlX IlKCB, 'Vm(h.i Superintendent 'II. S. Hltonc WU. Oixtriet Attorney S. 11. Inwiv. .! tinmmisxiaiier II. .. Towjckr, t.VMAN Cook. f.i.i fiia-veiior T. 1). Col. its. Wo r M . iT TT KI., .1 It . (vvti Avditorx NifHot.AH TuoMl nx. J. It. Nkii.i., II. A. Zi'iixnn.i,. Afomhrr of Cmutrrxx Uyai. A. Jksks. iMOiil'idi-J. II. AflNKW. LOCAT- AND MISCELLANEOUS. Iltv. Allen will prencli at tto M. K. Church on Sunday evening next. Dr. lijjbcrt liu.s finally conclud ed to locate in l,,rylurjr. Wo Impo lie will liave nil extensive i'acticc. A boat load of evergreen trees Iiaed lhi place down tlic river lust week. Tlio enterprising flouting tuir nervman made pcvernl sales here. All our farmers ato putting in out this week. It is presumed that Forest County litis more land -under cultivation this koiih.'U thiui for many years before. J. Y. Saul informs v.x lliat he will have ciu.-nmbeis nnd lettuce ready for the table lliid week. Tliis ii a little the carlies-t gardening ever done, in this neighborhood. J. E. Wenk slaughtered thno in olfentdve wild dui ki on tho river vesj U'rday. Ducks Imve not. been very plenty this j car, nn'd we urc nearly lipaii ing of seeing any pigeon this epring. --Nearly n'l ti e gardens ia town r already plowed, and now every body is looking out for seed potatoes. Tho only lot wo know of having been ald hero recently brought SI. '25 per bushel. Mr. J. L. Craig has cotuludod to take bid chances in the Fi-slier liou.-e lor another year, Hunter not. having built that bonne for him on the other kidw ol the river as talked of eoine time eiuce. Quito a number of rafis from up the river went dow n ou Monday lust. There ha been rather more lumber nnd timber come down tho river from Above thU point than we were led to expect. W publish thii week the Trial list for May Term of Court. There lire not ho ninny ch-scs on the list as usual, but many of them will bb in teresting to those who have the costs i pay. Meesr.. Derickson &, Co. are about putting up anot'ier Btavo mill, to be located near Tyleieburg. They have contracted lor a large quanity of 4itdt, and will undoubtedly make n jrood thing of ibis new venture. White vests are comiug in again, cud occasionally wo hear anxious iu juiiies after etraw bats. Low tdmes, t ilton socks uud dusters will foon be t'ie fashion, nnd then we may bo sure lliat our Centennial wintci is over. Tho potato bug is bound to give tis another racket this year. We hear of these littlo btriped petts being turned up in great numbers by the pl iw. This will bo a good year for tho sale of Paris Given willout doubt, ai no ono ever wants to sea another potato famine. Keports from all portions of tho tvhi'at growing regions of the Missis sippi anil Ohio Valleys, indicate that tho crop of winter wheat will bo g.jod this season. We uiippose that on the strength of theso reports tho price of Jlour will drop, immediately. At least it if; to be hoped the. I this will bo (he effect. At Wheeler & DuseuburyV Khin le mill in I?eaver Valley, on tho loth inst., tho boys made fouiteen and one- piarter lliouriand shingles on an end cutting machine in fourteen minutes b .-s than twelve hours, (iro. Knot is tho head Hawyer, and Jas. Kelly littod the timber. Fiom tight to ten thous f'l ii coiijideicd u:t nverags day's VVjlk. At the ndjonrncd Court held on Monday last, the question of the dis position of costs in the late contest was decided. It will be recollected that after the decision of Judge Wetmorc on the contest, tl.o respondent's attor ney asked for a rule to show that thoro was no probable cause of action on tho part cf the plaintiHs. Tho rule to show causo was granted. If the couit had decided that there was no probable cause of action, the costs in t lie case would have been' la'd on the shoulders of tho petitioner;?. The d udge, decided, however, that there was prob able cause of action, which left tho county to pay' tho costs. His honor made on order that the costs and fues of tho Comr.iissioner in t h i case, nnd the Prothonotnry should be paid by the County. He then asked tlu con testants if they could not agree to ta,( h pay their own witnesses, so that the County would bo caved that' ex pense. Mr. Agucw agreed to pay ono-half of all the costs, including tho fees of Commissioner and Prothono tnry, if Mr. Haslet would pay the other half, but said that if the county was allowed to pay any of the expense, it could pay it all as the law requir ed. His Honor would not entertain Agncw's proposition, so the foes of the witnesses were loft until the next Court, iu May, when there is nothing to do but to mako an csrder for tho county to pay this part of tho costs ns well as any other.- Tho Commission er's bill was rendered at $281, aud the Piothouotary's at $100. Mr. Agnew informs us that the fees of his witness es will auiouut to about $80, and that his opiiii.-n is that those of Mr. Has let's witnesses' will tunotiut to about ?10(). Here, then, we have n total cost to the county in this contest of C5U1. 'Of course this is considerably more than but at is also very much less thau the innunierablu thous ands of dollars which wu have been given to understand this contest would cost the county. 43vpry spi ing sinco wo came to this place vc Lave had to chronicle fires in tha woods, most of which have undoubtedly been started by mali cious persons or those interested in bin ning c iT the leaves that tho grass might spring up as pasture fur their stock. -Tnesa fires are always mare or less attended with destruction of property in the shape ef fences, tim ber, wood, Ac. This spring is no ex ception to tho rulp. We have already Imard of instances of parties living on Dutch Hill who have hnd to fight the fire nil night to save their fnce.s. Notwithstanding the regularity cf these fires, nnd tho laws making the incendiaries liable to heavy penalties and imprisonment, no one has ever been punished for this crime. It would be a fine thing if some ono of the per petrators of these outrages could be caught ami dealt with according to law. It might fcerve as au example to others an 1 prevent tho useless de struction of much property. 7- The first steamer that has been up this fir for several years made its appearance on the river on Sunday morning last, and tied up below the bridge. It was the "Iron City," of Pittsburgh, nnd came up after those barges of Collius & Ilolhrook's at Hivk'yiy. It was discoveicd, bow ever, after trial, that the' boat could not gel up over Middicton Bar, and thi trip was a failure. Shortly alter noon, tho boat turned around nnd steamed down tho river. We sup poso it will ba up again the first good l iso. Everybody besides all the news papers are satisfied that Ilussia aud Tin key will have war; also that the conflict between these two powers will inevitably draw othor powers into the sl rife ; also that America is to furnish all the arms for all tho powers which are to bo ecgoged iu this fearful strug-gle-of the future. Consequently Ameri ca is bound to livo and thrivo and make money and flourish while all other countries arc lo bo impoverish ed and have their able-bed icd men killed o(f. Ferd. Weiik's oiian ran away on Monday morning, btartiog from Hi laud street and running due north on Klin St., for a distance of about twen ty. .rJ.s. By tho bcroio and r.gilo ef. i'oi -fo of Messrs. F. L Mabie and J. E. Wenk tho lightning speed of tho run aways was iheeked, and the team luiued around and driven back to the place whore they started from. By the prompt action of Mabie and Wenk j a rtliuli j oxiduit was J O doubt HVClt- I ci. Mrs. Alexander Ilcnngo nged "G years, died at her residence in this place on Friday night. Her funeral took place on Sunday. The services were conducted by Rev. Elliot in the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Ilennge was a hard-working, diligent woman, and undoubtedly her death was has tened by tho vast amount of heavy work she did upon a sewing machine. Slid was a woman who was entitled to aud had tho respect of nil, always at tending religiously to her own n flairs and those of her household. She was a member of the Presbyterian church of this place, ami died with the hope (d'a blcss'id immortality. She. leaves two small children. Itoll on tliou lnittliiv tcinp.THiieo wave, l.'nUl every iimlirialed mmiI is.mjvtvl. ( larion JarLsoiiim. We have seen men awfully drunk. We h i vo heard of men being soaked, pickled nnd preserved in whiskey, but these expressions referred to tire body the mortal coil ; but, Crent Bacchus ! how fearfully nnd wonderfully chunk a man must bo whose immortal soul is inebriated ! However, if there are any such extreme cases in Clarion county, we hope the wavo will roll on until their inebriated souls get sober. Jas. JIuddlcson and Win. Keck came down street one day last week with the news that ther was a lurjp snan on Fleming Bar, seemingly waiting for some one .to go up there and shoot it. So a couple of our chronic sportsmen shouldered their shot guns and Meandered up that way. When they got where tho swan was they found it was an old gander ol Judge Dale's, which had swam the river to get a drink. The t routing season has come and there is net a htrenm within sev eral miles of here which has not been fuhed a dozen times, and still the suckers do not get a rest. Nearly every day (Sunday excepted) Kepler thwiilders his rods, lights bis pipe, nnd seeks same deep b lo in the river iu which to angle for this gaiiia!'S3 fish. There's no estimating how many ho has caught this 'spring. Rv. D. T. Cumthan, of South Oil City, on Sunday evening last preached a sermon suggested by tho Carson Mikesell tragedy, which vas published in full inMondayVs Derrick. It is an able effort, and should be read by oil, and its precepts put into prac tice. Over five hundred were turned away on the evening the sermon was preached, there being no room for them in the church. Col. Wm. T. Alexander has sev ered his connection with tho Clarion Jai-kaouiim. We shall misb his States Rights articles and bis learned dis cussiona of issues that have been dead and buried fur lo! these many years. Tho editorial pages of that paper always heretofore read like some old forgotten nimuseript, and were very interesting as relics of by-gone days. From the Meadville llejmllican we learn that Mr. and Mis. Samuel Iioudebuidi, of Coon's Corners, Craw ford Co., are the happy pareuts of triplets, all healthy, and every baby getting along finely. Tho Derrick once blamed Tionesta with triplets, but such a thing never happened here iu the human family. The old Dalo Store, en River St., caught fire on tho rof on Motiday morning. An ahum was given, and everybody rushed with pails, ladders &c, but some one got ou tho roof be fore the crowd arrived, and with a few pails of water put out the flame. AVm. Y. Siggiiis, caught a trout in Stewart's Run one day last week. which measured about thirteen inches in length. He had no means of weighing it, but is inclined to believe that it will beat Dr. Co burn's largo trout all hollow. Hon. aud Mrs. Juo. A. Dale cel ebrated their silver wedding at their residence, on Thursday evening last, in -the presence of several of their friends Rnd relatives. A basket of the cako was sent to this ofiice, which was duly appreciated and immediate ly devoured. Adjourned Court was 'held on Monday last, Judge Wctmore presid ing. Two days bad been set before on which to hold this court, but for some reason not stated, the President J Judge failed to reac h here to preside in person. Tho Auditors' Repoit of Har mony toivushiji appear thi week. It should have been iu lat week's paper, but we were not intified until I loo lute, bnu;' en toe ieit of them. Thoro are ton thousand Murphies in Clarion County. Send them over hero. They nre worth $1.23 per bushel. Both the remaining schools will close this week, wo believe. It is probable that the schools w ill not start up again until September. O: W. Robinson n'nd wife stinted to Pittsburgh, on Monday evening last for a I rip of a fer days. Busi ness nnd pleasuro combined. Rev. Elliot started yesterday to Erie to attend a meeting of ho Eric Presbytery, of which body ho is a member. His chaigo here, however is within the bounds of the Prcsbyto ry of Clarion. A new bo'ler for Rogers & Lan ders' Mill, where the explosion occur red some weeks ngo with such disas trous results, passed through town this morning. It is to be Imped that better luck or management will at tend the new boiler. Very littlo import.anco is to be attached to tho report that the South ern Democrats will unite, in sufficient numbers with Republicans, to elect a Republican Speaker of the next House. Gratitude has never been a marked characteristic of the Democracy, North or South. Particularly, they have iu vcr been known lo let go a very palpable advantage, and place them telves at a. disadvantage, just as a re ward for favors conferred. They have an idea that they have secured what they have because of the advantageous posi'.ion they occupied. As they have several additional favors to ask, they comprehend that they will get thorn easier by holding on to power, and henco there need bo no confidence pbeed in the talk about a Republican Speaker. llx.. The Louisiana scheme is sub stantially completed, ard tho Demo crats are in power there. Tc-morrow, at noon, the troops will bo withdrawn and the Packard (Jovcrnment will succumb to the force of circumstances. Already, the bulk of his Legislature has gone over to the Nicholls body, and thus given it the vtaim of a legal Legislature. Wo do not imagine til 3 Republican members will surrender their party allegiance, but. will prob ably vote with tho Democrats on mat ters of Stato interest. All nre appar ently united iu developing internal improvements, and if the Democrats are faithful to their promise ns re gards schools, all will bo well iu that particular. We regret tho manner in which thi3 change has bten brought about, but counsel cheerful submis sion on the part of our people. This contest cannot be justified from Re publican points of view. The South ern policy of the Piesident is now complete, and wc have only to watch its issue. There should bo no violence originating on tho Republican side. If wvong exists in the hearts of the Democrncy, they cannot prevent show ing it sooner or latter; and within a year we will have a chance to look at this question from a very different standpoint. Gazelle- Commercial, 23d. Spring. "Now dawns once moro the era of fresh butter, new-laid eggs nnd cack ling hens. Agaiii burst into bloom the bppalica and the hand-organ. Im niaturo veal invades the anguinary market, and melancholy cows go low ing for calves that are not. Chick ens make love under currant bushes, aud tho chameleon tree-toad warbles his vesper hymn from the imperial pc-plav. Litteis of vernal pigglings suddenly populate old hogsheads in sheltered nooks. The cowslip blos soms iu tho vale, and cats wail their ballads of platouif! love and impend ing conflict from the whitewashed battlements of the ben coop. The robin pipes h'i3 roundelay in the sleeper's ear ct dawn, sweet as the solemn song ascending from tho chor al throat of tho unannointed cart wheel. Turtles shout to each other across intervenling marshes, bragging of the posthumous terrapin soup; tho raven glances down with calm sereni ty upon the arable land ; and Iho uu awed angle-worm gazes pathotically up at he roll from tho verge of the avenging plowshare. It is spring." y. y. (iruphii: White, smooth and Soft any lady's hauils, arms or neck may become, who u;cs Ciena's Sulphur Soap. Pimples or other dis figure in cuts of a compiex ional nature, are surely obliterated by this healthful promoter of beauty. De pot, (,'iiiteiiton - No. 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. Hill' Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, 00 c-ts. " U U. M. Isitcrnnl ISt-vcnuci Spo riul Taxes "Say J, 1H77, lo April :M, IfiVS. The revised etatutps of tho U. S., Sections 3232, 3237, 3238, and 3233, requires every person engaged in any business, avocation, or employment which renders him liabh to a Special Tax, to procure and place conspicu ou ly in his establishment or placo of business a Stamp denoting the pay ment of said Spe-cial Tax for the Special-Tax Year beginning May 1, 1877, before commencing or continuing bus iness after April 30, 1877. The taxes embraced within the provisions of tho law above quoted are tho following viz: Keetilirrs Si'M 00 le;ilcrs, rot til li'iuor U. H) 1 lealer , v!io1ps:i1o liquor 100 fill Dealoift in niaU liiittovs, liolos:ilo.. SO (HI pp.ilers in mult liijuors, retail 2(1 00 Iionlers in leaf tobacco Ii") 00 Itetail dealers in lout'tobm-co 5U0 00 And on snlcs of over $1,000, lifty cents for every dollar in excess nf?l,0O0. lValcru in inanu!'aeturod tobacco 5 00 Mann fact u rets of stills .'O CO And for each still man ulacturod.. '20 0") And for each worm manufactured '20 00 Manufacturer! of tobacco 10 00 M:nufacttliers of cigars 10 00 l'cfldlo. s nl' tohac'o, first elass-inon titan two borscs or other animals SO 00 Fcddlors of tobacco, second class two borscs or oilier animals 125 f Peddicr.s of tobaceo, third class our horse or other animal 13 00 lVvM lots of tobaceo, fourth class on foot or public eonveyanco 10 00 Urcwcrs of less than "iOO barrels 50 00 Jirewors of GOO barrels or more loo (iu Any person, so liable, who shall fa 1 to comply with the foregoing require ments will be subject to severe penal ties. Persons or firms Liable to pay any of the Special Taxes named above must apply to James C. Browu, Col lector of Internal Revenue at Green ville, Pa., and pay for and procure the Special-Tax fStamps they need, prior in May 1,187.7, and without further notice. Special-Tax Stamps will be trans mitted by mail only on receipt from the person or firm ordering tho same of specific directions so to do, together with the necessary postage stamps or the amount required to pay the pos tage. The postage on ono stamp is three cents and on two stamps six cents. If it is desired that they be transmitted by registered mail, ten cents additional should accompany the application. GltEKX B. R.WM, Commissioner of Internal Kevenue. Office of Internal Kovcuuo, Washington, 1). V., January 121, ls7. N. B. All iHoney should bo trans mitted by Express, charges paid, in .exchange, by icgistereJ letter, or P. O. order. Individual chocks will not bit received, and all currency forward ed in letters not registered will be at the risk of the tax payer. Prompt payments will save costs and peualty. Jamks C. Brown, Collector. Teachers' Examinations. Examinations will be held in following places : Clarington, April 20. Fagundas, April 30. Neillsburg, May 1. Tionesta, ' 3. East Hickory, " 5. No certificates will be issued to the np- plica nbs who have not studied or read works on teaching. Examinations will commence at 9 n. in. II. S. BROCKWAY, Co. Sup't. MONEY. "We will pay cash on delivery at our mill in Tionesta, for white oak stave and heading bolts at tho follow ing prices : Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord of a ft. by 4 ft., 84.50. Heading bolts 22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 f:., $100. Heading bolts must be made from timber at least 20 inclus in diameter. OHice at Lawrence House. - J. II. Dkkicksos cv Co. 27 tf TIO lS-SIV 3IV1 1 1 Cl-71'S. COr.KECTKD KVF.UY Tb'liSDAV, By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in General Merchandise. Flour barrel ... - fs.oo,!).0:) Flour i sack ... i.lOf.iM2' Corn Meal, 100 tt.s - - . 1.7.'(.i. l.(0 Chop feed - $1 .:-,0(jj l.lio Uyo f bushel .... 7n(.i SO Out H bushel .... .Wi.'jX Corn, O'lfs ..... 40(.j, 1,1 Beans 'rl bushel - 1.50fii,'i..-,0 Ilant, suar cured - - 11 Ilrcfik fast llacon, sugar cured H Shoulders 10 Whitelish, hair-barrels - - - (5.50 Lake herring ba! ('-barrels - - 1.0(1 Su-ar UU,i l- Syrup "5.'';, 1.00 X. (). Molasses .... 7.y,; !li) Itoast llio ColiVo No. 1 'S(:ii Ilio Coll', o, Java Codeo ..... "., Tea .IV.t.I.(H) liulter ISyao Kico ....... in Kja--;, fresh .... 1 :!,,"., 14 Salt 2. 00 1. 1 li.lo hard ll!(.i 15 Iron, common bar .... ;t."5 Nails, lid, Uc:,- .... ;.-,,), J-Oei 1.1 0 I.ime y bbl. 1 .10 l-i( d A pj-les per i ... fi: i 8 i i-j --. i r. r - it is Xew A ili-t T" IHTOFCAVSKSKeto. n f.r trii I J JIhv T-rni, 177, No. I'llf.. ileft. No. Tr. YV 1 It. A .1. J. RcvTlltj 1 Rtr( fit-oo I V I" t Tiw..- lt'-LerU t l Ti. .t. J, t'i.hf f in Mr I -V.llf Ft,Miiln A i i. J'llin rlt rijn 1 Jm'r V W.r 1 -I .1. F. (i,Tl.'ini),T l. C1.rl, llinlun M .;n V.tvA rn. (Jcn-fr MrRnn nli H. f (I ( ( 'rnti r. ll.iV-rl M. C:ir..,ti tl Hip. !., T Julm A. rr.rr f,t ih.j ti. J. T. It. fl-L.tujr ft ai A, Imn 17 y-Lf lTH I flrntirc Mnrrr.ti v.. Klmr X. L.-y-y Tl F-b. l-ra H..H r.,li Cnllln. t. H'M.-n "VMImn m H p. IV- W . m IVnant t. v. Mill. t. ltD(! S- I'TJ II Jw.rf, C-p-T Ju.lii 3hnwk7 7T H.-p. 11 XtM'-a Wlilir.n tt. .! W II lt.-l.lrfr ! " A.t.n'r. if, , !. 174 11 K 111 icj for UU t 1' M Clark t ! M t-. KH II VM Urn LnHrLtiri- vs Lotc.-rt Hudtllni 9 "b. tTt 15 J ,hl ' Tvrrtll r S.'Win Whltnun 1.1 Vch. H;j ld -T VT M.-frimi'J u Clurlw Sfi Cmy 11 V. r,1 IT Jl,n 11 Cii.r u J W Cltil 17 Hp. H; H N,tn:r l)Hii,'i A-l'trr. i. Sr:,h Ann H.-t ( ( a. p. 1 1. W. CLAHK, Piothonotarv. Protlinnotarv's Otlico, Forest t.'o., l'n., April iU, 1877. Register's Notice. NOTK'F is bereby f,'iven that the follow ing Adininislrators and (Uinrdian bavn tiled tluir tinal accounts, and tho samn will bo presented to our next Court for confirmation. II. 11. Stow, fiiiHrdian of f"arnent Stow. .Tamo- It. and Shriver, Administra tors cf JSacob S'triver, deeeuspd. D. W. CLARK, ItogiKtor. April K5, 1S77. FINE GOLD IWAKHEST" 53.Yi:iS WATCIIIIS AND CT !E WIEILiIRY" I Watches, (lochs, Solid and J'iatcri Juwelry, Mack Jewelry. Eye, Glasses, Spec tacles, J'iolin Strings, tc, tfc. AT L KLEIN'S JEWELRYiSTORE, TIDIOUTJJ, PV. WATCHES AND CLOCKS Itopnli-o! nii-l Wnrrantml. LEAVE YOUR WATCHES i w. . iiovarau ntore, j loneam, t'a. WONI1KKFUL (SUCCESS ! 11,000 of tho CENTEUN.AL EXPOSITION . niCSCKllIEl) AND Il.l.rsTKATEl) Sold in fit) days.- Itbeiin? the only com plete, low-price work (770 pajre.s, onf v $2.50) treating of the entire hiotory, giand boll diitiiM. wonderful cxhihii's. ivirinsmw reiti, nays, etc.; linistraterl, nd fl cheap er than any other; everybody wants it. Ono new ajrent cleared t'":.10 in I weeks. 3,000 agents wantod. Send qui iklv for proof of ubovp, opinions of o flic in Is, crgy and press, nainplc papes. full fleerlption and extra (erinx. HUnilAHI) llhOS., l'nl.s., 7:w Sansom St., Philaflelpbia. PflllTinM ewnvo of faNely claimed UHU I IU1, ollieialand worthless books. Send for proof. 4 CM I. A H O M E A N Lf F A R fh O fYOUR OWN, On tlic lino of n ( KE AT HA I LIIOA P.with pood markets both EAST and WEST. NOW IS THE Tl HI E TO SECURE IT. Mild Climate, FertiUi Soil, Best Country for Stock Kitisinjj; in tlio United States. It'H)!;, Maps, Full Information, alno "THE riONIOKIt" sent frectoall perls tr the world. Address (). F. 1A VIS, J, and Com. U. 1. II. 11., Oniaba, Neb. 4'J it UWK WANT f.00 OltK KritST CEASS Si:WlNli MACHINE AOENTH, and .100 men of energy and ability to loarn tho business of selliii!' Sewiii"? Machine!. COMPENSATION El HHKA L, but vary inir iicconliiiff to ability, character and qualification aftho nyent. For imrticn lars address Wilsun Srwins Mtichiue Co., Chicago, 827 and S2!i 15 road way, New York, or Now Orleans, Ea. 4). drunkXrdst6p! C. C. HEEKS, M. 1). (formerly rHo. ton i has u lmi iolesa euro for INTEMPE HANCE, which can bo given without tho knowledge of tlio patlwit. Also . n; fur the OPlUfVJ 3ABIT, Permanent cures guaranteed in both. Si nd stamp for evidence. Ask druggist foe it. ildress 15EEH.S it CO.. Airmini.'- n;u, conn. . . . ... 40 4t PJTHCin'JQ -v matter how KlightK" rLUOIUHO uisal.l-id. Increase-snow paid. Advice and circular free. T. Mu Nl n il Ai:r., All y 707 Samsoin St. PbiU.I'a. S500 X VI()-S'T1I to Active Men 8ol!hf u our Et tter Copying l'.ook. Noprop or water used. Sample worth St. 00 fre-. stamp for ciieiilar. EXCELSIOIl M'F t' C(l., W Madison, and 13 lieurlnn Street. Chicago. 414 E L BOROoSlT MAM ADEEEK'S New Kook. J n lllM;.-l;c.1. Will outsell miy bftok ill t: fieid. TItiH brightest of InuiiorouH boo', is jiro!t:i!y illustrated with tho nu lau-hal h! pictures by Arthur 15. Fr 'ill sell by reason of lis beauty andcncit. I loss. Ni) other book pub' ihe,'l pofseMHn , such general IiIiicks fur the Wants of t present tiinoi. Agents who wish to Dink i!I(i WA( I ES wanted hi every town Tempting tenia and circulars sent, o application to .1. M. ST( I 1A T X CO , 75 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. SS- Tho Best . Kepublican Paper Published i New York. Weekly Commercial Atlvertis OM: D(l Hit ITU il AI. I lKTVt lCN I 1K MV .IIO.NTIIM. Send for specimen copies mid Hub nr II I'lill .1. MASl-JNtis, lJi! Fttltutl Si i, New York "itv. IN1 EEAI'lNii, Psyebomance, i ill ciiiation. Soul i 'l..iiinin-, M . inn, ami Man i te Oimlc, sl.v ; either sex may lascinule and in i.l a I tec l loll (,l any I mis. .(! i ' ft 'Hill v. 400 paces". Pv t it ' ' r.M S. 7l!i n'. i'