., -it Drill. U the West Point military school the cadets are t&ifght to ritlo bare back, to ride without tirrupt, to jump hur dles, to uso the pistol atul saber while riding, to "cut heads to the right and left" and other feats. The' "heads" are leather balls about four or five inches in diameter, which are planed oo posta of various heights. The trooper raoying at a rapid gallop must cut these heads to tho right and left, and also cut heads renting on the ground, the last a rather diflicult feat whn done to tho left, compelling the rider to swing the saber over his bridlo li.tnd and to reach down from a bcrt-e sixteen hands high. They also cut heads with the right and left at the instant of jumping a hurdle. The most skillful mancerec is the cutting of a head upon the ground between two hurdles placed about forty feet apart, the trooper riding nt full speed and cutting to the right and left in the intervil between leaping the hur dles. The trooper is also taught to turn his his horse at u full gallop in a circle of four yards in diameter. Most of these feats nre performed in the riding hall, n ronni about one hundicd and ninety feet long by sixty-fire wide, with a tan-bark floor. The parade ground is about three hundred and fif ty yards long by one hundred and fif ty yards in width. Seventy-five horses nre kept in use, the stables accommo dating about one hundred. The ani mals are cared for by a detachment of regular soldiers provided for inch ser vice, the cadets being too busy to per form this duty. . - A Romantic Marriage. A marriage occurred in London re cently which possessed some romantic features. A few months ago a para graph in the papers described a melan choly accident which befell a young man while out shooting. A stray phot entered one of his eyes and extinguish ed it. This gentleman was highly edu cated and connected, though without fortune, and he was only twenty-three years of age. He was brought to his lodging house in London, where he suffering. But a wealthy and hand some young widow, on whoso estates he happened t5.be shooting when the accident occurred, came and took up her abode in the same houso in order to nurse him. Her care was extended through several weeks, but, alas! the other eye sympathized with that which had been put out, and it, too, was ex tinguished, leaving the youth and scholar hopelessly and totally blind. But the pretty widow was equal to the occasion. 8be proposed o him mar riage. The result was a splendid com- pany angnting at tne door 01 a lasn lonable church in the neighborhood ; beautiful dame of thirty, attended by her two little children leading a blind youth of twenty three to the altar, there to endow him with all her ex tensive worldly goods ; and the two are now enjoying their honeymoon on the fine estate, where the gentleman may meditato on the ancient sayings which declare fortune and misfortune to be near neighbors. o "Men are like hymns," remarks an exchange. There are short-metre men, sharp, blunt and hasty there nre long melre men, tlow, weighty and digni fied ; thero tire ualirilujuh-ractre men, mercurial, fervent and inspiring; and there eighths-and-sevenths men, gentle, genial and delightful. There are also some "peculiar metres." You can always tell when a buzz saw is going or not by simply feeling of it, but it generally takes about ns long to find the ends of your fingers as it would to havo gone and asked the foreman of the chop if the thing was in motion. "What is the matter, Julia, you look as sorrowful as a sick lnpdog!" "O, don't perplex me. that's a dear! my grief is too great for utterance. I've had such an awful vision! I ac tually dreamed that Rosa Smith had got a new silk dress !" The husband who informed his wife six months ago that he would let her put out the washing as soon as times improved, has kept his promise. lie lets her put it out on tho line. And till she is not happy. i'Sing Sing," shouted tho brakeraan, as a Hudson Hi ver train slowed to that fetation. "Fiv years for refresh ments," yelled a passenger with short hair and bracelets as ho rose to leave 1I19 car in charge of a deputy sheriff. Noblonck had a surprise party at hi house the other evening. It wasn't his fault that his wife caught him hugging the servant girl. And it isn't her fault if he succeeds in reaching the office in a month. No Irishman ever made a greater hull tiau the English lawyer who !rew up an indictment charging that the prisoner killed a man with a cer tain wooden instrument called an iron pestle. "Bless you," oaid John Henry, with tears, "she take her owa hair off so asy that perhaps she doeiu't know it '. jrts to have mine pulled out. She was telliog a female friend how " try Jane quarMed with her "feller," !, iaid she, "Wby, if you heard 'em you'd think they wera married." ! of spring. A South Nor , firm turns out 12,000 SQUARE GRAND PIANOS Retailed at Wholesale Prices. 600for$250. ftGSOfor S300. s700for 300. 8800 for 9SBO. T1TR "MENDELSSOHN'' PIANO CO. i. 7K STni'CK hard rmcrcs. Only- Ouc Prieo for Cash, and n low ono. NO DKVIATION. , "Wo Rive 110 discounts. We pay no agents' commissions, which double tlio prices of nil l'ianos. Wo look to tlio People, who want a first class Piano at a fair prolit nver cost of manufacture. Wo appoint tho l'cople our nifmts iitlil (fivn Hmm mi l2niu 1,.... as any nirent can buy equally Rood Rhinos of any oilier manufacturer, irivinir tho RPlDle. in A rol lldvl nriciv whnt iu n.nnllv expended in commissions, rent, freight, irsvenmrnnn incidental expenses. The "Medelssohn" Piano Co. can sell you a 7i octave rosewood cwo rsiu,fl loot 10 inchos lontr, with front round corners, cavvod loirs, norpntir.e and pi mil) mould ings, with improvements, ineludinir Fnlljron Frame, Over Strung Hour, Agraffe Trehls, and French Grand Action, which only accompany the best Finnos of l.tnut ..1 1 .a . . .in - iiiwnu in'iriii ni-ll IllKKCrH, at mo vorv low price of f-j.r)D, &i75 fr 8300, according tO tvl Of CltHO- fir lvilh filllf rniin.4 nr.. norland full agraffe for $!.r0, and puaran- mem . in every respect equal to any i i;m NiiKio 01 similar stylo, or uo nale. The "Mendelssohn" Piano is manufac tured from the very best material, and by tho most skilled and finished work men. Tlio manufacture is conducted by one of the most experienced Piano manu facturers in the country. This is no now enterprise, turning out a poor and cheap piano, made from yieen wood, and by irrecner mechanics. Onr Piano is unsurpassed bv anv in the market for its rich and powerful tones, and its adaptation to iho human voice in sympathetic, mellow and sinking qualities. It speaks for itself. " o are willing to plaoo it beside any other make of Piutio on its merits, either in beauty of case, or excellence of lone, and "at half tho money' of equally rood instrument. "The best the cheapest" When it costs the leaf money. All Pianos Tullv warranted for five years. (Send for our Illustrated and Inscrip tive Circular. The "Xfndclssohn" Fiane Co., Office of Manufactory, 50 RROA DWAY, N. Y. OXXY KEJIKOYFOR HARD TIMES. CHANGE YOUR SURROUNDINGS. All wanting Fruit Farms, espociall ad apted to tho growth of tlio Vine, where it is an established success and pays lars prolit. Tho land is also adapted to the growth of J caches, Fears, Apples and snull fruits j also Grain, Grass and Veg etables, Many hundred of excellent Vineyai a, Orchards and Farms, can now bo seen. The location js only 'M miles south of Piiiia lolphla, by Railroad, in a mil l, dc litrlit r'nl climate, nnd nt the very door oi mo r.ow ioi-k ana riniaueipiiia Markets. Another Railroad runs direct to Now York. The place is already lartre. suecessful and prosperous. Churches, Schools, and otner privuoiroj aro already established. Also, manufactories of .Shoes, ( 'folhiiiff, (lass, Straw Goods, and other thinirs, at which different members of a family can procure employment It lias been a liealth resort for some years past for people suffering from pul monary affections, Catarrh, Asrue, nnd de bility; ninny thousands have entirely re covered. A new brick hoi el has just been com pleted, KK) fret front, with back buildings, four stories high, including French roof, and nil modern improvements for the ac commodation of visitors. Price of Farm Land J2."j.r.0 per acre, payahle installments, within tlio period of four years. In this climate, planted out to vines, i!0 acres of land will count fully as much as 100 acres further north. Persons unacquainted with fruit grow ing can b3come familiar with it in a short t'mo on uccount of surroundings. Five aero, ono aero, and town lots, in the towns of Landisrillo and Vineland. also for sale. Whilst visiting tho Centennial Exhibi tion, Vineland tan 1h visihd at small ex pense.. A paper containing full information, will be sent upon application to CIIKLE.S K. LANU1S, V'inelaiiiL N. J., free of cost. Tho following is an extract from a de scription of Vineland, published in the New York Tribune, by the well-known Agriculturist, Solon Uobinson : All the farmers were of tho "well to do" sort, and some of them, who havo turned their attention to fruits und market gard ening, have grown ri:?h. Tho soil is loam, varying from sandy to clayey, und surface gently undulating, intersected with small streams tnd occasional wet meadows in which deposts of peat or muck are stored, sullicient to fertilize tho whole upland sur face, alter it has been exhausted of its natural fertility. ,It is certainly one of the most extensive feKilo tracts, in an utmost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant farm ing, that we know of this side of the West ern prairies.. We found some of t!;o old est farms apparently just as profitably productive as when first cleared of forest fifty or a hundred years ago. The geologist would siton discover tho cause of this continued fertility. The wholo country is a marine deposit, andal" through tho .oil we found evidences 7 calcareous Rubstauees, generally in ttJ ing many distinct forms of ancient shells, of tho tertiary formation; and this marly Huhstancc is scattered ull through tho boil, in a very comminuted fonv, and in tho exact condition most easily assinuuiUted by Kiich plants as the farm r desires to cul'iwite. , tai JOB WORK DONK AT TIM2 'REPUBLICAN" . OFFICE At ihe lowest cash prices, nealhj, prompt ly, and in ttyle equal to that of any other establishment in the District BUSINESS CARDS, - SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARL,, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATION?, J BALL TICKETS," ADMISSION TICKETS, ENVELOPES BILLHEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILIA LABELS, RIIHTINT. TAGS, kc. ilFEOTiOPJ !i U ATTAINED AT LAST I A TRIAL will INOURK ITS FOPULARITY EVERYWHERE. t m When onnn tnd will retain l' place foivtr. IT 1$ CELEBRATED POR ITS nnVRf'TSir.rS. IN THAT IT IS ONE OF THE LARCliST SGWINO MACHINES .AANUFACTURED. A0AP1 CD ALIKft 10 THE USE OF THE FAMILY Oil THE WORK. CHOP. IT HAS THE LARGEST 5.MUTTLE. Willi A ROBBiN THAT HOLDS ALMOST A SPOOL CF THREAD. the shiittlp Tension is aoiustapi.e riTHOUT KEMOViNG IHt SHUTTLE t-KOM THE MACHINE. THIS MACHINE 13 SO CONSTRUCTED. THAT THE POWER 13 APPLIED DIRECTLY , OVR THE NEEDLE, THUS ENABLING IT TO SEW THE HEAVIEST MATf RIAL WITH UN EQUALED EASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN IT3 CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE A3 IRON AN! STEEL CAN MAKE IT. ALL ITS WEARINO PARTS CA5E-H ARDFNED OR STEFL, AND INGENIOUSLY PROVIDED WITH MEANS FOU TAKING UP LOST MOTION, SO WE ARE JUS TIFIED IN . ; Warranting Every Machlno for 3 Ycar3. IT IS THE LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-R'JNNINQ MACHINEIN THE MARKET. IT IS. ALSO, THE K-.OST ELABOHATELY ORNAMENTC O ANO UltTViEST MACHINE FVER PRODUCED. WITH ALL THESE AOVAfJTAOFS. IT IS SOLO FROM $1 5 TO $2 LESi 1HAM OTHER Flilil CLASS MACHINES. EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF TERniTORY CIVEM TO AGENTS. FXTHAOROINARY INDUCEMENTS OFFERED POR CASH OR ON CREDIT. SENO FOR CIRCULARS ANO TERMS TO Ks Sewing Miclb Co., 353 HucZUl Avenue, JXKtll CLEVELAND, 0. V.. A. HAI.DWIX, Tidiouto, Vn., Airtnt fur Witrrtn Llountr. ' 4j-40 BiXBY'S BLACKING. A ro.MllIMC1 1'OI.ISJI 11I.A( KINU AM) j.r.iTJii:it ruKsKfir vtivi:. V.x porta nnd ProfrKHlonid Hoothlncks In Kew York, nnd nil otiicrhirjtocitit" whero thin lllnckiiitf has l-ecn introduced, no knowlodjro Jtn uturioi ity t-vor all import ed or domestic Jlliiikiu in use, bs nil Klegniit 1'oliKli and Conserver of Leatlior. Hijchy's "HeKt" I'.liieli ins h:ia ft Tlpd nnd HI tip Jjiilip.. Do not lo ilecni vod hy ne ccptin our ''(Standard"' Hhifkinir inVhico of "Hesl." Tlio Stnudnrd has tlio lnln-I stamped into tho tin covpr. This hrnnd is inudo to cninpcto villi ollior Amrrionn nnd Kreneh lilaekin;.;s, hut is inferior to onr "Itcst." lii.xliy's "nest" ISlafkiiii? will wave iln entire cost in tlio wear of your hoots and HOUSKICKKPEHS THY Bixby's French Laundry Blue, ix siktim; noxrs. The most convenient and evonomirnl packajfd, and tho only eomhiued HIohcIi nnd niueinK l'owder in u.-e. H. M. KIXISY it CO., Mniiufaeturing (.'hcinists, 11 k'oh. it 175 WrtNhiiif-ton St., X. Y. H I I n A li li ' H MAGETIO SOAP Tlio fhenpo'st Soap that ran l.e ukihI for tlio following reasons; 1st. Ono hnr will go as far as two of any oi her, 2.1.' Only half (he usual riili!iii;4' 1.ein? required, thero is ;i saving of more than the entire eost of tho Soap m lahor alone. "J. The clothe are madn Sweet, ('Jean hikI white w ithout l!iiling or Scald iiiK, tlniH all injury to tlieni is avoid ed. Thero is a paving in fuel and hard work, and Ihe washing is douo in about hall" t!;c usual time. It is also guaranteed under a penalty of fifty dullnis not to injure the clothes or hands, and as ono tri;d will eualilo any person to ascertain tho trutli of thes'o statements, it would never py tho iro prietor to cngHge in an extonsivo system of advertising and claim such decided merit lor his Soap unless he knew from positive experience that it wou'd prove to he in every respect what is claimed for it. This is also a suprrior Soap lor Toilet and Shaving purposes. WARNER, RHODES ,t CO., WilOI.ESAI-r. EaNCY filUXKHS, ticneial Agents. Oil Philadelphia, Ru. "A"T7n v iTa i7en Ts"r 7k n t i'.ic me x t nt Jv. LA blES, wanted uust'intl; to intro duce a splendid hook, CENTENNIAL EXPOSITIOH i14CUIill.l ANO lLLL'SsiUATiiii. Nearly bO0ae.s, rich illustrations, superb bindings, very attractive, and a treasure as tho best and cheapest history of the Ureal Exhibition. Endorsed by "the otli eials, press and clergy. Is selling im mensely. Ono lady of no e.j eriencc Ims cleared f 'M in four weeks. Act fjuickly if at all. Xow or never. For full partic ulans address lU'lUiAHD JJROS., i'ub lishers, Pliiladelphia, Pa. 4li-5t WANTED Mjii to sell to Merchants. j'.'U a mouth and traveling expenns paid. ieni Mf. C'i., St. l-uis. 1 - . SI vc V v GLENN'S SULPHUli SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Disrasvs of the Skiw, HKAl'TlFir.S THE COMPLEXION, l'KI.VKMS and Ri.mi.mi s Rheumatism and (Jout, lfrAtj Sokes and AnkAsiONS ok Tint CcncLE and Count ERACis Cuntauium. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries of tlio Skin, not only REMOVKS FROM TIIK CoMl'l tCMO AM. Ht.FM- Isuis arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced'" by the sun ana wind, such as Ufi and heckles. It rcndeis the ciMirt.B MARVHLOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and I l.UNT, ami being a WHOLESOME LEAL TIMER is far preferable to any 'cosmetic. Am. the remedial advantages of Sut. ruiiR Iiaths me insured ky the vse oi' (Jlntn's Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying efl'ccM, remedies and PRE VENT 8 lillKLMATisNf Eild dOUT. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN ftlld PREVENTS lMSE.LS COMMUNICATED UY CONTACT With the FERSON. It Mssoi.vrs PANnnuiT, prevents bald ncs, and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per - Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N- D.-TJio 50 ceut cakct are triple (lis iia of tliose at 05 cents. " HILL'S HAIR AM) WHISKER DYE," Black or Brown, SO C'rntH, i. IJLmnJTHjop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,5.T. Music Has Charms . pricics REnrrr.n. THE BEST ill HE WORLD ! WILL LAST A LIKE '17 ,iE! 45,000 ok t:i r.,cKi.KnrATiMi wira mm IX DAILY TJ ST.. A Stool Hosed Prcc villi rsrh OrfRii. - Tho hest talent .in the countrv reootn niwnds there organs. 'J'he iiii-ns''Hud hesl. More for Ihe money, and pivpH ImtUr sa? isfnelion than any iiow made. Thev eom rrise tho I:'.i-K mid tiv.unl Orfjjasi .Cf"Tllustiated f 'titaloun sent hv mail, post-paid to anv address, up n applica tion t ) 15. SIIONJNrSKR OlKi. N CO., 47 to til Ciiks'i nut St., 15 New Haven, Conn. v. as k- f', h Z c o s o o a o u h CL 5 Q 'q '2 s u J- Z3 7 C e :-. tJ r: if -r H cr. 8 O J fig I X 5 O .5 s u t r". V, r 3 " I. 9 o 'o S. J- - I I o a li C 'A t-l r c " 01 .-.1 " v. e 3 u o i u M o p e (A w r ; WATERS' Orchcslitonrliimcr.ORfJAlf e.-.x, .'lliiiifcibeuutiful Jf?r'J1 t'ihlylo and ecifi rt "" : ' M1J til tour livrr niml... : .f 2 f .-V, 1 i -oiu-rloHtan,wli. t"4-.-.-:i.-':-..'1lwfi rliua line Imiiaiiun tin t Iv. o 11 u.l a liuir Oilnvrs or belli, in. lied in irrlVi-t bur. niony v illi;i r..ca. V.JLII'1TL'III.I ...V AI(ONCi:ilTIJEsPEK,n:NTIiNMtI( ( 111 tIi:H, I llAl'i l., und ( (ITT.Uili oil l" LVS l'iiliu French C ases uro ii eve ry rei-rt FIUhT I LtKi, t - V.x.l.dlCl I KSTIt. ry rrapiri rlKST I L KS. WATERS' PIANOS, A It K T 1 1 E II KKT .M A I) F. s'' Tu lAifs.sajAsr. in J I jiriMhi, f urHHinilHIIila I'liritllllliy I llbltl UB9eU. Witrruiilrit tat M X YDAilS. , I'HHKi K.TKi;.Mi:j.V LOW Ur rnHli. IMuullily IiialHlliiieniH i i rel i d. A I.ib. rnl IMhtoimiI l 1-arXtrt. Mini (rrt,( Viu'i'irt .ViW; fff.Abl.MS WAMT 1). Miorlulh.dii. e. meiKmo I lie Iriiile.l llimlrnli il t iiiiilnuiirs jluilea.Sei'ml-liiiiiil I omiiimruu "1 l.rriti ItarMulim. 1KUA( i: VATi:itS A: MINi, niuuuluclurerK ani lleiiler, 10 FAST 14ih hTIH'FT, CMON MiUHL", NEW 101IK, ilo, 3607. tf:';.r is u. JlTnsCRIBKf.jrthe Tot est Repubhean ?It will pay. -a.:f:pleto:lsps IIEICYCIIPIli NEW nVlSCD HDITION. KNTIfllM.Y RKWHITTKV HY Till: aiu.p.st v it rri'".iiM o.v i;v i:i:y,suiui:'t. Pllnled from New Type, and illustriKed Willi Mcverlnl 'i'lionsaud Kn- . j.:rtt inc.M and .inys. Tho work ori:riuill v puUihed nndcrtho litle or TIIK NK.W AMI-'UMWN (;YCL( 1'. 1-11 A wn-i eoin:!ct(j,i in hiuun Willi I; time, Ihe wide elreiitatinn wldeh It has attained in all parts id' the I'nlted Mates, nnd Ihe lip.nftl developments whleh havo tal:eli pfaen in pvdi v liraneh of seienee, literal lire, and art, uivo in, lined (lie editors nnd publishers tosuliiint It tu an e.xaei and t fiorotiuli revision, und t Issue a new edition entitled THE AMERICAS? CYCLOPEDIA. Within the la-t ten yrara lln pri re of diseoM'i v in every depart nunt of kiiowl-ed-e hi-- made a new work of refen ue an imperative want. The innvVmeii' ',' u 'ideal n flair ban Kepi. neo with tjw dis.-ovenas t,i m let.ee, and t lieir fruit !'ui iipplii-.i! ion t'i t he iiv.liiH trial iid useful I'rt. i and t!,. ("ivrt;iine and idineim ik. et meial lile. (irnat wnt.i and eonse'pieiH rcvjlotionH ).;. . c oeelirrc J, involving naduiial t bailees of pern liar: moment. The mvil war "I our m u coun try, whieh was at i; hr ij-hl, when tho last volumo ot the old v-rk appeared. Las har i!y l i .'it ended, and u in v enur e of eooi niereial and industrial i.eiivity bus ben coininence I. J.aruo aeees. ion's l our (;r.(!i;i:ni!iru, knowlldch Havo been made by the iutlefatiijahlo ex plorera of A frlea. Tho nre..t polilieal revolutions of tho last deeade, with I ho natural result f the lapse of. time, have bnU;.ht into publkt view a multitude of new men, k Iioku names arc in every one's mouth, and of who. ei lives every ono is em ions to ku w the particubir.s. ( ; rcat halt leu hav been fonurlit and Important M.'se maintained, of w hieh tlio details are as yet pnsttii vnd only In tho newspaj irs or in the transient publications of ihe day, hut whleh ought now to take their place in PEli.M.UKNT AM) AITHESTIC HIXTCKT. In prrpnrinp: the present edilion for Lkn pr.'ss.lt has aeeordirik-ly been th aim f iIim editors to bi'inn down tho infonnathiii tho latent possible datesi, and to furnUli u accurato account of tho niot reont c'i eoveries in science, of evory freh produu tion in l.toraturi-, atnl of the newoot intn tioiiHinthe practical artn, na w!l m Im Hive a KiKviuel and original r".Hi4 wf lit pi'oress of POLITICAL AM) HlSTCEICiL ETIXTS. Tho work ban been lffun ftOr lu( eanjrul preliniiuary lahor, and wiOi k most ampls resonrcea for carrying It w K a sucs'H.siui terminatinn. Xonoofiln original tereotTp plaJw havo been us d, hut every pau Lu PRIMED OX KEW TYfE, Korminjt In faet a new CycIopadla, wit the Kaiiie plan and enuiiasa as ii prod eessor, but w ith a far greater peeunlai T oxpctidltnrn, and with such improueuunw in its eomposition as have bepn Ki?yoted "T looker i xpurienee and eniargrea kn I od(;. THE I'LLISTRATIOXS w liich are introilnced for (ho first t!m In the piTiieiit edition luui been added not for tho nak of pictorial effect, but to tira Kioau r In .idit v and fmvo to tho explana tions in tho text. Thev rmbra.o all branches of science and of natural hUiort, nnd depict the mist famous and return ka bk features of veencry, aehitietuio, and art, as well as (no various processes of mechanics nnd manufacture. Altbt.ech infiided for instruction raMmr than nrv. bellishment, no pains have been soared to insure their . ARTISTIC LATEI.IEXCE. The cost of their exeeiilion laonoruien and it is believed I hey will find a vloro reerption as an lulinirablo feature rr U.m Cyelop,.dia, and wortiiy of its hirh rhar aeter. This work is nold to Kiiaeribrr otdr, payable en delivery or men volume, ll will be complete iu -Vi'.iVeea I.,tr),' Orittvtt 1 ohimis, each containing about SCO paces fully il ust ruled with seven.! thousand Uood Ihiicravincrs, and with iiumercn colored Liiiiogrnphie Majm, Trlco and atylo of DSnainc : In extra Cloth, per vohimo . - f W In Library Leather, per Vol. '- - r, r Ir-hall Turkey morocco, p..r vol. . 7 (w In hall Itusia exira nilt, ,,er vol. - 8 0d In lull morocco, antiime, i'.t odton per vol. - . - , - p ffl In full RtwMa, per vol. - - " a;a FIFTEEN V0LUKF3 KOYT EEADY. Niu-eeedina volumes, until eonipletion. aill lie issued once iu two months. St Specimen payes ol" The Amcrioaii ( vclop.edia, showing type, illiiHtniti.iua. ! will bo sent gratis applieation. Firxt-Clux Canvux.-sln,) Ajent3 1Yantf. Address tho Publishers. 1 AITLKTOX k CO., !' .k t.;,l I5rcadwB7, X. Y Firo and Curglar s . Count :r. ri:.tfor.-i. Wagan & Traci . - j A. xs i-iiJ tJ M 31;uvin,s F-fV (v,., 2C5 Broad . i , y ,11'.l;'fv,1"'" "H " " oi,h to learn Y aiituod. Miiail s; i, ''nUai-X. iirxriI7v;;;;17!,,im,;;-,OIAN -