4 W. IX. DUNN " EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APR. 18, 1877. Our Washington Letter. Special to the Republican. Washington, D. C, Apr. 14, 77. His occupation being gone, Mr. Chamberlain lias, by surrendering his position in South Carolina, performed iho only official act left him to do; but he will certainly yet figure prom inently in public lifo in ether spheres. Mr. Chamberlain is a man who is not appreciated at bis full worth even by the Republican party at tho North. His attitude through the conflict just ended in his State, and in particular, hid last letter to President Hares, show him to bo possossed of fine abili ties as a lawyer, orator and writer. He has made a grand good fight againBt the abuses in the Republican party in couth Carolina, and we have thus re warded him. Our word for it, you haTo not heard tht name of Chamber lain for the last time. This matter being ended, we have but two wars left on our hands at pres ent the one in Louisiana and the one on the plaius. Tho Commissioners appointed for that purpose will prob ably settle the first, and the arrival of Crazy Horse with fifteen hundred hos- tilcs at the Cheyenne Agency prat-ti- il l i .1 T l r cany ciosea me inuian war lor me season, although, after undergoing re pairs, it will probably be reopened 83 UEiftl shortly. However, hostilities are nat likely to be resumed until tht warriors have boen properly fattened and newly equipped by tho Great Father. Then look out for "Lo I the poor Indian." Tho U. S. Supreme Court has at last decided that the million and a half dollars appropriated to tho Cen tennial Exhibition by CongrekS re verted to the U. S. Treasury, and was not the property of the stockholders. This reverses the decision of tho lower Court, and has tho effect to reduce the value of tlm Centennial stock from about 80 to 25 cents on the dollar. It will also probably result in deciding Congress to be more generous than it would otherwise have been in appro priating an amount to enable the United States to make a criditablc dispjay at the approaching French Exhibition. Tho Clerk of the House has not yet completed his roll of the members of the lower branch of the forty-fifth Con gress, but it is understood that 285 out of 2do certificates of membership have been received. Two hundred nud sixty have thus far drawn pay. If tho clerk places on his rolls the iiamcs of all Republicans whose elec tion is claimed, the House will stand 14'J Democrats to 144 Republicans The doubtful districts, whoso repre sentatives have not beeu placed upon the rolls are nine in number, as fol lows: Two in Louisiana; two in Florida; two in Missouri; and one each iu South Carolina, Colorado and California. We have been having a fearful frtorm clown this way. A heavy north east storm caused a high tide along the cotut, that rose far above any in the memory evea of the proverbial oldest inhabitant. The only mcaus of travel along many of the streets in Norfolk was in- rowboats, and the damage done to property there and in Baltimore was considerable. There are many citizens of this vicinity who wiiljienceforth hold water in greater dislike than ever. The exports of fresh beef coutinue to increase. The quantity Bhipped to Great Britain from New York and Philadelphia in March amouuts to 6, 707,855 pounds, valued at $51)0,085, making a total in nine months of 29, 008,810 pouuds, valued at $2,677,383 John Bull eays if he had known this, lie never would have gion the United States to Jonathan.- The attention of the editor U called '.O the fact that those old couutfcifeit 11000 notes are again in circulation A word to tbo ja sufficient. For m white you had bettor take no change over u 509 bill, iud when you liav day to spara run through your pock its and see if vou have not been tak en ill. HOWELL. TweeJ proposes to U-ll til he nows and to restore all the property has not all he Las stolen if list !v 'ranted that gr.nt boon, liber- Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that tlio follow ing Administrators and Guardian have filed their final accounts, and tho samo wi bo printed to our next Court for ctn Urination. H. II. Stow, Guardian of Earnest Slow. Jaino K. nn 1 X. Shrivor, Administra tor of fSacob Shrlvrr, deceased. I). XV. CLARK, Register. April 1(1, 1R77. Fiuaacial Report of Jenks Township. Road Commissioners of Jcnka Township in nceotint with naid township for the your ending April f, 1ST". To ain't tax levied for road purpo ses 1,9."8 00 To buck immcy drawn from Co. Coin in issionora SO 00 To seated nionev from lands ro- turned 40 :;0 To amount paid over by former f reasurer 3$ SO ?2,(iXi 10 By am' tox ponded on roads per returns ot patli-inas- ters f 12,00.1 M Balanco due Twp 2 li:l ?2.0!Hi 10 Wo. 11)0 Auditors, have examined tho above accounts, and llnd tliem correct ax set forth In the alove statement. Attest: S. F. Rohukk, Clerk. Ooorire D. Eldridgc, Treasurer of Jenks Township, in account wilh said Township for the. year ending April 0, 1N77. To balanco on last settlement t 38 80 To amount orders drown from Co. Commissioners 2,057 30 By vouchers produced at settlement $!,0TS .11 By percentage .-. 6101 Bal. duo TreasurcY IS 03 $2.ll. 12 2,11.1 12 We, tho Auditors of Jen us Township, do certify that wo have, examined the ac counts oi'tho Treasurer of said Township, and find them correct and truo iw above resrescntod. A. K. SniVK, C. 1). Elbriiioi:, Auditors, C. F. Hunt. Attest: S. F. Rouiikk. Clerk Auditors' Settlement, Tionesta Twp. S. J. Sctley. Treasurer in account with the Road funds of said Township lor the vear ending April O, 1877." To balance last settlement $1,1S3 4", To balance s. 3(3 5.1 tM.i!l()!W By orders redeemed $1,100 JM liy 2J per ct..Trea. Com.. IS) 7o f 1,210 OS By balance due Treasurer 30 i3 POOR FUND. To balanco last settlonicn' ltV, 21 To balance due Township 14 57 Ilv orders redeemed 14i H7 By 2 per ct. Treas. Com.. 3 (17 By balance 14 07 $10.-) 21 We, the undersigned Auditors of Tioncs- ta Township, mot at tho Court House, iu Tronesta, and did audit and settle the sev eral accounts of Township Treasurer, and mm them as aitove set lorin. itness our hands this 0th day of April, 1877. .:. W. I'LAHK, I B. O. HlTNTKK, j FINANCIAL STATEMENT : FUND. LIAIIILITIKM. ' Auditors. ; ROAD ...f 1,135 75 Orders outstanding ASSKTS. Due from county tux. of 1874 and 8,s X 11(1 D.1) Seated tax returned of 1870 3S 10 Unseated tax of 1870...: 1,181 04 N. Thompson, ) J. XV. Jamikson, Road Com'ra. S. BvKits, J . GEO. 1 HOWELL d CO. THIS TAPEIt IS ON TILE WITH Hf Wtirr AdvertlaiiiK Coutracta can bv mad. tDfA CHEW-SMOKE m MATCHLESS FINEST Till TOBAC f 'O l 41. a U'n-U A W U l.alB I II TAKE NO OTIIEU. v7 y run mix ii m.i. i'tAi..u i Of i.n mo. THE PIONEER TOBACCO CO. 'BRODIIYV. M. V (fPff a week in your owrr town. Terms DQU and &j outfit free. II. 1IALLKTT Jl CO., Fortland, Maine 3 4 QfZftzQt'yyA- wt'k to Agents. $10 Outfit Free. F. O. Vick- ery, Augusta, Me. i-it (J1 Q a (lav at home. Agents wanted. Ol4 Outfit and terms free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. 3-4 Q K Extra Fine mixed cards, with name, & J 10 cents, post paid. I. Jonen Jc Co., Nassau, N. Y. 4 C O ttOfl Fer Dav at home. Samples 4J H 4U worth free. Ktinson A Co., Portland Maine. 3-4 "CEO R C E " P AC EAC OT Hab e v. ecasosrzs sr., eltitoss, x'd. Patent l'ortable A Ntntioiiary Kntrtnra tit l lntent 4'irculnr Nan' MillH, fTAT, i:ni(f , 91 ii Ivy A- Nihu Mills, - IfirUt As Hour Mills, Water j..... HnriM, KiuuKir. nrr(i c ' V J M'iMMlworkiuK Maolilnvry, 41riiilcrH. Haws. Mill Nintitlic. A r.. Ar. fcJLAO Uta CAIAlAHitX A 1'JUICU. Qfl Fancy Cards, no 2 alike, any aiiie,10 w eis. L. ninitn, ureen JSrook, vol. vo. N Y. 3 4 PHE NATIONAL LIFE INSUHANCE J- CO., of tho U.K. of A., with its paid-up Capital of $l,v00,000, and Assot of ovar $4,000,000, oll'cra insurance at Caah rates, and gives in its policies delluite contractu. plain features and liberal conditions. It 1)AS no complication with other compa piiiM, I'tiJ does i)ot pronosa to iiave, but ol- pltfs, attd fcocure ll.o policy ,ul.Ir bv ccoiKjmy of n;;!iuciiiciit mid c;,iff,(l ii, VCM'i(iit ill ils In. ii!s A ill: ess I' S RUiSSEljj, General A'a-lU, No. 4H A'i.l imt Street, l'hihideiphiu. A(,'PPUi wanti-d in every epuiitj', to w Jiqui 11 bend tcrni.s will bo jiiyei, 3 4 on Mixed Curds,) i.tl; im;i:o, lOc.U. Suin- OU' plcti fijr S cf. Htaini). Co., Kakau, i,'. Y, J, MlNKLl-'H A 3-4 ,) t ICxtra Fine Cards, no two alike, with , name, 10 eN. J. K. HARDER, MaL den Jlrul(,'e, N. )', 3-1 30 Mi;;d Cuidi w it!i l;,wuc, JH ).. iSaui pjes for 3 ct. stamp. C, II. I.INKY iV ' .ic-ao. .. 1 . Faiiy Cards, with your name, 10c, Busine cards printed on tlie back of Rare l'hotoi. Samples and tprnvi 10 cts. Slatuarv I'liotos, 3 lor 2re.; 1 10c All post-paid. A. L. 1IOAO, Nassau, N. Y. QC Fancy Mixpd Cards, 10c. post-paid. J AildrcsM J. XV. F.rockwar A Co.. WIN Aildrcsn J. XV. Bi son, Niagara Co., N. Y, T - 3 4 JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO! Wo tako pleasure in recommending these goods to our friends as being (ho llnot chewing tobacco on tha market. For ttula in all sliap'ts liv DII.W tiRTH BROS., ritlsbnrglu TiU-Fraight pHid both way if not en tirely satisfactory. 3 4 FOUND. DURING our experiencp of the pa t nix months, in theGlKICEKY, l'Rl VIM ION, FLOURit FEED Business in Tro nestrt, wo havo found the old maxim it MONEY saved Is monev earned." a true one. and that we, have saved tho people ot tho bor- oniii nnt surrouiKiing country a consul erable amount. Having had a lonj experience in tho wholesale business, wo huvo peculiar fa cilities for buying l'roin first hands, which enables us to oiler extra inducements to Cash Buyers, and having adopted tho true system of doing business for CASH only, we ran sell poods lor a tnuuh lew profit, in lact, eorniietinic with prioes iu an v of tho cities in the State. In thanking the citizens for liberal pat ronage in the past, we announce ouj re moval from tho Fisher tore, to tho pleaa ant locatior'known as tho ACOMQ QUILDINC, (immediately Ronth of tha Coniprny Store) where, in consideration of tho continued depression in t ho times, have again lower ed our prices, believing that goods should nt be sold at war prices, where tho oppor tunities to mako money aro so much less. jftfIn futuroourstoro will bo kept opsr. until 0 P. M.t for the mutual benefit of tha gnciul public and ourselves. J. 11. JllSl.IUKSUJN xcu. Red Hot I Spicy I Newsy I Oil City Daily Derrick, For 1877. m-tirr Tliun Ever! More and Freshor News, and More Read ing Matter than any other Daily Fa per in North-Western Pennsylvania! The Oir, City Daily Derkick will be gin the new year with a larger circulation than ever attained by any daily newspiper in Pennsylvania outside of the largo cities. It. has gained this by giving all tho fresh est news, and sparing no expenso in ob taining items, it ims correspondent in every portion of the Oil Region, bosidos several reporters who are constantly trav eling. Tho proprietors, editors and re portoi ial stall, are all young and energetic men, whoso aim is to make tho Derrick the leading newspaper of Western Penn sylvania. The Dkrrick will bo better than ever for 1S77. It will have special reporters at Washington and llarrisburg. who will send daily specials, of all important events. Its readers will be kept posted 011 all the political news of tho day, as reported from an independent stnndMint, while a large nport' trial force will keep them informed on local matters. It will also, as it docs now, take the lead in discussing '(uestions of importance to oilmen, and wnrK faith fully for tho interest of the Oil Region. It will maintain its position as authority in oil statistics, and its market quotations will always bo lound reliable. If you want spicy reading, fresh news, information concerning tho Oil Region, and a rod-hot paper, hubscribo for the On, City Daily Derrick. Terms, 10 per year; six months $5 ; $1 a month in ad vance. W. II. LONG WELL .fc CO., 30 3t Publishers, Oil City, Pa. NSDD.lIiL'H EllACFJETIC SOAP The Cheapest Soap that ran bo used for the following reasons j 1st. One bar will go as far as two of any other, 2d. Only half tho usual rubbing being required, there Is a saving of more than the entire cost of tho Soap in labor alone. Sd.-rTho clothes aro made Sweet, Clean and white without Boiling or Scald ing, thus all injury to them isavoid ed. There is a saving in fuel and hard work, and tho washing is Uono in about half tho usual time. It is also guaranteed under a penalty of fifty dollars not to injuro tho clothes or hands, and as ouo trial will enable any person to ascertain the truth of these statements, it would never pay the pro prietor to engage in an extonsivo system of advertising and claim uuch decided merit for his .Soap unless he knew from Iiositive experience that it wou'd prove to )0 in every respect what is claimed for it. This is also a superior Soap lor Toilet and Shaving purposes. WARNER, RHODES A CO., Wholesale Fakcy Gi!ockrs, General Agents, PJl Philadelphia, Fu. WA!!!?TJE3J t. tre.yH and sell Ml) i Jiui U'jU.T l-tll.4 Lil(-I. f sji, niojiii. Jiofjul iind traveling Kxpetjuea paid. No pe.idliug. Address MONITOR LAMP CO., Cim iiiijati, 'O. ' r- - SMOKY 1 cured, fuel BivPTl, and hoa C K 1 Ft1 N E Y S esd by appl.vmg ho spiral J'l'uitt. Uejid stimi for circuit r( v itj. t;.timoiualM) to HENRY COLF'.RD, 7vi Kansoni St., Pljil a, I'ti. 41 i lOli WOKK ofi, kii; h d-neat tiiisif- liee on hf I notice, REMINGTON SEWIFJG MACHINES No Machine has sprung bo rapidly into fa vor as possessing just tee ipialities needed in a family Machine namely : LyfM Vi'inr Hi1,7, Smiiotfi, jXoisclt'., Jititl, J)ura)lr, with a perfect Isicl-Stitch. Within the past year important im provements have been added and no trouble will bo spared in keeping tho It KM" 1NUTON nluwlol all competitors. KEZ&HNGTORS Creed moor 11 i fie. VICTORIOUS AT I'KiinijiOfii;, j st i. DOLLVMOINT, 1875, i ui:i:i).uoort, isTO. SINGLE AND "DOUBLE CREECH -LOADING SHOT OTMS. The best trims for tho nrieeever produced Universally rccoinmeuiied by thoso who have used them. WEBB'S PAT'NT CARTRIDGE LOADER Tho onlv comnloto apparatus ever invent ed, combining in one complete and porta blo inaehino all tho various implements employed In loading paper and inVtallio shells. REVOLVE KX. REPEATING PISTOLS AMMl'XI Tl t V, (ill N M OU NT I N i S IRON ANDNTEELHIFLE AND SHOT BABItKI.S FOR CUS TOM GUN SMITHS. REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL IMPLEWTS PATENT CLIPPER s ri:i:r and cakijo?v PLOWS. Cultivators, Solid Steel Cultivator Telh, and Points, Wrought Iron Standard Cul tivator Teeth 4iiid Points, Sayro's Patent Horse Hop, Shovel Plows, Shovel Flow isinues, nam ana witn nigs, or an sizes Wrttiig.at Ivan Ih jitees Arch and Trapezoidal Truss, Cast Steel Shovels, Cast Steel Hoes and Garden Rakes, Planters' Handled Hoes, Mowers wheel llorso Rpkes, Needle Cotton (.'ins, Armory and Principal Office, ILIOX, ?i. Y. HRANCIt OVKIC T.S : 2S1 it 2S3 Broadway, Now York, Arms. Madison Square, 0 E. I.id St., New York, S. Machines. Boston, Mil TremontSt., Sewing Machines ami Arms. Chicago, 2S7 State St., Sewing Machines and Arms. St. Louis, 60!) North Fourth St., Sewing Machines and Arms. Philadelphia, Si) Chestnut St., Sewing Maenines and Arms. Haiti in re, 47 North Charles St., (Masonic Temple) Sewing Machiues and Arms. Washington, D. C, Ml Seveutli St., Sew ing Machines and Anna. 47-;"ni The Little Etock Foi t Siultli RAILWAY II AS FOE SAXJil Farinieg Tjands, Grazing Iands, Fruit Vino Lands, Coal Lands, W(tod Lauds, sonio Prairio Lands, B.tttom Lands, and Uplandw, on terms to suit tho pureh'asor. Six per cent, interest on deferred pay ments. Ten per cent, discount for cash. For full particulars, maps and pamphlets, apply to W. D. SLACK, Land Commis sioner, Little Rock, Arkansas. 41 4t IftPERCEaMT.iMET W for tho money lender. Interest paid fcoino-annually in N. Y. Exchungo. So surity 3 to 0 tunes the loan in land alone, exclusive of tho buildings. (Present cash valuo by sworn nppraisors.( No in vest ment safer. No payments more promptly met. Best of references eivon. Send stamp for particulars. 1). S It. JOHN STON, Negotiator of Mortgajo Loans, St. I'rul, Minnesota. 41 4 Is not easily earned In those times but it ran bo male in three mouths by any one of either sex, in auv part of the country who is willing to work wtetulily at tho employment that we fur nish. fMi't per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your wholo time to tho work or only your spare moments. It costs nothing to' try tho business. Terms and 5 Outfit free. Address at oneo, 11. IIallktt tV Co., Portland, Maine. 41-13' 0 OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE A lEIITENI EXHIBITION It scll-i faster than any oter book. Cue Agent sold ;S4 copies in one day. This is the only authentic and complete history published. Send for our extra terms to agents. National Puiiuisuinu Co., Phil adelphia, l'a. - -3H-4 o jt'ayi fuye Sf)ipy liy buying your PIANOS and ORGANS l;o;u tio uiuH,'i'sijm'ii jviaiiuliclurwri Agent, tot (be best lTram1y in 1 in innil (,-.t. i n.-trciiicps ih i, ijdil dire t li'oi'n tb) F:H' ,..(. (II AS! A. SiifLT, T;.nrv, ' V Lvk ex 17 hi, Oil C'i , l'ii '.1jT"T',w'v"?i -Jr-'-!-r-? Allegheny Valley Rail Road. ... . . Pittsburgh, Titusvlllo & Buffalo Railway, and uunaio, uorry & Pittsburgh Railroad. 0 ,N AND A PTE It Sunday, .Tun. M, 177, trains win run as iomows; STATIONS. Northwari No t So. a N 1. Southward Kn. t s... i , N... n l in pm a in ... Ill a m pm p '':15 K: Pittsburgh 8:no W Pen I une 1:'2J 10 !:tni i::..v 7:l!i LIU 7:0!ll!:i() (l:t() 4:.Vi rt:.Vl '-':t- 3:3.1 If): ::.i) :4rt :.Vi :2(i ;:i(i Kitlanning lOiiifi It. I! k .luncH):r,7 4: IV II :.:oj! 5:.Vt 1 1:40 Brady Bond! 1:1(1 Parker 1 1 ;.p( 6:40,11:'J'.) r:.'i: 0:30 7:1(1 7:."7 8:3:. f:(Miio:4s rj: in 4:W H):'X l'J:()0 :t:M !:tJ 1(1:15 :i:in H:ii2i H: II Emlenton 12:30 :0J :2:i ::i"t Scrubgrass Franklin 1:.VI Oil City Oleopo'iN :07 0:1-i 10:11 C:40 C:17 5:5 ;i:45 I'.agle Houk :i:l!t 3:l!i 4:li r.:.l.t !)::! l(i::li) 10;00 il;0S Tionesta K): Tidiouto Irvinuton l:4"i 8:1.' 2:05 KouMPvilln Titusville Corry Muvville Buil'tdo S:.V'l 7:fiv! 7:.V 0:10 S:(VP 8:IH 7:10; 7:25 I (!:(i() ::l(i H:l' 1:1, Hn-t. 4:1 ((:lii 8:10 10:54 10:13 I!:5(i l::o (1:4. Mirt a. in p. in p. m . in a. in Trains run bv Philadelphia Time. DAVID McCAUGO, (ien'l Sup't. J . WOK TOM 11 Al,l, Gen'l Passenger it Ticket ygont. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. Tin Oldwit, Largest, end Most Perfect Manufactory in tho United States, ncnrlj' 5 6,0 0 0 Now in use. No oilier Muaicul Invtrumont ever obtain rd the same popularity. a?Sond for Price Lists. " AddrcRa BUFFALO, X. Y. The fact of ours being tha oldest and largest manufactory in tho United Statts, with nearly 5(1,000 Inntrun,. nta now iu use, is a sufllciont guarantee of our ro sponsibillt end the invrlU of our Intru inenta. 0-(Jin G1CO. A. PRINCE A CO. Awarued Uia Highest Modal at Vlanrin E. & H. T. ANTHONY I CO., 631 Broadway, V York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers A Daulors in CHROMOS AND FRAMES, STERE0SC OPES AND VIEWS Albums, Graphoseopw), and Suita ble Yiows. FHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We are Headquarters for cvervtldng In the wnv of STICK KOPT1CONS and MAG IC LANTERNS, boing luRuufacUirern of ma Micro-Scientific Lantern, titrreo-I'anopticnn, Unifersity Stereopticon, Advertisers Sterooj.'tioon, -Artopticon Scliool Lantern, Family Lanrcru . , PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each stylo being the best of its claivj in the market. Catalogues of lanterns and Slides, with (Urections lor using, sent on application, Any enterprising man can make lnoiioy ...1.1. T . . " wim u tiitgia ianicrn. ir?T-Cut out this ndrertisenient for ref erence.'T-Tt The exjiei ience of fl vo ZELL'S years has proved that this Com pact and re liable work of Gcnon" ' Information is bottrr adapted to the wautso all classes of tho com. inunltv than any other wnrlf n T (I.n It in.l rn Hew um Uition. AGENTS SAUTED pilClislied. It has been proven by its IMMENSE SALES, by tho numerous COMMENDATORY NOTICES REC'D, And by ita uniform SUCCESS WITH AGENTS. Tho edition of 1S7A has been THOROUGHLY REVISED TO RATE. It contains 150,000 artielos, 3000 w.tod engravings and eighteen handsomely en graved and eolorod maps. The work is ihued in parts, and aspecb men copy, with map, will bo sent to r.ny address, frco of postage, for twenty cents. BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers, (SueccKsors to T. El wood .ell.) Nos. 17 and 19 KoutirSixth Street, 4-Hf Pini.ADici.rAiA, Pa. S999S C.in't be niado by every agont ev ery month in tho business wo turnish, but those willing to work can easily earn :i dozen dollars a day right in their own localities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and honorable. Worn' 'i and boys and girls do as well us men. We will iurniari you a complete Out lit free. The business pays I elter than anything else. We will bear expense of starting you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and me chanics, their sons and daughters, and nil classes in need of paying work at home, should writo to us and learn all about the work at once. Now is tho time. Don't delay. Address True 6i Co., Augusta, Maine. m; $ 43P aVfl TE n M 7 137 PER YEAR, Pavs ALL EX TENSES at CHAM3ERLAIN INSTITUTE, S'j.ool established .. Woiiet'ty fflf.3,. OdJ, " ICiidowment 4lK,i(iii. On,-' , nth ' l;o;!i h'vc sliall liavo the benefit' i,f it. N.VinH;- tj ini ojtens Dwe. 5. .'d (',,, e,il:i ofj,,c (free' it Rev. J. f, i.U'j'ar.Ps, 1 1. I ., Pj'iU'.iPl I, yj It Amorii'.'iii V F'm-su E;i4itlr... GtLMOlti: if CO., Slice. .; : o man, I losnrtr v Co., Son, .i ,, ! ,i(.,,(M procured in all countries. No lei .sin ml- itnce. ' AdMiiirucH mil ess the imti.ni io gi.mled. Ni fees for making pi'oiiinina- , rv exam l n:tt lens. N o n.l.lil c. ..... .. . obtaining iind ePi'liieting u rehearing. Ilv n rrcrnt deciMion ot llie ('oninii-sioinr a i 'i ieeled iiiipllcidii'ins nuiv be revive, l Special attention given to Intertei ( mo Cnsprt before the Patent Ofllep, Extensions before CoiigrO;-.H, Infi iligenicnt Suits in dili'ercntStiiles, and all lidirslioti imper- tiilnlng to Invetilions or Patents. Scud stamp to Olbnoro &, Co., for pamphlet of sixty pages. Isanti t'fN, Wrraiit4 anl Scrip. Contcited Land Casirs pro-eefited befin the U. S. (;:ieral Land OlTW-oai'nl Dcjtart inent of the Intirior. Prlvato Lnnd ( 'hums Mining Mini Pre-emption Claifnw, and' Homestead Cases attended to. Land Scrip in 4(1, f(, and l'!0 aero pieces for sale. This" Scrip is assignable, mid can bo located ir,' tho niimo of the purchaser upon any Gov-" ernment liind.sublect to pri (do enlrv. nt $l.Ju per aero. Il U of ennal value wilh Bounty Land Warrants. Send ulainu to' Gilinoro Co., for pamphlet of Instruc tion. ArrcnrH r Iy.t; Koucsly.- Ofllcers, Soldiers, and Sailors of tho Into ' wnr, or their heirs, aro in many cuses en titled to monev from the Govemineut of which they have no knowledge. Write full histoi v of Korvlco, and state niuount of pay and bbunty received. Luclou stamp to Gilmore A' Co., and a full reply, alter vxamiiiation, will bo iriven you freo. All nm..nru M..1.II....U n,,;l Unllnrdunn... dod, ruplureii. or injured in the lata war, however slightly, can obtain a pension by addressing Gil more . Co. Cases prosecuted by Gilmoio (fc Co. be fore tint Supreint ("'ourt of thn I'nlUtd States, the ('ourt of Claims, and the South ern Claims Commission. Each department of our business Is con ducted in a soparale bureau, under ehargo of the same experienced parlies employed by the old firm. Attention to all biiHliiMs entrusted to Gilmoro it Co, is thus aa eured. Wo desire to win auaccas by Un serving it. Address G1LMOHR A CO., V10 TMr&t, Washington, 1). C. 41tf ti vt t t f f P 9 ) TO THE WORKING CLASS. -We iro now prepared to fuiniili all clasbos wlUi constant eniitloyinent at home, tha wboloC' of tho time or for their .paro momiatoA Business new light and profitable he- yj sons of cither sex easily earn from 60 eta. to $5 per evening, and a proportional aum by devoting their whole titim to tho buni ness. Boys and rls can earn nrarl v r much as men. That all who avn Uila'na lice may send their address, and tt Uia bii'lno- wo make this unparalleled tTic: To such as are not well salislied we wlil send ono dollar to pay for the troubla nt writting. Full particulars, sample warm Hoveral dollars to commence work on, ani a copy of 11, mo mid Fireside, ono of taw largest and best Illustrated Publication, all sent freo by mail. Reader, if you wan! liermanent, droiitablo work, addres, Geroge Stinson it Co., Portland, M. It C II IS ,11 La?1) , IN THE GREAT SOUTHWEST! Tho Little Rock and Fort Smith Roll, wav Company is soiling, at exouptioaal ly low price ami on tonus (, unit por chaieis, over ONE MILLIGKyACnES of their inagniliecnt .'I'tiiit on vvory kids within twenty mdes of tliir rond". Ad mirably suited for prodm don of Corn, Cotton, Grain, Grass, Fruits, und ellt ther Northern crops. Winters aro mild, per mitting cut door labor for eleven n-.ontba. Soil fei l : io beyond precedent. No frriiiwi hoppms, no .r night. Special Induce ments for establi'hntenljof nminifiiricrieo. For circulars, address "W. D. SLACK, Land Coininis: b-nnr, Little Rock, Arknu- 41 4 J. & l COATS have been awarded a Medal and DiplntK t the (Vutennial Exposition and uoik mended by tho Judges for SHUPIsaos: BTKEXttTIX . AND ISXCKIXEXS? I IV A LIT Y -OK- SPOOL COTTO IV. 1 A. T. Q0&H0&N,- Director-Qtttertl J. E. HAWLEY, Pit Alkx. R. Botklkb, fcecrelary pro teni. SKAL. 34 4t WE S T E R rjJU. A U D S HOMSTFADS, Ilyou wnntreliable information wheroand how to get a cheap Farm, or geveromen't llomeslead, free, send your addrena to S. J. Gilmore, Lund Comuiittsioner, Luw renco, Kansas, and receivo gratis a copy of Tho Kansas Pacific Homestead. 'A 4 TO AGENTS on any .vno m:;d wo an. THE BIG BONANZA Tim Silt ir VOLUME. Dilll Do Onille's new I .,,!( vk ill. int, duction by Mark Twain is just ready. It is tho richest in-texts anil illustration seen for a long time. Aro vou outof work or dragging along on some' dull book T Go for this ono. It will fill your pockets sure! Don't delay and lose territory you want; fceud for ciiciilarat onee. It'eo'sts nothing to see them. Address A ME HI CAN PUB LISHING CO., Hartford. Conn., or F. c" llLLslL,t' ill- Nc) ). N. J. ' ii5 4 ' $1362 50 PKOI'ITS FEOM $10653. ? 17.1 00 j 1NVKST.MLN1S OK fl5 The judicious select ion and management f- Stock Privileges is a snro road to rapid foftuno. head for. new "System of AsMiied Prolits," fre witt full infornuition concurning tho Ktoek Market. T. l'OTTER WIGHT it CO. Gold and Stock Brokera, a'l 35 Wall Street, Now York, SEND7bctsto ADAMs"CO., Box lt.uO, I-lniarUIpliia, Pa. (Manufactorv In Howell s marble building, Ninth 'an2 Chestnut sts.) and receive by r eturn mail postago prepaid, a complete' ot of the 15 v principal CENTENNIAL BUILDINC3 elegantly carved in Black Walnut, Wood nt.ilbl.ely in.sbed. Exact (lupli -ut of tlutha win.' i vkcro mm " . (ured i., xi cbinery JI..1I during .... ( , t, !" , -buj, lhoui.au.ls vwrnJl":1 -.1 t -I