The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 07, 1877, Image 1

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    flu xjftct gUpuMkmu
is rum-iRiiKi every wkdnwday, I5Y
TERMN, $2.00 A YEAR.
No Rubwiriptioim received for ft shorter
iiwiod than three month.
' Correspondence, solicited from nil pnrtu
OI MW vouiu-ry imi rumni vtiii uu uhvvli wi
miAnyiiiiiuH communications.
;vo. .vc.o,
ifC?' T O nPO.1V.
MKF.T3 cverv Fiidav evening, nt 7
o'clock, in tho I tall formerly occupied
by the (Jood Templars.
7 T. J. VAN U1ESEN, N. O.
p. W. (1,AltK,SiH!'y.
fN O. TJ. .A.. IMT-
MEETS l Odd Fellow' Iiortgo Room,
every Tuesday evening, nt 7 o'clock.
P. M. CLARK, I'.
8. A. VARNKK, It. H. l
VOL. IX NO. 17.
TIONESTA,. PA., MARCH 7, 1877.
Ono P pjnrc 1 1 i .; I,,
One Sqttaro " . !
One Hanaro " Unci; in' til
Ono Square, ono year
Two Squares, ono yon. .
Quarter Col. " -
J falf "
One " "
Legal notice" :.t established rat oh.
Marriage und dentil notices, graun.
All hills for -rcarl v ad vcrtisements col
lected quarterly. Temporary advertise
ments must he paid for in advance.
Job work, Cash on l'eiivery.
r i i i
) ( )
13 (f
80 Ctf
100 CO
DRESSMAKER, Tionesta, Pa.
rRS. HEATH hai rocently moved to
i s nlaoi
a want which tho belie ot tlie town
I lwue hcen admitted to practice as an
Attorney in tho Pension Ollico nt Wasli
ini'ton D. C. All olhcers, soldier, or
-iitiors who were injur, d In tho late war,
. un oiatuin pensions to which theymay lo
- 1, l)v calling on or nddresning mo at
T lonesta, Pa. Also, claims for arrearages
of pay and bounty will receive prompt at
tention. . ,. .
Having been over four years a noldier in
onH havinir for ft TUUllbor of
Ytittrs ciiK'Wd In tho prooeution
Si ? inv pxofrienco will
the collation of cliiiuiH in tho "hortV pos-
;i.i, Hi.,,1. J. 1. Atiri .
laco for tho purpose of mretnu:
si ot tlie town nnu
conntv havo for a lomr time known, mat
of havinir a dressmaker of experience
anions them. I am prepared to makij nil
kinds of dresses in the lalest styles, and
Kiinranteo satisfaction. Stamping for braid
In and embroidery done in the best man
.mr ivitli Hie newest nattcrns. All I ask
Is a tiMr trial. Rcsh'eneo on Klin Street,
in tho Acomb Huildlng. tf-
tietried" andTirested !
ASSKTS Pee. 31, 1S73, -
s r ? : r, , i r . 7 o.
MIT.Kfl W. TATT. Sub Acent.
45 . T'onemta, Pa.
It was my first visit to Lnnbn Aince
I Im'l taken up my abode and entered
on the prneticc of my pfofcssioti ft3 a
solicitor nt Southampton.
In London I had a very dear friend.
nir old college chum, George Dickson ;
and na lie wag the only person 1 knew
in the creat metropolis, of course I lost
no time id looKing mm up. iuiw
years had pnssetl pince our last meet-
but ten could scarcely nave pro
of Hol-
Frank IlofbiiiM,
Pictures In every styleof tho art.
nf the oil rejrions for walo or taken
dor. i
CENTUt'; -STREET, R, R. crossing,
mypa more STUEET. near Union Do-
pot, Oil City, Pa, 20-lf
to or
W. P. Lathy,
t ttoh?IEY AT LAW, Tionesta,
A O3ioe uext loor to Lawrenco
E. L Davis, .
. t.APvnv AT LAW. Tionesta. Pa.
A. Collections mnde in this and adjoln-cnnl-!'.
' rT.Kta av rr rr K ,
Tionesta, Pa.,
CARPENTER, - - - Prorrietor.
li Jtrcrt,
l rrORNEY AT TiAW, and
f Pcttl.K!, Uevnolds llilkill
lV-k, Snoca St., Oil City, Pa.
V Co.'"
gagement3 for the whole of tho next
day, l parted wun my ineuu, numw
ing meet him on the following evening-Next
nfiernooM found me at the
abode of Mr. Parsons the BUigeon. -
"Mr. Parsons, I presume?" were
the words with which I accosted the
man I had seen at the theater. .
"Yes, sir."
"You may not remember me, Mr.
Parsonrt, but I believe wo met before."
I beg your pardon ?ir, tor not rec-
TOO LATE FOR THE TRAIN, emptying all the boxes he
V 111'.- i ii
7 Jf- TJ
jr. n. HMII-UV.
KIXXKA21 c sniLi:r,
Franklin, Pa.
t,Mn n6y3 at Law, -
fUtACTICE in tho sovornl Courts of 1
I namro. Crawford, Foret, and ndi'
Lawronco House,
vAvi (-H.r-h
In ciUrlly located. Everything new and
wiill furnished Superior
,otis and strict attention i glVen to gnosM.
Vetotablo and Emits of nil Kinds so cd
iUielr Boason. Sampio loom
Micrcial Agents.
for Com-
,,vvttn A. A (".NEW RLOCK.
Ahskw, Froprnam.
Tbis is a
" i i '.tin fitted ui for tho
p(H-.mmodatio of tho publie. . A P U o n
It tho patronago ot" the l,ubl " B"lltllod'
l-ly ' - "
O A. VARN ICR PRopRtfTon. Opposito
O. Court Houfte, Tionesta, la. J"
opened. Everything now and clean r iu
fr'ush. Tho host of liquors kept "Htnn M
!. hd. A portion of tho public pa . on
onis respectfully solicited. 4-U-1V
Pictures taken In all tho latest ntylos
the art. . M-tf
II. . TiIiFJl & CO.
Dealers in
Hardware, Iron ami Kails,
v Stoves and Tinware.
Constantly on hand, at low prioos.
Also talnuaetulersof
Smolco Staoks,13reeoli
in, Sliect Iron,
"VVell Casing,
W. C. COnURN, M. D.,
I' R.rviceato tho peoplo ,V Twelve
Having had an experience of 1
yis In constant practice. Dr. "lurii
.t t M 1 i tirroi'ttl
i;VosU,al all Scientific methods of ; or-
KHSa aroeWty of tho treatment
Nasal, Throat, iiiin uim
ii,ir,Pilnnr diseases. Ilavni;
?.... a 'Smo n,,d scl-ctcd tho good from all
r." u ill o run tee relief or a euro
l.i all cases where a euro is possible. Is
! . W for Consultation. All. ees w. I bo
,-,Ks,.nable. vjsiU mado M
all hours. Parties a-a distance can con
Milt him by letter. K.,tl,
OHico and Residence second miiUUnp:
Lulow the Court House, Tionota, I a., o -l
M-s Wednesdays and Saturdays. -tl
FOR SALE Ono Second-hand tn liorso
power Woodberry Stationary Roiler and
rr,;; 7 .'" jso. v. i'ak. a. b.
Comer of Kim t Walnut Sts. Tionesta.
Bank of Disoount and, Deposit.
IntoroBt allowed on Timo Deposits.
Collation madoonalUhcPrincipnl points
of tho U. S.
Collections solicited.
-.niriDS au
XJ ed. to oidvT
Anima.s stuffed nnd li'.ount
AriiiKT..l l--yi- epi in
FUBHITUaS E S T A B L I S H in t n l
Mr ! )Ut ten COUld BCUlcoiy n I ii . ' c.;,m,
d,rc;d . chag. . ..rW than k.4 TS.
taKeu piaee m m'v'
manner tif my friend.
Our first greetings and inenaiy iu-
. - r t k C J
quiries over, l longed, yet, ienreu, w
ask too cause 01 my irienu u int-iu-
cholv. I felt sure, iu due time, or ue-
in"- made the connuaut 01 tne seciei,
rovided no motive of delicacy prompt-
its concealment.
That eveuinc, at my room at the
hotel, Georgo told me his story, lie
had formed on attachment for a young
Wlv. whose trraces of mind and per
son he poVtrayed with all the fervor of
a lover 8 eloquence. !?ne nuu reuirueu
iia ad'ecticju ; but her lather had op
posed the suit, having set his heart on
the marriage 01 -ma uaugmer m t.n-
ew of his. This nephew was a young
surgeon, of profligato character, my
friend assured nie but that may have
been pnj idica who had long, butuu
success! ii llv wooed his cousin, to whom
his nrofleis were as repugnant as they
her father acceptable.
Some months since, Mr. Parsons, tLe
lrlvV fiitlier. had rrone into
Hampshire on Iuisiucsh, DCComraniv;(l
bv his nephew. At Southampton he
had lieen seized by a 5'idden illness,
which terminated fatally in three days.
On the day preceding his death he
had executed a will (which had since
been proved by the deposition of in
teresting witnesses), containing a sol
emn request that his daughter, to whom
he left the whole of the estate, should
aecopt the hand of his nephew in mar
riage coupled with the provisions that
in case the latter offered, and she re
fused, within a specified period to en
ter into the proposed union, the entire
estate devised to the daughter should
felted to the neuhew.
To sacrifice her fortune to her heart's
choice would not have cost Julia l ar
moment's hesitation : and noth
intr emild have more delighted George
Dickson than so fair an opportunity of
showing how superior his devotion was
to all considerations 01 personal au
. n . i i j
vantage, but ncr miners uyiui; in
quest, in Julia's eyes was sacred. It
had surprised and stunned her, it is
true ; lor in tneir maajcuuieinaio uu
the subject, he had never gjiue beyond
the most kindly remonstrance, and
had never hiuted at anything like co
ercion. B. , , . !
Y'oung Parson, the nephew, had not
the raagTnninity to forego his ungen
erous advantage. Ho might havo
beeu content with his cousin's fortune
alone but his right to that depended
on his offer and ,htr rejection of an
allianco which she felt in consequence
bound to accept. The brief season of
grace, which she had been compelled
i her even with tears, had already
almost passed, and a few more days
would witness tho condemnation of
two lives to hopeless misery.
At. tha conclusion of my friends
narrative, in which, for reasons that
ftpr hn (InvelnDeil. I fcl t a
lliujr uvt vwi w. ' t
lloi. interest. I Drevaued upon
7 4 I f
tr. ucnnmnnnv me to a place or
IlillJ IW fc4 V V. v . . J -- - a
amusement, to which I had previously
ni-..riiirrrl tickets.
When wa reached the theater, the
could find
Then eho
miles smith:,
..r uniini OTrnrn performances had alroady begun ;
CAUllNL I AINU UmULO I LnrU ;ve8UCCeudediufindingseaUvhich com
manded a fair view ot both the stage
and audience.
In a few moments George touched
ray elbow. '
"Observe the gentleman nearly op
posite, in the front row, seated next
column, leaning his arm on his caue.
he whispered.
I looked in the direction indicated,
and saw a face whose striking resem
blance to ono I had seen before caus
ed me to start with surprise.
"Who is it," I asked.
"Elbridgo Parsons," was the reply.
"The one of whom you spoke ?
"The same, my friend answered.
'Dnps ho. rtsemhle his uucleV"
was on the point of inquiring ; but
just then the stranger drew the glov
from his rifrht hand, and I saw that
..w... -
Consisting ot
Parlor. Office and Common Furnituro,
Mutt-esses, Pillows, Window
fc'hades, Fixtures, Loolc
ins; (Jlasses, A'c.
Also, aent for Venanjro county lor tho
Celobrated Manhattan Spring lied and
('unhinuiion Mattresses, nianulacturcd
mul for sale at inv FurnUuro AVarerooins,
Pith utreet, near Liberty. Call nnd
sain Die Red. w J'
Dr. J. L. Acorrb,
nil YSICIAN AND RUllti EON, who has
I had ti i'teeii vears' experience in a lariro
and fsiiccessful praclico, will attend all
Professional Calls. Ollico in his Drus and
Grocery Store, located in Tidioute, near
Tidiou'to House.
IN HIS .STORE WILli lil- it-w
a i,ii nosnftmnnt of Medicines. Lifiuors
fob u'co, Clears, Stationery, (ilass Paints
on las
winter, were you not?"
"I was.' he answered with some
"I am the solicitor on whom you
called to take a draft of a will.
He turned pale, but made no reply.
T saw a conv of that will at Dr.
Commons this morniug. I resumed,
"and "
"Yon sneak nf mv uncle s will, he
. . -
hastily interrupted.
"And vet. I continued, "you said
it was voura when you applied to have
it written. You represoutcd yourself
as desirons of executing su3h a uocu
ment preparatory to embarking (n a
perilous voyage. The paper was drawn
in accordance with Vour instructions,
leaving the date to be filled up at the
time of signing, your locks were grey
tliftn olid von cp.rtiinlv looked old
snmi'irh to have a marriaseable daugh
fcr: but vour disguise was n it perfect
And I pointed to the mutilated finger.
"What do you mean?" he shouted,
in a. defiant tone
?irnn!v that vour uncle a signature
to that will is a forgery!" I answered,
rising and confronting him. lie
died on the.23d of December, lour
own telegram to that effect is in exist
ence. It was on the 2-kh, the day be
fore Christmas, that you called on me
to prepare that document now on re-
cord as nis win. jli iiucituo
plain ; you undertook to manufacture
this spurious testament after your un
cle's death, and wishing to clothe
your villainy in legal form, you pro
cured from me the lepireJ draft.
You, or soma one at instigation, simu
lated tho signature of the deceased.
The witnesses who have since perjured
their deposition, were
procured in some manner best known
to yourself,
"Enough, sir," he ejaculated, plac
ing his back aeainst the door ; "you
have shown vourself in possession of a
secret the custody of which may prove
hirinrprnns I
"T n m not unnrenared for threats,"
T renMed. "In the first place, I did
not come hero unarmed, in the next, I
have prepared a full written state
ment of the facts to which I have al
luded, with iuiformation, besides of
mv nresont visit to VOU1' self. The
nnmr will bo delivered to the friend
to whom it is directed; unless within
mi hour I reclaim it from the messen
ger who has been instructed for that
eno-t i ot lime io retain iu
uu fcn e-rcw livid, llis Irame
ouivered with mingled fear and rage
and his eye gieanieu imu
wild beast at bay.
"What is your purpose ( ne ex
claimed in a voice hoarse with sup
pressed pfa-ion. tt
"To keep your secret while you live,
I answered, ""on one condition."
"Name it."
"That-you. write instantly to Julia
Parsons, "reu'ounciug all pretension to
her hand, and absolutely withdraw
in' your proposal of marriage."
After a moment's pause he hastily
Q hrief note, which he sub-
If CU IIVU j ,
mitted to my inspection ; it was quite
Efii Ufiiet.nrv.
"P.a bo crood as to seal and auureas
it, I said.
He did so.
"I will see that it is delivered, 1
remarked, taking it up and bowing
myself out.
When I met George Dixon that
evening, hia old college look had
come back. He had great news to
tell me. The next thing was to take
me to see JuHaiid itis needless to
tell what a happy evening wo tnree
spent together, and what a happy
marriage followed not long after.
Elbridgo Parsons, I have just learn
ed, emigrated for Australia, on board
I j the London, and went down id that
ill -luted sr.ip.
When thev reached the depot, Mr,
Mann nnd his wife cazod in unspeaka
le dissappointmcnt at the receding
train, which was lust ptuiing awuy
the hrirVe switch at the rate oi
a thousand miles a minute. Their
fir.'t impulse was to run after it, but
' !.. -:i.
us the tram was out 01 sim, nuu
whistline for Sugetown before they
could act unon tho impulse, 'they re
mained in the carnage and clisconso
lately turned their" horses' heads home
"It nil pome's of bavins to wait for
a woman to tret ready." Mr. Mann
broke the silence, very grimly.
"1 iv a a readv before vou were, rc
nlie.d his wife.
. . T 1 f H T
' Great Heavens, crieu air. iuanu,
with ereat impatience, jerkiug the
horses jaws out of place, "just listen to
. .-r . , I 1 AW
that And i sai in me uukkv iuu
minutes yelling nt yon to come along
until thn whole neighborhood heard
"Yes." acouiesced Mr3. Maim with
the provoking placidity which no ono
can assume but a woman, "and every
T Ktnrtp.d down stairs vou sent
hnek for RomethiDS' vou had for
sotten." ... '.'
Mr. Mann groaned. "This is too
much to bear," he said, "when every
hodv knows that if I were going to
Europe I would just rush iDto tho
house, put on a clean shirt, grab up
my grip sack, and fly, while you
would want at least six months for
nrc-llr rnnrv nrenarat'ions, and then
dawdle around the whole day of start-'
ipg until every tfam had left town.
Well, the upshot ct the matter was
that the Manns put oft their visit to
Aurora until the next week, aud it
was agreed that each one4 should get
liniself or herselt ready and go uowu
to the train and go, and the one who
failed to get ready should he Ifrft. The
dav of the inatch'carae around in due
time. Alio train was going hi.,
. r nr .1... .H.n.tlflff r C3
and flir. xuauu, uut-i micuniug
business, went home at thio.
Now. then," he shouted, -oniy
three ouarlers of an hour's time. I' ly
mound: a fair field and no favors,
you know."
.i a nr. Ar.
Ami iiwav inev nsw.
hnld into this room and flew through
lint r n nn d dived irto one closet
uiav i'"i - , . .
oftoranniher with inconccivaDie ra
pidity, chuckling under his breath an
im to think how cheap Mrs.
Mann would feel when he started on
alone. He stopped on his way up
stairs to pull off his heavy boots to
o... Vnr tho same reasous he
OUVV7 lii - ,
pulled off his coat as he ran tnrougn
the dining room and hung it on a cor-
of the silver closet, men ne
off his vest as he rusueci
. ... 1 11 I . .1 . r n n
through tne nan auu wsscu k -hook
in the hat rack, aud by the time
ho had reached his own room he was
ready to plunge into his clean cioines
iTa nulled out a bureau drawer and
began to paw at the things like a
Scotch terrier- after a rat.
"Eleanor," he shrieked, "where are
my shirts?"
in and
sai I :
"In the shirt you just pulled ofT."
Mrs. Mann put on her gloves while
Mr. Mann hunted up nnd down the
room for his cuff button.
"Eleanor," he snarled, at last, "1
believe you must know where those
cuff buttons arc."
"I haven't seen them, said the
lady, settling her hat; "didn t you lay
them down on the window sill in tne
sitting-room last night?"
Mr. Mann remembered, nnd ho went
down stairs on the run. lie stepped
on one of his boots and vas immediate
ly landed in the hall at the foot of tho
stairs with neatness and dispatch, at
tended in the transmission with more .
bumps than he could count with Y ebb'a
adder, and landed with a bang like
the Hell Gato explosion.
"Are you nearly ready, Algernon?'
asked the wife of his family, Bweetly,
leaning over the banisters.
The unhappy man groaned. "Can't
you throw me down the other boot?"
he asked. '
Mrs.H,.Maun pitviivgly kicked ,.it
down to him.
"My valise?" be inquired", as lie
tugged at the boot.
"Up in your dressing-room,"
"I do not know ; unless you packed
it yourself, probably not," she replied,
with her hand on the door knob; "I
had barely time to pack my own."
She was passing out of the gate
when the door opened, aud he shout
ed :
"Where in the name of goodness
did you put my vest? It has all my
money in it I
You threw it on the hat-rack,
she called ; "good bye dear."
Before she got to the coi ner ot the
street she was hailed ngain.
"Eleanor! Eleanorl Eleanor Mana!
Did you wear olf my coat?''
She paused and turned, after sig
nalling tho street car to stop, nnd
cried :
"You threw it on the silver closet."
And the street car engulfed her
graceful form and she was seen no
more. But the neighbors say that
they heard Mr. Mann charging up
and down the house, rushing out of
the frout door every now and then,
shrieking after the uoconscious Mrs.
Mann, to know where his hat was,
and where she put the valise key, and
if ho had any clean socks and under
shirts, and that there wasn't a linea
collar iu tho house. Aud when he
went away at last, he left the kitchen
door, the side door and the frontdoor,
all tho down stair windows aud the
front gate wide open. And the loung
ers around tho depot were somewhat
amused, just as the train was "S
out of sight down in the' yards,
ti flushed, iiersnirinsr man. witi -is
and n&t ou sideways, hi3 vest but
and nccKtio living, and ma grip bui,.
flapping opou and shut like a dement
ed shutter on a juarcu nigni, auu
door key in his hand, dash wildly
across tho platform and halt in the
"la your bureau urawer, .mj , , . . d - t
plMd Mri ilann; wno b , imootent. wrathful mortification
letoro a glass caimiy auu u . j
coaxing a refractory enmn into J. ace. J"""
Ve hv thunder, iney mun -. . e ,.
v,,i " ,lv0,i throwing Kisses at mm irum m u
shouted Mr. Mann, a little Y'l,enf,Un w. en r.-JWin aton
at the departing train, and shafein
his fist at a nrettv woman who was
I've emptied everything out of the
drawer, and there isa t a ining m n m "
at'j' caw heforo."
ivr-a Tann dtenned bacK a lew
platform of the last car.
Mrs. Elizabefli Cady Stanton (s3
r.iJ ....I Un exchaneel has a new eneyauce
trill E GHIST Ml IiL at Nebraska (Lacy
1 town,) Forest county, has been the.r--n-'hly
overhauled and renttcd in tUNt
ltu order. and is now rimiun and doing or the best -quality, and tne first joiut of the middlfl finger was
will bo sold' at reasonable rates. wantiiM' a circumstance which, for
all kinds of
V V H TOM O 11 1 X 15 I 5 ii.
i.i A'est tiures,
.nhaud, and sold ut tho very
,.ri.i i.s'MP.N'T. Mule and tciiuue, s-.u.i-
rv ,.r commission. " l"V
acnt as
. i ,i .. .. a,.Lr nnd exD- uses. iMire-
1,1 .f . ..,,,, 1 .,.,,
XI. 11 l-i""
J1 A
has charge of tho Store.
iut up accurately.
All proscriptions
in Religious and Agricultural weeklies
half-price. Send for catalogue? on tho
List Plan. For Information, address ,
0.4 Al Park Row, N. Y.
DVERTISERS send 2r cents to j
1 P. Rowe. i d- Co., 4 1 rai-K now ,
for their Eigh
co-it of adverr
LV-page raniiniii'i,
li 4t
"Do you know the exact date of
Mr. Parson's death ?" I asked when
we had gained tho street at tho cluso
of the performance.
"Yes," said George ; "it was the2od
of December. His daughter reeved
a telesrram from her cousin, announc
ing the fact tho same day. But why
do vou ask ? '
"I have a reason which may or may
not prove a good one,' I returned
aDd stating that I had business en
Tf mechanic or clerk saves only
2 cents per day, from the time he is
twenty-oue until lie is inrecscore uuu
. . 'il l. ...til
ten. the acrifretraie. wun 1r.1e.1eM, win
amount to 82.1100 : and a daily saving
97i renehethe important sum of
$29,000. A sixpence saved daily will
nhivh fl a fund Ot S.UUU SUlUCltUH 10
I ,
purchase a goou larm.
"Mrs. Spmks, observed a boarder
tn his landlady, "the equal adjust
ment of this establishment could be
moro safely secured if there was less
hair in U10 hash uid more in the mat
Fit subjects for prison discipline
, the cypher uitpatch "reformers.
would do, and would
bad nn t. it. renlied :
"These things scattered around on
the floor are all mine. Probably you
lnnkint? into Vour own
lia t v' v vwi- - 0 v
'i don't see." testily observed Mr
Mann, "whv vou couldn't havo put
o,;nrra nut. for me when vou had
n dhiiiEr else to do nil the morning
.R,.,.,.nBe " said Mrs. Mann, set
tling herself into an additional article
f rniment with awful deliberation,
l iii,nkA,l tint mino out for me. A fair
Bold and uo lavors, my ueui.
Mr. Mann plunged into his sunt
ike a bull at a red Hag.
Foul!" he shouted iu malicious
triumph. "No buttons on the necKi
"Because, said iirs. Jiauu, 6uct
5 , after a deliberate stare at the fidget-
.! 1 ........ ilitk.itw wlliiih
ihgi linpuueiii. iiiuu, """"a
i. Imtttined her dross anl put eleven
ono . . . . .
stay where she she educated a promising
vinity student for the ministry, and
provided him upon his ordination
with a new suit of clothes. Joy full v
sho assembled her co-laborers to hear
his first sermon, when sho was start
led and disgusted to hear him er
nounco as hia text : "Eet the von:
keep silence in the churches." M
Stanton ha abondoned tho business
educating young men.
At Watertown, iSew lorl, l.
otlier evening, a young gentleman
that city called on a oeauuiui rr
accomplished lady acquaintance a
spent two very agreeable hours. At;
10 0 clock, tho old tolKS having re.
ed, ho concluded it was time also
leave his charmer, lhe young 1.
accompanied him to tho door, V
him good-night, and then passed
stairs to her chamber. Some tnit;
later she had occasion to visit the
hev would do the most ,n(T room, wheu entering, horrc
irood "because you have got tne sniri horrors ! she was utterly comou
' 1 .11 I . .1 ... .Mllnni.ll tl, .)
on wrong side otii. to see ine youu- i;tuii"
When Mr. Mann slid out 01 uiu reCently bidden gooa uigni, iuw
shirt he began to sweat, lie dropped ono comer with tho servant g'-
tho shirt three times bclore ne goi u us ia,, fei)0 gets less pay an-'
on, and wuue i
heard the clock strike ten. n non
his head cam through he saw Mrs.
Mann coaxing tho ends and bows of
her Wiuk tie.
"Wiiere'd my fchirt studd? lie
cried. ,
Mrs. Mann went out into another
room and presently came back with
her gloves an 1 hat, aud faw Mr. Mai u
place, but fche has more p
Sundry old ladies in I) '!J.t
that, from a careful estimai . , t:
erago number of Detroit gala w'
oureach year after autumn lea
400; the number who get any
is 39; lhe number who discovt
men, 'and forget all about h
Particulars tree,