The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 31, 1877, Image 2

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Our Washington Letter.
flpeoiir to the Rkpubmcaw.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 27, '77.
The wave of eusatiou and excite
ment made by the late Ccntonnal Ex
hibition and gathering of people at
Philadelphia, which passed, over this
country and found ita way with more
or less power to all the nations of the
world esoros to havo entirely subsided.
. The after influences, in the way of
suggestions forogrcss in industries,
improvements in machinery, new
types of form and color in manufao
turcs and art, a wider and mora inti
mate knowlege of the resources of each
lection in national production, a
.... comparative study f the educational
' system; of the efforts made for the
security of lifo and health to the
human race ; the improvements in
shipbuilding and the systems and
methods of warfare; the study of the
sciences, and in fact an almost end
less representation ef the achieve
ments of man, will have a far more
enduring and permanent result.
Even with all the incalculable good
to be derived from this which men
have stoied "p in their minds and
. their note books, we have retained in
this country a very considerable pro
portion of the actual materials and
articles exhibited at Philadelphia.
Perhaps the largest collections secur
ed from foreign countries for perma
nent exhibition in the United States
are those which fall inte possession of
the National Museum at Washington.
No less than ten thousand boxes "and
packages, having a weight of five hun
dred tons and reaching the enormous
camber of hundreds thousands of
articles, have been presented thismus
cum from the countries of Europe, of
Asia, of Africa, of Australia, the Pol
ynestan Islands, Sandwich Islands,
Canada, Bermuda, aud South Ameri
The appropriations of the Smith
sonian Institute, the United States
Fish Commission and the Interior
Department made to enable the gov
' ernment centennial exhibit, have also
accumulated a large amouut of into
resting oojects ot study, lliese are
now awaiting a special appropriation
to defray their transportation te
Washington, where they will be care
fully stored uutil an extension of the
present building of the National Mus
eum shall afford room for their dis
1 1 . Ml I .
piay, wnen mey win be thrown open
te tho freo .admission of the general
public. It is to be hoped that Con
gress will take tome action in the
matter without delay.
The electoral bill which passed the
Senate Thursday morning, after an
all night cession, continues to be the
principal subject of discussion and
thought. The opposition to the bill
in the Senate was led by Messrs Mor
ton and Sherman who undoubtedly
made forcible presentations of their
.side of the case, but they both labor
ed under the disadvantage of having
arguments upon record which went
directly to the opposite 6ide, and of
course when Senators Edmunds and
Conkling used this terrible advantage
by quoting to them their own late
opinions they hrd no answoar to make
Before this letter reaches you the bill
will undoubtedly have become a law.
There is very little known as yet re
.rdiog the House membership of the
tribunal, but the names most promi
nently mentioned for the Senate
branch are Edmunds, Coukliog, Mor
ton, Constancy, Bayard and Thur
rnan. The Senate committee charged with
investigating the lute Alabama elec
tion will begin their Ubors to-morrow.
Unlike the others, this committee will
sot go to the contested state, but
propose by summoning the witnesses
before them to conduct the investiga
tion here.
The democratic investigators still
y continue their nosing into private
" Vdjspa'ches. They met Thursday and
had before them several telegraph
operators from Philadelphia but failed
to elioit anything of interest or that
would excite suspicion. The only one
thing they .have proven in their in
vebtigations is that they are not only
willing to go behind the returns of u
State, but behind the Constitutiou as
well, if by s doing they can only get
into efikc.
General Belknap, who has been iu
the city since lait April awaiting his
trial, has this week addressed a letter
to the District Attorney, demanding
nn immediate trial. The fact that no
steps liave been taken towards this
trial by the authorities, although
nearly ten months have elapsed since
the indictment, would seem to show
that the prosecution are eitbtr ex
ceedingly cautious or very negligent.
As I close Alexis is on his way up
the Potomac to Washington, and the
eutire city is agog to receive him.
Welcome 1 Royal Rooster, to ao ob
sequious republic ! .
V :.v Maxwell.
The compromiso measure, while it
will not be fully completed till it re
ceives the President's signature, may
be treated as though it were already a
law. It proves, under the test of
votes, not to have commanded un
divided Democratic support, there be
ing questions ot law and principle in
volvid which even Democrats could
not concede. We are not disposeJ,
now that the fate of the bill is practi
cally settled, to indulge criminations,
or to pre cast trouble, such as we bo
lieve will inevitably ari9o from the
passage ot the bill. We also fully
appreciate that the bussiness interests
of the country generally desired its
passage, in the hope of peace and the
consequent restoration of prosperity.
The fact that tho 'Democracy had
about abandoned their struggle, and
had made up their minds that Hayes
would be inaugurated, did not eeetn
to be generally understood. It re
mains now to be considered what the
immediate effect of the passage of the
bill will be.
When the bill was drawn it was the
expectation and intention of the
Democrats that Judge Davis should
be the fifth man from the Supreme
Bench, and they confidently relied on
their abilty to flatter him into the ac
ceptance of their views. Hence thoy
believed Tilden would bo counted iu.
But the election ef Judge Davis to the
position of United States Senator, at
ouce pnts this scheme aside. Demo
crats in Congreps still hold that inas
much as he will not become United
States Senator till the 4th of March,
until which time he will remain on
the Supreme Bench, he cau without
prejudice, act on the. judicial com
mission; but it is held,' on the other
side, that this will not be allowed, as
by his election he is at ouco involved
in political complications as n pros
pective United States Senator. This
will result in the commission being
made up without bias, at least, to
Republican interest. Assuming that
the Judge to be selected proves to be
a Republican, we will have this much
in our favor.
It is conceded that the main issue
will be made on the Louisiana case
The Democruts propose to employ
legal talant to arrange and present
their side of the case, and if they do,
the Republicans must do tho same.
William M. Evarts is spoken of as
likely to bo employed on the Republi
cau side. The first issue will be
whether the commission can go he
hind the question of the legality of the
Boards, and inquire into tho merits
and facts of tho election? It is bet
ter to at once concede that they will
do this, and that the commission will
in reality be a National Returning
Board, to pass on the direct issue,
whether, say in Louisiana, the Tilden
or Ilnyes electors were proper! v elect
ed. It lias been conceded - already,
that the Louisiana Keturninc Hoard
is a legal body under the laws of Lou
isiana, and that it possessed all tho
powers exercised, under the law of
that btate. In tins direction there is
no hope for tho Democracy. They
will necessarily insist on goiug behind
thu action of the Boari and aacer
taining whether the facts justified the
decision rendered, giving Hayes the
vote of the State. We assume that
where this is done, the facts of intimi
dation are so clear and strong, that
the justice of the Returning Board's
decision will be maintained.
We therefore hold that tho imme
diate effect of the passage of the bill
will not be to endanger Haye elec
tion ; yet we still hold that the bill is
dangerous, and that the time will
come when we will reproach ourselves,
as a nation, that we ever resorted to
this device to escape a month's agita
tion. All the compromising experi
ence of this nation has been unfortu
nate, and we fear the latest vonture
will prove no better than those of oth
er years. We therefore dismiss the
general subject,. and will watch the
details of the uew order of things. We
soon will have the privilege of seeing
the machinery in full operation, and
will shortly know the result, be it
good or ill. IHtUburrjh Gazette.
The valuable aud beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
O. Dalo, and in which he now resides,
is in my hands for sale at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchase
money down, and the balance iu one
and two years. Mii.ta W. Tate.
Xeic Advertisement.
BY VIRTUE ofR writ of Levail Facias
issued out of tho Court of Common
Pleas of Forest Countv, and to me direct
ed, there will be exposed toalo by public
vendue or outcry, at tho Court House, hi
the borough of TlonosU, on
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2fith, A. I)., 1877,
ot 10 o'clock A. M.,the following described
real estate, to-wit :
The Superior Lumber Company vermis
George W. Dithridgo and Unmet M. S.
Dithridgo. Levari Facia No. 25, February
Term, A. 1). 177. Davis. All Unit, piece
or parcel of land Hituuto in Tionesta Town
ship, Forest Countv, and State of Pctui
alvanin, and bounded and described
a follows : Beginning at a rod oak on tho
Allegheny Rlvor (now a stump, tho troo
having been broken off A. I). 1X73) about
one hundred and three 8-10 perches below
me mouth oi 'Honest creek: and north ot
rr.fflflmrfs of John W. inland. Thence
north along tho Allegheny River 45 E. 10
porches, thonco north alonj said river 20
E. f5 5-10 perches to k white oak standing
on trie bank of tho Allegheny river, thonco
8. 08'E. 2tf perches inoro or less to a pout
and stones, thenca parallel north the long
est river lino 2(a West 50 perches more or
less 10 a wmto oak, tuonco south 4o" t w.
351 perches to a chestnut, thence north 45
W. -U 5-10 perches to tho place of begin
ning. Containing twelve aercs more or
Iohh, being tho name land Inter alia con
veyed on tho 34th day of February. A, D.
1871 by Amos Hatfield of N. Y. City to
Hugh U. Stevenson of Oil Cily, Venango
t y .. .. T ..... i i i . .1. ... i
viuum,, vim n, huu rccoruou on mu
Hay of April A. D. 1873, in Deed Book vol-
uroo w, pages 343, 344 and 345, ait also tho
same land inter alia conveyed on tho 14th
day of February A. D. 173 by Hugh H.
Stevenson and wife to Harriet M. S. Dith
ridgo of Tionesta Township, Forest county
Peun'a, recorded on tho tirstdav of April,
A. D. 1873, in I). 11. vol 7. p. 130, as also
the same land conveyed by Harriot M. S.
Dithridgo to Geo. AV. Diihridgo, ou tho
29th dav of Mav A. D. 1873, and recorded
the Cth day of October A. D. 1873, In the
office for recording deeds in and for aafcl
County in D. B. vol. 0, pages 421 and 422.
Taken in execution and to be sold as tho
property of Harriet M. S. Dithridgo and
George V Dithridgo at tho suit of Tne
Superior Lumber Company.
Terms Cash.
J. SHAWKEY, Sheriff.
Sheriff' Office, January 31, 1877.
WnKHKAH, Tho Hon. L. D. Wetmoro,
President Judge of tho Court of Com
mon Pleas and Quarter Sessions iu and for
tho county of Forest, has issued his pro
cept for holding a Court of Common Plea
Quarter Sessions, Ac., at Tionesta, for
the County of Forest, to commenco on the
fourth Monday of Fob. next, being tho
2")th dav of Fob. 1877. Notice is therefore
given to tho Coroner, J list ices of tho Peace
and Constables of said county, that they be
then and there in their proper persons at
ton o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their
records, inquisitions examinations and
other remembrances, to do thoso things
which to their offices appeVtaln to be done,
and to thoso whoaro bound in recognizance
to nrosecute atrainat tho nrisoners that aro
orhall bln tho jail of Forest County, that
thov he then and there present to prosecute
A .1 ..1 II I I . til
Hmnsi mem as kuuii u jusi, niveu uu
der my hand and seal A. D. 1877.
Register's Notice.
TVTOTICE is hereby given that James Gil
ll Allan, Kxecutorof tho estate of Goorg.i
S. Siggins, Into oi Harmony Township,
deceased, has tiled his first and final ue
eount in thl.. oilico, and tho samo will be
presented to our next Court for ion Urina
tion. Ji. W. CLAllK, Koglstcr.
Jan. 25, 1877. 4t
LADIES, wanted imlvntly to intro
duce a splendid uoou,
Nearly 800 pages, rich illustrations, superb
bindings, very attractive, and n treasure
as tho best and cheapest history of tho
(Jreat Exhibition. Endorsed by tho offi
cials, press agd clergy. Is soiling im
mensely. One lady of no experienco has
cleared $5;o la lour weeks. Act quickly
if at all. Now or never. For full partic-
tilarls address HUBBARD BROS., Pub
lishers, Philadelphia, pa. 42-5t
Appeal' Notice. -
ATOTICE Is herebv irlven that tha Com
ll missionors of Forest County will be at
the following placos at the timos designu
tod, for the purposoof holding Appeals for
me Triennial AsscuscHsment :
Barnett Twp Clai ington, Feb fl.
Touks " Marionvillo, Feb. 7.
Greon " NebraHka, Fob. 8.
Hickory "
Harmony" Allcudor School House,
Fob. 10.
Kinguley " Newtown Mills, Feb. 12.
Tionostu Boro,e Commissioners' Office,
Feb. 13.
Tionesta Twn., Commissioners' Office,
Feb. 14.
Howe Twp., Brookston, Feb. IS.
Bv ordor of Commissioner.
J. T. BRENNAN, Clerk.
Red Hot! Spicy! Newsy I
Oil City Daily Derrick,
For 1877.
Itetler Tlmn Krer!
More and Fresher News, and More Read
ing Matter than any other Daily Pacr
in North-WoMtttrh Pennsylvania!
Tub Oil City Daily Dkrrick will bo
gin the new year with a larger circulation
than ever attained by any daily newsp ipcr
in Pennsylvania outside of the large cities.
Ic lias gained this by giving all tho l'rosh
ost news, and sparing no expense in ob
taining itouu. It has correspondents in
every portion of tho Oil Region, besides
several reporters who aro constantly trav
eling. Tho proprietors, editors and ro
portorial stair, aro all young and enorgotio
men, whose aim is to make the Derrick
the leading newspaper of Western Penn
sylvania. The Dkrrick will bo better than ovor
for 1877. It will havo special reporters at
Washington and Harrisburg, who will
seud daily specials of all important events.
Its readers will be kept posted on all tho
political news of tho day, as reported from
an independent standpoint, while a largo
roportorial forco will keep them Informed
ou local matters. It will also, as It does
now, take tho lead in discussing questions
of importance to oilmen, and worK faith
fully for tho interest of the Oil Region. It
will maintain its position as authority in
oil statistics, and its market quotations
will always be found reliable
If you want picy reading, fresh nows,
information concerning tho Oil Region,
and a red-hot paper, uubscriho for tho Oil
City Daily Derrick. Terms, 10 per
year; six months fo ; (I a month in ad
vance. W. 11. LONGWELL A CO.,
o'J 3t Publishers, Oil City, Pa.
1 EMPLOYMENT Male and female, sala
ry or commission. Wo pay agent as
salary of fc'W a week and expense.' Eure
ka Manutaetiiring Co., lljrlt'ord. Conn.
1'uilividai free. 41 1
Exponas a
i of yli'iuii.
i issnelt out
of liiroN.t
i'o will lie
uo or out-
D. 1877,
If doscrib-
of tho Court oi
county and to t
exposed to sale
crv, at tho Com
of Tionesta, on
at 10 o'clock, a. i
od real estate, to-
Hie Commom
. h Ac, vs.
-jnnrra, Von.
K"f.: A'fnew. All
. .niatn In Har
' jii tuinty and State
J .ali' 1 and ' described
Ex. Rol. A. C. Pa
James Ponnock a
Ex. No. 14 Fob. T
that certain tract r
mony Township. 1
of Pennsylvania, b
ns follows, viz : Hi
ner of lad owned
on West Hi jkorv t at a post, eor-
nl.l of -Icllll Wlllfll
k, (hence Vouth one
and a half degrees v
-nt f--Mr hundred and
Mveiity-four (474) r
nortli eisrhty-nino d
jls to a post, thence
reef west ono hun
r rods to a whlto oak
dred and Rovonty-fo
theneo north ono and a half dcreea east
two hundred and thiity-six rods to a black
oak, thence eightj'-nine degrees west two
hundred and ninety-one rodi to a post,
thence north one and a half rUg ces cast
two hundred and thirty-eight rods to a
post, thence south . ghl-y-nmo, degree
east four hundred and sixty-four, rods to
tho placo of beginning. .Containing nine
hundred and forty acres mm or less. Ex
cepting thcrofrom a parcel ol la.,,'-,ontain-ing
two hundred and eighteen nnn ninety
onc-hundredths ncres conveyed 'lyOoo. 8.
Long to W. H. Aron bv deed mcoi ded in
Deed Book L. lanugo 307. Also .except
ing a parcel oMandcontain,in:-r one hun
dred and thirty-threo acres; conveyed by
said Long to the Cherry and Trot Run
011 Company by deed recorded in Deed
Book J J page four hundred at I twenty
five (4-.)). Also excopting co" 'i lots,
via : Nos. 1, 2, 11. U 14, 15, 16, ' A 10, 20,
23, 24, 25. 2li, 27, 30, 40, 41. 43, 41, and f7 In
subdivision of lot l umber ivo in lan of
Fleming farm, and also lo numbers 12,
24, 2S, 20, and 27, in subdivision of lot num
ber 2 in plan of said farm, together with
tho hereditaments and appurtenance, bo
ing tho samo landeonveyodby P. H. Gray,
high sheriff of Venango County to James
Oharra, by deed dated April 2l, A. 1).
1807, recorded in tho ollleo for tho record
ing of deeds Ac, in deed lxok No. 4, page
170 Ac, in said county of Forest.' About
ton acres of tho abovo Is improved with
some oil derricks thereon orecfod.
Also. All tho defendants .rJht, tltlo,
Intorost and claim, ol in and tcilvio follow
ing describod pioeo or parcel of land nitu
ato in Harmony Township, Foit it County
and State of Pennsylvania, lately nssosned
in tho namo of Geo S. Long, subdivisions
12 and 3, containing four hood rod aud
slxty-thrco acros, being tho tMim land
charged with and sold for arrdnragea of
taxes for tho years A. D, J SOS and A. D.
lill, by James P. Sigglim, Troasurkr of
Forest County, Pennsylvania to J lies
Oharra. by deed dated September 2!', 1H70,
duly acknowledged and recorded in the
office for recording deeds in and for said
County of Forest in deed book Ne. 8, pp.
308, Ac Taken in oxecution anil to bo
sold aa the property of Isaac M. IVnnock
and James Oharra, at the suit of tlwi Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania Ex. RJ' .-, A
C, Patterson, Trustee, Ac.
John B. Mooro for use ot VT. McMichaol
Receiver Ponna. Fire Insurance Coiipany
vs. Bennett Dobbs. I.ovarl 1- acias 7o.
Keb. Term. Is-"?. Lathv. All that ctrtain
eighty-throe acres of land situate ii tho
Township of Jcnks, in tho Countv otU-'or-cst
in the State of Pennsylvania, boinc tho
north east part or a larger tract ot land
known iva subdivision number fivtvO)
cuntainlm; ono hundred and twcntv-sil cn
and a half acres of warrant number 'iv?
thousand ono hundred and forty-onei5
patented by the Commonwealth of Pel
svlvauia to Peter Boynton ; trnid eigh
tfireo ami a half acres horcby convey
being tho north-east part of said lary
tract or subdivision number tivo at riu
angles of tho boundary lino of .said subi
vision at such distance south-west of tl
north-east boundary thereof so as tomak
or include tho said cighty-throo and a ha
acres hereby conveyed therein, being th
same north-east end of I ho samo subdivis
ion number live of Warrant number fiWl
containing ono hundred and twenty-seven
acres that John W. Milier Esquire", Treas
urer of Forest County fUVrcsuid did on tho
socond Monday of Junf, A D. ltfoti agree
ably sell tho samo one hundred and tweii".
ty-scvon acres, tho eighty-three and a half
acres hereby conveyed being included
therein to Bennett Dobbs forarrears of the
taxes for the Years of our Lord 1SGI-1HG3,
and duly acknowledged tho deed herouf
in open court hald at Marion, in said Coun
ty on tho 25th day of September A. 1).
1800, all of which appoars of record. Ta
ken in execution . and to bo sold as tho
property of Bennett Dobbs at tho suit of
John B." Mooro for use of Win, McMidiacl
Rocoivor of tho Ponna. Firo insurance Co.
-v ALSO,
P. Joyco vs. Caroline Pos ter, owner or
reputed ownur and Frank Porter, con
tractor, Lovarl Faciaa No. 23 Feb. Term,
A, D. 1877. Irwin. All of defendants' in
terest of in aud to the following picco or
parcel of land situato in Tionesta Borough
Forest County, Pennsylvania, and des
cribed as lot number four in Block T, be
tween Vino and street, and having a
front edge on on Vine and Dalo strco'. of
fifty feci, and extending back one hundred
and thirtyfour feet. Containing one
quarter acre, bo tho samo more or less, and
having one two story frame dwelling house
thereon eroctod. Sidd dive Ming houso is
10x32 feet on tho ground plan. Taken in
execution and to be sold as thoproportyof
Caroline Porter, owner or reputed owner
and Frank Porter contractor, at the suit of
P. Joyce. , '
Tonus (.'ash.
Sheriff's Office, Tionesta, Forest Co. Pa.,
January 10, 1877.
Allegheny Valley Rail Road.
Pittsburgh", Titusville &. Buffalo
Railway, and Buffalo, Corry &.
Pittsburgh Railroad.'
ON AND AFTER Sunday, Jan. 28, 1877,
trains will run aa follows:
STATIONS. Northward.
Ho. 1 No. I N.
!. 1 ho. t Ma.
p in p m a in
0:10 2:55! 6:40
7:4I 1:32 4:55
7:0S:i2:5Oj 3:53
5:55! 11:40 2:35
5:l0ll:2!! 2:1)
5:00110:48 12:40
a Ul
Pittsburgh 8:00
W Pen J uno K:22
Kittanning 10:05
It. B'k Junel0:57
Brady Bend 11: 10
Parker 11;50
Emlontou 12:30
Scrubgruss 1:10
Franklin 1:53
Oil City 2:20
p m p m
2:15i 8:40;
4:15 11:46
10: 15
Eagle Rook
4 :J:
p. m
p. in
p. nil
p. m
a. m;a
Trains run bv Philadelphia Time.
J. MoltTOX 11 ALL, .
icu'l Pn-jsenjrcr A Ticket A
NOTICE is hereby given that thoundcr
sisrnod Intend to annlv to the General
Assembly of tho Stato of 1'ennn.vlvania, at
its next session, for the passage of an act
entitled "An Act to provide for tho pay
ment of tho debts ami distribution or the
funds of the Stuto Road authorized by the
actof first of May, lsiil, entitled 'An Acl
appointing commissioners to lay nnt mid
open a Stato Road iu tho counties of Mc
kean, Elk, Forest and Clarion.' and the
Hcvcral supplements thcrclo."
The said Act will ulvo tho Court of Com
mon Pleas of Elk County iurlsdiction to
collect the funds of said road and 'apply
them 1st, To pay tho costs of proceed
ings) 2d, To pav 'the just debts lawfully
contracted by too lale oonimissloiiers of
said road, an'd yet unpaid j :'.d, The sur
plus 10 mo several townships rrom whence
tho fund la derived. Tho proceeding to
bo instituted bv any nerson interested.
and tho further necessary proceedings to
Krt lin.l IS ... .1.. . n 'l
in.-i h'ii Mit(yn iiuiicu nnnii nave
been given to tho proper authorities of the
several counties and townships interested,
and also by publication in 1 paper In each
WM k 1L8DS0IS.
Tho Oldest, ' Largest, mid Most Perfect
. Maiujtactory in the United
Slate, nearly
56,0 0 0
Now in uso.
No other Musical Instrument evcrobtaln-
ed the same popularity.
.Xlr-Sond for Prlco List. '
Addrc BUFFALO, JV. .
Tho fact of our being tha o'dsst and
largost manufactory in the United StaWs.
with nearly 66,000 instrument now In
use, Is a sufficient guarantee 'of our re
sponsibilitj and the merits of our instru
ment.' C-Gm GEO. A. MUNCE-A CO.
have been awarded a Medal mid' Diploma
ai me ciitenniai r.xposiiiou mid com
mended by the Judge fop
S 1 O OA"
.1 , U -
and prefi
tioa t
It I
and f
It i
ncss, ai
Bo. N. B.-X1
Mew Betiui
by tho nunn
The edition
It contains
engravings an.
graved and co
The work in
men ci'py, v
address, "freo
i 421
Enlidc of Mmi v l)il!e deecasrwi luto of
Tionesta Township, 1'orcst county, Alt
person Indebted to kmuI cslale aro re-
oucstcd (o make immediate payment, and
lose having legal claim agimiMt tho stmiw
will proseiil them, without ilelv, in prouvi"
ordor for settlement to .
NANCY DAWSON, A.linlnlslratriir,
or MfLES W. TATE. Atfv.
June 20, l.70.- 12 0 Tiotiosta, Pa..
9000,000 IN GIFTS I
Grandest Scheme ever Presented to Un
rpiIE Kentucky Cash Distribution Coin
X pany, nutiiorjcd by a special act of
tho Kentucky Legislature, for tha banaflt
of the Public School of Frankfort, will
have tho first of their t-erios of Grud
Drawing at MajiT Hal), in tho City of
Frankfort, Ly., on j
on which occasion thoy will distributor
the ticket -holder tho imiiiniRo turn of
Tho. P. Porb'r, Ex -Governor Ky., Gn-
eral Manager.
a wo will havo aserle of Grand Drawing,
and cau not establish tho procedent f
T.tST ok (iifts:
One grand cash gift $1".
Ono grand cash gift Wiw-i'w.
One grand cash gift "' Onf
One urand cash irlft LUOOO"
One grand cash gilt 10000-
Ouo grand cash gift.
i UiO
50 000
50 OW
. 4 0 000
30 000
40 000
50 cash gms oi $i,ooo each..
100 Cash giHs of
100 Cash gifts of
J00 Cash gifts of
00 each
400 each.. .
S00 each..
200 each..
100 each..
200 Cash gills of
(100 Cash gifts of
10,000 Cash gilts of
12 each , 120 000
Total, 11,15(1 girts, all cash C00M9
Whole tickets, $12: Halve. fO; -QuW-X.
ters, 3; 0 tickets, $100 ; 271 tlckot, 1VW; I
4 ticket, 9500; ii5i tickets, f 1,000. 1 aVo,- , ,j
000 tickets nt 12 each. IV
Hon. i:. H. Taylor, Mayor of I'r. ink 'iVt,
the entire board iil Citv Conneilmeu. pJ.wn.
Alvill llllVAll. bitn (Mi'ler .luslico. ot K iu-"'?S.
tucky, and other distinguished citi4i,
together with mich fllsintrrestcd jio-i Jw
a tho ticket holders present inny tl.-8'
nato will superintend tho dra r . j
Remittance can bo niado I v Lij-ij,
Draft, Postofllco Money order.' i' - . - firil
Letter, made payablo to Koniu.-iiy I
Distribution Conijiany.
All eornmunii iition's count 1 i
distribution and order Air iVkitt.
aiipiications of agent to sr.; I r,,
Khould bo addressiul to
Hon. thoh. P. P iri-rr:..
12 4 Gniuiral Manager, l"i in, k f.. i t.
Or G. W, HA U ROW A co.,
Gn, Knktern AuuU,'
710 llrouil-n ay,
Awaruod tho Highest Modal r.-.
C91 Broadway, New Y-rk
(Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.)
Manufacturers, lmportorj , I Jc.!r
v.i aw 8,
for the sake
'ioscojios, and Suit