I N I r ; , RUNNING IN DEBT. I dwell on tliis . point, , for I would deter' others from entering that place of torment. Half the young men in this country, with rflany old enough to know better, would go into business. 'f, that is, Into debt to-morrow if - thy could. Most poor men are bo ;' ignorant as to envy the merchant or manufacturer, whose life is an incess ant struggle with pecuniary ' difficult-ties, who is" drlteti to constant "shin ning," and who, froui month to month, barely evades the insolvency which. sooner or later-ovrtakes tuqst men iu business ; so that it has" been com puted that but one roau iu twenty bf " them achieve a pecuniary success. o For my prnrt, I had rather be a con " vict in the State prison, a slave in a - rich swamp, than to pass through' life under the harrow of debt. Let no. ' .roan misjudge himself unfortunate, or ' V truly ioor, so long as he has his limbs and faculties, and is .substantially free from debt. Hunger, cold, rags, ; hard work, contenpt, suspicion, un l" just ' reproach are disagreeable, but 'v debt is infinitely worse than them v U. And if it had pleased God to spare either or all my sons to be the support of-my Reclining years, the ' lesson which I should most earnestly seek to impress upon them is, never ' run in debt. Avoid pecuniary obliga- tions m you would pnstilence or fam- . . If you have but fifty cents, and can 1 ' get no more for a week, buy a peck of ' corn, parch it, and live on it rather tlia owe a dollar 1 Of course I know that some men must do business that involves a risk, and must give notes or other obligations, and I do not consid er him in debt who can lay his hands directly on the means of pavine. at : V some little sacrifice, all he owes ; I J apeak of real debt that which in ' voltes risk or sacrifice on one side, obligation and ..dependence on the pother and I say from all Buch, let every youth humbly pray God to ' preserve him ever more. Horace Qreely. : . ..i ; .'' Garrett Towneend and Jim Bruce j went out of Louisville, Ivy., in to the , country to .practice ' singing bass. ,-'They made the woods "howl" for ( miles around, until a' granger with a , double barreled shot gun ou hisshoul der, and blood in his eyo,' put - in an , appearance. "I'm lookiu' for a bull . that's been bellerin' around here all day, 'Have either of you fellerj seen "one anywh&r ?'?- Jim, looked; at the f ranger then at ' Garrett, and' said, lister, the bull you are lookin' . for 1 ain't fur off," and" the man with the t gun went oe through the woods, as . Jim turned aud Bald, "Let's git, Gar ' rett; that bass voice of ybur's wili get '.us killed.". And they walked back to : the city in forty minutes. ' One of our 'Nevada ranchers sent his wife to see the big show iu Phila delphia, and followed in about three months himself The worthy couple . stayed with their relatives, about ten miles from Philadelphia, for six weeks, aud upon returning to the land of sagebrush were asked for particulars in regard to the Centennial. "Well," said he, "I'll tell you how it was. My wife was visitiu round afore I went, and didn't cet to the city: and when I got there brother Jim was jest thrashin Ins buckwheat?, and they kep' us so" darned busy helpin" em that J didn't gitto tha ahow.it all." Jieno (Arev.) Gazette. The colossal bronze bust of Horace " Greeley iB completed, and will be un- veuea ai vreenwooa on me. ui oii-'e' cember, the anniversary of Mr. Gree It's death. It is a touching tribute to tha memory of the great journalist that , the entire sum of $0,000 expended in preparln? thia raonumeuthas been con trlbuted by the compositors of the United ; States. . They delighted to hail Mr. Greeley as "irjnter' and it was rleasant to him la ba recognized as a JTellow member, of their euiiu. He was, always '.'in good .standing" in their tacks, and their interest) were his. . , f - v. . I ' i Keoowned as the Egyptian ladies T9 for the richness of their1 attire ihey would regard it as hfgt'v inde ;orous to di?play opon the street the magnificence of their dress. When they go about tba streets of Cairo on hopping expeditions, they cover them selves with a dismal robe of black Aa ... I. i .i jcuciui iuju, wuumver iuey are compeied to exhibit to the public . gaze is simplicity itself, while what they reserve for; private inspection is gorjjaoug in me extreme. . aai willing to risk my reputation as a public man,' wrote Edward Iline to the Liverpool Mercury, 'if the worst casa oi smuii-pox cannot be cured, in .three days, simply by tho usa of cream lariar. una ounce of, cream of .lariar aisoivea in a pint of water, urank at intervals, when colJ, is a It certain, never-failing remedy II uever causes unnauess, and avoids xeuious lingering. A Mississippi woman left the cow .hat she was milking and went right ,nto the house, just because a bear j uuvvu aaiusb iicr. UDoea i e A gentleman, on walking out one ninday evening met a young peasant ;irl whose parent lived near his iouse. ."Where-, are you' going. lenoy f raia ne. "ijooking lor a oo-in-iaw iur my mother, Mr," was h reply. SQUARE GRAKO PIANOS Retailed at Wholesale Pricos. $000 for 2B0. - 630for300. , . 700f0f t300 :'. , ., 800for3B0. '. THE "MENDELSSOHN" PIAN0 CO, 7E.STIIUCK. 1 iiAim pan' ruicri.' ,t kc "; i r ;:'.i '"c r. :r ... '. ,1. only une rnee for uaan, ana a low, oni . NO DEVIATION; We give no discounts. Wo pay no agents' coin missions, which double the prions of all rianos. ; We look to thrpoplc. who wantaflrst c.lass Piano at a ftiir profit over cost of manufacture. We appoint tho People our Rironts, and Rive them otir riano ns low m any agnnt can buy equally pool llanos of any other manufacturer, giving the People. In a reduced price, whatU unually expended In commissions, ront, freight, traveling and Incidental expenses. Th "Medolssolin" Piano Co. can aell you a 7i octve rosowood ce Piano, 6 fteot 10 Inches long, with front round oornnm, cnrvetl leps, serpentine and plinth mould ings, with improvements, including ' Full Iron Frame," " ' '-, I Over Strung Bass, ' ',. ' " Agraffe Trcbls, and French Grand Action, which only accompany the best Pianos of the most celebrated niakers, at the yery low price of ?250, 275 or $aOO, according to style of caso, or with fonr round cor ners and full agratfe for $:ViO, and guaran tor them in every respect equal to any Piano made of similar stylo, or no salo. , The "Mendelssohn" Piano is manufac tured from tho very best materials, and by tho most skilled and finished work men. Tho manufacture is conducted by one of the most experienced Piano manu facturers iu tho country. This is no new enterprise, turning out a poor and cheap piano, made from green wood, and by irreener mechanics. Our Tiano is unsurpassed by any In the market for its rich and powerful tones, aud its adaptation to the human voice in sympathetic, mellow and singing qualities. It speaks for itself. e are willina to n lace it beside anv other make of Piano on its merits, either iu beauty of caso, or excellence of tono, and "at half the money" of equally good instrument. ; . : . "The best tho cheapost" When it costs the leat money. - All Pianos fully warranted for flv-ears. Rond for our Illustrated and Pescrin- tive Circular. i :, . Tlie "Mcndchsolia" Piano Co., OfHco of Manufactory,. - '50 IIHOAUWAY, N. Y, .OXIiY REMEDY FOR HARD TIMES. CHANGE rOUR SURROUNDINGS. All wanting Frnit Farms, espcclall ad apted to the growth of the Vine, whore It is an established success and pays large profit. The land is also adapted to the growth of Peaches, Poars, Apple and smell fruits; also Grain, Grass and Veg etables. ' Many hundred of excellent Vineyards, Orchards and Farms, can now be soon. The location Is only 34 miles south of Philadelphia, by Kailroad. in a mild, de lightful climate, and at the very doors of uie jncw lorn and rnuaacipuia Markets. Another .Railroad runs direct to New York The placo Is already larg. successful and prosperous. Churches, Schools, and other privileges are already established Also, manufactories of Shoes, Clothing, Glass, Straw Goods, and other thingH, at which dillerent members of a family can procure employment. It lias been a licullh resort for some years past for people suffering from pul monary affections, Catarrh, Ague, and de bility 5 many thousands have entiroly re covered. A new brick hotel has Jnst been com pletod, 100 feet front, with back buildings, lour stories higu, including t rench roof, and nil modern improvements for the ac commodation of visitors. 4 'rice 01 i-arin Land Jlii.lH) per acre, navable installments, within the neriod of fu vears. lotina cuniato, planted out to vines" 29 iai"?s of land will count fully as much aa J' acres r.'Fr nortn. . Pxrxiiu n..n.-uaintad iL.. r'Ult Brow- liar wilti It. In n k'' time on account of Bun'Oundings, i'ive acre, one acre, and town lots, In the towns of Lrfindisville and Vineland, also for salo. Whilst viBiting the Centennial Exhibi tion, y.'uelHnd can be visited at small ex pense. A paper Conwminf? information, will be sent upon apf ''cation to ClIHLKS K. LAN I)IS, VinchuVd. J-i free of cost. The following is an extract u,?ni a d0 senption of Vineland, published in ',c a 1 xorK.Jrlrae. by tho weil-known nfiHimunM, pioion tvobinaon: All the farmers wcra of tha u.-oii i sort, and some of thorn, who havo tume.1 their attontion to fruits and market Hard ening, have grown rl-li. Tho soil U Uum 1 ", " ciayey, and surJace gently undulating, intersected with small streams and occasional wet meadowa in which deposts of peat or muck are stored sutUoicnt to fertilize the whole upland sur lace, a:lur it has been exhausted of its It is certainly one of tho most extensive fertile tract,, iu an almost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant farm ing, that we know of this side of the West ern prairies. Wo found some of the old lLtri'l Wr(tnv just as profitably productive as when firt dewed of forest nny or a hundred years ag. The ge4ojist would soon discover the cause of this continued fertility. The " "" wuuiry i a marine deposit, and all 1- . A1 I11D Btlll MM ll 1 1 I Iki 1 of m t UllVinil ill I 'iff foi m of indurated calcarHous mui-1 lug many distinct loi .n ,r of the tertiary toiiiiatiin; and this marly substance is scatlt-rwi all l,rrn.,i. , ,,.,! n a very eoinuiinutai form, ua i ti l exact condition most easily ssimmilate.l ov such ulants ns th filllivatn. WORK DONE AT THE fl B. ( .1 "REPUBLICAN" OFFICE Atht lowett oash price, neatly, prompt ly '? and, in' tlyk equal to that of any other ettaBlithmtnt in the District. .1'. t: . i .. ') :'!- 1 -:o:- BUSINESS, CARDS SHOW CAIU)8, VISITING CARDS, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES,. M 1 J INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MOXTIIIa Y STATEMENTS, 1 i- ENVELOPES BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, circulars', BLANKS, P OS T E R S DODGERS, HANDBILLS 1 1 LABELS, PiriPPINf? TAOS, Aj JOB THE HEW A DOUBLE THREAD 'if -'-Jisi.Sr: - in - -!' if mm;imm4' - ;i IT rntalm D the Vtrtnr nf the 1 'v;)il-Riinni "DOMESTIC," lnclulln( tha Automatl Tension, wlii.1i nd th t-.. in HTVlene noiic our l'ATF.N V HAKUKNF.I) CONICAL HEARINGS oo bath th Mchln nd Kutnct. Our w and olJ Me, wotlced ft with hmml n-w M.irhiocry anil Tnnli t mir own new wnrVt, In the Itnvv city nf Newark, New er;y, htvr; pivun t a Mamlgnl of MK.C'HANICAL KXCr'l I.ENCK, Minimum Friction, Vi ixinmm uf L)uiiltilit)( and ranjfa o( wurk, nercr hecctofor roached iu th Skwih); Machiiic wotUl, TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF. . W Invita the attention of all, eepeclaliy tho no haying high mechanical skill or observation. N. H, Ail Machine fully arr.-uuxl. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Now-York nml C?liimg'o. 'LADIES. USE "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. BIXBY'S BLACKING. A COMBINED POLISH Bl.ACKlNtJ AND I.KATHEK l'KKSJinvATlVE. , J ." i !' "Experts And Professional Kootblacka In Now York, and all other large citioswhoro this Blacking has been introduced, ac knowledge ita su periority over all import ed or domestic Blackings in use, as an Elegant Polish and Conaerver of Leather, ',,, ' ,: ? ... motick. ; m Bixby'8 wliest" Blatklng has a Bod and Blue Lube.. Do not bo deceived by ac cepting otir'Standard'' Blacking in'plnco of "Best." The Standard has the label stamped Into the tin cover. ' This brand is made to compete with ofher American and Fren-h Blackings, bnt Is inferior to on r "Best." Bixby'a "Best" Blacking wilt save its entire cost in tho wenr of your boots nnd shoes. HOUSEKEEPERS THY Bixby's French Laundry Blue, , . IN SIFTINQ BOXES. j ., Tho roost convenient and economical package, and the only combined Blcach and Blueing Powder in use. ' ' . . S. V.BIXBY&CO., f .. Manufacturing Chemists, 11 Nos. 17S ct 175 Washington St., N. Y. NIIH)AI,IS MAGNETIC SOAP Tho Cheapest Soap that can be used for tho following reasons; 1st. Ono bar will go as far as two oi'uny other, 3d. Only half tho usual rubbing being required, thero is a saving of morg than tho entire cost of the Soap in labor ulouc. 1 Sd. The clothes aio made Sweet, Clean and white without Boiling or Scald ing, thus all injury to them is avoid ed. Thero is u saving in fuel nnd hard work, and the washing is done in about half tho usual time. It la also guaranteed under a penalty of nny aouars not to imure mo ciotnes or ,' -"das ono trial will enable any .. ' Ve truth of these person to ascertain augments, it would never rmv rre.r.r.r,!Ka'nn extensive avsL" l. oHt f,,r X?5 a" decided ..... .,1,, uniuss no knew from to experienVe that it womS pTove 2 Tl.i i; " claimed for it, . . ." -" u on lienor Nnnn 'I Soap lor Toilet ....n .Slaving JiUrposcs. Ul .- WARNER, ItUODES & CO.. WaoLKsALK Fancy Urocbbs.. uenciai Agents, Oil Philadelphia, Ta PEABODY HOUSE; f'OlfVl.'IJ T ,-w,. . PHILADELPHIA, PA. r t . . .. ..V" V .enl.to &11 V of amusement to 11(1 1 1 H.I aCCOIllllltulillir... r Terms oulv J tiir.l No bar has ever been kept in tho lierirv Ho,,;sc, nor will any 1,0 koj.t at the vZ and ;,,;,;. ;vr r.- -bo v i i : v""""ai grounds. Col. VaUion, proprietor of tho Henrv nouso, CinciinJu or in ,lu " .?.enry ycrs, and present propriotorT ima lcl3 the house for a term of years i He will keep a strictly tiisL-clM- L , .1 ' lor aoo guests. DOMESTIC," LOOK - STITCU MAOimTE. Mustc Has Charms ! riUCES KEDUCED. THE BEST IN THE WORLD! WILL LAST. A LIFE TIME I ' ; 45000 ...... r. . ..i'.i i. .-. . '' , oir Tin; t KLnitfTiD i , SHOMR ORUNS ' IN DAILY USE. ; A Stool : Boinl Free with each : Organ. The best tak-nt In tho country recom mends tlicae organs. Tho nicest and best. More for the money, und gives better sat isfaction than any iiow inado. They com plice tho Orclitslrnl, , , . ; : l'arnon, aisl . . iiSrantl Organ O-Illtistratod Catalogue sent by mail, post-paid to any address, upon applica tion to B. SHOXINOEIt OBOAN CO., 17 to Ul CiiKSTNUT Sr., Now Haven, Conn, You i5.5r". 9iUMNy Agent, lb, the , s fnTl.e ''tU'r,V IiJbtruinoiits ,,, 1 !s .,n. 1,10 i.uaiket. torv. iir -"i-rv ... et roi,i tlie Kic- i5 H I s i . ? - H i g a . O t, Z . I i s hi I S a " - 2 oo g i a t r 1 3 1 1 f g J Z hi .5 18 1 "I" K 4, bi o . - ,C T w R f4 IJ Sca:'oq J! J? 3 h g MMCuIJCYCLOPM NEW nCVISED EDITION. KNTIKELY RKWItlTTEN BY. TIIK ABLEST WKITEKS ON " r . KVK11YBUIWECT. r Pilntcd from Now- Tvl'C nnd illuatratcd with soverlnl Thousand En- . graving and Mays. , . Tho workoripinAlly published under thn litlo of THK.NliWAMElUCANCYCLO lM'.DIA was .oomulctod in IWi.l, since which timf tho whUi cirrulatloii which it has Kllained In all parts of" the United thnvaiibh ro vision, and to r" " edition i'fttilU'l issue a no.. -(nr the fogresa 01 Within tho lost ten j 'nient of ?rnowl-dlst-ovory In overy depar. i vfcreni;e ai edge lias inado a new work o. -imperativo want, ' . . kept paco with tho discoveries of aclen.X't and their JVuitful application to tho Indus' trial and useful arts and- tha convenience- and relinoment of social life. Crcat wars. and conso'inent revolutions have occurred, involving national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our own coun try, which was at its height when tho last volume of the old writ appeared, lias hap pily been ended, and a new course of com mercial and industrial activity has been commenced. ' Large accessions to our GEQGIt.lNnCAL KNOWLEDGE Havo boon mado by U10 indofatlgablo ex plorers of Africa. , Tho great political resolutions of tho last dotiatle, with tho natural result of tha lapso of time, have brought into ptilillo view a multitudo of ncwtmcn, whoso names aro iu every one's mouth, and of wIioao lives overy ono is curious to know tho particulars. Great battles havo boon fought and important sieges' maintained, of which tho details aro as yet pn-strvea only in tho newspapers or In-tha transient publications of the day, but which oiirIiI now to take their placa in ; TERMAMM AND AUTI1ESITIC HISTOuT. . In proparlng the present edition for tha prcss.it has accordingly been tho aim of iho editors to bring down tho information to the latest possible dates, and to furninh an accurate account of tho most recent dis coveries in science, of every fresh produc tion in literature, and of 1 lie nowest In voli tions in tho practical art-., as well n to give a succinct nnd original record of th progress of . : rOLITICAl AXD HISTORICAL KTEKTJ. Tho work has lioen ljgun arter lorjand careful preliminary lalxir, and with ''tba most ample resources for carrying It 011 to a suiK-.ossful termination. r , None of the original stereotype platea havo been used, but every pago has bee PRINTED OJiKEWTVPB, r . Forming in fact n new Cyclopmtria, with tho same plan and compass ns lis . prede cessor, but with a ftir greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such improuoiuent's In Its composition ns havo been sncgested by longer experience aud enlarged knewl lo. . ; . V HIE ILLLSTRATIONS , . : whlnh are Introduced for the first time iu theprcsent edition hate been added not for tho sake of pictorial effect, but to gl?e greater lmidity and fon-o to the explana tions in the text. They rmbracs all branches of science and of natural history, and depict the most famous and remarka ble features of scoiiery, achlticture, and art, aa well ns tho various processes of mechanic nnd manufactures. Although intended for instruction rather than em bellishment, no pains have been spared to insure their :; ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE. .-. - The cost of their execution ii enormous, nnd it is bclievod they will find a wolcomn reception as an admirable featuro of tho CyclopieUia, and worthy of its high Ur actor. ' " .This work Is sold to subscribers only, payable on delivery of each volume. )t will be com plot a in Sixteen lAirtje. Oetnto Volume, ouch containing aboutNOO panes, fully Illustrated with several thousand W(Hd Engravings, and with numerous colored Lithographic Maps. . , Price and Style of Binding! In extra Cloth, per volumo - . In Iiibrary lieathor, per vol. -In half Turkey morocco, per vol. . In half-Russia exira gilt, per vol. -In lull morocco, antique, gilt edges per vol. . . -. - . ; . In full Russia, per vol. . . $5 00 000 7 00 .800 10 00 JO 00 ' nPTEEU .VOLUMES NOW READY. ' . Succeeding volumes, until completion, will bo issued once in two months. -Specimen pages of The American Cyclopiodia, ahowing typo, illustrations, etc, wilj bo scut gratis on application. First-Clu Canvassing Agents Wanted. Address the rublishera, . , . r I). APPLETOX A CO., M MO A 501 Broad war, N. Y WAR E 'm E. STANDARD Firo and Burgfair Counter, Platform, Wagon 4 Track Marvin's Safo Co., - 265 Broadway, New York, 721 Chestnut St Phila. States, mid tj Hlgnnl ilwetopmcriHi which havo taken phico In every branch of science, literati... "n,J rt,' Iiavo iuJ''l ... ,. 'ishcrs tosMlrtnlt it to lliv 3 Vil EM 1 O UN J ) ,J 'f'"1 oui e of Jtook tc.i of at tuui.L ,i el,i,,.T' ,,)0 Lt;st ".v-P-iiuwu-l i n thT C' Ul lllost fBint iv j ; , , , VV'' Jl"'cr.