The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 01, 1876, Image 4

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    r- -""7
WteryrM Joitn A. T)ai.k.
v.vMNCir.mpn . W. UnliiiKn A
Justice of the J'cacnl.. H If tin f A
-AVil MUitll. tS
1.11 ' :
.vhjntl)frector-l,. It. May.Tr. O. Da
yi, W. rt Haslet, Av ji. KollyiU. W. Hob
inson, T. J. Van yieson.
t-h .
forest county officers.
r.-giiirnt Ju(foclj. T). Wktmokh.
Kissoriata Jwlqc .To. (J. Dam:. En-
r wa nr Kkhr.
TrctmircrH. .1.
lothnnul'ir)l, Register Jt Recorder, itc
1). W. UliARK.
Sheriff .Tumtis hawkey.
Comiiiixxiortrrt 1Jl,I IjKni.irf, IhAAC
Lopm. John ItKric.
(lunty tiiipcrintcnilcnllX. S. ISnocrc-
W A Y.
JUntrirl Attorney H, P. Irwiv.
Jin (lommisnionert II. Z Towxmt,
l.YMAN (!onK.
County NurveinrT. T. CoLI.lNS.
'owner M. Ittkt,. Jn.
iUtnntv AuiiitortSlcncfLAH TlfOMr-
SOW, J. K. NK.IT.Ij, II. A. .l.'KSDRUi.
Hcmberof (knqrrHX--ilm, A. Jknk.h,
AMmbtyJ. 15. Aunkw.
Tme o Train
At TIONESTA STATION, on and after
Jniyz, l70.
Train 22
" 61
Train 63
0:5."i a.
6;00 p.
0:5.1 n. m.
8:5 p. in.
Train 22. south, and 21. liorlh, aro IhI
olft'i; tliu other aro accommodation
freights. Those trams only arc allowed to
carry naAcnzors.
On tho Itiver DiviHion from Oil Citv
tuIVlvTr to1;,);!1 th0 rlvcr 1h Ko'th 8 doW"
'i-l.- r ...i . . i. I
iuo wpuuiivnn uiccuiig wmvu w
to have been held in this place on lust
evcuing, has been postponed until next
Monday evening. Tho meetiug wi
ho held in tho Court House, and will
bo addressed by M. W. Tate and W
TO. Lathy, Kmjj. Let thore bo a big
turnout to this, the last Republican
meeting to bo held in Tioncsta during
this campaign. Tho questions at issue
-will bo discussed fully and freely,
Rev. LI I lot will preareh in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday next,
morning and evening, bundaybchool
at 2:.'J0 p. m.
s Mr. Corbttt, an attorney of Clar
inn, is Major Welter's opponent in the
"Hli district
i no oilmen intend vo-
ting for Major
Wctter to a unit.-
--Democratic papers, particularly
mo yenangu nprctator liavo leen ter-
.lw .... . I
ri''y agitated becauso they thought
there would not bo a fair vote in Phil
adelphia. Wo publish elsewhere an
account of the atoppago of some of the i
c it .
oonio oi our siuo wains are in u
really daugerous condition, uolwith
standing tho efforts of the town council
during tho summer. It would bo well
-enough to have the walks of the town
throughly overhauled lieforo wiuter
pels in, aud thereby prevent Romebodv
Jioni breaking a Jeg and bringing a I
. ...
suit for damages.
Tho Stave mill started up on Mon
day, with II. A. Adams at the helm.
It has the efl'oct of making our town
appear more lively, and gives employ
ment to a number of men. That steam
whiitloon the mill however, should bo
so arranged that it would not deceive
tho citizens into running to what they
bclievo is a fire.
It will be rememberod that we
published somo timo ago an account
of Tilden's manipulation of the Brady's
Bend Iron works. Mr. Dudley, the
first superintendent of the works uuder
laden s management told the pooplo
of Brady's Bend all about it a few
evenings ago, and his account coincides
with the one published. Yet there are
a number of men who want to elect
tho old swindler to tho Presidency.
Mr. Corbelt is advertised to speak
in the Court Houso this evening. Per
haps he will condescend to explain his
itr.arks ia the Constitutional Con veil regard to Forest County. Per
haps he will even stoop to say that
Forest County is net "a load and an
noyance" to the other counties of the
district, aud to him. Perhaps ho will
even demean himself so. much as to say
that tho "connection with Forest" is
"a desirable que." Io may eveu eat
crow enough to make him qualify that
assertion that Forett "is manipulated
entirely by pojitioans." Perhaps
but we will wait, and hear what he
does have to ay f.i' himseW.
Tlio Vrta says that "Ocn. Whita
ia a fino fpcakcr, and spoke of many
matters in au entertaining manner, but
that lie did not reach a single- living
issue of the day," etc.
Now, let tig sift this assertion, and
if wo can llud a grain of truth in it,
,et !t " rreserved and set with rubies
and jewels, and placed in the centre of
a diadem to be woru by Tilden, the
income tax evader, the railroad
wrecker, the iron works manipulator
the opposer of the war, tho companion
of Tweed and the intimate friend of
John MorrifBey.
A hat are the living issues, of tho
day, ns embodied in the Democratic
platform, and Tilden's letter of accop
tance? Why, "Reform," first last, and
all the time, "Itefoim." Didn't Gen
White touch upon that vital, living
point, without which thore is do point
to Democracy to-day? Yes. Ho
showed that wherever the Democracy
had, for a time held possession of any
department of State or National Gov
eminent the expeuseshad been increas
od. Ho showed that the crcat savincr
which the Democratic tlouso at Wash
ington pretended to have made, was
made by cutting down necessary ex
penscs. And, indeed, we aro not with
out numerous examples of tho distress
which this great "economy" has occa
sioued. Take for instance the soldiers
who have lost arms or legs in the ser
vice: they are entitled to a wooden
Hmo, or compensation for the same
every three years, by law. But none
oi inese maimed so.diers oan get either
limbs or compensation, now, ou ac
count of the appropriation for that
purpose- having been exhausted, before
the ci ipplcd patriots were one-fourth
supplied. How crcat is such ocononiv.
.... "
Another liviDr ssua he ton-hod
upoi, wu8 the clirreucy. no 8howed
that our currency was Bound and made
a strong comparison between the cur
i-ency in these "hard times" and the
hard times" heretofore experienced
under Democratic administrations,
lie touched upon the national
credit: He showed that tho credit of
tho Government was never as good
under any other administration as it
is and has been under that of the Rj
puuncuu puny, no snowed that wo
were able to fund our debt at 41 per
i.i. . .. . n i ...
cent, while uuder Buchanan's admin
istration, tho last Democratic adminis
tration in power, it cost 14 per cent
to get money to run tho government.
Ho touched upon tho "Solid South,1
that pride aud bulwark of the Demo
cratic party in tho North, and showed
that their "Solidity" depended unon
terrorism, murder and fraud
IIo touched upon tho fact that troops
had been sent into South Carolina iu
accordance with a requisition of Gov.
Chamberlain, aud conformity with a
resolution introduced by Scott Lord,
a JJemocratic member of Congress,
protecting every citizen of be -United
States iu his right of suffrage.
8',ort if Gen. White missed any
of tIie 'ving issues of tho day we
'lJa t know it. He made a good im
Passion, and his vote on next Tues-
uay wui snow it, uotwitlistunding the
i in
publication in the IVm of a long ox
tract fr oiu I. Y. JfcrciLl coudeinuing
tho sending troops mto South Caro
Col. Kcisinger, of tho Meadville
JiepubHenn was in town yesterday, on
business. J'he Col. is doi
work in this cinipuign, his political
editorials being at least equal to any
that appear in tho city papers.
-Kirt. Johnson did the
thing by us in bringing us up a parcel
of leaf tobacco of his own raisin?. In
smoking this tobacco we for"et tern
porarily, the hard times and the com-
ing election. Thanks.
A delegation consisting of some
fifteen or twenty persons left hero on
Monday morning for the Ceuteunial,
this week being the last opportunity
without interfering with the election.
-A fesY pheasants are brought in
by eur sportsmen, but wo have seen
no rrood 6trinrs. A few bird do
would make it much easier for hun
If auy of our subscribers who are
in arrears desire to pay in produce, a'l
few bushels of potatoes will be taken
at this office.
-Some of our sporting population
have go;i3 up the creek to do a little
fino hunting! iire wish them abundant
-A few new cases of dintheria have
brokwa out tn town. None of them
are liable t result fatally.
; Lacytown Correspondence j
1 Lacytov, Oct. SO, 187G.
Kd. Republican:
Iu spite of our non
appearance last week, we still five
among the hills; although our hoaring
is some what impaired by tho martial
Jas. Flynn, Jan expert at. finding
bee-trees, extracted 100 pounds of
honey from a single treo soveral days
ago. It was of excellent quality.
Dr. Stranahan and family of Erie,
passed through here Thursday last, mi
their way to Lacy's mills. Mrs. Stran
ahan spent some 12 years of her child
hood in this place, which sho will
probably visit beforo rcturniog to the
We suspect there will besoms lively
queozing done now. Mr. Button- has
made a nenr cider press which will
have uo respect for apples or their in
Had tho potato crop been prolific
we might have taken our girl to the
vcuicuuiai. ja ii is we win use our
influence over the best looking Demo
crat, for tho coming election.
Mr. Weaver showed us a specimen
of his boyg writing, in the asylum
which was remarkably well doue con
Bideriugtho short time they havo been
L. Arner recently cut a half acre of
buckwheat, threshed nud carried it to
the grist mill, where it was soon iu a
floury state, which was mixted prepara
tory for baking next morning Al
done in one day.
John Metzgar's mother and sister
Mrs. Martin, from Bradford, are ma
king hiru a visit.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs
Thompson, widow of decoasad, will ro
main here for te present, 4 where she
will ba supplied with work, for tho
support of her family by Ilolbrook &
Co. - .-
. Mr. S. C. Roupo is heir prospective
to several thousand dollars. We con
gratulate him on his good fortune.
AXiwiiMY ubu, una hoi a cauU;i"re
IT, 11 . ' 1 . . . .
head to keep our lonely vigih.
Monday morning, Simon : Weaver
whie in the act of greasing tho edirer
when in full motion, received an u'Iy
flesh wound in the arm a little above
tho elbow. Mr. Quiun neatly sewe
mu yusu. cimon was lucky iu
saving his arm from being taken off
A httlo more carelessness, ami f.m-
iuuio uaiueuia, in uio lUlil, and we
will call on" tho Co. for an infirmary.
Tho following is taken from last
week's communication,
Messrs. Collius & Ilolbrpok spent
several uays oi last week bere, looking
l't! hi .
up old lines of their extensive proper
ty. luey discovered an orchard of
very good apples, on a deserted oil
farm now belonging to them. Jinhn
Metzgar hauled said fruit to this plac9
measuring :t out to the neighbors at
low prica.
b'everal of our citizens attended th
mass meeting in TiouesU 21, wero well
pleased with remarks and plain state
ment ot facts.
Miss Hattie Aruer recently return
ed from a Visit to tho Centennial.
whero she received a formal introduc
tion to President Grant, also attended
the reception of Gov. Tilden who re
ceived his guests with a smile that
naturally covers the greater part of
his countenance "He'll nover smile
J. B. Haggerty of Elk City home
on a short visit.
A number of our citizens leave this
week for Phila. As it is somewhat out
of date to tako-no3 of each departure
wo will forbear.
As far as we can learn, tho potato
crop is a failure not averaging in some
lots not more than 4 to 5 bushels per
I De Clake.
Clakinotow, Oct. 2G, 187G.
Ed. REPuuMc.vjr :
Tho Republican
meeting which was advertised for this
place on the 24th inst., was adjourned
to tho evening of the 25th.
On that evening wo had a large, en
thusiastic meeting; and among the
auditors we noticed a few prominent
Democrats, including tho Democratic
candidate for Legislature,
The meeting was called to order,
aud IIou. W. R. Coon was called to
the chair, and Eugene Hillard made
Secretary of the evening
- e.
Col. J. H. Deweti, addressed the
larjtiu in a cloari forcible argument
on tho issues of tho campaign. -He
was followed by W. 13. Lathyj Esq
who clearly exposed Democratic falla
cies and ably defended the acts and
record of tho Republican party. Hon
J. B. Agnow, Republican candidate
for Legislature, followed, in a, brief,
conciso speech. i p
Tho meeting then adjourned 1 wit
three rousing cheers for the whole Re
publican ticket, and each Republican
retired to his home well pleased, and
stronger than ever in his determination
to work aud vols, for the whole ticket,
' i ho meeting was Traced with the
presence of the lac1 . several prom
inent lvcpublicans aro as strong
in their Republican principle as their
husbands, and who would probably
apply for divorces, if tho heads of their
families voted any portion' 6f tho "Re
form" ticket. , i , . , "
"En. Republican : In the Forest
iVe? of 28th is a communication pur
porting to give a report of the meeting
at East Hickory, on tho Friday eve
mngs, previous, written by Jonathan
Alabaugh, who lampoons tffe speakers
(myself among tho number) in regular
"Chocktaw stylo." Tho piece is re
markable, ouly for .its misrepresenta
tioas aud glaring inaccuracies. Mr. Al
ba6gJi ought jo be careful; "they that
live in glass houses ought not to throw
stones." A person to read the piece
would suppose that Col. Dewees "swore
like a pirate,'.' while every body who
was there, knows he did not swear
once. Mr. A. evidently mistook earn
estness for oaths, from somo defect in
his preceptioiiS.. , Ho next goes for
Lhy, 03tenstibly becauso ho "never
smellcd gunpowder," but' principally
out of pure cU33edness. He next
makes a dive at me on an incidenta
remark I made about a Saturday night
meeting at .Hickory in 18G0. Now al
this is surprising especially as we took
them for converts to tho Republican
faith ; Col Dewees converting Charles
Alabaugh, while Jonathan was sup
posed to be one ff Lathy's converts--
I claimed the credit of the job of conver
ting the old man. That Jonathan
claimed before the meeting to be under,
conviction cs no ncKnowieiigea after
wards Lathy converted him and De-
wees and myself pronounced it
gooa j oo, wen jonueii. 41113 wo can
substantiate by more than a score of
citizens of Ilickoiy Twp. But we
never supposed that they were going
to stop iu tho Republican race courso
so lugloriously "and turn tail and
run." But such is" the fallacy of hu
man prospects and hopes. Appearan
eta as well as words aro often false
lights to go by. .
- - - Samuel D. Iuwik.
The Premium Engraving, i.sued
by Peterson's Magazine for 1877 is of
raro value. It is a first-class line and
stipple engraving, executed in tho
highest style of art. Tha artists are
Illman tt Brothers, and tlu-y have cu
graved it, (size, 27 inches by 20,) ex
pressly for "Peterson's Magazine." It
is such, a pjate as would sell, at retail,
for five dollars. The picture repre
sents that proudest cveut in aur na
tional history, tho "Surrender of Corn
wallis.", It ia full , of authentic por
traits Washington, Rochambeau,
Lincoln, Knox, O'Hara, Lauzun, etc.,
etc. The artist is Dumaresq, and it
took a prizo at the Paris Salon of 1875.
Any person may get this valuable his
torical picture, gratis, by raising a
club for "Peterson" for 1877, or by re
mitting S2.50 for i( and for the ; mag
azine, tho magazine alone boing two
dollars. Specimens .of the magazine
sent gratis to those wUhing to get up
clubs. Address Ciias. J. Peterson.
COG Chestuut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
All persons knowing themselves to
ba indebted to mo on book nccouut
are requested to call aud settle im
mediately or the accounts for past
year will bo placed in a lawyers
muds for collection. Cash preferred,
but those unable to pay gash, can pay
in grain or country produce at market
prices or give notes. Remember this
and save costs.
30 4t. W. C. CoiiUK.v. M. D.
Tho valuable and beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
1. JJale, and in which ho now resides,
is iu my hands for sale at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchase
money down, and tho balance iu cue
ii.l two yoirs, Miu: W.
" 1 Car Load Best Syracuse Salt, at
Robinson & Bonner's, .;. 1 ,;80 2t.
.-.Wo will payj cash on" delivery at
uui win ia jijiieam, lor wuiio oan
stave and heading bolts at the follow
ing prices : ; . .
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 a. by 4 ft., $4.50.!. Heading bolts
22 inches long, per cord ef 8 ft. by 4
ft., 64.00. Heading bolts must be
made from timber at least 20 inches
in ' diameter. Office at Lawrence
1 louse. J. II. Deiucksou & Co.
Ort. 20, 187fl, at tho roMdeneo rfthe
brldc'n parents, In "WcwtfLM, N. Y., by
Rov. Steovor, Mr. II. W. Roberts, for
merly of this place, and Miss Anna B.
WARKEU. COOKrf At the rosldonco of
Mr. Jaoob Maze, in Forest Connty, cn
Oct. 22d 1876, by Rev. Steele, Mr. Les
ter R. Warner, of this County, and Miss
Mari J. Cook of Jofferaon Co.
ville, Pa., Oct. 0, 187G, hy Ilev. Krltton,
Dr. T. II. Mitoholl of Jamestown, Ta.,
and Miss Laura Winans, formerly of
By Robinson & Bonner Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour barrel - ' - f0.757.25
Floury sack - - . 1.7001.83
Corn Meal, bolted - - - - 1.00
Chop feed - - - . $1.G01.75
Ryo fll bushel - - - - 7580
Oats 1 bushol - . - . 45(Vj&0
Corn, cars - - - . - -- 3540
Beans bushel - - - 1.50()2.60
Ham, sugar cured canvasod - - 161
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - - lti
Shoulders ... . . . 124
V hitcfiuhf half-barrels - (- - - 7.00
Lake honing half-barrels - - 4.50
Sugar ..... 10 121
Syrup - .- 75 1.00
N. O. Molalities - . - 85 100
Roast Rio Coffeo No. 1 - - 25030
Rio Coffee,' - - - ' . - 25(3;26
Java Cofl'eo . ' - - 35
Tea ... . ... . .45(31.10
Butter .... . - - 28(350
Rico - -'- - , 10
Ejrps, fresh - - - 20
Salt - - - - 2.00(5:2.10
Jjard - - - - 15010
Iron, common bar - - . - 8.75
Kails, lOd, .keg - 3.90
Votatoos, Now - - -. 75
Lime bid. . , m ' " . . ,1 r 1 . 1.00
Eurnituro Rooms!
Tho undcrsitrnod bf m ln.ivn to Inform
tho citizens of Tionesta. and tho nuhlic in
general, tfiat ho has openod a FIR SI
new bnildiru? at tho Junction of Elm fcit.
and tho Dutch Hill road, where ho keeps
on hand aargo assortment of
Consisting In part of
Walnut Far lor Seta, . , . .
diainuor Sets,
Cane Soat Chairs, .
Wood Seat Chairs,
" Rocking Chftirs,
, Dining Tablet,
v-xtonsiou Tables,
Marhiu Am Tables.
Kitch(,n Furniture,"
, iiiireaus,
; Iedstyads,
Rook l!usos,
Fiinoy Brackets,
Lo)kinii GlisHoM.
Fiuturu Frames, und . '
always on hand.
Ills rooms boinir larcn. and well sitnat-
d ho is nrunarcd to oilbr superior indueo-
inonts to puivhasors. ' . ,
Call and OTcainino hi3 stock and prices.
and be convinced
A full assortment of CoUna and Caskets
constantly in tjre.
1 iy A. II. l'AUTUIlXJE.
Convenient to all Thioe of amuspinent
and car lines in tho citv. Ni cI.iuich tn
unu 11-0111 iuo uenu'iuiiai ifroiuuls.
Col. WaiKon, irojritiur of tlio Jlcnry
House, I'iiu-innuti tor the mt twenty
yi-ars, und present proprieUir, has leased
tho liourto for h term of vetrs, and has
nowly lui'iiishod and litteii it throuji-liout.
11a will koop Htrictly rim-clash,
and has hi-,.oiiiuioImUoii for ilOU guests.
Terini oulv rer da v.
1 . . . . . :
Su bar has ever been koit In the Henry '
jiuitnu, nor win any uo kojh at Uio l'ea
Uxi v. ;i j 1
Ii:i. TI-AHl'irriMiS, 85 tts. per yard,
k M:hT Cl'Ul.l Nil f..r r.MdiiH iii i.ia vol
J l.iMer. I l'il' J'.ODFINU nnd SIMMi
l-'or hi.ini.les, address C. J, FA V, Cauidwii,
New Jersey. 4
Grateful Thousands proclaim i
roAit Bitters the most wonderful
Tifownt that erer (ustoinsd th bid
3tem. : ' m
No Person can take these Bit
according to directions, and remain
unwell, provided their bones are not
etBoyed by mineral poison or 0
means, and rltal organs wasted bej
repair. -
Biliou Remittent and In
mlttent l evers, nhich are bo pn
lent in tho valleys of our groat ri
throughout the United States, especi
those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missc
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Art
Baa, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Grai
FearV Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah,
anoke, James, and many others,
their vast tributaries, throughout
entire country during tho Summer
Autumn, aud remarkably so during
bods of unusual heat and dryness,
iuvnrlably accompanied by extensivo
.rangomonts of the stomach and li
and' other abdominal viscera. Iu t
treatment, a purgative, exerting a p
erfttl Inlluonco upon theso various
pans, is ossentially necessary. T1
is no cathartic for tbo purpose cqua
Dr. J. Walkeu's Yixegar Bitti
as they will speodily remove the d;
colorod viscid matter with, which
bowels aro loaded, at tho 6amo t
stimulating tho secretions of tho li
fthd generally restoring tho Lea!
functions of the digestive organs.
Fortify the body against disc
ty purifying all its lluids with Vi.vkc
Bitxeks. Ko epidemic can Uko 1
of .1 system thus lure-armed,
Dyspepsia or IvuUsestion, He
nche, Fain in thQ SUouldcrs, Com
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizzinei.s, K
Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad T:
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, l'alp
tation of tho Heart, Inflaiuniiition of
Lungs, Fain in tho region tf. tho 1
hoys, and a hundred other pidnful iyi
toms, nro the offsprlugs (f Dvspup
One bottle will prove n, better gnarat
of its merits than a lengthy adrci t
ment. 1 " 0 ' -
Scrofula, or King's Evil, wi
SnollinpH, Ulcir, Ervnipitliw, Swrllcd
Goitro, Scrofulous IulUtiiinaliu, Imlu
IhdammatioiiK, Mercurial Alluclioii',
Sorm, Kmplinus of the .Sliin, Poro
In IhoRc, nn in nil othpr cniintitutiunnl
eases, Wilkkk's Yiskoar Uittkii- L
liowu tUitir great oarativo i0wer.1 in
most obstinate ami iutrucUbla cnF.e.
For Inilammatory anl fhro
Kheinnafisill, Gout, Uilioui, lion
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Pisrase
tho Wood, Livar, KiJnev nmi itliiil
thoso Ihtters liavu iki rtiil. . Such Disei
Bre causaj liy.Vitiuted IJIoml. . ,
Mechanical Diseases, ?ertons
caged iu Paints and .Minerals, sucl
rhinibcM, Type-setter-", (lulit-her.tirs,
Minors, as tbcj- advance in life, nro sub
to paralvsia of tbo llowoU. To jji!
pn'met tliis, tuko a Uosu of Walkkr'h V
Jeoa r Bittkrs ocfasi oual I r.
For Skin Diseases,' Eruptions, T
tor, Salt-IOicnni, IUotclicn, Spots, Pimp
PiiHtnlcg, Doils, CurbiitichT Hinp-wor
Sculd-lieml, Soro Kyc. Krysipelin. Ii
Scurfy Discoloration of iho Skiu, Hun
nnd Discasog of tho Skin of whatever iu
or nature, ore literally dug up aud can
out of the Byetcin iu a short timo by tho
of these Hitter. . ,
Tin, Tape, and other Worn
lurking in tho ystemof eo many thouiai
aro oll'cctually iloktroyed and removed,
vstom of medicine, no .vermifuge-, u
tholininitlcs will lieu thufyetoui lioin woi
liko theso Uittors. ' "
For Female Complaints, in yot
or old, married or Binglc, at tho dawn of
manhood, or the turn of- lifo, these Tc
Hitters display to tlueidod au iuuuunco t
improvement is soon perccptihlo.
Cleanse the Vitiated Dlood wh
ever you liud its impurities bursting throi
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