V r i 3 ) ( : c I t r i i c i h i :t II II 1! 1 ii b b tl. 'J 8 e a f ( t 1 t t i i KDiTOH. -WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEI7. !7, 186. Republican National Ticket. , ' ' ronrREsjDENT HUTIIERFORD B. II A YES, of Ohio. , FOR VICE PIUCSIDFNT WILLIAM A. WHEELER, of New York. ELECTORS. AT 1A ROK BENJAMIN HARMS BREWSTER. JOHN W. CHALFANT. 1. JOTrN WELSH, 2. HENRY P-lKSTOX, 3. CHRISTIAN J. HOFFMAN, 4. CHARLES THOMPSON JONES, 5. EDWIN H. FITLEU, : . JOKKTII W. RARNARD, .7. BENJAMIN SMITH, 8. JACOB KNABB, 9. JOHN Ti. WARFEL, 10. JOSEPH THOMAS, 11. ARIO PARDEE, 12. LEWIS PUGHE, 13. EDWARD S. 81LLTMAN, 14. WILLIAM CALDKR, 15. MILES L. TKACY, 16. 8. W. STARKWEATHER, 17. DANIEL J. MORRELL, 18. JEREMIAH LYONS, 10. WILLIAM HAY, 20. WILLIAM CAMERON, 21. J. B. DONLEY, 22. DANIEL O'NEILL, 23. WILLIAM NEEB, 24. ANDREW B. BERCJER, . 25. SAMUEL M. JACKSON, 20. JAMES WESTERMAN, 27. W. W. WILBUR. -REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. . v . ' For Congross, .GEN. HARRY WHITE, ' of Indiana County. ' For Stato Senator, "." JAS. GREEN Subject to action of tho district conferees.) 1 For Assembly, ' " ! JJ 15. AO NEW. . ; . For DistrictJAttorney, . R D. IRWIN. ' For Coroner, W. C. COBURN. For Jury Commissioner, P. V. MERCILLIOT. Ti Idea's -Answer, pep Slnnott. Judge Sionott, in behalf of Governor 'Tilden, and doubtless under his 'irec ion, has, at length, made answer to the charges of the N. Y. Times again 3t the great "reform", candidate for Pres ident. It took about as long to make op a defence against these charges as .it did ;to Juakc 'his letter of acceptance : reafl ea s tto suit both the hard and soft-money wings f his party. The letter of explanation covers several columns of our largo dailies, and wo . Iiave not room in our columns to give -even a synopsis of it. We give, how ever, an extract from the Pittsburgh jazeltevtlucli will doubtless aiake the " -matter clearer to our readers than Mr. Tildeu inleudcd to make it: On it charge of fraud and perjury in 186i, Mr. Sianott makes a detailed answer. He denies that Tilden ren dered an itemized account for drawing certain mortgages and other legal pa pers for the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago railror.d, and which he dated in 1862 and denies that ono of 'the- papers so dated was drawn by Mr. Tilden at all, but claims that a lump charge was male for prior eervices, those mentioned being included. The Gump charge of $25,000 made .and re. . ceived in 18(32 is, then, admittsd-; and' "the .fact that an important part of the . . wor-k -was done in that year is uudis , .pitted. Now if he didimportactwork , for that company in previous years, could he not ha-ve stated it, and also, why he left a large bill to accumulate, itill it aggregated $55,000 before he collected it? Is that his way of doing business? As against tho fact that he did important work in 1862, and re ceived pay to tho amount of $25,000 that year, we have simply the asser tion, which can bo admitted without lessening tho force of the general charge, that he did not perform one item of the work charged, and the fur ther assertion, which has nothing to back it, that he did work before 1862, .for which he was paid in tho year named. We eubmit that as all the items shown wero admitted the work of 1862 ; and as the nature of the ser vice forbids the presumption that ho 'had. done anything of moment before, tthis part of tho defence fulls. lie did important work in 1802, and was paid . $25,000 that veer. So much is admit ted. It ii claimed that ho did work previously, but no iteu3 of evidence ;ire given. Thus wo hold that this ,; item htauds unbroken. Jt is not donied that he -received $5,000 from the Cumberland Coal Company, Juue 14, 1862, but tho claim is made, "if anjfl,inj wan rece'iced" .it waa for an obi account. What old ac count? A defence of character, to amount to anything, .must bo specific. Thfs is not, and lieucevo assume that tho charge is in all respects true. The .most desperate resort to this "previous ervice" pica, however, is uiado in the 'Jme Haute Kuilroad case. JIo could - NV. K. DUNN . . . - not, of course, get behind his oath, ns to the receipt ; but ho does ignore tho essential features of tho sworn papor, put in as a defcuco in that caso, where in he rocitcs, as though drawn in 1862, a long list of legal papers, and this vast work is ofiored as a justification of the charges made, tho receipt of which is acknowledged. 1 urthcr than that, as declared by tho New York Times : "It was in march, 1862, that tho railroad was sold at public auc tion to Samuel J. Tilden and others, nominated as a Purchasing Committee; it was in June of the same year that the formal conveyanco of tho Trustees and Master Commissioners wero effect ed ; it was in June that tho certificate of corporation of tho new company was filed and its directors appointed ; it was iu Juno that the new board, of which Mr. Tilden was f member, held its first meeting and referred certain important resolutions to its counsel, Samuel J. Tilden, and it was at vari ous dates in the same year that tho final deeds of trust were executed, tho distribution of new bonds effected, and the "reconstruction" job wound up, very much to the profit of Samuel J. Tilden," In. brief, he "earned" as well as received, his $20,000 in 1862. The paper ol'Sinnott denies that ho received iu 1862, any moneys from the Chicago and Northwestern Company ; but it does not deny that he "earned 1 such moneys. The 1,000 Dalance Dry Dock Company receipt is admit ted. It has been discovered, since the first charge was made of ovcrreceipta, in 1862, that he received that 3'ear, from the Union Pacific llailroad, $25,000, -though npt yet certainly known hen earned. Ut general income in"3G2, from interest, divi dends, and the like, he had 812,000--against which deductions could not exceed $6,500. Taking all the items not squarely answered, as - pood, and allowing all that are clearly denied, and adding in tho two additional items mentioned, and we have this result; - Total receipts for 1862, $111,000. Amount sworn to $7,118. It will be noticed that with the ex ception of two items, totally denied and allowed, tho only pica made is, that whU-e he received $76,000, all this money except $7,118, was earned pre viously to 1861. . This U the entire defence. To put it t differently, ho claims, that while he had of collecta ble debt, resulting from previous practice, $76, 000, which ho actually collected in 1862, that during that year, with all its activities, and with Ibis increasing . reputation, ho only made, net,- ,llo. this is precisely what the defense amounts ' to. Does any sane man believe it? Is thero enough plausibility in it to deserve a mojuent'a credit? ! Western Correspondence. LpxE Rock, ErciiLAN Co. Wig., ) . Sept 21, 1876. j Ed. Ukpueucax: it is rainl rain ! and then more rain ; iu fact water has fallen one half the Jime for the past two weeks and the cousequenco is that grain stacks aro getting quite green and farmers arc afraid that they will sustain a heavy loss by the wet weath er. The cry of grasshoppers that, i3 heard all along the line of tho fron tier States is at present coming home to us, for this great scourge id at pres ent only seventy miles northwest of us, but have not 83 yet crossed the Mississippi, and according to reports times are looking rather blue, iu tho districts where those pcst3 have pass ed over, 'fhey have visited Minnie sota and evidences of their work can be 6een five mile3 from fit. Paul. They are coming incomforlably near this locality, and as they have never come to this State it is to ho hoped that they will keep at a proper distance. During a Fair held at Mineral Point this State on the 8th inst., the rrronr t rr his lifo by over exertion, having just trotted three one mile heats and drop ped down .lead before the judges stand. This is a heavy loss to the owner, as I learn that he refused fifteen thousand dollars for the animal. A great rush is now being made over our Western Railroads to the Centeunial Exhibition at Philadelphia for now the Western mn has sold his stock, securod his crops, and can leave home ; and many of the farmers that have never been farther Fast' than Indiana, inteud to havo a' good time or "bust," wo rather expect tho ' latter will be the final res Jit. ; We have not to this date bocn visi ted with any frost and nil crops are out of the way of cool ' nights, cvm ms ripe and some of the farmers havo commenced husking their cropa and all claim that tho com crop of Wis consin is as good as any year for fif teen years; and fifteen to twenty cents is all that it. is worth in market at present. Oats U worth lii'teeu cents per budhul ; Wheat eighty cents, and other produce in proportion to the above. I would also meiitiou that tho sup porters oT Tilden and Hendricks are nearly as scarco as angel visits in this locality. " More anon, N. 13. Hood. " , air t .j It is determined by the, adminis tration that cuough troops shall bo sent into the Southern States to protect all who wish to peacefully cast their ballots in the Presidential election. If the Democracy il) "not 'compel .a conflict by the uso of violcnco, there will be no interference whatever by tho soldiory, iu their affairs. . But if violcnco and disorder aro practiced thoso taking the initiative will bear! tho consequences. It is utterly useless for the Democracy to cry down tho purposo of tho President in this re spect. If they wish to havo a peace ful election, this will secure it., If they aro determined to resort to vio lence, the country will sustain the President in repressing it. , So far, as tho mere presenco of troops iu cities where the elections aro being held is concerned, we havo it at the North nud think nothing of it; nor would the Democracy care for thorn, did they houestly intend to respect the laws? This is tho situation sjb it really stands. ' SQUARE GRAND PIANOS Retailed at Wholesale Prices. SOOOfor $230. . $650for $300. i $700 for $300. : j ' 800forS330. (I MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO, ' 4 . .EHTBL'CK '. ' . ... i ' r- . : ' ; ' J ." . .'. ! q Only Ono Price for C;lt, and a low ono. J ' ' ' NO DEVIATION. , ., ' , . ' j " ; We pK-o no discount. ' . '''" Wo iny no agents' commissions! 'which doublt! the prices of all l'innoa. Wo look to tho People, who wnntu lirst class Piano at a fair profit aver cost of manufacture. We appoint tho People our agents, and givo them our PianoH h low a any agent caw buy equally good Piano of any other manufacturer," giving, the People, in a reduced price, what i usuall v expended in commissions, rent, freight, traveling and incidental exponso.-i. ; , i The "Medelssohn" Piano Co. can ell you a 7h octave rosewood ease Piano, 0 foot 10 inches long, with front found -corners, carved legs, hcrpentine and plinth mould ings, wklli improvements, including , Full Iron Frame, - . i i . - j " . Over Strung Rasa, . , A grallb Tre ble, and ,.,1 FruHch Grand Action, which ouly cccouapany the -best Pianos of the most celebrated niakers, at tho very low prico of ?2."0, or S:ji)0, according to stylo of -:ise, or with fom- round cor ners and full agralle for f V0, rturl guaran tee them in every respect equal to any Piano made of similar style, or no sale. Tho "Mendelssohn" Piano is manufac tured from tho very bent materials, nud by tho mast skilled and lhii.shed work men. The manufacture is conducted :by ono of tho most experienced Piano manu facturers in the country. This is no new enterprise, turning out a poor and cheap piano, made from green wood, and .by uroeiier mccliauicH. J . . Our Piano Is unsurpassed by any iu tho market for its rich and powcifu'l tones, and its adaptation to ihe human voice in sympathetic, mellow and singing qualities. It speaks for itself. Wo are willing to place it besido anv other make of Piano on its merits, either in boauty of case, or excellence of tone, and "at half the money" of equally good instruments. "The best tho cheapest" Wheu it cowl Uie Jcat money. All Pianos fully warranted for live yoni s. Send for our . Illustrated rfhd Poser!p-' tivo Circular. . i , TUc ".llcnilclssolm" Pi.ino Co., , r ' OfJico of Manufaetorv, 0-11 5ii nitOADWAY, N. Y. SI iri A Ia I ' N rACFJETIC SOAP The Cheapest Soap that can be used 6r tho following reasons; 1st. One bar will go as far as two of any other, -d. Ouly half tho usual rubbing being required, ihci'0 is a saving of moru than the. cutiro tost oi' tUo Soap m labor alone, lid. The clothes aro made Sweet, Clean and white 'without Itoiling or Sea til ing, thus all injury to them is avoid ed. There is a saving iu fuel and hard work, and tho washing is dono iu about half the usual time. It.ls aii guaranteed under, a penalty of fifty dollars uoj to injure tho clothes or hands, anil as one trial will enable jipy person to .ascertain tiio truth of those htaloint.nts, iiAvould never ..pay tho - pro prtct.u- to engage in un extensive tsim of advertising igid elninf vue.li 'decided merit for Ida Soap unless he know from posjtivu tjxpei iunco thai it wou'd prove to be in evcty respect wiuit is claimed Jbr iU This is also a superior Soap lor Tpilut and Shaving imrposes. ' " ' ' . WAKNKH, K1IODKM CO.. WHQLK.nlALU Fa NOV OliOCKUK, ' Cejieial Agents, Oil Philadelphia, Pa. UjTANTFM. Any person can make $o0 a month selling our hittor-oopvmg lxiok. Any one tluit has a letter to wriio will buv it. No press or waur UhOd. Si nd stamp for circular. Kxcclsior i.'o. 17 Tribuiiu lluililing, I'liiciigu, 111. H IOIJ WOllU neatly cxecuied at Vhiaollloe at l oa.'sunab' y rnls. Furniture Kooms ! X ""' J "A ' a it jf" -Mi y Tho undi siKoed x-un leavfl to- inform tho Itizcns of Tionesta, nnd tho public, in geiier.il. that ho has openod n EIllST class frn.xtrrrtE stoke, in ids new building at tho junction of F.lui St. and the ihili h Hill road, whero ho keeps on hiitid a large assortment of F UR-N ITURE, Consisting in jmrt of . Walnut Parlor Sets, ' Cliainber S(ts, Cane Seat Chairs, . . Wood Scat Chairs, ' Rocking Chairs, Dining Tables, Extension Tables,' MarbloTop Tables, Kitchen Furniture, ' : llureaus, 1 lodsteads, Washstniids, " IiOtlnges, . Mattrossos, Cupboards, IViok Cases, ' Fancy P.raekets, ! I.Ooking (llasses, Pielu.ro Franiew, aud II CT IJ H Fl iVtlD. ALSO, SASH. cSc DOORS ' always on hand. ' His rooms !(ng large, and weil situat od ho is prepared to oiler suporior induce ments to juircliasers. : ('all and examine his stock and prices) and 1)0 convinced ... ' ' ' i - JD" Deri a k in G , ;:; A full assortnient of ,CotTtn,s'aud Caskets Pintantlv in utoro.' ' ..-..-, 28 ljr i re ! A. IT. 1'ARTtinKlE, . till 1 IU', MUUM.Mi I IjA,SS.--.i! 1'Hll urn'wh youViTiployment at which yoh can nmKO very largo pay, m your o;n locali ties, without beiug away from homo over night. Agents wanted tn every town and -ounty'ti tnkP snhsH-ibers for Tiio Ci-n-teinMal Iteeord, tho laruest publication in thc'Uuilud States JH jagos, (i-t columns; Klegantly Illustrated ; Terms only $1 jier year. ' TIo Iteeord s devoted to whatever is of interest connected with' the Centen Uiaiyoar. Tho Orcat KxJiibition at pliil adelphia is fully illustrated iw detail, Kv ?rybody wants it. Tho whole people' feel groat Interest iu their Country's Centen nial Jiirthduy, and want to know allnbout it. ' An elegant patriotic "cr.ayoM drawinar remium picturo is preseiite'd free to each subscriber. It is entitled, "In renmin branco of tho Ono Hundredth Anniversa ry of the Indopcnpenco of tho United States."- Size! 2HxMU Inches. Anyoneeau beooino a tuueessful agent, foe litit show t lit papor and picture and hundreds of subscribers ara easily otitained . evory j heroi Tliero is no business that will pay like this at present. , Wo havo many agents who aro making as high as 3- per clay and upwards. Now Is the time; (Isn't delay. lUimemher it costs nothing to givo tho business a U'iaL fSotvl for. our circu lars, terms, and sample copy of papor, which aro sent free to all who apply: do It to-day Complete outfit iVee tu' timsc wlio decido ti e-ngagc, Farmers mid me chanict, and their uns . iiud daughters make the verv best of agents. Address, TIIK CKNTKNNlAli RF.OOKD, 12 0n. l'oi Hand, Maine. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pittsburgh, TttU8villo &. Buffalo Railway, and Buffalo, Corrytl Pittsburgh Railroad. ON ANU A FTEIl Sunday, July 2, 1S70, trains will run as follows; STATIONS. -Northward. Southward Ku. I So. N....V So. So. 4 i.f pin pm pm ' am pin 2:25 8:-1.1 7:f0 2:;-).r.! G-M) 10:50 0:117 4:: 4:"5 4:M l-A: (:0O U-2-.19 :; n:2-r) 12:55 r:l.lji!H(l :!:.l,-, 5: JO 1:-H 5:0 1 1 1:117 2:1") e:15 2:110 -l:2."i 10:14 12:40 r:.-: 2:5" 4:00 lt.;2."i 12:00 7:40 4;1U 8:rt ,.i:42!lO:'y S;U . :.r2 .(I;Hl' .. to S:.j0 0:20 2:20 8:2o 8:25 S::tS 10:11 ...... 0:10 ...... 0:00 10:20 r:5l - 0:5."i 0;.V. 5:00 11:50 :(.'S ;;20 1:15 8:2ti ...... 1:40 0:10 (1:27 1:17 7:50 7;5S 10:10 7:55 l:i5 7:10 7:10 (i;13 11:50 ,r.V, 10:51 10:10 4:02 ...... l:0,-i 0:55 I2:.'!0 p. ni p. in a. m a. in p. m .; . i a m Pittsburuh. 8:u0( V PennneH);( Kittanning 10:-I0 It. H'l J unci 1:2-1 Brady Iiendll:l) Parker 12;12 Fiidenton 12:4s ScruV.Krnss 1:27 Franklin 2:0:i ::;:() Oil City . Oleoiois l'aglo Hock Tionesta Tidionto Irvincton 2: lit ;i:(io: a:2.- 0:00 Uousevillo Titusviilo Oorry ,i Mavviilo. Puilals 2:5:i 4: 17 0: 10 j. m Trains run bv Philadelphia Time. UAVIO AleCAHOO, Oeu'l Snp't. J. MOJtTON llAUh, t icn'l Passenger A Ticket Agent, UE0. A. PllINCE & CO. Tiio Oldest, Largest, nnd Most Pot feet . . MumUactory in tho Unitt d - ' Statos, nearly v - ' ' I 5 6,0 0 0 ; t , Now in use.. No father Musical Instrument evevobtain- ed tiio sauu'jjopuiurity, j-fi Send for prico Lists. . . . Address JlUFl'ALO, X. V, The fai't of our being the oldest and largest manufactory in tho United States, with nearly 50,000 Instruments now iu use, is a sullicieiit guarantee of our re sponsibility and the merits of our instru ments. " . ' ' . . ?';"V : tilCO. A. PHI NCI1! CO, foil iVolilv of nil kindsdo'nc at this i.r- I lice ou shoil iiviku, ORGANS k MELOIDNS ii. u. Tiiiii:it A: co. r- , WnOT-KSAfjK ,Ss KHTATIi , Pcalers in Ifarduni'o, Iroii and ?ih1Im. Stoves nnd Tinwiirc, BELTING OF ALL SIZES , Constantly on hand, at low prices. Also Mamufacturers of sui:i:r n.ox lvoiiK, Smoke Stacks,! Srcocli iiifi;, Sheet Iron, Well Casing, . &c, tC. FOUSATiF One Second-hand ten horse power Woodbcrry .Stationary Iloiler nnd Kugiuo. II. G. TINKER & CO., OH. CITY, PA. American fc Foreign Patents. ' (illiMOltK if CO., Successors to Chip man, Uosnicr Co., Solicitors. Patents procured in all countries. No Pees In ad vance. No charges unless (ho patent is gianlcd. No fees fur mnkiug prelimina ry examinations. No additional fees for obtaining and conducting a rehearing. Ity a mt'Mtl (Incision of tho t'oiumissioner ii.'i, rehn-tod ailUuiitiotis may bo revived. Special attention . given to lnerfersic Cases beforo tho Patent OIHee, lOxtensions before Congress, Infringement Suits in different Slates, and all litigation nptr tnining to Inventions or Patents. Send stamp to (iil more A C-a., for panijddet of sixiy pages. FjUikI Cases, WarranfM ami . . .Strip. ;'V :, ' Contesled Land Cases prosecuted before tho U. S. ie:ieral Land Ollhs' and depart ment of the Iijtirior. Private Land Claims Mining ami l're-enip(ion Claims, 'nun Homestead Cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, 80, nnd 10O ncro pieces for side. This Scrip is assignable, and can bo lucaiod in the name of tlitf purchaser upon any (iov evnnvcnt land subject to private entry, at $ 1. 2i per aero. It Is of equal valuo 'with Homily Land Warrants. Send Kiainp to Oilinorc itX!o., for pamphlet .of Instruc tion., . , ; ' 1 Arrears of Fay fc IJonnty. Oflleers, Soldiers, and Sailors of tiio lato war, or their heirs, are in many cases en titled to money from tho ( iovernment of which they havo no knowledge.- Write full history of service, and state amount of pay nnd bounty received. Lmloso stamp to Uilmoro ."i'Oo., nnd a full reply, alter o-amination, will bo given you free. 1'eiisioiiK. Al) Officers., Ri.ddiiers, and Sailors woun ded, ruptured, or injured in the lato war, however slightly, can obtain a pension by addressing (iilniore Co. Cases prosecuted by (iilmoie it Co. be foro the Supreme Court of Hie I'nited States, the CHft olX'iaiins, and the South ern Claims t'ommissinti. I0:u'li4l(f:artiueiit of our business is eon ducted iu a separate bureau, under charge of the same experienced parlies employed by the old .tin 1 Attention to all business entriisWid to Oilmoro it Co. is thus se cured. Wo desire to win success by de serving it. Address (ilLMOHK t CO., 2! FSiroct, Washington, I), C. 41tf IN THE .GREAT SOUTHWEST ! The Littlo Hock and Fort Smith Hail way Company is Helling, at exceptional ly low prices and on terms to suit pur chasers, over ONE MILLIOftSACRES of their lnagnihcent grant on evorv side within twenty miles or their road". Ad mirably suited fori'productiou of Corn, Cotton, Grain, Grass, Fruits, and all ether Korthern;crops. Winters aro mild, per mitting out-door labor for eleven mouths. Soil fertile beyond precedent. No grass hoppers, no f'rought. Special induce ments for establhhmcntjof manufactories. Fur circulars, address W. 1). SLACK Land Commisfh. ncr, Littb Hock, Arkan sas. 41 4 Theexpei ieneeof live 7PLLS vc.us nas proven mat this Compact and re liablo work of General Information Is lioitnr iBsrcTCLorsfixA- new nsvisea tGiucB. A0E5T3 WANTED. adunted to tho wantsof an classes oi me com .ii -i .... munity than any other u-nrk tt tlm 1.- I...l pitblislied. It has been proven by its IMMENSKSALKS, the numerous COMMKXDATORY KOTJCFS KLC'P, And by its uniform 8U0CKS.S WJTII AGFNTS. : Tho edition of 1S70 lias been TIIOHOUGIILY KKVISHO TO DATK. It contains 150,000 articles, r,000 vmh engravings and eighteen handsomely osi graved and colored maps. Tho work is issued in parts, and a speci men copy, witJi map, will 1st sent to any addresu, treo of postage, for twenty cents. BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers, Siicce.sHor to T. Klwood 'Ml.) 'Xb.l7 and 10 South Sixth Street, i-tf PllILADIOI.i'ATA, Pa. THE LARGEST FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT IN TI 1 10 OIL n ion IOXS J ' " ' t MILES SMITH, i , - Iieulcr ii CABINET AND UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE! FUA.NKLIX, - . . PKNN" A. , Consisting ot Parlor, Ollico and Common Furniture Mattresses, Pillows, Window ' , Sliadcs, Fixtures, Look ing tiiasbcs, Ac. Als(., ngent for Venango c()uiitv lor the ejel.nited Maiduutau Spring d'.cj and '"naimn Matt rws-s, iii:miifs,cUire.l and lor sale at my Furniiuro W aicrVoms, l"lh street, iiV;.r libcrtv. Call and k ., Siunplo 1k1. stL lis. ale Ti'oficv. T'slalo of Mnrv Halo deceased, lnl of Tionesta Townsnip, Forest Munly All persons indebted to said esiste aro re quested to make Immediate payment, ani , tliero having legal claims Hjiiunst theBiimo? will proscuMhem, without dely, in proprr (trdur for settlemrnt to NANCY PAWSOX, AdniiniHtratnx; or MILIOM W. TAT 10, Atl'v, fww "0, 1M70.- VI H Tionesta, V: SOLID WEALTH ! ' 0tl0,000 IN GIFTS! Grandest Scheme, ever I'lcsfiiteJ to tha l'ubliej - A FOI5TUXK FOH ONLY $12. nHH Kentucky Ciuh Di.stribnUon Oni 1 pany, authorized by n sp'cil ct rf tho Ken'tneky Legislature, f'r tho benefit of the Public. Schools of Frankfort, will have Iho'llrst of tlu-lr series el' Grand, Prawinns ut Major Hall, in tho City of Frankfort, Ly., on X ii u its 'pay, a i'gust ni, ir'i, on which occasion they will dislributft tr the ticket-holders tho iminenso sum of 3600,000 Thus. P. Porter, lOx-Govemor Ky., Gen-' era I Manager. ' POSITIVELY NO POSTPOXIOMKNTI as wo will have a scries of Grand Drawings and can not establish the precedent ol postponing. list of uu'th: One grand cash gift $100 000 Ono grand cash gift (Mi tin I One grand cash girt ii'i 0H) One grand cash gift 0 imni One grand cash gilt One K''"id cash gift r0 C:ash gilts of ?1,(M0 each. KM) Cash jrifisof .MM) each... 100 Cash gifts or 100 Cash gifts of i!00 Ciush gifts of 000 Cash gifts of 10,000 Cash gilts of tuO each.... "on each... L'OOraeh... ion each..., 12 ea.'h... Total, 1 1, l."0 gifts, all ( ash 00 (wi'i . PUICIOOl'TICKKTS: - Wholo tickets, $12; Halves, f(l; t'uar-. terslftl; 0 tickets, f too ; 27 J tickets, f'toj; ifit tlckulK, ?."io; 1 tiokets, fJI,(KHl. ij,, 000 tickets at ?I2 each. lion. 10. II. Taylor. Mayor of Frankfort, the entire board ol Cit v ( iuncilmunf linn. Alvln lliivall, lato Chief .Justice ol Keu- tucky, ami other dislinKitishod -citlxens, together with such disinterested person' as (he ticket iiohbtrs present may desig nate win superintend me (trowing. Itcnuttanccs can ho inauo ny jirttresw Pruft, Postollico Money ordevrT Letter, made payable to Vg .,.. Pistributlon Conipany. ' v J All conimuiilcalioii's c'y.'.c;.rT w ith tho distribution and orders !i" Tickets, and applications of agents to- sell tickets, should be addressed to IIOX. Til OS. P. POKTIOH. 12 I General Manager, Frankfort, Ky. Or U. W. UAH HOW A CO., Gen. Faslern Apents, - 7IOHrondwit,r, S. Y, Awarded tho Highest Medal at Vienna E. &H. T. ANTHONY & CO.. .lyl Urondway, Xew York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) ' Manufacturers, Itnitorters it Pealers In CHHOMOS AND Fit AM KS, STEREOSCOPEJS AND VIEWS Albums, Graphoscojics, and Suita ble Views. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We are Headquarters for cvervlhintr in tlv -wav of STIOUJOOPTICONS and M Ai 1C LAftTlOKXS, being maiiiif: iciurers of the Micro-Sclent I lie Lantern, Stereo -Panopticon, University Stcreoptlo Advertisers Stereopt icon, Arlopticou . , Sclioid r.uutci it, . Family Laufcrtt, PIOOPLIO'S LAXTKP.X. lOach stylo being the best of its ( lass in the market Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with, directions for using, sent on application. Any enterprising man can make money with a Magic 'Lantern. Cut out this advertisement for icf-ercneo.-ry. FITS & EPILEPSY rONITIV12IY 4l Ki:i. Tiio worst cases of the longest Ktanding, ly using Pr. lIlOIUtAUP'S CL'KIO. P. bus cured thousands, and Will give fl.OoO for a "iism it will not bcnclit. A bottle sent frcoto all addressing J. JO, DIUULFIO, Chemist, Otlioo: llioo llroadwav, Xow York. '4y -i Am'FItTISlOP.Stiend 25 cents to Geo, T. Kowell tf Co., 41 Park ltow, X. Y.t lor their Kiglity-pago Panij.hlet, showing costot adveiising. , la 4t ' I10LTCAHPI0TIX(5S,3.-cts. per vi FELT OKI LING lor rooms in nli'i.t., Plaster. FFLT TtOOl.MN'C ,,.! vi in vi: ni For samples, address C. J. FAY, Caindun, Xew Jersey. PE A B 0 D YH 0 US E7 ' COKXIOlt of LOCUST & NINTH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusement and car linos in tiio iitv. No changes to and from tho Centennial grounds. Col. Watson, -proprietor of tho Henrv House, Cincinnati lor tho past twentv . years, and present proprietor, lus loused , thohouso for a term of vuis, mid has: newly lurnished and litto.Tit, .throughout. ' Ho w ill keep a strictly llrst-class house, and luis aecon.UV(,,i.ition fvr ;ioo guests. Tonus only j or. lay." io bar has ever been kept in tho llen y House, nor will nny bo kept nt tho Pea bod v. yll GOV. HAYES, lEti ifo and Publio t.w 4 ...... , .li.t.. and reliable. Fndorsed from ollii inl sources. Haro chanco for agents. Secure territory nt oner. i.. .,...., . tJ l.t(l. -,flIl, ..Ml. - adilress (iuakor IJHy publishing Co., hda., Pi;. J 18 1 ?0 T 7 J n 'rho b(tst course of liook 1 J 1J Keeping, tho best svs lem or actual practice, tho most elegant penmanship, the lowest rates of board ami tuition, at Washington Pusinc.-s College, J "Mill-Mown, N. V. Circulars free. 314 fS),' , X )nK neat ly eVeeti (v., nt t ho It 10 ' 1 I HLICAN Olttce. in oon ft OiMI ,r.0 (M K) ,r.O (KH 10 (XH) :m ooti 40 0O( 120 m 1 4