Tildcns Disloyalty." J Tlio Oilgensburg Journal of Thurs day nays:. "Sonio unscrupulous par tisan recently doiueil that TiMen ro fusiecl to sign , the call for the great Union meeting in New York in 18G1, but Gen, Dix has- milled that point by writing the fold ing, which gives information within his own knowl edgo: Seafield, Fort ITamtton, July 187G. Dear Sir : Yours is received, and I hasten to reply to it. Mr. Tildeu did not unite m the call for tho great Union meeting in New Yftrk after the attack and surrender of Fort Sumter. But ho refused to attend it, though urgently solicited to by one of his ow n political friends. The meeting "was called for the purposo of sustaining the Government, and to provide for sending troops to Washington,, which was thought to bo in danger of an attack by the Confederates. This fact was publicly stated when Mr. Tilden was a candidate for Governor in 1874. I am, dear sir, truly yours John A. Dix. W. E. Webster, Esq. The New York Herald thus rebukes tbo Democratic blather about the "Radical oprcssion" of the South : "It is with surprise that we Bee the Courier Journal follow after the v bay ing pack of wild newspapers who be lieve that the election of Tilden Is neces3ary to "save the South from Radical oppression." There is no Buch thing as Radical oppression. The Republicans, as a pojty, stand with the . Democrats. They Lave never ceased to hold ont to the South -the hand of malignity and friendship. There is nothing that Tilden, an Pres ident, could do that Hayes could not and would not do. But the Southern men insist upon regarding the Repub licans as enemies, as men pining after their goods and chattels, as laboring ' to build up a governing class of ad venturers and negroes to rule over and plunder, them. -There -has been a good deal of this; but who is to blame? The Southerners provoked a policy of repression, and that policy Has been enforced. They have striven steadily to bring the Union back to ; what it was before the war. ,vThe Re- ftublicans have defeated this in legis ation as thoy did in' arms. It has been a losing game. - It is unjust to ray that the Republicans fid not wish to act with the old Confederates. The truth is, when an old Confederate acted with the Republicans, he was at once hunted out of Bociety. Take the 7 -case of tb celebrated General: Liong- Btr - ii was good enough to com mand a great army under Lee, but as be professed bis desire to act with the Republicans, he was. outlawed. The same may be said of General Mosby, who was good enoueh to command oavalry guerillas for Lee, but who, as Boon as he supports the Republicans, Becomes iniamous. t "Considerinr? that but for thn in strumentality of Samuel J. Tilden it , js not liKely . that any , of the suits, either civil or criminal, .against Wm. M. Tweed wouW ever have been suc cessfully Drosecutcd. and that Mr. .Tweed night to-day haye been one of our Citate senators. ", - ; - The foregoing paragraph, clipped from the New York Am nf thn 11 it, ult, really is too good a hit to be left to the obscurity of that paper, and it is here reproduced for tho amusement of our million readers. As a bit of sarcasm it is unsurpassed by anything lately produced, even in the most able xvepuDiican journals, and is a valua ble acquisition in the rulitiea.l market. as a direct thrust at tho old festering sore in the bodv-nolitio of the Demnn racy. With an exhibition of eelf-sac- rifice Mr. Tilden must havo mad! How the milk of human kindness most have flown from his lar?e. een erous soull to thus nerve himself ODenlv to denounce his most, iniimutn - w a u it vJ "pal" in their wholesale robbery of .new lork. And to think that the moving of the deep waters of his con sciencesall for the sake of reform and for justiceshould have saved the country from the Rid spectacle of a convicted thief in the Senate of the State of New York. To those (and who does not know of it?) familiar with the demoralizing' facts of the combination under Tweed, Tilden, Hall &Co., in their huge frauds upon the treasury of New York ritv n.I State, this keen, relishablo satire of uio cbiet Democratic organ will be fully appreciated. la a recent speech, Zebulon B. Vance, the Democratic candidate for Governor in North Carolina said : "I am Borry that I laid down my arms in 18G5; I am in favor of re-enslaving the negro, and if that cannot be done at once, my idea id to adopt a plan which will bring about such a condition of things. I would de prive the uegro of educational privile ges; I would pay him low wag8; I would prevent him from reouirin real estate , . I would deprive him of aruii, aiuuniuon, stoclt, .and : agricul taral implements." General Sherman's modest and re tiring behavior reminds the London Tinted of tho Duke of Wellington's during the lung peace. SQUARE GR&ND PUNOS 1 . : Iietailod at Wholcsalo , rricos, O00 for 3250.' ' ' 690fort30O. ' S7OOf0rC3OO. CSOO for 3SO. THE ' :. "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO. '" 1CAVE (STRUCK ' 1IAI5I PAJf PltlCES. Only Ono Tiico for Cash, anil a low ono. NO DEVIATION". We Rive no discounts. Wo pay no agents' coin missions, which donblo the prices of all Pianos. We look to tho People,, -who wantafirst class Piano at a fair profit over cost nf manufacture. We appoint tho Tooplo our agents, and givo them our Pianos an low as any agent can buv equally good Pianos of any otlior manufacturer, Riving the People In a reduced price, what is usually expended in commissions, rent, freight, traveling and incidental expenses. Tho "Modelssohn" Piano Ho. can sell yon a 71 octavo rosewood co.se Piano, 6 foot JO inches long, with front round corners, 'gs, serponuno ana plinth mould- AiiLtfiu uuiuuis, uieiuaing Full Iron Frame, Over Strung Bass, ' AgrafTo Treblo, and ; French Grand Action, hlch Onlv aennmnnnv Mm V.nof T!.nn. r the most celebrated makers, at tho very low price of $250, $275 or W00, according oi.noi'i uwb, or wiui iour round cor nors and full agraffe for $150, and guaran tee thom In Pvnrr rnjnru.t animl rt M Piano made of similar style, or no sale. ij.uuciuiBBonn i-ianoifi, manufac tured from tie very best materials, and by tho most skilled and finished work men. The manufacture is conducted by one of tho most experienced Piano manu facturers in tho J iiu lien enterprise, turning out a poor and cheap uiuiio irorn green wood, and by creener mechanics. Olir PlimO 1q tinQtirnAcanl am. t 1L. market for its rich and powerful tones, ai.u im mmpiauon lo me Human voico iu Byuipauiuuf, mcuow ana singing qualities. It speaks for itself. We are Willinar to nlnnn It loa;,1a or other make of Piano on its merits, eithor in beauty of case, or excellence of tone, and "at half tho mnnew" tf nmialltr. j y t -"hi kwa instsuments. "Tho best the cheapest" When it nosta t ho lont tnnnatr All Pianos fully warranted for five years. uouuim uur AuusLraieu ana i.escrlD tive Circular. , The "aicndelssolin'? Piano Co., Office of Manufactory, 9 U - 56 BROADWAY, N. Y. OXLI ItEHKOY FOR HARD TIMES. CHANGE YOUR SURROUNDINGS. All U'UnlilW PVllH P.rma apted to the growtli of the Vine, where it .o en cuiuunnou nui'ucss ana pays large profit. The land is also adapted to the growth of Poachos, Pears, Apples and smsa lruitsj also Gram, Ora-ss und Veg etables. Many hundred of excellent Vineyards, Orchards and rarnin, can no.v Lo seen. ,locatlon is only 34 miles south of lightful climate, and at the very doors of mo iiow i ui& una x-uiiaaoipnia Markets. Another llailroad runs direct to New xorK. Tho Tilaco is alrpadv In rcra cm rtnnca fn 1 and prosperous. Churches, Schools, and .juiurj.riYJK-Kes are already established, Also, manufactories of Shoes, Clothing ulas,s. Straw tirMxls. nn.l mimr ik;i. which different members of a family can procure employment. It has been a health resort for some years pasc lor peopio sullering from pul monary affections. Catarrh, Ague, and de bility; many thousands have entirely re covered. A new brick hotel has just been com pleted, 100 feet front, with back buildings fonr stories high, including French root; and all modern improvements for tho ac commodation of visitors. Priffl of Farm T.nml fio.-: v payable installments, within tho ncriod of four years. In this climate, planted out uira, nTres oi ibiiu wm count fully Persona liimemiuinlil u ltk T-i-.,f ,-... ing can bscomo familiar with it in a short unio un uuLuuiii 01 Biirrounaings. Five acre, ono acre, and town lots, in tho towns of Laudiaville and Viueland, also for sale. Whilst visiting the Centennial Exhibi tion, Vineland can be visited at small ex pense. . A paper containing full information, will be Bent upon application to CJ1ULES K. LAND1S, Vineland. N. J., free of cost. , ; , ... .... i k j i win a uw- seription of Vineland, published in tho New York Tribune, by tho well-known Agriculturist, Solon Robinson: All tho farmers were of the "well to do" sort, and some of them, who have turned their attention to fruits and market gard ening, have grown ri-li, Tho soil is loam, varying irom sanuy to clayey, and surface gently undulating, intersected with small wti-it-iiiia ariil ritn-iuiikn.l . .. . . ....i . . t., ...... (iniuuiu W Uli lllUdUUWH 111 which deposts of peat or muck are Btored, sutlicient to fertilize tho whole upland sur face, alter it has been exhausted of its natural fertility. It is certainly one of the most extensive fertile tracts, iu an almost level position-, - ........... . . , j 'i i ri-mii l i r i ill" ing, tliat wo know of this side of tho West- v it 'i aniLn. t u lonnu some or tne oiu- - i-j'.vii.ij juov a9 tttittutuiy proluctive as when first cloarod of forest H r-r n 1... ...1 .....1 mi. wt t iiiiiiiiit-u yt-itra ago. The geologist would boon discover the caustv of this continued furtilitv. Tim whole OOUIltrv is a niurinn iiir.ruii all through tlie voii we found evidences of calcareous sutntan-es, generally in tho form of indurated calcareous marl, show ing many distinct form of ancient shells, of lh tertiary 'formation'; and this marly substance is scattered ail through tlio soil, ill U VC-I'V Cilll 111 ililll i-.l Lrm -ii.il in i. . -' i mi- exact condition moht ea-sily assiminilatod by Mich plants 41s tho farmer desires to cuJUvale, i (,m JOB WORK " I t V DONE AT THE 1 'v..-,: , .... " ; : ' ;! i ' "REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At tho loiocsl cash prices, neatly, prompt ly, tmcZ in style equal to that of any other establishment in the District. -:o; BUSINESS CARDS, SUQY CATJJS, VISITING CARDS,, , - . ; SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADHISSION TICKETS, MttoTllXY STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES BILLHEADS, LErrER heads, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS LABELS, 1 J. SIIIPi'ING TAGS, Ac : THE UEW "DOMESTIC," ' A DOUBLE THREAD 1 LOCK-STITCn MACHINE. ..t.i it nm.m :;a TT rHnin all th virtue of the I.ihi-Rimnini; " 11OME3TI0,' induilini th Automatic 4 Tenion, whii:h va nml l tlu; Ik.nI in un. -ricM notice our J'ATK.N i lfAlUJKN KD CONICAL TEARINCS on both the Machine 1 and Stand. - ' Our new and old (dcn, wrrtfld ont with hrand nrw M.ichinrrv and Tool at our own nrw worJtt, In the hiuv city f Newark, New Jeney, have iiiven in a aumliinl of MKCHAMCAL EXCKL LKN'CK, Nlininuim of Kriciion. Kl.ixintum of Dua.ihility, and r.mga of wiiik, never heretofore reached in the Sewing Machine world. - . - . TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF We Invltt the attention of all, especially those having hlch mechanical (kill or observation. N. I!. All Macliitm fully warr.u.u.il. DOMESTIC. SEWING MACHINE CO., IS' o -v "Vorlc unci 01ii;nf?o. LADIES, USE DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. I n 1 ii 1 11 11 iii in ii a n einiMiinnimiiwiwiniiwiaani BIXBY'S BLACKING. A COMBINED rOLISII BLACKING AND . , IJEATIICB. PKKSERTATITE. . , : Exports and Professional Bootblacks iu New York, and all other large citios where this Blacking has been introduced, ac knowledge its superiority over all import ed or domestio Ulackings In uso, as an Elegant Polish and Consorver of Leather. MOTICE. Bixby's 'nest" Blacking has a Rod and Blue Isabel. Do not bo deceived by ac cepting our ".Standard" Blank ing in plnco of "Best." The Standard has the label stamped into tho tin cover. Tills brand is 111 ado to compete with other American and French iilacklngH, but is inferior to our "Bent." Bixby's "Best" Blacking will nave its entire cost in tho wear of your boots and shoes. HOUSEKEEPERS TRY -. . Bixby's French Laundry Blue, IN SIFTINCJ BOXES. The rnoet convenient and economical package, and tho only combined Bleach aud Blueing Powder'in use, ' S. M. BIXBY & CO., w Manufacturing Chemists, 11 Nos. 173 & 175 Washington St., N. Y. SIDDILL'H IVlACnETIO SOAP Tho Cheapest Sonp t!:at can bo used for tho following reasons; 1st. Ono bar will go as far as two of any other. 2d. Only half tlio usual rubbing being rejuirou, inero is a saving of moro than the entire cost o( tho Soup in labor alono. ; 3d. Tlie clotlioj aro ma-.lo Sweet, (tleaa and. white without Boiling or Scald ing, thus all injury to them is avoid ed. Thero is a saving in fuel and hard work, and tho washing Is dono in about half tho usual time. It is also guaranteed under a penalty of imy uouars not 10 nyuro tlio clothes or hands, and as one trial will enablo any person to ascertain tho truth of those statements, it would never pay tho pro prietor to engage in an extensive system of advertising and claim such decided merit for his Soap unless ho know from positive experionco that it wou'd prove to bo in every respect what is claimod for it. This is also a superior Soap tor Toilet and Shaving purscs. WARNER, RHODES A CO., Wholesale Pancv Gkoce ns, Oeneial Agents, 911 Philadelphia. Pa. PEABODY HOUSE, CORNER of LOCUST & NINTH STS., PHILADELPHIA, FA. Convenient to all places of amusement. and ear lines iu tho eity. No changes to and from tho Centennial grounds. coi. atson, proprietor of tho Henry IIouso, Cincinnati for tho past twentv years, and presont proprietor, h:is loaned tho house for a term of years, and has newly furnished and littod it throughout. He will keen a fctiiitiv lirst-cl ;LSS lMIU. nnd lias aeeomniodalioli for 400 guests.' 1 i-i mi wm y jio icr (lay. No bar lias ever been kept iu (ho Henry House, nor will unv bo Lent at the iv.-i- - i - ' - ' - . Music lias Clmrms ! PRICES REDUCED. THE BEST IN THE WORLD! WILL LAST A LIFE TIME! 45,00 0 OP THE CKLEBRATKD sunn nun IN DAILY USE. A Stool Boxed Free with each Prsan. Tho best talent In the country recom mends there orpins. Tho nicest ami best. More for the money, and gives better sat isl'action than any iiow made. They com prise tho Orclacsiral, 1'aragon, nml jJratiI Orgnii "-Tllus(raled Cataloguo sent bv mail. post tiou w nnjr mKiress, upon nppilea to : i . B. SIIONINUKU ORGAN CO., 17 to Gl Chestnut St., ' New Haven, Conn 15 C 3 a j. , C O O r x Z w - a k i U 8 ci 2 c O 5 2 .2 t-i 02 6 H 'A W w o w K u a 6 s : 1 5 s 3 o o fc! , s y t a 1 S'E S a o fa fi e 3 3 CL o Ill o zz o a ) o - ill 1 1 I -h 5 S. 5 5 s is I 1 .2 tn CO w ai 5 & a a to hi as (h a - Q -a 3 Z a C w a o . i? 5 3 K en Yon Can Huvc 3Ioney liy buying your PIANOS and ORGAN;-? from tho undersigned Manufacturers' Agent, I'm tho ist 1. rands in tlie market. IiiKtruuicnUs sliipped ili-eet from tho Fac tory. CHA.s. A. ,S11U11V.. 'I'n ii..- ) NEV REVISED EDITION. ENTIRELY RK WRITTEN BY THE ABLEST WRITERS ON EVERY. SUBJECT. Printed from New Type, nnd illustrated with sovcrhd Thousnnd En gravings and Mays. The work orlitinall y published under tlio' tillo of THE NEW AMERICAN CYCLO l'EDlA was romiiletod in IWI., since which lime, the wide circulation which it has attained in all parts of tho United Stales, and tho slgnid developments which linvo taken place. In every branch of Kclencfl, literature, and art, Iiarn induced tho editors and publishers to sntrtnlt U to' an exact and thorough revision, i-nxl tc bsuo a new edition entitled THE Ah'EF.ICAH CYCLOPiEDIA.' Within tho last ten years tho progress of discovery in every department of knowl-' edgo has made a new work of rcfei oneoan' imperative want. Tho movement of political atl-iira JW kept race with tho discoveries of science -and their fruitful application to tho Indus-' trial and usoful arts Htid the convenience' ami refinement of social life. Ureal wars nndronsoqucntrevolntioiiH have occurred involving national changes of peculiar moment. Tlio civil wsr 01 our own coun try, which was at its height when tho 1 1st volunio of tho old work appeared bash-m. pily been ended, and a new coursoof cnni merclal and industrial activity hw been commenced. Largn ai-cessions to our GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE Have been mado by tho lndofatloTiblo ex plorers of Africa. , . Tho great political revolution of tho last decade, with tho natural result of thn lapse of time, have brought into pnbllo view a mnltitudo- of new men, whoso names are iu overy one s mouth, ond of who.-.o lives every ono is curious to know tho particulars. Croat battles have been fought and important niegis maintained, of which tho details aro as yet preserved wily in tho newspapers or i the transient publications of tho day, but which ought now to tako their place in TIXMANEJiT AND AUTHENTIC HISTORY. In preparing tho present edition for tlio ' pre.ss.it ha accordingly been thn!m ofiho editors to bring down tho Informiiiion to tlio latest possible dates, nml to funutdi an accurate account of tl.e most recent, dis coveries in science, of every frch produc tion in literature, and of tlio no west inven tions in tho practical arts, ns well a to give a succinct and original record of tho progress of POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL EVENTS. The work has been begun after lorg and earoful preliminary labor, and with tho most ample rosources for carrying it on to a successful termination. Noi of tho original stereotype plates liavo been nsed, but every page his beon PRINTED ON NEW TYPE, Forming in fact a new Oyclopredia, w.tfh the same plan nnd compass as its prede cessor, but with a far greater pocuniary expenditure, and with such improuemenf in its composition ns have been sutrgestnd by longor experience and cnlarga-l knowl edge. ' THE ILLUSTRATIONS V which are introduced for the first time In tho present oditiou havrt boon addod not for tho sako of pictorial effect, but to give greater hnidity nnd force to tho explana tions in the text. They embrace all branches of science and of natural history, and depict tho most famous and remarka ble features of seonory. achithture, mid art, ns well hm tho various process-.- of mechanic and manufactures. Although int'Midod for instruction rather than em bellishment, no pains have been spared to insure their ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE.. . ' The co-t of their exooutlon is enormous, and it is believo l tliev will find a welcome reception as an r.d ml ruble feature ofiho Cyclopaedia, nnd worthy of its high char acter. This work is sold lo anbscrlbrrs onlv," payablo on delivery of each volume, lc will bo complete in Mj tren hurt) Octavo I uhtwrs, e.i h containing about 'k.'K) pages, fully illustrated with neveral thousand ood Engravings, nnd with numerous colored Lithographic Maps. ... Prlco and Stylo of Binding; In extra Cloth, per volume - . $0 In 1 Jlirai-y Leather, per vol. - -'dOO In half Turkey morocco, p(;r vol. ... 7 00 In half Russia extra gilt, per vol. - ' 8 00 In full morocco, antique, gilt cdca t n1";01- ' - - . - - 10 00 In lull Russia, per vol. - 10 00 riFTEEN VOLUMES NOW READY. Succeeding volumos, until completion, Will bo issued onco in two months. tspec-imen pages of The American Cyclopaedia, showing type, iihistrations, etc., will bo sent gratis on application. First-Class Canvnusinff Afjcnta Wanted. Address tho- I'ublishers, D.v APPLETON it CO., ' C( 51!) A 551 Brojidway, N. Y. S3TAKOARD" Fire and .Durglar" Count :r. Tlstform, vV?.f;on & Trad- i.eaH fur Prli i -Lit. .s.,,iH Ai'anlcd. Marvin's Sale Co.,- 225 Bfoadv:y,' Mew York,' 721 Chestn::t-U PhWx'' A VERTIS ICRS send li.", cents" to (ieo. jTV .Rowo 1 tCo., 41 Park Row, N. Y 1 boily. Hi a ly Look liox 17W, Oil City' l'u.