The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 06, 1876, Image 3

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    - EDITOR,
Republican National Ticket.
of Ohio.
of New York.
For Congress,
of Indiana County.
For State Senator,
Subject to action of the district conferees. )
For Assembly,
For District Attorney,
8. D. IRWIN.
For Coroner,
For Jury Commissioner,
i'-n A short time ago the N; Y. Times,
in a desperate strait for something to
say against 'Tilden, charged that he
, ' had made an incorrect income return
, some years ago; whereupon the Sun
4ind other leading journals in the in
terest of truth - took, the pains to
thoroughly investigate the matter, and
proved the charge utterly groundless.
Consequently the Times has since had
: the prudence to withdraw the false
and slanderous accusation with as
i igood a grace as possible ; but the Ad
ministration echoers in the iuterior
having caught up the yelp, are still
ihowling 'Fraud' and 'Perjury !'
Forest Prest.
Consequently the Timet has had the
prudence to withdraw no word of its
- accusations, which fact the editor
of the Press undoubtedly knew when
Jbe produced the above. A cause is
' pretty frail when it has to bo suppor
ted by that kind of "whole cloth"
.stuff. How in the name of "reform"
" -could the Times withdraw an accusa
tion' founded on two affidavits , of
Tilden's. Further: beside reiterating
iU charges which the Press says it has
"had the prudence to withdraw," the
TJ.mjaiandM ready to furnish proof
acceptable in auy court that the
$20,000 of railroad fees formed but a
mll part of liis income the year he
swore it to be but $7,118. . This illus-
- Irates the silliness of those papers
which try to lift Tildeu up and give
4iiin a decent character in the face of
liis conflicting affidavits. Says the
Times on this subject: "Save here and
there some heedless or shameless
- country organ, the Democratic press
has abandoned the attempt to explain
away Mr. Tilden's perjury and fraud.
As for . the candidate himself, he seems
quite willing to abide by the lame
excuse of his secretary, that as the
$20,000 fee from the Alton and Terre
Haute Railroad was partly earned
before 18G2, therefore it could not all
be included iu the tax return fur that
jear. IVa have shown, however, that,
even accepting this theory, the accusa
tion of perjury remains uutouched. At
dcast $11,500 of the fee ia question
was earned in 18G2, according to Mr.
Tilden's own statement, end not a
dollar of that amount paid income
tax. We shall, ono of these days,
show with some detail the chief source
of Mi. Tilden's income in ,18G2 and
subsequent years. Meanwhile, we
trust that our Democratic friends will
remember that it is a mere waste of
time to quibble over the $20,000 fee
in 18G2, as if that were the sole item
of Mr. Tilden's income about which
we have any evidence. There are
-al'iiudanl data on which to prove Mr.
Tildeu a perjurer and a swindler
without reference to this fee or the
time when it was earned ample as
the evidence is which it supplies with
out refercuce to anything else."
The New: York World has sense
.enough to know that there is some
. .thing in the charges ngaius Tilden on
account of the income taXj ad says:
"Yu have uo doubt that Mr. Tildeii
iu his own way and at Jii owu time
will think it Jiot unbecoming his posi
tion as the candidate of a greijt party
for the first office in the land, to set
his foot upon the charges. In the
meanwhile it strikes us that no judi
cious f'ritud of Mr..Tilden or tbeDera.
ocratic party, or of tho repute of the
United States, which is involved in
the repute of ulceus so conspicuous
,w. r. punn
and so highly trusted, will bo over
hasty in volunteering explanations of
a matter entirely personal in Its na
ture." ( s
- : s
We clip the following from the
Forest Press of Inst week. It might
be well enough to say that tho head
ing is original with the Press:
From Tho Forest Republican.
The five "Mollie Maguires," Mud
ley, McGehan, Carroll, Roarity and
Boyle, recently convicted of the mur
der of Toliceman Yost, at Tamaqua,
were sontenced to death, at Pottsvillo,
ou Monday moruiug last.
On the contrary, these five votes
are of tho same class and always voted
the same ticket as Tweed, Morrissey,
Tilden, Connolly, and other boss "re
formers." Iu the South wheu Demo
crats kill off a few negroes, policeman,
or Republicans, if the case is mention
ed, tho paper noticing it is accused of
"waving the bloody shirt," In this
State, the culprits are represented a
belonging to the party which has nl
ways discouraged just such actions.
If they have joined the Republican
party since their incarcoration we
would call it a clear case of death-bed
Our Washington Letter.
Special to the Republican.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 4, 'TG
Neither ' Tilden nor hie advisers
appear able to extricate the 'reform
er" from the ugly position in which
he has been placed by the revelations
of the New York .Times. ludeed the
leading Democratic papers touch the
matter of his alleged perjury in the
most gingerly manner, and with mark
ed synitoms of distress, while the coun
try press is generally eilent, as though
waiting to be led out of the difficul
ties by which environed. Absolutely
nothing has yet been offered invalida
ting the charges of perjury made by
the Times: and its disclosures have
been made known and discussed every
where, throughout the country. Si
lence, under the-kcircumstanccs, must
and will be accepted as a confession of
From many sections of the South
there come evidences of a revival of
the traditional hostility always exist
ing between the Whig and Democratic-parties.
Former Whigs who have
acted with the Democrats since the
disruption of their own party, because
they had no where else to go, have
always been more or less uncomforta
ble and restless in their abortive effort
to form a union with an incompatible
element. This feeling of dissatisfac
tion has been augmented by the meni
al position always assigned them in
this coalition, and has now become
painfully apparent to the Democracy,
and it now attempts to accomplish by
soft words aud sycophaucy what it
has failed to bring about a perfect
union by kicks and cuffs. There .is
no question but that the Republican
ranks are being strengthened by re
cruit of this character. Whether the
desertions from the Ku-Klux Democ
racy will be sufficiently numerous to
materially effect the result in Novem
ber, is a matter that cannot yet be
definitely stated. But these old
Whigs constitute an element in South
ern politics that must be taken into
account in all subsequent predictions,
touching the future status of politic
al parties south of Mason and Dixon's
lieports from the Centennial are
gratifying to all friends of that enter
piise. Everything conuected there
with appears to bo ut its best; aud
the increased number of visitors has
made the hearta of the Commissioners
to rejoice. The great international
regattas on the Schuylkill attract great
interest among the Centen nial visitors.
The four oared scull race between the
London crew and tho Yalo crew was
hotly contested, and it may bo, and
was, considered a sort of Buuker Hill
victory, for the Britishers. It appears
to be conceded that had the English
ffrew started with no odds, tho Yalo
crew would have come off victorious.
Tho distance was one and a half miles,
and tho Englishmen with the advan
tage of the pole enrue in five fett
ahead. Time, as given, a little less
than 9 minute3 with one second in fa
vor of xLo Londoners.
The experiment of reducing tho
price of admission last .Saturday, to
half fare (twenty-five cents) was so
successful that tho two following Sat
urdays wero designated . in which to
continue it. The number admitted ou
that day was above 101,000.
TLc slaughter utuoug the clerks Las
commenced ; and the cry of tho man
gled ones is heard all over tho city.
This Is especially touching in th case
of femalo employes who find themsel
ves thrown out f employment with
families to provide for.
Good Roasted Co flee, 25 cts, at
Robinson A Bonner's. Try it. . 2t.
Teams Wanted. For bark haul
ing at Brookston Tannery.
18-3t. G. Brooks & Co
Register's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given Unit the first nnd
final Recount of Nancy A. Sibblo nnd
John Zents, Administrators of tho ostato.
of rcter Sibblo deceused, has boon proper
ly filed for tho September Term of tho
Orphans' Court of Forest County, and will,
be presontod lor confirmation oil Monda
of said Court. 1. W. CLARK, Regi iter.
Tionesta, Aug. i8, 1870. at.
Trial List, September Term, 1876.
Fouest Cor NT Y, ss.
List of Cases Ret down for trial at a
Court to bo held in and for said County,
commencing September 2-1, 1K70 : -
No. Tr. Yr.
IJancy Pale e.t al vs. Robin
son it Homier 0 Sep. 187(1
Elizabeth Goer vs. R. C. Scott
ct ftl , . 1'eb-1871
Samuel Duff vs. James W.
Guthrie 17 May 1807
Goorge Barnard vs. Joseph
Cook 43 Dec. 1874
J. II. Dorrtekson ct al vs.
John McDonald ct al 44 Dec. 1S75
Mary M. Woodington Admra
et al vs. James Bhriyor. ; ' 1 i
Admrsctal 10 May 1873
Geo. W. Dean vs. J. JT. Ding-
nianet al . ' i -" 9 May 1S7.
Charles Murphy et ux vs ' . : i
Thomas Porter 70 Sep. 1873
S. C. Sloan va. Geo. W. Dith-
ridge Co.' ; i J4 Ron. 1875
Darius Tobey vs. Wood fc . '
Falconer ct al .0 Sen. 175
John Becker vs. J. D. Hunt -10 Sep. 187(1
Wallace Fleming vs. John 1 '
Peterson, Executor t 55 May 1815
Jairus D. W. Reck vs. Par- , '
cus Cor eland , 45 May 1S70
J. F. Overlandor v. Chas.
Hinton 50 Sep. IS70
J. G. Wolf ct ux va. J, Sliaw- ,
key 3 Sop. 170
J. G. Root vs Geo. Morgan 35 May 1&70
J. A. Proper, (successor for
use vs. J. W. 11. Reisingcr
otal Admrs 27 May 1876
Jesso Carson vs. H. M. Car
sou 24 Sep. 187
Jacob Wagonor vs. J. A.
Dale ot al . 28 May 1870
Freeman fc Corbet vs. Geo.
W. Dithrldgo ifc Co. 44 Fob. 1870
Jas. Harriott vs. J. G. Hen
ton et al 19 Sen. 1870
M. D, Hall & Co. vs. R. M, 1
Carson '".'' 45 Sep. 1870
Jared M Brush et al for nso
.vs. Hugh MoNoal et al 1 Doc. 1875
J. W. II.Roisingorctal Ad-
mr's vs. J. M. Kepler 17 Feb. 1870
Geo. Morgan vs. K. N. Lacy 24 Fob, 1870
Warren Savings Rank of
' Warren, Pa. vs. J. Cobb fc
Son 40 May 1870
Citizens' National Bank of ; :
Warren, Pa. vs. J. Cobb dfc
, Son . 39 May 1878
S. S. Ilolbrook et al vs. Sol
don Whitman 57 Sop. 1670
U. W. CLARK, Proulionotary
Tionosita, Aug. 1870.
Wjieueas. Tfce Hon. L. I. Wetniore,
President Judye of tha Court of Com
mon Pleas and Quarter Sewxiona in and for
tho county of Forest, haa iHsued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Sessions, ttc, at Tionesta, for
tho County of Forest, to commence on tho
fourth Monday of Sept. next, being tho
23ih day of Sept. 1870. Notice Is therefore
given to tho Coroner, Justices of tho Peaco
and Constables of said county, that they ba
-then and there in thtfir proper persons at
ten o ciocK, a.. ai., 01 saiauay, witn tnoir
records, inquisitions examinations and
other, remembrances, to do thoso things
which to their ollloos appertain to be doiio,
and to thoso who aro bound in recognizance
to prosocute against tho prisoners that are
or shall bo in tho jail of Forest County, thnt
they bo then and there present to prusceulo
against them as shall bo just. Given un
der my hand and seal A. D. 187(5.
Estate Notice.
Estate of Mary Dala doecasod, lato of
Tionesta Township, Forest county. Ah
pcr&ons indebted to said estate Rrore
quested to mako immediate payment, and
thoso having legal claims against the same
will present them, without cloly, in proper
order fur Hcttlemeut to
NANCY DAWSON, Administratrix,
or MILKS W. TAT 10, Att'y,
June 20, 1870.- 12 0 Tionesta, Pa.
Awarciod tho Highest Medal at Vienna,
.591 Rroadway, Now York.
Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.)
Manufacturers, Importers A Dealers in
A lbums, G raphoscopes, and Suj ta
ble Views.
Wo are IIeHduarters for evervthi-ng in
tho way of STF.UKOPTICONS and MAO
IC LANTKKNfi, Wing ruantifat-Uiiier of
Micro-Scientific Lautern.
.Htoreo-Iauoiiroin, ,
L'nivjersiiy Siereopticon,
Advertisers Stcreopticon,
School Lantern,
Family Lantern,
Each stylo being tho best of its elus
in tiio market.
Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with
directions lor using, sent 011 ttpplicatiotii.
Any ciirprisiiig man can make money
Willi u Magic 1 Jin urn.
jp-fr-Cut out this advoitisomont for itf-erenco.-&
J Or, WORK neatly exocutod attLisoflice
ut rea-souab' v rates.
IN" TI "W ,
Furniture Rooms !
Tho undersigned br gs leave to inform
the citizens of Tionostti, and tho public in
general, t tint ho hns opened a FIRST
CLASS FlRXlTl'Itn STOKK, in bin
now building at tli junction of F.lm St.
and tho Dutch Hill road, whoro ho keeps
on hand a largo assortment of
Consisting In part of
Walnut Parlor Seta,
Chamber Sets,
Can Seat Chairs,
Wood Heat Chalrn,
Rocking Chuhfi,
Dining Tables, .
Extension Tables,
Marbl o Top Tables,
Kitchen Furniture,
I! u rem is, '
Book Cases,
Fancy Brocket,
looking CilasscH,
ricturo Frames, and
also, . :. ! ; '
: always on hand.
, ni rooms being largo, and well situat
ed ho la propnrod to otfer 8iiiorior Juducc-1
ment to purchasers.
Call and examine bis stock and prlecfl,
and be convincod
rU IT D E ETAK I IJ.Gi ! ;
' A full OAsortment of Colfins and CaskoU
constantly in store. , .
2:ly , . A. II. PARTRIDGE.
furnish you omploynient RtM-hieii you can
make very largo pay, iu your own locali
ties, without being awny'from homo over
uiglit. Agents M-autod In every town and
county to take subscrilers for Tho Ccn
tentAial Keoord, tho largest publication in
the United States 10 pagos, , 04 columns ;
Elegantly Illustrated ; Terms only $1 per
year. Tho Record Is devoted to whatever
is of Interest con noctod with the Centen
nial year. The Great Exhibition at Phil
adelphia is fully illustrated in detail. Ev
erybody wnut it. ' Tho wbolo portplo feel
great interest in their Country'H Centen
nial Birlliday, and want to know all about
It. An elegant patriotic crayon drawing
premium picture is presented free to eaoh
subscriber. )It is entitled, In rejnom
branco of tho Ono lluudrodth Anniversa
ry of tho Indopenpenco of tho United
Stntes.'v Sizo, 23x30 inches. Any oneenn
iMM'ome a successful agent, for but show
tho paper and picturo and hundreds of
subscribers aro easily obtained every
where. There is no business that will pay
like this at i present -We havo many
agents who aro making as high as jiO per
dav and upwards. Now Is tho time ; don't
delay. Remember it costs nothingto givo
tiie btisifteas a trial. Send for our circu
lars, terms, and sample 'copy of paper,
whk'h are sent free to all who apply; do
it t-day ; -Complete- outfit' freo to' thoso
who decide to engage. Farmers and me
chanics, and their sons and daughters
mako the very best of agents. Address,
J20m. ; .. Portland, Maine.
Allegheny Valley Rail Road.
Pittsburgh, Tituswllle. & Buffalo
. , Railway, and- Buffalo, Corry &
. Pittsburgh Railroad. -
N AND AFTER Sunday, July 2, 1870,
trains win run as iouows:
Northward. Southward
N. 1 No. S ' N'. t No. Ha. No.
aui-pm pin pm am pin
Pittsburgh 8:50 2.-C5 8:45 7:50 2:55 0:40
W Pen Juud0;02 3;4K 10:50 (1:37 4:33 4:55
Kittanning 10:40 4:3(111:45 6:00 12:49 8:53
R. Rk JuncllS!3 fi:25 12:55 5:15 11:40 Ifc 35
Brady Iicndlh40 5:40 1:20 5:0J ll:27 2:15
Parker lli;12 6:15 2:30 4:25 10:44 12:40
Emlenton 1:48 (1:53 2:55 4:09 10:25 12:00
Scrubgrass 1:27 7:40 4;10 3:30 t:42 10:32
Franklin 2:03 8:15 5:25 2:52 :02 t):30
Oil City 3;:U) 8:50 0:20 2:20 8:25 8:25
OIoopolls 2:4!1 ...... 8:35 ti:l 0:10
Eagle Rock 3:0i :(K) 10:20 5:61
Tionesta 3:2-5 1:55 !:55 5:00
Tidiouto 4:11 11:50 5):0N 3:20
Irvincton 5:00 1:15 8:20 1:40
Rousevillo 2:53 9:10 0;27 1:47 7:50 7:58
Titusviile 3:1'U0:10 7:55 l:or 7:1 7:10
Cwty 4:47 .,.. 0:13 11:50 ; 5:55
Manila kl kH;5J 10: W 4:02
Buffalo 8:05 l;i5 0:55 12:30
p. 111 p. m p. m a. m a, in p. in
Truins run by Philadelphia Time.
DAVID MoCARGO, Gen'l Sup't.
Gcu'l l'assengcr A Ticket Agent:
- i
The Oldest, largest,' end Most Perfect
Manufactory In the United' ,
States, nearly
56,0 0 0
Now Ui use.
No other Musical Instrument over obtain
ed (ho samo popularity,
Xr Send fur Price Lists. ,
Address BUFFALO, JV. 3'.
The fact of ours boing the oldest and
largest manufactory in the United States,
with nearly 50,000 instruments now in
use, is a sufficient guarantee of our .re
sponsibility and the merits of our instru
ments. - -U-(im
mmik Mel 101.
II. C TIiIil,R & CO.
, Pcalovs in
llnrilMnre, Iron nul XnlN,
Stoves and Tin ware.
Constantly on liahd, at low price.
Also Manufacturers of
Smoko StaolcSjlrccoli
inp:, Sheet Iron,
AV oil Cawing,
fec, etc.
FOR SALE One Second-hand ten Iu
power Woodlierry Stationary Boiler hi.u
. II. G. TINKER & CO.,
Amcricnn fc foreign
GILMORE ft CO., Successors to Chip
man, Hosmer f: Co., Sollcitorw. Patents
procurod in all countries. No Fees in ad
vance. No charge unles tho putont Is
gi anted. No foes for making prelimina
ry examinations. No additional fees for
obtaining and conducting n rehearing. By
a recent decision of tho Commissioner am.
rejected applications may - bo revived.
Special attention given-' to Intcrferenco
Caacw before the Patent Ofliee, Extnsions
before (JongrosH, . IntViugoirent Suita in
different Suites, and all liti trillion apper
taining to Inventions or Patent. Komi
stamp to Gilmoro & Co., for pamphlet of
sixty pages.
Xuul, Varrniit aud
" Norlp.
Contested Land CiuiCH prosecuted beforo
tho U. S. General Ijmd OlhVo and Depart
ment of the I ntirior. Private Land Glaints,
Mining nnd Pre-eiiiption Claims, and
Homostead Cases attoiidod to. Lund Scrip
In 40, NO, and 100 acre pieces for sale. This
Scrip Is assignable, and can bo located in
tho name of the purchaser non any Gov
ernment land subject to prlvato entry, at
$1.25 per aero. It is of equal value with
Bounty Land Warrants. Mend stamp to
Gilmore & Co., for pamphlet of Instruc
tion. Arreavn oC Pay & Bounty.
Officers; Soldiers, nnd Sailor of tho lato
war, or their heirs, are in many cases en
titled to money from the Government of
which they have no knowledge. Writo
full history of servlt-o, and state amount
of pay and bounty received. Enoloso
stamp to Gilinorv ifc'Oo., and a full reply,
after examination, will be given you lice.
All OfGeers, Sofdiora and Sailor woun
dod, rupturod. or iirjurod iu tho lato war,
however slighljy, can obtain a pension by
addressing Gilmoro i-i"o.
Cn! prosecuted by Gil more fc Co. be
foro the Supi-eme Court of tho Cnilod
States, tho Court of Claim, and tljo South
ern Claims Commission. j
Each department of our biifcincws is con-dru-ted
in a scparato bnretiu, under charge
of the, same, experienced parties employed
by tho old rirm. Attention to all business
entrusted to Gilmoro t Co, is thus se
cured. Wo dobjri) to win sut-cosa by le
serving it,' .
Address GILMORE it CO., 2!) FStreot,
Wa.shington, IK C. 41tf .
C II K A ! I4 A K I H i
: - The Little Rock and Fort Smiff Rail
way Company is selling, at exceptional
ly low prices and on terms to suit pur
chasers, over '
of their magniiicent grant on every sido
within twenty miles of their road". Ad
mirably suited fort production of Corn,
Cotton, Grain, Grass, Fruits, and all ether
Northern ;cropa. Winters aro mild, per
mitting out-door labor for eleven months.
Soil l'crtilo beyond precedent. No grass
hoppers, no thought. Special inducii
ments for estaLlif-hincntJof manufactories.
For cinuiarj, uddross W. D. SLACK,
IjinU Comniisidcnar, Little Rock, Arkan
sas. . 41 4
The expei lence of five
years lias j-ovcd that
this Compact and re
liable work of General
Information is better
adapted to the wants ol'
ill classes of tho com
munity than nny otlwr
work of t.hft kinil. tfvr
11 n 1 rj'H
tew nevissa i.oiuon,
published. It has been proven by rts
by tho numerous '
And by it uniform
The edition of 1870 has been
It contains 150,000 articles, 3000 w.iod
engravings and eighteen handsomely en
graved and colored maps. ,
The work in issuod in parts, and a speci
men copy, with map, will be sent to any
address, free of postage, for twenty cents.
BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers,
(Successors to T. El wood .ell.)
Nos. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street,
42tf' riiii.AnnLrAjA, Pa.
Dealer in
Consisting ot
Farlor, Office and Co 1011 Furniture,
Mattresses, Pillows, Window
Shades, Fixtures, Look-
ing Glasses, Ac.
Also, agent for Venango county tor the
Celebrated Manhattan Spring Bed and
Combination Mattresses, manufactured
and for su!o at my Furniture Wareroonis,
Mth street, near Liberty, (.'all and oo
fcfiinplirlScd. Jy
$iiOn,ooo IN (ill'TS!
Ornndcst Scheme ever Presented to llio
THI2 Kenlucky Cusli Distribntliin Cofn
pnny, nuthnrlxetl by a special m t, of
the Kentucky Lcgislal lire, for the benefit
of tho Public. Schools Of Frankfort, will
have the ilrsl. of their series ol Grand
Drawings at Major Hull, in the City of
Frankfort, Ly., on
on which oci-iisli.n they will distribute to
the ticket-holders the immense sum of
Thos. P. Porter, Ex -Governor Ky., (inn-.
eral Manager.
as we will have a scries of Grand Drawings"
nnd can not establish tho precedent of'
Ono grand cash gilt $100 000'
Ono grand cash jlrt f,o iH
One grand cash giil (W
One grsnd cash gift 'M ooi
Ono grand cash gill 10 ono
Ono grand cash gilt 5 (H'O
50 Cash gifts of fl.lMKI each..; , f() W-Y
HKI Cash gifts of 5(H)cach 511 OiNf
1(H Cash gills of KM each 40 OOtr
KM! Cash gilts of S(Ki each, JimmiiV
!2iK) Cash gifts of i;()0ca-h 4((;(X'-
li(M Cash e;iHs of l(o each... 0) (MHl
10,000 Cash gilts of 12 each 12.0 0((
Total, 11,15(1 gifts, all cash 000 OOl)
Whole tickets, $12; Halves, fT; Quar
ters, !l tickets, $100; 271 tickets, .UM);
4tiJ tir-kets, ?.((); 051 tickets, f 1,000. 1(K),
(HMl tickets nt ?I2 each.
Hon. E. H. Taylor, Mnyor of Frank fort,
the entire board ot City Councllnicn, Hon.
Alvin Duvnll, Into Chief Justice ot Ken
tucky, and other distinguished citizens,
togctlier with such disinterested persons
as tho ticket holder present may design
uato will Miiporinlcnd the drawing.
Remittance can bo made by lOx press.
Draft, Postnfllee Money order," Registered
letter, made payable to Kuntncky Caslv
Distribution Company.
All communiciilio'iis connected with the.
distribution and orders for Tickets, and'
applications of agents to sell .tickets,,
should be addressed to
. . HON. Til OS. P. PORTER,.
Hi General-Manager, Frank fort, Kyv
. Or , W. BAIiltOW ,fc CO.,
, Gen, I-iastern Agents,
710 Broadway, N. Y,
: 'All wanting Fruit Farm, Tspei-iall Hid-.-ajited
to the growth of tho Vine, whero it
is an established success and pays largo
Iirotit. ' The land Is also adaolpd to tho
growth of Peaches, Pear. Apples' nnd
(imdl fruits; also Grain, Grass and Veg
etables, t
Mauy hundred of excellent YLu-vard.
Orchard' and Farm, can now be ."eeiw '
The location (a only :4 niiks H"n'.h of
Philadelphia, by Railroad, in a mil I, de
lightful climate, and at the very door of
the New York and Philadelphia Market '.
Anotlirr Railroad runs direct to Now
Tho phu-o is already large, successful-
and prosperous. ChurclM's, Schools, and
other privileges are already established.
Also, inauuliu-torics of Shoes, Clotlng,
Glasa, Straw Goods, and otlwr Ihlns, a
which dill'erent members of a family can
procure employment.
It has been a health resort for solim
years past for people sintering from pul
monary allot (ions, Catarrh, Ague, and de
bility; many thousands havo cut irvly re
covered. , , "(
A new brick hotel has just been , com-,
pletcd, l;u feet tront, with back building,
four stories high, including French roof,
nnd nil modem improvements for the 11c
coinmodation of visilois.
Prlcoof Farm Land f25.()0 per acre,
payalite installments, within the period of
four years. In this climate, planted out
to vino, 20 acres of land will count fully
as mud as loo acres further norlh. .
Pel son iui;u- uaii) tod wi'h fruit grow
ing can lucomo familiar wiili it in a short
timo on account of Kurroundini;.
Fiv aero, one acre, nnd tov! .1 lots,' in
tho towns of Litndihvillo and Vinebind.
also for kale.
Whilst visiting tho Centennial Exhibi
tion, Viiifjlund can bo visited nt small tx-Jtf-ono.
A paper containing full information,
wiil bo sent upon application to CHRLES
lv. LANDIS, Viliolaiid, N. J., fruo ol 'os!.
The following is an extract from a ie
Bcriptiou of Vincland, ublislied in ?'io
New York Tribune, by the well-known
Agriculturist, Solon Robinson :
All the farmers wore of the "well to do"-;
sort, and somo of them, wiio havo turned
thoir attention to fruits and market gard
ening, have grown ri: h. Tho soil is loam,
varying from sandv to olavcv, and surface
gently undulating, intersected with siuali
streams and occasional yct meadows, in
which deposta of peat or muck are stored,
sutlleicnt to fcrtili.o the whole upland sur.
face, after it has been exhausted of its
natural fertility. . .
It is certainly one of tho most extensive
fertile tracts, in an almost level position,
and suitable condition for pleasant urm
ing, that wo know of this side of the West
ern prairies. Wo found some of the old
est farms apparently just us protitably
productive as when iirst cleared of forest
titty or a hundred years ago.
The geologist would soon discover the
cause of this continued fertility. Ti e
whole country is a marine deposit, and all
through tho soil we found evidences f
calcareous substances, generally in tho
form of indurated calcareous nuul, show
ing many distinct forms of tuieii nt shell ,
of tho tertiary formation ; and this niai'Iy
substance is scattered nil through tho sc.M,
in a very comminuted form, and in tho
exact condition most easily ussinnniln'ed
by such plants as tho furincr desires to
cultivate. 12 8m
positively ctmr-.i.
The worst cases of the lon'st standing
by using Dr. HEBBARIl'ft' CUR K. 1.
has cured thousands and fill give $1,000
for a rasH it will not benefit. A bottle ser.t
freo to all addressing 'J. K. 1I BltLKK,
Chemist. OUico; 155 Broadwsy. New v
iork. 4'4
ADVERTISERS send 25 cents to Geo,
P. Rowill it Co., 41 Park Row, N. Y.,
lor their KMhty-page Pamjdilet, bluivv.
crtoi' aln;lsinjj. 13 4t
TOR V,'0;iC of nil kinds done at this cf
' lu ? on sliort IioUl-o.