The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 23, 1876, Image 3

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    Wednesday mormxg, Arc. n :s76.
DO ROUGH officers.
7fHr.prM--.TonN Rrric.
0MCi7mrn -(. W. Robinson, S. A.
Varner, A. 1. Kelly, K. H. Haslet, A. II.
Partridge, H. O. Davis.
dustier of the 7Vre D. H. Knor, (7. A,
Kan dull.
Conslatde IT. Sw.igarart
Kfhoot Dirertnrx ). H. Knov, IT. O. Da
vis, H. J. Wolcott, H. n. Haslet, A. B.
Kelly, I). Clark.
forest county officers.
President Judge 1u T). Wrtmork.
Assneiato Judges J on. U. Dalk, En
wahoKkkr. Treasurer fi. J. SkTI.ey.
Prothnnotaru. Register Recorder, iff.
l W. Or.Anic.
Sheriff' J turns Siiawkkv.
Commimiorirr En BnnMN, If A AC
liONd, John Ruck.
County Superintendent M. S. Ditocto
Vf AY.
District Attorney H. T. InwiTf.
Jury Commissioners II. J6. 'J'ownkr,
Lyman Cook.
' County Surveyor T. T). Coi.mns.
(roner M. Jttkt., .Tn.
County Auditor TnoMr-
tOH, .1. R. NkILTj, JI. A. il'ENDKM..
Memlierof Congress Qv.o. A. Ji:Kfl.
Assembly J . U- Aqnew. .
Time of Train
At TIONESTA STATION, on and after
July 2, 1S70.
Train 22 - 0:55 n. m.
54 . . - 6;00 p. lrf.
Train OS P:r5 a. m.
" 21 - - - - 3:20 p. 111.
Train 22, south, nnd 21, north, nro 1st
class ; Hip others nro accommodation
frolRlits. Theso trains only aro allowed to
curry passongors.
On the IUvcr Division i. e. from Oil City
to Irvineton, up tho river is North ; down
U10 rlvor, south.
Republicans Attention.
All Republicans, niul others, who
do not wish to surrender at tho ballot
box that which our brave soldiers won
on tho battle-field, aro requested to
meet at tho Arbitration Room in tho
Court House, on Saturday evening
next, at 7:30 o'cloek, for tho purpose
of organizing a Hayes and Wheeler
Club. C. A. Randall,
Ch'n. Ilep. Co. Com.
Rev. Urown formerly of Rouse
"Ville, now of Irvine, Va., will conduct
Iho services in the Presbyterian church
nrvt Snrwlnv mnrninir nnd nvrnlncf.
------ J 1 D ' -O-
See tho new advertisement of
L. Klein, Jeweler, this week.
J. M. MeEIroy was chosen Mayor
of Oil City at their lato election. A
good selection.
Oil is still on tho riso. Three dol
lars per barrel will bo nsked and given
in a few days.
The river, at present writing is
lower than it has been for a number of
We understand that there aro a
large number of cases of cholera in
fantum in tho county at present.
Miss Beaver, and another young
lady, whoso namo wo have uot learned,
are visiting at Mr. Craig's. Tho for
mer lady is a sister of Mrs. Craig's.
Whortleberries and blackberries
ure abundant and cheap. Tho former
are now selling at 8 cts. per quart and
tho latter have been sold as low as five
ccnl3. . :
' ' Mr. Win. Richards was confined
to his house, by a severe illness, last
week. Wo are glad to notice that he
has so far recovered as (0 bo able to
attend to business.
' Small game is being hunted some
what nowadays, but not found, to any
great extent. It is altogether likely
that there will bo a grand hunt for the
.suppers, during the fall.
Mr. Geo. Sibbald, who lives about
ithrco miles up the river, is having a
tiew foundation put under his house,
and otherwiso improving it. IIo has
one of the best farms in Forest county.
A sidewalk has been built over
lie west coaroCouncilRu0 Cul"
ver., which walk is from one to twu
feet higher than those which join it at
fcither end. The new walk' should be
lowered or tho old ones elevated" to
tlie same grade, at once.
The tanks of tho whole oil coun
try are to bo gauged ou tho 1st of Sep
tember, and the amount of oil on hand,
published immediately thereafter. It
ia tho opinion of the Derrick that tho
public will bo astonished becauso of
the smallness of tho amount.
The Warren correspondent of the
Derrick says tho oil belt oi'the Warren
territory seems to be lost, operators
btrikingdry holes in all directions.
Wanted. A few loads of hard
wood, on subscription, nt this office.
The wood must not be over fifteen
inches in length.
G TsT T)
Mass Meeting
Gen. Harry White
Hon. J. H. Osmer,
of Franklin, and other good speakers
will address tho enacting.
Come out, Republicans and do
honor to the honorable men who aro
your candidates for positions of trust,
and let tho people see that you are
steadfast and earnest in your support
of Hayes and Wheeler and honest
Come out, ye who aro "on the fence,"
and hear the truths that will land you
ou the sido of Principle and Right,
and lead you to vote for Hn3es an'd
Whcoler, the advocates of true Reform,
and not boon companions with Tweed,
Morrissey, and Wall Street gamblers.
Corao out, Democrats, and hear tho
whole truth, and turn from the errors
of your ways. Hayes and Wheeler
are tho men you had ought to vote for,
and we will prove it to you.
Come out, everybody, and we will
do you good.
Mr. .Chadwick, a section boss on
the railroad, who lives a short distance
below the depot, met with a'painful
though not serious accident, on Thurs
day morning last. ' In company with
some track hands, ho was goiug down
the track on a hand-car, bis legs hang
ing down over the front end, when
about ono-fourth of a mile below the
depot, the car ran over a railroad tor
pedo, which had been fastened upon
tho rail by some of tho men belonging
to tho night train, tho night before.
Tho torpedo exploded, and a pieco of
it, perhaps the size of a silver quarter,
was blown into the calf of Mr. Chad
wick's leg. The wound was probed,
but no particles of the torpedo were
found. Tho wound is improving slow
ly. These torpedoes are placed on the
track to be exploded by tho wheels of
tho locomotive, as a warning to the
engineer to "slow up" and look out
for tho train ahead ; and for other sig
nals with which wo are not familiar.
The accident is to bo deplored, but
"nobody's to blame."
Mr. II. II. Stow, formerly of this
county, now of Cincinnati, is contem
plating another change of base, this
time to West Virginia, where he will
superintend tho working of an cxton
sivo coal mine, in which ho is largely
interested. After Mr. Stow had dis
posed of his lumber business, at Stow
town, he with a partner, leased a large
quautity of laud about Edenburg, nnd
put down a few wells, one of which," we
recollect, produced sixty barrels per
day. Oil at that time was worth only
lOcts. per barrel. Before any material
ruse in tlte price of oil had taken place
he disposed of his entire interest in
what is now the best part of tho best
oil territory known. JJe missed be
coming a millionaire, narrowly ; nnd
we would just about us soon Ilcbart
had made his everlasting fortune as
any man wo know of excepting our
self. Maj. John Peterson, of Trunkey
ville, is no sorehead OK, no. On the
contrary, !'Q is up and at work with
0l" his might for tho success of the I
Democratic ticket. Io 13 Retting
quite a local reputation among the uu
terrified, and f-ecni3 to take considera
ble prido in confirming said individu
als in the error of their ways. All
through tho lato piping hot weather
t lie Major has been breathing forth
threatcnings and slaughter against the
Republican party in general, and the
Frecdmen'a Bureau in particular. Tho
particular cussedness of this affair is
that John holds a fat office undei Pres
ident Grant. Ingratitude, thy name is
Peterson !
J. Y. Saul's boy, who has been
so ill that his life, at one time, was
despaired of, is slowly recovering. He
had the measles, and caught cold,
which settled ou the lungs.
Lacytown Correspondence.
Lacytown, Aug. 21,1876.
Ed. RnrfEi.icAN:
Since last writing you, ours has
been a "deserted villfge." Several
families were absent practicing in the
"can can j" the.-o returned, wo have
tho nssuraucc of livlicr times In the
John Wcant gave one of his cele
brated "break downs," lust Friday ;
wo aro told by those who know, that
it was a perfect success.
Ciirnp meeting is announ?cd to bo
held but one Sunday, which is next;
all who desire meeting their friends
should attend on that day.
Mr. El more Lacy, of Warren,
called last Saturday. He thinks
Warren will prove tho placo of places
for oil.
Blackberries sell for two aud
threo cents more bore than in Tioncs
ta; Jhis is noticeable that an article is
always cheaper in tho market than at
the placo of produce.
Mr. Adams f your placo is hero
doing some work on tho mill, which
will bo put in operation next week.
Mr. Gilfillan has the contract of saw
ing the logs.
About a week ago a bear chased
some ehecp belonging to Peter Younk
in a field in sight of tho house. Peter
went for the bear, gun in hand, and
would have killed it had his weajoii
been loaded ; with somo assistance
from the family he succeeded in fright
ening the monster away. Every year
one or more of his sheep are caught by
these marauders. - ,
Wo took a drivo over Dutch Hill
yesterday, and remarked tho wonder
ful improvements that have been made
on that road by Messrs. Matha, Metz
gar, and others. - - ;
Geo. Lacy of Lacy Mills received
quite an Injury from a fall last week.
Wo understand he struck on his back,
but are not acquainted with tho par
ticulars of the accident.
By tho way our flour mill and
harness shop receive orders from all
parts of the Co.; they speak for them
selves. . j
I De Clake.
T. D. Collins, of East Hickory, is
doing a paying lumber business, even
in these hard times. He saws bill
stuff for all points down the river, con
tracting tho same before ho saws it,
and does a good deal in oak, furnish
ing lumber for freight cars, oil rigs,
and various other purposes. Orders
pour in upon him so fast astoloavono
time for the general lumber business,
which, just now is not very profitable.
The lumber is delivered . mostly by
water, "skippered," as it i3 termed ;
that is, tho lumber is rafted only a few
courses deep, in order that it may float
in very shallow water, and bo easily
pried over the riffles.
Hon. J. B. Agnew has received a
communication from the faculty of
Louisville Medical College, asking
him to recommend some young mac of
Forest county for a beneficiary schol
arship in that institution. The holder
of this scholarship will be at no ex
pense whatever for tuition aud instruc
tion, but will simply have to "find"
himself. This is a good opportunity
for somo young man to acquire a med
ical education. Any one wishing the
scholarship will communicate at once
with Mr. Agnew.
M. Carpenter is about to canvass
Forest Count' in general and Tionesta
in particular for a book entitled the
"Career of Moody and Sankey, in
Great Britain and America," by Rev.
E. J. Goodspeed, D. D. Tho book
contains a portrait of Moody, engraved
on steel. We hope thoso of our citi
zens who aro able to do so will sub
scribe to this work, thereby securing a
good book, aud at the same time giv
Mr, Carpenter a lift.
Some fine showers of rain have
fallen siujc our last issue, and welmvo
had some uncomfortably coi weather
for this time of year. Wo are inform
ed that there was frost out on tho hills
ou Monday and Tuesday mornings.
In town the fog from the river keeps
off the frost. We have had seme of
the hottest and some of tbo coldest
weather in this month that we have
ever experienced in August.
Tick's Florul Guide, for the last
quarter of 187G, is received. This i3
a very useful publication for all inter
ested in tho culture of flowers, and is
the cheapest periodical published, tho
subscription price being only 25 cents
per year. Address Jamc3 Vick, Roch
ester, N. Y.
The Union -Agricultural Society
will hold its next -Fair and Cattle
Show t Sugar Grove, Warren Co.,
Pa., September 27th, 28lh and 20th,
1870. Membership tickets, which en
titles the holder to exhibit in all de
partments, and secures him admission
for self, wife and all minor children,
with horses nnd carriago during tho
fair, aro sold at $1,00. Single ticket
25 cU. The premium list is compre
hensive and liberal, and competition is
open to all.
Prothonotary Clark slipped and
fell upon tho terrace in front of his
house, on Monday evening last, and,
in trying to break lila fall,' dlsTocatcd J
his right wrist. It was put in place,
shortly, and be now wears it in a sling.
Tho wrist and hand are somewhat
swollen, but do not seem tn cause him
much trouble, as he did 9ome writing,
using bis game hand, yesterday morn
ing. Speaker Kerr died at Rockbridge
Alum Springs,. West Virginia, on Sat
urday last. His last hours Were pain
less, and ho was couscious to the end.
His disease wa3 consumption of tho
bowels, but toward the last his lungs
were involved. He was a conscien
tious and faithful public officer.
Geo. Lacy Jr., of Galenza Mills,
while fixing tho "splash" on the dam,
slipped aud foil, spraining his back
severely. , Tbo sprain laid him up for
some time, and a billions attack kept
him down some time longer. He is
now mending rapidly.
Peters' Hoitschold ZIclodicsTSa. 21 ,
is to hand, containing select vocal mu
sic by tho best composers of our coun
try. The music published in this pe
riodical, in one year, would, if pur
chased in sheet form, cost not less than
20. Yet tho subscription price is
only $2 per year. Address J. L.
Peters, 843 Broadway, N. Y.
Wishing to open a new set of books
for tho ensuing year, all thoso owing
me will please call and eettle within
30 days, as after that date my books
for the past year will be placed in the
hands of M. W. Tate, Fsq., for collec
tion. W. C. Coburn, M. D. t
Tionesta, Aug. 21, 2876. It
Scribner'a: Monthly Jbr Septem
ber, has the following contents: Prin
cess Use, from the German of Marje
Peterson, ill us.; A Fantasy; That
Lass o' Lowrie'8, chapters III, IV and
V, ill us.; On a Miniature; Insanity
and its Treatment, illus.; Wesleyan
University, illii3.; A Fox Hunt at
Pan; Song; The Ghostly Rental;
Shndows ; The Voyage of the "Amer
ica"; "A Wounded Ouo will Read my
Rhyme"; Something about Birds,illus.;
Tho Brido of the Rhine, (Two Hun
dred Miles in a Mosel Row-boat) III,
illus.; Philip Nolan's Friends, or Show
Your Passports! chapters XXV
XXVIII ; . Choice aud Chanco ; Pro
testant Vaticanism ; California House
keepers and Chinese Servants; In and
about the Fair ; Topics of tho Time;
Tho Old Cabinet; Homo and Society ;
Culture ancTTogress; The World's
Work; Brie a-Brac. Ternn SI per
annum... Scribner & Co., Publishers,
New York. '
Having openod a new set of books
in partnership, I have left my own
accouuts in hands of W. E. Lathy,
Esq., for collection. Parties owing
mo please take notice , : ! .
J. E. Blaine, M. D.:
Bras3 and Porcelain Lined Ket
tles for sale at Robinson & Bonner's.
. st.: ,
Sole Leather for sale at Robin
son & Bonner's. 2t.:
Teams Wanted. For bark haul
ing nt Brooks.ton Tannery. '
18-3t. G. Bitooics & Co
Glass fruit jar3, tin cans, and
sealing wax, etc., at Robinson & Bon
ner's. 12tf
We will pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tionesta, for white oak
stave and heading bolts at the follow
ing prices i '
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 ft. by 4 ft., 8 1.50. Heading bolts
22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4
ft., 84.00. Heading bolts must be
made from timber at least 20. inches
in diameter. Oflico at Lawrence
House. J. II. Deuicksson & Co.
The valuable aud beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
G. Dale, and in which he'uow resides,
is in my bauds for salo at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchass
money down, and tho balance in ouo
and two years. Miles W. Tate.
tion lawx1 a. 3 r yvi ntiyrs,
By Robinson fc Bonner, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour 1 rcl ... f .!K)(5,7.70
Floury sack 1.7:(n l.X
Corn Mrial, bolted - 1.!mj
Chop feed ... $l.r.rfi.l.7.r.
ltyo 'jA bushel .... 7."; HO
Oats bushel -. .- - - 40(.i.00
Corn, cars - - - 40lb4
Beans "p bnshel . l.602.fiO
ITam, Sugar cured canvaacd - - '17
P.reak fast Hacon, sugar cured - - 1(1
Shoulders ..... 121
YVhltefish, Jmlf-l.arrcls - - - - - 7.00
LiaUo herring half-barrels - " 4.00
Sugar 7 " . - , -, : 10(3.12
Syrup - - - - ' . ' . 7,-,1.00
N. O. Molasses - - . - - 85(100
Itoast Rio Coffeo No. 1 25(3,ao
ItioCoffco, - - - - 25f;.20
Java ColTbo - - ... ar
Tea , - - - - ' -. '.50(91.20
Cutler - - ... 20(ai 2'
Eggs, fresh ; - " - - - 15)1(5
Salt , - . - - - ' - : 2.002.10
Lard - - -" ... - 1013
Iron, common bar . ; . ' - 3.75
Nails, 10J, g keg ) - J , - ' - , . - 3.00
rotatoos, New - . " - - - C075
LimofUbbl. : - - , - - 1.00
New Advertisement..
DURING our experience of the past lx
months, in tho GROCERY, PROVIS
ION, FLOUR FEED Business in Tio
nosta, wo have found tho old maxim, of
savad is money enrnod," a true one, and
that we have saved the peojle of this bor
ouprh and surrounding country a consid
erable amount. '
Having Lad a long cxperionce In tho
wholcsalo business, wo have peculiar fa
cilities for buying from first hands, which
enables us to oiler extra inducements to
Cash Buyers, and having adopted tho true
system of doing business for
only, 'we can sell goods for a much loss
prolit, in fact, competing with prices in
any of tho cities In tho State. '
in thanking tho citizens for liberal pat
ronago in tho past, wo nnnounco our ro
movul from tho Fisher sloro, to tho pleat
ant location known as the - - , , . 1
it "it r o - r- .-(
(Immediately sowth of tho Company Store)
Trhcro, in consideration of the continued
depression in the tiinns, have again lower
ed our prices, bei.eving that goods should
not bo sold ut war pricos, whero the oppor
tunities to niako money aro so much loss.
r?f-In future our store will bo keptopan
until 9 P. M., for tho mutual beuolit of tho
general public and ourselves,' ;
Itale JVotlcc.
Estalo of Mary Dalo deceased, lato of
TionoHta Township, ForcBt county. All
persons indcbtoJ to said e.stato aro re
quested to in:iko immediate pnyinont, and
thoso having legal claims against the somo
will present theln, without dely, in proper
order for settlement to
NANCY 1JAWSON, Administratrix,
or MILES W. TATE, Att'v,
Juno 20, 1870. 12 0 TionosU, Pa.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Ven
di. Exponas issued out of the
Court of Common" Picas of Forest
county and to mo directed, there-will be
exposed to sale by public venduo or out
cry, at the Court House, In tho borough
of' Tionesta, on , ;
MONDAY, AUGUST 23th, A. D. 187(5, ;
at 10 o'clock, a. m., tho following describ
ed real estate, to-wit: ,
C. C. Church vh. Mary M, Tliinney, Ad
ministratrix of H. S. t'hinney deceased,
Vondi. Ex. No. 37 Sept. Torm, 1S7B. Gra
ham. All of Defendant's interest of, in
und to the following dosoribed real estate,
situato in tho township of Harmony,
county of Forest and State of Fouusvlvu
nia, bounded and dcscribod as follows,
Jo-wit: Beginning at a post at the south
east corner of land convcyod by Henry
Rosenbaeh and James C'arr to Vm. Pat
terson, tJionco by vacant land south eighty-nine
cast one hundred and sixty icrcli
oa to a post, thence north ono degree cast
two hundred and twenty-two pcrclic to a
post, thoueo north eighty degrees west
thirty-six perchca to u rod oak, theiico
north onp degree cast fifty-livo porches to
post, thonco north cighty-nino degrees,
west two hundred and four perches to u
post, thence by land formerly of William
Neill of Isaac, south ono ileroo west one
hundred ami sixty-!ivo perches to a post,
thence south cighty-nino cast eighty per
ches to a post ut'ih'o northeast of land con
veyed by Henry Itosonhach and others to
Yiii. Patterson aforesaid, thence south one
degreo ono hundred nnd twelve perches to
tho placo of beginning. Containing throe
hundred and thirt y-threo acres of land
and allowance, bo tho sumo niuro or lessj
being part of u tract ot four hundred and
thirty-three acres twouty-threo perches
and allowance of land conveyed by the
i.'ommor! wealth of Fcimsyl vania to James
H. Noil 1, by patent dated thirteenth day
of April, A. D. JtS enrolled i' patent
book vol. 6(1, page and recorded in
Franklin, Venango county, in deed book
2, page y:i2 ami M.i:t, and being tho saino
tract or parcel of land conveyed and grant
ad by James H. Neill and Mary N. his wifo
to Henry Rosonhach and James M. Carr.
by Uoed dated March 27, A. I), lhiift, and I
recorded in Forest County in Deed Book
4, pa-co 411, Ac.
Taken in execution and to bo sold as tho
property of Mary M. l'hinuey, Adminis
tratrix of H. 8. i'hiniKiy doe'd, at tho suit
of C. C. Church.
Terms cash.
Slierilf's Otliee, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.,
May 31, ltnii.
IMPLOYiMENT, Mait and fonudo, sala--J
ry or commission. Wo pay agent as
salary of )f- i a week and cn pi uses. Eure
ka Muuuiai'luring Co., liaillord. Conn,
Particulars free, 41 1
BY VI HTUE of ft writ of Levari V-m
Issued out of tho Court of Conn
Picas of Forest County an 1 to me direc
(hero will bo exposed to sale by pu'
vtndnp or iiiterv, nt the Court House,
t!e r.oi-oi;j-!i r Viniiesta, en
MONt).Y, AU(it'ST'!h, A. P. 17'
at II o'clock, a. to., the followlngitccril
real estate, to-wit!
Jacob A. Yont nnd Charles Schoft., Tr
tees, vs. Tho l'erkiomeu Oil Compa.
Lev. Fa., No. 27 Sept. Term, 2870. I rw
Tlmt tract of land sitnnto in Kings
township, nnd bounded und dcMrrilx-il
follows, lo-vit: Beginning nt a nost l
stones, adjoining lands of Hiberf liu rh
thonco south torty-thrco and onc-htdf .
prees east ono hundred and sisty-twop
chos to a post and stones, tiieneo no
forty-six ami one-half decrees oait til
four and ono-hrtlf perfhes to tho place
beginning.- f'ontaining fllty-flv
strict measure, be the same more or In
being tho same premises which Geo
llasbach and wife by Indenture dated
first day of February lWr, nnd reoon
in tho otllce for recording of Deeds afo
aid, indeed book E. E., pagn COV A
granted and conveyed unto Daulcl
Jones in fee. That certain tract of land 1ml
Ritunto in township of Allegheny, (n
Harmony) bounded and described as 1
lows, to-wit: Commencing nt a post
tho southeast corner of tho whole tr
thence along tho north lino of tract 1
227 west one hundrod and fifty 'nine a
nine-tenths perches to a post in the sou
east corner of land formerly covered
V. W. Post, thence along tho east iine
said"and, north one hundred and fourte
perches and livo-tcnths of a perch to
post, tiieneo by tho south lino of la
contracted for by Levi Mctzger noi
eighty-seven nnd. one-half degrees ei
ono hundred and fifty-nine and nir
tenths pcrchos to post in tho cast lino
said whole tract, thenco along said
lino south one hundred and eighteen j
ches to placo of beginning. Containii
ono hundred and eight acres and ono hu
dred and seven perches of land bo t
same more or loss, and allow auce ot & p
Taken in execution and to be sold as t
property of Tho Perkiomen Oil Com pan
at the suit of Jacob A. Yost and Charl
Schoft, Trustoes. - , , . .
Terms cash. '
Sheriff's Offlce, Tionesta, Forest Count
Pa., Aug. 1, 1870. . . .
; 1ST IB TW . ,
Furnitur o Rooms
Tho undersigned begs lonvft to infon
the citizons of Tionesta, and tho pnblio 1
goneral, that ho has opened a FlHti
new building nt the Junction of Klnf Hi
and the Dutch Hill road, whors ho keep
on hand a largo assortment of , , ,
; Consisting In paxt of . -. ,
Walnut Parlof Sots r. ' - '! . . v
, . Chamber Sots, !....
., Cane Seat Chairs, "5 "
V - Wood Seat Chairs,
: Rocking- Chairs
, Dining Tables, . , -Extension
Tables, ' ,'
Marble Top Tables, .
Kitchen Furniture, . t
; ; i Bureaus, ., .. . -; ,
Washstnnds, '
Book Cases,
Fancy. Brackets, ' i
Looking Glasses, ,
ricturo Frames, and ,
' - ALSO,
i always on hand. . I:, s
. His rooms being larpo, and well situat
ed ho is prepared to oiler superior Induce
ments to purchasers.
Call and oxamino his stock and "prices,
and bo convinced
A Aill assortment of Collins and Caskets
constantly in ntore. ' '
23 ly .A. II. PARTRIDGE.
furnish yon employment at which you enn
make very largo pay, in your own locali
ties, without boing away from homo over
night. Agents wanted in every town and
county to take subscribers for The Cen
tennial lteoord, the lartcest publication, in
tho United States 1( pages, 04 columns .
Elegantly Illustrated; Terms only per
year. Tho Record isxlovoted to whatever
Is of interest connected with tho Centen-"
jiial year. The Groat Exhibition nt Phil
adelphia is fully illustrated in detail. Ev
erybody wants it. The whole peoplo fool
groat interest in their Country's Centen
nial Birthday, and want to know all about
it. An elegant patriotic crayon drawing
premium picture Is presented freo to each
subscriber. It is entitled, "In remem
brance of the One Hundredth Anniversa
ry of tho IudeiM-npenco of the United
States." Size, 2.'ix.'50 inches. Any ono nan
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tho paper and .picture and hundreds of
subscribers ure easily obtained every
where. There is no business that will pay
like this at present. We havo many
iiKcnts who aro making as high as $20 per
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the business a trial. Send for our circu
lars, terms, und sample copy of paper,
which aro sent free to all who apply ; do
it to-day. Complete outfit freo ti'tboso
who decide to engage. Farmers r.n 1 me
chanics, and their sons and daughters
make the vcrv best of agents. Address,
12 6m. Portland, Maine.
mis rArrn is ov fili: witic
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Whoru A JvertinluK Contract cub bo niu.l.
und hu; pay to
male n 11. 1 U main
every whore. AJdrcoS Tho Union Pub.
Co., Nuwuik, N. J. 22 It