The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 23, 1876, Image 2

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    - - - Kb Ton.
Republican National Ticket.
of Ohio. ;
' , of New York. ' ', '''
For Congress, . ;
of Indiana County.
' . For State Senator, t
(Subject to action Dftho district conferees.)
; For AsscnVbly, :
For District Attorney,
8. D. IRWIN.
For Coroner,
For Jury Commissioner,
Our Washington Letter.
Special to the Republican.
Washington, D. C, Aug. 21, 76.
Tho appropriation bills, eo long in
dispute, were all finally compromised
and passod prior to final adjournment.
Bland's silver bill reported by the
Committee on Mines and Mining did
not reach a final vote because of the
activity and ability of its determined
opponents; but the discussions to
which it led, both in and out of Con
gress, served to enlighten tho masses
upon a vital question upon which even
the best informed had but little insight;
and judging from tho efToct of their
responses upon Congress, when froni
their constituencies, the impression is
abroad that the demonetization of sil
ver by tho act of 1873 was surrepti
tiously pushed through at the selfish
instance of American and. foreign cap
italists, at the expense of tho indus
trial classes; and from the indications
furnished by the debates, there is hard
ly a doubt that the measure, could it
have been brought before the House
and divested of ; some objectionable
features, would havo gone through.
A commission was provided for dur
ing the last hours of the session to
thoroughly examine the gold, silver
and greenback . question, and report
at the next session. The equalization
bounty bill failed to become a law.
Senator Logan made many ineffectual
ciTorts to get it before tho Senate.
. I surpect that if the Democratic
leaders in the House and Senate could
i. . .1 -I . .
nuvo lore&een uie perilous direction
which debates were to lake during tho
.last ten days of the session, they would
have taken very, decisive measures
-with Randall. nMio'inf!' him - to accent
I O ' ( -
the compromises offered by the Senate
, on tho contested appropriation bills,
that an adjournment might have been
, reached before the Republicans could
them to declare for or against Ku
Kluxism as practiced during the last
'Mississippi campaign and at Hamburg
on the Fourth of July, aud to expose
the deceptive character of their reduc
tions and economy. As it turned out
Mr. Randall was tho recipient of many
intimations from his political associates
that his obstinacy had operated to
place bis party in a very distressing
situation.' Either horn of tho dilemma
they wero forced to take upon the
Southern question threatened to be
fatal. If they coudemned the atroci
ties ot the Ku KIux constituencies
they were in danger of offending that
section whose votes were relied upon
to elect Tilden, and convicted them
selves of duplicity; Sf they refused
they were in equal peril of offending
the JS'orth and West, without the aid
of which Tilden would bo inevitably
defeated. A novel compromise help
ed them out. While they "deplored"
such "lamentable occurrences" and
condemned the participants, yet the
fact that tho negroes, scullawags and
carpet-baggers wickedly persisted iu
voting the Republican ticket iu open
defiance of the kuown wishes of Dem
ocrats bad so exasperated them that
they v.ero unable to restrain tho
promptings of their indignation and
resentment; and they were, upon the
whole, amply justified in,. the measures
they had adopted to protect themselves
from Republican mierulc. lo reply
to the loud boasts yf reductions und
w.n. dunn
economy, il 1U3 been repeatedly shown
that their highest figures now chimed,
about $38,000,000, does not absolutely
reich $ 10,000,000 . To make out
the io apparent reductions tho most de
ceptive And dishonest expedients have
been resorted to. For instance the
appropriation for tho Centennial last
session was included in tho whole
amount of appropriations made, while
that for the present year was purposely
left out, thus making the apparent to
tal Ices than it really; is, bj;T just the
amount of that . appropriation. An
award of the Court of Claims of about
two millions was left 'unprovided for,
thus transferring the payment of a
Government obligation, due this year,
to a future time, making tie apparent
total lesa than it honestly is, by just
tho sum of that award. Tho examina
tion of rebel war claims in connection
with tho rcbsl archives in poscssion of
tho War Department, has saved mill
ions to tho Government becauso those
official records of rebel Government
often furnished ample evidence of the
claimant's disloyalty, hence his or her
claims wa? fraudulent and rejectod.
6,000 for this purpose was asked for
by the Government, and refused.
Thus placing tho House in the ati
todo of negatively facilitating the
collection of bogus claims. , The fast
mails have been sacrificed and the
efficiency of the Signal Office crippled
to contributo to tho needs of tho rebel
copperhead party, and many instances
having a similar significance might bo
cited in relation with the "enormous
reductions" effected. The country la
relieved by the adjournment of a
House which has rejected every oppor
tunity to relievo the universal prostra
tion and distress effecting every prom
inent businoss interest, by appropriate
legislation, arid devoted eight months
to an unsuccessful hunt for Republic-
an criminals
at an expenditure
more than a million dollars. They
have succeeded in convicting (moral
ly) ono Democrat, who stole into office
on falso pretences, and have been obli
ged in the meantime to dismiss several
of their reform appointee, for cause.
They set out "to ' catch Grant" and
suffered several humiliating defeats
in their efforts, and finally they have
earned tho title of the most incompe
tent Houso ever assembled in Wash
It may serve to lighten the gloom
of hard times to state that tho harvest
prospect is very flattering in this coun
try, while in Franco and England
the short crops indicate a much in
proved general market. Even in Can
ada, the crop reports are excellent,
showing that this is a favored conti
nent this year. : Tho Toronto Globe
publishes a general report from . all
parts of the Dominion, from which we
gather that the harvest' has been un
precedentedly large, that oats will fur
nish a good crop, that barley will he
average, that flax ia abundant,, tht
potatoes and other vegetables promise
well, and that altogether the prospect
is cheering.' . The wheat harvest is ex
pected to be poor, but even , this', may
prove better than now anticipated.
With us the reports are even more en
couraging. Tho crops of wheat in
Kansas and California have been al
ready gathered, and are very largo.
From all part3 of tho Union good re
ports are mado of wheat, barley, oats,
Torn, potatoes, and other essentials.
The cotton crop also promises well.
Hard limes are bad, but famine is
worse. So long as food is plentiful
and cheap wo have little to fear from
want. -
As an illustration of the earnest
ness and cocfidence with which (he
work of reform will be likely to be
prosecuted by the Democratic party,
wo may remind our readers that
through the recent session of Congress
a most earnest effort was made to re
peal the laws for tho prevention of
election frauds. This seemed to call
for their most earnest efforts. It is
impossible to imagine that all this
had any other object than the opening
of the door for the commission of
Sympathy is that quality of tho
human heart that gives a kindly bias
to men's notions. Without it this
world would be poor indeed, and hu
man nature would bo destitute of one
of its most beautiful attributes. Re
move sympathy from the human
breast, and there is a vacuum created
only to be exceeded in size by that
produced by the removal of a "Light
Running Domestic" from the midst of
a family where it has been for years.
Get a ''Domestic."
"The Result;
Aftcr fifteen years exclusion from
power tho Confenerate Houso has
made U record in a nine-months ses
sion, which lioiild rVnrlj illustrate
the' characteristics of Democratic pol
icy and purpose It is now in order
to sum up what lissbccu done. Thero
have been thirty or more investigating
committees pearchiug into tho reputa
tions and records , of Republican offi
cials from the President down.' 'About
ona million dollars, it in -estimated,
havo been spent in this series of inves
tigations, the result' of which was to
impeach and try Belkrinp, after prom
ising they would not Impeach 'him 'if
ho resigned. ''While hunting Uelknup',
George II. Tendleton turned up In ns
bad a lightens he, owing td .certain
fianeial operations in 'which ho had
been engnged. One committee hunted
Secretory Robeson, during all tho
nine months mentioned,1 6&!y to be
compelled lo report that they found
nothing criminal against him. Anoth
er committee thought it had discover
ed a mare's nest in the Department of
Jnstico, in tho outlay -of $30,000 to
stop Democratic false voting in New
York. 1 When the committee discov
ered that tho Democratic majority had'
been reduced 30,000 they suddenly
stopped this investigation. ' "
; In tho meantime, the House found
itself unicr tho necessity of investi
gating some of Its own people, A con
siderable proportion of its small num
ber of officers proved Incompetent or
worse, and were necessarily dismissed,
owing to tho glaring nnd outrageous
character of , their doings. Further
than this, after knowing for years that
the people were severely taxed,' not' n
cent of reduction in tax has been
proposed or provided, for. Under the
Constitution, the House was exclusive
ly authorized to originate bills to re
duce taxation. Armed with this ab
solute and exclusive authority the
party which has been weeping so many
years about the weight of taxation un
der which the pcoplo are groaning
promised much, but what has the par
ty "done? Mr. Morrison proceed a
bill, prepared outside of the House, to
modify some portions of. the taxation
fby the tariff, and the House for eight
months retusod to consider it, refused
to take it up, refused even to have it
read or debated. Ho other bill hold
ing out even a faint promise for the
reduction of taxes was ever proposed
or hinted at. Under tbo: Republican
reforms" instituted and executed by
Secretary Dristow,;. the collection . pf
the revenue . had so improved , as ! to
promise a large increase, but the Democratic-Confederate
House interposed,
and so weakened tho machinery bf
Collection as to threaten a losi of rev
enue. ' If it be said -that money was
saved from the appropriations, the an
swer ia that tho revenues of the Gov
ernment are; probably - inspired ; to I a
greater amount than the savings will
indicate, while ' the' purpose was to
spend ten times more than was . saved
on Southern claims.
! As to tho currency, no positive ac
tion was taken. The repeal of the
date for resumption, which carries
with it the practical, repeal of the en
tire bill, was accompanied by tho con
stant assurance that they were still for
hard money. At bosfc, one-half tlae
Democratic members refused to ga on
reord on that question, either way.
On the subject of the silver coinage,
the same cowardice and ' imbecilty
ruled supreme.; The bill authorising
that coinage was never permitted to
come to a vote, was choked .' off;
these men aspiring to rule the nation
dared not vote in 'favor of restoring
the honest.coid dollar which had been
surreptitiously repealed. Not one re
form can be pointed out that was .ac
complished, by this nine months ses
sion. It higgled over . the appropria
tion biljs, in the hope of crippliug the
administration; but with all its reform
promises before it, failed to do a sin
gle thing that would contribute to the
real reform of any department, and
was at the last rebuked by the Presi
dent for squandering the people's
money. I ttlnburgh (Jazelte.
luo news from Indiana ia partic
ularly hopeful and inspiring. Even
Governor Hendricks is said to be
somewhat alarmed at the energy and
hopefulness of the , Republicans , and
the despondency of the Democrats.
He is exceeding anxious to have
more earnest effort put forth by bis
party friends. Iu the meantime the
Republicans are rushing in new speak
ers, and by next week the campaign
will bo progressing in dead earnest
Good Roasted CoUee, 25 eta, at
Robinson & Bonner's. Try it. 2t.
Whereas. Tho lion. Ii. D. Wolmore,
President Judtro of tho Court of Com
mon Pleas nint Quarter Sessions in nnd for
tho county of Forest, has issued his rre
cupt for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter hk'isiuiis, Ac, at Tionosta, for
tho County of Forest, to uuumioiico on tho
four tit Monday of Sept. next, being tho
i!fnh day of Sept. l7ti. Notice is theivfuro
(jciven to tho Coroner, .Tueaioeuof the ftneo
and (Joust ablo.s of said county, Unit they lie
then mill thero in their proper persons at
ton o'eloek, A. M., of said day, with their
nworrts, impusuioiis examination; and
other reineiiilji'tuieed, Ut do ihoso thin"
which, lo their appertain to ho done.
and to thoso who are bound in rocognizauoo
to prosecute fj;aiu.-t tho prisoners tluit uie
i.r f-hnll ho in the jail of Forest County-, that
tin y lie thou und thero prosont to prosecute
unauisL them an shall ho ju.-u. Given un
der Uiy hand anil seal A. 1. 1S70.
JCSTIS fcllA.'WKUY, Shclilf.
sfrivnn watch r.s a?ji
: ! t
' 1
Watches, Clocks, Solid and Ilated
Jewelry, Mack Jewelry, ' '
JJye Classes, Sjcc- '
taeles, Hot in Strlhgs, (Y., dr. !
: i ': ' '' - .--..I r
..'1 ' :. i'. i. j
Itcpnli'otl uul Wiirrtmtl.
at O. W. Uovard's (Store, Tionosta, l'a.
7V i (
Tho Oldest, Largest, mul Most rerfoot
Manufactory In tho United .
. ' ..' ' States, nearly' '
56,0 0 0
- ,- i i :
r, ., I l;Now in USO.! L j. j
No other Munieal Instrument ever obtain
I I nodthbsauie popularity. .. I
fy-Sond for Plica Lists, i" .v.u-nx i '
'''y5"! ' . Address' B VFFA LO,' N. Yi
.- Tho fact of ours Leing llio oldest, and
largost manufnetory in tho United, States,
with nearly 00,(100 iuntrlinienls noW n
use, is a sufficient guarantoo of our ro
sponHibiHtj and tho merits Of our liiktni
meuts. k ,"' '"' '' ' , " ' V' ",' "" !
6-6m' , '' ' ' C5 EO. A'. t'RISCK A CO,
, -. - -, h . t j
r : . i) i .: ;t . . - : ,; ; ( .. i j...
Allegheny Valley Rail Road.
Pittsburgh,' Titusvillo &' Buffalo
'. Railway, and i Buffalo, Corry j&
' Pittsburgh Railroad..
'):- ' . . . V .i! .1 . i
ON AND AFTKft Sunday, July 2, 1S70,
traiuti will run M follows:
STATIONS. Northward. Southward
ft 1 I
No. 1 No. Ko. i Ha. 1 No. So. 6
am p m p in p tn am p in
PUttnrKh ' 8:f0 2:25 8:45 7:50 2:551 0:40
W PenJunclO:0'J :5;4a 10:60 0:37 4:IW 4:5".
Kittaniiing-10:i0 .1:30 11:4.". 0:0o 12:40 3:5:1
II. B k Juncll:2: 5:2.5 12:55 5:15)1:40 :fc35
lirady 13endll:40 6:40 1:20 6:04 11:27 2:15
Parker . w J2;12 6:16 Vi;W 4:25 10:44 140
Krnlonton. 12:4 0:58 2:55 4:00 10:25 12:00
Sorubcrra! fc27 7: 10 4:1" !?:W 9:42 10:.'12
Franklin-- 2:08 8:15 5:25 2:52 0:0 0:30
Oil City 8;a0 8:00 fii'J) 2:20 8:25 8.25
oioopoiis r- :io t!7,. 8:35 io::n 0:10
V.flgleltock :00 .;... 9:00 10:20 4.;U. :51
Tionesta t - 8:25 0:65 055 ... fl:0O
Tuliouto 4:11 11:50 ;08 .' 3:20
Irvincton":.J5:00 ...... 1:15 8:20 1:40
Kousevillo 2:5.'! :10 0:27 J:47 7:U) 7:58
Titnsvillo .' 3:4i 10:10 7:55 1:05 - 71 10 7:10
Corry 4:47 9:18 11:50 5:55
Mavville 0:16 ...... 10:51 10:10 4:02
BuifalO' i . 6:05 lrf5 o;55 ...... 12:30
... . p. m p. bi p. m a., in a. in p. m
Trains run lv Philiulolplua Time.
- DAVID McCAROO, Cen'l Sup't.
., . (ieu'l Passenger A Ticket A gout.
Awaraod the . Highest Modal , at Vienna.
' "' " ' "! : ' i
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
591 Broadway, New york.
(Opp. Metropolitau Hotel.) , ..
Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers In
. A lbums, Graphoscopcs, and Huita
;, i Lie ..Views. ' , . , . -
We aro Headquarters for everything in
tho wav of STKUKOPTICONS ami M ACi
IC LANTKRNS, being manufacturers of
the -Miero-Scienllfio
Lantern,' '
Sterool'auoptioon, . , .
University Sierceptleon,
Advertisers Slereopticon,
bchool Lantern,
i : Family Lantern,
Kach style being tho best ofit class
in tho market.
Cuhtloguos of Lanloruu and Slides, 1th
directions using, sent on application.
Any enterprising man can make money
with a Ma;;io Lantorn. i
jZirCut out tins ndverliscuK'iit fur rof-
TOR WORK neatly executed atthUollico
ut reasoiiah'o rates.
' i : I'"f,''' In
Inrlwnro, Iron mul Valls,
Stoves and Tinware. j
Conwtn'ntly rn hnnd, nt low prlow, - ,
,( -t l-l.ll ... 'j j 1 tr .. , i
. . , Also Mmnufacturerqof i; r i ,
siii:i:r ino wouic;
Smoke Stack.M,I3rccch
inx, liot Iron, f
"S Veil Casing,
" Sue, &c.
FORSALTC OrvaSeeoud-liBnd ten horKO
? lower Wood berry Stationary .Boiler, nnd
Snglne. . m i . . . .
American V Foreign
OILMORK t 'CO.; Succor to Chip
man, HosmeriC Co., NolioitorH. PatentH
procured in b11 eounti les No Feo In ad
vance. No charges unless tho patent In
granted; No fees for making prelimlmt
ry examinations. ' No Additional food for
obtaining and conducting n rehoariug. By
a rwnt dooiHion of tho Commissioner all
rejected nplleations may be revived.
Speelat attention given t Tntcrforonw
Cases before tho Patent Ofhoe, Kxtoiihioim
hoforo Congress, Infringement Suits in
different SUtos, and all litigation apper
taining to Inventions or Patents. Send
stamp to Gilmore A Co., for pamphlet of
sixty pages. 1
Xnnrt Cases, Warrants nnd
Werip. , !
Contested Tiftnd Cases prosorhtod before
tho U. S. (Jeneral Iand OHico and Depart
ment of tho Intirlor. I'rivato Land Claims,
Mining and -Pro-oniption U'luiius, ami
Uomostead Cases attendod to. Land Scrip
in 40, HO, and 1(j0 acru pieces for sa'.o. This
Scrip Is assignable, and can bo 'located bi
tho namo of tho purchaser upon any ikv
eruuient lund suliject lo private entry, nt
ft. 25 per aero. Tt is of efjutd vnlno with
Bounty Land Warrants.' Sond stamp to
Gilmo'ro A Co., lir pamphlet of Instruc
tion. t -
Arrears of i'ay A lioniily.
f "OiucorS, Soldiers, aiid Sidlort of Ui lato
war, or their heirs, are in inai)3r eases en-1
titled to mon6y from tho Government tf
which' they ' havo no knowledge. - Write
full history of service, and state nmtnsnt
of pay and bounty received. Lnoloso
stamp to (iilinore it Co., and a full reply,
after examination, will Vie given you'lroo.
' l' I-'eiBsions.
All Officers, Soldiers', and Sailors Won ti
ded, rupturod. nc injured iu Uio lato, war,
however sliglii.lyj c;u obtain m ponsidu by
addressing (iilnioro .V Co. i
Cases proseouted by Cilmoro fc Co. lo
fora tho Suprcuio Court of Uio United
States, tho Court of Claims, arid the South
ern Claims Commission. ,
Kach deprtnieut of our business is con
ductod in a separate biiVeaUi under clmrgo
of .tho amo experienced parties employed
hy tho old firni. 'Attention to all businoss
entruutod to Oihnoro A Co. is thus se
cureHl. Wo desiro to win, Success by de
serving It. -.'''
Address OILMOBK t'C0., 620 F Strict,
Washington, 1. C. 41tf t
C II 13 ,V 1 Ii A M I H 1
Tlio Littlo Rock and . Fort Smith Rail
way Company is selling, at exceptional
ly low priccs'end oir torma to suit pur.
chasers, over
of their inagnlilcent grant on every sldo
within twenty miles of their road. Ad
mirably suited oriroduction of Corn.
Cotton, Grain, Grassj Fruits, and all other
A.v.v....(,vu.?a ....... ... u ........ . v .
mittinTf eut-door labor for eleven months.
Soil iertfle beyond precedent. No (;rafs
hoppers, no drought. Special Induro
mouts for establi.hment'if manu factories.
For circulars, address W. D. SLACvK,
I.and Coniniiabh nor, Little Rock, Arkan
sas. ; - . 41 4 .
The expoi ienco of five
vears has proved that
1 ICLL'fi
this Compact and re
liable work of Oenoral
Information is liotter
lei Kcfued l.mtioo.
adapted to the wants of
all classes or tno com
munity than any other
work of the kind ever
published. It has Leon proven by its ,
by the numerous ... '
"' And by Its uniform
Tho edition of 1S70 has been !
It contains 150,000 articles. 3000 wood
engravings and eighteen handsomely en-
graveu and colored maps.
Tho work, is issued in parts, and a speci
men copy, with map. will bo sent to anv
address, free of postage, for twenty cents,
BAKER, DAVIS & CO., publishers,
(Successors to T. Elwood Zell.)
Noa. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street,
Dealer in : ;
FRANKLIN, - , - . . Pi:XN'A.
Consisting ot
I'arlor, Ofilco and Common Furniture,
Mattresses,. Pillows, Window
Shades, Fixtures, Look,
ing Glosses, Ac.
Also, agent for Venango eountv for tho
Celebrated Manhattan . Spring Red ' and
Combination Mattresses, manufactured
and for sale at mv Furniture Warcruoms,
l-'hh street near Libert v. Ci.ll and see
;uiijd.' lied. i jv
,1'. ri,T
V ' ..." .,
' Att overdose of Dinner i('t(iu dr ranfes
the system, brinus on lhitulenco mid wind
"lic, aiul suljonts the patient to gryat bod--
Jty sullcnng. V sniglo duwi et . . .!
. Ti'.rrnnt'n Nrllzrr Ajirrif-nt, -
wllT correct tho acidify, relieve tlui' patli,.
carry oil tho oilomimg cnuso. hiuI saver
soiiiclJmes ti long spell of ' illnesM. Its
effects arc gentle nnd thorouuh. nnd its
gcnortiV us would prevent much sut'ering,.
C1Q A "T t home. "A gents wanted. Out
PI fit nhd lernil free. TRUE A CO...
Angtistu, Maine. 18
Ifyou want reliable infi.rnudloii wfirrennd'
how to get a ohoap Farm, or trcvcremeiit
Jlomesteadi freo. send vnnr n.l.lreKs t S.
J. Gilmore. liand Connnisskiiwr ' I.s w-
ronco. Jvilimas. nnd vn-nlvn ivn(ia n ivntV
of Tho Kansas Pacific lloniOHtcsd. , Itt 4
ryrv A WEEK guaranteed to Male nnrl
Ol Fciualo atronts, in their locality.
Costs nothing to try It. Particulars Free.
P. O. Vlckei y t Co., AngusUx, Mo. is-tt-
tfC O COfl l,or CH7 Bt homo. Terrs
4J H 4U freo. Adilres? Geo. Stinson
tfr ('o., Portland, Me.
MIND READING, Psvehonmney, Fas
cination. Soul Charming, Mesmer
ism, and Marriage Guide, chowlng bow
either sex may faselnnto nnd gain the lov
and ntl'ect lon of any person they chords in
stantly. 400 pnges. Jly mall 60 cts." Hunt
it. Co., 13ttH.7th.St., l'hila. . , W 4
WANTED. Any person can make $5('0
a month selling our letter-copying
book. Any one that lias a letter to write
will buy It. Kn press or -wnter. used.
Send stamp for circular. Excelsior Co.,
17 Tribune iiiilhling, Chicago, ill. IS 4
f-i A1M1. PAHnst .10 Kxtra Mixed V'im-
w lting 1'snts, wun nninc n'.. or ou ror
25c. Moilenvillo Curd Co., Mullouvillo,
V-.'.. A.. A , a
Zf Visiting Cards, - with your name
)J llnely printed, sont fnri!"e. Wliive
i.00 styles. Agent-s wai.Wd. U samplos for
stamp. A. 11. Fuller tv.Cu,, Rrockion,
iMass. I s -1
QClCxtra Fine mixed cards, with liauiti,.
f t'lo cents, post paid. L. Junes it Co.,
Nassau, N. Y. 18 4
nni URVPQ His' Lire and PuMie-
UUW. I1HILO. Snrvlon. t Vlt. . , Inl r.
T ..... . . v.. c ... j
anl reliable. Kudorsod frojn oilu-ial
sources. Jtaro charico for agi)tH. Secure
territory st once. For circulars and terms
address Quaker City Publishing Co...
Phlln., Pa. ' ' IS 4
Of farming and timber lands; lif'tr th
great Kanawaha River, in Putnam Coun
ty, West. Virginia, In quantities to suit
pnrehasHrs. Noil good, water pure and
llilirwl'll.t 4i..l.f nrnr.l...tli. ..1. n .1....
schools and mills convuniont; t it lo pei'locti
l'rice i'i to frs por ocre. Tonus accomuio-
ilatiug. bend tor foil d'.criplioji lo J. L.
McLoun,, Wintield, l'utnuni County, West.
Virginia. , ' Id 4
-. ?JiO0,000 IX Gll'T.'.l
Grandest Scheme ever Prei-ented to tho
Public - J
THE Kentucky Cash Distribution Com
pany, authorized by A special act of
the Kentucky Legislature, for tho boocllt
of tho Public Schools of Fraiiklort, will
havo the first of their series of Grand
Drawings nt Major Hall, in tho City or
Frankfort, Ly., on "
: THURSDAY, A UGUST 51, 1970',
on which occasion they will distribute to.
tho ticket-holders the immenso siini o
$ e o o , o .o o .
Thos, P. Porter, Ex-Govcrnor Ky., Gen-
'eial Manager.
as wo will lmvo a series of Grand Drawings
and can not establish Uiu precedent of
riostioning,. ,;' . .
list or aims :
Ono grand eanh gift....,, $100 Of.O
Ono' grand cash idft.. f0 000
Ono grnnd cash gilt 26 000
Ono grand cash gift...; 20 00J
Ono grand cash gill . 10 000
Ono grand cash gift 6 0,)
.- 50 Cash gifts of $1,000 cad CO 0o0
100 Cash gilts of o()0 cuch 60 00O
100 Cash gifts or , 400 each 40 0(H)
100 Cash gifts of aooeach HOOihi
'MX) tlash gifts of 200 cac.Ii 40 000
MM) Cash gifts of 100 ouch CO 000
10,000 Cash gills of 12 each 120 000
Total, 11,158 gifts, all cash... C00 00H
Wholo tickets, $12; Halves, fi; Quar
ters, ?3; 0 tickets, ?100; t7i tickets fiM;
4fif tickets, $r,0n; 0ri tickets, fl.OOC. 100,
000 tickets at? 12 each.
Hon. K. II. Taylor, Mayor of Frank forf,
the entire board ot ('ity Councilmen, Hort.
Alviu Duvall, lato Chief Justice of Ken
tucky, and other distinguished citizens,
together with such disinterested persons
as the ticket holders present may desig
nate will superintend tho drawing.
Remittances can bo rr.mlo Iy Expvoss,
Draft, rciorileo Money order, Reyisirri-d
setter, mailo payalilo to Jventueky iasu
Distribution Company. '
All conimunicHtion's connected with tho
distribution and orders or Tickets, and
applications of agents to sclL tickets.,
should bo addressed to
HON. THUS. p. porter:
12 4 General Manager, Frankfort, Ky.
Gen. Pastern Agents,'
, 710 H road way, NY- '
The worst cases or tho longest Kttn'iiu:
hy usin- Dr. 1IK1U1ARD S CURK. 1,
bus W red thousands, and will give tl,0U)
for a case it will not benefit, A bottle sent
freo to all addressing ,t. 1C. Di Ulihi;.;
Chemist. Ollico: 130." liroadway, Now'
York. 4 4
170TTM n Tho 1 ost course of lUiok
x i'i Keeping, tho best sys
tem of actual luactice, ttio most t-legimt
pciiiuanship, the lowest rgte-s of board and
tuition, at Washington llusiness College,
J iiuestown, N. Y. Circulars free. at 4,
CENTENNIAL Fancy Visiting
,)yJ Cards, or 1!: Jet with name in gohl,
lor 1:0 cts. .Something entire y new. Ad-hc.-s
J. (;. Ad.-ui s A .il, CJifitham.
Columbia ( o'.int v, N. V. u 4