He waltzed out of a Liberty itreet front door yesterday, followed by a washboard and two ban of Babbitt's soap; and as he straightened himself and walked firmly down the street, he remarked: "A man must draw the line somewhere or ha can't be boss of the bouse; and I'll be hanged if I'll fiump more than one barrel of water or to do a washing, and there ain't no woman can make me do it, unless she locks ma Id. Home Sentinel. There was a New York lunat;.o in Philadelphia recently who wanted to "proclaim liberty throughout all the land," and he accoidinly climbed up the lightning rod to the State Honse roof and rang the new bell for full fire minutes. He was arrested, but a man with energy enough to climb a light ning rod on a hot day like Monday of last week should be left go. Norwich Bulletin: The new belt for ladies is said to be made in clasps, four of which go around the waist It will be difficult, however, to improve upon the old style of belt, which is made in the shape of a coat sleeve and has an arm inside of it. We have observed, however, that this kind us ually requires more than four clasps. Whitehall Times : We saw a mos- 3uito work about ten minutes jester ay, trying to get bis bill through the akin of a man who owes us two years' subscriptions. How we laughed at that demoralized little insect as, with a look of disgust, he folded up his little bill, placed it in his pocket, and went for another victim. "Can you change this William for me?" said a young man who present ed a $50 bill at the counter of the Gloucester National Bank, recently. "Yes," said the Cashier, "but why do you call it William?" "Oh, I'm not f&mihar enough with that kind of a thing to call it Bill," was the quick reply. A prayer meeting was held in James Jt osiers cell, Warrenton, Missouri, on the night before he was hanged. "Are you ready to die ?" asked a clergy man, at the conclusion of the exercis es. "Guess I'll have to be ready in the morning, acyhow." he said, and winked at a bystander. They were talking of a death, when one man asked : "What were his last words?" "He didn't say anything," was the reply. "That's just like him," said the first man, with aa approving nod. "There was no gas about him. He was all business." "You mast cultivate decision of character, and learn to say "No," said a father to his son. Soon afterward, when the father told the son to chop wood, the boy said "No" with an em phasis that showed a remembrance of the lesson. The intelligent druggist in Cohoes, N. Y., having given a woman hellebore instead of rheubarb, from which she nearly died, she is now giving him the first sylable of the name of the poison in a suit for damages. A citizen of Dakota took a Turkish bath in Omaha a. few Hat aero nnd lied within an hour. The verdict of the jury was: "He hadn't ought to have"got so much of the mud off of mm at one time. A loving British wife's postscript to a letter addressed to her husband in New York: "Dear William, I have perused the nolice renorts and morom k. - o returns every day, hoping to see your uaiue. An editor, quoting Dr. Hall's ad vice to "eat regularly, not over three times a day, and nothing between meaJs," adds, "Tramps will do well to cut this out and put it in their bank books." A blighted being, whose nose should i curve ks a Deacon or warning to the youih of our land. dresses this year are laboring under a vioiem aiiaca or delirium trimmings. A sensible writer advises those who would enjoy good eating to keep good natured, for, says he, "au angry man cannot tell whether he is eating boiled oabbage or stewed umbrellas." A Camden man lugged a butcher lenife around for two hours. nflWinw tn kill any one who said he wasn't Moses, a Vt I 1 a A or uiDiicai ume. livery one said he looked just like Moses. There is something wonderfully grand and impressive about the roar of thunder, until you discover it has soured the last half-pint of milk in the house. Boarder "Has the red-haired girl gone away ?" Landlady : "Yea, sir." Boarder: "I thought so. I found a black hair in the butter to day." A New York man has christened his daughter Glycerine. He says it will be easy to prefix Nitro, if her temper resembles her mother's. The individual who called tight boots comfortable defended bis' posi tion by saying they made a man for get all his other miseries. "Did any of you ever see an ele phant's skin?" inquired a teacher of an infant cUss. -"Yes, sir." "Where?" "Qu an elephant." It was a little boy in New Jersey who said : "Yes, soda water's good ; It's like your foot's asleep." A prominent poulterer in Montreal was fined 110 recentlr for plucking a fowl while it was ktill alive. SQUARE Gh'MB PIANOS Retailed at Wholesale Prices, tooorortaso. 600for630O. 700 for 6300. 800 for S300. TIIE "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO. HATS STRUCK HARD PAN TRICES. Only One Price fur Cash, and a low one, NO DEVIATION. We give no discounts. We par no agents' commissions, which double the prices of all Piano. We look to the People, who want a first class Piano at a fair profit aver cost of manufacture. We appoint the People our agents, and give them our Pianos as low as any agent can buy equally good Pianos of any otbermanufacturer, giving the People, in a reduced price, what is usually expended In commissions, rent, freight, traveling and incidental expenses. The "Medelssohn" Piano Co. can sell you a 71 octavo rosewood oam Piano, 6 feet 10 inches long, with front round corners, carved legs, serpentine and plinth mould ings, with Improvements, Including Full Iron Frame, Over Strung Bass, Agraffe Treble, and French Grand Action, which only accompany the best Pianos of me most ceieoratea makers, at the very low price of 250, $275 or $300, according o siyie oi case, or wun tour round oor nera and full agraffe for $150. and a-uaran tee them In every respect equal to any Piano made of similar style, or no sale. The "Mendelssohn" Piano is manufac tured from the verv best materials, anil by the most skilled and itnished work men. The manufacture in conducted by one of the most experienced Piano manu facturers in the country. This 11 no new enterprise, tuning out a poor and cheap piano, made from green wood, and by greener mechanics. Our Piano Is unsurpassed by any in the market for Its rich and powerful tones, and its adaptation to iho human voice in sympathetic, mellow and singing qualities. It sneaks for itself. We are willing to Dlaoe It beside anv other make of Piano on its merits, eitheV in Deauty or case, or excellence of tone, and "at half the money" of equally good iusiruuitfy ts. " I lie best the cheapest" When it costs the leat money. All Pianos fullv warranted for five veftrn Send for our Illustrated and nonet-lru. tive Circular. The "Mendelssohn" Piano Co., Office of Manufactory, OH 50 BROADWAY. N. Y. OEXT REMLiJOY FOR HARD TIMES. CHANGE YOUR SURROUNDINGS. a . All wanting Fruit Farms, especial! ad apted to the growth of the Vine, where it is an established success and pays large profit. The land is also adapted to the growth of Peaches, Pears, Apples and nuivu iruiuj ; aiso uruin, urass and veg etables. Many hundred of excellent Vineyards ureuinu ana arms, can now he seen. The location ia only 34 miles south o Philadelphia, bv Railroad, in a mild. d lightful climate, and at the very doors of tu? ior jw huu x unaueipnia jtiaracts. Anothor Railroad runs direct to New York. The place is already large, successful and prosperous. Churches, Schools, ana otuer privileges are already established. Also. manilfilitariaa nf liliua rMilil Glass, Straw Goods, and other' things, at wuiuu uiuerent members or a lamiiy can procure employment It has been a health resort for some years past for people sufferinsr from duI monary affections. Catarrh. Atrun. and do. bility ; many thousands have entirely re- A new brick hotel ha lust hAAn mm Dieted. 100 foot. four stories high, including French roof) uu an mouurn improvements lor the ac eommodation of visitors. Price Of Farm T.anri 9S no nor . payable installments, within the period of iuur j er. in una climate, planted out o vines, zu acres or land will count fully no v-i 1 1 . . K 1 . lA f . .i : i - on m m-run iunner noun. Persons unacouainted wih fruit trrnw ing can become familiar with it in a short time on account of surroundings. Five acre, one acre, and town lots, in me towns oi ljanaisvine and Vlneland also tor sale. Whilst visiting the Centennial Exhibi uon, viueiauu can be visited at small ex pense. A naner enntninlnr nil tnTnumAtinn will be sent upon application to CIIRLES iv. liAiMuis, vineiand. JV. J., freeof cost 1 lie following is an extract from a de scription of Vineland, published in the new iorK irioune, oy tne well-known Agriculturist, Koion lloblnson: All tho farmers were of the "well to do" sort, and some of them, who have turned weir aueiiuon 10 rruits and market gard ening, have grown rk-h. The soil is loam, varying from sandy to clayey, and surface gently undulating, intersected with small streams and occasional wet meadows in which deposta of peat or muck are stored, sufficient to fertilize the whole upland sur face, after it has been exhausted of its natural fertility. It is certainly one of the most extensive fortile tracts, in an almost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant farm ing, that we know of this side of the West ern prairies. We found some of the old est farms apparently just as profitably E reductive as when first cleared of forest fty or a hundred years ago. The geologist would soon discover the cause of this continued fertility. The wholo country is a marine deposit, and all through the soil we found evidences of calcareous substances, generally in the form of Indurated calcareous marl, show ing many distinct forms of ancient shells, of the tertiary formation ; and this marly substance is scattered all through the soil, in a very comminuted form, and in the exact condition most easily assim in dated by such plant as tho lurmer desires to cultivate. 12 tin JOB WORK DONE AT TITE 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the lowest cash prices, neatly, prompt ly, and in style equal to that of any other establishment in the District. :o:- BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARL&, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMiffcS, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS,. ADMISSION TICKETS, MOtfTIlXY STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS. NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS BLANKB. P O ST E R & . DODGERS, HANDBILLS LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, Ac. HEW A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. T retain! nil the virtue of the I.icrtt-Runniiif "DOMESTIC," including th Automatlo Tension. wht:h w and i ihe lrt lit use. -Hlw4 notice our I'A 1 ENT UAKDKNKD CONICAL BEARINGS oo both the Machine end Smnii, Our new nd old idc, wrrlced out with brand new Muchinery and TvU at mir own new worVa, In the busy city tf Newark, New lener. have given n a standard of MKCHANICAL KXCKl LENCE. Minimum of Friction, Maximum wf litrabiiity, Mid ranfa ui work, never heretofore reached in the Sewing Machine world. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF We Invite the attention of all, especially thoa having high mechanical skill or Observation. N. U. All Machines fully warranted. POMESTIC SCWINC MACHINE CO., INo-vr A'orlc itntl Oliiong-o. LADIES, USE " DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. BIXBY'S BLACKING. A COMBINED POLISH BLACKING AND LEATHER PRESERVATIVE. Kxperts and Professional Bootblacks in New York, and all other lare cities where this Blacking has been introduced, ac knowledge its superiority overall import ed or domestic Blackings in use, as an Elegant Polish and Conserver of Leather. 9IOTICE. Blxby's "Best" Blacking has a Red and Blue Label. Do not be deceived by ac cepting our "Standard" Blacking in place of "Best." The Standard has tho label stamped into the tin cover. Thia brand is made to competo with other American and French Blackings, but is inferior to our "Best." Bixby's "Best" Blacking will save its entire cost in the wear of your boots and shoes. HOUSEKEEPERS TRY Bixby's French Laundry Blue, IN SIFTING BOXES. The most convenient and economical package, and the only combined Blcach and Blueing Powder in use. S. M. BIXBY & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, 11 Nos. 173 & 175 Washington St., N. Y 5! SIDDALL'H MAGNETIC SOAP The Cheapest Soap that can be used for the following reasons; 1st. One bar will go as far as two of any other. 2d. Only half tho usual rubbing being required, there is a saving of more than the entire cost of the Soap in mor mono. 3d. The clothes are made Sweet, Clean and white without Boiling or Scald ing, thus all injury to them is avoid ed. There is a saving in fuel and hard work, and the washing is done in about half the- usual time. It is also guaranteed under a penalty of mjr uuuniii uut n injure me domes or hands, and as one trial will enable any pu.cuu iaj ascertain uie iruin or uiese Htatements, it would never pay the pto prietor to engage in an extensive system of advertising and claim such decided merit for his Soap unless he knew from Eositive experience that it wou'd prove to e in every rospect what is claimed for it. This is also a superior Soap lor Toilet and Shaving purposes. WARNER, RHODES A CO.. Wholesale Fancy Grocers, General Agents, 8 11 Philadelphia, Pa. PEABODY HOUSE, CORNER of LOCUST A NINTH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusement and car lines in tha ..it it m. ,.i,.,n.. ... and from the Centennial grounds. i. nawuu, propneuir or the Hcnrv IiOUSe. Cllicilinuli tnr tha ...... . years, and present proprietor, has leased In. I......... f . . . " ... uuuno a, lerm oi yenrs, and lias newly furnished aud fitted it throughout. 1 le Will keti a ktrii llt njt.,iun t. . V "-y,tn-ry uuuse, Knl has accommodation for 300 guests rtltilti on I IF - rm .1..-. " v a uir uuij pur May, No bar bus ever boon kept in tho Henry House, nor will any bo kept at the Pea body. p j, "DOMESTIC," ' n , Music Has Charms ! PRIES REDUCED. THE BEST IN THE WORLD! WILL LAST A LIFE TIME! 45,000 OF THE CELEI1UATED SHDHIIBR HUM IN DAILY USE,. A Stool Boxed Free with rnrh Orgnn, The best talent in the country recom mends thefo organs. Tho nicosrand best. More for the money, and gives bettor sat isfaction than any noy made. They com prise the Cymbclla, Orchestral, Paragon, ami Crand Organ rTllustrated Catalogue sent by mail, pvst-paid to any address, upon applica tion to B. SIIONIN'UER ORGAN CO., 47 to 61 Chkstnut St., 15 New Haven, Conn. You Can Have Slunev Bv buvintf vonr 1T vng .. at,,, . .... ;l.ha undors,gn4 Manufacturers' Agont, ioi the host brands in the market. Mr, 1 T"" '"reel trout t!io T:,, " i S c IT S 3 S 9 r" 1 2 a -s o B ? S r,- Q. 6 I j ? iZ Si H TS et . W 2 s g -J 3 A saAaa K -3 c p to H a 2 .1 1 S 11 1 S J a g 3tv r , .:j ltr. APPLETOKS' MJEMCMJCYCLOPMA. NEW nCVISCD EDITION. ENTIRELY 'REWRITTEN BY THE ' ABLEST "WRITEHM ON EVERY -SUBJECT;, , ' ' rrlntcd from New. Ttim, find illustrated with severlal Thousand ICu- gravings and Mays. .. . The work orlglnnllVTiulilislitu! Qtnlertlio lit lo of TIUC NEW AM KH1CAN CYCI.O PvEniA whs completed In 180:?, sinco which time, tho wide circulation which it has attained in alt purls of tho United suites, and the signal development whleli hiivo taken place in every branch , of science, literature1, and art, havo induced tho editors and publishers to submit it to an exact nnd thorough rovisiou, and, to issuo a now edition eutitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. Within tho last ton year tho proresn of discovery in every department of knowl cdRO has mado a new work of reference an, imperative) want. - The movement of political affairs has i kept naeo with the discoveries of scleneo, . and thoir fruitful application to tho indus trial and useful arts and tha convenience and refinement of social life. Great warm -and consequent revolution havr occurred, involving national changes of peculiar ' moment. Tho civil war of our own conn try, which was at its height when tho Inst volume of the old wrk appeared, has hap pily been ended, and a new coursoof com mercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to our GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE Have been mnrio by the indofaligublo ex plorers of Africa. i.io prcat political revolutions or tho lost decade, with tho natural result of tho lapso of time, havo brought into public view a inultitudo of new men, whose names are in every ono's mouth, and of whoin lives evory one is curious to know tho particular. "Great battle havo leci, fought and important siege maintained, of which the detail are as yet preserved only In the newspapom or in tho transient publications of the day, but which ought now to take their place in PERMANENT AKD AUTHENTIC HISTOET. In preparing tho present edition for the' press.it has accordingly been tho aim of t ho editors to bring down "the information ! tho latent possible date, and to furnish an' accurate account of the most recent dis coveries in science, of evry fresh produc tion in litoraturo, and of the newest inven tions in the practical arts, n well a to give a succinct aud original record of tho progress of , POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL EVEMS. Tho work has been bepun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with tho most ample resources for carrying it on to a successful term i nation. Nono of tho original stereotype platos have boon used, but every pago" livi beau PRINTED OX NEW TTPB. n Formingin fact a new Cyclopmdla, with the same plan and compass as Its prede cessor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and wit li such improuctnent iir its composition as havo been sutrirostcd by longer experience and enlarged knowl- ' TIIE ILLUSTRATIONS which are Introduced for tho first timo in the present edition have been added not for (he sake of pictorial ollbet, but to give grontr r lu :idity and force to the explana tions in tho text. They embrace all branchos of science and of "natural history, and depict tha most famous and remarka ble features of sconory. aebltlcture, and art, as well as tho various processes of mechanics and manufacture. Although in tended for instruction ralhr than iu bellishmcnt, no pains have been spared to insure their , ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE. The cost of their execution Is enormous, and it Is bcliovod they will lind a welcomo reception as an admirable feature of the Cyolopiedia, and worthy of its high char acter. This work is sold to subscriber oiiIt, payable on delivery of each volume. It will bo complete in Sixtten Large (Jcdtx tt Volume, each contain! mt about NX) pages, fully illustrated with several thousand Wood Engravings, and with numorous colored Lithographic Map. Price and Styla of Binding : In extra Cloth, per volumo , - j 00 In Library Leather, per vol. - - . rt 01 It half Turkey morocco, per vol. - 7 t in half Russia exira gilt, per vol. : 8 00 In full morocco, antiijuo, gilt edges per vol. - - - . 10 00 In full Russia, per vol. . . JO 00 FIFTEEN VOLUMES NOW READY. Hucceedlng volumes, until completion, will be issued once iti two months. JW-Specimen pages of The American Cytlopiudia, showing typo, illustrations, etc., will bo sent gratis on application. First-Clans Canvassing Agents Wantt. Address tho Publishers, I. APPLETON A. CO., 60 649 A 551 Broadway, N. Y. WA PEP ST AUD AUD Fire and Burglar ' 3F" 353 tSi r.ouat.T. Pl-tform, Wagon & Track' "lurvin's Kaftj Co., "-5 3rfl-,d-v-.v. N.v York, 72! Chestnut Zl, H-ila. A DVEUTISKltM.un.1 OS