W. R. DUNN EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MOUSING, JILT 26, 187.6.. Republican National Ticket, . FOR PRES1 DENT nUTIIERFORD B. HAYS, ... . of Ohio. ; FOR VICE PRESIDENT WILLIAM A. WHEELER, of New York; ' REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Con gross (JEN. HARRY WHITE, ' (Subject to action or tho district conferees) : For State Senator, JAS. OKEEN (Subject to actioa of tho district conferees.) v, For Assembly, r S. D, AONEW. For District Attorney, S. D. IRWIN. ' For Coroner,' 1 W. C. COBURN. . ' For Jury Commissioner, -P. V. MERCILLIOT. . .' Our Washington Letter. r . 1 - ." Special to the Republican. "Washington, D. C, July. 21, 76. democratic members , of Congress appear to estimate the intelligence of the average American citizen by that of their own party' constituents; and hen co they expect the transparent partizan tricks every day resorted to by them, to be accepted as the work of reformers and patriots in the great day of accounts, next November. From the opening day of the present session of Congress, last December, up to date, every resource has been exhaust ed for the purpose of disgracing the Secretary of the Navy. Every trial has been per&everiugly followed up, and every scrap of information preju dicial to that officer ha3 been carefully husbanded for the one purpose of all this oxDcnditura of thousands of dol lars of publio funds, and this utter disregard of all the necessary work of the session, namely : the ruin of a prominent Republican official. His own testimony and that of every chief of bureau of his Department, have apparently been ignored. Ii was only after r pcremtory demand, , several times repeated, that he was allowed a hearing, after their report- Was well underway. It is now rumored that Glover, Chairman of the Real Estate Committee, and Whittnom, Chairman of tho Naval Committee, have decided to refer the evidence in theft possession to the Judiciary Committee, with a Tiew to Mr. Robeson's impeachment, should. the latter Committee decide that he is amenable to such a tribunal. But it is not believed that a report would be reached until next session, prior to which all the advantages ob tamable from such a . Bcurvy . partizan trick would have been secured to their party. The case of Representative Hays is another in point. lie was charged with the sale of a cadetship and was a long time under investigation, which was completed weeks ago. The almost universal verdict ot those familiar with the testimony, was to tho effect that his traducers had failed to cast a single blot upon his official integrity But no report was made until yester day, and then, instead of a square, manly report, the Democratic mem bora of the committee reveal their an imus by saying that, although the tes timony is insufficient to 'convict the accused of fraudulent practices, yet there is ground for grave suspicion It has not been forgotten how Mr Blaine was dragged to the door of death, and a dispatch virtually ex honerating him was carefully suppress ed. Other cases aro not wanting, Magnanimity is thrown away upon a party so constituted and led., A wit nesfl swore poiut blank that ho paid Mr. Kerr $450 for eecuriug a frjem the appointment to a Lieutetiaucy in the army. There were many other very ugly features in the case to con firm the witness j but in view of the Speaker's previous good record, ho was unanimously acquitted. But tho in telligence of Democratic consiitueii cle in not the standard of American citizenship generally. The Banking aud Currency Com mittee again dodged any definite ac tion n t lie repeal of !h Resumption art yestr-nlay ; and if n assorted that fwo Dfi.'ineiMlic oflicialf, now lore, threaten that unless tho House makes an effort to repeal it, Hendricks will withdraw,. It appears certain that there is n want of harmony be tween Tilden and Hendricks support ed respectively by the har.l and soft wings of Democracy. Several of tho appropriation bilh so long in disputo before tho various Conlcrctica Committoes, have been compromised. Five still remain, four before Committees and one tho river and harbor bill beforo tho Senato. The latter ha3 been so mutilated that Senator Allison has proposed a, sub stitute. Senator Morton, in one of the most vehement and telling speeches of the session, uuhorsed several cx-Confed-crate warriors ; and during a discus sion of the Hamburg massacre in the House, Mr. Townsend of New York, inflicted the most severo punishment upon Cox that he has received since lis casligation by Blaine during the amnesty fight. Cox's scrvilo submis sion to the arrogant behests of the Ku-Klux and Tammany wa3 made very potent during the . debate. Ku Klux Butler, who led the cot throats, was eulogized by Hartridge of Goor- gia; and Lamar was tho only speaker on tho Democratic side who denounced the brutal outrage and called for the punishment of the assassius. Gov. Chamberlain of South Carolina has been in consultation with tho Presi dent, and has returned, ' determined that the murderers shall be speedily punished.. ' ;','' I he advocates ot silver as a legal tender are hard at work to accomplish their purpose by legislation; and a bill has been prepared by the Commit tee on Mines authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue coin notes for $50 and the multiples thereof up to $10,000, through the various ' mints and assaj offices, for tho net value of gold and silver bullion tjiey may have on deposit.' The evidence in tho Belknap trial is all in, and Mr. Blair, in the absence of Carpenter through . -illness, . com menced his opening argument yester day. An interesting question in- con nection with the final vote upon the guilt of the accused, is that presented by the attitude of those Senators who voted agaiust tho Senate's jurisdiction. Maxwell, A recent private letter from Au gusta, Me., says of Mr.- Blaine: "He is bright, alert, and brilliant, with a keen interest in and clear, sharp views about everything. He shows the effects of a six weeks' illness, anj is easily fatigued4iut plays billiards, walks in the grounds, and talks freely on all subjects, not excepting hia own condi tion and feelings and the Cincinnati Convention, lie will speak at twelve or fifteen places during the last month of the campaign." Apropos of our Indian war, might it not be a good thing for Congress to investigate how they get supplied with the best grades ot arms and ammuni tion. It is certainly within the power of the Government to prevent, them from obtaining arms, if the right effort is made, and this should be doce. The Indians deserve right treitment, but should not be allowed arms dangerous in case of war. The report has been put into circulation that the peace policy is responsible for their being supplied with arms, but this is not the case. The course pursued under this policy was to secure lor them fair and honest treatment, ami to attempt to civilizo them. The supply of rifles and'lixed anunitiou formed no part of the peace policy, and this fact should be Generally understood. Stil they haveleen supplied through some source, -just what it , is desirable to understand. Gazette. .", Fopular feeling has always manifea ted its appreciation ofleadiug men by expressive and descriptive pscudo nytoc9 of titles. History is filled with tho familiar examples that, "reaching this country and century, have given us the Mill JJoy ot the Nasties, Old Hickory, Old Bullion, tho Great Lx pounder, Tippecanoe, the Rail-splitter and a thousand others, every one lul of significauce. This 6arue causo stil lives, and acting among tho people has pressed from them their estimate ..p t: 11 i j . H:., vi iiiueu a cnuracicr m a ciri miner ation that certainly will not be forgot tcu aud will probably adhere to iU owner closer than a blurt, lie w .iu the argot of his State not an Expouu der, a Defender, a ar Horse or any thing t-lse great and grateful to the peopiC. He is simply "Soapy Sam, aud it id sure as shooting that all tho lawyers r.tid legislators of the laui could not have phrased the genera conviction more neatly and rllectively But wo don't expect to see it on Dem oeratic flags aud transparencies J'fiila. North. American, ' IOB WORK nuatlv PUBLICAN oili'.c, pxpentod lit tli RK Administrators Notice. letters of Administration on tho estate of Win. O. Nelll, deceased, late of Harmo ny township, having born granted thonn dorsignod, all persons Indebted to said rsiwo uro required u. iiihuu mnurumiu payment, nd nil persons bavins Claims against said estate, will present lliom, ropcrlv anthennoatpd, lor settlement. .). iCMACHENNKY, ) Administrator JOHN N ft! LI j, J Aaminisuaioia May l5, WO. School Report of Tfoncsta Twp. Tionesta Township in account with Eli llole.inan, School Ireasuror. To bal. at last settlement SO " ain't collected .' (i!7 02 " of unseated tax 1,521 tW . By ain't of orders out - ... , . .... Stauding ; can r" ain't of orders taken up l.OSO 00 "percentage 42 00 " bal. on hand 72! 73 " $2,70,3 53 ? 2,70:1 f3 Tionksta, Juno 20th, 1K7C. We. tho undersiirn'ed Auditors of Tio nosta Township, duly elected and quali fied, do nereny ccrtny mat tno iorcgoing is a correct stiitonien't of tho accounts of the school funds for tho year ending Juno Olll, 1870. Jamks Carson, AUtl"ors The expel ienco of (lye years h:vt proved Uiat this Comp:ict and ro liablo work of General rn format Ion in better rwbmted to the w-antaof all classe-i of tho com inunity than any other work 6f tho kind ever SELL'S SsGTCiorsa Isi Kerned Uition, AGENTS WANTED, published. It has been proven by its IMMENSE SALTS,- ". by tho nnmerons A COMMENDATORY NOTICES REC'D, , And. by its uniform SUCCESS WITH AO ENTS. The edition of 1870 has beon THOROUGHLY REVISED TO DATE. cngrsivings and eighteen handsomely en graven nun colored maps. Tho work is issued in parts, and a speci men conv, with map, will be sent to any address, froo of postage, for twenty cents. BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers, ,. , (Successors to T. El wood Zcll.) . Nos. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street, , 42tf PillLADKLPAIA, IA. . 1,000 OUTFITS FREE 1 FOOTPRINTS OF THE AGES. Out Ortvemment nnd History. Oood epeod's Tub. House, Nev York, nnd Chi Ciigo. . , i 3 4 Where Advertising 4 outracta con bo made. EMPLOYMENT, Malo and female, sala ry or commission.. Wo pay ajjent as salary of 10 a weok and ex poliaes. . Eure- Ka xvianuiacturing to., Xiarttora. uonn. particulars lreo. 414 Medals and Diploma Awarded. '" AGENTS WANTED! for HOLMAN'S NEW PICTORIAL BIBLES. 1,800 illustrations. Address for new circulars, A. J. Hoiman & Co., 930 Arch St., I'luia. . 3 4 READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. DR. CRUMB, established for many years In Buffalo, by an entirely now system of modieation, treats successfully i.. 1. 1 ... !.!.: i ..r.. Ijiings, Liver nnd Kidnevs, also Difficul ties of a Confidential Nature, whorein skill and experience are required. Dr. ITumu lias developed a practice wlilch from its unparalleled success in thousands of eases, many of a very aggravated char acter, is able to positively guarantee a per- leci and poruiauout cure lu every caso lie undertakes. Ho nciulf no Circulars or Treatises on these diseases to his patients, as it is xmdoniable that such knowledge is In general extremely prejudicial, exercis ing an injurious oiled by . retarding and frequently counteracting a eure, tending to alarm the patient, which is tho priuci--pal object or such productions, and ox cites and exaggerates his fears as to the curability of his complaint. The T)octor requires simply a brief history ol the case and a candid plain statement of present symptoms. a thorough examination will then bo made, and if considered remedi able a sincere, oonsieutious opinion will be given promptly and nu:h medicine as will be applieablo will bo sent bv express, accompanied by full and. explicit direc tions. Charges very modorata and with in the reach of all, md success iruaraiiteed. Such eases as have failed under other treatment particularly desired. All letters must enclose, l.(H) lor consultation lee and correspondence during treatment, and ad dressed to DK. W. It. CHUM B. . 2(5 4 ' 102 Pearl St., Buffalo, N. Y. SIO TO S500. Explanatory circular how $10 to fcoOO invented in b toe it l'rivlleges nas jiaid and will pay largo profits. Kailroa! Stocks, Bonos and Gold bought on Margin. In torost Six per cent allowed on k-posits. subject to sight draft. , Buckwalter A Co., Hankers v. Brokers, 10 Wall St., New York. IP. 0. 15ox 4U17I. ' 'Mi 4 T KT A 5 Tho choicest in tho world & IniporU'rs' prices Largest company In America staple article picusus ovcr.y imy xiauc cojuinuauy in creasing. Agents wanted, everywhere. lseisi jiKliicoiiionw. Don't wasto time Sent for Circular to Houkiit WKLL8, 43 Vesey St., N. Y., P. O. Box 1287. 22 4t Prescription Free I for tho speedy euro of npoeial troubles common to tlio young anl. middle-nged. Nervous, mental and physical depixteftion, loss of memory find enorgy, pains in th:i back, self-i I i strust. diinness of siizlit. con fusion of ideas, and other disorders of the nervous system consequent on various habits that lower the vitulity of tho xvs- tern. Anydiuggist has tho ingredient. Address Dr. 10. II. HILTON, Cincinnati, uiio. -t en D Y b P.EPS'l A Any pcimu- KufJ'-vuij i'r u Dyspepsia or Indigci-tion will boenrtid bvxisin!i : dr. villhed's rpponD rowtiBS.-. Feud for a tiial jjaeka'.'e, it cohts luJliing, and will cure yon. Address lI Mil . I MO it' CO., Chemists, li'.h Broadway, New York. 1 THIS rAPETt 13 ON FILlt TTITU THE LARGEST FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT .IN THE Oil KftU IONS I . . , SMITH,; Dealer in CABINET AND UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE! FRANKLIN, . - . - - r-ENN'A. ' ' ' ' 1 Consisting ot Tnrlor, OnVfl nnrt Common Knrnltnrr, Mattresses, I'illows, Window, ; .,: shades, Fixtures, Look- ,' , ing Ci lasses, itc. . j Also, B.uont for Vcnanuro county lor tha Celebrated Manhattan Nprinjr ilnd ' and Combination Mattress", manufactured and for Bale at my Furniture Wareroonis, i;Uh street, near Liberty. Call and rco samplo Bed. 0 ly GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. Tho Oldest, Largest, and Most .rcrfect Manufactory In tho United ' States, nearly ' ' . . 56,000- , M . ....;...'! ., 7 , . , . Now In uso. ,. No other Musical Instrument overobUin od the same popularity. . ierSend for Tried Lists. , ; , . i Addresa LUFFALO, JVT. 1'. J Thq,fa'ct of onra hoing the oldest nnd largest manufactory In tho United S!atcsk with nearly Drt.OOO Instruments now in ise, la a sufficient guarnnteo of our ro Hponslbllit3"and the merits of our Instru ments. - ' ' ' 0-Gm ' fiEO. A. PRINCE A CO. ' -' ' - " " : ' Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pittsburgh,. Titusville 4 Buffalo Railway, and Buffalo, . Corry & Pittsburgh Railroad. , rN AND A PTER Sunday, Jnly 2, lS7d, v trains win run as toiiowsj i . STATIONS." Northward. Southward Ko. t Nu. 1 . No. I . N. 1 ' N.) a m p in p m 8:45 10:60 pin am p in 6:40 4:55 3:53 3:35 2:15 Pittsburgh ' R:.r0 W PenJunclO:02 KittanninR 10:40 R. li'k Juuoll;2:J Rrady RendlhlO Parker - 1U;12 2:25 7:501 2:55 3:4S 4:3l 6:25, 5:40 6:37 4:33 11:45 0:00 5:15 12:40 11:40 11:27 12:55 1:20 2:30 3:01 4:25 0:1 ; 6:53. 7:40 8:15 10:44 10:25 12:40 Jimlenton 12i4H 2:S3 4:10 4:00 3:30 2:52 12:00 10:32 Suruhiirass Franklin Oil City 1:27 9:42 fl:02 8:25 2-.0'.( 3:30 fl:2.r 6:20 ft: 30 8:25 0:10 6:51 6:00 8:50 Oloopolis , 2:40 KagloRock H:00 Tioncsta 8:'ir 8:35 10:31 9:00 9:55; 10:20 0:55 y.oH 8:20 Tidiouta 4:11 ll:u( 1:15 3:20 1:40 Irvhieton 6:00 ROURCVlllO Titftsvillo Corry 2:53 H:lrt 10:10 0:2 1:47 l:Ur 7:(o 7:58 H:4U 7:65 9:13 7:10 7:10 5:55 4:4 11:60 Mavville (:10 8:05 10:51 10:10 4:(B liulfalo 1:05 6:55 12:30 P. m ! p. m p. mia. m a. mln. m Tp.imis run bv Philadclnhia Time. DAVID MoCAlK U). ticn'l Sun't J. MORTON HALL, - Gen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent LA RID FOR SALE. ;o,ooo ASC1LS Of fanning and timber lands t near the great Kanawaha Klvcr, in Putnam Coun ty, west , Virginia, in (luautities to suit. purehasers, Soil good, water nine and abundant, timber excellent I churoltet, schools aud mills convenient; titlo perluct I'rice f;j to 8 per acre. Tonus aceonmio datinir. Bend for full description to J. L Meljeiin, Winfleld, Putnam County, VVet Virginia. U 4 FITS & EPILEPSY positively cuiu:i. The worst uases of tho longest standing, by using Dr. HIOBBAltD'S CURIO. It has cured thousands, and will givo fl,000 for a ease it will not benefit A bottle sent free to all addressing J. 10. DIBBL10E, Chemist. Ollice: 1305 Broadwav, Now York. 40.4 JT'TT'lvr r Tho best courso of Book X UU1M) Keeping, the best sys tem of actual practk-o, the most elegant penmanship, the lowest rates of board and tuition, at Washington Business College, Jamestown, !N. Y. Circulars free. 34 4 TT-T IS S U N" - FOR T1I10 CAMPAIGN t Tho events of the Presidential campaign will bo so faithfully and fully illustrated in TII10 N10W YOltJC SUN as lo com mend it to candid men of all parties! Wo will send Tho Weekly Kdition (eight pages) post pnid, from now till after elec tion for 50 ctw., thu Sunday Kdition, same siao, at tho samo price j or lho Daily, four pages, for, 3.00. Address 7 4 THK SUN, New York City. MIND RJoTniNO, lTomanTy, Fas clnation. Soul fharming, Mesmer ism, and. Mai-riago (iuide, showing how oithur sux may litsi:iuato atul gain the love and all'oction of any person they choose in stantly. 4(H) p:ges. By mail 60cts. Hunt tk Co., 139 S. 7th St., Philu. '114 muux i)t:i ; poisons. : ' Mcdicino Rendered Useless I VOLTA'S ELECTRO BELTS & BANDS wondorbod by tho most eminent physi cians in tin world lor tho cure of 1 huuma tism, neuralgia, liver comjjlaint, dyspep sln, kidney disease, aches, jdains, nervous disorders, iits, fomalo coiitplaint, nervous and general debility, and other chronic diseases of the chest, head, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood. Book with full par ticular tree by VOLT A B10LT CO., Cin cinnali, Ohio. 314 H iSTORY 6 F PEN N SYLVAN I A WANT10I1 A(ilONTS in every town lo wmva lor Dr. t'oRMOLlS new and popular History of l'eiin.-ylvauia, fi-.au the earh-st discovery to the present time. A spivndi.i book, eoniplete in eno volume, lUiislnitl, and pnltliMn-d at a price wi'.h in n-ach iU' liie peojile. A rare chance fi.r a lir-t-elass canvasser. Address the pub dr. v il,f piililnrs. ;i;tker Cilv i'nl. lihliing t o., 2ul SiMUU lltii bl., l'hihuUU ran iioioi II. (1. TlMim & CO. Deal em in Hardware, Iron aiul Xailw, Stoves nnd Tinware. BELTING lOF ALL SIZES' , Constantly on hutjd, at low pi'iens( , ,,,r J i.-j,.i i ( ' , i i : ' :.' ., :: -,j Also Mnnmfacturers of " ' . : : i ' 'i kiii:i:t ,iitx:V .Woieic, SinolcoBt.ackM,T3i,cooi- iiip, Blioct Iron, : . . AVell Cnsing, etc.," cC ' ' FORSALE OneKocond-hand ton horse power Wondborry Stationary., lliiilor and lOnRlno. - - 1 ' II, G. TINKER & CO., " - " - " ' oil crrv, pa. SoxnetMns Now! FISHER STORE!: ' VE HAVE KTARTKD A.' ; , FLOUR & FEED STORE iu the building formerly occupied Ly J. J. Fisher, , . . . . . , OUR CHOP i.i j . , . ' i ,i . t ',, - i : ,i i i 1 i is mado from COIiN, WHKAT A OATS, ami win do sold iu present, lor OUR 7 FLOUR la madofrrim tho1est WINTKH WII10A1. every . barrel of which is warranted H'ld will ie sold projH)i-iionaioiy ior.'- it In connection with tl-o'abovo, wn ara Keeping Uio best braiuia or t TOBACCOS; PI!H CITT, " ' '( PIATCJ, AXI suited to the most fastidious taste. X'lonwoT'xiimino our- Ht1 J. II. DKU1CKSON A CO. Aiiierioaii A IureigiB ; . PuteiilM. OILMORE C CO., Successors to Chip man, Uosnier iC Co., Solicitors. Patents procured in ali countries. No Fees iu ad vanue. No charges unless the patent is giamca. 2o iocs lor making prciimlua rv examinations. No additional Cces iin- obbiining and conducting a rehearing. By a recent decision ot thet'ommi-sioner am. reieeted nmtlications mav bo revived SpecLU attention given to Int(rfereneo Cases bel'oro tho Patent Ollice, lOxlcnsions beloro Congress, Intringement Suits In dilirrent States, mid. nil litigation aiiier- laining to invenuons or I'atenis. ."Send stamp to (jilnioio A Co., for pamphlet of sjjfiy jtagoR. : IniKl Cases," lVnrranls nnd Scrip. Contested Land Cases prosecuted bel'oro tho U. K. General Land Ollice and Depart ment or memo nor. l J ivalo I, and Claims, Mining und Pre-emption -Claims, and Homestead Chk at tended to. Land Serin In 40, 80, and 100 acre piece for sale. This fterip Is assignable, and can bo' located in tho name of (be purchaser upon uny (iov ornmcn laud biibject to private entry, at fl.2o per aero. His of equal value' with Bounty Land Warrants. fSond Mamp to ijiimoro tV Co., lo Kmplilct of Insirm tion. ; . i Arrears of Pay IZounJy. OiHoel's, Soldiers, and Sailors of tho lato w ar, or ineir liclrs, are m many eases en titled to money from tho ' Government of whieh'tticr liavo no kiinwledi-1: Write full history of service, and stale amount ol pay ami bounty received. Lncloso stamp to Uilmoro A Co., and a full reply unci L'Auumiuuoii, win i)c given you nee Petitions. All iMlicers, Soldiers, and Sailors woun ded, ruiitured. or injured iu the lato war however slightly, can ebtain a pension by auuressing uumoru .v l;o. Cases pioseeutcd bv Cllmoie & (U. be fore the Supreme tlourt of thu luitod States, the Court of Claims, and lho South ern Claims CoiunmMioii, lOach department of our business is con ducted in a separate bureau, under charge of the same experienced pui lies employed by tho old Urn i. Attention to all business intrusted to Ciilmore A Co, is thus se cured. Wo di'Kire to win success by do serving it, . i i Address (i 1 LMORIO A CO., ti2.) F Street, Washington, D. C. atf " c3 is : v i a x iVs IN THE GREAT SOUTHWEST! . Tho Little Rock aud Fort Smith Rail way Com puny is silling, ul exceptional ly low prices and on terms to suit pur chasers, over . r . , ' 5 ONE MILLIONJACRES of their uiugniiici nt grant on every hide within twtnly utiles uf their luad. Ad miiid'ly suiud fur; pi ml iu lion of Coin, Coiioii, tJftiin, titass, Fruits, and all t-iher NorthernVrops. 'inters are inild, per milling lait ilo..r labor for ehncu month ;. Soil ft Hi lo beyond piciHlem. No mass hoppeis, no ('rooht. (special induce mcnlti tor csl.d,!iliiuiiiij .( manut u torics. For circular.-., addle:-.. W. I). SLACK Laud Coinmis-loner, Little Rok, AiU.ui- 11 1 f ACFNTS WANTED FOR THE CHEAT UiiTESIIllAL HISTORY It sells faster than any other book ever published.' tins Apent sold 01 copies in tmo day. Send for our ettia terms to agents. Xatlonul Pul.liKhln Co.,' Phila delphia, Piw . i . . . '. 14 4 tf a dav nl koftio. Agents wanted. Out 4l i. lit, hikI terms rroo. TKUK t CO.r Augusta, Maine. , t ,., , U 4 -SV - 0 A mrtn of tiolrd health was asked iinw i'Jwas ho seemed to bo always well.1 "f am nut particular In tny meafs; lent what I iiko; nmi whenever I feel under tho weathrr, I resort lo my ,(, Tnrro ill's Seltcr Aprrirnt, which I keep always in the house." Wlso" man, aud economical as well. lie does not resort to violent means for relief. Ho uses Nature's remedy in the .shapo of this npperlent. 11 4 SOLD 11V ALL DRUlUiISTS. Cnry A WIOIOK guaranteed to falo nnd 'u- j i ii 1 n iu ic-fciiiK, iti ineir l'H-siiiy. ("sts nothing to try it. .Particulars Free. P. O. Vickery cf- Co., Augusta, Mo. 14-H SOfV l,or tUi7 nt homo. . Torni 4 H hU lVco. Address 'ieo. Stinson it Co., Portland, Mo. 11 t PSVCHOMANCY, or Soul Chaiming How ulthnr sex may fascinate and gain tho love and atl'ectlons of any person they choose, instnntl v. This simpltf menial a! qwirornriit nil rau'poNsessv froo, by mail, lor vs cents : together with u Marriaiie- liildoKgyptian tlrae.o. Dreams. Hints to Lmlfes. A queer bonk.' 100,00(1 sold. Ad dress T. William A Co., I'ublishers, Phil adelphia. 11 4t- QtFaney Bristol Cards, 10 tti.U, with i"nnmo, 10e.; or 20 Mixed Repp. Dhiii askAa., 10e. i Nassan Cnrd.Uni., Nsau, Reus. Co., N. Y. 11 4 p:r 'Visiting CaMs, with vottf nimn Jyt finely print d, sent foi-a-ie. We hava iO0 styles. Agents wanted. H Mamplmt for Hiami. a. ii. i nner c- Co., uroekton, Willis. 144 Oil C10NTF.NNIAL Fancy Visiting Cards, or !2S Jet with naiiiM In wold. forilOets. Something entirely new. Ad dress It (. Adams A Son. Chatham. Columbia County, N. Y. 14 4 ADVERTISING in Religious and Agricultural weeklies. lialf-rleo. Send for eaUljijfiio on tixo j.'ist nan. i-or lnrormatlon, aiirs -. flltO. P. ROWKLL A tX).. " 4. A'-K .? i-41 Park How, V. YJ - SOLID WEALTH ! ' 1000,000 IN (ill-TSI Grandest Scheme evor Prestuitod to tho ' Public! A FORTUN10 FOR ONLY f U. -rniUO Kentucky Cash Distribution Com X paiiy, authorized by a special n-t df the Kentucky Legislature, for tho benefit of the Public Schools of Frankfort, will lisve tho flirt of their sc-rlcs of tlrand Drawings nt Major Hall, in tho City of Frankfort, Ly., on - . THURSDAY, A U'UTST ,11, 1S70, on which occasion they will d is tribute to the ticket-holders the immense sum of - 600,000. Thos. V. Porter, F.x-(jovei nor ICy., (len- eral Manager. . POSITIVELY NO POST1DN F.M KNT 1 as we will have a series of (fraud Drnwinga and can not establish the precedent ot" postponing, MKT otr uifts: f ) One grand cash gift.... , ....$100 ioo One grand cash nlft,.. AM 000 Ono grand cash gllti....; 26 (HNl One grand cash gift.. ju (too One grand t'ash gift 10 000 Ono grand cash gilt ft 0i, 60 Cash gilts of f l,imo cadi B0 00(1 1(H) Cash gilts of , .rlt) each......... 6000O KKi Cash gift-sol' KiOiach.i 40 Ooo 100 Cash gil'U of r.OOeuch 30 000- 200 Cash gifts vf ' iWO each 40 0OO. 000 Cash gilts of lOUeueh , 00 000 10,000 Cash gifts of 1 each........ 10 0UO Total, ll.irsJ gifts, all cash COO 0)l PUICIO OF 'i'JCKIOTS: Wholo tickets, ifl2; Halves, f0; bar ters. 0 tickets, flOO; i7J tickets, $ !00; Wi tickets, ,ih) ; vs: tickets, f 1,000. Ir0, WMItiekoUattl2eac!i. Hon. 10. 11. Taylor. Mayor of Frankfort, the entire board ot Cit r Coiimeilnien. Hon. Alvin Duvall, late -Chief Justieo of Ken tucky, and other distinguished eitixi us, together with such disinterested person, as the ticket holders present may desig nate will superintend tho drawing. Remittances can bo made by F.xpress, Draft, Postoflieo Money order,' Registered Letter, mado payable to Kentucky Cash Distribution Company. All communication's connected with tho distribution and orders for Ticket.', and applications or agents to kcIC tickets,, should bo addressed to Hon. thos. p. portkk. V2 4 liouoral Manager, Frankfort, Ky. J 1 V W )S ii V x' r v v v r f . v TO THK WOBK1M1 CLASS. -We can furnish you euidoyment lit which you rna luako very large pay, in your ow n locali ties, without being awav from home over niirht. Agents wanted in every town and' county to take subscribers lor Tho Cen tennial Record, the larirest publication in tho United States-US pages, 04 columns; lOleg-mtly lllustraledj Termsoulvjl per year. The Keooid is devoted to whatever Is cd' Interest connected W illi tho Centen nial year. The Ureal Kxhihition ut Phil adelphia is fully illustrated in detail. Kv-"i-ybody want.; it. The whole people feel great interest in their Countrv's Centen nial Birthday, and w ant to know all about it. An elegant patriotic era von drawing premium picture u presented free to each subscriber, it U entitled, "In remem brance ot the One Hundredth Anniversa. ry of the liiilepenpenco of tho United Slates." Sue, -J.lxIiO inches. Anyonecan become a successful agent, fi.r but shew (he paper and picluro and hui)drel-i of subscribers are easily obtained every where. '1 hero is no business that will pay lll.o this at present. We have many a :cnt-i w ho are making a.-j liih as M wv av and uitwards. .Now is the time; dun' I delay. Kemcnibcr it costs nothing to give the business a trial. Send for our circu lars, terms, and -sample ropy of paper, w hah are sent free to nil w ho" apply ; do it to-day Complete outlit free to'thoHO w ho dn.-ide to engage. Farmers and me-chuiiic.-i, :iud their Sons unA daughter make lho vpiv l,-,.t ..( M-ellf:. Address, llli'.CI.N Ti.NN't..!, JUOCOIth. ''t lu- ' P.'Mland, M.iino.