Painting, Paper-Hanging &c, rj II. CHASE, ofTlnnosta, offers his Horylccs to thono In need of TALNTINO, URAIK1NO, CALCIMINTNO, SlZINfJ VAUNTSIIINO, KKiN W1UT1NU, PAPER II ANU1JSU, AND CA11RIAC15 VVOIUC, Work promptly attended lo ami WatlsfUctlott GiinranluiMl. Mr. Cliaso will work In tho country whon doslrod. 13-tf. WILLIAMS S CO., MEADVILLE, - - PENN'A., TAXIDERMISTS. BIIUS and Animals stuffed nnd mount ed to order. Artificial Eyes kept in stock. . 2-ly in 5tS. V. SI. HEATH, DRESSMAKER, Tioncsta, Ta. MRS. HEATH has recently moved to this plaeo Tor the pnrpowo of meeting a want which tho Imlio.i of tli town nnd county havo for a long time known, that of having ii dressmaker of oxporieneo among thorn. I am prepared to make ail kind of drosses in tho latest stylos, and guarantee satisfaction. Stamping for braid ing and embroidery dono in tlio Ijost man ner, with tho newest patterns. All I ask ih a tnir itihi. ltraiacuuc cn Wlw Street, in th houso formerly occupied by Jaoob Kbrivor. ' 14tf TIME TRIED AND FIRE TESTED ! TUB ORIOIIfAL ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY Oi? HARTFORD, CONN. ASSET3 Doc. 31, 1873, MILES W. TATE, Sab Agent, 45 Tlomwla, To. Frank liobbins, PHOTOGRAPHER , (8U0CE3SOB TO DEMINd.) Pictures In evory styloof tho art. VIcwu of tho oil rogions for salo or ink on to or dor, CENTRE STREET, uoar R, R. crossing. 8YCAMORE STREET, near Union Do pot, Oil City, Pa. 20-tf PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. ELM HTKEET, soUTn or robinson & bonner's STORE. Tiouosta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, - - - Proprietor. ricturos taken In all the latct styloa tho art. 26-tf I 811 AM, ATTEND TO MY Busiucs3 as Usual I i L. KLEIN, (in G. W. Eovard's Store, Tioncstu, Pa.) TIUCTICAI, WATCHMAKER & JEVELER, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, SolUl ami riatcd Jewelry, Black Jewelry. 12 ye d lasses, Spec tacles, Violin Strings, dcH iCc, raiUeuliu' attention felvcu to Repairing Fine Watches. NEBRASKAGRIST MILL. ' PIl 15 GRIST MILL at Nebraska (Lacy. m. town,) Forest county, haa Ikjou thor oughly overhauled and reiittod in lirst-cla-s order, and ia now running and doing all kinds of b 13 U H T O 51 QRINDIXO. FLOUR, IE ED, AND OATS. 'ontuntiy on hand, and uold ut tho very low Cat ligui'Ca. -J-;m II. W. LEDEIiUR. ui4 l'APcu ii on Tim wuu "Cii hrc A4i-tUug CuuUmcU caa Ikj uimla, ? M rUiVJl E N TTMoaild fciunlo, bala , ry "r i'"'1""1 -'ion. Wo pay a,ont uj ualarv ol ;o a wct k and( xpeu s. Kur-M.niiitui-Uuitri Co., UajtJid. Ccuu. 4 SQUARE GRAND PIANOS Retailed at Wliolosalo Friccs. OO0forS290. OSOfort300. 700f0rS300. 9800for 350. THE "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO. HAVE STRUCK II AKI IAN rillCEN. Only One Trico for Cash, and a low one. NO DEVIATION. Wo ptvo no discounts. Wo WW no nrroiifx' nnmmlti.ctti-ma t'lit1. doublo tho prices of all Pianos. Wo look to tho Peoplo, who want a firt class l'iano at a fair profit over cost of manufacture Wo appoint tho Peoplo our agents, and givo thein our Pianos us low ftM AI17 APCllt PAH Imv Itnnnllr nnl i; -.., -rt- j . innira of any othor manuAioluror, fr'vlnir tho cuni.i, in u riMjucf.u price, wuav is unuaiiy expended In commissions, ront, freight, travolinir and incidental expenses. The ltM n1lsiHrlin" lln f1 n . . . . iimiu v" v an ni'ii ?'ou a i ocUvo rosewood case Piano, 6 reet 0 luchcs lonir. with front ronml corner. carvod legs, serpontine and plinth mould ings, with improvements, including Full Iron Frame, Ovor Strung Bass, Agraflb Troblo.and French Grand Action, which only accompany tho best Tlanos of I, lift mnSlt. fr1ol-ritrv rnnlrn.n n L. V - wiu wry low prico of e200, ?275 or &3U0, accordinR lit C 1.1.1 .T nm.A 1 J t f ' . ' 1 "-j v" ur wim iour rouna cor ners and full ngraOb for $;ioo, and guaran tee them In every respect oqnal to any Piano inado of similar stylo, or no salo. Tho 'MvonrtolBsolm" Piano is manufac tured from til n l-nrir linol ivinln.(nn 1 by tho most skilled and Cnishod work- iiivii. iuw iiKuiuuicuiro ia conducted by one of tho most cxporioncod Piano manu facturers in thn pnnntrir c .. j . um ia i ivj J lu y cnterpriao, turning out a poor and cheap i'kuiu, uimiu iruui grooa woou, ana by urocner mechanics. Olir T i ! 1 Tl r la iincminB&A.I 1.. . 1 .1.. - -- - ------ -uouinoui uj ntiy iu iuu mnf. tfor lta rich nnd powerful tones, ""x " "i.nwiiioii io mo Human votco in sympathetic, mollow and singing qualities. It Bpeaks for itself. Wo aro willing to plaeo It bosldo any other mako of Piano on Its merits, either iu beauty of caso, or cxcollenco of tono, and "at half tho money" of equally good '.iiHtrumontd. . "Tho best tho cheapest" When it costs tho loat money. All Pianos fully warranted for Gvo years. Sondl'or our IUustratod and DoHciip tivo Circular. The "Mendelssohn" Piano Co., Officio of Manufactory, 9 " CO BROADWAY, N. Y. ONLY FOIl HARD TIMES. CHANGE TOUR SURROUNDINGS. n. lining x run r arms, cspcciau aa aptod to tho growth of tho Vino, where it ia uu uutitoimuuu Buccess ana pays largo iuuiiu iuu iauu is aiso auaptcu to tlio growth of Peaches, Pears, Apples and onidi nuiw, uiao urum, urasa anu VCg ctables. Many hundred of excellent Vineyards Orchards (Hill Pnrmil run nnnr li Tho location is only 34 miles south of Philadelphia, by Railroad, in a mild, de lightful climate, and at the very doors of mo a-uw xortt ana x'uuaueipnia JSlarkcts. Anotlior Railroad runs diaoct to Now Tho Tilurn tti nlrinrlv lovnn nnm,.r,,i and prosperous. Churches, Schools, and uui jjut nro uireatiy csiamisueil Also, m ami factor Inn nf Mhnn. ulftxa. Ktraw (Inniln oml mkn l,l..o . i l V" . '" v ' MIDI bUUljO, UU which dilloront members of a family can It has l)oon a health resort for some VMHl fnr nnnnli cnirnrinn r ....i monary aflbctions, Catarrh, Aguo, auddo- uiiiijr , wuujf uiuuuauua navo outireiy ro covorcd. A now brick hotel has Jnst been com plctod, 100 foot front, with back buildings, four stories high, including French roof, and all modoru improvements for tho ac commodation of visitors. Price of Vnrm T.orwl Cor. nn . vutiAi I Tu i m:i i1. nnvfirtln incfnllivinnfa u'llliln 1 1 v-....i. .no, n iwiu IUU njIiUU Ul four years. In this climato, planted out vv. Yiuua, u w:in 1HUU Will COUnt IOIIV nn . . 1. . . iaa . j i . . n mum u xw acres luruior nortn. Persons nn:nminlntwl rmit ing can bscome familiar with it in a short wiu uwuuut oi ourrounaings. Fivo acre, ono aero, and town lots, in the towns of Laudisvlllo and Vlnoland, also for salo. Whilst visiting tho Contennial Exhibi tion, Vinoland can bo visited at small ox penao. A paper containing full information, will be sont upon application to C1IRLES K. LANDIS, Vinoland, N. J., freoof cost. Iho following is an oxtract from a de scription of Vlncland, published in tho New York Trlbuno, by tho well-known Agriculturist, Solon Robinson : All tho farmers woro of tho "well to do" sort, and some of them, who have turned their attention to fruits and market gard ening, have grown ri jli. Tho soil is loam, varying from sandy to clayey, and surface gently undulating, intcrc'ctod with small streams and occasional wot meadows in which deists of peat or muck aro stored, builicicnt to fertihao tho whole upland sur face, alter it has been oxhauatcd of its natural fertility. It ij certainly one of tho moat extensive fcrtilo tracts, in an almobt lovd position, and suitablo condition for pleasant farm ing, that wo know of this fcidooi the West ern prairies. Wo found somo of tlio old est farms apparently us profitably productive as when first cleared Of forest Inly or a hundred years ago. Tho geologist would soon discover tho cause of this continuod fortility. The whole country is a mariuo deposit, and all through iho soil wo found evidence of calcuroovis (iiibstances, generally in tho lorui of indurated calcnrnoua mail, show ing many distinct forms of ancient shells, ot Iho tortiury lonnation j and this marly substance is scattered ail through tho soil, in a very comminuted form, and in tho t-xact loiidnioii most easily a.'.biiiimilutcd by such j'lanU us the laimtr dciarts to cultivate. (,ai JOB vvuKK DONK AT THE 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE Al the lowest cash prices, neatly, prompt ly, ami in style equal lo that of any other establishment in the District -to:- BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARDS, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, ENVELOPES BILL EAD3, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, &c. THE mi "DOMESTIC," A DOUDLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. it - 1 w 3 a ; ' -Pi 1 ' 1. 1 vi.--.,-:-. 0 ? vS "i.f-n:'-'"'" - , , v-f IT rtsiiit H lh virtue of th I.iKht-Kimniivt "DOMESTIC," Including tlx AutomatlO Tennion, wlii. h w unit i th ln:t in nc. 0leaM notice our J'ATtN 1' 1IAKOENCO CONICAL BEARINGS on both the Macliino nnj Stand. thir new anil nM lilca., wnrlcoil out with hfaml nw Machinery nnd Tools M oiir own n"wofV, In llie Imvy city f Newark, Nvw Inr, hv iven n it unj:ir J of M F.CHAN ICAL KXCK.U IK SCR, Minimum of Friction, Minimum of Llurabitity, and rang wf wgrk, never hcrclufvwo roochu in the Sewing Machine world. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF Wa Invlta the attention of all, especially thou having high mechanical (kill c obMrvation. N. 11. Alt Machines fully warranted. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES CO., IV ow Yorlc mill Oliloajjo. LADIES, USE " DOMESTIC" PAPER FASIHONS. Llai)iaaaiiMiiiiiijiuewaMewaawaaoai BIXBY'S BLACKING. A COMniNEU rOI.ISII ni.ACKINfl ANU LEATHER PKEXEKVATIVE. Kxperts and Professional Hootblacka In Now York, and all other lario cities whero this Klackinr has lioen introduced, ac knowledge its superiority over all iinimrt ed or doiiiofitlc lilackiiiKS in nsc, an Elegant Polish and Conscrvor of Loathor. ITIOTICH. Bixby's "Ucst" Bla:klnir has a Rod and liluo Label. Do not bo deceived by ac cepting our "Standard" Blacking in plaeo of "Bost." Tho Standard has tho label stamped Into tho tin cover. This brand is inado to compoto with othor American and French Blackings, but is inferior to our "Best." Bixby's "Best" Blacking will Bavo ifs entire cost in tho wear of your boots and shoes. HOUSEKEEPERS TRY Bixby's French Laundry Blue, IN SIFTING BOXES. Tho most convenient and economical package, and tho only combined Blcach and Blueing Powder In use. 8. M. BIXBY&CO., Manufacturing Chemists, 11 Noa. 173 & 175 Washington St., N. Y. SIDDALL'9 MAGNETIC SOAP Tho Cheapest Soap that can bo usod for tho following reasons; 1st. Ono bar will go as far as two of any other. 2d. Only half tho usual rubbing boing reiuirod, there is a saving of moro than tho cntiro cost of tho Soap in labor alono. 3d. Tho clothes aro mado Sweet, Clean and whito without Boiling or Scald ing, thus all injury to them is avoid- n.1 Tlmvft iu i 1.11.1...- I.. ......1 1 nam worK, anu mo washing is dono in about half tho usual time. It Is also guaranteed under a penalty of iniy uuiiurn not w JILHiro 1110 cioihoa or hands, and n ruin t i t il ill o., person to ascertain tho truth of these BKHuiiiuui,ii,woum novcr pay ino pro nrietor to rn ei o- in nn nTtnnoiwfi ..i . of advertising and claim such decided ini'in ior iusoap unions no knew from Cositive experience that it would provo to O in everv rimnnut wlmf ia .l,iii,,.l r..- it This is also a superior Soap lor Toilet drill CJ 1 . r, 1 , i' . . .... WARNER, RHODES & CO.. Wholesale Fancy Okocers, Ocnoral Agonts. x " Philadelphia, Pa PEABODY HOUSE, CORNER of LOCUST A NINTH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. t-uavuiiuni m mi piaces or amusement aiminr unua in mo cllv, ISO Changes to and from tho Centennial grounds. fl Wntwin .iii..-i.J,i .1.- r , !'!" icnn ui mo iienry iOUSO. CincinmiLi fnr (liu ........... nowiy iurnishoil ami htted it throughout. IIa trill ..11 ii . 'P ... jvwii a Biriciiy nrst-ciass house, and lias accommodation for 300 guests Terms onlv S! tmr lrv No bar has ever been kept in tho Henry House, nor will any be kept at tho Pea body. ' ..ii I . 1 V mi i) Music Has Charms ! TRICES REDUCED. THE BEST IN THE WORLD I WILL LAST A LIFE TIME! 45,000 OF TUB CELEBRATED SHONE! ORG-A IS IN DAILY USE. A Stool Boxed Frco Willi each Crgau. Tho iH-st (alcnt iu tho country reconi monds there organs. Tho nicest and liest. Moro for tho money, ami giro hotter sat isfaction than any now made. They com- C'yinlcIIn, Orclicstml, Paragon, and Grand Orau rjLIllustraUHl Calaloguo acnt by mail, post-paid to any address, upon upplha- B. SIIONINGER ORGAN CO., 47 to CI Chestnut St., 1J Now Haven, Conn. a o H a o a o - ill z 03 Et 'A M ij w M M o h- 5 w "A W ES "A W H H n. o 4 a 5 Ill X o J A 3 H You Can Have UIoiiov By buying your PIANOS Rnd ORGANS lrom the undersigned Manufacturers' Agent, foi tho best brands in tho market. Instruments shinned fiii-(-. tVi tiry. CHAS. A. SliULTZ, Tuner, J Jy J'"ek b.,jc 17 i I. Citv P:i r j .... t , , - AUBRICMJ CYCLQPZIDIfl. NEW REVISED EDITION ENTIRELY UHWi! e.l i g j i 1 A I IV ABLEST WRITICRS ON EVERY SUBJECT. Pi lilted from Now Tv 1n nti.1 111. ...I ....I., l Willi Hovorlnl ThoiHruid En- .grnvlngs nnd Mays. , Tho work originally rtuhliHhnii tm. I. r ii... Iltloof THE NEW AMERICAN CYCI.O PvEDIA m completed in lUOll, Rlnto which time, tho wldo circulation which n ntUilnod in all nnrts of tlm tiniir.,! States, nnd tho MRiml developmentu which nnvo inaoii pntco in every brunch of science, literature, nnd art, have liidm-ed tho editors and publishers to submit It to an oxact and thorough revision, and to lssuo a now edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPOIA. ! Within tho last ten years tho rrouroHof discovery In every department of knowl odgo has made a now work of reference wk imporatlvo want. Tho movement of iiolitlcal atlalra ha kent mice with tho dlm'ovorinM of Hclnm-n and their fruitful application to tho indus trial and useful art and the convenience) and refinement of social life. Great wars and eonnoquent revolutions ha vo occurred, Involving national changos of oculiiLr momont. Tho civil war of our own coun try, which was at iu height when tho last voltimo of tho old work appeared, hat hap pily been ended, nnd a now course of com mercial and Industrial activity liai been commoncod. Largo occossioiis to our GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE Havo boon mode by tho Indefatigable ex plorers of Africa. .The great iiolitlcul revolutions of tho last decode, with tlio natural result of tlio lapso of time, havo brought Into public view a multitude of new men, whoso mum are iu every oiio'h mouth, nnd of whoao llvos every one is curious to know tho particulars. Great battle havo Imhmi fought and iuii)ortaut sieges maintained, of which the tit tail aro an yet preserved only in tho iiovspaK)rs or In tho trnnuient tmblieatlons of tlio day, but which ought now to tako their pluco in PERMANENT AND AUTHENTIC HISTORY. In prepnring Uio present till linn for tho -prcsH,it has accordingly Int n thouim of Iho ouitors to nring dow n tlio Information to tho latest possible datw, and to fnrnlnh an accurate Hi-count of tho most roccut di coveriifi In scleiieo, of evry frinh produc tion in literature, and of llioiiowestinven tioiw In tho practical arts, as well as to glvo a sued net and original record of the progress of POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL EVENTS. Tho work has been licgu.ii after lorg ami careful iniiininary lalwr, and with Iho inoHt amjilo resources for carrying it on to a successful termination. None of tho original storootypo plates havo been usod, but every pa;o h i been TRINTED ON NEW TVTE, Forming In facta new Cyelopiedia, with tho saino plan and compass ns ll.i predc cetisor, but Willi n far greater pocuuiai v exiwudituro, nnd with such linproueioi ni iu IU coniositlon ari havo Imhti BiiggesUnl by longer oxjiorieiicoaiid eulnrircHt knowl edge. THE ILLUSTRATIONS which nro introduced for tho first Mmo hi the present oditlon havo Ihhmi added not for the sake of pictorial o licet, but to glvo greater lucidity mid fon-o to the explana tions in the text. They embrace all brnnclies of science nnd of natural history, and depict tho most famous nnd remarka ble features ofscenory, nchitictuie, and art, ns well ns tho various processes of mechanics and manufactures. Although Inlondod for instruction rather than em bellishment, no pahia havo leen spared to insure thoir ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE. Tho cost or their execution Is enormous, and It Is lioliovod they will find a welcomo reception as an ndmirablo feat urn or tho Cyclopedia, and worthy of lta high char- ucter. Thli work Is sold to Rulvx-rlbera only, payablo on delivery if each volume. It will bo completo In Sixteen Larpe Octavo 1'olnMca, each containing nlmut 8(H) pagen, fully illustrated with soveral thousand Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored Lithographic Maim. Prlco and Stylo of Binding : In extra Cloth, per volumo - - $, 00 In Library leather, por vol. on In half Turkey morocco, por vol. 7 (Ml In half liussia ox Ira gilt, ier vol. 8 oo In full morocco, antiijuo, gilt odgos per vol. - - - ' . 10 00 In full Russia, por vol. - . JO 00 nrTLEN V0LUKE3 NOW READY. Succooding volumos, until completion, Will lo issuod onoo in two montlis. Spocimen pages of The American Cyclojuedia, showing typo, illustrations, etc, w ill bo sent gratis on application. First-Class CanvaSminj Agents Wanted. Address tho Publishers, D. APPLETON & CO., co 51'J & Ml Broadway, N. Y. STAKDAKD Firo and Burglar 3 "JB S3 iHI Counter, riatform, Wagon & Track Rend lor I'l Iw-I.!a. K0U,S WaRlca. Marvin's Safe Co., , 2C5 Broadway, Now Yor!i,. 721 Chestnut St rhil. A DVEU'llSERSaond !i5 cents to (3o. -TV I . lv.nv oil tfc Co., 41 Purk Row, N. Y.. or their Lii;hty-pa;;.j Pub.lilct, i howiim js,t oi in vt rising. l -it