Here is an anecdote told by one miuisicr, aoou. auotaer. A certain presiding elder, who wm noted for be- in? seldom op to lime, seldom Terr animated, find seldom very brief, once kept a congregation waiting lot a long time for bis apponranco, and when at last he diaoaio, he preached them a very prosy wrmon of unusual leneth, on tho text, "Feed my lambs." He Jiacl not yet hniahed, whn that origin al old minister, known' as "Camp Meeting John," rose from a Mat in the congregatiqn, and said : "Brother, I have nad aims experience in rais ing lambs myself, and "1 have found that the' following rules are absolutely essential to. successful lamb ais'ing: First, give Cieui,theirootJin -.season ; second, give them a little at a time ; and thirJ, give it to them warm." A family employed a girl to do housework. The mistress of the house observing that her Dew "help" was much adicted to Methodist hymus, asked her if Bhe belonged to that church. .1T II l I- 1 1 ii i . no, sue reniiea, -not exactly a member; but I have been took in on suspicion !" ... ; "Probation, you mean." "No, I don't in a sharp accent,' and with a dogmatical manner , I know, what I mean ; I was took in on j suspicion." During' tha recent' meetings -some handbills were printed in one of the neighboring, twna headed . "Hoi for the New Jerusalem." It seems that one of them got over into Saulsbiiry and created considerable excitement there, as most of the prominent citi zens have been writing to ask where -the plaoe is situated, and whether if a man went there to work by the day La would ba able , to get borne ' Sun days. , .. ;.. ..... . A Pennsylvauian has bought a small steamer, and will load it at BufFalo, about July 1st, with 30,000 pounds of nitro-glycerine, for delivery at different localities on Lake Superi or. - If the little fishes iu Lake (supe rior don't Wonder what tin "rumpus'' is before the tfnd of that voyage, we shall lose our faith in nitro-glycerina as au explosive. ' Spilkins has discovered . that his stepmother La a cousid-whose daugh ter married a man that has a balf brother living in Philadelphia in a large, roomy residence quite near tii the Centennial Grounds. Proper steps Lava been taken to establish the rela tionship, and Mrs. Spilkiua has order ed threo new Syatoga trunks accord- ' 3tany of the female clerks at Wash, iugtou once ranked with the aristocra cy of tho land. Among them may be found widows or daughters of army and navy officers of the highest rank, daughters and granddaughters of for mer members of the Cabinet, Senators; Supreme Court Justices and Presi dents. . . , . I A KnnV nn Via A , "CI! fi . vwwm. iu lug n gu VI Jvl 1 11 UC 111, , id announced by a New York house! Elizabeth isn't the only woman about whoso age there has beeu,much dis cussion ; but ""re believe she is tbe only one whose age has been considered a matter of such importance as to war rant the publication of a book about it. - ' When a Rochester T!i;raan orders a corner loafer to move on, the .loafer lakcS nfF his hftt . afrifr ' an ' IWii)a and replies: "Badly do T again- take up tue weary burden - ot my life, f J leave you in regret, but not in anger. Ueavtn smilo on you and blessyou. Farewell.1 Then ho moves. ; She was a young lady from Next York, and when, he asked her if she 'would partake of an ice-cream, eh gently answered, "If it's good, square confectioner's cream, I'm there; but if it's strawberry festival slush, count . me out," , ' "Madam," said a trance medium, ruunicate with you. "No matter,' said thq widow ; "if he's got no more spirit ia the other world than he had iu this, its not worth bothering uuvuv. 11 j Mamma asked a precocious young ster at the tea-table the other eve ning, after a long and yearning gaze towards a plate of dotii'huuts ''Mamtua. do you thiuk L could stand another of those tried holes." ' Khe thonght he COuld. . i . I j A merchant went linmn th nlticr niht and said cheerfully to his wife: "Well, my dear, I've failed at last." "Oh, that's . geod 1" exclaimed the .wife, with a radiant face; "now we can go to the Centennial, sure." Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood before he was thirty-four. Yet some editors get to be over a hundred before they can discover the exact circulation of their own newspa pers. This is Ihe time when the boarding bouse lodger paddles dreamily through Lis pigeon soup in strch of the pigeon, and finally returns the plate with, "No, thauk you ; I prefer ice water." Why is the Ccnteuuial like Lome? Because it's the dearest spot on earth. The recording augel put down a busiucHS lie just the tame as any other. . ! Horrible times!'' There's hardly a family iu the laud but knead' bread. SQUARE GRAND PIANOS ' Retailor! at Wholesale Prices. ceoofor tzoo. ' ' ; , 6BOrr300. . ' ; ' 7OOf0r3O0. PSOO for 9350. ' THE "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO, i - 1IAVK STRUCK initn m rmcra. Only Ono Trice fur Cash, and a low olio. " NO DEVIATION. ", We give no discount. ' '' ' " f"j .... mT,iw VIMillinsiullS, WI11CU double tho prices uf all pianos, i . . . . U'. 1 IM ,U II.- 1 1 1 v .wMr. w i tn7iiu, v, iiu wama nrst class Tiiino at a fair profit over cost of IManii(u.iti.i- U'. i... . .........iovviiiu, if u appoint me i eopteour agents, nnd give them our Pianos rh low AM mr Bimnl .. Kim A......11. l ot any otlior luanufattluror, irivintr the P X I Ul 1 1 1 rj 1 In vii ti . i . c i..z n-itli liuiirilk truvolniK and ini-uU-ntnl expensea. ...v i..iuviiviiii x miiu v( Gnu soil enrvni om. Ktrnonfinn fk.i.i iii;.i. 1.1 nS. 'tl iiriprovemetrt, inHiclmir Full Iron aui, ,V . . a Over Strung Bawi, .!"Aferfro TrobHanJ , -iHUltlllU AVUUII, which only accompany the best rhinos of I MO ITinct imlnKnnfn.l i At ,..,.-,,v,,ct mm, ai l(1o very to stylo of ciwe. or with four round cor ners and fuir ngrnno for $v.0, and cuai an toetlicm tn every respoct efiuid to any rmno mndo of similar ntvle, or uo sale Tho "Moudolalin,'riuio is iiianufao- turfrl from iht tAn ina i by tho most Rkillod and finished work- film. 'I'I.a i , , one or thn tnmt. Tninnnnii i : - i" . x iniiu Illltllll- facturem in the country. This is no now enterprine, turning out a poor and rhonp piano, ninde from green wood, and bv Breoner meohnnicn. ' ' Our Pino is niiMnrpasscd by nv in tlio 111 N r U ft l.B . I. U ..... - ft . ...... v, .... ,, ioweriui tones, and Its adnptjition to tho hmnnn voice in sympathetic, tnellow and singins qualities. It niwaks for itsolf. 001 We aro willing to pinoo It bekl'e nnv other mako of fiano on its mertu, eitlieV in oonury or case, or cxwllenco of tone, and '"at half thoinoncy",of equally Rood "Tlio bot the ehoapest"- , ,' , 1 When it coats the leat inoney. ' ' ' , .' ' . A 11 Pi a una t'nl In .... j -.1 . . n hond for our Illustrutod and roscrit- tlVA (SkIIiIiih . - 1 , ... . The "MentlelssohH" Tiano Co., Oflleo of Manufactory, 0 II 50 BKOAbWAY, N. T. REMEDY FOR HARD TIMES. CHANGE. YOUR SURROUNDINGS. An wantind Fruit Farms. chdocIhII ad aptod tq tlie Kruivth of the Vine, wliera it is an catuliliuhed nuei-ess and pavs lurge profit. The land is alo udnplwl to tha grow tn oi iea'lioH, roars, Apples and small fruits; also Oroiu, Ciraaa and Xog. etables. Many hundred of excellent Vinovards, Orihurds and Farms, can now he mmi. The locaiion Is only 31 miles south of Philadelphia, by Itailroad, in a mild, de lightful climiift, and at tlie very doors of l.n Vaui 1' 1 1 . i . . n. a-ow iwn uiiu x-utiuuoipnia AiarKeus, Another iUiiroatl runs direct to ' Now XOrK. Tiie plaeo is alreadv lartrp. siior-Mmnil and proHperous. Churches, Nuhools, and jjnvnuKBH are already established. Alo. manufactoriaa of Kl 01as, Straw Goods, and othr things, at un: uium m iiiuuiuers ox a iaiuily cau procure employment. .. It has been a health resort for soma years past for people aulturing, from nut. uionary atteutiona, Catarrh, Ague, and de bility; many thousands have entirely recovered.- . . A now brick hotel lias just. been oom- I'.umu, jim ivft Iiuilk, WHO DUCK IlUIIUlIlRS, lbur Stories ilizh. ilKjlldinu Kmnvli rwil' aud all uifMlorn improveiueuta tor tlie au- oinnioumion or visitor. I'rieoot' Farm Ianil 2".fXl nor aero. payable inatallinenta, witliin tlio period of iuurji, xn una ciiuime, piuntcu out m.n, ai-rea ot land win count tully aa inueli as 100 aciH funlirr north. Persons uniuMiuaintod with fruit grow ing cau bsoouie familiar with it in a short time on account of sucrotindiiurs. Five acre, ono acre, aud town lots, In the towns of Laudixvillo aud Vineland, aim for sale. ' Whilst viwlting tho CeuUmnlal Kxhibi. tion, Vjneluiid cau lie visited at small ex panse. A paper containing full information, will be aent upon application to C1IHLKS K. LANU18, Vineland. N. J., free of cost. Tlie following la an extr:u-t from a do scriptiou of VliiBland, published in ths New York Tribune, bv the well-known Agriculturist, Solon Kohinson : All the farmers were of the "well todo'1 sort, and soma of them, who have turned their attention to fruits and uiuikot gard eninff, have grown ri-h. Tlio soil is loam, varying from sandy to clavey, and surface gently undulating, interNo'cted wiih small streams and oeeiibionat wet meadows iu which depouts of uoat or muck are stored, suliiciont to fortilne tho whole upland sur face, niter' it has been exhausted of its natural fertility. It is certainly one of tho most extensive fertile tracts, iu an almost lovel position and suitalilo condition for pluusunt farm intr, that we know of this side of the West eru prairies. We found some of tlie old est farms apparently just as profitably productive us when first cleared of forest tiftv or a hundred years afro. The soulonrisl wo'uld aoon Hsoovr hn causu of thia utinued fertility. The whole country la a marine deposit, aud all throuiih tliu noil we found (' calruoua ubstan-e, generally in tlie ibrm of ludurated culcarwma marl, show inur many distiuct forms of ancient shells. of tlio tertiary formation ; and this marly substance is scattered all through Me soil, in a very coniuiinutod form, and in tlie exact condition most easily assiiiimilatod by such plants as the farmer desires to cultivate. Jj tui JOB WORK ! . . : ; ,: . , TONE AT THE "republican;;; .office. At tA lowed c&xh prices, neatly, prompt ty, ami ii ttyh equal to 4hat of any otcr etallikwU in tha District. ,1 -II : I ..''rii.l .:! I. ,,,V.- i ' f'- - ' ' ' i ',' ; . BUSINESS CARDS , SHOW CAfiDS,, . ., , ' . i . , , ' ' VISITING CAIUS,,J SCHOOL CAllDS ; 1 ' WEDDING CARDS, . t! .VI vUUKAAIHIKS, ... INVITATIONS, ;- ' BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, '. . Ml 3IOXT1I IxY STATEMKXTS, ENVELOPES , .. ... i .. . BILL EADS, ' :.: . LETTERHEADS, : i. . ; t i : NOTE IIEADS CIKCULAR3, '"" 1 ' " .: i BLANKS, ' ; ' "v. ; POSTERS. DODGEilS, HANDBILLS,' LABELS, SHHTING TAGS, &c TIIE JEW , A , DOUBLE THREAD !l 1 ' -i..,,. jr. J: T ;': ' 'i . I p Willi r i ' ' ' - -.-5 4 :v - '..-.-i'T"'''.''. .".'. v.w -' r:;' . ... I ,. 1' ' rt -J '-" '-..-..? ." ... ...1.. i-ITl"1"' M h '"'- "flue JWa-Rumi- "DOMESTIC, iiidiiiling iht Automatic , s -IMc jaaaa w I'A l I it. K IM--V1 :f) Ct)KICAL 11EAKINCS on both A. Mwhio nd Suml. . . . : . Our new nnd nU ulcat, worVeit .-.uf wiih Wiml nt.-w Mitchlncn- ilnl TU nt onr own fiwwor i .'Ii'.i!.l"?.':',v "f 1v',rti- Nw h ei n it Mm.itir.! uf MKCHANiCAI. KXl'KU l.l-.Nl h. MMi.iniira of tril lion, M ,uiium m JJur.iliiiily, iii.l ruisc f wurlc, ucver bciclufur ' remchtd in lira Swiii( MmhliM w,iM. - ; ., , ,., - TO THI3 STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF : ' W fnrtt. th Mftntio of all I, -.rccinlly tho.. having high mtchaalcal skill or ODrvauoa. Jv. U, AU NUchiim full vuiramcd, DOMESTIC SEVINC MACHINE CQ., , ' Nov Yorlc ixtul Oliienaro. 1. ! ) LADIES, USE " DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. BIXBY'S !''J BLACKING. A COHB0EO POLISH BI.ACKINU AM) i( l.KATIltilt PUESKltVATlVK. ExportiH ami rrofesslonal nootblackn in Now York, and all other larjro cities where this has been introduced, ac knowlodjrp it superiority overall Import ed or doniestio Ulacklnifs in itsn, as ait Elegant Volish and t'ouserver of Leather. ., ' ,,. Moxici'i.,'? .' "; 'l tlixliy's "Best" Itlaeklnt? hitu a Tied nnd lthin LuhVl lWt n.. l.a .iA.w.ii'u.1 1 ... of ' JSest.". The standard has tho label .iitintr mil iMt.i,.lur,lil III ....L- i. 1.. ..I....A stampeil into tnu Tin cover. TIltM III". i,l lm n,n,U .f. Aj.m.A other Auierioau aud French liluckings, uiu is iiiiCiior 10 our l.csl. . HfThv'a UltiMt't lll,..b..w. will . tt cntira cost in tho wear of your booU and shoes, IIOUSEKEKPKKS TUY Bixby's French Laundry Blue, IS SIFTING 1JOXKS. Tho-most convenient. and oeonoiuiml packnire, and Iho only combined lileach and lilueinx l'owdor in use. i . 8. M. BY t CO., . . , , ' """Manufacturing ClicmlsU, 11 Noa. 173 175 Washington St., N. Y. NIDUALL'M . 1 1 MAGNETIC SOAP '1 . !i .' i .1.), I t-iin Jih.i!,: , ;,J Tho Cheapest Sonp that can bo used for me roiiowmy reasons t 1st. One bar trill go as tar its two of any other, -,-. 2d. Onlj- half the usual rubbing lioing i-miiiiieii, mors is a aaving or more ... thau tho cutiro cost of tho Soap iu labor alone. ' ' ' W. Th clothe aro made Rweet, Clt-aii . aud win to without Huillug or Hcalil inir, thus all injury totheiu isnvoiii. od. Tlioro is a navitiR in fuel and hard work, and tlio wahing is douq ' in about half tho nsnal time. It is also uuaranteod under a nenaltv of 4 n .. .1.11 - a . i ' . .. hunils, aud as one trial will enablo any person to ascortuin tlie truth f those statemelits, It would never pay tho pro. priotor tn cmrairs in an xtensivo Hvstiim iiiv.v uoiiurs 1101, vo miuro ino clotties or of advortisiiu; and claim such tlocitied merit lor IDs rviap nnlesM ho knew from riotitive experionoo that it wou'd prove to 10 In every rojincut what is chiimud for It. This is also a aimoi-ior Huso lor Toilet and Shaving purposes. WAKNKK, ItUODEH A CO., WHOLKSAI.K FaNOT OBOt'EItS, . - Cicneral Agcnta, I , 9 11" Philadolnhla. In. PEABODYHOUSE,; COllSKtt of LOCUST A NINTH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA.. ... '"; Convenient to all filauca of nnnisnnient and car lines iu tlio city. .No chajigea to aud from tlie C'eiiteunk'il gtouiuls. jui vt aiaon, projinotor .of the Jlenry House. Cincinnati lor tho oast twentv years, and present proprietor, has leased me nouse tor a term . or yenrs, and has newly fiirnishod aud lilted It throughout. He will keep a strictly first-class home and has aewiiniiiodalioii for JUU guosui. iui iiii. oiu y fi j jier uuy. No bar has evor heon kont in ihn House, uor will auv bo kent ut ih.i I'm. body. "j 11 "DOMESTIC," - ' LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. . 5-r : TT. -v iSKrS !"?.. HLvi- ' Music Has Charms ! , 1 - . . . . PIUCKS KKDUCED. THE BEST INJHE WORLD j WILL LAST A LIFE TIME! ! 45,000 . -1- 1 , OF TUB C'ELKIUtATED ... j uHQIIEi: HUM IN DAILY tlSR." 1 A Stool Boxed Free with rath Organ, The bust talent In tho country rooorn niemls theao organs. 'J'ho niuast and best. More for tho morroy, and give better sat isfaction than any now utadu. They com prise tlie Cj-inbi'Ha, ' '' ' , ' ' , 1 ; ( OrcbcstrnI, -( I'aragon, and . Ornnd Orgitn tJO-Illusti-Rted Catalogue aent by maili tiost-paid to any addross, uiion applica Ion to j u .. ... . .. Ji. SIIONINGEIl ORGAN CK)., ,; (, I 47' to 61 CtfESTNVT ST., 15 New Ilavon, Conn," You Can Have Money I?y buying your PIANOS nnd ORtJANN from tho undersigned Manufacturers' Agent, foi the best brands in tlio market. Instruments shipped direct from the F tc tory. L'llAS. A. NlIl'l.TZ. Timor tj c VI . tH,,,.,g r- 1 i b . : o o-l :: 1 1 i il r li f.'l i -'I z -i'slUM ' ! : "5 2 S f 8 t hi f" I1 ... ., ;. JL iii?3.sfi fV ' O I I -1 I rr'.i 8 ly Lock hoi 17W, Uil Cilv' I'a. NEW REVISED EDITION. ENTIRELY REWRITTEN 11 Y THE ABLEST WRITKH8 ON EVERY SUBJECT. rvinted from Now Tvne, and IlluHtrntod with sovnrlal Thousand En gravings nnd Mays. The work original) V published linger tfio tllln of Til K NKW'lM KKICAN CVCIAJ P.KDIA wiw completed In 1WU, alnett which time, the wiU circulation which It has atuiiiiml in all parts of tho United suites, and tho algnnl development which havo taken place in cverv branch of wienco, literature, and art, nave indncetl tho editor and publisher's to submit It to an exact nnd thorough revision, and to issuo a new odltlon entitlod THE AMERICAN CYfLOPEDuC ' Within tho last ton years the progress of' discovory iu every department of knowl edge hai uiado a now work of reference an Imporativo want. The movewent of political affairs ho' kept paco with the dinonveiio of ncience, and their fruitful application to the indus trial ami useful art and tha convenience' and relinementof BfsHal lllo. Oreat wanr and emiMiqueiit revolutions haveooourreil,. involving national changna of isjcnliar motnmit. The civil war of our own conn-' try, w hiuh was at It height when tha last volume of tho old wr rk appoarod, lias hap pily boon onded, and a now conrso of com mercial and indnatrlat artlvlty has boon commenced. Large accemlona toxmr , CCOGRimiCAL KNOWLEDGE ' ' " 1 llavo boon made by the Indefatigable en plorers of Africa. . . " Tlio crrnat nominal rnnntniini,. r Inst decade, with iho natural result of tha i umn, nave Drought into pnbllo view a multiltido of now men, whoso naiuoa nro in avai-v nna'a .....ii. - whous lives every ono ia curious in know ..w uv.umi a. . iiuin, liumiur nave ueon fought and imiHirtant slogca mainUinad, of which thn iful i t I . i . v. j w piiuiimi only in tho uowHiuiiwra or lit tli traimient publU'aUonn of tho day, but which ought iu winu tuvir 1UUU all flfillXEM 1SD ACTDESTIC &IST0KT. In rirenarlnir tlm nivdnnt r... ha Rori!lmrlir i.An 1 1. i,. , i.- a ,.- ---- - .. j . i. V I.IHI 111 I II V editors to bringdown tho tnfommtlon to tlio latest noHsibla dutoa. uinl f.. I'urt.iui. accurate account of the most recent dis coveries m sctonco, or every fresh produc tion in literature,, and of the newest inven tions In tho practical arts, as well as to Klve a succinct and oriirinal mannf r.r tim progrcsw of ... . , , , rOLlTICAl AXO mSTORICIL EVESTS., ciuot'ul preliminary lalort and wiih the . -.s,-,,.... I a i . I " VntlA' df I M Avlirtnnl ..... have boen used, but every page hna becu PRINTED OS KEW TYPE, ' ' tlie same plan and compa&s aa ita prede- wim-i, uu rtnu h mr. urimwr pocuniHry exiHindituro, and witliBuohiniproneineiiU In ita compoHltlon aa have been HUirKetol bv inntrnr irntr4itiinA anrl nn.naA.l t AU, i oiigo. . Q rr.J.V..V.HiwMllltVUIllUU AtiUWI" Till? 11 T TSTD 1TTAV8 . ' S"" " M lUUtUIHilllUllI) " - which are Introduced for the first time In mu present edition have lawn added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater luMdity and forco to tho explana tions 111 thn 1.. vt TLnu ... -II . , " ' , in . I 'll'" rvi;u ai. branches of science and of natural hlntory, and depict the most turnouts and romarka- on.- icaiurcH oi sc()ji;i v. achiticture, and art. as well as thn vur nun irruu,. ..t mmhanii and manulhcturcH. 'Although iiii'iuiiea ior lnsiruction rather than em bellishment, no pains havo been spared to insure tlioir . ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE, The Oost of tlioir avamiI lii tu ami 11 in liiilinvn.! II. ...Ill t.. A i ' . ""'. - . .n.-T illlti a wuicoiuo reception as an admirahlo feature of the - .' 1 " . w. ... . . . IHUI1 I. 1 1UI - actor. .i.o w . in av.iii hi niioscrioers oniv, payable on delivery of oach volume. i v Ttir- ...a.l lu a. ti .. . n in in, l-umi jiiuui iii ov(ff ijarqe uctavo Voluiura, each containing alKuil'siH) pages, fully illustratod with several thousand WcmhI .:ili-rAvlniMi u .H ....l. . . . . .. uiiu uuuiviuua wiuicu .iuiotsiupiuc iMapH, Price and Stylo of Bin!jruj : ' , In extra Cloth, per vol unio - , . - lA 00 in i.inrary iAialliui-, per vol. - . jit " ...... - ...... ;j ....., wy UTi VOl, f In half Russia exira gilt, jier vol. - 8 Off in mu iiiorocoo, antique, gilt edgoa I'wr vol. - In full Russia, per vol j iu no ' ITFTEiar V0LU1E3 HOW EEADT. Huocoedlng volumes, until oomplcllon, will be iasuod once in two months. . 0-Spcclmen pages of The American Cyclopiedia, showing tvpe, illustraUons, etc., will be soul gratis on application. firat-CUun Cvmvantting Agenta Wanted, Address tho Publishers, ' D. APPLETON .t CO:, ' ' 50 v ' 649 851 Broadway, N. Y. m&F E if Firo and Burglar I . . . : : J .... ,t.l CoHrtor. I'!?tfcrm,Wasjon ciTraCk riciiiif-.r ii-I..8.! A.-xeiHs Wanted. Marvin's Safo Co.,' " "55 Bro:'.fl'.vty, Kcvy York, - 7S1 Chestnut Zl, Phila. A IVKIITISEUH son.l ......I- ... fZ, .H',,wo" d' t;"-- 41 'ark Row, N. Y., . '''"'''y-piige Pumphlot, showini