The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 28, 1876, Image 3

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    to t gcpuMfciwu
Rrges John Hkck.
ttoHHCilmen U. V. Robinson, H. A.
Vsrncr, A. II. Kcllv, S. II. Harlot, A. U.
Partridge, II. O. Pavls.
Justices of the Peace P. S. Knox, C. A.
VunHnhleH. Swnggnrt
AMhnol Directors V. H. Knx, U. O. Da
vis H. J. Wolcott, H. n. I lilt let, A. II.
Kelly, D. Clark.
rrttiiicnl Judge l.. D. Wktmouk,
. Aieiale Judges Itn. O. Dai.b, Ed-
Treasurer 8. J. Skti.kt.
Prothnnotary, Register t Recorder, (fe
ll. W. Ci.AnK.
fiherip .Tihtis SilAWUKV.
' ftwmi'iiionfri-KLI Ilnnt.IH, In A AC
1,0 no, JonM Rrck.
Ounry Superintendent U. 8. Bnocic-
putrid Attorney H. D. Irwiw.
Jury ummtianer II. 2. TowKKn,
Lyman Cook.
County urvor T. D. CoLUNS.
troner M. Ittbi J.
ttovnfy .JarfUor Nionoi.A THOMP
Member n CbarrM-.OKO. A. JsNKS.
Assembly J. B. Aawicw.
' 3'in o 2'rtM
At TIONESTA STATION, on and after
Dm. 6, 18761
Train SU - :IOm.m.
64 - - - 8:42 p. in.
Train 63 P; 10 a.m.
" 21 f 8:42 p. in.
Train 92, eoiith, and 21, north, are 1st
elass; th others art) accommodation
freights. These train only are allowed to
carry pnssengors.
On tb River Division t e.. from Oil City
to Irvlnetsn, np the river Is North i down
Hie river, soutn.
According to tbe usual custom
mong county papers, and particular
Jy oa account of tbe grand blow-out
on the coming 4th, there will bo uo
paper issued from this office next
week. We expect to be absent part
of the time; however, this needn't
keep any one from calling to pay
tboir subscriptions or other litllo ac
couute, as there will bo some one
lounging around tbe premises ready to
receive all such. Our next paper
will appoar on the 12th of July.
4th of July Notice.
.The ladies composing the Refresh
mcnt Committee for the 4th of July
will please meet at Partridge Hall, ou
Thursday evening, June 29ih, 187G, at
7:30 o'clock, to make arrangemeuU.
Mrs. J. G. Dale, Chairman.
Rev. Elliot will preach in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday ucxt,
morning and evening.
Tlio prohibitionists have put a
"full" ticket in the Held in Jefferson
Bustles aro out of fashion, but if
we, dont have a great bustle here on
' the 4th, we miss our guess. .
Strawberries are being shipped in
novr-a-dnys. It doesn't take more
than a few crates at one time to aup
ply the demand.
v. - Un. Bhoemakci dropped a ctave
belt on his foot a few days since, and
is now hobbling arouud and looking
for the 4th of July.
Judge Bertram, Assistant Bee ro
tary of the Treasury, has resigned bis
office ; the resignation goes into effect
the first of July.
At the Presbyterian Sabbath
.School, on Sunday last, it was decided
,to close until tbe Erst Sunday in Sep
-.tember, when it will be re-opened.
Mr. S. A. Varnor will please ac
.cept our thanks for a nice mess of fish,
.sent us last week. They were suckers,
but were appreciated as well as if they
.had been trout.
Gates are getting looso on their
Jiingcs these warm eveniugs, aud we
.wouldn't be surprised it there wasn't
& good gate in town by the time cool
fvcatlier sets in.
--Senator Morrill, of Maine has
iboen nominated and confirmed Secro
4ary of the Treasury, made vacant by
b.e resignation of Bristow. Tba ap
joiutment is tu excellent on,
Warren has Uacone an oil Lovu,
.and business is Uvi;! about there,
Borne good territory La been struck
,-uboutthore, and everybody who lives
,taere expects to become millionaires,
A "lightniug calculator" gnrp a
.Bt.eet exhibition iu fiaut of the Central
House, on Thursday evening lust,
.doing some difficult sums by a short
jnetbod in a very short .time. The
.object was to sell some' books on the
subject, which ho had ou KuuJ. )Ve
believe he eold iiboul hall' a duitu.
For the Fourth of July Celebration.
The Programme fur the Fourth of
Julv is ns follows, to-wit:
At O n. m. Salute of thirteen
At 8:30 i. m. Grand March
up Elm Street, by the ''Tynasty Bum-squizzle-ears,"
in all their perfumery
and war paint.
At 9:30 a. m. Grand Civic
Procossio,!, consisting of the- Brass
Baud, Martial Baud, the different so
cieties, representations by young ladios
of the thirteen original States, and the
thirty-six present ones, and the citi
zens. The procession to form at, and
start from the Tioooita House.
At 10:30 . iu. At the Grand
Stand on tbe grounds Music ; Prayer
by Rev. Elliot ; Reading Declaration
of Independence, by E. L. Davit Esq.;
Reading History of Forest County,
written by S. D. Irwin Esq., by A. B.
Kelly ; Music ; Oration, W. E. Lathy
Esq.; Oration, M. W. Tato Esq.;
Poem, Prof. W. C. Merven.
Then dinuor will be served, and, af
ter that, various amusements can be
indulged in ; inch as, swinging, dano
ing, climbing the greased polo, catch
ing the greased pig, and taking pait
in the wheelbarrow and sack races,
To the winners in these games suitable
premiums in cash will be awarded.
This is a basket picuie. The whole
town and county are cordially invited
to attend, and all are politely request
ed to donate 'to the refreshments.
All baskets and buudles containing
eatables are to be delivered at the
Univorsalist Church by 10:00 ft.
in., whence they will be transported
to the grounds.
By the Com. of ArrangemeuU,
W. E. Latjiy, Chairman.
June 27, 1876.
The Grand Procession for the 4th
of July will form at the Tionesta
House, at 0:30 a. ro., in the following
order r
1. Brass Band.
2. The Tidioute Fire Company.
3. 13 young ladies representing
original States.
4. 37 young ladies representing
present galaxy.
fi. Tionesta Lodge of Odd Fellows.
G. Yokahnma Lodge of Odd Fel
lows, of Lickingville.
7. rieasantville Lodgo of Odd Fel
8. Different Sunday School organ
izations, led by their Superintendents,
9. Different Township processions,
10. Citizens of Borough.
11. Tionesta Drum Corps.
Hie route of the pror -ion will be
from tbe Tionesta II , up Elm
Street to Helen Street, and up Helen
Street to the Picnic Grounds.
Tho citizens generally are earnestly
requested to participate in the pro
cession. T. J. Van Gibsex,
June 27, 1876. Marshall.
Brown of the Democrat, and Wat
son and West of the Jacktonian, were
Ml candidates for office at the recent
Democratic primaries iu Clariou Co.,
and thair bides all hang ou the fence,
Brown says :
Having been a candidates for the
democratic uomiualion furSeuuto. and
the couvention haviug nominated our
opponent, we simply remark that tbe
nominee us well as every other man
on the ticket shall receive our cor
dial support, with the understanding
out ne una his IrienUs all give the
samo pledge, aud squarely support the
wuoie nonet,
Mr. West fuels encouraged, as wit
new tho following:
During the absence of the senior ed
itor the "local" will have to perform
double duty in the way of editing, but
as we aro so highly dated with our
success as an office aspirant, we feel
fully competent for the task, and will
endeavor to keep up his part of tbe
The result strikes Mr. Watson, how
ever, in a very sore place, and be un
burdens t injsejf as fojjows :
Life is but a brief, fin uncertain
space of time allotted to man to nre
pare for long eternity, and bow niuoh
better to meet a happy ad peaceful
end w&h a good conscience, than to
rise to high attainment and lofty
positions, iu the world's esteem.
through JHtrjgun, treachery, falsehood,
perurj &uj fraud.
Wa re requested to state that
U)ijetj of the "Bunisquuzlcra" for
tne fin, wijl take plape at Partridge
Hall ou next Saturday evening. Ail
who inteud to take part in this parade
wijl please be iu tUteuJaucjj at thu
Lacytown Correspondence.
LACYTOWJf, June 26, 1876.
Ed. Republican :
The hills are red with strawber
ries, and they are unusually large and
sweet fur the kind. We have tho
promise of an abundance of all wild
fruit this season, if nothing occurs to
Injure it.
Will. Roupe was, aud is still, a
victim to intermittent fever. Dr. Co
bum has been treating him, aud there
is now no danger.
The mill is now engaged in man
ufacturing with great rapidity, such
articles of use as water pipes, croquet
mallets, wash stands, etc.
The Republican primary election
was held last Saturday afternoon, as
Yesterday a jolly party of gen
tlemen came down from Coon Mills on
afloat; they had tho damp appear
ance of drownod rats, but we would
not insinuata that they had been dip
ped, as the water is in splendid bath
ing oondition.
Two Sundnya ago the people of
Lacytown met and organized a Union
gabbath School; the "Westminister
Lesson Leaf" was adopted into use.
Both Sundays the attendance was very
good, both parents and children show
ing a hearty appreciation of the at
tempt to shorten the long summer days
in such a good way.
The base ball club of Lacytown
Would challenge that of Tionesta but
for one simple reason, and that is, the
want of a ball.
Mr. Ledabur killed a large rattle
snake on the iron bridge yesterday ;
he secured tbe rattles, which were ten
iu number.
Sclden Whitman is in a buzz this
morning, securing pulleys and ropes
to raise his barn to-morrow. He in
forms us the barn is larger than our
saw mill, and that elderberry wine
and butter-milk will flow like water
for all those who help him.
Mrs. Gilfillan starts to-day on a
visit to her mother at West Hickory,
I De Clare.
Hon. J. B. Agnew desires us to
return his thanks to those who sup
ported him at the late Primary Elec
tions, and also to state that he bears
no malice whatever against tboso who
supported his opponent.
Misses Alice Prgper and Alver
retta Pa up, and Robert Haslet and
Floyd Proper, returned home from
Williamsport last week, all looking
well, and, wo believe, feeling well sat
isfied with Dickinson Seminary.
retert' Houtehold Melodies, No.
19, is to hand, and contains about (3
worth of music, if it were published in
sheet form. This publication i pub
lished monthly at t a year. Address
J. L. Teters, 843 Broad w. y, N. Y.
M. Ittle has killed some rattle
snakes, besides a few copperheads
(snakes) on the old Dan. Stow place
this season. J. R. Stroup also dispos
ed of a huge rattlclnako recently on
the Proper place, where ho is living.
Street Commissioner Hinton is
employing men and teams in covering
the culvert ever Council Run, which
is almost completed. Warm work it
is this weather, but we must have good
roads at any sacrifice of comfort and
Lead mines are being discovered
in various places in this county, nota
bly on tho land of Judge Cook, of
Cooksburg. Silver and copper mines
have often been discovered about here,
but we have heard of uo oue getting
rich out of them.
S. D. Irwin, Esq., and family do
parted on Monday last for theCeuteu
nial, where they will spend some time.
Esq. Irwin's History of Forest Couuty
will be read on the 4th, by A. R. Kel
ly, Esq,, in whose bands it will not
suffer, as he is a good reader,
"Death and Taxes" are cortain
ties. Fred. Kaufl'raan has charge of a
little book which he circulates, aud
gathers )3 stamps and promises. It is
bard to pay taxes and atUud the Cen
tennial the same year, aud we have
about concluded to pay our taxes.
The Democracy of the Union are
at work in St. Louis to-day selecting
their victim fur slaughter in Novem
ber, Tildeu, Hendricks aud Hancock
are tbe leading caudidaU, each hav
iug staunch followers. The "great
uokjioa-u" taaf via t-ha battjo, Jt
present iniicatiou.a are ihut ope of Jh,o uhoM.o iuwcJ will receive the
From all quarters of Maryland,
Virginia and Penuaylvsnia came
cheering notes of an abundant harvest
of wheat and excellent prospect for
the corn crop. Tbe wheat is now ripe
for the reaper, and indeed has already
been cut in some parts of Virginia. In
Maryland there is little complaint of
any injury to that cereal either from
rust or the fly. The corn crop is also
said to be vegetating in a manner in
different to the cut worm, the grub,
and similar enemies. Fruit is also re
ported as in excellent condition the
peaches being less in quantity but of
excellent quality. Altogether tho
Centennial year promises to be appro
priately fruitful of nature s bounties
as well as of patriotic impulses.
Mr. M. J. Bond, who for several
years has been making lumber at
Bear Creek, u about taking his de
parture for Clam Lake, Michigan,
where, wo believe, he will take up his
residence for some time to come. He
has quito on an amount of timber
standing yet, but will nof cut it at
present, on account of the low price of
lumber. Whon the market gets up to
his figures, he will come back and cut
the rest of his timber. He is a good
square man, and we dislike to see him
And now the Democratic primar
ies of Forest County will be held next
Saturday, and the way the candidates
for Assembly are using up horseflesh
is a caution. It is impossible te
prophecy iu regard to their nomina
tions, as sentiment changes so much.
To-day one is the strongest; to-mor
row another, and so on. It is amus
ing to see how much interest they take
in this little game, in which the win
ner is suro to bo nipped in the bud in
The new narrow gauge railroad
from Emlcntou to Edcuburg, is pro
gressing rapidly. Two miles of the
Emlenton end are already graded,
aud 75 men are at work. The ties
aud track are to be laid as fast as tho
road is completed, and very soon tho
iron horse with his train of cars will
como snorting over the hills to Eden
burg. Before tho frost oomes, or roads
get bad in the fall, they expect to have
tho road completed. Clarion Demo
Mr. A. Guyton found a young
bird by the side of the road, ou Dutch
Hill, yesterday, and brought it in aud
left it in care of Davy inlands.
Judge Proper pronounces it a bald
eagle, and others call it a fish hawk.
Its feathers look like wool, and it is a
real curiosity.
Dress, used with taste and judg
meut, enhances beauty. Ladies, you
will fiud both taste and judgment (lis
played in the "Domestic Fashious."
A full line of Stone China dishes,
just received, and for sale lower than
ever at RobitiROB & Bonner's. 13 tf
We will pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tionesta, for white oak
stave and heading bolts at the follow
iug prices:
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 ft by 4 ft., $4.50. Heading belts
22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft by 4
ft., $4.00. Heading bolts must be
made from timber at least 20 inches
in diameter. Office at Lawrence
House. J. II. Derickson & Co.
Pure Paris Grceu for Potato
Bugs, 50cts per pouud, or 30c U per
half pouud at Robiuson & Bonner's.
12 tf
The valuable and beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
G. Dale, aud in which he now resides,
is iu my bauds for sale at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchase
money down, aud tho balance in ouo
and two years. Mf LK3 W. Tatp
lOtfi Sewing Machine Needles.
Mrs. C. M. Heath has just received
the largest and most complete assort
ment of sewing machine needles ever
brought to town. She keeps the only
sewing machine needles for fie in
town. Her place of busiucss id in the
Acomb.Building, up stairs.
Thoso boautiful lots just north of
Mrs. Hcury's residenco can bo bought
cheap, on long time, by applying to
the editor of this paper. tf.f
r r-f
--The lightest ruuuijjg Machine iu
the world is the Gruver & Baker, at Baldwin, of Tidioutu says so,
uiid be kujws. 46 ly
By Robiuson & Bonner, Dealers in
' General Merchandise.
Flour barrel - -Flour
3 Hack . ' - . -Corn
Moal, bolted . -
Chop food ....
Ryo 11 bualiol
Oats bushel ...
- 40Q45
. HI
? 12
- - 7.50
. 7S'1.00
- o($100
- 25(328
. .50 1.20
. fe20
. 10
- 12 15
- S.75
Corn, ears -
Nouns bushel
Hani, aii(rar cured canvnaod
Ili'oakfut liacon, sugar cured
Hhouldora - ,
WhttoHsli, half-barreln
Take herring half-barrels
Sugar -
Syrup .....
X. O. MolasHes
Itoast Rio Coffoo No. 1
Rio Coffee,
Java Co floe ...
Tea -
Butter .....
Rico .
Egg, fresh ...
Iron, common bar
Nails, lOd, keg
Potatoes ....
Llmo bid. ...
- 1.00
y&w Advertisements.
Eatato Kotlcc.
Kxtnte of Mary Dalo decoasod, late Of
xionenia lownamp, rwwv couiuy. ah
. I .1 1 .,wl ... ..I,! nulnln aM
quested to make immedinte payment, and
tlioHo having legal claims against the same
will present thorn, without duly, la nropar
T ..L A,. . 1 1 . ,A
NANCY DAWSON, Administratrix,
or MILES W. TATE, Att'y,
Juno 20, 1870.-12 8 Tionosta, Pa.
Administrators' Notioe.
letter of Administration on tho estate
or Win. C, Neill, deceased, lato oriiaruio
ny township, having beou granted tho un
dersigned, all persons iiulobUtd to said
ostato are required to niako immedinto
payment, and all pontons having claims
against aaia esinio, win present mom,
properly autlientiejiteil, lor soiuomont.
".XwV.?, , Ti,Ji1' Administrators
May 29, WO.
School Report of Tionesta Twp.
Tionesta Township In account with Eli
Holcman, School Treasurer.
To bal. at last settlement $C21 80
" am't collected 017 02
" " of unseated tax.... 1,521 02
By am't of ordora out
standing $31180
" am't of orders ttkou HP ' 1,080 00
" peroontogo ..,,.. 42 00
" bal. on hand 720 73
$2,703 53 $2,763 53
Tiokkkta, June 20th, 1870.
We, tho undersignod Auditors of Tio
nestu Township, duly cloctod and quuli
liotl, do Urply certify that the foregoing
is a correct statement of tho accounts of
the school funds for the year ending Juno
I). O. "tINTEK,l
Jamkb Cabson, J AUUlto
Financial Report of Green Twp,
JA8. IfLYNN. Treasurer. Dr.
To tax leviod and otjiur sources (1,007 44
Cr. by orders redeemed and jtor-
eonwige ,. 1,147 24
Bal. duo Treasurer
Peter Youjn
40 80
Eknkmt Hkhuknh,
r. .V ' I A ml If or
, J
Annual Report of the Auditors of JcnkiTwp
For iho year ending on the first Monday
in j uno, ie70 :
acoocnt or TKEAsunnu.
Ain't of orders drawn from Co.
Corn's r. 8781 57
State appropriation 411 48
Seated tax collected 30 30
850 30
Vouchors produced ou set
tlement $020 34
Percentage 14 80
Paid to successor 223 02
Due twp on outstanding tax 132 55
1 14
We, the undersigned Auditors of Jonks
Township, met at No. 1 school house,
J one 5, 1870, and did audit the account of
School Treasurer as found In the foregoing
report. Hereunto we havo set our hand
and seal this 5tb duy of June, 1876.
C. B." e"db"Ixib, Auditors,
Report of Howe Twp,
JVKB 8, 1870.
HOAO n-NDS VP TO FEB. 14, 1870.
Trcas. ree'd iu unseat ed fluids $1,118 00
Orders issued up to Nov. 20, '70
by Road Coiu'rs for road -
work an sundries 1,257 10
Orders issued since the ubove .
date by Road L'oni'rs jog 59
Whole "J'.j't lfUd up.g kvb. 14,
W70 1,419 78
By Road f'ow'fa Paid out
by Trcas. 1,118 00
Township Dr. to bal, 208 60
We, tho undorsiguod auditors of Howe
Township, have met mid examined tho
above account to (iui best of our judg
ment. V..,
M. Htkplton, Auditors.
J. Com no y
Report of Howe Twp.
Jl KB 5, J870.
Wo the auditors of Uuwo Township
havo mot and examined tho account ol
tho School Treasurer.
Ain't rou'd for the year 1870, 0110
thousand tivo hundred and
ninty-uix dollars and thirty
throe cents $1,600 33
Whole am't (mid out by Trcas,,
nine hundred nd four del
lurs aud seventy-iiiiie cents 001 70
ijal h) Tcas. baud fl 61
i). AihlAUAU, Troas.
KnwAUi) Hum, )
J. CoNiior, fAir
M. Stki'ltox, J
ill to I'
1Jll WORK neullycxocuUd ut this (I1Il
at reiisoiiub1 v tulvn.
Furniture Rooms!
The undersigned bfsrs leave to inform
tho citizens of Tionesta, and the public in
general, that hn has opened a FIRfiT
new building at the Junction of Elm Kt.
and the Dutch Hill road, whpre ho keeps
on hand a large assortment of
Consisting In part of
Walnut Parlor Seta,
I ham her hw,
Cano Seat Cha (j.
Wood Seal Cia4rs,
Honking Chairs.,'
Dining Table,
Extension Tables,
Marblo Top Tables,
Kitchen Furniture,
Book Oases,
Fancy Brackota,
Looking Glasses,
Picturo Frame, and
always on band.
Ilia rooms being large, and wall situat
ed he Is prepared to offer superior luduoe
monta to purchasers.
Call and examine 1)1 stock, and prio.
and be ooaviiiced
A full assortment of Coffins and Casket
constantly iu store.
Awarued tho Highest Medal at Vienna.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
591 Broadway, New York.
(Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.)
Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers In
Albums, Gruphoscopes, and BulU
blo Vlows.
Wo are Headquarters for everything In
tho wav of STKHKOl'TIOONls and MAG
IC LANTERNH, buiug manufacturer of
the ,
Micro-Sciontiflo Lantoru, . "
University Htoronptloon,
Advertisers Stereopttcon,
(School Lantern,
Family Lantorn,
Eocl) style being tlio hw4 of If puss
)l) tho market.
Catalogues of lanterns and Slides, with
directions for using, sent on application.
Any enterprising mau can make niouey
with a Magiu Lantern.
B"Cut out this advertisement for ref
erence, -ft.
The expel lo(ier,f five
years has proved that
this Coiupout and re
liable work of General
Information Is better
Adapted to tho want of
all classes of tho com
munity than any other
work of the kind ever
lei EeriUs LullJDB.
published. It hat been proven by ltn
by tho numerous
And by its uniform
success wrrn agents.
The edition of 1870 bos beon
It contains 150,000 articles. SQ00 wood
engravings and eighteen handsomely en
gruvod and colored maps.
The work is issued in parts, and aspect.
nion copy, with map, will be sent to any
address, hue of postage, for twenty ceula.
BAKEH, DAVIS A CO., Psblishepi,
(Kucoessora to T. Elwood VM.)
Noh. 17 aud 10 South Sixth Street
AM rillLADEI.l'ALA, Pa.
Allegheny Valley Rail Road.
Pittsburgh, Titusyille A Buffalo
Railway, ?M Puffalo, Corry A
Pittsburgh Railroad.
ON AND AFTER Sunday, JunslS, 187(1,
trains will run as follows
STATIONS. Northward. Southward
I I No, I Ko. I
a m p m p 111 p 111 a ui p in
Pltbshurglt H:.r0 U:25 H-.M1 7:.MI 2:55 6.1
W l'eiiJunclihO'J S:4H l(i::t!i 1:3-1 4;H.i M
Kitliinniiig 10:4n 4:S-' 1 f iis.'i fl:(Ni ll!:4l 3:.'I6
R. Il k Jiiiic11:U.1 ' 5:30 12:50 .":! II: JO i'JU
Brady Bend 11:4(1 5:tti 1:1., 6:1a 11:2? liJH)
Parker 12:12 0:23 2:l:t 4;40 lOjfiti yum,
Emlenton 12:48 7:(Kf 2:4" 4:iA I0::M I2:(K
S-rubgrass 1:2T 7:411 4:00 3::M M:l.. Ui-.M
Franklill 2:uH H;22 A:ii7 2:.V tl:J(i
Oil City 2:30 H:m 0:00 2:20 H:26 B:25
Oloopolis 8:07 7:55 ihSl 5:17
KagloRock 3:17 H:lrt U:41 ...... 4:45
TloiiOMta 8:42 (his 9:18 ;Yi
Tidiouto 4:25 11:1(1 8:2y 2:12
Irviiivloii 6:10 ...... 12:30 7:S5 12:45
Rousevlllo 2:6.1 :2l 8:27 1:47 8:ir2 7:47
TitusviUo .S:4n 10:10 7:15 1:05 7:16 7;UU
Corry 4:47 k:0o 11:60 '. ftcJ
Mavvillo 6:17 lik.M 10:10 3:4ll
liullalo W 1:06 6:55 12::Uj
p. 111 i. m p. in a. 111 a, 111 p. nt
Trains run by Philmleliihia Tiiuo.
I)AV1I Mi-CAUtat, iu'l Hun't,
tieu'l I'lisseiigcr A Ticket Agnnt,
J H WORK of all kinds dons at tbiii oT
liee on bhoi t notice.