t ft She gtxtti gtpuWItan. WEDNESHAY HOIMXO, JtSR it, 1878. DOUOUQH OFFICERS. linrffett Jon Kkck. 0)eilmii-O. W. Robinson, H. A Varnor, A. B. Kelly, S. H. Haslet, A. 11 j-niiringn, n. 1'ttvis. Jnnticct o the 'rare D. S. Knox, C. A jianuau. riniahr It. Swairirart SoAool Rh-trtors 1. S. Knox, If, O. Dn VJii, n. J. Wolcott, 8. n. Haslet, A. 11, Kolly, D. Clark. FORKST COUNTY OFFICERS. Prir1rnt JtttlneT,. T. WltTMonr. Asiorintu Judges Jon, O. DaI.k, F.d TV A 1111 IV KRn, Trtnsurer S. J. Srti.kv. iVofAmtofary, Rrgistrr Jt Recorder, de, 1). W. ClakkT Sheriff JrxTii Rhawket. tXmmiionrr Km lllRMN, Isaao llOKU, JOHH HKCK. Osmiry if;ci-inrntVn U. 8. Brock TTAV. Jitrtrt Attornew H. I). Irwin. Jury rtmiMjtoflr II. i. Towhkp I.tmas Cook. (unly NurvrynrT. D. Coi.t.lKS. fStronar M. ITTELJn. 0tafi Auditor Nlcnoi.A Tnojiiv IOII, J. K. NfMI.I,, II, A. Zl.'KNDKI.U Membernf Oiiii;rw-(tK(i, A. Jknks, Aisnnbly 1. 11. Aqnkw. ZYme lYaina At TIONESTA STATION, on and after iICO. 0, IH79I BOlTTlt. . . '.Train 22 0:10 a. m. " 64 - - - - 3:42 p. m. HOItTII. 'Train RS .... MO fx. m. " 21 - - - 8:42 p. in. 'Train 89, Month, anil 21, north, are 1st mm mm ; the others are accommodation freights. Thnso trains only are allowed to arry passengers. On the Rlvor Division i. e. from Oil Oily- to IrrtnotAii, up the rlror in North ; down rui river, Month. 'LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. rNew lot , cafico and slothing at "Freeman & Corbet's. It Mrs. Stow of Cincinnati is yisit iog ber daughter, SIi'B.lDc. Blaine, at 'jN'oaeat. . t-Oov.' IlartruiJl has sent us a copy of the." Laws of Pennsylvania, session vf 1S76. ..Much obliged, John. Pure Paris Greco for Potato .IBugSr&Dcta per pouud, or 30cta er .lialf pound at "Ilobinsoti & Bonr.er's - 12 tf -Clias. Bonner started tliiJ morn- 'ing for the 1 Centennial, expecting to 'be gone about two weeks. Charlie, we vwiah you a pleasant time aud hope "jou will get your money worth. Elm St. is now passable by way of Council Ituu bridge. The culvert is not finished, but part of it has boen ..made passable. Tho job of stone twork looks solid. Mrs. Li It. rrceraan is visiting fiiends in Maryland at present. Bo fore she returns she contemplates a vis it to the sea-shore and a somewhat ex tended stay at the Centennial. Ex J ibi tion. We believe her husband id to Join her iu a few days. J. J. Jirowian bas put a a eat paling fen co in front of bis property inext tlio .Rural IIouso. The hedge, 'which was formerly a part of the land scape iu that section, bas been torn out, making things look more neat, but not quitely so romantic. Mr, S. C. Sloan and family have amoved to Kdenburg, starting this Morning.- 5Ljr. S..prqpoces to engage an itha oil business, -whidb is getting lively around there. CEha&iuiiy have 4he best wbhee of ft kinds here for tooir success iu their undertakings. ThePourth of July fever Is sira nering. Every night thosoul-stirring .music of the fife and drum enlivens Aba darkness. We have enough of (that kind of music here to supply half fi. dozen celebrations, and yet it will all probably be called iuto requisition for the grand blow-out hero. t Jnvitations have been issuod for a grand party at J,h.e .Lawrooce House on the evening of July 4th. The best of rousio will bo furnished, and the refreshments will be first-class. This , -will be Mr. Lawrence's last effort in that direction, for some years, and -those who "trip tho light fantastic" should be on band. When we issued our paper lust wee, we considered Geo. Sawyer near Jy well he being up aud around. Di rectly afterward, however, he was .again laid up, and has suffered se verely since.. His sickness is the re-.-suit of a spider bite, qnd the result ,is a bard lump on the right side of his ,iieck, which it was at one lime thought would gather and break. It has not . tloue so, and George is again on tho ' streets, but is looking badly. He lost , twenty-five pounds of flesh in ten days, which is cutting a man dowu pretty j fast. It will piobably bo gonie time , before lift is able to do . hja .usual i a moil ."I "t manual labor. Lccytown Correspondence. Lac ytown, June 18, 1876. En. IlEn nMCAS : The summer school epened last week with good attendance; Miss Sal ady is the teacher. It is to be- regret ted that many of , the children living on this side of the crerk are compelled to miss, on account of danger in cross ing the pond. t That bad piece of road by the race is being replaced by a bridge, a thing that croquet players and team slers will appreciate: -1 ' ' Report has had Jim Furraan sore ly afllicted of late, small pox, scarlet fever and measles being the ills. These developed into a common heat rash and Jim laughs at the fright be occa sioned. . Mrs. Legnard, Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Blaine, accompanied by Mr. II. H. May and Lawyer Lathy, visited Lacytown yestordny j they were the guests of Mr. Aruer. Mrs. G. D. Ackerly and her little daughter, Mabel, return home to-mor row. Every few days we ' hear com plaints of the bad condition of the road from Tione3ta here. Wonder If the commissioners are sleeping! if ao, we nopo tney take loot races over them in their dreams. We have not heard of any rattle snakes being killed near here this sea son. This is unusual for such warm weather. . I De Clare. A littlo riso in the crock on Sat u relay night last caused some stir among the lumbermen, but wo believe there was not much run out. Chns. McCray got a fow pieces of Dithrldge's lumber out into the river and tied them up. Timo was when June floods wer as reliable as our regular spring floods, aud large quantities of lumber were floated to Pittsburgh at this time of year. But that time is past, on account, the lumbermen say, of the timber having been taken off the banks of the river and large tributa ries. Now brush your peas ; also your progeny, when they need it. .Like wise apply paris green, arsenic, strych nine and pruseic acid to your potato bugs. Moreover devote your spare moments in the evening to the dextrous use of the hoe. Further see that your setting hens attend strictly to business and do nut eat their eggs, and hire a small boy to keep your neighbors oliickens out of your garden, and then, if nothing happens you will have something to eat during the cool weather between October and April next. Scribner's Monthly for July has the following list of contents: The Story of the Siguing, illus. ; A Little Centennial Lady, illus. ; Gabriel Con- roy, chapters XLIV XLVIII. ; TG Dora; Reminiscences of Audubon; Nightfall; Harvard University, illus.; Centonnial Bells, illus.; Wagner at Bayreulb, illus. ; The Stuart Portaits of Washington, illus. ; A Providence; The River J lose I and its Old Roman Poet ; The Brida of the Rhine, first paper, illus.; His Messonger; Philip Nolan's Friend.-?, or "Show your Pass- potU-l" chapters XVIII XX. illus.; Daniel Webster and the Compromise Measim-s of 1850; Oliver Madox Brown; The Summons ; Topics of the Time; TiiO Old Cabinet; Jlonw and Society ; Cultoro and Progress; Tho World's Work ; Bric-a-Brac. Terms t a year. AddreiO Scribuer & Co., New York. PuTEKeoji's Magazine. The July number of this unnvallod lavy s nooK is ai.rady on our Ublis, brim-'uU oi good things, and more elegant ti'u ever. "Naught and Carry One." the rincipal steel plate, is the loveliest we nave yet seen. Ike mammoth colored fashion-plate is a wonder of beauty. "Beebe," by 4Irs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, is au intensely pow erful story, such a one as wo do not see more than once in five years. No lady ought to be without this maga zine. It is unquestionably tho cheap est and best of all, for the price is on ly two dollars a year, postage free, or ue dollar for six mouths, postage free. Specimens are sent gratis to persons wishing to get up clubs, for which great inducements are offered. Ad- res Chas. J. Peterson 30C Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. -For fruits and groceries go to F. A C's. It iFire works at F. A C. It Extended Centennial Excursion via Allegheny Valley Rail Road Lines and Connections. Tho Allegheny Valley Rail Road lias projected a scries of Excursions at very low rates, which offer extraordi nary attractions to tho Centennial pilgrim. These Excursions embrace an ex tended tonr of tho most noteworthy portions of tho American Continent, a trip t the highest navigated waters in tho United States, Lake Chautauqua, whose salubrious air and lovely scene ry, hunting parks, and game fish make it a favorite popular resort; and a visit to tho most notable sights in the world Niagara Falls and the Centennial. It will be seen by the following sum mary, that the journey as a whole.will prove one of vivid interest, varied in cident, and diversified sight seeing. The tour of the marvelious Oil Belt, Pitucsque Chautauqua Highlands, and Central New York; a daylight Excuision by tho Hudson floating palaces through tho romantic Catskills, the scenery of the most charming le gouns; from the metropolis to theCen tennial, through the garden lands of New Jersey, and a jaunt of unexam pled interest over tho Allegheny Moun tains. One of the must instructive and interesting diversions to the visit or, will bo an inspection of the won derful industrial works of Pittsburgh, the great iron, glass, Bteel and coal mart of America. For full and reliable information re garding routes and rates, apply to the local ticket agents. 5IOXI1T. We will pay cash on delivery at our mill in Tionesta, for white oak stave and heading bolts at the follow ing prices : btave bolts, 3o inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., 84.50. Heading bolts 22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4.00. Heading bolts must be made from timber at least 20 inches in diameter. Uitice at .Lawrence House. J. H. Dehickson & Co. 27tf FOR SALE. The valunblo and beautiful home stead formerly owned by Hon, Joseph G. Dale, and in which he now resides, is iu my hands tor eaio at very low figures. Terms one-third purchase money down, and the balance in one and two years. Miles W. I ate. lOtf. Sewing Machine Needles. Mrs. C. M. Heath has just received the largest and most complete assort ment of sewing machine needles ever brought to town.' Sho keeps the only sewing machine needles for sale in town. Her place of busiuess is in the Acorub Building, up stairs. Those beautiful lots just north of Mrs. Henry's residenco can be bought cheap, on loug time, by applying to the editor of this paper. tf.f The lightest running Machine in the world is the Grover & Baker, at least Baldwin, of Tidioute says so, and he knows. 46 ly TIONKSTA M-iVltJCXUTW. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in General Merchandise. Flonr burrol ... $rt.7oS,8.00 Flour V sack ... 1.75(u.2.O0 Corn Meal, boltod .... 1.00 Chop feed - - - - $1.05(5,1.70 Kye tii busliol .... HUQ'M Oats 4 bushel .... 5055 Corn, ears - - - - 4045 Bouna "j bushel ... 1.502.50 Hani, augar cured canvasod - - 161 Breakfast Ilitcon, sugar cured 10 Shoulders ..... 12J WhiteftHli, half-barrels ... 7,r0 Lake herring half-barrel - - 4.50 Sugar - - -Syrup -. - - JO 121 75(011.00 . 83 (((100 30(0,32 - 25(y,28 35 .50 1.20 fe20 10 12 15 2.00 Co, 2. 10 - 15 18 . 3.76 . 3.90 8640 - 1.90 Jf. O. Molasses 'oast Kio Cofl'oo No. 1 Rio Coll'oo, Java f-oll'oe Tea - . Butter - Hioe - Eggs, fresh Suit, - Iard ... Iron, eoiuJiion bar ' Nails, 10J, keg Potatoes ... Lime bbl. New Adfurtlnements. list ate aiotlce. Kstnte of Marv Pals deceased, late ff Tionenta Township, 1-orew ooimty. All persona ludebU-d to," said testate are re nuesUiil to make Immediate pt yiiient, and those having leal eiaims against the Kama will predcnl 'them, without dely, in proper ordur for settlement to NANCY HAWSOV, AdministnitriK. or MILKS W. TATK, Att'y, June 20, l7u 1- 0 Tione-iU, I'll. School Report of Tionesta Twp Tiomvt Townsfi'p In neeonnt with I'll Jioleman, School Treasurer. Tobnl. at hist settlement f f'.2I 80 " am't eolleete.l (117 02 " " of unseated tax 1,524 02 By am't of orders out standing J:lll 80 " nm't of orders takon up . 1,0S0 00 percentage VI 00 " bal. on hand 72f7: f 2,703 53 ?2,703 53 Tiomrsta. June 20tli. 1S7A. We, the undersigned Auditors of Tio- liNta lownslmi. duly elected and onnli lied, do herein' certify that tho foreitoinir is a corroet statement of the accounts of tho school funds for tho year ending Juno zoiu, 1H. t i m it. ....... i .;v auditors, Financial Report of Green Twp SCHOOL FUND FOR YEAR 1875. JAS. FLYNN. Treasurer. Dr. To tax levied and other sources 1,0P7 44 Cr. by orders redeemed and por- centago 1,147 24 Bat. due Treasurer., 49 80 Auditors, Annual Report of the Amlitori of Jcnks Twp For the year ending on tho first Monday in j tine, jrvu : ACOOUNT OF T KKASU ItKR. Iteecipln, Am't of orders drawn from Co. Coin's 7l r,7 State appropriation....! 4 43 tsoatea tax collocted 30 30 859 30 7infn!?(!rM. Vouchers produced on set tlement 020 34 Percentage 14 80 Paid to successor..., 223 02 Duo twp on outstanding tax 132 55 1 14 We, tho undersigned Auditors of Jenks Township, met at No. 1 school house. June 5, 1870, and did audit the account of scnool Treasuror as found in the foregoing report. Hereunto we have sot our hanii and seal this 5th day of Juno, 1870. A. K. MHir-E, I . ... C. D. Kldr.dok, j Auditors, Report of Howe Twp. June 6, 1870. ltOAD FUNDS UP TO FEB. 14, 1870. Treas. ree'd in unseated funds $1,118 09 uruers issuea up to iov. zu, 'in uy Koua com rs lor road work an sundries 1.257 19 Orders issued since tho' abovo date by Koad Com'rs 159 59 Whole am t issued up to Feb. 14, ism - 1,410 78 uy noan uom rs ana pain out by Treas. l(ns 09 Township Dr. to bal. 298 09 We, the undersigned auditors of Howe Township, have met and examined the above account to tlio best of our judg ment. K. Rf.id, ) i M . Stkplton, V Auditors. J. Con boy, J , Report of Howe Twp. June 5, 1870. ' We tho auditors of Howe Township have met and examined the account ol tho School Treasuror. Ain't ree'd for the year 1S70, ono inousami nvo iiumircu ana ninty-six dollars and thirty three cents 1.B!W 33 Whofe am't paid out by Treas., nine nunurcu ana ronr Hol lars and sovonty-nino cents 904 79 Bal In Treas. hands 691 54 I), Graham, Troas. Edward Heid, rd Heid, ) hoy, I Auditors. El'IVTON, ) J. I ON HOY M. Ste Notica to Tax-Payers. The subscriber will be at the following named places for tho purpose of receiving Tj v ..a ... Ik. ..n. 137.1 11'l.n.a , I ,. ,. 1... fore August 1st are outitlod to an abate ment of 5 per cont. Harnett Township. Monday. Juue 20,Cooksbnrg, from 10 to 12 o'clock a. in. Monday. June 20. C'lar- ington, from 3 to 6 o'clock p. in. Jenk Township. Tuesday, June 27, Marion Post Oflico. Ilurmony Township. Wednesday, July 5, Store of J. I. Range Thursday, July 6, Trunkeyville. Hickory Township. Friday, July 7, Store of T, J. Uowman. Kingslcy Township. Saturday, July 8. Store of Wheeler. Du- renbury & Co. Ureen Township. Monday, July 10, Nebraska. Tionesta Township. Tuosday, July 11, Treasurer's Oflleo. Tionesta Vorough. Wednesday, July 12, Treasurer's Oflico. Howe Township. Friday, July 14, Brookston, Those liable for Mercantile License for 1870 will save 81.00 by paving before July 1st, 1870. H. J. SETLKY, iMay iejii, ibio. Co. Troasurcr. THE LARCEST FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT IN THE OIL REGIONS! v miles simiitih:, Dealer in ' CABINET AND UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE! FRANKLIN, ... PENN'A. Consisting of Parlor, Oflico and Common Furniture, Mattresses, Pillows, Window Shades, Fixtures, Look ing Ci lasses, Ac. Also, agent for Venango count v (or the Celebrated Manhattan Spring Bed and Combination Mattresses, maniitactured and for sale at my Furniture Warorooms, 1,,I. ........ 1 :l ... i JtMU OH Jivtlt UiUVliy. Villi nun BUU sample Bed. .. u ly Medals and Diplomas Awarded. AGENTS WANTED I for HOLMAN'S NEW PICTORIAL BIBLES. l.huO illustrations. Aililrcss lor now circulars, A. J. llulmail it Co., 9'lll Areh y.., 1'hila. 3 4 2sT El "W 7 Furnit u r o Rooms! Tlio undoi-Migned bt-gs leavo to Inform tlio citizens of Tionesta, and tho public in gonernl, that hn has opened a KJRNT VJ,A,S.V KUiXrTVltK .STORK, in his new building at the jnnction of Elm St. and tno Dutch Hill road, whero ho keeps on hand a large assortment of FURNITURE, Consisting In part of Walnut Parlor Rots, Chamber Sets, Cane Seat Chairs, Wood Meat Ohatrs, Hooking Chairs, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Marble Top Tables, Kitchen Furniture, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, ( Ixmnges, Mattresses, Cupboards, Bonk Cases, Faney Brackets, Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, aud PICTURES FRAMED. ALSO, SASH &c ZDOOIRS ' always on hand. ITis rooms boinur larsro. and well sltnat- ed-lie Is proparod to olfor superior induce- menu to purcnasers. Call and examine bis stock and prices. ana oe convineea UNDERTAKING! A full assortment of Collins and Caskets constantly in store. 23 ly . A. H. PARTRIDGE. Awarded tho Highest Modal at Vienna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 691 Broadway, New York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers it Dealers In CHROMOS AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, A lbums, Graphoscopcs, and Suita ble Views. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We aro Headquarters for evcrvthine In tho wav of HTKKEOPTIOONN and MAtk IO LANTERNS, being manufacturers of Micio-Scicntifle Lantern, aiereo-i-anopiicon, University Stereoptioon, Advertisers Storoopticon, Artopticon. School Lantern, Family Lantern, PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each style being tho best of its class In the markot. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with directions for using, sent on application. Any enterprising man can mako money with a Magic Lantern. S-Cut out this advertisement for ref erence The expel teuce of fiye years has proved that this Compact and re liable work of General Information is hotter adapted to tlio wants of til classes of the com munity than any other work of tho kind ever ZELL'S New MM mm, &0EBI8 WASTED, published. It has been proven by its IMMENSE SALES, by the numerous COMMENDATORY NOTICES RECD, And by its uniform SUCCESS WITH AGENTS. The edition of 1870 has beon THOROUGHLY REVISED TO DATE. It contains 150,000 articles. 8000 wood enirravima and eighteen hanuMOUlttlT an- graved and colored maps. nia woi k is issuea in parts, ana speci men copy, with map. will be sent to any address, free of postage, for twenty cents. BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers, (Successors to T, El wood Zell.) Nos. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street, 42tf rniLADEI.l'AIA, Pa. ' Allegheny Valley Rail. Ep,ri Pittsburgh, Titusville &. Buffalo Railway, and bimalo, Uorry & Pittsburgh Railroad. 0 N AND AFTER Sunday, Juno 18, 1870, trains win run as lotiows; STATIONS. Northward. Southward No. 1 K. a No. ft No. t No. 4 Me. i amp in p iu p in a in p in Pittsburgh 8:50 2:25 :.'W 7:501 2:55 6:25 W PonJunc,10:02 3:48 10:H!i 7:3i 4:: 4:. Kittunniug 10:40 4:32 ll:3.i :0ti 12:4 8:35 11. B k'Juncll:23 5:30 12:50 6::WI 11:40 2:20 llraily Bondll:10 5:4 1:15 6:15 11:27 2:00 I'arker 12:12 (i:i 2:13 4:40 10:5o Ii;l5 Kmleuton 12:48 7:00 2:40 4:10 10: 12:00 Scrubgrass 1:27 7:4(1 4;00 3:;ifl 9:4.i 10:30 Franklin 2:03 8;22 0:07 2:55 0:02 9:20 Oil City 2:30 8:55 0:00 2:20 8:25 8:25 Oleopolia 3:07 7:5,5 9:81 5:17 Eagle Rock 3:17 8:10 9:41 4:45 Tionosta 3:12 0:13 9:13 8:12 Tidioute 4;25 11:10 8.25 2:12 Irviuutoii 5:1U 12:3(1 7:5 12:45 Itousevilie 2:53 0:20 0:27 1:47 8:02 7:47 Titusvillo 8:40 10:10 7:15 1:05 7:1M 7:0i Corry 4:47 ...... :ootl:5U 6:22 Mavvillo 6:17 10:51 10:10 8:50 Builalo 8:05 1:05 0:55 12:30 p. iu p. m p. ui a. in a. in, p. m Trains run hv Philadelphia Time. 1AVII Mcl'A ItiiO, Gen'l Sup't. J. MORTON HALL, Ueu'l Passenor .t Ticket Agent. JUIt WORK o lice on short f all kinds done at this of- notiii-. A-dministrators Notice; Lftters of Administration nn the olnto of Wm. C. Neill, deceasod, late of Harmo ny township, having beon grunted the un dersigned, all persons Indebted' to saitt iwtato are requirod to make tmtnrdiale payment, and all persons having' claims against said estate, will present thorn, properly authenticated, for settlement. J. B. MACHKSNEY, , , . . , , ' : '. JOHN NEILL, . 'j Administrator May 29, 1 70. ".,.,."' SOLID WEALTH! : 00,000 IN OlfTS! I ' 1 Grandest Scheme ever Presctitcd to t'lo Public! A FORTUNE FOR ONLY $12. THE Kentucky Cash Distribution Com pany, authorized by-a special act of the Kentucky legislature, for the benefit of tho Public Schools of Frankfort, will have the first of their series of Grand Drawings at Major Hall, in the City of Frankfort, Ly., on , . THURSDAY, A UGUST 31, 1875. ' on which ocpiiKirtn ihov will i;uf the ticket-holders tho iimnrn nnin of 600,000. Thos. P. Torter, Ex-Governor Ky Gen eral MaAMirnr. POSITIVELYnfO POSTPONEMENT"! ' LIST or oifts: .1 . One grand cash gift .........100 000 One grand cash gift 60 000 One grand cash girt ooo One i?rand rash Lrift... n ntui One grand ei mc'Ci ...... , 10 OOO1 Ou grand cash gift w v hhii guts oi f i,ouu eacn eo oo lot) Cash giflsof f.oOracb ."SO 000 100 Cash gifts ot . 100 Cash gifts of 200 Cash gifts or 600 Cash ci fits of 400 each ' 40 000 800 each 80 000 2lK)pach ' 40 OIHI lOOsach 00 000 12ecli., 120 000 10,009 Cash gifwof Total, 11,150 gifts, all cash 600 000 PRICE OF TICKETS : Whole tickets, 12j Halves, SO,- Qnar- ters, $3; 0 tickets, $ 100; 27J tickets, $300 ; 46i tickets, $500 ; 95 tickets, $1,000. 100,- 000 tickets at $12 each. Remittances can be made by Express, Draft, Postoffiee Money order,' Rgistored Lottor, made payablo to l.ntnt;ky Cosh Distribution Company. All communications connected' with tlio distribution and orders for Tickets, and applications of agents to sell tWketSy should be addressed to HON. THOS. P. PORTER. 12 4 Goneral Manager, Frankfort, Ky. ft f 9 t 9 1 f.f ? TO THE WORKING CLASH. -We can furnish you employment atwhinh you can make very large pay, in your own locali ties, without being away from homo over night. Agents wauted In every town and county to take subscribers for The Cen tennial Rocord, tho larnrost publication in ths United States 10 pages, 64 columns; Elegantly Illustrated; Terms only $1 per year. Tho Record Is deyoted to whatever Is of Interest connected with the Centen nial year. Tho Great Hxhibition at Phil adelphia Is fully illustrated In detail. Ev rybody wants It. The whole people fact great interest lu their Country's Centen nial Birthday, and want to know all about It. An elegant patriotic crayon drawing premium picture is presented free ti each subscribtr. It is entitled, "In remem brance of tho One Hnndrodth Annlrersa- " ry of the Indepcnpenco of tlio United Statos." Sir.o, 23xi0 inches. Any ono can become a successful agant, for but show the papor and liicturo and hundreds of subscribers are easily obtained every where, ri.'bore ie no businfesn that will pay like this at present. Wo have many agents who are making as high as $20 per day and upwards. Now is tho time ; don't delay. Remember it costs nothing to give . the business a trial. Send for our cituu lars, terms, and sample copy of paper, which are sent free to all who apply; do it to-dsy. Complete outfit froo to thoso who decide to engage. Farmers and me chanics, and their sons and daughters uniKo The very nest ot agents. Address, THE CENTENNIAL RECORD, 12 6m. Portland, Maine. THE SUN.. DAILY AND WEEKLY FOR 1870. The approach of the Presidential elec tion eives unusual Importance to tho events and developments of 1876. Wo shall nndeavor to describe them fully,. ithfullv, and fearlessly. THE WEEKLY SUN has now attainod a circulation of over eighty thousand copies. Its readers are Ibuud In every State and Territory, and its quality la well known to tlio public. We shall not only en deavor to keep It fully up to tho old stand ard, but to improve and add to its variety ami power. THE WEEKLY SUN will continue to be a thorough newspaper. All the news of tlio day will be found la it, condensed whon unimportant, at full length when of moment, and always, we trust, treated in clear, interesting and instructive man ner. It is our aim to make the Weekly Sun tho best family newspaper in the world. It will be full of entertaining and appro priate reading of evary surt, but will firint nothing to offfiod the most sorupu ous and delicate tasto. It will always contain the most interesting stories and romances of tlie day. carefully selected and logibly printed. 'i no Agricultural Department is a prom- Innnl A.utm-A l.i II,. Wlrl,. U,... ....1 4. articles will always be found fresh and usciul to tho lariuor. The number of men Independent in nol- ittes is increasing, and the Weekly Sun is their paper eapeciuiiy. Ik bolonga to no party, and obeys no dictation, contending for principle ai'ul for the election of tlio best men. It exposes tho corruption that disgruces tho country anil threatens tho overthrow or republican institutions, jt has no fear of knaves, aud souks no favors trom their supporters. Tho markets of every kind and the fash ions aro regularly reported. The price of the Weekly Hun Is one dol lar a year for a sheet of eight pages, and fifty-six columns. As this barely pays the expenses of paper and printing, are notable to make any discounter allow any premium to friends who may make spin-mi efforts to extend its circulation. L inter the now law, which requires pay ment of postage In advance, one dollar a year, with twenty cents the coat of pre- iaid Histage added, is the rate of Miibscrip ion. It is not necessary to get up a club in order to have tlio Weekly Sun ;.t tins rate. Anyone who sends oiio dollar and twenty cents will get the paper, post-puiil, for a year. We have no traveling nuents. TIIH WEEKLY SI N. Kight pagiw, ftfty-six columns Only $1.20 a )'tr, postage prepaid. No discounts from this ruto. THE DAILY SUN. A largo four-imgo nowp-",erof twciity-ulght columns. Daily eirouA on over 120,oiH). All tlio news for 2 c s. Subscription, postage preutid 65 cent a month, or 0,50 a year. To clubs ol 'or over, a discouiit of 20 per cents. Addioss 'THE NUN," New York City. lOU WORK neatly exoculod ut this ollice ' ill lexauuab' t luto.