Meerschaum hydrous silicate of magnesia, a mineral of soft earthy texture, somewhat resembling chalk. It it found in Spain and in the several countries at the head of the Mediter ranean. The town of Konieh, in Asia Minor, furnishes the principal sup plies for the manufacture of pipes and cigar-tubes. It is roughly shaped into blocks for exportation, and freed as far as practicable from the associated minerals which impair its quality by interfering with the carving of its surface. It is made into pipes in va rious cities of Europe, l'osth and Vi enna being especially noted for the manufacture. To produce the yellow and brown colors, which are brought out only after long smoking, the blocks are kept for some time in a mixture of wax and fatty matters. A portion of those is absorbed, and be ing euusei-iueuuy nuwu vii ujr mw ticat and tobacco fumes, assumes various shades of cole,. Artificial meer schaums, called roam-bowls are made from the parings of the genuine mate rial, which, being reduced to fine powder, are boiled in water and moul ded into blocks, sometimes with the addition of oly- They cannot easily v distinguished from the real, but they are generally hearier and freer from blemishes. Ayplelon't American Cyclopedia. The London Times has the follow ing: Our kinsfolk have a right to magnify and hold in undying rueaiory the achievements of that manly con flict (the War of Independence), and we have long forgotten the passing bitterness of defeat in the proud thought that only Englishmen could have baffled England, even in her perverse mood of unreasoning tyranny. The centenary celebration of Ameri can independence is an occasion which arouses no unfriendly remembrances among us. It is emphatically an oc casion on which Americans may be forgiven a swelling sense of pride, and on which foreigners must be compelled to feel admiration. The Exhibition at Philadelphia would, therefore, be an interesting historical event, even though it fell verv far short of the -magnificence in display, the fertility of invention, the inginuety of contri vance, at which the world has marvel ed, over again, in London, Paris and Vienna. The man-eating tiger, says Land and Water, rarely touches any other animal when he has once tasted human blood. lie lurks in the neighborhood of villages, and carries off laborers re ' Earning from work, or women coins for water. She crawls to the edge of tne tnicicet and looks around, it is on ly an nnarmed traveler. The hungry devil knows well that he is an easy prey ; en creeps toward ber uncon scious victim with the soft and noise less tread of a cat; tier - long tail switches from side to side, her sharp claws dart from their velvet sheaths, the devil is roused within her, and glares in her flaming eyeballs ; she throws herself forward with a cat-like bound, and the stricken wretch is writhing in her fatal crrasn. while wif h closed eyes and a low growl expressive 01 Bavage aengui, sue sucks the warm Diood trom bis mangled throat. An old bachelor in Maine has been deterred from committing matrimony in a novel way. Thinking over the subject seriously and particularly the expense of maintaining a family, he sei me taoie in nis lonely abode with plates for himself and an imaginary wue ana nve children, lie then sat down to dine, and as often as he helped himself to food be put the same quantity on each of the other plates, and surveyed the prospect at the time computing the cost. The result of ins examination was so discouraging that he resolved not to marrv. Lav- endar suggests that he ought not to nave peen so lavish with bis children. Ihe Danbury Neu says: There is one thing on which a husband and wife never have and never can agree, and that is on what constitutes a well- t uMHiu tBrpti, wnen ine article is clean, it's a man's impression that it . euouia oe removed and he be allowed to wash up and quietly retire. But a , woman's appetite for carpet-beating is "'" appeased wnue a man lias a wnoie muMlg in his body. And if he waited until she voluntarily gave the signal to ta stop, he might beat away until he dropped down dead. It is directly owing to his superior streneth ujuu turn mo civuizeu world is not a widow this day. A well-meaning horse created a great panic in a church at Ilyirreis, Mass., on (Sunday, and broka im th service by running against the side of the-building from fright at a flash of ligutning. lhe audience thought the church had been struck by lightning, and made a rush for the door, and, whon the mistake was discovered, the i'"-tu"' tuuugut uis uearers were too in ucn scared to receive much and dismissed them. good, Tho crows out Wes are eating up the eggs left in tho ground by the grasshoppers, and aged farmers get up early to call the homely birds pet namej. A month hence, the crows will bo dodging buckshot. Tho take of buffalo robes ia Monta na the present season is tho heaviest for several years. Some of the deal ers will ship from 8,000 to 10,000. The path of duty through the Cus tom House. SQUARE GRAND PIANOS Retailed at Wholcsalo Prioos. teoofortaso. tQB0fort30V. t700forft00. 800 for 8380. THE "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO. HAVK STRUCK HARD FAX r RICKS. Only Ono Trice for Cash, and a low one, NO DEVIATION. ' Wo give no discounts. Wo pay no agents' commissions, which uoiinie me prices or an nanus. we iook to Uie People, who want a ftrst- rlnss riano at a fair profit ovw coot of manufacture. A e appoint tlio People our agents, and sire thorn our Pianos its low as any agent can buy equally pood Pianos of any other manufacturer, giving the reopio. m a reduced price, what is usually expended in commissions, rent, freight, traveling and incidental expenses. The "Medolssohn" Piano Co. can sell yon a 71 octave rosewood cae Pinno,6 feet 10 inches long, with frout round corners, w cirs, serpentine ana punth mould Injs, Willi improvements, including Full Iron Framo, Over Strung Bass, Agraffe Treble, and French Grand Action, which only accompany the best Pianos of me most ceienratcu makers, at the verv low price of f5, 275 or 300, according to style of case, or with four roil nil nor. ners and fnll agraffe for fS50, and guaran tee them In every rospact equal to Tiny iiimit) i nimiiar siyip, or no sale. The "Mendolssohn" Piano is manufac tured rrom the verv best materials, and by the most skilled and finished work men. The manufacture is conducted bv one of the most experienced Piano manu facturers in the country. This is no new enterprise, turning out a poor and cheap F'"""! iruiu green woou, ana Dy arreener mechanics. Our Piano is unsurpassed by anv in the market for its rich and powerful tonos, and its adaptation to the human voieo in t U.miii?v!i-, meuow anu Hinging qualities. It sneaks for itsnir. We are willing to place It beside anv ouier make or Piano on its merits, either In beauty of case, er excellence of tone, and "at half the money" of equally good "ton U1JIVIIU9. "The best the cheapest" When it costs tho leat monov. All Pianos fully warranted for Ave years, oena ior our Illustrated ana I'escrip- M vuviutu. The "Xcndtlssoha" Piano Co., Office of Manufactory, U 68 BKOAUWAY, N. Y OXLT REMEDY FOR HARD TIMES. CHMGE YOUR SURROUNDINGS All wanting Fruit Farms, especiall ad' apum iu uis gruww oi tne v mo, where is an established success and pays large profit. The land is also adapted to the growth of Peaches, Pears, Apples and Binmi iruiia; also uraln, Urass and Veg' etablea. Many hundred of excellent Vineyards, Orchards and Farms, c-n &ovr asen. une location is only 84 miles south of Philadelphia, by Railroad, in a mild, de lightful climate, and at the very doors of mo i'.ow i urn anu j'nuaaeipma, Markets. Another iiailroad runs direct to New York. The place is already large, successful and prosperous. Churches, Hchools, and other privileges are already established. Also, manufactories or Sil Glass, Straw Goods, and other things, at niuvu uiiitiiuut jjujinuera oi a mmuy can P u o t"' t'ivy ujuill It has been a health resort for some years past for people Buffering from pul monary affections. CRtnrrh Actum and rlo- bility; many thousands have entirely re- A new brick hotel bfta tout. Tutn 'ium pleted, 100 feet front, with back buildings, four Stories hieh. including Wench and all modern improvements tor the ao! uramoaauon or visitors. j-riua oi J' arm imuu mon ner irra payable installments, within the period of lum j w. iu una oiimaie, planted out io vines, a res or land will count fally 111 ii an iw wtw luriuer norm. Persons unacquainted with fruit grow. ing can become turuiliar with it in a short nine on account or surroundings. ive aero, one aero, and town lots, In the towns orLandiaville and Vinelund. lna f.r nulo. w. Whilst Visltim? tllA rAntnntiial V.HU tion, Vinelund can be yisited at small ex- A paper containing full Information. will be sent upon application to CHKLKH iV, vii1idxi, JN. J., fteeof cost. Tlio following is an extract from a de scriplioa of Vineland, publisliod in the Now York Tribune, by the well-known .Agriculturist, noion Kohlnson All the farnrers were of the "well to do" sort, and Home of them wlm him their attention to fruits and market gard ening, have grown ri jh. Tho soil is loam, varying from sandy to clayey, and surjace b"; uinnuuuiig, iiuerscctud with small wui9 auu uixikioiiki wet meadows in which deposU of ueat or mm-lc ot.,,1 suilioiont to fortiliie the whole ujilandsur! .i. ,v uiw uoen exnansted or its natural fertility. . it is certainly one of the most extensive rnrtilo tracts, iu an almost Jevol position, and suitaiilo c-oudition for pleasant farm' ing, that we know of tills side of tho Went- iMuinoa. n-i lound boiuo of tlio old est farms apparently just as profitably productive as when first cleared of forest nrty or a hundred years ago. The geologist would soon discover the cause of this continued fertility. Tho whole country is a marine deposit, andall " "" 1,10 BO e lound evidences of suosumces, generally in the form ot indurated cui . 'i ..i. , uioii. niiuw ing many distinct forms of ancient sholls. or the tertiary formation ; and this mariv ubUme is scattered all tln-ough the soil in a very comuiiuutod form, and in the ex&t-l condilioii most easily assinunili.i by such plauts as tho lUruitr desires to cultivate. IS bui JOB WORK CONK AT THE 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At ihe lowest oath prioet, neatly, prompt ly, and in ttyle. equal to that of any other etUMUKment in (As Dittrict, BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARDS., SCHfJOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS," BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MONTHLY STATKJIEXTS, ENVELOPES BILL EADS, LETTER HEADS, NOl'E HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, &c the new "Domestic," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. I T main til the virtues of ht Mi-Rumiinj Tsniinn. hirh wj ami ta ihp in it. notice our 'A l l.N 1' 11 K 1KN t.D CONICAL 11CAP,ING3 on both the Machine and Sranrl. Our new mul oM iilcw. wrkKi out with Vr.xm new Mchliwrr BnJ ToW tl mir own ewwnrlt, In Ihe buy city f Nc:k. Nw Icrwv, hv: pivrn u a ft in-iarti of MKCH ANICAL KXCKI l.KNCK, Miniinuni f Krii tit-n, NVtunii:n of Uur.ibii.tjr, uf work, never hcrotufor reached in tht Sewing Muchiud worUl. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE- MACHINE ITSELF W inviti th attention of all, especially thota having high mechaalcal skill or obtervation. K. It. All MacIuiki lully watramcU. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., lov "Vorlc mitl 01lnfo. LADIES, USE "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. BIXBY'S BLACKING. A C'OMBINKD POLISH BI.ACKINO AND LEATHER PREMKBTATITE. Experts and Professional Bootblacks In New York, and all other largo eitics where this marking has been introduced, ac knowlodiro iu superiority over all import ed or domestic Blackings In tiso, as an Elegant I'olisU ami Conscrver of Loothor. 5IOTICE. nixl.y's "Best" Blacking has a Rod and Blue Label. Do not bo deceived by ac cepting our "Standard" Blacking in place of "Bost." The Standard lias tho label stamped into the tin covor. Tins brand is made to compote with other American and French Blackingx, but is inferior to our "Bast." Bixby's "Best" Blacking will save its entire cost In the wear of your boots and shoes. HOUSEKEEPERS TRY Bixby's French Laundry Blue, IN SIFTING BOXES. The most convonlont end economical paeksgn, and the only combined Bleat-hand Blueing Powder in use a M. BIX BY CO.. Manufactures Chemists. 11 Nos. 173 175 Washington St., N. Y SIDDALL'N MAGNETIC SOAP The Cheapest 8onp that can bo used for tneioiiuwiug reasons: 1st Ono bur will go as far as two of any other. 2d. Only half the usual rubbing being iv4uii.?ut iiiom is a saving oi more than the entire cost of tho Soap in labor ulono. Sd.The clothos aro mado Nweet, Clean unu w iiiie wiiunui uoiiing or Scald inir. thus All iniiii-v ilmm t'u ed. There is a saving in fuel and naru worn, ana mo waxmng is done in about half the usual time. It is also guaranteed u.idor a penalty of ri ft u .l..ll.... ... i . j .i. . , J ....j u'Ji vj llljurii iue CiOlllOS or IlllllMM Alii! OU l.f.l n.lll , . " ' -- n j i i Tim cuniiiu liny person to nncortnln 11. i imlk nr ti - - . " . 1 IIIUBQ statements, it would nover pay the pro- r. , ciiKugo in in extensivo system of advertising and claim such decided morit for liiH M.-mu iiiit.Mu hn i,.,A,.r poBitivo cxporiouco that it wou'd prove to v.t 1U.-.JHX.-V wimi is uaimua ror it. Tins Is also a superior Sop ior Toilet WARNER, RHODES CO.. Wholesale Fakct Okocbr.s, Uoueial Agents. 8 11 l'liiliirlclnl.ii T. . x. ...... . i. PEABODY HOUSE, CORNER ef LOCUST fe NINTH STS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenioiit in nil iJanA t and rar lineH in the city. No t lm,,1r((H ana from ilia rr..,...j . Cul. Wll iU . 1 1 It ! l.vwir... .,l' verHe!..,;.,,'t:!!if"" lor the twenty Kvuauui, projinoior, has luaseil me nouse lor a term newly furnished and litto,fit tlirougi, out! .ni l ' "iricuy nm-clnss house, and has ac.mmoilatioii for 30O guests Terms only $3 per day. fcuesis. No bar has ever been kept in the Henry Ho .se.norvulany bo kq.t ut ,,0 I'd " DOMESTIC," lM:lulin lh Automatifl Music ILas Charms I ' TRICES REDUCED. THE BEST IN THE WORLD I WILL LAST A LIFE TIME! 45,000 OK IllK CEI.RIinATRD am ORGANS IN DAILY USE. A Stool Boxed Free with rath Orsan The best talent In the muntrv nun, mends those organs. 'J'ho nli-cst and Ismt. mum ior me money, ana (rives lielter sat- .'" fcu.i iuij uuw inaue. nicy coni' prise tho C'jiiibolla, Orclieslral, lnrngoii, mid Oraud Organ ptHt-pau! to any aJdros, upon ftpplica- B. SIIONINOEU OUGAH CO., 47 to 01 Cjikstsut St., 15 New Iluvon, Conn You C1an ftavo illonv from ' .n" . ..t V'ANS A,,,l( , . k'iuu iuuniiiaeturers' U.rv. iv'-'LV ". 'eiae- 7TT T t- I II 8 I j a'S5 d g O ' i 11? 3 iw r ri EgH-ssoiti o I r is! tsS i 3- I I 1 3 B 111 . r w - y J J 2 I g 1 3 "Ssi 1 3 S v-.s.' . ..... ,. I NEW REVISED EDITION. ENTIUEfiY H1CWHITTKN 11Y THE Allt.KST WRITEKM OX 12 V KH Y SUBJECT. Printed from Now Tvpc, end illiiMratcd with srverlal Thoimand En prrt vlii7 and M.y. . The Win It oriL'lnallv piiMiMliril under Ihn lllle of Til K N l".W AM KKICAN CYCI. r.EIMA n eoinpleted In 1M:, Pincn which time, the wirle circulation which it has Attained In ell parts of the L'nltcd Ktates, and the mIuihiI (hivcliipinciiN which have taken placo In everv branch of science, literal u re, and art, l.avu induii'ij me pilitors ami puiillNiicrs tosulmiit II lo an exact and t(n)iou;rli revision, ami t,; Ihmuo a now edition outitlinl THE AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. Wltliln tlio ten venrs the protrMu, nr discovery In every depnrtment of kiinwK edjro has made a new work of rcft-rvnceiui liiiperiitlvo want. Tlio movement of political afTjilm H i.- I;rpt pnre Wilh (lie diwcovcrle f fs-letice and lliclr fi uitl'ul nppllcntion trt tire liiduxi triiil and iiieful ni U and tho convefilcnnr and relluciiicnt of social life. Ilrent mm and eoiiKeauciit revolutions lin cwi'iii ri'il ! i -. i .. .. ntvoiviiiK n.iiioiiiii ciini!cia oi pectilinr moment. The civil war of our own num. try, which was at lis height when the l.wt volume oi mo old wrrkapiicarei!, Ims lup. pily bH'n ended, and a liewcoiirHeul cnni mcrclal and IndiiNtrlal activity has'n coinmcni'eil. Irfiriio accessions (o our LLOIIK VI'UICAL KNOWLEDGE Have been niado by llio Indefatigable ex plorers of A IVicii. Tlio prcat political revolutions ef (lie last decade, Willi the natural result of (he lapse of time, hsvo brought Into pulilic View a m ul tit nlii of new men, wlirti. names are In every ono'a mouth, mul of who.-e lives every ono Is curious to kimw tho particulars, (treat lattle.i have been I'oiifrlit anil importiiiit sloi;os miilnlnlneil, of which tho details aro as yet )rci,ei'veil only Iu tho iiewsmi.irs or in the transient puiiiicniions ot the nay, but which ouht now to take their place in rmASENT AXD Al'TUEMIC IIISTORI. In preparing tbe present edition fur the pr.'NH,it hasaccordini' Ixhmi the aim of dm editors to briiur down the inlirnintlon to the iiitest pnsMinio dates, and to furuisli nn accurate account of tlio inil nii-nt ills. i-overies In seionee, of every fresh prwlue tion in liU'i'Hturo, and of the newest nivcn tious In tho iractlcal arts, as well as to (rivo a succinct aim original record oi tlo pi-ogress of rOLITiai A'D HISTORICAL EVESTJ, The WOrV 111. lirytti linniiMinA. Irai, atnl careful preliminary labor, and with the iiHwi aiupio resources ior carrying It on to a MtecoMMul tormlnntlon. None ftf (hrt firlfrln&t hli.miilvn. hl.tnt have been used, but every pagu Los been TEIXTED ON NEW TIPE, PormiAir In fiuit a new Cvcloim-dla. with tlio same plan and compass as its prcdo- 1 cessor, but with a far greater pecmilnry cxpoudituro, end wltliauuh Improuonieiits in us composition as uavu been suiriroeieti by longer exjierioiiec and enlarged knowW edge. . . . , . .i v"v. TUE ILLISTBATIOXS .. wliicli are lntodiieed for tho first lima In the present edition Inn o been added not for the snko of pletoritU elloet, bnt to irive greater lucidity and force Ut the explana tions in the text. They embrace all branches of science and of natural history, and depict the most fnmoiis and remarka ble features of si-cnery, achlKcture, and ' art, lis woll as tho various processes of uiochnnli's ami manufactures. Although Intended for instruction rather than em bellishment, no pains have been spared to Insure their ARTISTIC EKELLEXCE. ' The cost of their execution is enormous, and It is believed they will find a welcome reception as an ndmlrnblo feature of tho Cyclopiedin, nnd worthy uf its high char acter, , , Tills work Is sold lo suluM-rlbers only, payablo on delivery of each volume. It will be complete in Xictrrn iMi fie Oeturo Volume, each containing about HO0 jwaes, fully illustiHted with several lliounaiid WimhI KiiKraviugs, and witl muuurous colorod I.illiographie Maps. Trloe and Styl of Dlndlng : In extra Cloth, per volume . f5 (M In Eibrary I.eulher, per vol. - , . 6 00 In half Turkey morocco, per vol. - 7 00 Jn haif-Kusxla exira gilt,der vol. 8 00 In lull morocco, anUquo, gilt edges per vol. - . . . 10 (Mt Iu lull Russia, per vol. . . jo W) FIFTEEN VOLUMES NOW READY. HuoceedinR volumos, until complotion, will Ihi issued once in two months. f. o-SiH.imen pages of The American t yelopiedia, showing typo, llluslratious, etc., w ill be sent gratis on application. Firnt-Class Cttnrasxinj Agent JTanteil. Address the I'ubliNhors, P. APPI.ETOX A CO., M 649 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. Fi'ro and Bv.: Coi:kI-i'. rfciforin, Wagon 4 Track S.4 fur Prlc-T.Ut. .lgOMU ,v.uUd. 3!arvlirs Safe Co., 2-5 Broidwiy, New York. 721 Chostnul St.. Phila: DVKHTIS.:HseP.d S!i cents to C!eo.. r S iv V 1. 1 J oner. a y Lock box mn mi r-i...' t,.. ' - i ' v i