SEATKI AND UNSEATED LANDS In Forest County, Pa. By sirtne of sundry writ of the Gener al Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to tho sale of Honi ed and Unseated lands in tho County of Forest, etc,, for taxes due and unpaid, I will offer at public, sale, at the Court -House, in the Borough of Tionosta, Pa., on the , SECOND M0KD1 OF JCSE, 1876, at 10 o'clock a, m., tlie following described pieces of land, or atioh part thereof M may be necessary to aatiafy the amount of taxes and coaU diieand unpaid afrainst the same, and continue tlie aale front day to day, as the Mine may be found necessary. nniraor iali: . The amount of taxes and coats tnnat bo paid when the property ia struck off, or the sale may be avoided and the property put np and resold. All tracts not otherwise marked, are ad Tertised for taxes of 187 and 1875. UNSEATED LANDS. BARNETT TOWNSHIP. Wtr. Am. WirrMto, r npmCti Orr 8169 4t6 Ofrilbv heirs 8149 C78 R 8 Wlnlaek 6701 1 Winlack R 8 8160 449 HLAJL 900 Darrah A Moor 125 IUt Wd 110 6791 5 Raid B J, Shippen E 160 GilfbilKliBabeth 80 " S313 160 Colvln J R 1R75 8311 100 Hilbronnor L IIHOSLrr TOWK8I1TT. sm a Gin da Co 6 1. to 1000 Superior Lumber Co 6136 420 Harmer Josiuh 6165 600 riummer A 6160 600 " 6145 100 Unknown part of tract 6129 900 McDermot A Porker 6110 800 " " V. Ill SO 16179 7 49 100 91 96 00 90 00 78 00 14 64 82 60 4 49 15 30 IS 00 614 SO S30 75 183 75 294 00 294 00 S3 08 830 75 110 25 807 60 867 60 367 60 110 25 330 75 49 49 6128 1000 6109 1000 6108 960 6106 6234 6133 8142 6212 800 950 Taylor Charles 100 Blood A Stewart 160 J S Bleakley 100 Wheoler.Buaonburv A Co 48 89 a 130CK S3 u 6188 300 Wolf A Co 124 76 6187 CO " " 19 84 6187 192 Lewis E E A Convor 68 80 6193 18 Ploo A Dale 6 88 6187 100 Snoblet Herman S3 08 6188 820 Wm Sinclair, 8 A Ford 73 60 6214 290 Schooly J C A Co ' 93 67 6258 860 Richardson W H 134 66 6194 60 Perkeoiuan oil Co 19 11 6217 1100 Hall, Lamb A Sohooly 661 25 6186 100 Irlonaidos Oil Co S3 07 6186 100 ZuendellCltrooklynoilco 3862 6131 200 Gray 8 0 77 17 6193 2U0 Gillillan CP 95 66 6198 63 A A Porter 27 61 BTCKORT TOWNSHIP. SM Eoonomlte Society 187S 5208 6221 6207 68 40 1 13 208 Noble A Jennings 175 " Delamater.Aloorn P8 20 51 45 6233 11026 6203 560 Wilkina. Croker A Lona 117 '60 eiw yya iinoinnau x riusDurgn 220 60 70 " - 32 44 735 00 2940 - 8 60 45 60 73 60 6218 6191 6280 8689 6192 5219 760 Brown S Q and others 200 Unknown 4 T D Collins J O Reld 1 831 Mead George 1873 ' 829 Percival C. Hay Jas 100 Cole B R 60 Petltrrew A J 29 40 11 01 I b!ua 25 Alcorn, above E. Hickory 1 80 73 50 688 44 10 51lr4 250 Becker Richard Island 6 T D Collins 120 M'FeeALongwell.D Noble 99 lm ww irM rr -.,li vw -'t y hiii. x as minium 60 M'Calmot J 8,OS sHirgins 800 Woleott t Wolcott 100 David Beaty 96 White W 8, M Walters '75 20 First Nat. IV k Allegheny City, Prater heirs 1 P L Roberta 11 01 14 70 8089 8690 66 15 S6 75 15 20 785 147 82 Wiggins K R 1 Anderson W L, O 14 70 147 M Hunter 6 Mrs. Amelia Cary 60 II H Stow 16 Dr. D R Colbert and Reld 2 21 1101 I O 735 6220 820 Q C Carpenter, J 8 Mayers 188 16 TIONESTA TOWNSHIP. 80 Winana J inlands 8822 1000 8 Wood s heirs 8821 1000 Helm Jacob 840 H J Caswell 10 49 S.r0 00 420 00 70 00 84 17 61 21 98JSaro Jaoob.W W Hillings 175 Allen A.GeorjreM'Cray 60 Haslott Samuel 1874 60 Walker F T, Dale A Bro 242 Mar t Hunter 139 Cook W 2821 8 62 2100 86 69 48 45 400 a May A Irwin.M Stewart 140 00 2823 xoottauD. ft-szj Susan St Pink axd 118 Copeland Otis heirs S3f Hub. 1-32 John Ludlinfr 67USub. 1-lfl N O Lariinore 127 Amy D W, Knox 67iSub. 1-16J John A Back- ner 135 Sub. 2-16 Elizabeth Me- 68 60 40 23 1163 23 44 2823 2aa 44 42 2828 2823 2823 23 44 Call luT. 1- 47 22 67J8i 10 Henry V. Mo- Call 23 44 2823 640 Sub.8-16JohnM'Dongal 189 00 25 Parrv A fv a tit 60 H J Milev, J Noble 17 50 275 Edwin Clapn 103 24 8a6 " J 24 60 2836 990 Hannah A Gilnllan 315 80 2826 100 Unknown . 35 00 108 uooiinope Pet. Co 37 80 2838 1000 E E Clapp 350 00 2828 200 J W Fielder . 70 00 2oiGeo. 8 Hunter 8 74 2828 60 Powell B. 17 50 sazl 60 urnbbs John 17 so n i.iu.i9 lasoule Pet Land Aaa n 7 00 101 10 j a uale A Stone 30 11 3820 160 I 'ale A Bro. lo Oil Co 37 09 znzo wo eamiiel West 81 51 aria a ir ihiv 70 00 buS C W Holmes 1 7 2H28 170 Dr Day M 5l 90 C II Bhenherd. Dale heira 81 &i 2826 300 ItenehootAothera,8 West 105 00 100 IUkhoII A JliMhop,R Curtis 35 00 2822 1000 Ut. IxiulaOii Co 360 00 2a4 180 GilmoreACo, Burns 63 00 000 " " 210 00 288 80 John Myers 28 00 2H24 140 la L Gil more 49 00 8823 130 F T Walkei. Townor 45 49 2866 100 J A Dale 35 00 I Hunter John 71 2 Ilopbnrn O J 71 b isuuaer not Oil Co, Mc- Intire 80 44 laland 8 J C 8haw Hunter . 1 06 ruMi 650 J 8 MoL'alinot, Kx'r 192 49 S';t 162 FT Walker,laltooiloo 63 20 tjT r Dairy mpie . 15 04 HOWE TOWNSHIP, A MM UNI. 990 990 6U 4M )00 M m aul . A J L uUi Oww, Til, 3188 blt2 3193 X194 3198 S195 Vart. II 1. 1W 02 193 02 193 02 112 82 87 76 19 49 IC'.li socs iooo Nioh.Hson 3 ism s 1018 600 carder J 07 48 S7!9 1049 " 204 61 6103 170 ' Mifflin J, Nees Ibls 83 07 2735 898 Mifflin J, whole tract 448 acres 78 OS 2878 1081 W Willink 200 09 4790 890 " 166 98 2?H0 1063 " II NTwonbly 208 09 4791 P90 Cushmsn J 193 02 2738 200 62 A 63 " " 88 99 2738 100 68 " Hunt IS 89 27S 100 80 Schofield 29 50 28.10 100 1 " Konmllirr 19 49 2S50 100 5 " Frismoulh 1 19 49 2860 100 German Town Min'tr M'fgCo 19 49 2860 100 9 W Wflllnk, Mo- Noal R 19 49 201 100 11 "Wilson J 19 49 2!I 100 13 "Blnndinflf 19 49 2918 100 19 " Stewart J 19 49 2018 100 20 " " 19 49 2808 60 of 23 " Lewis MIhs 9 78 2808 60 of 24 " F 9 78 2608 n -.n 1 A Aq - mo - 00 w """"i ". T7J - ft " - T IlllllR LfWll O r SO 2808 2877 100 87 " Park Dr 19 49 60 1 of 84 " Thompson W ' Maze W " Wilson 3 9 70 19 49 2995 100 14 2995 100 47 19 49 19 49 194 95 28 24 1123 47 40 291)5 100 46 2464 1000 " 2403 1075 . " 8181 69 " Hubbard R 4646 611 K A Tarnell, Clorer Seth 3186 68 W Williak. Dobba B 13 12 87 69 65 70 65 70 Vact. 450 R Atkinaon, CoUnt A av wm ueu 279 Wm Sfitt 2016 100 Hah. 141 Bnrnett 8 F 8185 100 Mifflin J 6108 160 Campbell II 6102 760 B Dobba 6103 730 Funk heirs . 6103 100 Campbell II, Link. 19 49 19 49 29 27 145 93 142 34 19 4 a lot woo c onn aeirs 6105 676 Camplwll II 6101 1000 Funk hoira 81! 596 Howe Lumbeer Co 194 95 112 27 194 95 116 16 116 16 116 26 194 95 SliiT 6!6 " " 92 690 Matthews Chas 6282 1000 Funk heirs 3133 100 Bonner J, Mifflin J 83 42 173 02 83 60 193 02 3142 596 Fox C J 2308 200 Shclton Oil A Mln'g Co 3183 990 II LA J L 3184 90 " J Bonner 198 02 48 20 2366 240 W Willink JENKS TOWNSHIP. Wm. AfM fob. WanatMWliatd OvMr. Tui 6142 132 11 Baynton P Mo Cray 25 86 6144 145 13 u N.half.PaulJ 28 66 5144 68 14 " Clark J 11 29 6144 68 14 "Si Murklna Edd. II 69 5145 195 " K. part 88 25 8159 495 Ocilliv heirs 117 34 8160 445 II L A J L 108 78 8191 95 16 " " 23 27 3102 1100 " " 209 60 3163 888 ' " " 217 46 8164 090 " " 243 63 8165 400 C Breneman, J Reid 93 33 3108 090 H L t J L 242 64 4174 631 42 Germantown Ml- ningaM ftrCoH I 1298 3174 681 47 Germantown Mi- . ning A M'fg 13 72 8174 lOfiJ 60 " 25 98 8177 114 23 HLtfJL 27 92 " 60 24 " . " 8 J 12 24 " 50 24 " M N 12 24 " 100 2.5 " " . 24 50 " 114 26 " 27 92 100 32 " -24 50 " 95 33 Germantown Mi- ninir it M'f 'a Co 23 26 u 64 84 HLAJL 1323 - 64 34 mm 13 23 " 77 39 Germantown Mi- ning M'f 'k Co 24 16 8178 783 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 17 a 18 H LA J L 1875 103 74 22 78 3279 93 93 S8( 651 93 129 114 100 100 114 144 93 107 97 990 250 158 500 600 43 46 51 61 64 69 21 22 27 28 29 85 86 87 HLAJL M M 22 9 8 F Rohrer E.part 13 46 ICS tfT 81 69 27 93 24 60 24 50 i!T 98 57 98 22 87 8181 H La JL 26 21 23 3100 6137 6137 5139 6140 HLAJL Harmer J " West a. of K. part 242 65 61 25 43 61 122 60 122 50 3561 1000 SM0 545 86A7 1000 8608 1000 3669 1000 3671 1000 8672 1000 8660 618 8551 618 2549 900 4130 1096 tree A Davis 392 00 " A M'Pheraon 127 40 " " 245 00 " " 245 00 " " 1875 132 50 ' " 245 00 " " 246 00 Smith Rev. Wm. 126 90 " " 126 90 W Willink 22060 Wallace S, Lang shore hi 268 62 220 50 4133 000 4130 1002 8800 1014 3101 1014 3601 60 5 9 " 266 54 C B Wrinht A Co 847 78 " " 847 78 Nicholson A Mc pherson Prentice 12 25 3061 900 4, 7, 11, 20 4k 26 J 8 Hush M' Jamea 73 50 8173 8169 3170 8179 8179 3179 3185 8170 S191 5129 6136 00 80 686 60 100 45 246 62 A 63 830 Button Robert McClatchy R Blood Cyruaeat. 22 04 19 60 142 68 uermantown Mi ngMfCo 12 " " 24 50 " 60 27 B Dam 102 42 100 uermantown Ming A M'lg Co A B Farm 304 Germantown Min'gAM'fg Co Anderson 68 Tobbs J H 80 Funk hoira 305 Harmer Joalah 24 50 74 48 14 20 19 60 89 41 267 04 243 00 5138 6106 1090 Funk heira 510T 1000 5110 753 Mifflin J, E. part 181 46 I of 400 8 H Hill, Rinkenbroile 60 98 64 GermantownMin'KAM'fa rr . 1 1 . a . . 8322 8170 uAursriu J3 03 8179 69 lOD. 00J HLaJLT Martin 1875 7 21 nARMONY TOWNSHIP. " w SapMit Ovmi. 80 E Newbury 60 Siins J Y, McKinley ,i330 J S McCaliuot Ex'r 100 ' 150 A G Bsrr A Beach 100 W A Conuly GREEN TOWNSHIP. 600 Bonner J 120 Brecht M 4i0 Dale A Bro 800 Dale J O, H McClintock 600 Duncan K 66 G 8 I y 700 Ford A Lacy 290 (iilleapie Owens T.i. 24 00 J6 79 86 40 28 80 72 00 24 00 5157 6185 8819 5185 8818 6600 5184 6184 6188 6189 6189 6189 3818 102 00 8 16 82 60 34 00 102 00 9 62 272 00 89 44 24 48 84 00 120 Myers Peter 180 May II U TionesU Oil and libl. Co 800 T F Thomas 100 Luppy Conrad 1875 160 Alice Henry 100 Weller Lot 61 Irwin II M A 8 T May A I 1." A . I 40 80 888 10 19 23 79 8 47 6 80 544 00 i;ni 00 6601 1000 'i'Jli I WOO 5503 1000 C30 00 SEATED LANDS. BAHNETT TOWNSniP. loO Annntrona rtate 4' liixy.ard Imaao 10 31 5 76 22 60 2 66 47 43 11 24 46 07 33 08 140 no 95 7 866 802 r74 3.114 100 Black D - 25 Haluht Joaenh 75 3151 620 McCloeky R '76 Rirrfl 990 "'76 6700 S Shlppen Edward 44 206 " H148 1M " " R14f 7m . 8187 60ff.hfrlrr Pantl 8 A t Hwener Alex '75 M Hlwofth Ali' 82 Black Jamea Kan '74' 80 Kollog J A '74. 100 Black J P '74 KING8LKT TOWN&Hir. 13 8C 12 94 11114 18 73 24 77 12 48 264 1 2 1 43 6! fill Bnatlun Robert, dee'd 6187 T5 McCllntoek Hamilton 6186 100 " " 0193 400 Lake Erie Pel. Co '70 6194 80 " " '75 214 50 Cox ner Jacob '74 6189 25 Smith J H '74 IIICKOItY TOWNSnir. Barnbart A Bender '75 71 3990 83 Clark T B D Ritaller 6 75 8 37 8 37 3 37 60 " " C A Hill 60 ' " JAlbaunh 6210. 26 Dawson A Bewinau Island 8 Dale J A 8693 176 National Oil Co 3693 1 Siinilna John 620 20 20 2 12 18 76 171 UnionCherryRnnOAM CO 86 " mm 10 Van Dimon Sidney '75 8 75 4 62 81 00 6208 600 Webb W II TIONESTA TOWNSniP. 25 Banner Oil Co lo " " 280 Douglass McKinley '75 123 Hattleld A Co 40 Ronton R Wlnsor 23 Whitman John '73 106 Webster A Co U Seller 9 Walker V T 75 102 Garretaon II Canaway '75 23 Whitman George '76 4 Sickles O G 10 Petti frrew Joseph 170 Walker F T '75 8 75 43 20 27 80 82 84 12 00 815 38 12 124 10 98 140 40 220 8 10 2828 HOWE TOWNSniP. Vaot. 150 Blood K L '75 2850 300 Eldridire James '73-4-5 6 57 87 49 8 76 8186 2808 100 Hays Jas Taylor T 20 McManta '76 8 75 8186 4821 1( Tsvlor T B Havs TO 3 75 6W P'ghAForeat 00 '75 17 20 4823 47 22 92 20 84 2016 iWO 17-lStlis, Ray Wm '73 JENKS TOWNSHIP. Vaot 250 Blood K L '75 3185 60 Bonner J 15 63 7 95 31 67 220 Daniel J W 220 Dobba B J 26 20 3170 210 Reynar 8 B J A et al whole tract 290 48 29 8173 60 Roynar 8 B J A ot al 10 28 81 89 Vact. 100 Sehoneld G W 31.18 100 " " 6141 100 Thompson John 6170 1 Wynnkook John Eat I9 60 28 09 1 68 23 70 8 92 10 IS Vact. 121 Weber C B 20 " " Isabel Scott 3168 100 Taintcr J Loary Lot '74 IIARMONY TOWNSHIP. 100 Barr Frank 26 88 60 Brown Col 15 46 147 Barnes Dale Watson A CO '75 21 83 217 215 Ceoil J R 67 05 "27 05 216 118 " " 10 Coleman Manroaa 106 Clark Brees A Co 60 Cook John 10 Coleman H "75 175 Davis Wm Flemmlng 637 Dawson Run Oil Co 199 Dowdoll Chas I of 144 Eaaton H 8 J White . 4 37 26 19 14 50 65 32 25 156 7i 68 39 20 28 9J Edun borough oil 00 Kepler 728 iuu r lHnor ttro 34 Gileapie J J 60 Gilbronson A Runaoll '75 t Glenn J D Stow H H '74 1 Hutchinso i McKinley '75 195 Haworth Tho5 12 Harris David 125 Hidokooer 60 II enter Pet Co 12 Hotchklaa ) A Copeland 8 Jenkins J D 1 Liedom '75 200 Hiokley A McClafTerty 1O0 Hunter Win Foreman '75 75 ' " 300 McCalmnnt J S '75 40 Allen F W 60 Bonney V, 60 Babbitt MT 06 Bradie R C 60 Brown Bros 491 Brownson A II 18 Mills 8 M Dav '75 3.5 98 17 40 3 73 4 71 124 72 97 883 48 65 19 47 2 38 3 24 4 97 10 00 9 19 323 67 96 9 21 21 83 30 39 19 33 16 49 18 24 897 330 McGarveyACoRosenhangh 145 95 40 McClintock Moment' d 00 '75 6 94 4 Mover L C hotel lot '75 03 60 " " Richardson 18 15 75 Miles Hugh '75 19 85 10 Neill W T Wilson A Stowell 2 18 80Neill8T 8 Neill Louis 20 Neill J M 8 Paul D J 60 Kepler J M '75 1 Roup Sara'l 75 Reia Fleming 6 Sue! J H Sprague A Co 75 Shaw A Eaaton 76 218 Sweet J B A Co 800 Smith J H 70 Soott Walter Pet 00 '75 160 Smiley Dr 6 Siggins A J 23 Stella Pet Co 86 30 2 02 7 84 487 1 50 2 19 23 19 8 13 14 91 08 79 23 01 11 92 87 28 209 9 01 982 W. Hickory Mining As'n 804 88 150 Webster Hugh A Co 49 15 100 WiHner J T Church '75 15 88 80 Wilson A Neill 84 92 40 WarrenAVenango oil 00 '76 13 90 37 Wilson John '73 8 17 124 " A Robinson 43 80 100 P'ghAChorry Run oil co'7 12 10 47 Philips Bros '75 6 15 60HunUr JU'76 7 63 40 Allen FW '74 7 90 60 Brown 8 A Copeland heirs" 7 56 iu Homedon Kb " 2 81 75 Jones K L II Miles 131 Mathews E Birchtleld 28 Mvers John I M M 1 McKinley W 35 Neill Wt 6 Neill Emeline 70 Shamhureh G CamnHall " 18 80 " 23 80 " 664 " 47 "120 "0 40 "188 2 76 147 Thoiulinson A Anderson " 26 18 GREEN TOWNSHIP. S825 6185 47 Brognard A Dale, Conroy 108 Dale A Bro . 828 1050 381617 675 Wallace A D1 37 87 3820 12 Whitman John.Khonn 1876 38 3M8 8826 66 Itaftortv John heira 1874 8 73 838 Woods heirs 1874 22 50 76 Whitman SeUien,Shoupl874 12 87 TIONE8TA BOROUGH. 1 Davis Mrs E L 1 Ford 8 A i Mullen Bishop i Riddle 8 O lfi 'J Simrnonds, Crawford 1875 424 Sickles U G 1875 i Clark RP Knox ASIiriver 6 Irwin A Ilidrick 1874 8 " " m 11 Shriver 1874 i Hunter D G 1874 2280 10 50 8 43 1 29 A 10 157 20 12 20 4 19 860 7 88 136 Tioneata, Forest County, Pa., this 29th S. J. SKTLKY, Treasurer, NEW REVISED EDITION. ENTIRELY REWRITTEN BY THE ABLEST WRITERS ON EVERY SUBJECT. Printed from New Tvpc, and illustrated' with aeverlal Thounand Kn gravings and Maya, The work- nrlirliiallvrmbl lulled nnder the title of THE NKW AMKRICAN CY0Hr- APIA was cnmplotod in 1863. since Whrtdi time, tlMJ Wide circulation which it has attained In all parts of tho United States, and the signal developmanta which nave wucerr pi ace m every francit ot science, litoratnre, and art, have inilnceir the editors and puhllahers to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and to wane now edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. Wlthlfl the last feu rears the DfOBfewa of aiscovery in every nepanmeni 01 knowl edge haa made new work of reference an imperative want. The movement of political affitrr he kept pace with the discoveries of science, and their fruitful application to tlie Indus trial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of social life. Great wars and eonaemient revolutions haveoeenrreil. involving national vnanges 01 peculiar moment. The civil war of our own coun try, which was at its height when the last volume of the old wcrk appeared, has hap pily been ended, and a new couraeof com mercial and industrial activity turn been commenced. Ijarge coestilons to our GEOCRANIICAl KNOWLEDGE Have boon made by the lndnfiitigablo ex plorers of Africa, The great political revolutions of the last decade, with the natural renult of the lapse or time, have brought Into public view a multitude of new men. whoae namea are in every one's mouth, and of wnoae lives every one is curious to Know the particulars. Groat battles have been of which the details are aa yet preserved only In the newsrapera or In the transient puuiicaiiona or me nay, nut wiucu ought now 10 iaae tnoir place lit PEBXIXEXT 1!ID ICTHEJiTIC DISTORT. In preparing tlie present edition for the haa accordingly been the aim of the editors to bring down the information to tlie latest possible dates, and to furnish an aocurata account of tlie most recent dis coveries in sclenoo, of every fresh produc tion in literature, and of the newonl Inven tions in tlie practical arts, as well as to give a succinct and original record of the progress or POLITICAL AXD HISTORICAL EVENTS. The work haa been besun after lorn and careful preliminary labor, and with the most ample resources ror carrying it on to a snccessful termination. None of the original stereotvns nlstea have been used, but every page has been miNTED 03 SEW TYPE, Forming In fact a new Cvcloniedla. with the anine plan and compass aa ita prede cessor, but wltn a far irroater pecuniary expenditure, and with audi lmprouemeiits in lis composition aa nave been anggested by ion iter experience And enlartrod knowl edge THE ILLUSTRATIONS which are Introduced for the first llmo in the present oditinn have been added not for the sake of pictorial ell'oct, but to give grouter lu -idity an 4 force to tho explana tions In the text. They embrace all branchos pf science and of natural histNry, mi ucpici 1110 nimi ramoua ann remarKa ble features of scenery, aohiticturo, and art, as well as the vurinus processes of mechanics and manufactures. Although uwniiuu lur lusirucuon rainer than em lietlishment, no pains have been spared to insure moir ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE. The cost of their execution Is enormous. and it is believed they will tlnd a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the i-yciopiedla, and worthy or Its high char acter. Tills work la sold to subscribers only, payable on delivery of each volume. It will be complete In Sixteen Large Octavo Volutneg, each containing about 800 pages, fully illustrated with aeveral thousand Wood Kngravlnga, and with numerous colored tomographic Maps. Price and Style of Binding: In extra Cloth, per volume 5 00 In Library Leather, per vol. 6 00 In half Turkey morocco, per vol. - 7 00 In half Russia exira gilt, per vol. 8 00 in tun morocco, antique, gilt edires per vol. . . 10 00 In full Russia, per voL - 10 00 nrTEEU VOLUMES K0 READY. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be issued onoe In two months. .-8peciroen pages of The American Lyciopteuia, snowing typo, illustrations. "S iu iw hui gratis ou appuoaiion. First-Clast Canvaiing Agents ITunreil, Address the Publishers, D. APPLETON A CO., 50 519 A 651 Broadway, N. Y, Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Oil Creek & Allegheny River Rail . way, and Buffalo, Corry & Pitts burgh R. R. ONT AND AFTER Sunday, December 5, 1875, trains will run as follows : STATIONS, Northward. Southward a m p m p m p 111 a in p m Pittsburgh 8:451 1:201 8:301 9:151 3:06 6:25 4:13 3:35 2:J0 2:00 12:35 12:00 10:30 9:15 8:25 W 2:50 10:311 7:4.5 1:40 Kittanniug 10:4o 4:04 11:3.- 7:02 12:48 II. hk j unci 1:24 6.-00 12-.50) 6:60 11:39 11:82 Hrariy Bendll:H8 6:17 6:54 6: 2fi 7:14 8:tt) 8:54 1:15 6:3d 1'arker 12; 15 2:13 4-.rM 10:40 10:Z2 9:36 r.mlonton 12:54 2:44 4:27 Scruhgraaa 1:36 Frsnklin 2:14 Oil City 2:50 4:00 8:41 6:07 2:58 2:20 8:60 6:00 8:1 0 Oleopolis F ag lo Rock Tionosta Ticlioute Irvluetou 8:07 3:17 10:02 0:52 fr2l 5:17 4:4; 3:4 9:24 10:55 8:42 2:06 12:45 4: A 8:M 7:45 6:10 12:30 Rouaeville Titusvillo CVirrv Mavville Butlalo 8:13 , 4:lirt 5:2 1 7:10 9:15 9:08 6:28 1:30 7:4! 7:00 7:52 6:45 10:00 7:85 8:56, 10: 37 1 1:15 12:3: 11:08 6:20 9:'AI 6:00 3:46 12:15 p. nt p. m p. in nil a, ni P. m Trains run by Philadelphia Time DAVID MoOARUO, Gen'l Sun'L J. MORTON HALL. Geu'l Pasaeuger A Ticket Agent. ADVKllTlSEIlSsend 26 cents to Geo. P. Rowel I d Co., 41 Park Row, N. Y 6r their Eighty-page Famphlst, showing cost of advei ining, 13 4t JOB WORK DOSK AT TIIR 'REPUBLICAN" OFHCE At he lotveH oeuh prim, ntatfy, prompt, ly, and in ityU equal U (hit cf any Other establishment in On Ditrit4. BUSINESS CARDS SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARD-t SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MOXTIII4Y RTATKMKXTS, ENVELOPES BILL EADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SHUTING TAGS, Ac. Firo and Dufglar iSJ jlT" frJ Count r. n.uform, Wigon 4 Track r.tnG r..r rrlrr-l.t..t. .tirrnts M'sntcd. 31 :tn-Ill's Ssii Co,'- : IS5 ProTlviv, Now VorW, 721 Clicst iut Si., rhiU"- PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL R.AILKOA1Y ON A Ml A KTKlt 11 1. F. Wunday May I. 1870, Trslns srri vn at and leave lln Cnloii leMit, corner of Waslilntoii ami IJUuly slrt-ct, as d!nwt A Hill VI'.. Mali Train. 1.30 m I Fast Una. 12.12 a m Well's accommotlstln No. I, rt.jii m m . Ilrlnton ammimoilstion No I, 7.60 a in; U'.ll'a ......n.i.uI.H..n KTa l fi ... ... riiiiiatl eiprem V.HO a m Johnstown ac comtnodittion 10.50 ami HnuliliMk'a a eoinmodatlon No 1, 7.00 pni Pillsliurvli epresn 1.30 p nil l'acllle espreas 1.60 p lu j wans BrcmiiiirHijiiMn co n, z.b u m 1 HomewiMMl accommodation No 1, 9.5.1 pmj Wall's a-coiiiniMlation No 4, A'iO p ni Ilrlnton accommodation No 2, 1. 10 1 in Way 1'asariifrer ln.M m. DEPART. Southern express 6.20 nl t Ta-!fle CT ress 2.40 a in i Wall's sccnmmrMtntlon No , 6.30a m l Mail Train 8.10 a in : llrtnton's WNHimiiKxIntlon D.Wsmt llmdd'xk s ae eoiiimolntinn No I, 6.1(1 p nil Cincinnati express 12.35 p m : Wall a atM-omiiimbiiion . -i, ii.oi a ni jonnsiown accotiiiiKMiKiiuti 4.0.r p in I iloiiiewiMid aeroiiiiiiodntioii Nr 1, 8.50 p in ; Philadelphia exprrwa 8.Mp mi Wall accommnliilloii No 3.3.05 n mi W all's accoiiimiMliiiiiin No 4, 6.0. n in Fant Uuo 7.10 p in Wall's No 3, 11.00 p in. The Church Trains leave Well's Ststloir every Hundsv at 9.0.1 a. in., rewliinit I'Ku- nurun at lo.ona. 111. itettmtinK leave rtds btirith at 12.50 p. in., and arrive at Wall's Station at 2.10 p. III. Cincinnati exnrena leaves 1 illy. Sonth ern express dsily eaosplMonJuy, All nth er Trains dally, except Sunday. ror runner Information aply U - W. II. RKCKWITII, Apent. Tlio Ponnrvlvania Ksllruad Comisiny will not assume any Risk r llatfirairs ex. oept 6r Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsMiiisiiiiiiy to line Hundred in.uai s val ue. AlllHuinmire exceediiiK that a omit In value will lie at the risk of in ;ner, nnlesa taken by sjieclal contrsct. v A. J. 1'AM.HAl General Superintendent, Altoona fit m GRKrwrciTRw PITT.SllTJKair. PA.' Ttin rflltrkwifll llul Alill.H.ui. . ft of our Imnieiise stis k : Miussle-Loadlng- Rifles, full or half stork at 812, 815, m, and .'.". uouoie Barrel KlUes, RSI to 50. Doubls Rifles and Shot Guns, ell her over and under, or side by nide,ainl at all price from UI to .'i0. Blntrle-Barrel Sho Guas. ftr men or lioysi cheap safond durable. All prlcva f.1,50 to fa each. Double Uarrel Shot G uns. Our fifty difTerent styles, mndo of Iron, Iondon Twist, I-aminiitcd Stel or Damas cus llarrols, liuiiied In the lieat and lalgxt stylo, all sixes, for men anil Imv, at prion ''ro.,,n 10 15. t20 'i 8.1.., ?!'. S-iO, 7j to 8100. PISTOLS,, In variety from $1.00 to 88.00. IlEVOLVEHS. 4, 5, 6, or 7 ahooters, of every kiud, at all prices from d.00 to fi'i.OO. v BREECH-LOADING RIFLES. Winchester Improved 18 shooter. Itcwt long range gun iu the world. Price only 8"I5. Sharn'a Celebrated llroech-Loadlnjr Ri fles only 810 each. ReminifUin IlreocU-Loading Rilhs at loeat fiietory prices. .Wlosson's and Stephen's Pocket Rifles, nslni? moUl cartridinw, at 12, 815 and fix. Breech-Loading Shot Guns. The DextorSliiKle Ilarrel Ilreeeh Ixs!l liiKtsiiot Gun, uslnu HriiMNHlinlla priccfil. Ntephens' II. L. Single Gun, 816. ' Double Uarrel Uree. li Ioa.l.T, s Dean s W(jo,lhiU'M, Grwinen s, Iti. I.Hr.1', SHt s and other lino makos, at all pri.4. from .K) to &100 each. tiemlfur Price Lint to J. ii. Jonsm, GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 285 LIBERTY STRUCT, PiaTSDUUfill, ia;s. and state that saw this luUci tiwun iit in 1 HK 1-OI1KST lU.l'l lll.K AN. Takk Noti. k-I will buy tr trle ft.r Army Itilles.Carbines, lu-volvcrw, Ac 1'or prices see CiitliKiis.. flrders bv mail receive i.roixi.i -ii... ....... Gom1s ssnt by exprens to any im.IiiI ('. I . P., to bo examined before pujd lor, w hen rciuesttKl, ' 46 if You dm San nm. It V till vl nr X'ttm lf . X'. ... . . . ... A r" ."".''"""K'""! M.'iiiufiu-turcrV AKeiit, f.,i he Ih1 brands in ths iikel. Iiisuuuionu shipped direct l'r..m the -.i -toiv. ( II AS. A. Sli I' 11'., Tuner, 'ly. I''S-K box 174i, Oil I Uy, IM i