The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 07, 1876, Image 4

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    She &txtp gltpuMom.
Tbir) Jorr Rn:K.
. Couwei'mcri (J. W. Tloli1nnn. M. A
Vartirr, A. D. Kelly, S. II. II allot, A. II
1 nnrmgo, II. (. nil vis,
uicc otht Peace D. S. Kiioi, C. A
(m((iM II. SwnTenrt
fkhool IHrtrton !. S Ktinr If. O. Pa
tK S, -I. Woloott, 8. n. Haslet, A. IJ,
eny, u. tjiarK.
President Jn(lae1j. D. WETMonR.
-nali JudytaJoH. O. lUl.B, Kd
w A no IVIRR. .
Treasurer S. J. Srti.kt.
JVntfconofary, Register Recorder, te.
t). W. Clark
Nhtritr Justis S hawk sr.
Cbmmttmrt En Bcbcin, Isaac
Lono, John Rcck.
(.Hnry &upertnttnttmtU. 8. BnocK
pi&trict Attorney H. D. Irwi.
arjr Commissioners If. Z. ToWxnn,
tiiscy Surveyor T. I. Collins.
CYror M. Ittkl, Jn.
' Cbanfy Juditort NfOHOT.AS TnoMP-
on, J. R. Null, H. A. l'kkdki.l.
itsmbtro Con7rc JKo. A. Jkmks,
" Assembly J. ii. AaifEW.
IHmeof 7Vafn
At TI0XE8TA STATION, on and after
woo. a,
. ocTir.
Train 43 ... 9:24 a. m.
" li - 3:42 p.m.
Train .IS - - - fl:BR. m.
" 21 - - - 3:42 p. m.
- Train 32, south, and 1, north, nre 1st
ciaaa: tli otliera ar accommodation
freight. Those train only areallowed to
tsu-ry paascngora.
Or tha River Division i. e. from Oil City
to Irvlnnteu, tip the river la North ; down
wis river, aonin.
fresh corn meal mid fresh oat
meal at Robinson & Bouner's. . 10 2t
Work on the culvert over Ooun
cil Run, ia progressing. It will bo i
week or ten dari before teams can
Cross tbert.
lion. Jno. A. Dale and family
, have returned from tUe Centennial,
. Staving seen and enjoyed all that a as
- eable and enjoyable. -
Sotuebodr put a atone, in a bat
and laid it right side up on the aide
wulk, the other day, but wo beard of
bo one kicking it.
' uear no certain sound from
eur new council on the subject of side-
".Jk. It ia tiuio something was be
iug done in that direction.
. Mr. E. Klein, of Tidiontc, a bro
ker of Mr. L.' Kluin, of this place,
started a jewlery store in Dradford
flevs a coad workman, and merits
mcccss. .-,,
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Convcr, and
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. A Jains and part
of tfie family of the latter, started lor
Silver Creek, N. Y., on Monday last,
for a short visit.
Lightning- struck a couple of
tanks of oil, uear SoMth Oil City on
Saturday last, and about 70,000 bar
ie!s of oil, several wells, a bouse and
barn, were burned. The oil was fully
Mr. O. I). Ackerly and family,
of Union City, and Miss Emma Arner,
who has been teaching in that city,
passed through town yesterday, on
their way to Laeytown, where they
propose to enjoy their vacation.
' ' J. T. Brennan is building a foun
dation and cellar southwest of where
the house now stands, am!, when fin
ished, will move his house on it. In
the course of time he proposes to build
a main part in front of and joiuing-it.
Mrs. McKay departed for the
Centennial last week, and, we under
stand, will make an extended West
em trip boforo she returns. Mr.
' Einstein returned from the exhibition
on Monday last, feeling well satisfied
with his trip.
Mr. J. Bonner, of Stoneboro is in
town, looking after his laud interests
in this county. He has an immense
'quantity of land scattered over the
county, some of which be offers for
sale much below the figures at which
it is assessed.
'On the 4th page of to-day's pa
ter, we publish the Treasurer's Sales,
for the accommodation of thoso who
want papers containg them about this
time. Heretofore we have had to
draw on our files to accommodate
buyers and tax-payers, but we've
blocked their game this year.
Col. Reisinger, of the MeadviJle
Republican, came to town . last eve
ning, aud is oat trouting to day, with
JMrl Greaves, the artist. We hope
yfthcy will nave good luck.
Now doth the sprightly little trout
Twiat up Iuh back and squirm,
, When punctured with a cruel hook
Wliifci gobbling up a worm.
JULY 4 1876!
Grand Time AnticipatedJ
At a ma S3 meeting of the citizens
held in the parlors of the Forest House
last Moddav evening,' it wnt decided
that we) have a "good old style cele
bration," in this place, to which all
the citizens of the county are cordially
invited, and requested to participate
Committees were appointed to make
all necessary arrangements, but as the
committees do not report until next
Saturday eveniug, when there will be
a second meeting at the .Universalis!
church, we are unable at present to
give a complete summary of the ways
that may be devised for the occasion.
But we are authorized to sny that
these will consist of orations, reading
of the Declaration of Independence,
recital of the History of Forest county,
poems, songs, &c.. Basket Picnic, to
which all the Sabbath Schools, and
all other societies iu the county are
most cordially invited. Fire works
will also be provided, and music and
dancing of course. ' ' '
In our next issue we will be enabled
to give a more detailed transcript of
the matter: in the mean time we
would call the attention of our renders
to the subject, and invite them to turn
out and join with us, and by their
presence and united elfurta help to
make tho occasion a success.
Mr. T. J. Van Gieseu was elected
Marshall of the day, with the power
to appoint assistants.
The following Committees were ap'
pointed : (
Comraitteo to procure Orators, Lit
erati, &c. : J. B. Agnew chairman,
S. A. Varncr, S. II. Haslet.
Com. to procure -music: J. II,
Fones chairman, W. B. Harlan, S. J,
Setiey, Wm. Lawrence, II. Foreman,
Cora, on Finances: M. W.' Tate
chairman, A. II. Partridge, M. Ein
Com. of 'Arrangements: W. E.
Lathy chairman, J. T. Brennan, E. L.
Davis, W. C. Merven, W. C. Coburn.
Ordinance Committee: G. W. Saw
yer and others. : ..:.'- :
Committee of fifteen ladies to be ap
pointed at next meeting, to superin
tend refreshments.
Com. on Invitations: C.i Mer-
veu chairman, J. T. Dale, I'. O..Con
ver, W. R. Dunn, A. B. Kelly.
It is unanimously resolved that the
ladies bo invited to participate In next
meoting, which will be held next Sut-
urday evening at 8 o'clock, sharp, in
the Universal ist Church. Come one;
come everybody. '
W. P. Mekcilliott, Chra'u. t
J. M. Coubet, Sec'y.
Mr. Gallagher, editor of the Mt.
Joy Star, who paid this place a short
visit during court week, publish the
following in regard to it, in the last
issue of tho Star :
"TioDesta is the county seat of For
est county, and its prospects are bright.
It is situated on the cast bank of the
Allegheny river, and on the line of
the A. V. R. R. It lias four or five
well-conducted hotels, a bank, a largo
and beautiful court house, and two
newspapers, the Republican and the
Prcm. There nre also a number of
fine residences, a great many of which
have lately been erected, which is an
evidence that the town is improving,
and has a steady growth."
Laud plaster, a fresh lot, jutt re
ceived at Robinson & Bouiicr's. 10 2t
W have received from tho offi
eers of the Tradesmen's Induslrial Iu
stitnte, of Pittsburgh, a blatik applica
tion for ace to exhibit artiolee of
interest, at the second exposition' of
this association, which is to be held :'n
Pittsburgh, commencing on the ICth
day of August next, and closing on
the 23d day of September. Person
ally, wo have nothing strange or new,
to exhibit, and if any of our. readers
wish to display anything belonging to
them, the blank is at their service,
The buildings will be opened August
1st, for the reccptiou of machinery
and other goods. Goods at the risk
of exhibitors; but efficient watchman
or police will at all times be.ou duty
A littlo son of Mr. Geo. Albaugh,
who lives at the foot of Hiland St.,
fell into the back channel on Saturday
last, sank several times, and was final
ly Carried over the riffle, some rode in
to the river. Mr. John Hood happen
ed to get sight of the boy, and plunged
into the water, and brought the little
chap safidy to shore, and be is now all
right again, but he came very . nearly
passing in his checks. It is a wonder
that we do not hear of moro accidents
of the same kiud, as scarcely a day
passes but numerous boys frem five
to twelve years are paddling all over
tho eddy, where tho water is from four
tOi fifteen feet deep. ' '
The Black Hills bubble has been
effectually punctured by the hatchet
of the Indian. The telegrams giving
an account ef tlioir depredations are
sickening in their details of butchery.
The poor fellows who have "been led to
the Hills by the false reports, in hopes
of making a fortune, lose their lives
instead. , The latest report from . that
section is of the killing of a party of
forty-nino men, a wholesale butchery,
which will cause tho deepest feeling of
indignation and sorrow.
This is the last issue of our pa
per in which candidates are ? allowed
to announce themselves, previous to
our primaries, according to the roles.
So the Republicans must make a choice
among thoss whose name are already
announced. Personally, we would be
ounui aausnea u mere were niteen or
twenty persons announced for each
office, as in that case, we would by
this time, have money enough to make
us comparatively inucpenaent tor a
time. ' ; ;
The Democrats in this i county
and district are working just as hard
for nominations as if they expected
to make the election provided they
are nominated. With the exception of
State Senate, they will certainly be
mistaken, and on that office they may
bo. It is a great ruistako, however,
for these individuals to buttonhole
Republicans; for according to the
rule they are not allowed to voto at
the Democratic primaries.
The Republican primary elections
in Butler county were held last week,
and, at the convention, held at Butler
on Friday last, it was decided to throw
out the entire vote from, the oil dis
tricts. The oil men are very indignant
and, if the vote was straight, iu their
respective dijtricts, they have a per
fect right to be. The result will be
bad splits in the vote at the Novem
ber elections. 1 : -- ' !
Ex-Speaker Blaine has exhibited
those letters which he refused to give
up to the committee, and has shown
up Mr. Knott, who received a telegram
establishing his (Blaine's) innocence,
and who suppressed the same. Speak
er Kerr, is now having a chance of
personal explanation, 'having been
charged with taking money for secur
ing one Green, a commission during
the war. ; ' ' , 1 ' -
Petroleum V. Kasby dictates the
platform on hlch the Democrats
should go into the campaign. It must
meddle with no man's views on the
currency question, or any other ques
tion which will divide the votes. Re
form, is the whole of the platform.
He publishes letters received from
Tweed, Connelly and Sweeney, all of
whom recommend "reform" as the
Some one has removed our hatch
et from the office. It was not our
intention to dig up the hatchet at this
time, but it appears that some indi
vidual believes that it is time it was
raised. Now if said individual will
bring said hatehct back, we will bury
it in a Btlck of kindling wood as
coon as cold weather sets iu.
There were Free Methodist ser
vices, last evening iu the Universalis!
church. A lady conducted the services.
Peoplo talk of tho inconveniences
of silver as change, urging that thci
pockets will be worn out, and their
money lost, and their legs made soro
by the weight of the roone,y. This
may be true in exceptional cases, but
we can assure our readers that there
are no boles i'l our pockets, and that
our legs are as sound as they ever
were in the days 6f fractional eurren
cy. .
'Talking with Capt. Howe, of
Franklin, a few days ago, he informed
us that the work on tha wells iu the
old part of the county, about Balltown,
would commence shortly. The com
pany have ad much to contend with,
in dealing with some of the large
laud-holders, the latter holding the
price of their, leases too high. We
belie'o all things are now ready.
A smart Illinois girl who had
been cruelly jilted, rose up in her
wrath and recovered 85000 for breach
of promise, and she had no sooner
got this suit out of the way than she
took some of the proceeds and went
right to work on another a handsome
black silk made after . the "Domestic
Fashions." ,
Mr. Cbas. Hinton Street Com
nussioner gives notice to tax-payers
that he will commence fork on the
roads on Thnrsday morning next, at
7 o'clock. . All who wish to work out
their road taxes, to meet him on that
morning at Haslet's cornerand they
will be set at it.
At .the primary elections, held in
Amstrong county , last week, Gen.
Harry White received the entire vote
of. the Republicans, having had no op
position. Ho will undoubtedly receive
the instructions from every colnty in
the district, and will be triumphantly
Ice cream and soda water are in
fashion here. In larger places, people
are now indulging in strawberries, cu
cumbers, radishes, &c. Our. garden
stuff will soon be ready for business,
and then we can all get sick without
having to pay such high prices for the
stock. ; "
Henry McSwecney, ' Esq., who
was admitted from Venango county,
to practice at the bar of Forest county
last court, has stuck nut bis shingle in
St. Petersburg. Ho was a , good stu
dent, and passed a creditable examin
ation. We wish him success in bis
Our hills are clothed with ver
dure, and flowers are blooming sponta
neously. Our place, in the summer, is
not excelled in beauty 'by any
other town on the river. Summer vis
ilo.-s could find no more pleasant place
to spend a few months than Tioncst.
We publish tq-day- the card of
Drs. Blaiue & Egbert, who have form
ed a copartnership for the practice of
medicine. Dr. Egbert is a regular
graduate of one of the best medical
colleges in the United States, aud is
undoubtedly well qualified to practice.
It is a lamentable fact, that no
one. of our activo, robust, healthy
young . men has ever broached the
subject of base ball this seasou. If
this state of things is allowed to con
tinue, crooked fingers and black eyes
will become unfashionable. ,
The July number of Ballou's
Magaziue is superb, for it contains
such a large variety of reading matter
that all must be pleased with it. In
addition to the storiua, there are quito
a number of excellent , engravings,
some of them of a handsome charac
ter, and all worthy of particular
notice. There is a continuation of
the great serial called "That Taylor
Boy," by M. Quad,, of the Detroit
Free Press, and it grows more and
more interesting as it advances in the
plot, and a spirited sea story by a
well-knowu writer, and quite a num
ber . of domestio tales of interest.
Published by Thoraes A Talbot, 23
Hawlcy St., Boston, at $1,50 per year,
postpaid. ' ' '
, For Sale or Rent.
The Lawrence House property will
be rented for three years on reasona
ble terms, or will be sold, to a respon
sible buyer, with or without furniture.
This is a new aud large threo-story
house, with a dancing hall iu third
story; has a billiard room with, two
fine tables, attached. A uew barn ; a
good house, renting for $00 per year,
and the stave mill, routing fur $72 a
year, go with the house. ' This house
bus a good run of custom, and will
prove a good investment for nny one
wishing to rent or purchase. Apply in
person or by letter, to
olf Wm. Lawkenle, iionesla. I u.
We will pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tioncsta, for whito oak
stave and heading bolts at tho follow
Hitr prices : w
Stave bolts, 35 inches lone, per cord
of 8 ft. by 4 ft., 84.50. Heading bolts
22 inches long, per- cord of 8 ft. by 4
ft. $1.00. Heading bolts must be
made from timbor at least 20 inches
diitinctcr. Office at Lawrence
J. II, Dericksos & Co.
torn prices, at Robinson & Bonners.49
Xhe valuable find hpnutifnl homo
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
U. ualo, and in. which he now resides,
ia iu my bands for sale at very low
fiirures. Terms one-third numhasa
money down, and the balance in one
ana two years. . vy. I ate.
10tf- ' '
Sewing Machine Needles. ,
Mrs. C. M. Heath has just received
the largest and most complete assort
mcnt of sewing machine needles ever
brought to town. She keeps the only
sewing machine needles ' for sale in
town. Her place of business is in the
Acomb Building, up stairs.
Fresh arrivals at Robinson & Bon
ner's, wooden churns, dried apples,
and shoulders. . 1 ' 8tf
By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in
General. Merchandise.
Flour barrol -flour
sack -
Corn MohI, boiled - -Chop
food ....
Rye Tjl bushol -Onta
1 bushel .
Corn, curs -
Boans "p bushel -
Ham, sugar cured canvased
Breakfast Bacont augar cured
Shoulders - - - -Whitofisli,
half-lmrrclH -Take
herring half-barrels -
,65 I
-tO 45
- 10J
- 16
- .4.50
Sugar - -
Syrup - -. -
- 1012)
7s ra i.oo
. 85 100
' - "85
N. O. Molasses - -Roast
Rio Coffee No. 1
Rio Coffee, - 'i.
Java Coffee ,
Tea - i' -
Butter - ! -
. 10
Rleo - '
12 15
Salt - -
2.00 2.10
Ird - . - -
Iron, common bar' . -Nails,
lOd, V keg ' -
- 3.
- 3.90
- 1.00
Potatoes - - -
Mine 13 bbl. ...
Keiv Advertisements,
3. X. BLAINE, M. p. B. KUBEUT, M. D.
"VKFICE and residonoe In house Connor
J ly occupied Dr. Winans. Offloo days,
weunesuuya aim ouuiruay. ;i'ir
W. H. Lathy,
TTORNF.Y AT LAW, Tlonesfn, Ta,
l Ollluo next door to Lawrence Houho,
Administrators' Notice.
T.ettors of Administaation on tho eslnto
or Win. C Noill, docoasod, lnteof llnrmo
ny towushin. Iiavine boan irrantod the tin.
dpmigned, all persons indebted to said
estate are rcquirod to make Immediate
payment, and all persona having; claims
against sain estate, win present tneui,
rtroocrlv antlipntiested. for uftttlnmant.
jbHNr-1 Administrator,
t ' " .
Jiejr lUIUi
Notice to Tax-Payers.
. The subscriber will bo at tha followlnir
named plaoea for the purpose oC receiving
raxes lor too year 187. Those paying le
fore August 1st are entitled to an abate
meat o( 6 por cent.
Jiarnctt Township.
Mondav. June aCooksburor. from 10 to
12 o'clock ft. nr. Monday, June 26, Clar-
mgion, rrom a 10 o o ctoca p. m.
Jcnks Tottmship.
Tuesday, June 27, Marien Post Office.
Jfurmony Township.
Wednesday, July 5, Store of J. I. Range,
Thursday, July 6, Trunheyvllle.
llickor'y Tounship.
Friday, July 7, Store of T'. J. Bowman,
Khigsley Township.
Patunlav. July 8, Store of Whoelor. Du-
senbury fc Co.
Ureal Totctiahip,
Monday, July 10, Nebraska.
Tionettu Township.
Tuesday, July 11, Treasurer's onioo.
Tionesta Jloioiiyh.
Wednesday, July 12, Treasurer's OfUco.
Jloue Tounship.
Friday, July 1-1, Brboknton,
Those liable for Mercantile License for
1X78 will Mave $ 1.00 by paving before July
1st, 187(1. H. J. SUTLKY,
May 22d, 1876. Co. Treasurer.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facia,
issued out of the Court of Common
l'lcas of Forest County aud to medireotod,
there will be exposed to sale by public
Vtfudue or outcry, at the Court iiouse, iu
the Borough of Tionesta, on
MONDAY, JUNK 19th, A. D. 1870,
at 10 o'clock, a. in., the following itusci iljud
real estate, u-wu i
it. Lumboiton A C, W. Oilfillutl vs. Oeo.
H. Hunter, Ft. Fa No. I September Term,
1876. (iillillan. All that certain piece or
parcel of land in Tionesta Township, For
est County, Pennsylvania. Bounded and
(lescrioeil aa lollowst one Island In tho
Allegheny River, about one-Ualf niilo lie-
ov the Borough of 1 1,'iu-it.i, commonly
known as tho Puslin Island, containing
about twelve aores of land, more or less,
of which about nine acres are improved
and under cultivation.
A uso. A double Island in the Alleli
ny River alionl two miles above tho Hor
ousjh of Tioncsta, iu Tionesta Township,
Forest. County, Slain of Pennsylvania,
and originally named bv, and alwaya
known ns, the Jesse Ialo 'Island, adjoin
ing, contiguous to each olher, containing
In all about, twenty-five acres, of which
alKut 13 acres, more or less, are improved
and cultivated.
Also. The undivided ono-lmlfof a cer
tain piece or parcel of ground situate and
heinn in the Borough ol Ti mesta, Forest
County, Hennsrlvanin, containing three
ditP'rent lots as laid off in tho plot made
hy Sickles, tho proprietor, ami nituste at
and below the east end of tho Tionesta
Bridge. Bounded on the west bv tha Al
legheny River at low water mark, and on
the south by lots and land owned by John
A. Dale, and on which is erected one two
atory frame house. Containingaltogeihsr
one aore more or less.
A Mo. All tho right, litlo and intereat
or Defendant In and to a certain ploca or
parcel of land In Tionesta Township, and
west of the Allegheny River, being the
south went part of the tract oC land survey
ed on a warrant signed to Arlam Eck.and
all that portion of the aouth and south
west of that portion of the eame deeded
by Poland Hunter to his grand-daughter
Ann Range. Bounded by tho Allegheny
River on the southwest, and on the south
east and the west hy tha lines of the origi
nal tract. Containing one hundred and
fifty acres, more or lose, of which about
twenty-live acres were cleared and culti
vated, but now partly grown up to brash.
Taken in execution and to lie aold as thf
property of Oeo. S. Hunter,-at the ault of
K, Lamberton and C. W. UilnlUan Ct.
Terjns cash. ' ' ' '
. JUHTI8 SHAWKEY, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tionesta, Forest County,
Ta., May 31, 1876. . '
Awarded tho Highest Medal at Vienna.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO ,
C91 Broadway, tfew York."' . ,
(Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) , .'.
Manufactures, Importers & Dealers In
Albums, Grnphoseopca, and Suita
ble Views,
We arc Headquarters for everything In
tho wav of HTEREOI'TICONS and MAG
IC LANTERNS, beiug manufacturers of
Micro-Scientific Lantern,
Storeo-l'anoptieon, . ..
University Sterenpttcon,
Advoftisora Stereoptloon,
School Lantern,
Family Lantern,
Each stylo being tho best of Its class
. iu Hie market.
Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with
directions for using, aont on application.
Any enterprising man can make mouey
with a Magio Iantern.
a-Cirt out thia advertisement for ref-'
crence.-ft . :
I have just returned from Now York Hty
with a complete atoek of
Which I will sell for less money than
they have been aold since the
war, in this place, .
Just Read the Following:
prints, . ; . ,
S and 6 i ts., aud the vory beat for 7 and 8
oenta, . . . 1.4 . . .
, , MUSLINS', .
from 7 cents npwarda. . .
Five cents aud upwards.
Nine oenta and upwards. .
Ten cents anil upwards. I have tha beet
assortment esor before shown In any atora
Also the finest lot of Embroiderios, which.
wuen seen, wm oo uougm iroin.
Or all qualities. '
Also a fiue lot of small Chrouioa, from I
to & cut,, to'briiament your homes.
From 60 cents up arda.
Collars and Cuffs oC all stylos nod very
Also the intent novelty In l'aruxols, oC all
Also a lino lot or riqneH, in j'latn, I .am,
Stripe and Fluids, in Y'hiU and Koru
shades, at reduced prices.
Plaids, cto., way down to the lowoat
Shirtings and Cloths for Men and Boys'
wear ; iroiu luwaj ior cuut. leMtinan for
mer prices.
Other goods too iiuiuoroiw to mention.'
Agency for
Buttcricks's Patterns
which are tho lest mailo. Don't forge
the place.
Buck's Brick block, ounosite PeoinVa
Sieving Bank, Tidiouto, Fa. 7-ln