$Iu forest tpuMfcan. tV. R. DUNN - EDITOR. WEONESDiT MOB MM), JIJSK 7, IS76. For president ' John f. hartranft, of Pennsylvania. Announcements Price for announcements are as rl lnwwj Congress, .J0 5 Rtat Senate, $10 ; Assembly, 10. Positively no announce m en In published unless the cahh is rAin 15 AOVANCK. CONGRESS. Wo are aitthoriied to announce Don. HARRY WHITK, of Indiana county, ns a candidate for Congress, subject to Re publican usages. . ASSEMBLY. Wo aro authoriaed to announce. F. K. ALLISON, of Hickory, as s candidate for Assembly, mthjnct to thn action of tlio Ro ntiblicaus at their Primary Meetings. 1 We are anthorlr.ed to announce the name of J. H. AO NEW, of Tioiiosto, as a candi date for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Republicans at their Primary Meet ings. - ' i DISTRICT ATTORNEY. ' We are authorised to announce SAM UEL P. IRWIN, Km of Tiouosta, as n candidate for District Attorney, subject to the decision of tlio Republicans at their Primary Eloctions. REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. The Republican voters of Forest 'County will meet at tho usual places for hoUling the primary elostions, ' SATURDAY, JUNE, 2t, 187G. at 2 o'clock r. M., to nominate as fol low! : . , : One perton for Congress. One person for State Senator. One person for Assembly. One person for District Attorney. On person for Coroner., Tho polls will remain open unti 7 o'clock p. m. Each township will elect and return one person as a mem Lcr of the County Committee for the ensuing year. ,; The meeting of the Return Judges .will be held at the Court House on the Tuesday following, towit: the 27th day of June, 1876, at 2 o'clock, P. M. J. T. Dale, '. Chairman. Republican State Committee. Harrkburg, June 3, 76. , r . The members of the Republican State Committee are requested to meet at the Lochiel Hotel, llarrisburg, on Wednesday, the 21st iuetaut, at 2 o'clock p. m. Important business will ' be transacted at this meeting, and a .full attendance is desired. . I Henry M. Hoyt, Chairman. - A. Wilson NoitRia, Sec'y. i ,, . . Our Washington Letter. Bpoelal to the Republican. ' ' A ' Wabhikqtou, D. C, Juno. 2," '76. The democrats in .the House have - found "that chickens come home to roost." . Thev . started out with thn Idea that they would blacken the lead ers of the republican party threugli investigation, committees, and they dragged the purlieus of every city in t : - - j. , i J . j iuo umuu, ior aiscuaigeu cierns, cssn iered armv officers drunken .lnn.l beats who bad failed in black mailing schemes and self confessed perjurers to .-act as wiuiesies against republicans, No matter how high a man stood hew good his character, the testimony , Of such witnesses as Whitly aud Bell I and a host of others of like character was eagerly accepted as positive proof : or any - repuotican crucial s guilt. Mr. Clyroer unoarthoJ the long bidden fraud of Pendleton showing how he had rnudo bargains with lurnself. by which both the railroad, of which he was President and the minors for whom he was guardian, were made to suffer. But the bitterest cup held to ' their lips is the charge against speaker Kerr. A marked difference in the conduct of the republicans and the democrats as to the reception of thess charges, is noticeable. Every time a crazy, or lying witness swore to some improbable story about a republican, the democrats exulted ; now that a reputable man austaiued by documen tary evidence and all the probabilities 1 of the case, has sworn positively to - the conduct of Mr. Kerr, the republic, ans express regret and the democrats loudly proclaim him forsworn. l!ut this cry will not do. Mr. Harney is a man of good character and his tea. timony is so well supported by the surrounding circumstunces, that. Mr. Kerr will have to produce more evi dence, than his mere denial te break .. the force "of the testimony against him. Secretary Rofason after persistent efforts lias at last forced the Naval committee to hear him with open doors. On Thursday he went before the committee and produced documen tary evidence which completely over turned all the oiiarges of his being in complicity with Caltell in securing a bonus upon contracts awarded by the navy department. In fact his vindi cation was complete and pfi-ii.ft. Of course the democratic papers will not ndmit this, but it is iievcrtheledS true 1 he district committee is trying to find out how a copy of Mr. Pucknrr'e views on the district government came to be published. Mr. L. L. White, of the New York Tribune, refused to tell where he obtained his information aud unless the committee succeed in pro curing it from the "Star" of this city, it will probably tieatMr. Whito and Mr. Noyes of the Star as recusaut wit Some startling evidence hns been given against Mr, Blaine. A man named Mulligan of Boston, formerly tho confidential clerk of " Warren Fisher, swears that Mr. Blaine had a largo amount of the Fort Bmitk and Little Rock Ry. bonds, Which be sold in Maine, and was afterward compell ed to take back, and that $75,000 of these bonds were sold , by Blaine to "Tom" Scott and by hira to the Union Pacific Railroad, lie claimed to have letters of Mr. Blaine to Either con firming this story, and on Wednesday evening Mr. Blaine called on him at the Riggs UousO and having asked and received permission to examine the letters,- fifteen in number, kept them aud refused to return them. Mr. Blaine admits having taken the letters, but declares they relate en tirely to his private business and that he will not return them to Mulligan, but will permit any three members. of the judiciary committee to examine them and put on record any of thorn relating to the bonds said to have bceu sold by hi in. . The question o what snail be done in the matter is now before the committee. Public opinion is divided as lo Mr. Blaine's conduct in regard to the letters,' of course his enemies condemn him, but his friends, and he has a host of them sustain his action. He claims lo be able and no doubt will refute all the stories to his discredit, i The Senate having decidod that it bus jurisdiction on tho Belknaps case, met as a court of impeachment on Thursday and adjourned until Tues day. It is supposed that should Bel knap's counsel fail to. have the trial put of, that they will allow the trial to proceed without further argument, reiving upon the jurisdiction and be lieving that they will vote to acquit on tbsame ground ot want of juris diction. General Bannine's armv bill consolidating the staff, reducing the number ot regulars and doing away with the oolored regiments passed the House on Wednesday.- It is strango that a union - officer like .' Banning should, as lis has dona in this bill cater to th prejudices of the ex-Con federates. A Hairs - in - Europe look very much like a general war. Maxwell. - A f -t nlninn m- n mf m ..In.i . ill. n t, I'll i 1'IU'UU 1V1S CICUUIIJ il vor. The hearts of the mnsscsarj with him. lift Attracts friend nml conciliates foes. His last strongest appeal to the people has boen his suc cessful refutation of the slanders heap ed upon his good -name. - there is something in the man like the mngnet- isra or xicnry tiay. iio nas health, lnoustry ana experience, lie Knows politics as "the sea man knows the t - . .1 1 , ... - sea. lie aia Drave natt o tor-t in country during" the civil war. Ha stood for the South in the Louisiana. business, and he rebuked Democratic: intolerence in his splendid duel with Ben Hill of Georgia. Ua was horn and educated ill lVlinsvl vnnin ' crrw up in New England; has traveled in Europe, and has met and mingled with the men of the South and the AVf sL Extreme in nothing but in devotion to his country, lie strikes the golden mean on finance and reconstruction, and. Iv fearing no Issue, ia ready for any that may arise, ihere are other candidates oi equal utuess, and it is uot stall tin probable that in the shifting of tlx cards Blaine niav ba "nlavcd out ' to use a technical phrase; but, as mings stand, no seems to have the field, and we think tho noliticiana will accept him as the coming man. There is au eviucnt tongiug lor a l'resideot who will be the symbol of energy, ex- ncrienco. culture, nnd nM-fiiidiiiinpil . - - , . -- ---- good eente. The war is ended. . .We L .. .. - 1 1 . L :n. ui uuuuicu iuo iuusiriuus suiuier who finished it; and now, with peace, the dualities for eomulcto rfntiirntinn are sought for with an eager solicitude. With these well enibodiwd in a citizen of strength aud moderation, .the na l)tn cau repose as upon a rock, auJ Outlook the futura without a fi?ar or a shame. Philadelphia, l'res, -: . It begins to be talked thnt Minis- ter Washburne may be a conipromit-s Presidential candidate; in the event of Blaine not -making the nomination, Washburne would command the euro est support ' of the Germans, and b satisfactory to the Koformers-r facts which, while not represented by act ual votes in the Convention, will be potent in their influence, should Blaiue fail. A few more delegations, bow ever, will make Blaine all right.- Gazette. rms paper is ox rn.B with -kf - ' " .YJ Whl Whtwo Advertlnhi,; C ui.trscU can ha snorts. T'l'.' r0,"1' ,1Pnt'y executed at the RE t I't itr.r AN otli.-o. TX TMK District Court of tlio Vnilcd 1 titalps, for tlio Wclcrn f't'istilct of I'onnsrlvanln. Michael 1 1101, .' r., 01 '1 10 mst, 'Prim's, a lhmkrunt under thv Act of Gongrnss of March 2.f, 1117. Imvlnir ap plied fill- a Jiielmr(ro from ll his rtcbts, and other clnims provable tinder Mild Act, by order of the tvtirf. notice Is hereby f iven, to all Creditors who have proved heir debts, and other persons interested, to appear on tho l'.'tli dnv of Juno, 1N7A, at 4 o'clock, 1. M., biforo lj. I, Rojrers I'.sii., Rejtistir in Bankruptcy, at his olllee, in the Central House. Tio'nestn. Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a JNscliai iro sould not bo priiuted to tlio snid llank- tl 21 Clerk. THE LARGEST- . - . FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WTj R Eil IONS t ' ' MILES SiyCITH, , Iiealer in t , . ; .. , CABINET AND UPHOLSTERED rtJllNITURE! FRANK UN, - ... - TENN'A. , Coni.stinn ot , '. '. Parlor, OfBve and Cornmoa Furniture, , ilnttresscs, Pillows, Window hades, Fixtures, tok Ing OlasHes, Ac Also, agent for Vcnaniro count v tor the iwienrnwit nlanimtisn Mprinsr Hoil an1 Couibination iMnttresss, manulsctarr-d and for i-alo at my Furniture NVareroouis, lath Ptrcct, near I.iborty. Call mid Hce Hainple Itcsl. ti'ly The nxiwlou(uf Qve ZELL'S vears has proved that JcITCLirilli this Compact and re liable worn nr ueneral Uilbruiation is . bettor lei rausitiGJ, A.QENTS WASTES. adapted to tho wants of in classes oi tn com munity than arrothor work of Uio kiid ever publlshed. It has been proven by its , ' IMMENSE SALES, , . by tho numerous COMMENDATORY1 NOTICES llECP, : And by Its Uniform V, StTCCEStS VITII AGENTS.' J ' Tlio edition of has Ven' ' . THOROUGHLY REVISED TO TJATJ!. It 'contains 150,000 articles, 30C0 w.od enpravintrs and olprhtoen haiulsontely en- gia vexi ami coiorait maps , . - . Tiie work issued in parts, ano anpeoi tnen copy, with map, will he senl to any ai1lross,'free of posuure, ftr twenty eenla. BAKER, DAVIS k CO.,' Publishers, ; (Successors to T. Elwood 4o11.) : Nos. 17 and 1!) South Sixth Street, " ; 42tf PniLABEI.rAIA, 1A,'' ' ; ' T II E S ITN . DAILY AND WEEkHf FOR J87ll. The approach of (he ' Presidential elec tion givttii unusual .iinportanoe to tho events ana developments or 1M7U. we shall endeavor to describe them fully, (kithfullv, and ftarlesslr. ; li .. , THE WEEKLY .SUN has now attained a circulation of over eiirhtv thoiiKnnd ponies. Its readers are fourrt In everv SUto and Territory, anil Its quality is well known to the public. Wevhall notiinlv en duavor to keen it l'ullv on to the old ki'jiii.I- ard, but to improve and add to Its variety and power. . i . i THE WEEKLY SL'N wfll continue to he a thorough ncwspaier.. Alt tho news hf the day will bo found in it, condensed when unimportant., at full leimth when of moment, and nlwavs. wc trust, trestod in clear, interesting and jii..tiuetivo :nau- ner. , It Is our aim to make the Wecklv Run tho host family newspaper in the world. n win no mil oi cuiurtainuijj ami appro priate' reading of every sort, but will li-iui iiouuiiK 10 oiienn tlio most scrnpu ihih and duiicate tuato. It will nlwavs ciiiUiin tho most iiitciestina stories aiid riiunincps or mo nuv, curvliuiy selected and legibly printed. ' the Aorrmiiltcmi Depaitmnnt isa prom- illfilll fi.nlnirt III H.a VA..1.. II amcics vi!i always, lie loiuid liesli and usMul to the farmer. ' The number of men lndoncndent In pol itics is inureasinur, and Uio Weekly Sun is their paper eKnoi iallv. It bclonirs to no party, and obeys no 'dictation, contending for principle and for -the election of the best men. It expose the corruption that disgraces tho eouutrv and threaten the ovorthrow of republican Institutions. It has no tear of knaves, and seeks no favor iiuni moir supporters. , ,; , The markets of every kind and tho fash ions ar0 regularly report od. , t- The prl.-e of tho Weekly Sun Is ono dol lar a year for a sliest of elcht pas, and hfty-six columns. As thia barely, puys iiivApiini in j i)(ir anil printing, we are not able to make any discount or allow any premium to friends who may umke i.t.ii ,-iiuiu, io exienu ius cirouiaiiou, Under the now law. which reoulrcs nav. ment of pnetaire In advance, one dollar a year, witn twenty cents the -cost of pro paid postiijjo added, is iheratoof subsTi)- tlon. It la not necessary fo (fct up a club in oruer u nave tna eokly 8un at tin isic. vnyone wuoenaa oue-4loIlac and twenty cents will get tho payer, pest-pa jd, We have no traveling aarent r' '-.( . THJi WEEKLY Bl.N. Kiglit pages, fii'tv-Hix columns Only Sl.iio a viae. postago prepaid. No discount from this raui. i . , THE DAILY SUN.-A larKe four-Tse newp-.v-er of twontv-einlit columns. Daijy ciirm on over 120,000. All tho news for2o 's. iSuliseription, postnere prepaid 66 eem a month, or fd,60 "year. To clubs of . 'or over, a tliscouut of 20 per cents. . -Address ""THE SUN," New York Otv. IT1 REE OIFTof a Piano for (lttrtl)utir our iivului-H! address U- H. l'ianu Clo. 810 RroaUway, Now York. .., . , ,84 IJ"M PLOYME.NT, Male and fem.de, aala 4 sv or commission. We uuv nmnt suhuy of f w a week andoxpeuscat Euro? Bisnumciujng to., liarttoru,' i'inn. Partiualais 1.1oo. -11 4 Agents for the best, gcjlr ing Priao Paekaue iu the .....t.l T. .7... 1 mmmw m mmm it hi ii 1. Ji ClUIUtinS 10 Ulll-.ll. till I ... IS An.,.,1nn&U - . . . I I n Hoidor, Pencil, Patent Yard Mwisure, and a piece of Jowelry. Kiui,'lo iu kaye, w Uh elcpant nriao, puHt-pald, 25 cents, 6 tor $1.00. This ekae has been examined by the publitiiior of the Fomkmt Kki i bli i'.N, mid found as reiirtsoueul worth the money. Watches given awav to all Sffcnit Circulars free. 111UDK A CO., 7U3 llroad way, Kew York. , : ' 40 i , M1 IND KEAD1NU, Psyuhontauov, Fas cination. Soul f'harminir. M ism, and Marriaue (juide. showing Imn either sex may awouiale and nam the love nuuuiiovuuii oi any person meyclHeii- suuuiy. -ioo p ikcs. Jiy ini suuuiy. -ioo p il'cs. Jiy mail OdcLs. Hunt t" C'O. lay . (in at., I'litla. 3 4 1 1 WuKiC of all kiiula Uvne at this ot- In e on short uoticc. WAnnm 1 1 A -DOUBLE : f Hi IE AD ' tt't vi " rvi "?'-'Hi " t ftrril'.Vf.-.' ';.:. ' ..v . , I .1.1 jl' ',1 ' nrctniiw !t tSe virti-.-i of tie 1' -'u V. - Tenvton, wliich ran! U iKe h-rt IIi'm- -I'1scouiUciiik:'A1'I.M- llAU Ul.S It tSft virtivt oT'll.c I'-.it Vi I, wliich w.it mill U Ihtf h-A fh' uc uutkc cm l'ATV.M 1' HAUL) I '' I I -'1 . i - Our mwwhI ntl idta, wtrtaivl t v,-ttfri Iwt1 nrw Mmrliintfrv mhl Toult At our own new work, In tV tiusjr city f Nexmk, Now km,, livc E vrn u a iliml r.l of M l-.C I IAMCAI. KXl K!.- LKNCK, Aftnjmiim of Fnlioa. kl.rtMiilu ot' Lii'-.ImIiI)-, auJ rnr;ii of wurk, never hsrvtufora tsacliU in ilia Suwiiift V..ui wuiUl. ; t - ' TO THIS STATEXIEXT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF ... ' Wo Invito tht srnlon nf stl. tneseially tfcosj hsving hih m.chanlcal skill of' BMrvatiea.. IS. i. AU J.li,iu fUly wan..mcj, ,. , DOMG&TiC GCWirC MACHINE CO.;' ' ;: " ' 51 ' '''JVcvr "Vorlc nnd Chtoagro. ' " LADIES, USE DOMESTic2pXVEiv FASHIOlMS.f T ;'i Furnit u r o H o o iu s ! I I The nndorslirned br-pi leave to inform the citlnens of'Tlonesht, and the pnblio in Koneral, that he has opened a JtJJiNT Vf.Ai FCIIXITLUK JSTOIZK, in his new huildlnc at tho iuiiction of Elm Si, and the Ihiteh II ill voad, where he keeps on hand a lai-jre assortment of . , FURNITURE,; , ' Consisting In part of WaJliut I'aVlor Seta, ' - ' ' C'liaHioer SeU, :; , ' . ... Cane Scat Chairs, ' Wood Scat Hurirs, ' Rocking (lialrs, - . Fiiiiinjr Tables, ,,. Exttmshin Tubloa, , , , . . tnvbln'P.m TnlilnM. ' i Kitchen Knrnituro, ' ' ' ' ' " ' ,: llturcauH, - : ,.. , .Kudstoads, . . . . . . , Washstniuls, " j '' ' Lounpcs, ' ' - - - ..!''' I Mattreasos, Cuiilmarils, , i , . Rook Cases, hi? ' . ..: pnnoy Rrnckots, ; ' ' : ' , -i Lookinir tilassos, - , Picture Frames, and , i . ' , , ' ALfiO, :-'' always on band, i e. Ilia rooms beinir lanro, aud well altnaU d ho ia prepared to olior superior induoo inuiiw iu purcnasera. , n v . j Call and exauiine his stock' aud prices, and be convinced " ' 1 - . U H DE ItTA K I NOi'l A full assortment of Cofllns. and Casket Vnnstjintlv In ciLirA . . . ,r : i y A. . PAItTRipOB. The- Oldest,' largest, end' Most' Perfect Manulactory in the United ' ' fit ' States, nearly i lit ;-i .. . ... ; i ; .-. , f 5 6,0 0 0 , . ; , . Now in use, '., ' No otlior Musical lustruiueot ovcrohtain- , i 3 the wiiuo populiiiity. Kond for Pijce Lists. (. , , ' ' J Address I! Ui'JPA LO,' if, Y. t Tho fact fpf ours boinV'tliV oldest and largest manufactory in tho Tnltod States, with nearly 50,000 Instruments now in uso, is a stitncient irliaranteo of our ro- sponsibllitj and the merits of onr Instru ments.' ' " ' .i i : ; ' 6-0irt ' ' GEO'. A. PRINCE t CO. 1 i it I DYSP.-E PSIAi CURED FREE. Anviiersun Ktillarlnir rnrt : or indigestion will be cured by using DR. ttlLLIARD'S (UMI'UnD PUWDLES. Send for a trial package, It oomu nothlinr and will cure you. Address I)liiI(l,i:K it CO., Chomibis, i;;i'j liruiuluav. New York. - , ...w ;; ri i . ! ... " - - flirt j- i rsT--, GE(X A, PJilNCE k CO. JT-l: LOCK - STITClI ' IIACniNE. ( 1 !iSf"' m v ol - " DOMK3T1C," Indiulinj th Automatic ' " 1 '.! COMICAt. nKARtNtlS AS both tilt Mucriln Some iblrig Now! ' AT THE OLD '' fisher'store I WE HAVH STARTED A FLOUR & FEED STORE lu tho building formoi ly occupied by J. J. . r lsner. OURCHOP Is madn from CORN, .WHEAT A CUTS, and will be sold at pre-cnt, for . , ( $1.75 I'ER VYT, OUR FLOUR Is made from the Imnt WINTER WHEAT . every barrel of which Is warranted and w ill bo sold proportionately low.. In connection with t'ie above, we are keeping the best brands of TOBACCOS, FIX 1. CUT, a. IJaUCVAXl ; suitod to tlio most fastidious taste. PlouBoKxoniino tmr Siolt 3(1 3. II. DERICKSON A CO. ti JLMORE r CO., Sacssora to Chip man,, ltotoner cC Co., Solicitors-. Patents procured in all conntrles. No Fees In ad vbuc.o. No uharfies unless tho patent is granted. No fees for niaklufr prelitnina rr examinations. No additions! fees fr obtaininir and conducting a rolioarln. Ily a recent decision of the Commissioner Ai.b relected applications may lo revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases boforo the rutont Oliicf", Extensions before Conirrcss, InfrliiKcmont Units' in dilfeVentKtatea, and all Initiation ajiper tutu! liar to Inventions or Patents. Send stamp tp Oilmore A C.fc f'jr l'&ijiphlet of sixty pages. Iniid Case, Warrnnls ami . ' : N"rii. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before tho IT. K. General Land Ollico and Depart ment nf the Intirlor. Private Land Claims. Miniiifr and Pro-eniptiou Claims, and Homestead Cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, M), and 1W aero pieces for sa!o. This Scrip is assignable, and can bo located irt tli O.Miie of tlio niiri iuisor iinon iuv ilnv. emrhent land Bulijdot to privato entry, at fl.2o pur aero. It is of equal value 'with Ilounty Ijmd Varrants. Send stamp to GilmoroACo., for pamphlot of lustruc v Arrcnrv of Pay,k Bouuly. Ofllcers, Soldiers, aud Hailors of tho late war, or their heirs, are iu many oases en titled to money from tlio Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, aud state amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp to Gilmore A Co.. and a full reply, alter examination, will bo given you fieo. '. lViDsion. . " All Cfi',Mu c..m. r . - iviuu ir, unit fuuurn ivuiin- OoU, ruptured, or injured In tho lato war, howuvor sllchtly, can eh tain a pension by addressiutr Gil more A Co. . . . Cases prosecuted by Gllmore A Co. bo fore tho HiiDromo Court ir tl-.. ITnlit States, tho Court of Claims, and tlio South ern Claims Commission. Kuril deiHtrtment of our buslnnHH is of tho xaitio exporlcnrcd partioa emploved by tlio old lir m. Attention to all business oiitruslcd to Gilnioro A Co. is ilium sn- turirii irtil. t e ilcsire to win kuccc.s l.v rf,. M-rvinjjit, ililrrs (ilLMtlKE . t Ct. . ilil .'iic.. .v !m:,tvii. It. C. HI Cf f. 'it f . 0 AG-NTS VANTH TlfE nrjTEfjwiAL HISTORY of the U.S. Tho ftroat Interest in the ttirltltnif hlstoV ry tii' our country makes this tfie fastest Kcl!inir book ever publisheil. It contains1 a full account nf Uio Grand Ceutenial Ex hibition. C.VtTION.-Old Incoiuplateand Unre liable works aro lielnjr clrciila'cd ; see that the book you buy contains 4-12 Fine Eu gravlivfi nnd !i;5 paijos. Send for circulars nml cslra terms to TitremX ; National rubllshliiir Co., l'hlla-' ib'lphiu, Pa. ... . , . ... 7 CO a day at home. A (routs wauled. Out Pl lit and tonus free. TUCK A CO., Auuslu, Maine. 74 T.TTX IV i 'SITN' l t)U THE CAMPAIGN I . -. Tho events of tho Presidential csmpalirn' will be so fuithnilly and fully illustrated In THE NKW YORK SUN aa to com mend it to candid men of all parties I We' will scud The Weekly Edition (olaht papes) post paW. from now till anr eleo tiiai for R0 els., the Sunday Edition, same sise, at the same price or tho Iially, four paKCS, for fJ.W. Address T 4 Til K SL'N, New York City, "Screw the finger as tiglit as yon can, that's rlicumntism j ono more turn, that'a trout," is a familiar description of these tiro diseases. Though each mav and does attack ditferent parts of the arstem, the cause is Isilieved to be a poisonous avid In the blood, rurlfy this by tho use of Tarrant'. Srltzrr Aperient. It will do Its work speedily and thorough ly. It is the irreat friend 'of Ihe aullerer from rheumatism and gout. 7 4 SOLI) 1JY ALL LRl'fl GISTS. LAND FOR SALE. go.ooo At icr.s Or fai-mlng and timber lands p near th great Kanawaha River, lu Putnam Coun ty, West Virginia, in quantities to suit purchasers. Moil good, water pure and abundant, timber excellent j churches, schools and mills convenient; title perfoss. Price f'i to per acre. Terms ecoomroo datir.g. Mend for full description to J. L.. McLenn, Wlnllold, Putnam County, tro yiiyinla. . , jj THI8 0LAM-H0U8E IETAELIBHED IB 18C8." P NQIflNQ obtained lor Ulliuors. 8ol T UllOIUilO diora, and Seamen of War of 1871 and S, and for tlielr hoira. The law Includes deserters and those dishonorably Uiseharirod. If wounded. Injured, or bare contracusl any disease, apply at one. Thousands entitled. Untl numbers a.i titled to an Increased ratt, and should ap ply immediately. All Soldiers and Hea mentpfthe War of lBia who servei) for' any perusl, Jiowever short, whether dis abled or not, and all widows of sorb not now on tho Pension rolls, are iwiomisl ttu send me their address at once. RmlNTY tn.v whoenllsteil In 1871-1 UU U II I I. and 8 aro onlitled. Send your diHclisriroS and have them examined. Ituslness before the Patent Olllee solicited Ollii-ers returns and aceouuts settled, and all Just claims pitwocuted. "s j msKe nocliargn unless aucce-Mtful, I request all to inclose twontramps for re ply and return of papers.. George K I.enion, Lock Itox 47, Wnshington, T. C. I recommend Captain Lemon as an hon orable nnd succe.isl'ul Prnet inner. 8; A llui-lbut, M. Ci Hth CnngrekHional nia trict of Illinois, isle MoJ.-aun'l U.S. Vols. In Wiitijin inuiition name of thispanqr. 7 4 'O Visitimr Cards, wlUi your nsuie, yyj tincly print d, sunt rur25o. We lisy. l:H)Ht lCM. A'fClltS Wiltitnil. H.nnii.l. 1... stamp. A. ll. Fuller J; Co., Uroektoa Mass. a a R'7'7 WEEK gmmtrrfeed to fale sn.t V I I hemalo a-'ents. in ik.lr l,lo. to "' J'nrticulars Fre'el ' -'. icKery fo,, Augusta, Me. S-44 2 Wil l""r d"v Rt nom- Toraa ! H 9atU free. Addrcais i, Ltin nauui v in., i-oruana, Mo. I t - PSYCHOMANCY, or Soul Charming- .. ...... m mnj imMiinnHf aim fntifV Uio lovo mini Kl.euUonit of txnv per won Uiy c I loose, hmtuiiUy. ThU iiul monlal aC uuiroment all can pMnHMr fn. W bimIJ. for UTt PnnfH t lilirntrma- s(l K j" l . ' ' " f"issj wit! a u Krpintiir Uufile, I'.yrptinn Orao.o, roHiiin. lint n to- T.llllillM l.ll.u 1 i.lr lA.tn.ul 11 . . -, i-,"'i. iv",iaaj suiu. Aa- dress T. William A Co., Publishers, Phil adelphia. ' . 49 41 CENTENNIAL rihey Vlsltin or '7 Calling (;jir(s rorlticts. 1 Something rnl!i-nlv vm... a. 1. 1-....- 11 - . .1 7 - .1 .mmuini 1. Kt. AllHHlR iV Son, Chatham, Columbia County, N. Y, 74 Il. G. iHVKF.Il & CO. WHOLESALE &, RKTAIL Dealers in irarduarc, Iron nnd IVnll,, Stovos and Tinware. ' " " .-if BELTIXG OF ILL SIZES CoiiBlantly on hand, at low prioos. Also MainuliK liners of i sii t:i:r mox wouk,. Smoko Staok,IJreeoli ing, .Shoot Iron, 1 ''.'AVcll Casing, v etc., cfeo. FOR SALE-OrioSeroiid-lMuul ton hors power Woodberry Stationary lioiler and Engino. II. O. TINKER & CO., OIL CITY, PA. FO UN J J. V::! r(:::.r 'k- - - .1.3.. .os tein of actual prarlue, tliu most elotrant lu-iiuiaiiNlup. tiie lowest rates oi board and tuiiioii, at ii- hJiiKton Busiuoa College J-ui -town, N. Y. t n-til.u. frio. i? i