WEDNESDAY HORNING, MAY ii, 1876. Borough officers. J?iir0.-.Tunff Ruck. Cnunitiffien . W. Robinson, S. A. arncr, A. 11. Kelly, S. II. Haslet, A. II. Partridge, M. O. Darin. Jurtiret a the 7Vm-D, S. Knox, C. A. Randall. CtoutrtMe If, flwagfrmt MAooi Hirrtrx i. ,S. Kimx, H. O. Da ws, h. j, w..iu,u, . n. iimiot, a. n. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. ViMiVenj Judge L. D. Wktmokf. .rfMeniafe Jmlffes Joh. U. Dalk. Ed VAHtl K RRR. fremuicr-S. J. Krti.kt. t'rnthonotary, JtegUter C Recorder, Jr. 1. W. Ci.ahk. Aoir-JUHTI SHAWKKV. thm,Ht,Utifii y.i.( BKiii.ijr, Isaac .'.-.,., uifll.t hkl-r. CViinfy Jfuperintrmtcnf H. S. it hook JVAY. AHttrict KomcK S. I). Tnwix. .wry immitoner II. Z. Towwnn, I.VMAM Cook, Ownf.v .S'tirrrior T. I). Cor.l.lK. bronrc M. Ittki.. Jr. .vunv .4 titifors Nit-nT.AH Tuomt- lo. J. U. Me ILL, II. A. ZlKftDKIX. ilembemf f.bnvrcj--iKo. A. JSnks. AssemblyI. U. Aomkw. - Time of Truing At TIONESTA STATION, pn aud allot Pee. 0, 1875: BOUT IT, Trill n 22 . - . 9:24 a. m. " 64 - . . . 8:4V! p. III. WORTH. -Train S.I .... ftlfn. m. "21- - - 8:4.2 p.m. Train 22, south, ami 1M, north, are 1st 0as; the other aro accommodation freights. Those train only arc allowed to .curry posseugora. On the River Division f. e. from Oil City to Irvinotmi, up the river U North f down the river, couth. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. By reference to our adnoucements, it will be seen Jhat S. ft. Irwin, Esrj., is a candidate for District Attorney, subject to Republican image?. Decoration day full on Tuesday next. Is Tionesta going to decorate? We tliiuk it should. A parasol wan recently left at Freeman A Corbet's store. The own at can have it by calling at that place. - Mr. K. E. C'lupp has purchased .of Mr. Rowland Cobb, tbe Iioujo now .occupied by Rev. Elliot, situated on .Helen St. .- Mr. Einstein started for Philadcl- ipiiin yesterday morning. ISesides taking in tho Centennial, be will tbriug on bis usual stock of goods. C. 1 Gillespie has lumber on tbe , ground preparatory to fenoing bis lot iiii Viuo St., wliereuu his bcru is sit .uatcil. It is bis iutct.tion, some time iu tbe near future, to ereH on tbe property a Hue residence. Miss Mary Lamb, who visited ber -friends in ibis place a short time ago, was last ncek united iu tho holy .bonds, to Mr. V. J. lileakley, of Franklin. We are under obligations lor a liberal allowcncc of cake. Joy go with them. Last week, in an item iu rega-d to Mr. Caleb Richardson and another party buying a ferry, we unintentionally .made it appear that they bad pur chased the ferry at this place. Tbe fact is that they purchased tbe ferry -and some land adjoining, at Hickory. A slight frost occurred ou Monday night, but as near as we can learn no ,erious damage was done in this vi cinity. The fruit crop never looked bettor in this section than at present, and we earnestly hope that tbe yield will prove as bountiful a the piosent .seems to indicate it will bo. J Jno. Hulings, Davy Ililaiu's and Win. Lawreucn started for .Sheffield yesterday, where they propose build ing a boat and float down the creek, .stopping at tho several good trouting .streams along'the route. They were .well supplied with provisions, etc., etc., ,and will undoubtedly have a pleas .ant time. President Grant, on Monday last .sent to the Senate the following nom inations, which were confirmed : Ed .ward E. Perrepont, of New York, Minister to England ; Alpboudo Tuft, , of Ohio, now Secretary of War, Attor ney General ; J. XKmuld C'aruerou .of J'a., son of Senator Simon Cameron, ;Scretary of War. Mr. David Itowman, au aged (gentleman of Tylersburg, met: with an .aoeideut on Sunday lust, which, it was jfor a time feared, would cost him bis life. He was out riding, when by some means, he was thrown from the buggy, the wheels of which passed over him. J-lis side was badly in jured, and bU fuceoinewhut bruised. It is uow supposed,, liowever, that be will recover sbortljr. White lead, linked nil )Ut' !y at liubiusuu ii Bonner's. -7 -t The residence of Jacob Kepler. of this place, was entered by burglars, on Saturduy evening last, by means of of a cellar window, which was care rully removed. From the cellar tbe burglars went up through the bouse, even to tbe thirdstory, where they en tered a room occupied by Mis? S. A. Dale, took therefrom her drew, and from tbe pocket thereof did willfully and maliciously, filch a pocket-book, containing a $5 bill, a three cent piece, and some papers. No one jn t)e house was awakened during f);e (imp. From thence, the burglars crt down to tbe residence- of Senator Thomas, and tried all tbe doors. The Senator, who sleeps with one eye open, beard them before they tried the doors, and arose wiih alacrity,' seized his old musket with energy, and watched his premises with vigilance. Tbe burglars must have suppectpd that he was on the watch, for tbry did not try to effect a forcible eulannce. On Sunday, after church, the Senator discovered Miss Dale's pocket-book, soroewbee on his premise;, with the papers intact, but the currency aud coin missing. It is evident that the thievei are not ex perts, and hence, it would seem that te must look for the thievei among Ihfl people who khabit our place. This is hum'u'ialjmj to tbe place, but if the thieves ar might, the humiliation and confusion of (ape will belong to them, and they can depend upon receiv ing the fulj-penalty ofdfce law in such cases made a provided. In tbe case of Jfary Henry va. tbe Borough of Tionesta, for damages, by reason of injuries received while sleigh riding on Jantinry 1st, 1874, on which occasion, the sleigh was upet, and Mrs. Henry sustained a fracture j of ber left, arm, clriming that the acci dent was due to the unsafo condition of tho road, a verdict of $60 in favor of the claimaut was rendered. The damages claimed were $450. Lathy, Agnew and Irwin, attorneys for plain tiff, aud Tate for defendant. It ap pears that at the place the "spill" occurred, near the river bridge, there was a rut, le depth of which was estimated by witnesses to bo fron lour 10 eight inches. ?j?liile passing this place the sleigh wa caught in the aforesaid rut and upnot, injuring Mrs Henry as above stated. The fsnt of this case will probably awake the lown Council to a necessity which i i . uas long neen leu, t. c, to repair River St., or abandon it entirely, and thus save futuro trouble. The Philharmonic Society of Meadville, will give tho opera of the Bohemian Girl, commencing this eve ning, and continuing three evening?. This is ono of the best musical socie ties eic,tnni, and has been drilled un de .competent instructors for several years. Prof. Coyuton has the direc torship of the opera. Trs. Hull, and several other celebrated vocalists take part iu tho opera. Owing to the now bridge in course of erection over Council Run, that part of tho highway is obstructed, and teamsters will be compelled to drive up on to Vine St., and around by Sam'I Clark's residence, and down again by way of Highland Cat. It will probably bo a mouth ere this inconvenience can be remedied. Peters' Household Melodies for May bus reached us, and as usual is replete with brilliant collections of songs, choruses, ballad, and vocal music ;'n general. Published by J. L. Peters, 843 Broadway N. Y., at $4 per auuum. Fresh arrivals at Robinson ,& Bon ner's, wooden churns, dried apples, and shoulders. 8tf Feeling called upou to serenade bis dear gazelle be borrowed ' an ac cordcon and, after getting so that he could squeeze a few doleful noises out of it, be posted bimnelf under her window one night and began plaint ively howling, "Oh, whisper what thou feelcst I" She poked ber bead out of the window at the third line and said, "Oh, it's yqu,.,U it.? I thought it was cats. Au(! jv-u want me to whis per what I feelest, licyT Well, I foel est tired, that's what. Been working a hard ruuuiug sewing machine all day. Get me a 'Light-Running Do mestic' and then I'll kuow you jpeau busiuess. FOR SALE. The valuable and beautiful home stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph G. Dale, and in which he now resides, is iu my bauds for salo at very low figures. Term one-third .purchase money dowu, and tbe balance in one and two yeirs. Mnxa W. Tate. 10tf. Court Proceedings. Trial list taken tip Tuesday morn ing at 8 o clock ! N. S. Foreman vs T. B. Barber Cashier; repdlct for plaiptifT. Ira Sibley vs. J. R. Jones et al ; do- fcndenU confess judgment fur land do spribed in argument filed Dec. 29, 75, b. C. Sloan vs. J. F. Overlander pontinued at the cost of plaintiff for the term. G. V Dean vs. J. U, Dingmau et al ; continued. G. W. Dean et al vs. J. H. Derick sou et al ; verdict for plaintiff for $25 Charles Murphy et ux vs. Thomas Porter; continued at cost of plaintiff for the term. David Heffron vs. Win. Young verdict for plaintiff for $278.50. Ogdcn & Smith for use vs. Geo. S, Hunter; settled. Mary Henry vs. Tionesta Borough verdict for plaintiff fur $G0. S. C. Sloan vs. Ditb ridge A Co. contioued. . A. G. Bo wman & J. C. Bowman vs Geo. W. Ditbridge & Co.; defendents withdraw affidavit of defence, &c and judgment entered for plaintiffs. Reed Bros, for use vs. George W, Ditbridge; verdict for plaintiffs fo $5C2.2C. C. W. Clark vs. James McClintock; verdict for plaintiff for $1,674.00; ex cess of $1,000 remitted on account of pleadings. Darius Tobey vs. Wpod & Falconer; continued at cost of plaintiff. A. Gilfillen vs. M. F. Vogus et al ; verdict for plaintiff for $220. . Kin inursuay license petitions were r rr-i , , . ... presented, and all licenses granted that jvere applied for, Court adjourned to July 10, 1876, nt JO o clock a. ni Our thanks are duo Prothonoturv Clarjc fur Jbe al?ove proceedings. Ed. As the returns of the Grand Jury are always a matter of interest, both to the tax-payer and the officer, we have examined, pro bono ptiblico, and report what that body has to say. They "go for" the roads iu this style : L Tho Maple Creek road, lying in tyvrqeti township, is reported as being a deplorable condition, and cannot be saely traveled eivc.r by man or beast. 2. Vhat part of the road, in Eauett twp., that leads from. Clarington to Tylersburg, being fbout one mile or more hemmed in on both sides by heavy timber, makes a complete mud bole the year ju-ound. Said road should be widened from Cbas. Camp bell's to the widow Kuhns furru. 3. That road in Kingsley twp., run ning from Bob's Creek to Brush Camp, in bad condition unsafe to travel on, break-neck road. 4. The road from Nebraska Mills to the Lacy, or Big Coon rond, in a bad fix. Bridge is out of repair BDd dan gerous. 6. The road on tbe west side of river in Tionesta twp., beginning at .bridge and running thence up to JamtasanV, obstructed by tbe Rail Road, and al most forgotten as a highway, aud rec ommend Railroad Co. to put same in a passable condition, aud if not so done to bring suit at once. C. The Tionesta and Tylersburg road, from the bridge across Tionesta to Clarion county line, extensively traveled and the condition of the rolld is a disgrace to the country. 7. The road leading from Neilltown to Faguudus, called the German road, in a very .bad .condition. 8. Roai from Tubha Run ,to jJeo. Sibbald's, to line.of Hickory aud Tio nesta twps., in a very bad condition. To stir up the Road Commissioners would bring about the desired result. 9. That we learn with regret that the road tax on unseated land ,ia not in all places properly applied; while regretting this fact, would call the at tention of the Court to the remedy. 10. Rond leading from Morgan's mills towards Red Brush, iu bad con dition, unsafo and dangerous and needs doctoring. 1.1. Road leading from Jug Handle to Overlander's is too narrow at cer tain points, and difficult to pass with teams, bad La other respects. 12. The public school houses are iu ''apple-pfe order;" increasing and 41ou ihing. One drawback on our educational system .u that school mams, .competent fyr the busiuess, marry off o fast without giving due notice, although they have first class certificates. 1J. The C'ouulY Jail ii regarded as "iron-clad," as well as clean, neat and comfortable to prisoners who may be confined therein. It is recommended as a first-class resort during the Cen tennial year for all desirous of com fort, and all those young men "whose pious behavior and example will be considered a just recotoperise for their board." The Sheriff deserves credit for the way in which the jail is kept. The Court House still stands where it used to, and the report is not trqe that it has settled on the northwest corper. 14. We also find that the dam pf G. W. Ditbridge & Co., at the inoutb, of Tionesta Creek, is an obstruction to rafts, and has resulted in damages to owners of rafts. This, however, could be remedied by compelling said par ties or Company to put in a scbute. Notk. We think this grievance could be cured by running the rafts to, say tbe bridge, and then ship the lumber on the cars for poiuts south ward, &c. ; an; we recommend all true, good-hearted lumbermen not to bother with the cenfounded dam at all. In conclusion, would recommend, if it could be done, that the Court hereafter be called on Tuesday ins tea J of Monday, so as to give all parties a chance, living on or near tbe line of of Railroad, to come or arrive on or before the convening pf the Court, as there are bo trains running on the Sabbath day. Note. This is a nice change, and "for the sake of argument," we can hereafter consider the Tuesday follow ing the Monday of Court the first day of the Court, fio contra dtcente.' 11T A w oare indebted to b. V. Irwin District Attorney, for the above notes "of the sayings and doings of the Grand Jury. Notice Is hereby given thnt a meeting of the stockholders of tbe Warren & Forest R. R. will be held in the city of liar- fisburg, on the 2Cth day of May, A D. lf)J6, at tho Lochicl Hotel, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of eub mitting to said stockholders for tbeir ratification or rejection. Articles of Merger of said Corporation ;nt,o ,the Mahoning & Susquehanna R. R. Co pi pany. J here will also bo a n;eetipg of the stockholders of the Mahoning & Susquehanna R. Ii. Company, at the office of Jenks & Winslow, in tho Borough of Punxsutawney, in tho Coimfy of Jefferson, Penn'u, on tho SICth day of May, A. D. 1876, for tho same purpose. R. C. Wishlow, tjec'y o M. & S. R. R. Jxo. L. Setton, . Sec'y of W. & F. Ii. R. Iu Scribncr for June Mis. Rebec- a Harding - Davis s description of some "Old Lundmarks in Philadel phia" is accompanied by over thirty illustrations. "How America was Named" is another illustrated histori cal paper, .i,u Jfthtqli is .shown the origin o the false claims put forth ,io beial of vespuvci. Clarence Cook's fifth paper ,o,n furniture and de.cora.tioin is illustrated with Purs .a .Unjng-ta bles, the "last sweet thing iu corners," chairs, candeiabras, etc., etc. Charles Barnard describes a number of recent 'Experiments in Co operatiou," chief ly manufactures and stores. "Union College" u the one selected from the educational scries this month, Harvard being announced for July. Tho serials are continued, and there is a story by G. P. Lathrop, entitled "The Love of a Hundred Years;" "Pilgrims and Puritans," by Tryon Edwards, "Two Poems of Collins," by E. S. Nadal, and "Carlotte Cushuiau," by John D. Stockton, complete the list of prose. There are poetical contributions from Kate Putnam Osgood, Elizabeth Stu art Phelps, II. II., aud several othefs. In tbe Editorial Departments, Dr. Holland writes of "Advertising Shame," "The Literary Class" and "A New Departure" ; "The Old Cabi net" deab w,it,b "Reading aud Writ ing" and the "Academy Exhibition"; "Home and Society" .coutaUis some suggestions to strangers about "Himv to See New York," aud Mr. Quinu's timely "Rural Topics ;" aud -''Bric-a-brao" h&s among other alUaction some clever dialect by Irwin RusseU entitled "Nebuchadneziar." Sewing Machine Needles. Mrs. C. M. Heatjh.hjis just received the largest and most complete assort ment of .sewing macbiuo needles ever brought to town. Sho keeps the only sewing machine needles for sale in town. Her place of busiuess is in tbe I Acoinb Building, up stairs. "" 'Fop Sale or Rent. " The Lawrence House property will be rented for three years, on reasons ble terms, or will be sold, to a rcspon sible buyer, with or without furniture. This is a new and largo three-story house, with a dancing hall in third story; has a billiard room with two fine tables, attached. A new barn ; good house, renting for $00 per year, and tho stave mill, renting for $72 year, go with the bouse. This house has a good run of custom, and will prope a good investment for any one wishing to rent or purchase. Apply in person or by letter, to btf Wm. Lawrence, Tionesta, Ta Dry cod fish, and mackerel, white fish and trout, in kits, quarter and half barrels, at bottom prices, at Rob inson & Bonner's. 7 2t New stock boots and shoes at bot torn prices, at Robinson & Bonners.49 We will pay cash on delivery at our mill in Tionesta, for whito oa stave and heading bolts at the follow ing prices : Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4.50. Heading bolts' 22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by ft., $4.00. Heading bolts must be made from timber at least 20 inches in diameter. Office at Lawrence House. J. II. Dericksoh Si Co, 27tf MARRIED. BRUSH HKI.TS. At tho roHldcnon of me undo parent, liornollsville, N.Y., on ThtirsdHy.May 18, lS76,by Kev. Jiiles, Mr. J. K. Brush, of Tionesta, Pa., and minn ft jury jt'iis. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers General Merchandise. Flour barrel ... $i.7S8.00 Flour sack - - . 1.75(3.2.00 Corn Meal, bolted .... l.oo Chop feed .... fl .65(3i 1, Kye $ bushel .... 80(3 90 Oats -fl bushel .... 50fi,r,r Corn, ears ..... 40(i$45 Boana bunhcl ... 1.502.50 Lam, avgrured canvahed - 16) Breakfast BaiHui, Augur mired 1 Shoulders - .... J2 Whttcflsh, half-barrelH .. .- . 7.60 I-ake erring half-barrola - - $.50 Sujiar 1012J Syrup ...... 75fil.OO N. O. Molasses .... S.rr,f,10O Boast Hio C'ofl'eo No. 1 8032 Bio Coflco, ..... 2S(ij28 Java I'otfoo ..... g, Tea ..- - - - . .50.1.20 Butter - ... - . 20f228 Bieo ..... io EgK, frosh .... 1215 Salt 2.00(6,2.10 Lard 15(5.18 Iron, common liar - - - -3, Xi'-ila, lOd, W keg .... 3.1W Potatoes ...... 8S(S.40 Mmo bbl. ..... j.oo Notico to Tax-Payers. The subscriber will be at the followina named places for the purponeof receiving Taxes lor the year 1870. ThoRe payina bo fore August 1st are entitled to an almto- iiieul oi 5 per cent. Barned Totcnshin. Monday. JUine M.Onoksbiirt'. from lfl to 12 o'clock a. ni. Mondav. June 211. flar. lngtou, troui 3 to 6 o'clock p. in. Jcixjcs Township. Tuesday, Juuo 27, Marieu Post Oilico. Harmony 1'uwnahip. Wednesday, July 5, Store of J. I. Eqngr, Thursday, July 6, Trunkeyvilld. Hickory Township, Friday, July 7, Store of T, J. Bow man. Kingnlcy Totrnshijn Saturday. July 8. Storo of Wheeler. Du- senbury A Co. Green Township, Monday, J uly 10, Nebraska. Tionesta Township, Tuesday, July 11, Treasurer's Office. ?Xone,ifi florough. Wednesday, July 12, Treasurer's Ofllee. Home Tounshit). Friday, July 11, Brookston. Those liable for Mercantile Licenae for 1S7S will save fl.oo by paving before July lUl, lOIO. B, J,BI.llibI iMay 22(1, 1878. .Co. Tr Awarued the llighost Medal t Vienna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 8'Jl Broadway, New York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturer, Importer & Dealom In CIIROMOS AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Albums, (jraplioNcopc, and Suita ble Views. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We aro Heaibiuartera for evervthim In the wav of NTK l! K( ln' VM n,l MAO. iC LAisl'l'EHNS, being manufacturers of ine Miern-Sclentlllu I-antem, iero-ranopiicon, University Mtoreoptleon, Advertisers IStereoptieon, Artopticon. bchool I.aiiturn, Family I-antem, PKOPI.K'S I.ANTKUN. Kach style being the best of its class in the market. Catalogues of I-anlerin and Slides, with directions for using, tent on application. Any enieriirising man can muko moiiev with a Mapie I.anteru. J iJt-ir Cut out tins advertisement for rcf- icnoe. Report of Green Township. April In, 178. We, tho Auditors of flreen Townnlilpdo certify that we have mot and nxamined the accounts of t10 Township Treasurer, nnd have nettled and allowed the same as found in the following statement : HENItY LEOEUUK, Township Treasurer: Dr. To orders drawn from Co. Coin rs Dec. 18, 1875 J8.i fit By -ntichor produced at ' oett lenient Or. 171 Ml duo township 31J y) JAMF.sOlLFII.t.EX,') Krxejit llFnnnss, I And Pkter Yocwok, J ilditorn. HKNRY MCDKntTIl, Treasurer, in ac count with Boot fruf)d: Pr. Cr. To duplicate of 1871 gj8) 87 1875 1,V70 liy 'n. Treasurer's receipt dated Ant. 27, 1874 " nionov refunded to H. Whitman " exnncratiunn collector's per rontage -J02 07 j-n 77 swieti Bal. duo township.. 187 08 Wo, tho And i tors, have examined the aljoyjj accounts, and find them correct. Pktkr Youkok, ) K.khbst HicnnKNS, I Auditor. Jamkk OlI.riL.t.EN, I Report of Green Township. ROAD COMMISSIONERS of Green Township, in account with said town ship for tho year A. V, 1875 : nr. Cr. To am't of Road Tax levied $969 88 By ani't worked on roads as per returns of Road Master pso M Bal. due Twp. 1875 29 ft5 " " 1874 10157 We, tho Auditors, havo examined the above and find theui a set forth in tho above. " " " ' Pk-ter Younok, 1 Ekwkst Rkiibbxs, Auditors. JAMKS GlT.FILI.KN, I Report of Jenks Township. A mi l 8, 187(J. Wo, the Auditors of Jenks Townshindn cortify that wo havo met and examined tho accounts ot tho Township Treasuror, and have settled aud allowed tho same m lottud in tho following statement: IIUFUS DODUE, Township Treasurer. Dr. (V. To orders drawn from ' Co. Conunisloivra$l.tt53 ft bal from ex-treasurer By vouchers produced 18 10 ?l,83rt 44 54 "T at settlement poroentairo " bal to successor 1,WI 15 1,971 19 A. K. Nhipk, 1 : ... C. I). Kldhidob, J AudUon'- GOOD NEWS FOlt. THE PEOPLE! I havojust returned from New York city wiin a complete siim-k ot FANCY & STAPLE DRY - GOODS, Which I will sell for less money JJian they have been sold since tho ' w ar, in ttys plucq. Jjist Bead the Followiag: PRINTS, 5 and (I cts., and tho very beat for 7 an4 d eontM. MUSLINS, from 7 cents upwards. HANDKERCHIEFS, Fivo cents and upwards. LADIES WHITE HOSE, , Nino cents and upwards. LADIES' TIES, Ten coots and upwards. I have tbe bos( assortment evet beforo shown in any storo here. EMBROIDERIES, Also tho finest lot of Km liroifterios, which, when soon, be bought from. ' TABLE LINENS, Of all puajitioa. CHROMOS. Also a lino lot of small Chromou, front 1 to 5 eta., to ornament your homes. CORSETS, rout 50 cents upwards. RUCHES, Collajjs and Cuir of all styles aud very cheap. PARASOLS. Also the luteat novelty In Parasol, of all oolom. PIQUES. ' Also a fine lot of Pimics. in Plain. Laco. Ktrino and Plaids, in Whi'e and Ecru shades, at reduced in Ices. 1 ' . ALPACAS, Plaids, ote., way down to tho lowest prices. . COTTONA-DES, Shirtings and Cloths for Men and Hoys' car; I rum 10 to iJ por ceut. lt.hii for mer prices. OMier.Koods too numerous to luentlon. Agency lor Cuttericks's Pattorns hich aro tho best made. Don't forgo tho place. L. L. BRENNESHOLTZ tick's Brick bbsk. omxHiile Poonle's Savings Hank, Tlilloute, Pu. f-lin rpiIKTANITE CO., Sm.ii.lslmrg, P , 1 Finery heels and .Machinery, 4M 4