Site &oxt$i fpuMtom. w. n. DUNN - EDITOIt. WEDXESDAI nOKMNG, XII M, 1876. FOR PUESIPENT JOHN P. )J ART RAN FT, of Pennsylvania. AimoiiiiremenfN. Prices for announcements ara a fol lows: Congress, -.!; Stat Senate, 810; Assembly. 10- Positively no announce ments published unless the cash i rxm lit AIWAXl'K. CONGRESS. Wo are authorized to announce tlte name of E. lu DAVIS, of Tio-ncsta, as n candi date for Congress, subject to tho decision f tho Republicans ut "their Primary Meet ing". ASSEMHLY. Wo are authorized to announce V. E. AlXIHON, of Hickory, as a randidate for Assemblv, mibiect to tho action of tho Re publican's at their Primary Meotings. Wc are authorised to announce the name of J. H. AO NEw, of Tionosta, as a candi date for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Republicans at th"ir Primary Meet ings. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce SAM UEL D. IRWIN, Esq., of Tionesta, aa a candidate Ibr District Attorney, subject to the decision of tho Republicans at their Primary Elections. REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. . The Republican voters of Forest County will meet at the usual places for holding the primary ele3tions, SATURDAY, JUNE, 17, 18T6. nt 2 o'clock P. M., to nominate as fol lows : Ooe person for Congress. One person for State Senator. One person for Assembly. One person for District Attorney. One person for Coroner. The poll will remain open until 7 o'clock n. ra. Each township will elect and return one person as a mem ber of the County Committee for the ensuing year. The meeting of the Return Judges will be held at the Court House on the Tuesday following, to-wit: the 20th day of June, J87Q, at 2 o'clock ' P. M. J. T. Dalk, Chairman. The action of the Ohio Demo crata provokes a wider range of com mcnt thaa the event, in i'self, do serves. It is looked upon as involving a hitter struggle at St. Louis, between hard-money men and down-right in flatiouists, While the minority at Cincinnati carried their point, the difference betweeu their views and thoae of the wildest iuflationijiU we not extreme. And the selection of Pendleton to head the delegation to St. Louis, was a direct commitment to the most lax of inflation ideas. Thur man is put aside, and Ohio is pledged itfiesh to the very ideas upon which they were defeated last fall. Allen is triumphant, but not the leader of hia parly; while Pendleton, who was thought to be killed off, emerge from his shame triumphant aud jubilant It establishes tho fact that no hard money platform can well be made at St. Louis, aud that the Democracy may even be driven or compelled into eoft-rooney declarations. Altogether we imagine the Ohio Democracy have been rendering the Republican cause good service. Our Washington Letter. ripeeial to tho Republican. WAsmwmw, D. C., May. 10, '76 The leading men here, of both pa ties, attach very little importance to the late political conference held New York. It is well known that it was largely engineered by men wh deserted tho republican party in 1872 alter vainly seeking by menaces an misrepresentations to assume its lea dership, to dictate its policy, to name its Presidential candidate, placed on a platform which virtually surrender ed to uureprutent Coufuderato aud their subservient allies, mauy of the inobt essential fruits of the nation's victory over tho slave power. The republicans bold that the foundations of their party are uuflieicutiy broad to accommodate every Americau cilizeu who desires the establishment of the Government's supremiey, the absolute ' equality of every citizen before the law, a liberal educational system un der the fostering care of the Govern- . mcnt aryl free from ecclesiastical in terference; the cconmical administra tion of the Government with a faiili fa execution of all its laws. If the Jibcrale or iudepuuduuts desire the occoiuplkshineut of these ends, they xe coalially iuvited to join us. If Jlsey desire lees than this, their com jug would only introduce an element oj diiturUauce amf opposition into our household. On the other hand the democrats manifest no Jisiositioi) to repeal the insane folly of 912, when their desire to conciliate this junto of divorced politicaos, led them to en- or so as their standard bearer a man ho was so openly and notoriously hostile to the practices and aims of their party that the hypocrncy in volved in such action provoked the lictile of the world and brought upon them a most crushing defeat. Davenport produced by tho demo cratic managers as a "forlorn hope, nd whoso testimony was to have re vealed to the world the iniquities of the present administration, has been ischarged, and all hope of redeeming their promises relative to unearthing my criminality on the part ot tne 'resident through such a wide awake itness as ho proved to bo, hat neces sarily been abandoned, aud the demo cratic members during the last fow days of his examination confined their efforta to prevent his revealing what he knew of democratic venality, Iraud, corruption and mob violence in New iork. Citv. Not much interest or activity is manifested iu the other investigations n progress save that of the Govern ment Insane Asylum. It is generally believed that the Senate will decide that it has no jurisdiction iu the Bel- nap case which was again taken up the 13th inst. The matter in all probability will be determined before Saturday night, or before tho middle f next week at farthest. 1 he action of the House in passing largo number of claims repeatedly rejected by former Congresses on the ground of fraud, the disloyalty of the claimants, or both has deepened the existing distrust towards the ex-Con iederate and democratic members, aud f the present action in these cases es tablishes a precedent for the future hundreds of similar claims introduced this winter, involving hundreds of millions of dollars, nnd thousand of others, which will assuredly appear, have only to wait for a democratic ad ministration to be paid or to exhaust the Treasury. It is supposed that the Attorney General will instruct Gen. Augur to furnish tha necessary troops in accordance with tho law to pre serve tho peace In Louisiana, and' pre vent a repitition of the bloody altairs of a few days since if the Governor is unable to effect it with the means at his command. The investigation of Mr. Blaine alleged connection with the exchange of worthless Arkansas Railroad bonds for 804,000 worth of the Union Pacif ic money has resulted m another rnortifyiug defeat to the cabal of ex rehelt, disappointed and envious. Independents or sore headed repuo- Iiean3 (if any T) who inaugurated the campaign, by putting out in rapid succession talsehoods against every probable contestant for the Cincinna ti nomination, iucludiug Blaine, Mor ton, Brisdow, and Cockling. Col. Tho3. Scott testifies that he was the party who traded the bords for the money which Mr. Blaine has been persistently charged with receiving in consideration of his cnfl'icncitig legis lation fuvorabie towards the Union Pacific Railroad. , The recent massae: of colored men iu Iadiaua, LouL-....i and Miss issippi, has tuado a profound impress ion here upon the members of Con gress ni;d U. S. officials. I believe the democrats generally as well as the republicans deplore them and regard them and the endorsement of Allen and his rag-money policy as fatal to the democratic party. The taunts as to waving the bloody shirt and re viving sectional hate are insulting to the last degree, in view of these fiend ish atrocities perpetuated by the bloody Ku-Klux of the South upon a timid and inoffensive class of its citi zens. It is reported that the Senate com mitteo having charge of the Legisla tive, Judicial and executive appropri ation bill will recommeud non-con currence with its provisions, as sent to it from the House, biico action pre cipitates the oil predicted dead-lock, Fitzhugh has reversed his opinion of himself somewhat since his party friend have manifested a disposition to drop him. He now regards "old Grant" as a bigger man than Fitz hugh. Maxwell. The endorsement given by the Kentucky Republican Couvention to the claims of Secretary Briatow fori the Presidential nomination, comes gratefully from his home State. While we do not imagine that he can be nom inated, it is but grateful and proper that his fellow Republicans ot Ken tucky should staud by him. They have done it iu a resolution that states iu a dignified and proper mauuer, his deeds and qualities, ell of which are commdable. Gazette. Agents for the best sell ing Prize Package in tho world. It contains IS khects paper, li envelopes. Golden Pen, Holder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, and a piece of Jewelry. Single puckago, with elegant prize, post-paid, cents, S lor 41.111. This paukage has Ueeu examined bv the Mibliblier of tho I-'ohkst Rtri ui.l- can, ami found as rcpreaenoul worth tho tnoney. YValckos given away towl agents. Circulars free. lllUDE ik CO., 7ui lli.oad way, New York. -19 4 TITS, EPILEPSY FALLING FITS CURED. This is no humbug. For iiiforniatyiu, imiuire of or writo to MOYEIt liltuTll KHS, Wholesale DruggiKtu, Ulooiithbiirir, Columbia 'ounir, Pu. ' 4'J The expei ience of ftvo rears has proved that i his Compact and re liable work of General Information Is better wlnptod to tho wants of ill classes of tho com munity than any other work of the kind aver Z ELL'S Iei Hewti MUM. AQEIT3 wAHTBD. published. It has been proven by its IMMENSE SALES, bv the numerous COMMENDATORY NOTICES KECI), And by Its uniform RICCESSWITII AGENTS. Tho edition of 1876 lias lieen THOROUGHLY REVISED TO DATE. It contains 150,000 articles, 3000 wood engravings and oightoon handsomely en graved and colored maps. The work is Issued in parts, and a spool nion copy, with map, will bo sent to any address, froo of postage, for twruty cenlw. BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publisher, (Successors to T. El wood Zoll.) Nog. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street, 42tf PllIl.ADKI.rAIA, Pa. .PIPT-iETOlSrS' NEW REVISED EDITION. ENTIRELY REWRITTEN RY THE A R LEST WRITERS ON EVERY SUBJECT. Printed from New Tvpe, and Illustrated with severlal Thousand En gravings aud Mays. The work oriirinal I V published under tho title or Tl 1 K N E V AMERICAN C YCI.O P.V.DIA was completed In lsfl.1, since which time, tho wide eireulatlon which It haa attained in all parts of the United States, nnd the signal developments which have taken place In every branch of science, literature, and art, have induced the editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and to issue a now edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. Within tho last ten years tho progress of discovery in every department oi knowl edge bus' niacin a now work of reference an imperative want. The movement of political niTairs has kept pace with the discoveries of science, and their fruitful application to the indus trial and usclul arts ami the convenience and rctinoniont of social life. Great wars and oonseoucnt revolutions have occurred. involving national ohangtis of peculiar moment, 1 no civil war ol our own coun try, which waR at its height when tho bint volumo of tho old werk appeared, has hap pily boon ended, and a liewonurseof com- meruiai and industrial activity lias no tin commenced. l-nrgo accessions to our GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE Have lieen made by the indefatigable ex plorers or Atiica. Tho great political revolutions of the last ducadc, with the natural result of tho lapse ot time, have brought into public view a multitude of now men, whose names are iu every one's mouth, aud of livos every one is curious to know the particulars. Great battles have boon foui?hL mid important sioiros maintained of which the details are as yet preserved only in tne newspapors or in me transient pumlcalinna ot tne day, bill which ougiu now to uiko tneir place in PERMANENT AND AUTHENTIC HISTORY. In preparing the prosent edition for the press, u nas accordingly been mo aim oi in editors to bring down the information t the latest possible elates, ami to furnish an accurate account ol tho most recent dis coveries iu science, of every fresh produ tion in literature, and of tho newest inven tious In liio pructical arts, as well u- t give a succinct and original record of tho progress ot POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL EVENTS. The work has been begun after long aud earctul preliminary labor, uud Willi th most ample resources for carrying it on to a Kucocssiui termination. Nono of tho original storootypo plates have been used, but overy pago mh beei HINTED ON KEV TYPE, Forming in fact a new Cyclopicdia, with tho same plan and compass as us prcco ccssor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such imprimementi in its composition as liavo been suggested bv lougcr expcrienco and enlarged Ififowl euga. THE ILLUSTRATIONS which aro Introduced for tho first time the present edition have, been added not lor mo saKo oi pictorial encct, nut, to civ greater luMdity and lbreo to the explana tiona in the text. Tliuy embrace all branches ot science ami of natural history. and (leinct UiQ most famous and remarka ble features of scenery, achitieture, and art, as well as tne various processes mechanics and manufactures. Althougli intoiulod for instruction rather than em bellishincnt, no pains havo been spared to insure ino.r ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE. The cost of their execution is enormous, and It is believed thev will tlnd a welcome reception as an admirable, feature nf the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its high char acter. This work Is sold to subscribers only nav.iblo on delivery of each volume. will bo comnleto in SUtecn iMrue Octnr IWuncv, each containing about bOO pitgcs, rullv illustrated with several tliotisan Wood Kngravings, and with numerous colored Lithographic Maps. Price and Style of Blading : III extra Cbrfli, per vojuino in Library Leather, per vol. - $s oe oo 7 on In italf Turkey iMomuco, pnr vol, -iu luUf JWsiaxira gilt, jx-r vol. In lull niorocoo, uiitiipie, gilt edges per vol. -In full Russia, per vol. 8 FIFTEEN VOLUMES HOW READY. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be issued onca in two months. (-Specimen puges of The American Cyclopiedia, showing typo, illustrations, etc., will be scut gratis on application. Fitl-ClJLas CuHiKUdiuj Ayeula Waittnt. Address tho Publishers, I. APPMSTUN A CO., -M Mil di 551 Broadway N. Y. HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA WANTED A U 10 NTS In overy town to .canvass for Dr. COl.tN ELIS new and popular History of Pennsylvania, from tho earlcst discovery to tho present time. A sprendid boul;, complete Iu ono volumo, lliusirstlcd, and publisiiud ut a price with in reach of tho people. A rare cliauco for a llrst-closs canvasser. Address th pub drcM tl'ic pulilihliers. (mikur C'ilv I'ulv lisliiiiU Co., 'Ml South lltli kt., I'liil.ulul phi:i. l:i i THE NEW "DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH r MACHINE. tl IT mfn nil the lritiet nf I'm T.I-ht-Rfw. V "POMEiTIC,' inclmlinff th Automltlio Tension. Ki:h wa an I i tho bet in n-c. v-I'lcane notice our I'A ! KNT H AK I KN I'D CONICAL HEARINGS on bodi the Machino and Stan J. Our new anrl ol't Itlrat. wrVe! out witlt liraml new Machinery nn l Tfl at rr awn newwrwVt, In the bnsv city f Ncw?rV, New lrnc. have piTt m n iwml;iril M Rt.'HAMCAt, KXl'KI l.KNCK, Mininunn of ro tt.n, M.ximttm iA l).ir;iiny, mud rate ui' wutk, itctnsr hereto lb ra reached in the Sewing Machine wurld. TO THIS STAT EM n XT AND TUP, MACHINE ITSELF W Invitt t!i utttntion of all, cipccially those having high machsqicsj (kilj vf obatrvation. N. II. All Miu-tinr fully warm;:.;.ci), pOf.15STIC SEWING MACHINE CO., IMow "Vorlc mid Chlousro, LADIES, USE "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. 1ST 33 "W Furnit nro. Boom si The nnderslnrned bf tr-i leavo to inform tho citi7.cns of Tionesta, and tho public in penernl, that ho has openml a KIltST CLASS VURSITUJiE STOKK, in hia new btiildinii at tlio junction of Kim St. and tne Dutch Hill road, where ho keeps on hand a largo assortment of FURNITURE. Consisting In part of Walnut Parlor Sets, Chamber Sets, Cane Seal Chairs, Wood Scat Chairs, ItockliiK Chntrs. Illnimr Tables, Extension Tabic, Marble Top Tables, Kitchen Furniture, liureaus, HcdMpads, Washstands, Lounges, Mattresses, Cupboards, H ok Cases, Kancv Ilrackots, looking (ilasscs, Pieturo Frames, and PICTTJKTiS FKAMED. AUUJ, SASH Sc DOORS always on band. His rooms Iteinfi Iarpre, and well fitiiat ed ho is propared to oiler superior induoo mcnts to purchasers. Call and examine hia stock aud prices, and be convincod UNDERTAKING. A full assortment of Collins and Casket constantly in store. 2Sly " A. If. PAKTHinnK. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. Tho Oldest, mid Myst I'crrcct Manulactory in the United States, nearly 56,000 Now in use. No other Musical Instrument ever obtain ed tho same popularity. jUr-HenA for Price IJsU. Address hl'FFALO, -V. 1. The fact of ours boiug tho oldest and largest manufactory in tho United States, with nearly 5H,(KX1 instruments now iu use, is a sutllcient pmvrnntec of our re spoiisibiliij and tho ini rils of our instru ments. -m fJKO. A. l'HINCR it CO. DYSPIEPSIA CURED FREE. Any person siiHnrinj from I)vsH-psia or Indigestion w)l bo cured bv UBin 1)R. MILLIARD'S IWUIND i'OWDEHS. Send for a trial packaitc, it costs nothinir, and will euro you. Address IHBiH.KK v .!., IJicmts, 13.i iiroad-vav, Nw Something Nctf ! AT THE OLD FISHER STORE! WE HAVK STAKTED A FLOUR & FEED STORE in the building formerly occupied by J. J Fisher. OUR CHOP is made from CORN. Wl I KAT A OATS, and will be sold at present, tor 1.75 I'KR mVT. OUR FLOUR is made from tho best WINTKH WII I'.Al , everv barrel of which is warranted anil Will be sold proportionately low. fa connection with t' e abova, w are keeping tho best brands of TOBACCOS, FSXK CUT, PLl', AJfD xuitcd to llio most fastidious taste. M J. U. HKHICKSON CO. Ajucrit-uii A l'orrI";ii lutent. OILMOItEit-CO., Smcossors to Chip- man, Ilostncr C Co., Solicitors. Patents procurod in all connlries. No Fees In ad vance. No .i-liai;.'P.t unless tho patent is giantod. No fetM for making prelimina ry oxauiinatioiiH, No additional lees for obtaining and conducting rehearing. liy a recent decision of the Cominiiouor all rejected applications may lio revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases before tho Patent OllU o, KxU-nsions In lore Congress, J nfrincmoiit Suits iu different States, and all litigation apper taining to inventions or Patents. Send stamp to iilioro A tV., for r-amphlct of sixty pages. Inul CaseN. lVarrani nul ' horlj. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the If. S. lie:ieral fjind Oilice and Depart- nicnioi tne liuirior. i rivato fjunl uiuims, Mining and I'ro-r-iiiiitioii Claims, am liomestead Cases attended to. Ijind Si-rip in 4(1, Nl, and liW acre piocea for salo. 'i'liis Scrip is assignable, mid can be located in tic) name of tho purchaser iiMn any Uov eminent land subject to private en'trv, at l.' per acre. It is of equal value, "with llounty Ijind Warrants. Send stamp to (iilinoro A Co., for pamphlet of Instruc tion. Arrears of Pay fc ISoimt). Olllcers, Soldiers, aud jailors of tho late war, or their hoirs, uro iy many casca on titled to money from tho Government of which they have no knowlodgc. Write full histo of sot-vice, and state amount of pay and bounty received, l.ncloso sunup to Uilmoiu A Co.. and afull reply, after examination, will be given you free, l'viittioiitt. All Oflioers. Soldiers, and Sailors woun dud, ruptured, or injured in tho into war, however tdightly, can obtain a pension by uddriMsjiig Uiiuioro A Co. Cases prosecuted by fJiliuoio A Co. I le ft' ro tho Siireiuo Court of the United States, tho Court of Claiins.ud tho South ern Claims Coiiiuiisio;i. Kacji department of our business is con ducted in a separate bureau, under charge of tUoiiaiuotjipuriiiiiccil parties oinployed by the old linn. Atteutioii to all business entrusted to Oilntoru A Co, is llius se cured. We desiru to win suecess bv do serving it, J Address ;il.M(l:i: A CO., 6 F St reel u liiiiat.-n, 1. '. ' Cag:nts wanted m the ErJTEPJWIAL HISTORY of the U.S. Tlie great Interest In the Ihrllllng hlsto rv of our country makes this the Tautest selling book ever published. It contaiiy a full account oi me maim vnicnmi hibition. CAUTION. Old. Inmiiunlofeaud Cure- liable works ore llng ulrt'UlabMl see that the liixik von buv conla ns AiZ I ln Ijii- fcravlngs and irj.'i pnges. Send for clrcnlnrs nnd elrri terms to. agetiN. Niitlonnl Ptibllslilng Co., Phila delphia, Pa. 7 4 ff IO a dav nt home. Agents wanlod. Outi PI tit and terms free. Till" K A CO.. Augusta, Maine. 7 4 Si "id s tj 1ST" FOKTIIi;CAMiAU!XI The events of tho Presidential campaign. will lie so fallhfullv and t XI 1 v illusiratnl, inTIlK NEW YtlUK NUN aa to orn mend it to candid men of all parties! Wa will send Tho Weekly Edition (eight pages1, nst paid, from now till after rleci tlou for M i'U th Sunday Editton, anuin size, at the same price; of the Daily, four pages, for J:l.lM). Address 4 If I. 1 ' l , UI IV V llf i mmm "Screw the finger as tight a von can. that's rheumatism j ono more turn, that'si gout," is a familiar description of these two diseases. Though each may and dors attack different parts of tho aystem, tho causa Is Isilleved to be a pnlsomma acid in tho blood. Purify this by tho nseof Tarrant's Srltxrr Apfrirnt. It will do Its work speedily and thorough ly. It is the great friend'of Iho aufferer from rheumatism and gout. 7 4 HUM) HY A 1,1, Dltl fiOISTS. LAND FOR SALE GO.OOO ACltlX Of farming and timber lands; near tha great Kimawaha Kiver, In Putnam Coiin ty. West Virginia, in qunntitiea to ault purcliasers. Soil good, water pnro and abundant, timber excellent; churrhoa, achHs anil mil Is convenient; title perfMi, Prieo tSl to per acre, 't erms aeoomuao dating. Send for full description to J. L, Mel.iwn, Wiulleld, Putnam County, Vfml Virginia. .71 THI8 OLanH HODBE ESTABLISHED 13 1868. ' DCr'JCinNC"ltJiiiiMl for Ulllirni, Sol, rLllOlUilO iliers, and Heaninn of War of IM7I aud A, and for their lielrs. Tha lam incl udos ihwerters and Ihosa dishonorably discharged. If wounded, Injure I, or hava einitraetd any dlsrmn, apply at one. Thousands entitled. Ureal numbers , titled to an Increased nKc, and should ap, ply Immediately. All Sol.llers and Mm ni,i) of the War of 1M2 wh- ered for any period, however short, whether dis abled or not, nnd all widows of such not now on tho Pension rolls, are requested to send me their address at oner. RDIIMTV' M"".v who cnlistcl In 171 1 DUUI1 I Land S aro entitled. Send your dim'harges and havo them rxsinined. IbiHtnosa belore the Patent Olliiit solicitl Otliecrs returns and accounts settled, and all just claims prosecuted. As I muke no charge unless successful, I request all to iucloro two stranipa (or re ply aud return of papers. Uisirgo U, LcmoH, Iss-k Hox 47, Washingtoii, D. C. 1 riK'omnieiid I'aptain l-emon asan hou-. orablc and successful Practionor. S. A. Iliirlbut, M. ('. 4th ('ongiessional IMs trici of Illinois, late Ma.-Oen i U. S. Vols, In WfHing mention name of thispapor. KM Visiting Cards, with vour nama Jr tinely piintHl, sent for.Vi. Wuliav 100 styles. Agents wanted. V sample (ot stamp. A. II. Fuller t Co., I'.rooktoa, Muss. g 4 ;77A WF.F.K guarantei .1 to .Mala an 4 Oil female agents, in tholr locality. Costs nothing to trv it. Particulars Frs, P. O. Vickery it Co., Augusta, iA: (-44 0 'tOn I'01' 'av nt lionio. Torma 4J H 4ZU tree. Addims Ooo. htlnsuti it- Co., Portland, Mo. 8 t . pSYCHOMANCY, or Soul Charming A" How cither sex may tkscinate and gain the lovo and atfoctjons of nny person they choose, Instantly. This simple mental ac quirement ull can possess, free, by mall, for 23 cents; with a Marriaj; Outdo, Egyptian Orae.o. Dreams. Hints t.) Eiutlcs. A ijiiecr book. Kni tKiOsold. Adi dress T. William A Co., Publishers, Phil adelphia. 40 41 OX CENTENNIAL Fancy Visiting or Calling Cards for 1(1 els. Something entirely new. Address It. U. Ailams A Sou, Chatham, Columbia County, N. Y, 74 11. a. mKi:et & co. WHOLESALE & UHTA1L Pealora In IIarIwnr, Iron nml aiU, Stoves and Tinwitro. BELTING OF ALL SIZES Constantly on hand, at low tjilcol. -T Muwuf'ucturcia of Mil l"i: r 1UK WOltK, Smoko StaoM,I3reetfli iiif?, Slicjot Iron, Well Casing, fee, iFcc. Full SA I. E One Second-hand ten liorsu power Wood berry Slationurv itoilcr and Engine. II.G.TINKEIi&CO., fill, CITY, PA. l OTTM I "i lest course of Iook7 A I'l'l' LJ, Keeping, tho best ys tein or actual piucljev, ' tlio jiusd elegant peuiiianship, thu lowest rates of board and tuition, nt Washington llusines College, J iiu- ,l n. X v. Cii-pularM free