ANCIENT NKWSFArmi At the coming Centennial Newspa per Exhibition at Philadelphia it has Wo decided to display copies of an tique journals and other curiosities of newspaper literature. To this inter esting collection all persons haying aucieut, quaint, or curious specimens are invited to contribute; and should the response be as hearty and general as we hope to find it, this gathering of time-worn publications will prove to be not only a leading trait cf the Newspaper Department, but also one of the salient attractions of the Exhi bition as a whole. All having the ability and the will to aid on the pro ject should transmit their consign ments without delay to the Pavilion of the Centennial Newspaper Exhibi tion, Fairraount Park, Philadelphia, addressed to the care of Mr. Geo. P. Rowell, who has the matter in charge. While on view, these exhibits will have attached to them labels designa ting by whom they are contributed, and all consistent care will be taken to preserve them from damage. Alter the close of the Exhibition they will be again at the service of their own ers, or, in the absence of different in structions, will be transferred to some historical society or museum. iunng tno jaio war there were many newspapers issued which illus trated the straits in which their pub lishers found themselves. Pink, blue, and yellow sheets, wrapping paper, and many other substitutes were press ed into the service. Specimens of these tow possess a curious interest. The advantages to the publio of such a gathering are manifest to a de gree which renders elucidation unnec essary, and the opportunity to do a rery useful act Is placed within easy reach. A single copy of some senile broadsheet may not be of much worth to its proprietor, yet in conjunction with others it will make up a worthy collection. Many people there are who, having preserved such curiosities for years, can turn them to little or do practical account, and it is pot too much to hope that the response given by such will be ready and general. Without loss to themselves, they can materially benefit visitors to the Great Centennial Exhibition and ap preciably advance a patriotic move ment. .The Chicago Tribune says : A doc tor on West Adams street saved a young woman's life two months ago. ' When he brought round his bill the , grateful father replied: "Take her, doctor; she is yours ; her heart beats only for you. Me and the old woman will come and live with you by-and-bye." The son of Esculapius said he wasn't that kiud of a man ; that he couldn't afford it ; that seeing it was him, he would take $66. "Sixty-six dollars I" screamed the pious father: "why, I could have buried Jier for half the money. The custom of appointing young lawyers to defend pauper criminals re ceived a backset the other day. The Judge had appointed two young law yers to defend an old and experienced horse thief. Afier inspecting his coun sel for some time in silence, the pris oner rose in bis place and addressed the Bench : "Air them to defend mV" "Yes, sir," said His Honor. "Both of mem t inquired the prisoner. "Yes, both of them," responded the judge. "Then I plead guilty," and the poor fellow took his seat and sighed heav ily. "Yes, fair Maud," he said dreamily, "thevaletudinarian recliues in slip pered ease upon the sunny couch of inaoieuce, ana pours lortu sweet idyls of the heroio times when " "Yes," she broke in, "It is beautiful; but excuse me for a moment ; I think I emell the Irish stew burnincr." And picking up his hat, he bowed with a sickly smile, excused her, and emigra ted lor nome. A man in South Hadley, who has just got out of a lawsuit.wants to obtain a large framed picture of a cow, with one client at the bead and the other at the tail, pulling, and the lawyers meanwuue quietly milking. Nineteenth Century Mother "Mv boy, you should follow the example of your parents ana torsake tbe frivolous delights of immature years. Son "Say, mother, go and sit down on yourself, won t you T ' The man who Painted Patience as a healthy looking female perched on a chunck of sandstone, never saw an ed itor chewing the end of a pencil.while mree compositors stood m tbe back ground yelling for copy. A bill to prohibit the salo of Intox icating liquors within four miles of tne Uilitornia University, is called by a San Francisco paper. "An act to promote pedestrianism among -stu dents." b A Denver paper says that an Iu dian chief left his squaw in a saloon there, the other day, as a security for tne payment of a whisky bill. Prob ably one of the Pawnee tribe. A man (says Dr. Hall) may be quick iu manner, decided in speech auj inflexible in purpose; but he may be courteous and kind for all that. It is an uumitii'ated cruelty to com wand a child liot to cry; every tear m a godsend to Us little heart, and unwells its grief. JOB WORK IOItE AT TIIR 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the lowctt oath priots, neatly, prompt ly, and in stylo equal to that of any other establishment in the Dialrict. BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARDS,, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, JIOXTIIXY STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES BILL EADS, v LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, Ac. IKCALE! STANDARD Fire and Burglar Counter, Flatrorm, Wagon & Track SCAXjES. .ii4 for rrloo-lUt, A rents Wanted. Marvin's Safe Co., 265 Broadway, New York, 721 Chestnut St., Phila. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND Al'TKK II P. I. Knndav Mav 1, 1870, Trains arrive nt and loavo the Union Depot, corner of Washlntun and Liberty street, a follow: ARIUVK. Mail Train, 1.30 a in s Fiwt Line, 12.12 a m ; Well's accommodation No. 1, tt.20 a m " Hrintou accommodation No 1, 7.f0 a in; Wall's accommodation No 2, 8.55a m ;Ctn cinnati express 9.'.!0 a in ; Johnstown 0c coniniodation 10.50 a m ; llraddnck's ac commodation No 1,7.00 pint Pittsburgh express 1.30 p in; Pacific express 1.50 p in ; Wall'a accommodation No 8, 2.86 p m; llomewood accommodation No l,9.5o pm; Wall's accommodation No 4, 6.60 p in; Hrlnton accommodation No 2, 1.10 p m; Way Passenger 10.20 p ni. DEPART. Southern express 6.20 a m ; Pacific ex press 2.40 a m ; Wall's accommodation No 1, 6.30a 111 ; Mail Train 8.10 a m ; Hrintons accommodation D.'JOa m: liraddocfc's ac commodation No 1.6.10 p in; Cincinnati express 12.35 p m ; Wall's accommodation N 2, 11.51 a m ; Johnstown accommodation 4.05 p iu ; llomewood aocominodatioii No 1. 8.50 p in; Philadelphia express 3.50 p m; Wall accommodation No3,3.05p in; Wall's accommodation No 4, 0.05 p in ; Fast Line 7.40 p m ; Wall'a No 6, 11.00 p m. The Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at 0.05 a. m., reaching Pitta burgh at 10.06 a. in. Returning leave Pitts burgh at 12.50 p. in., and arrive ut Wail's Station at 2.10 p. in. ' Cincinnati express leaves dailv. South ern express daily except M on da v. All oth er Trains daily, except Sunday." For further information aply to W. ir. BECKWITfT, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume anv Risk for liaggago ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit. their rsponsihility to One Hundred Dollai s val ue. All baggage exceeding that a ount in value will lie at the risk of the mer, unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent. Altoona Pa. GKAT WESTERN PITTSBURGH, IV. The following list embraces only a part of olir immense stock : Muzzle-Loading- Rifles, fullorhalfstock at 12, 15, $'0, and fci5. Double Barrol Blues, $20 to ?.9. Double Rifles and Shot Guns, either over and under, or side by aidu.and at all prices from !0 to fc.-0. 1 Single-Barrel Shot Guns, fdr men or boys: cheap safe and durable. All prices $3.50 to frio each. Double Barrel Shot G uns. Our fifty different stylos, mado of Iron, London Twist, laminated Steel or Damas cus Uarrels, finished In' the best and latest style, all, for men and lovs, at prices wftftowP ei0' 15' ' PISTOLS. in varioty from $1.00 to $8.00. REVOLVERS, ' 4, 8, 6, or 7 shooters, of every kind, at all prices from $6.00 to $25.00. BREECH-LOADING RIFLES. Winchester Improved 18 shooter, liest long range gun in the world. Price only $45. Sharp's Celebrated Breech-Loading Ri fles only $10 each. Remington Breech-Loading RItles at loest factory prices. Wiesson'a and Stephen's Pocket Rifles, using metal cartridges, ut $12, $15 and $18. Breech-Loading Shot Guns. The Dexter Singlo Barrel Breech Load ing Shot Uun, using ISrattsshells price fciO. Stephens' 11. I,. Singlo (iun, $10. Doublo Barrel Breech Moore's Dean's Woodhill's, Urcenen's, Richards', Scoot's and other line inakos, at all prices, from $30 to $300 each. , Sendor J'rice Lint to J. II. I0H YSTOV, GREAT WESTERN GUM. WORKS, 285 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, IA... and state that saw this advortiseuiout in Tub FuiiKhT Refi'ui.ican. Takk Noth-k I will buy or trade for Army Kiltcs, Carbines, Revolvers, Ac. For prices see Catalogue Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Goods sent by express to any point O. O. D., to be examined before paid lor, whou requested. 45- n You C'un Nave Money By buying your PIANOS and ORGANS from the undersigned Manufacturers' Agent, foi the host brands in the market. Instruments shipped direct from the Fac tory. I'll AS. A. SUULTZ, Tuner, 8 ly Lock Ikm 1710, Oil city, Pa. -So"" filth Wa. Immense Reduction to Suit the Times ! j At the Wholesale and Retail Piano and Organ Emporium o L',;.., ,.-,,,... Su-.rvi t a-..,--. . -w.-.:r- S. HAMILTON & CO., 77 5T our motto is and has been QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. wu0te SjOOO 3F THE sx: OJJCATTS Double Reed, 4 Stop Organs, Regular Price, f 145.00 at $ 80.00 . 5 " " 155.00 at 00.00 " 6 ... 105.00 at n l, n . FULL RESONANT CASES, Double Reed, 4 Stop Organs, Regular Price, $105.00 at 41 5 " 175.00 at 6 " " 185.00 at 21 sets Reeds 6 " Vox Humana " 21500 at 3 " 8 " Viola Thfia Ortrant am ull 'ni., THE BRADBURY A DECKEU PIAtfOS WLL I!E SOLD AT THE SAME HATES OF DISCOUNT. Tlie above are ufrlctlv nrIUU ir.i..i i . . or .:.,. ,i. VL" above prices,. orYirfcVK nig niacin, irtho canh price be sent with the order the iiwinVt..,..,; Tn i . If lune be deairetl, we notes with good security, or at hmt g, d'refcrer.ees: Address for Catalogue, and state where you read this notice. - feb!7 14m C ARPETS! CARPET HOUSE, EVIEADVILLE, PA., SHRYOCK & DELAMATER Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Foreign & American Carpetings, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Laco Curtains, Lambrequins, Jcc. SPECIA L COXTIIA CTS MA DK I.V CHURCHES, HOTELS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. SHRYOCK & DELAMATER, Mammoth Carpet and House Furnishing Establishment, 23tf MEA'DVILLE, JPJk.. $3 SAMPLE FREEnmLdlcnml'o everywhere. Address Tha Union Pub. Co., Newark, N. J. -i 4t n Republican Onico T'EEP.S constantly on hand a large as IV Bortmentof lilank Deeds, Mortgages HubpoMias, Warrants, Huiiiiiuhis, Ac. to bo Boh' hrp for ranh 5 xtyr.i -v- AVE., riTTSBUKGir, PA to give.our 05.00 05.00 100.00 105.00 125.00 160.00 " 37.1 mt i; . ""l,r,e"yln.PAmrclr' qiwHrrJy f"e S. HAMILTON & CO., 77 fifth Avrmte, l'itt.slninjh, J'u. DOUBLE YOUU TRADE. Druggists. Grocers and Dealers! Puro ( hiiiuuud Jupan Teas in scaled pui-kagos screw top cans, Ih.xcs or iuili' cl.esu Vi"',V,r" l'rirc- fr circular. ' ,e v l fA',aC""'1 201 Fulton HI., IV. y., p. 0. uox 4 tiu. js t CLOTHING! Itcnt Clothiv! ItcslInKo! TUn iucstln In thpsn linn! tliuei Is not only "What shnll wo do for grub to oatT" but ' W JIK1 UW IT IIvYL, SHALL WE BE CLOTHED ?' Tt is a notorious flict tlint in most towns and cities round about uh, clothing mal to nrdnr I not In accrdniicn to thm di'ircrlalon of other nociwsntics of lire. ' 'I'licra is, however, .nn li.iuornblo exoep tlon to this ruio in tho person of 2. Merchant TuIIor, TIDIOUTE, TA., : Who uiakc clotlilng of the vory beat kind, tits guaranteed, Iroui 25 to 30 Per Cent. Below - tho prices of other doalera In tliia part of tho country. WHY IS THIS THUS ? IWause 1st, Mr. Wise payn no largo fig. itres lor rent, an he owns the buildlnu he occupies. 2d, he doesn't pav a cutter t-'M) to 8:'.0IK a year, but does hit own cut ting, and is not excelled 111 this line in Western Pennsylvania. 3d, bo bnvs cloths lor cash, thus gctli.ig a reduction on ordinary rates. Ith he Mills for cash, and thus lms no bad ilcbtn to make up. Tho fare Is (wc. from (his place to Tld Inule, and at the present time, you can go up in (lie morning and back at' H-..10, hav ing throe hours in Tidioute to select yonr goods and lcavo yonr orders. (live him a trial, and-you will not nnly save money, but will get perfect Ills, anil any stylo or quality of cloth you want. ltoniember.tho name and place, , 7 1y N. WISIC, TidUute, a. WATERS' CONCERTO & ORCHESTRAL l y In ami prrlart m Inn ever mnale. I . I IIV. J' rt ff:iiT niK'iiKs). 1 II .1 1. n-M ltorrfAr bB( rti r plnrcd lu any r rum set r re4tv n -U'HllHrly voiced, - r ; u ino-rr 111 iinnxuMMiii. VI I H II I Mi, ,!,!. I T I I I ItlN-V i.lll Vl F U M I'M til. 'Ihnr Oriaua WATERS' NEW SCALE , PIANOS. kaet ifrenl pow er mtt a line inalnr tun. wt'fc Ml I auilf is lMinninriiiL tmti an tk bvst I'Iiliio llllltlo. 'l'ftkM rgiisN.l I'lisin tut wurrsnl 1 fmw yenrs lferirrs wlrenirly lw far - null nr purl rnah, n. bslanra -luonllily m qnnrlerlr ptuints korond-linu Inxirmueiiis titkni xrhnniie. ( II K A T 1!U'K IHKNI'M k Ik iHUi:, iUtlTI' VAM l;ll cvi-rr ( lif mvlOnnlr Is Um li. Si. lairunuln. A lariala CSU II I lo Tnt km, Wi Hulrn, ( arrAn, UU. " tt, I. II I.I STHMt nfATAU.m'KSItAlLIlK . MOICAC'K M A I IIM SOS, ' Ml Vmu aud 4H MrtM HU, N. X Testimonials of Waters' Pianos ni Organs. ... .,, ., "Wnters' Concsrto Parlor Organ po- i mm A .. .1 ..... ...... wlitcti the cttcct in nioKt charming, and its imitation of the human voice Is Hupcrli. 1 or hwpoiiichm ol Ion and orchestral effects it haa no oiual." A'. Y. Times. ' Tho Concerto l'arlor Ortran'Ma some- thing entirely now ; it la'a beautiful parlor ornament, possesses a kwcet and power ful tone Is a most comuwnduble inven tion and holds a high place iu public la vor." .V. 1". JJvmnig Vujf. Am OnriiKsTn in Tna Tari-oi. Tha orchestral organ Is tho name of a new reed organ recently announced by Horace Wa-' tois A Son. 'The Instrument takes this name from itn recently invented orches tral stwp. Tho voicing of tliis is peculiar, producing tlie eiicct of a full kwect con- ralto voice. Its tmest i tl'cct is urodiieed when tho Klons aro drawn, so that an or- - chcntral elleut is given. The ense id uniino and makes a handsouio arlicla of lurul ture." A'. Y. 6un. TliO Wators Pianos are known sn amonir tho very best. Wo are enabled tosnenk of these instruments with eonliilcuev, from personal knowledge. V. Y. lJvanneUat. U-ly Dr. J. lValker's California Vlu- Cgai IMtteiS nvo a purely Vegetable ju'cparatlon, madq chiclly from tlio na tive herbs found on tlio lower r.iiiRM ol tbe Sion'a Nevada inumitniits of t,';ililir tila, tlio medicinal properties of which nre extracted thnrcfroin without tlio umj of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked. "What is tho cnuse of tha unparalleled success of Vixeoab Uit teiisI" Our answer is, that they rcmovo tho cattso of diseaso, nml tho patient re covers his health. They nre tho Rreat blood purifier and a lilc-givinj? principle, a perfect Innovator and In isolator of tho system. Novcr before in tb history of tlio world has a medicine btua, compounded possessing tlio return kalila qualities of Vixkoar Uittkiis in healing the sick cf every disease man ii heir to. They aro a peutle Turgativo as well ai a Tnuiu. relieving Cungostion or liiflaiuiauiiua tJ the Liver uud Visceral Organs ui Liiliwtia iiiseosM The nroiortios r Vn. Wai.kkr'9 Tixkuah LiiT'i kus nre .Aperient. Dianhnretia, Carniiualivo, Kutiiunus, l.axaliva. bimeti Sedative, Counter-1 rritaut hudonli, Aluu tire, and Anti-ililious. n. II. M DONALD A CO.. PmugiM' wni io. A ifi., K in rrim'i.-n. t;Ll-f .rnlo, i4 mir. nf 'mn,-K.i mill I'lmrli.iM Km.. X. V. hold by ult uud !ul. r.. nVKKTISKI'.SBtnd M cents to Geo, P. KllWell if" I".!. 41 1-nrW !(,, K V for their Kighty-pao Pamphlet, showintf costol iidvcrisin:'. j;j .j( i-pin- t ui-iiiii 1 1 111 nnu 'i 1. uiini i. m'n iuiio. - m Tho Concerto Stop la, without doubt, lha host ever placed in any organ. It Is pro dueed by an extra set of roods, peculiarly