The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 17, 1876, Image 3

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    V E Dm MB OR X FsbTb U TTiHoT
Purfnt John Heck.
OiMttcilmen O. V. Robinson, S. A,
Varncr, A. B. Kelly, S. U. Haslet, A. H.
Partridge, II. O. Dari-.
Julire$ o the iVace I). S. KniT, C. A.
Omitable II. 8watt:ai't
.fcWf I)irrctot.1lK S., II. O. D.I
Vl, S. J. Wolcott, M. n. Haslet, A. B.
Kelly, li. Clark, -
Pmitient Judge L. D. Wetmork.
.4eeiaf Judyet Jus. O, Dai.k, F.d-
:Veuiirr S. J.
iVolAonofory, Itfyi&ter Ji Jlecortler, it c
t. W. Clark.
Xhtriff Juhtis SHAWKCY.
Uimmiatiunrra Eli Rvmuim, Isaac
Lonu, Jolt.v Rkck.
Caunty OuperintcnilvntU. 8. Biiock
WAT. J;tpl Attornrt 8. D. Inwiv.
ury tommitionertH. Town En,
Lyman Cook.
County Nurveuor T. D. CoLUNS.
Coroaer M. Ittkl, Jr.
LViuiWi .4 minor Nicholas Thomp
son, J. It. NEILL, II. A. Zl KXUI't.I..
Mtmbero Oontirra I) eo. A. Junks.
Ataemblyi. II. AvuXKW.
At TIONESTA STATION', on and alter
tieu. 0, 1875 i
Train 22 - - - - :2I u. in.
64 - 3:42 p. in.
Train S3 .... 11:21 n. in.
" a I . . - 3:42 p. Hi.
Train 22, south, and HI, uurtli, nro 1st
tiliws: the others mo accommodation
frxilitH. These train only are allowed to
carry passenger.
On the lUver Division i. e. from Oil City
ti. Irvlnutan, up tho river Is North ; down
the river, south.' '
Rov. Elliot will preach iu llio
.Presbyterian church on Sunday next,
-morning aud evening. Sabbath School
fit 3 o'clock p. ni.
By referooc to our announce
ments, it will b loen that P. . Alii
od of Hickory, is candidate for As
sembly. '
Mr. O. YV. Proper, started for
Philadelphia on Monday, to attend
tb Centennial. He will be absent
About too days.
W. O. Merven's School rom
menced on Monday lust, according to
previous announcement, lie starts off
with a fair number of pupils.
" The Tarkcr Dally is now publish-
J as a tuoruiiig instead of an evening
paper, ai heretofore. G. A. Needle,
formerly of the Tidioute Journal is
tha editor.
Wheu the weather is dry cuougb,
the woods around town are burning
regularly. Hope the guilty parties
will he sent up for their incendiary
Excursion tickets from this place
to Philadelphia sad roturn, are eold
at $19. TheBo tickets muy be used
any time withiu thirty days from date
of purchase.
-Mr. A. A. Huliugs has purchased
the Emlenton Times office, aud pro--poses
to publish that paper for the
purpose of making money. He has
our best wishes.
. Jno. N. Teits worth cauglu
about ten inches in length, iu the riv
t -er last week. This is the first, we be
lieve that has bceu captured in the
river so fur south.
-Mr. C. M. Ileuth, iu the Acomb
buildiug, has just received a superior
.stock of hats, ribbons, trimiiigs, em
broidery Ac., which will be sold at
reasonable prices.
Mr. Chas. Ilinton has been ap
pointed Street Commissioner, by the
.uew Town Council. . One dollar and
seventy-five cents for each days ser
vice is allowed him.
Among the lawyers In town this
week attending court, we notice I. J.
Jleid of Erie, D. D. Fassctt of Titus
ville, Col. Rodger of Franklin, and
sS. P. Johnson of Warren,
Jno. Everhart, of Lickiugville,
Jtarud to the Grand Lodge, Philadel
phia, on Monday last. He represents
Yokuhoma Lodge I. O. O. F.,of L-iek-f
ngville, jo the Grand Lodge.
Saturday and Sunday nights the
-weather was quite cool, and our early
vegetables and fruit were only saved
from froet by the sky being overcast
Jby clouds. ''The wind is tempered, "io.
Prof. Ogden's concert at the
Court House last nigh was a very
enjoyable affair. The house was
A .crowded. Tbo Prof, labored under
f aome difficulties, as he was called
.away the night before, which preveu
ted his being here to rehearse with
hi clae. We believe he iuteuds get
jtiug up another cIjsj.
--We clip the following lYora the
Tittisvillo Courier, and gladly givo it
a place in our columns:
Mr. J. 0. Dingman, who has been a
tcsidont of our city for the last eleven
yea r, formerly of the firm of Clark
& Dingmun, wholesale grocers, has
rented his property hore and removed
to Tiotirsin. Ho hasliccn living there
several months although his fiecjuont
appenrnnce on our streets led us to
suppose that ho was still living here,
and we were not nwnro of his removal
until yesterday. Whilo wo regret tho
loss nf so good a citizen as Mr. Ding
nmu wo congratulate our Bister town
on the acquisition of so worthy a man
and bespeak for him a warm roccp
tion and a brilliant future iu his new
selection of n permanent home.
Court convened on Monday last
at 10 o'clock a. m. Associates Dale
and Kerr on the bench. Judge Wet
nioro not putting' in an appearance,
tho court was adjourned until 4
o'clock, p. m. The President Judge
was present, and tho argument list
taken np. Henry McSweeney was ad
mitted to practice ut the several courts
of Forest county. Tuesday morning
the Grand Jury was charged, Consta
bles' reports received, names of Jurors
called, und a jury iinpannclled. Aud
the work bef'oro tho court is now pro
ceeding according to tho most ap
proved methods.
Tho cry against extortionate
charges at tho Centennial is rising into
volume, and, uuless something is done
to check the growing feeling, the Ex
position will sufler serious injury. In
stances almost without number of un
doubted extortion, are recorded, aud
the news is rapidly flying over tho
country. The country people, resi
ding at a distance, will he frightened
either into staying at home, or of pro
viding for thuir wauls without troub
ling the restaurants. Tho bad faith
of these extortioners constitute one of
the worst features of the affair.
John Peterson, of Trunkeyville,
(a terrible old war Democrat, by the
way) takes advantage of tho power
furnished by Nature, and is pumping
a well, a few rods in the rear of the
depot, by water power. The well is
at present, a small one, but, if wo
mistake not, is increasing iu produc
tion. The cost of puiaping is abso
lutely nothing, and the consequence
is, that John has a good thing of it.
It wouldu't pite us a particle if the
well should increase to twenty bar
rels per day.
Wo paid a visit to tho Edeuburg
oil regions lust Week, and enmo pretty
ucur catching the oil fever. Wo would
have it sure., if we c.iulj find some
pert on to furnish the capital fur us to
operate on. Business of all kinds is
brisk there, but there appears to be
men enough there to do all the work
needed. Wages arc uot us high as
they were some timo ego.
Hou. R. B. Brown, of the Clarion
Democrat, U iu town this week. We
notice that he is announced iu Clurion
county as a candidate for the State
Senate, and that ho is the only man
announced. Fur Assembly there are
four Democratic cuudidutes, iu that
county ; for Sheriff fourteen candidates,
uud fur Associate Judge six.
Our Washington correspondent,
for this week has chunged his base- to
Philadelphia, where he is "doing" the
Centennial. His letter will be read
with iuteest. "No peut-up ' Utica
contracts his powers," and we would
uot be much surprised to receive one
of his letter from the Black Hills.
Mr. Peter Berry, of Fagundus,
informs us that he intends to put down
a well somewhere in the vicinity of
Bulltown duriug the coming summer.
Tho company represented by Cupt.
Howe also proposed, sorae time ago,
to commence operations duriug the
present month.
Mr. Caleb Richardson, of Till
iou'.o, and another gentleman, whose
name escapes us, have bought the
furry and some laud adjoining the
east landing. Mr. R. was, some yean
ago a citizen of Hickory twp., and is
well thought of by all his former
Things are in a toru-up condi
tion down around Council Run, con
sequent upon the building of tha cul
vert for the new hridgo to be erected
there, But this will not be so very
long, as the contract allows only thir
ty days from time of begining for the
fiuishiug of the saioo.
For jemouade and pies buy Gautzes
Lemou Sugar at Freemau & Corbet's 1
White lead, linseed oil uud put
ty ut Kobiusou & Bouucr's. 7 L't
. It has been decided, in cold blood
not to sink the company well, above
the cemetery any deeper. If we are
not mistaken, there was a majority
in fav"6r of drilling' deeper, but tho
minority refused to contribute their
quota of the fund necessary for fur
ther development.
A littlo child of Mr. Ingnlls, who
lives iu the Roberts building, died on
Saturday last, of scarlet fever and was
buried on Monday lust. Rev. A. Wild
er conducted tho funeral services. We
understand that another child in the
family is down with tho same illucs?.
Any lack of original mutter iu
this week's issue, my be accounted for
by the fact that we were drawn on the
jury for the present term of court, and
have been unable to evade doing our
duty in that capacity, notwithstand
ing our business necessarily suffers.
Rev. A. N. Craft, now of Titus
ville, once stationed in this place, will
be one of the editors of tho Assembly
Herald, which is to bo published at
Fair Point, Chautauqua Lake, during
the Assembly. He is one of the ablest
ministers in tho Erio Conference.
Farmers are disposed to grumble
somewhat about the abundance of wc(
weather we are now having, on ac
count of the same being unfavorable
for plowing &a. And for the time of
year less garden has been made than
any season for several years.
Robinson & Bonucr are putting
up ac addition on the sjuth side of
their store the dimensions of which
are 10x50 feet. This will effectually
shut off our view on that side, but wo
woulJ not intcrfero to prevent needed
improvemcuU for anything!
Some lady whose name we have
forgotten, will deliver a lecture iu
the M. E. Church, to-morrow evening,
on the subject ef temperance. She is
said to he a very good talker, and
should be greeted by a full house.
The lecture will bo free.
The Jamieson well, opposite
Tubb'e Run is being tested, and is
pumping, on an averago, about nine
barrels per day. When the water is
once ehut off, it will probably settle
down to a ten barrel well, which ain't
so bad these times.
Mr. L. M. Gallagher, editor of
the Mt. Joy Star, is in Forest county
this week, looking after some lands
belonging to himself and other parties.
He favored os with a call, aud wefiud
him a very intelligent aud plensant
gentleman. . .
Gen. Harry White, of. Indiana
eounty, was in town the fore part of
the Week, attending court, wo believe.
We uotice that the General is a can
didate in Iudiana and Clarion coun
ties for the Republican nomination for
Mr. J. T. Dale, Representative of
Tioncsta Lodge, No. S6J, I. O. O. F.
to tho Gruud Lodgo of Pa., started
for Philadelphia where tho Grand
Lodge is iu session, on Monday. He
will take io the Centennial before he
Dry cod fish, and mackerel, whito
fish and trout, iu kits, quarter and
half barrels, at bottom prices, at Rob
iusou & Bonner's. 7 2t
Mr. Foncs, of tho American Drug
Store, informs us that his Soda foun
tain will uot be charged this summer
on account of the abseuce of Eufficieut
ice. In such case we suppose beer
aud lemonade will have to suffice.
Fresh Prunes, Figs aud Dates at
Freeman & Corbet's. It
Attention is called to the new ad
vertisement of Mr. Breunesholtz,
dealer in dry goods Jtc, Tidioute, Pa.,
which appears in this issue. Mr. B.
is a square business mac and will
fulfill all he advertises to do.
The Democratic County Com
mittee at its meeting on Monday eve
ning last, appointed Suturday, July
1st, ns the day for holding the Demo
cratic Primaries. The return judges
meet on Monday following.
The amount of freight unloaded
at Tiouesta Depot is ustouishing. A
large range of couutry get their sup
plies from this point.
The valuable aud beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
G. Dale, aud in which he now resides,
i iu my haud for- sale at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchase
money down, and the balance iu ouc
aud two year. W. Tate.
ictf. .
Those beautiful lots just north of
Mrs. Ileury's residence can bo bought
cheap, ou long time, by applying to
the editor of thi paper. tf.f
When a Brooklyn woman wants
a new drtss and feels a littlo delicato
about askiug fur it direct, she presents
her husband with a nice beaded sha
ving paper-caso, filled with tissue from
an old paper pattern. The first mc
he uses it he notices the littlo round
holes in the paper and naturally in
quires the reason, which gives her tho
chance to say with a regretful sigh
thai it's only a "Domestic Paper
Fashion" that sho would hvvo used
some time ago but for the reason that
sho saw he was poor just then and
felt ns if sho ought to economize to
help him along. Noble self-denial
like this usually fetches things.
For Sale or Rent.
The Lawrc-nco Houso property will
be rented fur three years, on reasona
ble terms, or will be sold, to a respon
sible buyer, with or without furniture.
This is a new and largo threo-etory
house, with a dancing hall in third
story; has a billiard room with two
fine tables, attached. . A new barn ; a
good house, renting for $G0 per year,
and tho stave mil), renting for $72 a
year, go with the bouse. This house
has a good run of custom, and will
prove a good investment for any one
wishing to rent or purchase. Apply in
person or by letter, to
5tf Wm. Lawrence, Tionesta" Pa.
Teachers' Examinations.
The public Examiualions will be
hold as follows:
. Marlenvillc, May 12.
Cluriugton, " 13.
Nebraska, " 15.
Newtown, " 16.
East Hickory," 17.
Ncillsburg, 18.
Tionesta, " 19.
Examinations will commence at 9
a. m. Directors and citizens are re
spectfully invited.
II. S. BROCK.WAY, Co. Sup't.
Wo will pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tionesta, for white oak
Btave and heading bolts at the follow
ing prices:
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4.50. Heading belts
22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4
ft., $4.00. Heading bolts must be
made from timber at least 20 inches
in diameter. Office at Lawrcuce
House. J. II. Deiuckmo.n & Co.'
New stuck boots and shoes at bot
tom prices, at Robinson & Bouncrs,49
Sowing Machine Needles.
Mrs. C. M. Heath has just received
the largest und most complete assort
ment of sewing machine needles ever
brought to town. She keeps the only
sewing machine needles for sale in
town. Her place of business is in the
Acomb Building, up stairs.
The lightest running Machine iu
the world is the G rover & Baker, at
least Baldwin, of Tidioute Bays bo,
and he knows. 46 ly
Landlord and Tenant Leases, the
most approved form, for sale at this
By Robiuson & Bonner, Dealer in
General Merchandise.
Flour barrel ... f.75(8.00
Floury sack 1.75(2.00
Corn Meal, bolted .... l.uo
Chop foe J .... $I.65L70
Ryo bushol .... 8U(;!K)
Oats bushel ..... 60
Corn, curs - - ' "40Qt5
Ueans bushel ... 1.50(2.50
Hani, sugar cured .... la
Breakfast Bacon, augur curod - HI
Sujiar 10gl21
Syrup' ...... 75(0)1.00
X. O. Molasses .... 80(n !K
Itoast Kio Coffee No. 1 81KU32
Itlo Coffee, 25(2 28
Java Cofl'oo ..... 85
Tea -. - - - ,50(j 1.20
Butter S0t32
Hico 10
KjiKR, frosh .... J2C$15
Salt 2.00(42.10
Lard 15(jl8
Iron, common bur r - t U.75
Nulls, lOd, V keg . 3M
l'otntf,es - . . . - 85(n,40
Mine $ bill. 1.00
Ift'har Advertising Cuutmots can bo uuuK
lHEE GIFT of a Piano for iUtrlbutln
1 our circulars ; address L S. Piano Co.
MO Bruudway, New York. a 1
A'eitf Advertisements.
(5001) NEWS 'OIt
I havejuit relurno l from New York city
with a complete stock of
Which I will soli for lost nionoy than
they have been sold sinco tho
v. ar, in this place.
Just Head the Following:
5 and 0 cts., and tho very host for 7 and 8
from 7 cents upwards.
Fivo cents and upwards.
Nino cents, and upwards.
Ton cents and upwards. I Imvo the best
assort inont ever bofoto shown in any store
Also tho finest lot of Embroideries, which,
when soon, will bo bought from.
Of all qualities.
Also a lino lot of sinull Chromos, from I
to S ets., to ornament your homes.
From 50 cents upwards.
Collars and Curl's of all styles and very
Also tho latest novelty in Paraso's, of all
Also a fine lot of Piques, In Plain, Lace-,
Stripe and Plaids, in Whito aud Ecru
shades, at reduced priocn. .
Plaids, etc., way down to tho lowest
Shirtings and Cloths fur Men and Boys'
wear ; from 10 to 20 per cent, loss than lor
mor prices.
Other goods too numerous to mention.
Agency lor
Buttericks's Patterns
which aro tho best made. Don't forgo
tho place.
Buck's Brick block, opposito Pooplo's
Savings Bunk, Tidioute, Pa. 7-lui
Furniture ltooms!
Tho undorHipnod begs leave to Inform
tho citizens of Tionesta, and tho public in
(.'enerul, that ho has opened a J-'JIiflT
now building at tho junction of Elm St.
and tiio Dutch Hill road, where he keeps
on hand a large assortment of
F U R N I T U.'R E ,
Consisting In part of
Walnut Parlor SeU,
Chamber Sets,
Cane Scut Chairs,
Wood Seat Phalrst
Rocking Uhatrs,
Dlnins Tables,
Extension Tables,
Marble Top Tables,
Kitchen Furniture,
Atnttrss JS.
Book f aes,
Fancy Braekols,
Looking IiIuhscm,
Picture Frames, and
. ALvSO,
always 011 hnnd.
His rooms being large, and well aitnat
ed ho is prepared to olfor superior ind uoe
nients to purchasers.
Call and examino his stock and prioea,
aud be convinced
A full lusortinent of Collins and Caskets
constantly in store.
2Hly A. H. PAltTKIDOK.
Agents for the best sell
ing Prise Package In the
world. It contains 15
sheets papur, 15 envolni.ea, UoliU'n Pen,
Holder, Pencil, l'slunt Yard Measure, und
a piece of Jewelry. Single package, w ith
elegant urim, itust-paid, 25 cunts, 5 lor
81.U0. This package has been examined
by tho publisher of the FoiiKsr Rki i bi.i
ia.v, and found tis repieseitetd wo Ui tbo
money. Watches given awuv to sll Hgcut.
Circulars free. BitlDK A CO., 7i0 Broad
wuy, New York. ii 4
Our liovernment and History. Gcxxl
specd's Pub. House, New York, and Chi.
ra -u, . a i
Report of Green Township.
Aran. 10, 1S76.
We, the Auditors of Green Township do
certify that we have met and xamiud
tho Boeouuts of the Township Treasurer,
and have nettled and allowed tho saino as
found in tbo follow ing statement:
HENRY LEDEUUR, Township Treasur
cr; Dr. Cr.
To orders drawn from Co.
Cuni'rs Dec. 18, 1B75 fil
I3v voucher produced at
settlement 8T2 U3
Bal. duo township 313 M
J A M EH G I Lri LI. CM, )
F.RNKST llBH BBSS, Auditor.
Peter Youjok, J
HENRY' LEDEBUR, Treasurer, tn ac
count with Poor Funds
Dr. Cr.
To duplicate of 1R7S f25fl S7
" " 1876 156 70
By Co. Treasurer's receipt
dated Aug. 27, 1674 ?3n2p7
" money refunded to 8.
Whitman M 67
" exonerations 7s
" collector's per ccutage..... 14 SO
4-1.177 250 01)
Bnl. duo township 167 OS
Wo, tho Auditors, have examinod tho
abovo accounts, and rind them correct.
Fetkr Younok, )
Kkbst BkiSrkks, V Auditors.
James GiLriLLiin, J
Report of Green Township. -
Township, in account with said town
ship for Uo year A. D. 1876 1
nr. cr,
To am't of Road Tax levied J906 88
By am't worked on roads
as per returns of Road
Masters (0S6 03
Bal. dun Twp. 187A 20 85
" 1S74 104 67
We, tho Auditors, have examined the
abovo aud rind them as sot forth iu the
Pkter Yoi nok, )
Ekwkst Bkubkhh, (Auditor.
James Oii.kii.i.ew, )
of Kingslev township, In account with
liaid township for tho year ending on tb,
ditto hereof:
Pr, Cr,
To bal duo Twp. on last set
tlement t2S 13
" amt. tax lovied for poor
purposes 444 39
By orders redeemed $664 61
727M Mill
Bal duo township 163 00
We, the Auditors of Kingsley Township
do certify that we have examined tho ao
counts of the Treasurer of said township,
and fiud tbcru correct and true as above
represented, and have allowed, audited and
settled thorn according to the host of our
knowledge and belief, this 10th day of
April, 1S76.
(leoRon MoitoAir,)
Jacob Beck, Auditor.
Aaron Elliott, )
Attest: Frank Di'sknburv, Clerk.
ley township, tn account with said towq
ship for the year 1875:
Dr. Cr.
To amt of Poor tax leviod
for poor purposes $410 89
By amt Of orders redeemed 40 40
Balance 0 90
Wo, tho auditors of Kingsley Township
do certify that wo have examined the ac
counts of tho Poor Masters of said town
ship for the year ending on the dato here
of, aud have audited, allowed and nettled
tiio sumo as correct and truo, according to
tho best of our kuowledge and belief, this
10th day ot April, 1870.
(iliOKllK MoRtlAN, )
Jacob Beok, Auditor,
Aakon Elliott, )
Attont: I'nANK DusuNnuBY, Clork.
of Kiugsicy township, in account with
said towuship for the year ending outb
date hereof:
Dr. Cr.
To bal duo township on last
suttlouient $2017
By twp. ordors redeemed... . $16 40
Hal duo township 4 77
We. tho Auditors of Kingsley Township
do certify that wo havo examined tho ac.
counts of the Treasurer of said township,
aud tind them correct and true as alHve
represented, aud have allowed, audited
aud aeltlod them according to the best of
our knowledge aud bolici, this loth day of
April, 1870.
Ckoiioe Morgan,")
Jacob Beck, Auditors'.
Aaron Elliott, J
Attest; Frask Dt sE.NDLiiv, C'loik,
township in account with said towuship
fur the year 1875 :
Dr. Cr.
To amt of Road tax levied
Jor road purposos $1)79 68
By amt ex ponded ou road
aud bridges as per re
turns made by Road
Masters,, , , $078 t3
Balance 976 66 978 06
We, tho Auditor of Kingsley Township
do certify tlmt we have examined th ac
counts of tho Road Commissioners of
said towuship for tho year ending on th
date hereof, and havo audited, allowed
and setllod the same as orroct and true,
according to the best vt our knowlcdL'Q
and belief, this 10th duy of April, 1870.
JacouBrcu, V Auditor,
A Aiu. m Elliott, )
Attest; . Fit a Mi Di'sknuury, Clork,
Report of Jenks Township.
A run. , 1870.
Wo, the Auditors of Jenks Township do
certify that we have met and examined
the accounts ot tho Township Treasurer,
and huvo settled and allowed tho same a
found iu the following statement:
RCFL'S DO DUE, Towuship Treasurer,
lr. Cr.
To order drawn from
('. Commissioner $1,1153 06
" bal from ex-treasurer 18 10
By vouchers produced
at settlement &l,Kk) 44
" percentage ,14 77
" bal to successor up H
1,971 1ft 1.U71 1
A. K. Snire, ) . ...
C. D. KLi.Kiim, ) Auditor.
fP f P A DAY cuarauutced iiilnr;
Viur Well Auger Drills. 81(10
hitdJ month j .ui. I to good ngcuts.
Anger Imok lieu. Jill Airier Co., St,
Louis, Mo. '5