EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MflEJnQ, MAT 17, 1876. for i-rksipknt JOHN P. JIAHTUANFr, of Pennsylvania. AiiiioiiiHencHft. f Prior for announcement Hro ns fol lows: Conirrrss, f JO ; State Senate, MO j Assembly, 10. Positively no announce ment published unless (lie cash is paid S ADVANCK. CONGRKSS. We arc autliori.ed to announce the nniiio of K. L. DAVIS, of TionesU, as a candi date for Congress, subject to tho decision of tlio Republicans at their Primary Mect- ASSEMRLY. Wo aro authorised to announce V, K. jLJ,ISON, of Hickory, as a candidate for Assembly, subject t tlio action of the Re publicans at their Primary Meetings. We are authorized toannonncc the nnnio of J. H. AONEW, of Tionosta, na a candi date for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Republicans at their Primary Meet ings. Memorial Day. Gov. Hartranft has issued a Gener al Order from the Headquarter of the Grand Army of the KcpubJio in reference to Memorial Day, May 30th, and the decoration of the Soldiers' Grates. It suggests that in this Cen tennial year, especially when "we meet as a united peeple to commemo rate the events connected with the birth of our Nation, the memories of our dead comrades, whose lives were required for the establishment of tbtit peace, should bo very near' to our hearts, and command out choicest of ferings." Where no Posts of the Grand Army are established, citizens are requested to arrange for a proper obserance of this day. Our Philadelphia Letter. Special to tho Rkplulicas. Philadelphia, Pa., May. 12, '7G. The morning opened gloomily but by ten o'clock the sun had driven away the clouds and the noonday was as bright as could be desired. "Long before niue o'clock tlie hour when tho grounds were to be opened an im mense throng had assembled and it was steadily increased by the arrival of thousands upon thousands every few minutes for hours. Various esti mates have been mmle of the number of persons in the enclosure and they varied from 200,000 up to 1,000,000. The programmes 'laid down by the Commissioners was parried out exact ly. ' When President Giant arrived Wagner's inauguration march was played and then Bishop Simpson prayed. The buildings were presen ted by Gen. Hawley to the President who responded in an address. The flag was unfurled ; the Hallelujah chorus shouted. Bells chimed, aud ono hundred guns were fired to an nounce that the Grand Centenuiul Exhibition was iuly opened. Then a grand procession formed, and Presi dent Grant passed at the beud of it into Machinery Hall, where, assisted by Mr. Curtiss, he put in motion the grand Curtiss Engiun, which furnish es all the power needed on the grounds. The Vise President of the United States, all the members of the Cabinet; all the judges of the Supreme Court and most of the members of Congress, all the members of the Dip lomatic Corps at Washington, aud the Governors of nine States with many other officials and distinguished men, were present on the platform. The grounds were brilliant with uniforms, and the variegated dresses of the rep resentatives of foreign nations. Every thing was not ready, as I have said in previous letters would be the case. This is more the fault of the Exhibi tors than of the Commissioners, be cause goods have beeu held back to the last hour, and then rushed i:i at the rate of three hundred and fifty tons per day. So that it was utterly impossible to put -them iu place. Many of the exhibitors delayed too long in preparing the cases ond fix tures in which to display their arti cles and quite a number of them aro yet unfinished. There was mismau agement to-day somewhere iu the ad mittance of visitors. Thousands paid to get in and when they did so found themselves In an immense mass of hu man beings crowded between the main building and Machinery Hall. Goliuh of Gath, with his spear like a weaver's beam, could not have loreed Ids way through this swelling mass of humanity, and thus thousands were prevented from seeing even the grounds to-day, and turned back dis gusted; some of them beiug more em phatic than polite in their remarks upon the managers. Not accustomed to give away to obstacles I passed round between Machinery Hall and the fence, part of the way being ex ceedingly muddy, aud by persevere auco aud a long walk succeeded in getting into the grounds. Who over had charge of this part of tho business made a mes of it, and had btttermvo w. u. nus.v - - way to some man who can attend to his duties. Tho hncknmn iu.J livrry keepers of Philadelphia deserve a first class no tice fur their liberality. On the open ing day they set the price of a car ringo at twenty five dollars for a day. When the Devil gathers iu his jewels, tho biightest of his ornaments will doubtless bo tho Philadelphia livery men. I heard many an earnest wis!) to-day that he (tho Devil) would come on at once and work fast until the last of tho hack nnd livrry men of this city were testing his warmest hos pitalities. Tho display of military on the ground was very fine. The Staff Oflicers particularly having an erup tion of gold lace and epaulettes. About four o'clock it commenced to rain and gave us & heavy shower, dri ving most of the people home. Every house, almost every window in Philadelphia has a flag displayed. The Centennial and Girard hose a gay disply of bunting including that of almost every nation. Maxwki.l. APPLETONS' NEW REVISED EDITION. ENTIRELY REWRITTEN BY TI1K ABLEST WRITERS ON EVERY SUBJECT. Printed from New Typo, and Illustrated with severlal Thousand En gravings and Mays. The work oriirinallv published under tho title of Til K NEW AM KUICAN CYCLO PAEDIA was completed In . 1M, since which time, the wide circulation which it has attained in all parts of the United States, and the signal developments which have taken plaoo in every brunch of scionoo, liloralurc, and art, have induced tho editors and publishers to submit it to an exact nnd thoroupli revision, nnd to issue a new edition entitled THE ftlHERICAH CYCLOPEDIA. Within the last ten years the progress of discovery in every department of knowl edge has made a new work of reference au imperative want. The movement of political affairs has kept pace with tho discoveries of science, and their fruitful application to tho indus trial and useful arts and the convenience and re tincmcnt of social life. (J rent wars and consequent revolutions have occurred, involving national changes of peculiar moment. Tho civil war of our own coun try, which was at its height when tlio last volume of tho old wrrk appeared, has hap pily been ended, and a new course of com mercial and industrial activity has beau commenced. Largo accessions to our GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE Have been made by tho Indefatigable ex plorers of Africa. Tlio great political revolutions of tho last decade, with tlio nuturul result of the lapse of time, have hrmipht into public view a multitude of new men, whoso names are in every ojie's mouth, and of whoie lives evory ono is curious to know the particulars. Great battles have been fought and important sieves maintained, of which tho detail are us yet preserved only in the nowspupars or in tho transiejit publications of tho day, but which ought now to tuko their plac'o in ' PERMANENT AND AUTHENTIC EISTOM. In preparing Jhe present edition for the pres,it ha" accordingly been thoaim of tlio editors to biintr down the information to the latest possible dates, and to furnish nn accurate account of tlio most recent dis coverics in science, of overy fl ash produc tion in literature, and of the newest inven tions in tho practical art", as well as to give a succinct nnd original record of tho progress of POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL EVENTS. The work has been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, aud with the most ample resources for carrying it on to a successful termination. None of the original stereotype plates have been used, but every page' Ins been PRINTED ON NEW TJPE, Funning in fact a new Cyclopiedia, with tho same plau nnd compass as its prede cessor, hut with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, nnd with such improuements in its composition as tiuvo beeu suggested by longer experience and enlarged knowl edge, THE ILLUSTRATIONS which are introduced for tho first time in tho present edition have, been added not for the sake of pictorial ell'ect, but to give greater lucidity and forco to tho explana tions in the text. Thoy embrace all brunches of science and of'natural history, and dupict tho most famous and remarka ble features of scenery, achiticture, and art, as well as tho various processes of mechanic and manufactures. Although intended for ius'tructiou rather thau aiu bellishment, no pains have been spared to insure their ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE. The cost of their execution isonormous, and it is believed they will find a welcome reception as an admirable featnro of tho Cyclopwdiu, and worthy of its high char acter. This work is sold to subscribers only, payable on delivery of each volume. It will bo complote in Sistcen I.ariie Oelaro Volume, each containing nlsuit N0O pages, fully illustrated with several thousand Wood Engravings, nnd with numerous colored Lithographic Maps. , Price and Btylo of Binding : . In extra Cloth, per volume - - $5 00 In Library Leather, per vol. - - 0 00 In lialf Turkey morocco, per vol. . 7 oo in half Russia' oxira gilt, per vol. - 8 00 In full morocco, antique, gilt edges per vol. - - - - 10 00 In full Russia, per vol. - JO 00 FIFTEEN VOLUMES NOW EEADY. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will bo issued once in two mouths. ;--Spccimeii pages of The American Cyclopedia, showing tvpe, illustrations, etc., will be sens gratis on application. Viial-Claa CuHVUttiwi A'lenU Wauled. Address the Publishers, I). AI'PLETOX JfcCO., .110 A f,l Broadway, N. Y. 50 JJ I'LOY MENT, Malo and female, saU J ry or commission. We pay agents a salary of t0 a week and expenses.' Eure ka Manufacturing Co., Hartford. Conn. 1'ai tic dais ti ee, Jl Tho oxpoi lence of fi vo roars ha proved Uiat this Compact and re liahlo work of General Information is better idnpted to the wants of ill cln.isri of tho com munity than nur other work of tho kind ever ZELL'S ExcyclokbiI lei atom Mium. A0ENT3 WANTED. published. It Ins been proven by ita IMMENSE SALES, by (he numerous COMMENDATORY NOTICES KIWI), And by its uniform SUCCESS! 'WITH AGENTS. The edition of 1S70 has been TUOKOUCUILY REVISED TO DATS. It contains 1.10,000 articles, 3000 wood engravings and eighteen handsomely ou graved nnd colored maps. The work Is issued In parts, and n speci men copy, w ith map, will bo sent to any address, freo of postage, for tweuty cento. BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers, (Successors to T. Elwood 'Ml.) Nos. 17 nnd 19 South Sixth Street, 4Jtf PuiLADKI.PAIA, rA. GEO. A. PltlNCE & CO. Tho Oldest, Largest, nnd Most Perfect Manufactory in the United SUites, nearly 56,000 Now In use. No other Musical Instrument ever obtain ed the same popularity. J. ft-Send for Price Lists. Address BVFFALO, X. V. 'l'tib fact of ours being the oldest and largest manufactory in tlioUnitod Statts, with nearly W.OOO instruments now in use, is a sufficient guarantee of our re sponsibility and the merits of our instru ments. 0-e.m OEO, A, PRINCE iV CO. T II E S U N DAILY AND WEEK LY KUIWo. Tho approach of the Presidential cleo tion gives unusual importance to the events and developments of 17(1. Wo shall endeavor to describe them fullv, faithfully, and fenrlcssi v. THE tVEEKLY SUN has now nttalned a circulation of over eighty thousand copies. Its readers aro foui'd in cverv State and Territory, and its quality 1 well known to the public. Weshall not only en deavor to keep it fully up to the old stand ard, but to improve and add to its variety nnd power. THE WEEKLY SUN will eontlnuo to be a thorough newspaper. All the news of the day will be found n it, condensed when untjnportant, at full length when of 111 in out, and always, we trust, treated in o'ear, interesting aud instructive man ner. It is our aim to make tho Weekly Sun tho best family newspaper in tlio world. It will bo full of entertaining nnd appro priate rending of eery sort, but will print nothing to offend the most scrupu lous nnd do! lento taste. It will always contain Iho most interesting stories and romances of the day, carefully selected and legibly printed. ThoAg!-ieultt:ral Department isn prom inent feature in tho Weekly Sun, and its articles' will always bo found fresh and useful to tho farmer. Tho number of men independent In pol itics is increasing, snd tlio Weekly Sun Is the ir paper especially. It belongs to no party, and obeys no dictation, contending for principle niid for the election of tho best men. It exposes tho corruption that disgrace t ha country and threatens tlio Overthrow of republican institutions. It has no fear of knaves, and seek no favors from their supporters. Tho marketer every kind and the fash ions aro regularly reported. The price of tho Weekly Sun Is one dol lar a year for a sheet of eight pages, and fifty-six columns. As this barely pav the expenses of paper and printing, we arc not ablo to make any discount or allow any premium to friends who mav make special efforts to extend its circulation. L ndor the now law, which requires pay ment of poslago iu advance, ono dollar a year, with twenty cents tho cost of pre paid postage added, is the rato of subscrip tion. It is not necessary to get up a club in order to have the Weekly Sun at this rate. Anyono who SMids oho dollar and twenty conts will get the paper, post-paid, for a year. We liavo no traveling agents. Tllli WEEKLY SUN. Eight pages, fifty-six columns Only $1.20 a year, postage prepaid. No discounts from" this rate. THE DAILY SUN. A largo four-page newp- er of twenty-eight columns. Daily circiu on over jgu.OuO. All tho news fftrio 's. Subscription, postage prepaid 53 cent a month, or tti,w a "year. To clubs ol or over, a discount of 20 per cents. Address ''THE SUN," Now York City. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Oil Creek & Allegheny River Rail way, and Buffalo, Carry & Pitts burgh R. R. ON AND AFTElt Sunday, December 5, lb7b, trains will run as'follows : STATIONS. Northward. Southward No. Nd. 4 So. f a m P in p m pm am 1:11 :i:GT 7:4.1 1:40 7:0'! 12:4t .1:n 1 l::to ,v.;lii:3a p m 6:25 4:.t:i :5:X 2:20 2:00 Pittsburgh 8:J.- W Pen JuncloaK Kilt.'inning 10:1" 1:201 8:.W 2:;-.0 10:.'i!l 4:0-1 !!:.: It. It k .lunclI:JI ilrailv BundlliHS Parker 12;l"i Emlenlnii r.:0;iil2:.ro 0:! 1:1.: r:.-i4 2;i:i 2: 4o 4:00 4:.su 10:4tiil2::yi 4:27 10: 12:00 Scrubgrass 1 :'M 7:14 3:4-1 : 2:5R 2:l, VMlu-.'M 8:i,ni i:ir, rranklin 2:14 Oil City 2:50, 8;Oo ft: it" (1:00 7-54 filii 10:.V 8:54 8:1 0 8:25 Oleopniis Eaulo ltock Tione.ta Tidioutu II VilK'tUll 8:07 ii:17 10:O f:5.' 0:24 H:',:t 7: 15 1:17 4:41 3:42 2:0o 12:15 0:10 12;U0 Housoville il:i:i 0.-08 Titusviilo 4:0.1,10:00 H:28 l:atl 7:4(i 7:52 7Ail2:M2 7:OOj 0:45 8:55ill:US .1:20 10:37 0:2ii I S: Id 1:15 ti.Oili 1 12:15 Coiry .1:2 i Mavvillo 7:10 Builalo 0:1,1 . ml!'. m;p. mla. una, in p. in Trains run liv Philadelphia Time. DAVID McCAKi.O, lieu l Sup't. J. MORTON. HALL, ti'.-u'l Pasmugur J; Ticket Agent. THE, MEW A DOUBLE THREAD Jill t- . K-i.. . .,. -i rr-.'f ? V V-.--,. 4iriO!av's-.-'l -. k-V .'-Vv" r.-i:.'.-s"j. rU-tvmJfA'0 " ' '' T retain 1 xt virlurt r.f tVe T.Lhi Running "DOMESTIC including th AutoipatU Term ion, wlii:h wm ntul U ihn Ut in ne. -Uea uutic our I'ATIIN 1" M AK KM !"IJ CONICAL HEARINGS o both th Machin and Sund. Our new am) old wrrVJ out ith HmihI new !lchinTv nnd Tool at ottr own new wrtrfe. In the busv tity of Nttt.uk, New Jcrv.-v. have yiwft u Maii'.iird .f M KCHANK Al. KXCKI LKNCF., Minimum of FrU-ii..u, Maximum im lAtTln;.iy, mi-i tn f wurk, never herciofor reached iu the Sewing M.tthiuu worlj. TO THIS STATEMENT AND Till. MACHINE ITSELF , We lnvit the ttentlon of all, especially those havlnj hirh nischanlcol skill or Obaervatioo. hi. H. All M.t!un fully rT.im-:J. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Now "Voi-l itjul CliW'iijfo. LADIES, USE "POMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. American & Foreign . atentt4. Cill.MOttE iC CO., Snot'ossors to Chip miin, IIoNiiiPr C'o., Solicitor., rnuuits prooiirod in nil oonnlrles. No Kopm in ad vuni'O. Ko uluirKes hiiIpmh the patent i f;iHnt'd. No loon for miikitur piclimiiin rv cxaminntion-i. NoailiIltiun.il foiw for olidiinion nnd conduotiiitr relipnrimr. Hy a recont tlouixion of the CdiniiiiBionoi' ai.i rojectod applications may bo revived. Special Attention (riven to Interference Canes beforo tlie Patent Olllce, KxteiisionH before Coniricws, Iiifrinircmont tSuilH In ditl'crent StiiteH, and nil litigation apper taining to Invetitioim or l'atentx. Send atamp to Gilmoro & Co., for pamphlet of nixty pfre. Lnnd Vntvs. Wnrrnitts nnd Werip. ContoHted Ijind Chscm prrmoctitod before the U. N. (ie:icil Ijuul Ollicti and Depart ment of the I nt i rior. I'rivato I jmd Cluinis, Mining and Pre-emption Claim, ami linmestead Caso attended to. 1 jmd Serin in 40, N), and 100 aero pieces for xalo. This Scrip la asskrnablo, and can bo located in tlio name of the piindiasor upon any tiov ernmont land iinject to private entry, nt 1.2o per aero. It is of cntial value with llounty Land WnrrantM. Send stamp to (lllnioro it Co., for pamphlet of Instruc tion. Arrears of Pay & llounty. Oflicers, Roldiors, find Sailor of the Into war, or their Ijeirs, aro in many ees en titled to money from tho Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of Horvico, and atato amount of pay anil bounty received. l;ncloso stamp' to Uiiinort) A Co., ami n full reply, alter examination, will be given you tree. Pensions. All Officers, Soldlors, nnd Sailorn woun ded, ruptured, or injured in tho lato war, however slightly, can obtain a pension by addressing (J i! more A- Co. Casos prosecuted by Gil more t Co. bo fore the Supremo Court of tho United States, the Courlof Claims, and tho South ern Claims Commission. Kach department of our business Is con ducted in a separate bureau, under charge of tlio same experienced pat lion employed by the old linn. Attention to all business entrusted to Gilmoro A Co, is thus se cured. Wo dosire to win success by de serving it, Addross G1LM011U A CO., 620 F Street, Washington, 1. C. 41lf FOREST AND STREAM, A weekly journal of Sixteon Pages, Devoted to FIELD SPOUTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HISTORY, Fish culture. Protection of damn, Preser vation of Forests, Yachtiiur aud UoatiiiK, liillo Practice, and all out-door lllX'HKATIOX A (iTll)V. It is the only JoiH-ual in this country that fully supplies the wants and meets the necessities of tho (Joutk'iflan Sports man. XW-iiifci, W5.00 n Yt-nr, ,.0'Seud for Specimen Copy. Forest & Stream Pub. Co., 17 Chatham St., (City Hull Square.) P. O. Uox 2SJ2. N IS W YORK. Tho Surveyor Geuoiul of Washiiljrton Territory, who sends u club of Jive sub scribers," writes, savin); : "1 consider that your journal has dono moio to properly educate tlio sportsmen of this count iy than all the other publications put toclli er. I shall induce every true sportsman to become a subscriber that I can." Mr. Thomas A. Lognii ("Gloan") says: You aro doinit ood work with tho paper, and you have more and probably (-renter thttn you dream of the wishes and God spued of tbo (;oiilleuitiu of tlio gun." Hundred of similar endorsements front prominent ci-iitliiiucn sportsmen inivslil ho added, showing tho estimation in which lurc4f nnd fitrcum is held by its loader. iroTTW n T1, '"'"tcoiiiscof nook- A VJJVilJ Keeping, tho host sys tem of actual practice, the most t-leant penmanship, tho lowest rr.tcs of board and tuition, at Washlntrtoii ISusiness follec. Juu-ton, N. V." CirctihiiSj iVcc. 1 I "DOMESTIC," LOCE-STITCII MACHINE. V Some tiling New! AT THE OLD FISHER STORE! WK HAVE STARTED A FLOUR & FEED STORE In tho building formerly occupied by J. J. Fisher. OUR CHOP is made from CORN, AV1IISAT A OATS, and will bo sold at present, for 1.73 VVAt VWT. OUR FLOUR is made from tlio best WIXTF.R WHEA1 , every barrel of which is warranted uuj will bt' sold proportionately low. In conneetion with t'.-o abovo, we aro keeping tlio best brands of TOBACCOS, FIXE' CUT, ' 1L.1?U, ASD H.1IOKIXC3, suited to tho most fastidious Utlko. 1?1sik 1-SxiiiiiIiK-i our (St olt 3. H. DKHICKSON A CO. ii. a. nmum & co. WHOLESALE & UHTAIL Dealers In HaiMlnnrc, Iron n! KulLi, Stoves and Tinware. BELTING OF ALL SIZES Constantly on hand, at low prices. Also Manufacturers of SHEET IROX WOItK, Smoko Stadkw,13i'cocli in, Sheet Iron, "Well Oaising, Scc.y etc. J- t)R S A LIS One Second-hand ten horse fower Wondborry Stationary iloilor and Kngiuu, II. G. TINKER & CO., OIL CITY, TA. HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA WANTKI) AtJKXTS in every town to canvass lor Ir. .'! UlN K.LL's" new and oiular lli.-ilory of Pennsylvania, from the eailest discovery to the "p'e'ul time. A spiciniid book, ciiiilele in one volume' Illusi ruled, au.l puhlisiicj tit a price with in reach of the people. A rare chauoo for a tlrst-clns can rasscr. AddresH tha pub cbess tho put, lishein. Jnal.er City i'ul lisliing Co., -J.Ji South in,, Kt., Pliiladel phla. j.) 4 1 - 1 C1.0. V. 11 OWELLtt CO. CAC:f!TS WANTED FOR THE , HISTORY ofthe U.S. Tim ;reat interest iu the thrilling lilsie- ry of our country makes this tho fastest yi-i:inu hook ever iuhlislicd. It ronlaina a full account of tho Grand Ceuteiiial Ki- hihitlon. CACTIOX. Old, Itu-inii1-tran.ltnre. liable works are belli--cin-ulalcd i we Hint the book you buy contains i2 Flno Kn Rravlnirs iin-1 HJI pn-es. . Send for elrculsrs and extra term to illicit!. National Piiblishtti)- Co., I'hlla delphia, Pa. 7 4 CIO a day at home. Aitents wantwl. Out 91a lit und term fres. TKL'K A OO., AuKiistu, Maine. 7 4 FOR TH M CAM PAIGN I The event of Iho Presidential cninpaleie will he so faithfullv and fully illustrated In THIS KKW YORK SUN as to com mend It to cundld men or all parties I Wo will send The Weekly Edition (el)rht finitcs) post paid, from niiw till after eleow Hon for t9 cts., Hie Sundny F.dition, snmo l7.e, at the same price; or tho Dallv, four pii(ter; for fcl.W. Ad.lresa 7 4 Til K SUN, New Yolk Cltv. "Screw tho flnirer an tKM an vou ntti, that's rheumatism one more turn, that's out," is n familiar des-ri.tlon of these two diseases. Though em-h mav and diswt utlaek dlll'erent parts of tho aralcm, the causo Is bolinvod to le a poiMontma acid in the blond, l'urily this hy the use of Tarrant's Seltzer iperirnt. It will do iu work ajHiedily and thorough-, ly. It Is tho frrrat -friend nf Iho sutrcior IVoin rheumatism nnd gout. 74 SOLI) 11Y ALL DRCGQISTS. LAND FOR SALE. JO,000 ACICE.S Of farming and timber lands; near th great Kauawal-.a River, In I'titnum Coua ty, West Virginia, In quaiillties tu sulk purchasers, St.il good, water pure and abundant, timber exrcllcia) ; churahoav schools and mlllsconvciiient; titlo perfost. Irl( f;! to Jjs per acre. Terms aeeumiau ilatiug. Send ft)r full description to J. L. McLean, Wlulleld, l'utnam County. Virtjlnla y i THIS CI.AIll-HOUBE ESTABLISHED IN 1866. PFnldflMQ obtainsil lor tuiu-crs, Sol.. I L 110 I UllO.diei-s. and Seamen ol War- of 1S71 and S, and for their heirs. Tlie law in'luilcs deserters Olid tlloso dishoiiorahly disehnre-ed. If woundod, injured, or have contracted any disease, apply at one. Thousands entitled. Great ruiiuher ) tilled to an Incroascd rtttc, and should ap ply immediately. All Soldiers and Sea men of tho War of lam who served for 1111V tverioil. hawovnr tthttr 11-h.tk.. ablml or not. and all widows of such not now on th Pension rolls, in reonrH ia send nio their address at one. nnilMTV. Many who enlisted In ls71 J UUUI1 I I. and aro entitled. Semi your diwhari'i-n and have them examiiirtl. Hnslnesa before tlie l'alent t)lllce soliciMvt Ollicars returns and aceouots sottled, aud all Just claims prosecuted. as i mane nocliai-go unless successful, I request all to inclose two st ramps forrn ply ond return of papers. Genrfrn. K. lrf-moH, Lock Uox 47, Washlnirton, I. C. I recommend Cantaiu liuon as an lion. orable and siiccesslul I'nutloner. 8. A. Hiirlbut, M. .-. 4ih t'oinrrcssioiml Iiis trii-l of Illinois, late M.ii.-Oeli'l U. S. Vola. iu n nun; mention namool this paper. 7 i l Visltim; Cards, with Your nam 'V finely mint nunt. lor'Vw, W. h... 1(K) stylos. Auunts wanted, t .iiiiidIm br- stiimp. A. 11. Fuller t Co., lSroskto. M ass. a 4 2I7'7A WK1JK ffuaranteed to Mai anA I I Feilinln BIP.,ll It, Iknl. Inn.lll. Costs nothinn to try it.' 1'artioulara Fre'al i". u. K-Kery r t'o., Augusta, Ma. -. $5g tin l"pr day at honia. Ternia, lu Addret iGuo. hUnauta. t Co., Tortland, Ma, 3 psYCHOMANCY, or Soul . Cliarminpf i- How either aox mav fascinate and train Iho love and affections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental ao-. luirement ull can possess, tree, by mail, for 13 cents; together with a Marriaice Guide, F.ryptian Orae.o, lireams. Hints to Indies. A ipieer bMk. 100,000 sold. Ad dress T. William A Co., rublishera, Phil adelphia. 40 41 0; CKNTENNIAL Fancy Visitlni or "'-' Culling Cards for JOi-is. Sometliimr ontlrely new. AddresB R. a. Adams Son, Chatham, Columbia County, N. Y.74 Mcdulaand lltnlom A u AGKNTS WANTKDI lor lIOLMAN'ij NEW PICTORIAL BIBLES. 1.SII0 HIllHtrutloiiu .l,l. clreulai's, A. J. Iloliuan A Co., X A roll St., 1'hlla. a 4 OKNTWsUrrM h-Mtabaa-MI, nnnJbiliza wife Younsr 7 mm aw. U mutt orcii of MUiJt7i In but1'i1 ' '" s MIND UEAD1XG, I'syo-'oinuiicv, Fa,, dilation. Soul Charuiinar, Iesiner ism, and Marriano Guide, sliowiiii; hof either sex may f:iseiiiate and (;a:n the lova and a lection , . r m,v ,i i .., . .. ( . - J ......i.ii uin, i-uvui, lux , . : . I'-Kcs. jiy man SO cU Hunt u. i u., ia is. .u, t,t.( i I'hilu. 8 4 DYS PIE PIS I A CURED FREE. Any person sullerui(- from DvspopiU or liulii-esllon will be cured by using 1111. WlLLIARD'SfOSPOlSBfOWWM. Sciid (or a trial p.n-ka-e, It cla nnthl,,. ami will cure you. Additws bllJBLKB t; t o., Chemists, l;t.',j nroadivnv, N.w "84 FITS, EPILKPS Y. FALLING FITS CURED. This is no humbun;. For infonnatioa nislw,;I,,rMir,'."l M,JVKU UROTH '. r l ,-,"",,1' J'"'PRit, filonm,b,lr, n