oxw gtpuWlcan. WEDNESDAY BORNINfi, MIT !, '.SH. BOHOUGH OFFICERS. Jur9ti Jon UrcR. VjHnetlmen . W. IVthinson, H. A. Vartier, A. B. Kellr, S. H. Hiwlot, A. U. Partridge, H. O. Davis. Jutiro fifth Vacs D. 8. Knox, C. A. Randall. . Oontlahlt II. Swagirnrt ikhnol fircctoniU. 8. Knox, H. O. Da Ts, 8. J. Wolriott, 8. H. Haslet, A. II. Roily, D. Clark. , FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. T'rmiJtnt JvdotJj. D. Wxtmor.- Amrtute ftvct Joa. U. Dale, Ed ward Kkrr, Jenmrtir S. .T. SktlbY. t olhonotary. Regitttr Ii&ordefrJte, D. Vf. Clark. SAertyr JcsTis SaAWMT. Cbmimiorr Eli EtRUK, Isaac LoNa, Jon Rbck. ' County Miperinttnlrmtll. 8. BnoC WAT. Dislriet Attrnttf!i. D. Ibwi. Jury Qommiionmw li . Z. TowJfn, Ltxa'n Cook. County Surveyor T. D. Colli K. Onronrr M. ITTSL, J. Oountv AuMtori Nlcrcot.AS ThOKI" ton, J. It. Nrili., II. A. Zvendri.l. Member of Coitgrtn -G EO. A. JBNK4. AlitmblyS. ft. Aaxrw. Time of Traina Al TIOXFJSTA STATION, on anJ after Xu. 0, 1S76 : BOCTfT. Train 82 8:24 a. m. ' M . . 8:42 p. m. WORTH. Tin In 68 - - i24 a, m. 21 8:42 p. in. - Train W, south, and 21, north, are 1st elais; the other are accommodation freight. These trains only are allowed to rry passenger. Ob the River Division i. t. from OH City to Irvlnotsn, np the river la North j down the river, south. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Lost. A copy of "Cusbing's Manual," be longing to Tionesta Lodge, No. 369, 1. O. O. F. Any one having the same, or knowing its whereabouts, will con fer a favor on the lodge by leaving word at this office. It $ ; ' ' , NOTICE. 1 There will be a meeting of the Re publican County Committee at E. L. Davis office, Mouday evening, May 16th, at 7 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. J. T. Dale, Chairman. IUv. Elliot will preach in the iPresbytcrian church on Sunday next, iiuoruiug and evening. Sabbath School .at 3 o'clock p. ru. Green peas, fresh hominy and bouelei codlish, for ftule by Freeman A Corbel's. It Parties hunting for trailing arlo tus, are now fashiouublo. It is plenty iu some places, but rather difficult of access. Doru Pedr.) Emperor of Braiil, is expected in Oil City this week. This will be a good chance to seo a real Jive emperor. Notice Prof. Klein's new adver tisement iu this issue, lie proposes .to be pit band hereafter, regularly, to ' -Attend to business. Fresh Maple Molasses, Forest -county production, for sale at' $1,25, at Robinson & Bonner's. 6lf J. Bonner Esq., of Stoneboro, is in town this week, ou a visit of buai uass and pleasure combined. He is looking well, and is as busy as ever. Remember the Grand Centennial Party, to be given at the Lawrence House on the eveuing of the 10th inst. McCray's band furnishes the music. There will be a Free Mtthodist meeting in the Universalis! Church ou next Tuesday evening. We failed to learn who was to conduct the scrvi a. Now doth your neighbor's busy lien Improve each ahiulug minute, And from your garden bods remove EiuU healthy seed Hint's iu it. P. S. Fresh seeds at Robinson A Bonner's. - The fare for round trip to Phila delphia from Oil City, during the Centennial, has been fixed at $16,05, We know of several people who are mot going. For the finest quality of farcy pa per and envelopes, in boxes, go to J H. Foues, at the Drug Store. He has the handsomest stock ever brought to tewn, and sells it at very reasonable figures. It We understand that there is to be a first-class barber io town, to set op a shop shortly. He is known to ome of our citizens, w ho will proba bly vouch for him. This would seem superfluous, but our citineos who have patronised some of the fornver tonsor ia artUts, have lost heavily in ehn Lacytowi Correspondence. LacytoWn, Apr. 28, 1876. Ed. Republican : Most of our citisens liavo return ed from their trip down the Allegheny, aud are uow applying themelves to the care of their gardens, which, de spite the wet weather, we notice are looking improved. Sam. Grubbs has moved bis fami ly to Waterloo, near Franklin. Henry Matha intends moving iuto the house lately occupied by Mr. Grubbs.. Mr. Sam. Walker has been dan gerously ill for awhile; wo notice him walking around this morning and so will report hiru bettor. We were informed that a scries of meetings has been held at Oak Woods ; vi o have expected something of the kind here, but as yet have not been favored. There is encouraging talk of a Sunday School being organized dur ing the summer ; we hope it may be a success. C. F. Gillespie, George Matha, Kaman, Adam Sipple, and Rev. More, are among the strangers in town to day. I De Clare. Prof. Ogden having closed a suc cessful term of singing school in this place a few weeks ago, started in again on Monday evening, with a class of fifty scholars. He proposes to give twenty-six lessons, one each afternoon and evening, (Sundays excepted) un til the term is finished, when be will give a grand concert at' the Court House, on the evening of the 16th inst. His school is held in the Uni versalis! church. Terms, Gentlemen, $1.50; Ladies, $1.00; small scholars of both sexes, 75 cts. And they're playing croquet again. Ah ! . well, beasons come and go ; tides ebb and flow; times of prosperi ty arrive, and ere gone: hard times come again. Silver coin takes the place of fractional currency, Presi dential candidates are set up and knocked over. Investigation spends millions of the people's money, and few are found guilty. Aud still, cro quet moves on with or quiet, uuassum ing, but steadfast hold upon tho peo plo, and the click of the mallet is heard in the land. A. B. Kelly, Esq., who, some time since, purchased the Oldtown Farm, and who hf.s since beea steadi ly making needed improvements, is engaged in constructing some trout ponds, on a stream which runs through his property. We wish him success in this enterprise, nnd would be glad to record that many more of our citi zens had gone and done likewise. The expense is not great, and the returns, in the course of a fewears, are large. Messrs. Dcrickson & Co., in the Fisher store, have procured the agency for the salo of the Gowanda Plow, manufactured by Adams, Jackson & Bache, Gowanda, N. Y. It is claimed that these plows once introduced, con tinue to grow in favor ; that they are what a farmer wants to work sod or stubble; aud that they are adapted to all kiuds of soil. Messrs. Derickson A Co. solicit an examination of this plow by all. Mr. W. G. Irwin, who moved here with the intention of starting a handle factory, will not embark in that business, owing to the fact that such timber as is needed for handles cannot be bad in this section. So he iuforms us. However, he has got his eyes open, and will undoubtedly start up some kind of business in a short time G. W. Robinson is about to thor oughly overhaul aud fix up the house on the corner of Highlaud and Vine Sts., formerly owned and occupied by Wm. Diiuond. He will put a cellar aud stone foundation under it, plaster, weatherboard and paint it, and will then have a first-rate house to rent. Attention is called to the new advertisement of Holeman, Hopkins & Co., Pleasantville, P., This firm do a geueral mercantile business, buy in largo quantities, and give their cus tomers tho benefit ef reduced rates. Mr. Andrew Cone, of Oil City, with whom a great many of our citi tens are acquainted, has been appoint ed and confirmed as Consul at Para, Brazil. We congratulate bim on his , good fortune. We notice that work is going oa up at the Jamicsjn wells. Believe they are being drilled deeper. They formeily produced about five barrels ztV, v ,ri;V( Farmers and others, bewaro of parlies now traveling through neigh boring counties swindling farmers by appointing them agents for a patent clothes lino. It is the same old frtnd of iuducing the victim to sign an or der, which proves with a littlo mani pulation, to be a judgement noto. Not much in the way of garden ing has yet been done, but about next week wo may expect to see a general tearing up of the soil around here. There were about a dozen men who had the "Lent garden" in town last year, and the number will probably be increased the present season. The oil well, of Grove t Hart is being dtillad to the third sand, that which' they struck at or near 300 feet having been considered the third stray. They jvill certainly got oil, notwithstanding 'J. J. M." of tho Derrick reported that tho well was down, and was a failure. We fiud the following in regard to Mr. McSweeny, of this place, in the Oil City Derrick: "Henry McSwecney.who was admit ted to the practice of law at Franklin Monday, passed a very creditable ex amination. He was a student with McNair & Hancock." A big fire occurred in Brookville recently, and nearly a whole square was burned. Our friend, D. A. Hen derson, formerly manager of the Su perior Store, came nearly being burn ed eut, but fortunately the flames were subdued in the building adjoining his store. PetrofT, Assemblyman from Phila delphia, who was concerned in the Boom Bill bribery business, was ex pelled from the House on Monday by k vote of 118 to 46. The case of Ly iott, on the same charge was set down for trial yesterday. Somebody, we suppose G. G. Sickles, has put fence on the hill side along Vice St., which diminishes considerably the pasturage of the town cows. The land thus fenced in, is being cultivated, but by wLom, we are not informed. It is said that silver is in circula tion, but we would never have suspect ed the fact. Nor would we be sure that all the U. S. and National Cur rency hud not been retired, had we not seen some of our dealers paying fur U. S. licenses. Wm Blum is putting down a well for water, by a process, the name of which is unknown to us. Suffice it to say, a tube, perferated at the hot torn, is driven down to where the wa ter is, and no digging, or walling up is required. Navigation on Chautauqua Lake has commenced. We venture to say that many of our citizens will take advantage of the close proximity of this resort, and the excursion rates which will prevail during the Fair Point meetings. Some part of the engine of Dtr- icksou's stave mill was broken last week, and had to be sent away for re pairs. This will account for the stop page of the mill for Borne time past, They will soon be running again. We notice some of our citizens planting trees this spring Centennial trees, we presume. A hundred yearn hence their posterity mar repose un der those trees, and make maple su gar from the sap. M. Carpenter is canvassing for subscribers to McCabe's Centennial History of the United States. It is a beautiful and valuable work, and is sold for $3.75 and $4.00, according to bicding. For Sale or Rent. The Lawrence House property will be rented for three years, on reasona ble terms, or will be sold, to a respon sible buyer, with or without furniture, This is a new and large three-story house, with a dancing hall in third story; has a billiard room with two fiue tables, attached. A new barn ; a good bouse, renting for $00 per year, and the stave mill, renting for $72 a year, go with the house. This house has a good run of custom, and will prove a good investment for any one wisbiug to rent or purchase. Apply in person or by letter, to 5tf Wm. Lawbknce, Tionesta, Pa. J. O. Strong, dealer in Hardware, of all kinds, Tidioule, Pa., invites all wishing anything in the hardware line to give him a call. 3 3t Go to Robinson & Bonner and get what you want, out of a large and vai t'.-Kl. S '2i Teachers' Examinations. The publio Examinations will be held a follows: Marienville, May 12. Clariugton, " 13. Nebraska, " 15. Newtown, "10. East Hickory," 17. Neiilsburg, " 18. Tionesta, " 19. Examinations will commence at 0 a. ni. Directors aud citizens are re spectfully invited. H. S. UUUCK.WAY, Co. blip t. MONEY. We will pay cash on delivery at our mill in Tionesta, for white oak slave and beading bolts at the follow ing prices: Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4.50. Heading belts 22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4.00. Heading bolts must be made from timber at least 20 inches in diameter. Office at Lawrence House. J. II. Derickbok & Co. 27tf The largest invoice of boots and shoes ever brought to Tionesta, all styles and at astonishingly low prices at Robinson & Bonner's. 3 2t New stock boots and shoes at bot tom prices, at Hob in sou & Bonners.49 FOR SALE. The valuable and beautiful home stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph G. Dale, and in which he now resides, is in my hands for sale at very low figures. Terms one-third purchase money down, and the balance in one and two years. miles W. Iate. lOtf. Garden seeds at Robinson & Bon ner's, just as good as Vick's. No ricks to run by sending money by mail. 3 4t MARRIED. WAC1ITHR FERRY. At the residence of the bride's father, at Stewart's Run, Forest county. ., April 27. 1876. by Rov. A. Wildor, Mr. H. U. Waohtor, of !St. I'etersburg, 1'a., ana Miss flora A, Ferry. DIED. M AGILL). In Tioneata.on Monday tnorn in, May 1st, 1870, Mary Louise, daugh ter of Thoa. J. and Ellen Magill, aged 12 years, 1 month 6 days. Louie was ill for several months, but was thought to be better up to few days before her death, at which time ber father was absent at Eden burg. She was a little girl who was well liked by all who knew her, and the sympathy of all our citizens goes out to the bereaved parents in their loss. The funeral takes place to-day. TIONESTA MAUKETS. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in General Merchandise. Flour barrol ... $8.758.00 Corn Meal, bolted 1.90 Chop feed .... $1.65 1.70 Rye bushel .... 8090 Oats V bushel .... 404S Corn, ears 4045 Boans bushel ... 1.50(3,2.60 Ham, sugar cured .... 17 Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured 17 Sugar - -.. - - 10(3121 Syrup 76 1.00 N. O. Molasses .... 8000 Roast Rio Coffee No. 1 - - 032 Rio Coffee, 2528 Java Cofl'o ..... 85 Tea ...... .50(41.20 Butter 0S2 Rice - 10 Eggs, fresh - 16 18 Salt 2. 15 2.25 Lard 15(5,20 Iron, common bar .... 8.75 Nnils, lOd, keg .... 8.90 Potatoes 35(5,40 Lime bid. 1.80 Hew Advert it ementt. PROCLAMATION. Whkkras, The Hon. L. D. Wutmoro, President Judire of the Court of Com mon Picas and Quarter Sessions In and for the county of Foroxt, has issued his pre rpt for holding a Court of Common Pleas Quarter Sesxion, Vo., at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to comuieuce on tho third Monday of May next, being the 15lh day of May 1870. Notice la therefore given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and CoiiNtahlca of Raid county, thill thev bo theu and there in their proper pontoon at ten o'clock, A. M., of wild day, with their recordx, inquisitions examinationa and other remembrance)), to do thoao things which to their otHcea appertain to be done, and to those who bound In recofrnizance to proHecuteaKai'iHt the prutonorv that are or shall be iu the jail of Forest County, that they lie then and there present to prosecute against them as shall be just. Liven un der my hand and seal this 13th day of April A. P, 187. JUSTIS SHAWKEY, Sheriff. Notice. Rboistbr's OrricB Fobkst Oa., ) Tionksta, Pa., April 15, 1876. J Notice is hereby given that Ashbel and Kli lioleiuaii, Administrators of the ea talo of Alex. Holeman deceased, have filed their tlual account in this ortlie, and that tho same will be presented to the Or phans' Court of said county on May lb, lx71, Pr confirmation. 1 i . i. W C LA HK, U-?fer. GRAND OPENING ! AT- HOLEMAN, HOPKINS & CO.'S, ONlNMUFlLlOfG. IMMENSE STOCK AND- LOW PRICES PREVAILING! -FOR 1 Case Marriinao Prints, fie. 3 " AmosKeag " 6c. 1 " Canet.t-ga " 6o. 1 " Washington " 6c. 4 " Choice Francy 7o. 4-4 Launsdale Bleached Muslin Wc 4-4 Fruit of Loom " 10s. 4-4 Wamsutta M 12)0. Clark's O. N. T, Cotton 6o. Ladies' cotton hoseSlo. DRESS GOODS CHEAP. CLOIIING. Cotton pants from 75c. up. 100 all wool Chevoit Suits, 910.00. Splendid Cassimere " f 12.00. 8 on. Duck Overalls, 75e. Good Drill Overalls, 60c. BOOTS & SIIOIX. Ladies' Serge, laced 85c. " Split leather, laced, tl.00. " Genuine Tainpioo Pebblo, $2.50. " " " buttoned $3.00. Men's Whole Stock Boots hand made 93.60, " " " " " 94.00. "Veal kip ' 94.60, " " " " "long 95.00. Th"e above goods are Richardson's, and we defy competition In thsm. Men's Congress Gaiters. Buff, 91.60. UUOCEWY DEl'ARTM'JTT, A 1 Sugar, 10Jo. White X C, 10a. X C, Do. Tea from 85c. uf '. Choice Rio Green Coffee, SOe. Fair " " " 25c. Dime Box Matches 5c. 7 Cans Tomatoes 3 lb for 91.00. 4 " Peaches t tb for 91-00. Lamp Chimneys, So. i Pi. Store Tumblers 60c. per dos. Nice Goblets 75c. per dos. Imber Salta 25c per doz. AND SPECIE PAYMENT RESUMED, AND SILVER GIVEN IN CHANGE 1 1 COME -mJRXJYr and secure some of the BAKCIAIXS OI FElli;i AT HOLEMAN, HOPKINS t COS, riE A. 8 A NT V ILLE, PA. I dUAEiIt ATTTOD TO MY Business as Usual ! L. KLEIN, (In O. W. Itorard's Store, Tlone, P.) raaemcif. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, DEALER IS Watchet, Clock; Solid and Flmtod Jftncelryf, JUack Jesoefry. Eyt GIoe, SjMc tacit; Viottn String; f iV. Particular atteatlon given te Repairing Fine Watches. rniS PAPER IS ON FILB WOT When AdreitUloc Contracts mm be mada. FINANCIAL BEPOBT OP Il.NGSLET TWP. WILLIAM A. DUSENBURY, Treasurer or Kinptiey townsmp, in account witn said township for the year ending on the dale hereof: Dr. Or. To bal dne Twp. on last sot- uement fna li " amt, tax levied for poor purposes 444 80 By orders redeemed $56 t) 727 61 664 61 Bal due township 163 00 We. the Auditors of Kiuorslev Township do certify that we have examined the ac counts of the Treasurer of said township. ana una tnem correct ana true as aoovs represented, and have allowed, audited and sottlsd them according to the best of our knowledge and belief, this 10th day of April, 1870. Oconoa Moroah, ) Jacob Bkok, Auditor. Aaron Elliott, J Attest i Fbamk Dcskmbcry, Clerk. OVERSEERS OP THE POOR of King ley township, in account with said town ahip for the year 1876 : Dr. Cr. To amt of Poor tax levied for poor purposes 9440 S9 By amt of orders redeemed 9440 40 Balance - 0 99 We, the auditors of Kingsley Township do certify that we have examined the ao oonuia of the Poor Masters of said town ship for the year endlna; on the date here of, and have audited, allowed and settled the same as correct and true, according to the beat of our knowledge and belief, this 10th day ot April, 1870. Guoroe MoaoAN, ) Jacob Beck, Auditors. Aaron Elliott, J Attest: Frank Dusekduby, Clerk. FINANCIAL REPORT OF IINGSLEI TWP. WILLIAM A. DUSENBURY, Treasurer of Kingsley township, in account with said township for the year ending on the date hereof: Dr. . Cr. To bal due township on last settlement 920 17 By twp. orders redeemed... 915 44 Bal due township......,. 4 77 We, the Auditors of Kingsloy Township do certify that we have examined the ac counts of the Treasurer of said township, aud tind them correct and true as above represented, and have allowed, audited and settled them according to the best of our kuuwledtreand belief, this 10th. day of April, 176. Oeobob Moroah, ) Jacob Bbck, V Auditors. Aabom Elliott, I Attest: F&ask Dcsknburt, Clerk. ROAD COMMISSIONERS of Klngaley township iu account with said towuship for the year 1876 : Dr. Cr. To amt of Road tax levied lor road purposes......... 9f 7( AS By amt expended on roads and bridges as per re turns made by Road Masters 9071 05 Balance 978 95 978 08 We, the Auditor of Kingsley Township do certify that we have examined the ac counts of the ltoad Coiniuiaaiousrs of said townuhip for the year ending on the date hereof, and have audited, allowed aud tettled the same aa correct and true, according to the beat of our knowledge aud belief, this 10th day of ivpnl, 1874. UkoauB Mobuam, ) Jacob Ukck, V Auditor. A a won Elliott, ) Attest: Frank Duskhbury, Clerk, Report of Jenks Township. Aran S, 187a. We, the Auditors of Jenks Township do cortify that we have met and examined the accounts ot the Tewnship Treasurer, and have nettled and allowed the same a found in the following statement: KUFU3 DODUE, Township Treasurer. Dr. C. To orders drawn from Co. Commissioners 91,053 06 " bal from ex-treasuror 18 10 By vouchers produced at ketllemtiiit fl.PM 44 " percentage M 77 " bal to uocestor. ........ 00 04 1,071 IS 1,071 IS A. ST. SHirr, 1 Anjii