JOB WORK MEADVILLK, TAX AXJDERMI8TS WHVL.I7a.MM te CO., if. UtulV? and Animals stuffed and monnV- XJ cd to order. ArtilU'inl Erea kept In stock. Pins. v. st; niMTii, DRESSMAKEli, Tionosta, Fa. MRS. TlEATft . recently moved to this place for the pnrposti of moetiiiK want which the Indies of the town and county have for a lonir time known, that of having a ores-mss!' of experience amomr them, I am prepareij to make all kinds of dresses In the latisit styles, and puarantee satisfaction. Stairrplnii thr braid ing and embroidery done iit theriost man ner, with the newest pattorf.T All I ask is a tHlr 'rial. Kosldcnee on Water Street, in the houae formerly occupied by Jacob Shriver. Mtf TIME TRIED AND FIRE TESTED ! THR OniOIMAL TNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. ASSETS Dec. 81, 1873, 'r,785,0fl.7 O. -i MILKS W. TATK, Sub A(tent, 45 ... . , Tionosta, Pa. ' Frank Robblns,' PHOTOGRAPHER, (SUCCESSOR TO DBMIXO.) Pictures In every atyleof trio art. "Views of the oil regiona for sale or taken to or der. . , r r- 'CKWTR STREET, near R,Rf creasing. SYCAMORE STREET, near Union Pe pat, Oil City, Pa. 20-tf PHOTOGRAPH. , . GALLERY. SOUTH Or ROH1NSON BOSSER'8 BTOKE. Tionosta, Pa!, H. CARPENTER, . Proprietor. Pictures taken In allthe latest style the art 26-tf (In KJeba'a Jewelry Store, Tidioute, Pa.) - v PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, .. ..... :.o- DEALER IK Watche, Clock; Solid and nated Jewelry, lilak Jewelry. Eye minuses, Spec- , tacles, Violin Strings, dc, Cc. Will examine and repair Fine English, Swiss or American Watches, such as -Repeaters, Independent Seconds, Stem Winders. Duplex. Levers. Anchors and Lepines, and will make any new pieces ior me KHiue, suen aa totalis, orKs, fel lotU, Wheels, Pinions, Cylinders, Bar rels, Arbors, and in fact any part appor- Mtiuiug w line wabcues. All Work Warranted. I can safely ' j ... that any work undertaken by we will be . uuu-t 4u uuu uiauiier wiu at sucu price . tot . . , GOOD W O It It that will give satisfaction to all who may All work hurejiftir left with fr Ci w Bovard will bo promptly attended to by - roe. . i.. v i vtv V IWy- . Author of '-The Watih." 'NEBRASKA GRIST WILL. THE GRIST MILL at eMaska flUcy town,) Forest county, liaa IjoeoL thwr all kinds of CUSTOM UKIXDIXC3. ' . - FLOUR, . FEED, AND OATS. Constantly on hand, and gold at the very lowest figures. . 3-8n H. W. LEDEBUR. FITS & EPILEPSY PONITIVI2LY Llti:i. The worst cuwii of the longest standinr, by -ukintf Dr. II EH BAUDS CUKE. It. baa cured thousands, and will give $1,000 for a fase it will not beuelit. A bottle sent free to. all ad 'Irving T. SS. D1BBLKK, Chemist. Ollicu: la05 Broadwuv, New York. . , "4!i4 orricK of KINGS COUNTY REFINERY, ; 101 Wall Street, New Tork. Having reoTKnnil with improved" ma- rhinery, is prepared to oiler, through the .louding Wholesale Orocers (who willsend samples on uMieation,) its celebrated Standard Maple Drips Srup. POTT IV n TI'o1'i't course of Book. A WUltD, Keeping, tho best sys tem of actual practice., the rnont i l'iuit penmanship, the lowest rates of board mid tuition, at Washington Busiues College, Jimieniown, N. Y. Circulars free. SI 1 ,( -I r.f fi i Jit ! jjyH DONE AT TUB ij", lit i "REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the lowett oah priett, neatly, prompt. ' : : J " - t f. ... y, and tt f& equal to that of any other establishment in the District. BUSINESS" CARDS , SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARUfc,, SCHOOL CARDS ' ' WEDDING CARDS, -; - '. PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS,' ' MOSTTIIXY STATE3IEXTS, ENVELOPES BILL EADS, LETTER HEADS, ' NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, ' BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS, ;. LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, Ac STANDARD Fire and Burglar Counter, Platform. Wagon & Track taad for Price-Lint. Agents Wanted. Marvin's Safe Co., 265 Broadway, Mow York, 721 Chestnut L, Fhila. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sundny May J, 1870, Trains arrive nt and leave the Union Depot, corner of Washlnton and Liberty street, as fol tows t AKKIVK. Mail Train, 1.80 a ni s Fast Lino, 12.12 a m ; wen swHiommotialion No. 1, a.20 a m Brinton accommodation No 1. 7.M) a m! Wall's accommodation No 2, 8.65a m ;Cin cinuati express 9.0 am; Johnstown ac commodation 10.f.0 am; Braddoek's ao commodation No 1, 7.00 pm; Pittsburgh express 1.30 p m; Pacific express p m j uii s aceommniiauon ivo a, iLift p m iioinewoou aeconimodution No 1,9.53 pm; Wall's accommodation No 4. 6.M) d in : Brinton aocommodation No 2, 1.10 p mj Way I'assencer lO.'O p in. DEPART. Southern express 5.20 a m : Pacific ex Frews 2.40 a m ; Wall's accommodation No , 6.30a in s Mail Traiu 8.10 a m ; Brinton's accommodation 1 J.20 a m : Braddoek's ao. commodiition No 1, fi.10 p m; Cincinnati express J 2.35 p m ; Wall's accommodation N 2, 11.61 a m : Johnstown aeoomnrodation 4.05 p in ; Homewood aocommodation No 1. 8..10 p m; Philadelphia express 3.f)0 p tit; Wall accommodation No 3,3.05 p in; Wall's accommodation' No 4, 8.05 p m ; Fast Line i.w pm; all a rsoa, 11.00 p in. Tlie Cliurch Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at 9.05 a. m., renchinpt I'itts buruli at 10.05 a. m. RolurniiiK leave Pitts burtrh at 12.50 p. uk, and arrivo at Wall's ntation at z.iu p. m. Cincinnati express loaves d iilr. South ern express dailv except Mon iay. AH oth- t In H n ; I nvAAn, k.1 3 For further'information aplyto W. If. BECK WITH. Airent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any Risk for Ilnpfrago ex copt for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponsibility to One Hundred Dollat lval ue. All bafipago exceedinjr that a onnt in vaiue win oe at tue rlK or tno ;ner. . . i i .. i i i . . . vajvun ny Hpeciui comract. A. J. CASSA.1 General Superintendent. Altoona Pa. PITTSBUIiQII, lV The following list embraces only a part of our imnionsu stock ; .. Muzzle-Loadinar IMfles, full or half stock at $13, 15, $20, and lo. Double Rarrol Plflnn -n ft-.n Doubl Rifles and Shot Guns, eft her over anu u inter, or side by sulo.aud at all prices from $30 to $",0. Single-Barrel Shot Ouna. for men or boys: cheap sale and durable. All prices $3.50 to $-25 each. Double Barrel Shot Guns. Our fifty diuerent styles, made of Iron, London Twist, Laminated Steel or Damas cus Barrels, finished in the best and latest stylo, all sizes, for men and bovs, at prices 'toi8' 10' f15' 120 W f-0, $75 to $100. PISTOLS, In variety from $1.00 to $9.00. REVOLVERS, 4, 5, 6, or 7 shooters, of every kind, at all prices from $j.00 to $25.00. BREECH-LOADING RIFLES. Winchester Improved 18 shooter. Best long range gun in tho world. Price only $45. Sharp's Celebrated Breocli-Loadiiii Ri fles only $10 each. Renii'ntton Breech-Loading Rirlos at loest fuetory prices. Wleason's and Stephen's Pocket Rifles, lisini; metal cartridges, at $12, $15 qnd $18. Breech-Loading Shot Guns. The Dexter Single Barrel Broech Load InsiShot Gun, usini Brsssshulls price$20 Htcphens' B. L. SinKlo Gun, $10. Doublo Barrel Rreech Loader.of Moore's Dean's Woodhill's, Ureeneu's, Iticlmnls', Scoot's and oilier line makos, at all pricos. from $50 to $300 each. ' Send for Price List to J. II. JOHNSTON, GREAT WESTERN GUli WORKS, 2S5 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBUliOII, J?V., and statti that saw this advortisotuont in 1"" Fohest Rei-ublican. Takh Notick I vill buy or trado for Army R;lles,Cai bines, Revolvers, Jtc, For prices seo Cutulojjuo. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Goods sent by express to any point O. O. D., to be examined before paid lor. w hen requested. J tf v; You Can Save Mouev J'.V buying your PIANOS and ORGANS in me unuersujiiou Manufacturers' Ajient, foi tho best brands in the market. Instruments shliinml rlirooi riv.,., ii,,. i.,. torv. C'H AS. A. Nil li I TV. 'I'll.,,.. 5 ly Lock 1 .! 1710. Oil Cjtv.' I'u. aw . .a. . akMun ui iv. ' ' it -1 m Iinnieiisc Reduction A.t the Wholesalo and Retail -r ' V.-' . -J,.: : : ft S. ILVM1LT0N&.C0., 77 5 AVE., PITTSBURGH, PA OUR MOTTO 13 AND HAS BEEN QUICK- SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. .1?':"8ir"'!",.," "rtnely PIANOS and ORGANS, which enables us to" irlvo our whole time and attention to D.i. ,u m.t.. ti.. - ...i...' 1 ',., .""r five to ten instruments a wrok, our wi 0 ;,u;erWc;nt.n hetU"' """" 10 " J'?"' '.".t rittsburKh alone. They are rove men " iT.e rtuVv Gra.V'r,!! tl",, t"M,fn "T '"" -very ,,,rilorio; im i ,an,i actnro.l fnrVZ i"1 hlmul,"1," ''lough's Comliinnlion Oivaii lmve be n ii.I. L. i i 1 wtuly-tive years, while the Colabriiteil Tavlor v Farlev Cel.u.(m e '? ,P, "Ti " heavy contracts for larjro miml.ers of them, whic h we pro- pose to sell on their nierU, and without the sssistaneeof AG KN TS olt M 11)1)1 I- M W e nabied lo VaS' '.T la' -''""-ions and wholesale daunts' wetre thus enabled to otter these Organs at tho following pricea, at, which We soil Ibr aVhort CATiTNP.T n AXV.V Double Reed, 4 Stop Organs, 3 6 76'J.OO rtr FULL IiESOXAXT CASES, " Double Reed, 4 Stop Organs, Regular Price, $7&.oo at " 5 'J 175.00 at " 6 " . 185.00 at 21 sets Reeds 6 " Vox H umnn3 " 215.00 nt. 8 Viola XKK imADBOnY 3i DF.CKSU PIANOS WILL BE SOLD AT THE BAMK RATKS ( DISCOUNT. The aliove are strictly cash prices, but ifdoiircd by the purvliiuwr uithor .,i,..rt..rtr or semi.iinuual jiavnieiits will bo taken at mi advnc ,n, ,,, ;, ' , t"u,or qunrtcr D. II time be desired, we rc., notes with Rood security, or a' liaurtVwrefciti'k": Address for Catalogue, and state where you read this notice. feb!7 14m CARPETS! CARPET HOUSE, MEADVILLE, PA., SHRYOCK &DELAMATER Wholaealo and Retail Dealers in Foreign & American Oarpetings, IS rattinp;s, Oil Cloths, AVindow Sliades, Laco Curta ins, LanaTbrecjviins, &o. SrjCCIA L COXTHA CTS MA DR IX FUBXiriUMq CHURCHES, HOTELS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. SHRYOCK & DELAMATER, Mammoth Carpet and House 23tf $3 SAMPLE FREESIAM everywliere. Ad.lresa The tnion Pub. Co., Ntswurk, X. J. 21 41 Tla Republican Ollico KEEPS constantly on lif.nd a larun as sortinent of Itluolf i...iu m,.. . Subpo-nas, Warrants, Humru'ons, 4c." to to Suit the Times! I Piano and OrganJ Emporinm of yrry "oh exceed ' h" mm, ebf a s nX 10 ,er wuU an" ,'hey K not some new On,. tl, rnt. t . r. Regular Price, mz.oo at $ S5.oo " 155.00 at 00.00 05.00 05.00 10(100 105.00 125.00 or.T nn j fc ifxnj ill 1G0.00 S. HAMILTON & CO.. 77 Fifth Avenue, nttsburgh, l'a. Furnishing Establishment, DOUBLE YQUH TRADE.- DrutmistM, Grocers and Dealers! 1'uro t.iiiiia and Japun Teas in sealed packages, screw top cans, boxes or hall chests Grower' prices. Send for eii oulur. 'J ho Wells Tea Com puny liul 1'idtou St., N. Y., P. O. llox iMU. . 4t T(K WOItK ne.-ttly , l'L'JU.ICAN tilli.e, exocntod at tho UK- CLOTHING ! IJesI fiiUr! Ucnt FKm! The rpieaiton In thwo hard times la noi only "What shall mo do lor grub to calT" but "wii r: 1 v rj witt r a l SHALL WE BE CLOTHED ?' . D is a notorious (tu t that In must t iwns mi l cltii s round nliciit us, rlollilng- made to order is not sold lu aceordarico to the ilepiTcUlion of other neressni ies of Ufa. There Is, however, an h.iuorablo excap tion to tills ru'e 111 the person of IV. WISi:, Merchant Tailor, TIDIOUTE, PA., ; ' Who ma1;cs elothtitfr of the very beat klaA, fits Ktiarantced, lrnin , 25 to 30 Per Cent. Below , the priett of other dealers In Uiia part tho country. WHY IS THIS THUS? . Itorause 1st, Mr. Wise pays no Isi-ro flir ures for rent, us ho owns'tho biliUliiiff ha iH'cuplcM. il.l, bo doesn't pnv a cutter f i."HH) to $MKM) a year, but d'S Ids own out turn, and is not excelled in tills line lit Western I Yiuyl anirt. 3.1, ho fuiya cloths tor cash, thus uctiinn a reduction on ordinary rnte 4th ho soils for cash, and thus has no bad debts to make up. The lin o Is iVie. from thi place io Tld ionte, and at the present time, yon can go up in tho morning and back at 3:.10, hav Inu throe hours in Tidlouto to select your goods and leave your orders. Give him a trial, and yon will not only save money, but will net perfect flta, and any style or j utility of cloth you want. Kemeinbertho name and place, 7 ly K. WISE, Tldiauta, Pa, ' WATER? CONCERTO X ORCHESTRAL ORGANS an ill. must livniilllul m w lyl.isrtptirtori to Ion. trr innac, J f'cnj IIIIO nn.1 OKI III 'I ll V I. M'(,rltTlJi, tirmt rirr ,ilnr.el In any Or. , Bttttft. I krl wr ifftil it, M( it. Kirn nrl M reeda, pe ! utlnrlr voiced, - F, F. I 19 t II Til MlnlSIII I. I H A I IOI IIH.iM ASI VOKT. U mVKKII, I hna Orassi WATERS' NEW 8CALS PIANOS. ar 4m1 a line alnalna tone. mis ull Mi !. ru morosroanvuta. n.t art IS bf'kl I'i.niM IBB4l. Orrnnt m flntix m warrasM 6 v.ariM lrlt' falrvajiplr lw fm rkh url iiuh, ami aMlainc a niomhly it qnnrivrlr pMr iuHt kecouil.linnd liuiruiuonK litlini at rirl.nug. i. II 1: A 'I' I NUIM'li, m:vi THtlll:, AVEKTI WA.MT.II tr, ( iljr .ml ('nlf IA It. . and t at. fi A lari4li. eoom oIm.t',.iiu. rr-i, m, tu. 11 1 1 sin.nni i:- i". , v 4J;.aS inill At l. Ai; tl A ,om, 481 Vrauaway aud i Atuwr sh Ai. K. Testimonials of Waters' Pianos uJ Organs. "Waters' Concerto Tarlor Orsan po acusee u latititil and peculiarly aort tuna. The ( oncei to Stop is, without doubt, the best ever placed in any orr. . It ta pro. iluced by an extra set of feuds,- peculiarly voiced, from which tho .effect it moat chiiriuinir, aud its imitation of the human voice is Mipcrb, l'or sweetness of tone and orchestral vflccta it baa no eiual." -V. 1", 'J' linn. 1 The Concerto Tarlor Organ'Ma' aome thinn entirely now j it is a beautiful parlor ornament, possesses a aweot and power- fill toon is 11 niokt commendable iiiyan tiou nnd boldsahlh place in publio la vor." X. 1'. hxcnmij I'oit. AsOncHmRun vrtn TAnroR. The orchestral oruau is llic name of ajiuw reed ornan recently aniiouiieed bv Horace Wa tors A S..11. Tho Inslrunie'nt takea tills name from its recently invent d orches tral atp. 'i'lio voicing of this Is pelSiliar, producnm tho eiloct ot a full wect 0011 tnillo voice. Its finest effect 1s produced when the slops ai-a drawn, ao that an or chestral oiloet is (.-iven, Tho enseis uniijna and makes a handsome artiela of furui turc." A'. Y. ⅈx. 1 k The Waters Pianos are known aa among the very beat. Wo are enabled to speak of these instruments with confidence, from personal kuowledjjo.-..y. J JivangtlnU 2-lv Dr. J. Walker's Ciilil'oi iiiii Vin egar Hitters nio a purely Vettul! picpanttion, mado cliicMy fiom tho na tivo herbs fottuil on tho lower mopes f the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tlio medicinal properties of v hioli tiro extracted tlmrefioin without the nai of Alcohol. Tho question id nliiio!. daily asked, ''What is tho cause iV tlio unparanolcd success of Vixkgak IJit TKitsI" Our nnawcr is, tiitit they voinov the causo of disease, mid tho patient re covers his health. They we the rtc:s blood purifier nml a lifc-sh in principle," a perfect llenovator nml fn inorutoi" of tho system. . Never l ct'010 in tlu hi-.t(iry of tlio world lias a incilii ino lini cumpiitndel poxses.-iina; tlio rcmarkalila qualities of Uirriiiui in henlii: '.bo sick of every discao ninti ii heir In, 'fit are a pernio Puipativo m well a at. relieving Coii!i:tion er InfUiuuiaiiua f tlio I.iver i--cernl Organ a ia iiUiuM Di-eaees Tlio )i'Ol)0l lit'S ef Dr.. Waf.kijk'ii Vixkgaii lin-j Kits ara .Jpcncut. lluiiilioiBtm, Cuniiiiiuiive, Niiti'itiiiii.., l.u4tio. biumiui. Kedative. Counter Irrituut tiudirie, 4u tire, uuJ Anti-Jjiliims. n, 11. MrnoMAtn a to.. . Tnurijlfll and On. Ai(U.. Kin Kr:mciMi:,i. i;(il'?.rnl luii '(r. t.f Vro.iiuwijs ami Chtirlln-i sti. ?r v " fci-iu ly U Lru)!''-I4 anil U.ulra.' Al'VKUTISKHSscnd 25 cu l.i to G,x l'. Jtowcll d- ( o.. 41 l ark l!,.u- v v ' lor their i;i:.-l,ty-p:i;.f Piimphlct, showinu ir ! ol ndvei i-ii;:, :j n arrf tew V