The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 26, 1876, Image 3

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Jturpttt 3a Rfcoa,
VouneUmtnH. W. rtoblnn, S." A .
Varnnr, A. Bt Kelly, S, . Haslet, A. II.
yartrldao, H.. Davis.-
Juttint oiA. -rVara-D. . K!1M, cv.
Randall. J . . -.
1.... !..- .
vnaiwuiqii, OWMTtftri l i t...
fohoQl Birtelart l. a r., ir n rw uweiimg House and coot,
J&lUCUrkT'" 8' " U,"'0,, A'' flM T,,e followinX receipts are
llio subscriber tnkes this mctLod of
presenting his sincere thank to neigh
born and frauds
prompt and liberal mil, in donations
of money aud ..articles ef JbouashoJd
goods; in relis'f of the distressed condi
tion of myself nod family, occasioned
by (he almost total destruction of ruy
rrU1tM TWae t,, t: WtcTMonF.
tabi Kt:nn.
' Tram-r&. 3. SRTt.rv. - '
Jy"",HO,arV Hrgitfr di Recorder,
D. W. (.'!. hr. ,. , .
Mttrttr-tJMtrttn'iStuxmkKr.' '
CjmmittionrrtK.Lt llEKLIX,' Isaac
Lowo.'JoRJf TKkvK.
Vannty ,Su)trrintrntmtS. H. BnocK
vav. ,-t-:-" jh- -t
JHltrirt AUornev S. T. lawi.'
Jury VmmM..mT H, 2. ToWSBR,
I.Tman Cook. , ,
fVnfv .ViirtviOf T. D. Cot-i.twa.
(WonrrM. Ittkl, Jr. - -
VuUHtu A utlitort Nicnot.A TuoalP-
aou, J, ft, Nbili., IX, A. Zukndki.i..
Mtmbero Conarttt --G ko. A. Jkks,
AttetiMy i, ft. Aaxtw.
; I 'i"i .
-. At TIOHKSTA STATION, on and after
t)g.e,l5 ; , ,
.. .. aovTir.
. Train IB ' - 9:84 a.
. M '"'-' . S:42 t.
Train 6t 1 ' "
- si - - . '
ftil a. m.
8:42 p. m.
Train 23, south, an J 1, north, aro 1st
olwai the others are
Donation from Commiisionora (51 03
Collection by W. C. Rallado 22 98
Collection by N. K. Burton , 7 00
Also Mesirs. Keller, 8hipe & Co.,
awing lumber for a dwelling, and
Air. .J no. V. II not the use of timber
lor lumber and the proffered assistance
lu labor in the erection of the building-
Jamkh A. Scott.
Marienville, April, 21, 1876.
Will Forest Irett please copy.
On Tuesday of last week Con
gressman Egbert telegraphed from
Washington to the Derrick that there
wero one hundred and' five thousand
dollars in the Utiited States Treasury
for the depositor! of the Venango Na
tional Bank, better known as Culver's
Bank. Also, that C. V. Culver 'was
trying to get it, and that he (Egbert)
had notified the Treasurer not to pay
Culver. The latter was out in a card
in the Derrick a few days afterward.
1 Prof. Kleiiv niakes periodical
visits to this plnce for the purpose of
repairing watches, jewelry Ac, All
work left with Geo. W. "jWard, at
liis atoi, will ' be promptly attended
to, weekly, if not oftener, .
A man named Miles Updke was
drowned near Cooksburg during the
late flood in the Clarion river, while
attempting to catch a plank with n
was now bailcJ, anj the sailTiofsled
and soon we were bounding gaily o'er
tne uuiowe, -there- wne lust cnouel
danger about this ride to make it ex
citing. Ja the first place,' if the boat
were not navigated skillfully, we were
in great danger of being swamped;
and in the second place, we were ac
copanied by about a half-dozen large
sharks who were ready to take us in
hook. JIo was about twenty-three out l',e provided we 'ewamped
years of age. The body has not yet M addition to thiswe had, not pro
every. man in the
been found.
wu j uesaay we received a conv
of the Legislative Record trora Hon.
J. B. Agncw; the first and only one,
by the way, that wa received during
tne present session of the Legislature.
eeeded far . until
boat begau to show symptoms of sea
sickness. Farrell was the first to yield,
and, lcauiog. over Uio side of the boat,
his breakfast loon mingled -Tvith the
salty sea. . In about two hour wa ar
In it we notice that Mr. Agnew made nved " uPjter Inlet, and Hamraon
speech against the Big Level Road issuing orders like a' commodore,
wnen, ngnt in tne midnt ef hU con
versation, he was interrupted by some
bill. The bill waa lost, of course.
The annual election for the Pres
byterian Sunday gcliool of this 'place,
occurred on Sunday last. The follow
ing officers were elected for tlie ensu-
ing year :
Superintendent, At B. Kelly,
Asst, Supt., V. G. Irwiu.
Librarian, Chas. Bonner.
Secretary, W. R: Dunn.
Treasurer, O. W. Robinson.
r T ir r
mr. aj. xi. uavis, known anionz
wrrVinir.. ' vioB iu siaiemeut as lar as it ap-
.On tba River Divlaloa i. . from Oil City p ie1 to n'm' There were several de
tuirvltn. aa tlia rivar la Kurth lnwn nmitnn it.:. i .
' . ' I 1 1 .1 t i . . .
uiuuey wuen lois oanic went down
emotion that caused him to lean over
the stern, and his contribution to the
Atlantic was landed ' in." The other
chap, Lenhart, and ourself, . although
feeliug wavess of troubla roll across
our stomachs, did not gel to the inter
esting stage. So now we stood id for
the shore; we took our station at the
bow, Lenhart and Farrell the bides,
and Hamraon the oars, to pull in..
When the boat struck the beach,- we
aud we were in Lopes that they would
get their money, but the followine
JV.Roblnsou it away attend- from tbe Dk Monday last puts
ing court at Kittanning, but the boys u,ul'reul "lc me matter:
I Later develonmenta iudu-atA
his 'absent r . i .7 -ii4 I"!8"0 ia Ihe Venango Nationa
t t -rs.- ; . i tsanK not receive one cent of the
-v. -v-iK, av.iooiagao(,-as money claimwl to be' in the United
luaveu mio toe liner house, receutly Mates 1 reasury at Vashincton. The
vacated by Alania.-'l W wtloomehini Government la a preferred creditor of
taihli eida of the river,
-Mlsa S. A.' Dale baa put an aJJi
ti5a to ber; nouae,, and with Tittle
more repairing, will' liavt .a' Ynsant
and comfortable borne.
uio ueiuuci DaiiK to the aiunout
about three hundred thousand dollars,
jwiico must ie paid Detore the depos
ltors can receive an vthiug. As nearly
everything in the sliape of assets haa
ocen realized, it will be socn thut de-
y'M.PerlcksouV Leasehold coods P0Mtur, "ee entertain no hopes what-
My, arrived, and he ia busy preparing Eg'
for housekeeping. Hie home will be bert recently telegraphed. ' ;
in the Iloloman houae on Vine Si. m - , ,
Several of or rafts men Lave re-l "Ihe Urove S Hart well, in this
turned from Pittsbui gb. They Lad a borough, is down 270 feet, and the
pleasant trip, bat wa do not bear much 1,8t trl" was salt water. The seo
in irgard to tba state of the market oud "nJ Da been gone through, and
A few. verr few. trout Lava WM tmelv fet la thickness. There
caught this far this spring, and fisher
men are dYscou raged accordingly.
-There will probably be uo good trout
fibbing for a Couple of weeks yet. 1
Free Methodist meeting was held
Jutt . evening at - tba UniveraalUt
Church, at which ; lady conducted
the service and delivered a sermon.
Our reader will notice the new
advertisement of H. O. Tinker & Co., derf-
eaier in Hardware Ac, Oil City, Pa.
They are well known as accommodate
jug and reliable dealers.
' John Wilson got a slight rip on
he left fore finger from the stave mill
saw a day or two agrt.
did not lose his baud.
aUed but a short time.
-tPjoC Guuntng late ' teacher f of
at 'public school, passed through day last week on a raft, tIle
js a man bf muscle',' and could un
doubtedly pull a good par. v
Mr. Alex.
haa been a good how of oil, ever
since the first 100 feel were drilled.
Several gallous were taken out 'of
tbe first sand. '' The contract calls for
a hole 300 feet deep. .This will prob
ably be flulshed by to morrow night.
If a moderately good well isnotlouud
at that distance, Mr. Grove proposes
to go down to the fourth sand, if he
can get fair terms from the etockhol-
i Ex-Speaker Blaine on Monday
last, made a personal explanation in
the House, in regard to eoaje newspa
per chagea against; bim. He made
hia innocaufiA n' tl liara
I.ucky thathe ihnt atitae!os1,w. ,r,nl.Jj
- v uio ugueo, a promt
nent JJcmocratio Member, when
Blaine bad closed bis explanation
said,,"! believe every word of it," and
several other of the same politics ex
claimed, "So do I, "So do I." It
to be hoped that .Democratic papers
our citizens a, "Lute," who ha. been jumped, and rnn with all our might,
for nearly if not quite seven years in the boat following ue up close. We
Nebraska, farming, has retured to this got very wet. but the boat was pulled
place, on a visit to bis friends. He ashore wlthout Bypping an- water.
contemplates settling somewhere in This was considered a good land, as
.... v, u, no uui.uvo u.a noL yei eo- u ,8 TeiT leldoro that a boat
, , , . " vT auiuuiu ti
IoAtA1 a ttlana 111 1 LIJ . I rf
acquaini- ashore in the breake wUhout fil,;
annes wnnlii ho trratRaA if l. I 0
settle down her, in hi. U H- - Here WC ha'1 anotber "veT ,
is looking and ll ' JuI"'ter Io,et heioS ') closed. Aftar
, some heavy lifting we got the boat in
"Lai mat" snirl f - f... l.-i.. ti 1 -i . ..
. i.t, ioiuiigiuii, iu toe iniei, aou sauea over to tne
beaming mildly through her gold-rim- lighthouse. . Here we took in our va-
mca spectacles, "women do make such line and some other traps, and Ham
a fuss about impairiug' boyV clothes, mon took in two bags of wheat. The
Now there's Isaac, who hardly goes a wheat was not for planting,' as we
.-jr w.vl,uut tearing something. e first thought, but was used for food by
used to keep me about detracted with' the Lake Worth people, first being
wu' na oouent me a cracked n a m Hammnn
sewing machine. I was very careful that numose.
. ...... 1 -
10 gei oue mat nad plenty of room
1.1 . .
unuer uie arm, so that when he tore
hundred yot;d frc.m tb4 i'sawgrass." PROCLAMATION. '
and the labor we performed in trans- WnKAa. Tim imn. u D. Wrtmori,
fcrrmg our load and hauling the boat rroiiiifnt JuHim of the Cmrt at
nv.r .t,1 A m- .mon vlT nrt Quarter How.iona In and for
iCTm,iuw irwcouniyni roreat, It an loaned bla pre-
rapt for holding a Court of Common Plea
Quarter Meanrono, Arc, at Tioncnta, for
the County of Foroat, to commence r.n tli
third Mon.lay ftf May iwxK bclnr tba
15th day of May 187ft. Kntlre ia ihrrf
(T'ven to tho Coroner, Juatiooaof tlie Peaea
and ConKtnbloa of naid count v, that Ihev lv
thB and Minra ra uhclr pmjw poraona at
ton o'clock, A. M., of Raid day, with tboir
records, inqnlMitionn examfiiationa and
ollior remembrauoea, to do thoao thinaa
which tothoir nfllccaapperuia to bedono,
aud to thoao who bound in reoognirancw
Ui proaocutoaireinat the nrlaotm that era
or hhnrl bn In the lali of Foreat Ccmnty.that
thev be then and there rtraaenl tn nmuMii.
ilMt as ' ffooi. ni r Vick'. Vn airainHt them as ahait be Inat. 5ivn ua.
risks io Vnn hv iian'.linW ... ZH.Q , " ay of
, .m '"H aT I A .. 1TO,
a I 1 I 'llifTN t .
cana.1 between tho two waters,
A cold dinner, and we put up aail
and started. The wind was poor,
however, we put in the oars, and at
about eight o'olock arrived at Chas.
Moore's, whero we put uji for the
continued next week.
Garden seeds at Robinson ABon-
3 4t
i U.ytlS pHAWKKY, Sheriff.
New stock boots and shces at bot
tom prices, at Robinson & Bonners.49
-t ;, ... 1 ., Notice. :
'- RKmrraa'a Ornrn Koasev Ce., 1 v
... .. THaBSTA, pA.( Apri, ,,( 187- f ,:
-Kotfce in hereby given that Anhbel and
KH Holemati, Attmlnistrators of tho ea
tnte of Alex. Holeman deoeaaed, kave
" uir iinai niwrani in inia ornce, and
that tbe name will be preaonted to the Or-
Piln?' (;our! of "'d cojuuitT ai4 May 1J,
1876, for oonnrmntion.
7 r r i w.cL.AJtK.Reglatervr
AppHcilient for License My Term.
., 1876. m.o.
iir hi ...
we win pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tionesta, for white oak
stave and beading bolU at tbe follow
ing prices:
Stave bolts, 55 inches long, per cord
r a iv 1 j a mi c .1 i- . . . 1 '
f VJ xieaaing DOltS Andrew Weller, ' Hotel, Ttoneeta Hot
"icnes long, per cora ot 8 it. by 4 iL "; "V A ,,'r"L" " .. :
ft., $4.00. Heading bolt must be 00. w. liovard, w'holsaale " y .
made from timber at least 20 inches Jno-Wooloo,k.i'?ti; vtowaahip.
j- . ,, v. tiiAKK, Clerk.
in diameter. Ofilce at Lawrence , ', . , . .
House. J. II. Derickbon & Co. ' Trlal L,,t for M'y' Terra, 1876. i
27tf Forest Cocktt, aa. . . ,
y f , 1 - m ", ;? f ; i ' "'.'."t C?BJ, ?et down fcr trial at a
( . . . " L- J . ' . Court to be held In and for aaid Coi.ntV
1 he largest invoice of boots and commencing May It, 1876 1
o o-Tr. Tr.
1 iii ruruoiu vn -1. t r-vaav a 4
styles pud at astonishingly low prices T , - w 1 Feb. 187
at Robinson & Bonner's. 3 2t a cTsioYn J F.olVt1 M,y W
Ider, g Pec. 1174
O. W. Dean va. J. IT. Dlnir-
of all kinds, Tidioute, Pa., invites .11 Q&Sru. J. U. Deriek 0 m
wishing anything in the hardware line
to give him a call. : '- " t ' 3 3t
Go to Robinson A BonqCr and
get what you want, out of a large and
varied stock. , 3 2t
The valuable and beautiful home-
son etnl. 1 4t im
Chas. Murphy at ux vs. Thoa.
tv1??'"-. 70 Sep. 178
Da-ld Heffronvs.Wm.YounB59 Sep. 187
Ogden ,t (Smith for uae v.
u eo. w. Hunter ot ox. .
Mary Jipny 'ys. Tioneata
S. C. Sloan va. O. W. Dith-
rioge et ai,
A. O. Bowman ot al va. Geo,
nr. 111 nr rum i'a '.
Reed Bro. for use va. Geo. W,
. . . 0 stead former v owned hv Hon .Tn.K .i;n518?i
kept lor G. Dale, and in which Jie now resides, Cliitoe'k
nis pants 1 could put them right
under the machine without taking
isaac out or them.' ,'lb.a macbice u in
the rejoining room, Doctor, and I'd
like to have you see it," saying which
ue leu tne way to where Ike was dis
covered seated before a "Light , Run
ning Domestic," busily sewing the cat
up in the good old lady a rag bag."
The following are the contents of
ocnbner'a Monthly for May, 1876.
Portraiture of William Peon : The
After a pleasant hour spent with
the inhabitants of Jupiter, we started
again for Lake Worth on the "inside
route," which is, instead of a couple
of hours ride, a bard days work for
three men. We sailed and rowed up
Lake Worth Creek about four miles.
The crooks in this creek may be imag
ined when wc, aller sailiug and row
iug two mllee up the creek, saw the
lighthouse not over a quarter of a
mile in a straight liue from us. At
the end of four miles we fouud a good
1 . 1 ... . -
camping piace, ana tied our boat up.
is in my hands for sale at very low Dariu Toby v.. Woe
figures Terms-one-third purchase A. GUnX? M V
mr.nou rWn anA .!, Kl J . Ulinilan v., W. F.
nuu .e uMiauuo 111
and two years.
Mues W. Tate.
vs. Jamee Mo-
Wood $
87 Sep. Iff75
4 Deo, 875
. U Sep. trjj
; Ut Fab. 1874
14 Deo. 1874
44 Feb. 1879
0 Bop. 175.
45 Dee. 187
True Pocahontas; How we shall spell Soon a roaring fire was kindled, and
ja . I
Uordon.- Ot Llkhart. Will take a mnnk ..l.i:,.l. 1 :.
auraaaa, loweoun- vindication as Ihey have heretofore to
,.7. .n town at preseut on a u,it to publieh the slanders agaiust him
Mrt. hi, famil, l - ' 7?? mi11 18 rUDn,n tdily,
. . . and slashing out good lumber at
wavicnarosna moved tbe bouse great rate. )W notice that the boom
Tormer.y occupied ny ex -bhenfl- Van of the Superior mills ia full of choice
Giesen,.to a, vacant lot about J 00 ,feet logs, whi. will be manufitctured into
aouia. ue win Dt.iia aa addition lumber during the summer The
thereto and oon be living at home. stave mill, while not running steadily
lucre win ue a vinieoniai party rips out lots or staves, aou furnishes
at tne lawreuce House on (ho evening work and money to many. When Mr.
,of the 10th of May. 'Iha invitations W. G.Trwin starts up bis handle man-
Are not yet out but tbe'dance Is bound "factory we may 1 cut lor brisk
lo come off. McCray'a baud will fur
Uh the music, 1
Miai Mary Iwamb, who has been
stopping tor aome time with her aunt,
frt. Senator Thomas, returned home
Jest week, carrying with her the good
.wishes of many friends made during
Jier stay in Tioneata. - . -
On the first page of this paper
will be found an article, taken from
the California Christian Advocate ; be
ing a condensed biography of Mra. A.
R. Sheriff, formerly Misa Mary Mun
sell, whose home, for some years pre
vious to her marriago to Rev. Sheriff",
Beware of wild parsueps. Three wa in tl,ia place. We hear her high
boys, named Chas. Korb, Abram spoken of by those who were ac
Mealy and Gee. Keeftr, who livtj in quninted with hor, and cheerfully give
tbHuddleon Settlement, on Patur- tne erticle a place in our columns.
" ,luy last, indulged in a few wild par,- 0u L. Keister's raft, which' paU
' nope, and the result was they were cd down (he river recently, there were
,.ooue.i. wue o tneui, ivoru, came prayer meetings held every eveniuir
iiaahIu I if ! 11 rm t....,T.v.. 1. ...1 I Jail . J . !
f''7 jiuz "wi uumuer or between here and Pittobur'h A rev-
pouvtileions before Dr. Cobgrn, who erend gentleman delivered a sermon
ya sent f-r, arrived. The Dr. icnorU on Sunday. Thi;igs have changed
I he patient') doing tvo'!. frr the better.
bh-k-sp-r-a Name; Singing Robes;
rt. : 1 : .. xt .
iimiji xxuiau s irieuas, or "snow your
I'assports j" The Visionary Face:
Gabriel Conroy; "If Love and Life
were One;" Bowdoin College; The
DeFoe Family in America; Hearing
with the Eyes; John Gutenberg:
The Wedding at Ogden Farm ; Louise ;
Revolutionary Letters ;, Sonic Experi
ments in Co-operation; Lo Coureur
des Bois; The Two Greetings;, My
Birthright ; Topic, of the Time : The
Old Cabinet: Home and Rnciptv
Culture and Progress; Tbe World's
Work; Brica-Brace. Terms $4
year. Address Scribner & Co., N. Y
Southern Travels. "
Teachers' Examinations.
Tbe public Examiuations will be
held as follows;
Marienville, May 12.
Clariugton, ' , 13.'- ' ' ' ' '
Nebraska, " 15.
Newtown, " 16.
East Hickory," 17.
Ncillsburg, , 18.
Tionesta. ' ' 19.
Examinations will commence at 9
!-' I
our usual fare was'improved by some
fresh tomatoes which we had brought
with us from the lake: After supper,
three sand-fly nets, in the shape of an
inverted box, were erected, and un
der these we enjoyed a fine night's
rest.1 ' ? ; ''' -i 1 -i.' t
a. m. Directors and eitizena n .
spectfully invited.
H. S. BROCKWAY, Co. Sup't.
Tioncntn Anil 1J 1 on a
D. W. CLARK, rrothonotary.
Wirt,IjSLX8 As col,
BIRDS and Anitnala atnffed a4 mount
ed to order. Artificial Ejm kent In
tock. ; 8-ly n
Financial Report of Hickory T'p.
for tl year 18T9. r
To am't of Road tax leVlod ' Pr'
forroad purpneo..,,t 10 ,.
By am't expea'd on roads 1 " ; 'l
ana DriUfroa aa per re-
turn mado by Roard
Musters.. ,
DIED. ; i
Farrell. having transacted Lis busi
nesa down the lake, eatne in about 8
o'clock, p. in., aad we all turned
and slept like the babes of the woods,
n J ?. s-v ..
uuuer muoijuito Dars. un the morn
ing of the 21st Hammon concluded be
would take Farrell back to Jupiter in
his boat, lo sava bim the walk. Not
wishing to inhabit the plantation alone
until his return,1 wa concluded to co
along. This time we took a smaller
boat, about thirteen feet in length.
called a "Whitehall," aud after put
ting in a store of provisions, blunkets
aud water, foui of us started. Had
a fair wind, aud went up to Lake
Worth Inlet, about six miles in; food
thnpe. The inlet be in" rlnfiail wa
a "v
were obliged to haul the boat over to
the eea, a distance of about fifty yards.
The "breakers were rolling quite high,
aud there was a stiff breeze outside.
aud for a little lime we were undecid
ed whether we would risk a voyage in
our small boat, more purticulaily as
we saw vast numbers cf sharks sailiug
around among the breakers. Howev
er oner a short council, Iti was 'deteri
SEILUAt Neiliabnrff, on the 12lh inHt.,
,S Nel"' ,Kd M yearn, S monthn
and 12 dava. Deceased waa an old reml-
uentof Sprout, and generally reapeotod.
''.'.In the , moruing, '. after . au early
break fust, we shipped again, and took
to the oars, the stream being so crook
ed that a sail could not be utilized.
In about an hour wa came to a place
called the ;"repids," in which there
was about as much current as there is
in a. Allegheny, river eddy in, 4ow
water. n Here the' oars were put up,
and poles resorted to; ;' After pushing TIOISESSV. MklMCETK
awhile, we were obligod to cease, and corrected every Tuesday
get out and pull the boat. - Shortly By Robinson & Bonner, Dealer!
v.uo ..llo uie evergmaes, caned General Merchandise,
"aaw-grass." This coi:si.U of an im- F1ur v . a.,,,
meuse flag, about eight feet high, with Corn Meal, bolt.d . . . . i.oo
small channels running through it. uop reed -These
channels, sometime not more Ry ! ttHlM
than five feet wide, and very shallow, 7' '
intersect oue another every few rods, Boana hushel . . i &oa,2 so
and it used to take an experienced pi- H,m. ausar cured .... yj
lot to find his wav through, hut rfi. "rf' JHn, sugar cured , . 17
"-O F I H.,.- . . .
f 1,198 10
Bulance..... f l.ise io $1,188 19
We. tho Atlditnra nf
JAYKTTY.-In Preaident, orj the mi J ueroby fertifv that we have examinid, u, uMiKoaiion ot lue lungs, Chas. I m ; , , - .r" vMrainiaaionera
W. Gayetty. aged 29 years. j ?.f ,1 twnliip for tbe year ending on
a brother of Mrs. aettled the aameaa correct and true anmrri.
Mr 55? 'i1?!881 of our knowledge and belief,
MT' this 3d day of April, 1876. '
the Bam'l MaaviN. ' v "
Deceased was
Wm. Richards, of this place.
Xvlcnnrda desires us to express the
thanks of the family to neighbors aud
friends for kindly assistance rendered
in their bereavement,
O. W. Kioams.
Attest: J. P. AuiBoa. Clk.
THOMAS J. BOWMAN. Treasurer ef
Hickory TownaWp, In aeeonnt with aaid
township for the year ending on tne
By bal. dueTroMureronlaat
aettiemont "' 11 jq
" Township ordera radeemed 168 ST
To unHcated road tax for 1872 $31 M 1
" f aiiceial tax " 31 M '
road tax J87S 19 7 I
" apacial tax " 175 i
im iuuu ma unu maraea oy I o,,.,,,, .
small flags, fruit cans on slicks &c, N. O. Molasaea
so that most any one can navigate it. Jt"a' K'o Cofluo No. l
In the saw-grass is the favorite home l"0 C""!' "
. ,. ,,. . ... , Java Coffee
of the alligator, We saw perhaps Tea .....
forty in the eight miles vo traveled Butter .
through it. We had no arms except Ri,'e i , ' -:
a large siaed Smith & Wesaon revol- ' f,0J,h
ver, but while our cartridges held out, Lar(1 ."."..'
we mado it torrid for the 'gators.' Iron, common bar
Oue which we hit in the head, appar- Na'K keg
ently got confused, and floated on the
water until our bout came quite up
to it. Lenhait then proposed to lift it
a - -
nto the boat, and reached down and
caught the creature by the tail. Just
then the 'gator appeared to recover
consciousness, aud giving a flip with
aa oa tn
Balance due Taraauror n 103
We, tho Auditora of Uiokory Township,
l ,0f, uo oounta of the Treasurer of aaid townahia,
r t 80($00 aud Pnd thoiu oorraot and true aa ixta
reprtroeiiuti, ai;' nave allowed, auditvd
aud aottlod thetn according to tpe beat ef
our knowledge and belief, thia 3d da of
April, 1876. - -
Sam'l Mbrviv, )
( Oto. W. biooina. Auditors.
Attest: J. P.Aibauoh, Clerk.
- 10 121
- 30il32
: : 10
- lSO j iM
- 3.
Y VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Ka.
AJ issued out of the Ceart of Cotuinou
I'leaa of Forest Count v and ta ma dirx-ixi
thero will be exposed to sale by public.
..nine ur imTj. at. me uourv House.
"io ""niWKB in i lunula, on
Xtta Advertisements.
Register's Notice.
ItEdlNTCH'l OrriCU FORK6T Co.,1
Tjokksta, April H, 1S76.
Publie notlco Is hereby glveii that F:iirj
both 8. Hunter ami fliu K. lluiitur. Ail
n.;.in.l l... . . ' ev '.i . " . I.:.. .. .. . n . I imniMtratrixos of Dr. W. K. II ..r H...
" " " " ' Ooat was ' uiBl wei us an over, ana near- ,,1, have tii.,i tlirir lirit am u
niiwoui, xor aome
time it was a question whether wo
could gut out into the tpeu water, as
the breakers dashed over us, and whtu
at length wo got out, our boat was
two-third me- with wafer. The-boat
ijr ji-i.eii ijcuuari oui OI tlie uoat, lie . iie, aou mm inn Kama
diannparetl" ' J ;. 9 ..u a will be prctMiitiMl Ut Ue UrphuiiB Court of
Uiaappearctl. ml eonnty iir ponllrumtion und -allow.
' n. )! t l- i auco on tiio loth iy of ,Mav next at tlin
By dint of puakug aud pulling,, we Court Houe at Tionesta, in the "uuty
gos me uuui io lue nauiover, at
Monday. maV is. tare.
at 10 o clock, a. ni., thefollowingdoscribod
rrnl estate, to-wlt :
It. Lamlerton A Co. vs. Geo. S. Hunter.
i. Ka. No. 32 May Term. l78.Lamber.
ton. Ail that certain nlaa nr i.,.r...i r.t
laud in 'ItonesU township, Forest eounty.
M l'cunsylvanla, boundod and described as
" " i nemnntng at a post on bank cf
Allegheny Ki ver above the house which
Cioo. 8. Hunter now oorupiea, theuee nartl)
45 dogreoa west four hundred and six peiv
chea to a post, thunco aouth IM dogreea
west thirty poixhes, thence south some 31
degrees east about lour hundred anil
twenty perches to the aaid river, thonce
up said river some oue hundred aud two
pen lies to tho plaoo of beginning. Con
taining one hundred aoros aud allowance I
on which is erectod oue, largo two-storv
dwwlliug bouse, three anuill houaos, with
ono barn and two outbuildings A ml I.J!
ingUie same lupil that was. couvovoJ bv
Lako Worth about two o'clock. At
Uiis place, the Irke ia about three
''PHKT.VNITE CO., Ktroii,lburg, l'a..
l-.mory 'lieels and M.i-iiincry. 41) i
W. tillAllan to Geo.
K. Ijiinberton and (
N. Hunter by denil dutod Juno H, 1871.
1 alcou In execution and. to Ke sold aa
nronorty of tieo. H. Uutrier, a the stilt of
R. linWton at Co, - .
" Terms cnoh. " V : ' .
Mieriff'4 oiHee, Tioncta, April 1!, lCtf.