. . . , . . t -Vt. R.,VVSX - - - . EDI'VOK. WEDNESDiT MOSSING. JIPE. C. 1S?. mlu J. J 1' ... i i FOHl'KKSIDENT, . "JOHNF, MARTHA NIT," 1 of PcnnijlTftniA. Our Washington Letter. 'i Ppcoial to Lho RwciMfiK. . : ' .'.is. Washington; . C.j ArrtL 21, 7 !.A-. rigid explana&n 'it tie ata J eombd of the wo'i . a herein U . the rejoctei tlieo"' "d errors of . buroao govcrhrriMits are deposited, awajr from , the v8 of the present generation of iik or, diligent search atnoog the , Je'ri of our recent rebellion contain ed iu tbe eepulchere of lho "lost cause" , would fail tu produce a more mituhiev ousor. odious, doctrine, or one that .Has been more uniformly condemned hy the intelligent and loyal masses of '. thi Republic than that resurrected .by -Tucker of Virginia, during the debate in tbe House on tbe adoption of tbe minority report of the Judiciary Committee iu . the Hallet Kilbourn '. case. , It appears that Tucker as At , torney General of that State, shortly before tbe war, decided that the local authorities could legally seize any . raail matter brought into, the State by and at tbe expense of tbe U. S. Gov ernment, in the custody of U.S.j offi . ciala .and for the ' convenience and , well-being of that State and anything found adversely criticising its "pecu liar iu8titutioD," or in any other way distasteful to the tyrauical oligarchy that ruled tbe "Old Dominion'; with the Bowie knife. Tbe pistol and the lash, was declared incendary in char acter and suppressed. Tucker was , matHened had iiis "Southern heart -tired" by some, pertinent' interrogate . ries put by Mr. Blaine aad when be had. reached a pretty, high tempature .lie was betrayed into a very indiscreet .admission to the effect that he did . make such a deicssion, that it was a good- one vheu made and equally good noKV; Tucker' speech was loud : lj upplauded by many- of the deruo craU, but it look of consternation was discardable amongthose poeseesed of , a .larger share oTTpolitical sagaeity, who. are sufficiently well versed as to national sentiment to know, that - any attempt at a revival of any of the pro-slavery ,. or" an(i progressive dog mas in the spirit aud at tbe dictation wbioh the; Government : was largely administered during the last, fifteen years preceding the war will provoke euch a .storm of .indignation against the party guilty of such a sacrilege as to bury it in the same grave where tbe said "lost cause now reposes. Hence such fire brand as Ben Hill, Tucker and Some of their associate; in Con gress, with Jeff. Davis, ' Toombs and others in the South are regarded with deep solicitude, and ' a sleepless vigi lance in watching their movement ' and choking them into silence when they : begin ' to manifest ' dangerous symptoms is the only course they can safety take. It appear to be the im pression here that the democrat are determined to prolong the session so 'that -any candidate nominated at Cincinnati may be subjected to the 'moat rigid scrutiny with the desperate . hope of finding soma ' irregularity in hi public or private life that, by be ing ventilated a few week before tbe election, wilt so discredit the- repub lican party with the people that they may be able to take advantage of tha apathy and confusion which ; the expense would produce and steal into power5 before there was time to concert any effective measures to avert such a national calamity." There is no ques tion but (hat the leaders, of that rebel copperhead league, called tbe demo cratic party are wecretly making the most strenuous -efforts to neutralize the detrimental effect that investiga tion bas incidentally had on the prom inent men of the party. Their des peration ) all the more savage from their long season of abstinence from publio office and plunder. A corres pondent of the New York Timet wri ting from Columbia S. C, under date of April 19, 1870, of the Presidential election says, -u tbe democrats are successful, the republican party of the - cotton States must die out forever for by one means r; another the negro voter would be prevented from exer cising the rights or citizenship which wer assured to them by the results of the war ; and . their white leaders would be obliged to leave the country and seek homes elswhero. 9 No fair minded observer who travels through this country ean deny that the 'old residents,' the uative whites' of.hqutu Carolina, Alabama, Mubus hibi dm! Juiihii are .themiblves to blauiofor many of. the burdens by . which they are now oppressed,.. They are arrogant and overbearing; they nra enten up with false prido aud. in tolerance, and they openly boast "thai -if they elect their President next fall, they will convert the radicals or drive them out of the country. The repub licans, w-hite aad. blue k are fully nwaru of the feeling of hostility with whioti they.. are reirardtd. They know that only under a republican adminis tration of the National Government , Ian they hope for political existence, and theV are now ready t i sacrifice ;vi-ry 'risomif Vrorice n r.'ta prviven. . 1 - that end. These View have been pressed to me by respectable, ' trustworthy gentlemen here '"' ' other StateeA That they ;e",,ra'e' I know from rcy own kno;. Lyon, th man who l,mf,7.V' relied upou to elaner '" Schenek has tiirneout R very poor investment No ouc- PP"'",'. ' able or willing" 7 one worJ m. ia hi. -hifacter as a man. The tiru tof CduAf ""totiy devoted to it,. MaILI impeachment tiial and fincufVg appropriation bills. Since t b passage of the river and harbor ipropriation swindle it is resting from tbe laborious effort that were neovsaary . to com pas that iniquity. The Hallet Kilbouru case is still be fore the court and attracts much at tention because of the knotty legal points involved. Much dissatisfaction is resulting from the niggardly action relative to the reductiou of fares to Philadelphia during tbe Centennial as the voracious disposition manifested thus early by the iiotel keepers, and hash-house proprietor in that fnvorel town promises to deter many people of moderate means from attending the big show, who would have otherwise attended and contributed tbeir share to making it a auoces. .. ' Maxwell. FISAJtCUL REPORT OF II5CSLEI TWP, WILLIAM A. DTJSKXBCRY, Treasurer - of Kingslcy township, iu account with aid township for the year ending ou the dale hereof Dr. Cr. To 11 dne Twp. on laut set- - - tlement ..,... $383 12 " amt. tax levied for poor - purposes 4449 By orders rodoemed.. ' $564 51 :. ' ' " ; 7Z7 61 684 81 : Hal du to nlilp... 108 OU We, the Auditors of Khijrsley Township do certifr that we have examined the ac counts or the Treasurer of iaA township, and find them correct and true as abovo repreaented, and havenliowed,audited and settled them according to the beat of enr know led e and belief, this 10th day of April, 4W. ' 1 " - , , GsonoK Moroak, Auditors. , Aabon Elliott, Attest ; FtiAKK Ui atNBUKy, Clerk, OVERSKERS OP THE POOR of Kinfrs ley township, in account with said tow n ahip for the year 1375 1 m .. v.- .. ; .t--i ' tor -i. Cr. To amt of Poor tax levied ! 'f lor poor ptirpoHcs fliO 39 By amt of orders redeemed - tW 40 Balanco 8 l9 , , We, the auditors of Kingaley Township do certifv that we have examined the ac counts ot the Poor Masters of said town ship for the year ending on the data here of, and have audited, allowed and sctUod the sume as correct and true, according to tlie beat of our knowledge and belief, this loth day ot April, 1876. ' , Uoouok Morgan, ) Jacob Beck, , Auditors. ' Aaron Elliott, ) Attest: Frank Dusenbury, Clerk. F1MNC11L REPORT OF II.VCSLEY TWP. WILLIAM A. DUSENBUBY, Treasurer of Kinsley towuHbip, in account with snid township for the year ending on the date hereof: - , Dr. Cr. To bal due township on hurt aeuienioni o if By twp. orders redeemed... f 15 40 Bui due townahip 4 77 We. the Auditors of Kinirslev Towimhin do certifj' that we have axuinined the ac count of tha Treanuror of auid townnhip. and iid thein vorract and true as above represented, and uava allowod, auditad anu aeiuea mem scoorainir iu ino peat oi our knowledge and belief, this 10th day of April, iu. ....v. ) ,j ' Jacob Beck, Auditors. t -- Aaron Elljott, ) Atteatt ; Frank luejtsBDnf , Clerk. . '- HO Air COMMISSIONERS of Kiiifrsley townahip in acoouut wiLU aaid towuahip lor me year la.o: . Dr. ' Cr. To amt of Road tax levied lor road purpose. ........ (U78 05 By auit expeudvd ou rouds ,. , . auu uriugea as pr re- . turns mudo by Itoad ' 1 Masters . ' (U78 63 , Baliuioe , 978 64 UTS 63 We, the Auditors of Kingsloy Township do certify that we have examined the ac- eounta of the Koad Commissioner of aaid township for the year ending ou the uaie nereoi, sua nave auuueu, auoweu aud hottled the same as correct and true. acoordiDK to the best of our knowledge auu oonoi, in is iuin uay or April, ibo. . , . (JtOKUK Moroan, ) Jaoou UtcK, Auditors, ,: ' Aaron Elliott, J Attest: Frank luNnvuY, Clerk, Report of Jenks Township. , April B, 1876. We, tho Auditors of Jenks Township do eortlty that we nave mot any examineu the aeeouuta ot the Townahip Treasurer, and have settled aud allowed Uio same a found iu the following slufomeiit: , BUFL'S POUUE, Towuship Treasurer, Dr.' Cr. To orders drawn from . Co. ComuiifwiuiHira l,tl'3 OS , " bal from ex-truasuier 18 10 By vouchera nrodiuwl at aeltlumutit .. . .. i JK 44 " iercuUige.. , , . , , o4 77 " bal to successor iU 14 . 1,0711 i 1,07115 A. K. SHire, . I AuJito SHERIFF'S SALE. By VIRTUE : erl Fucias, of . a writ -. of Fi issued out of the Court of Common picas of F'orst county and to me direct!, ehera will ha exiHibed to aula by publio vendue or out. cry, m the Court Uouio, in the borough ot i luni'sin, on TIJV'RSUAY, MAY 17th, A. D. 1870, at 10 o'clock, a. in., the following describ ed real estuto, lo-wit: C. C. Church vs. Mary M. Phinney, ad ninistratrix Ac., ct id, Fi. Fa. No. 17 May Jenu, I 14 null I'. ijruUuui. All Uv feudaiit's interest, of, iu to all tho eouid undivided one-eighth interest (i) of all thatenruun pwee or paruol of land situate iu ll:irniiiiy iwiihhip, f orest couiily H r 1'j'iii.r iM.it::;, I ..n lcil r,r-.d tt- 'rnt'rtt AW, ere. - - - i noriHed M fol'owst Rpfnnntntt at a f.ost at the aoulhcast corner of html conveyed by Jlcnty Itooenbnch and Jamn Can- to Witi. Pattcraon, thenco by vix-ant land aoiith eHrhry-iilne dopree oast ono liun dtwl and sixty pun-he to A pout, thenen north one ilcgrc cast two hundred and twenty-two pcrchoa to a poH, thenre north eighty di'jjrocs west thl i t.v-Hix pcrchca to a rod oak, thenco north one ricwrco est fi ft v l vt perchca to a post, thence north eliil'ty-nine detrreos west two hundred and four perches to a post, thenco bv lnnd formerly of Wm. Nclll of Isaac aoulh one degree west ono bwndrcd anil slxty-llvo pereheB to a post, thnnccaimlhclirhry-tilnc rieprccs cast eighty perches to a post at the northeast Of land conveyed bv Henry Ito iwnbach and others to Wm. Patterson aArciiid, thenco south -one degree ono hundred mid twelve perches to .the place of hcplnnlng. Containing three hundred and thirty ncrca of liuid and allownnoe, bo tlie same more or Ices ; beiiifr tmrt of a tract of four hundred anil thirty-three acres twenty-three perches nni! nllnwnnco of land convoyed bv the Cnminonwealtli of Pennsylvania to .? nines II. Neill bv patent dated thirteenth Hst of A hril. A. 1. IHII3, enrolled In itatent book vol. RO naao r s., ami recoruou in I' run K mi, venanito county. In deed hook 3. pae W and .13.1, and being the niiim truct or parcel of land conveved and grantod by James II. Nclll and Mary N. his wife to Henry Hoscnbneh and James M. Out by deed dated March 27th. A. D. ltt. and recorded In' Forest county, in deed book 4, pairo 411 Ac. i sKen in execution and to no soiti astno firoHrty of Mary M. Hitnnev, ndndnls ratrix c ct al, at the suit of 0, C. Church. JI STIS HHAWKRY. SheHfT. SherifT a Ofllco, Tlonestn, Forest Co., Pa., 11 lir, I'Tru. APPIETOlsrS' NEW REVISED EDITION. ENTIRELY REWRITrEX BY THE ABLEST WRITERS OX . EVERY SUBJECT. Printed from Xcw Type,' ''and illustrated with severlal l lioiisand r.u gravings and Mays. , , The work nrlirliisllv tnlitls1il under the title of THE NEW AM ERICAN CYCLO PAEDIA was comi.loted in 1WW. since which lime, tho wide circulation which tt haa attuineil iu all purls of too I nited Stales, and the signal dcvclopmenta which nave tuKeu piace in every nrnnen oi lenee, literature, ami art, nave nniuccu the editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, aud to issue a new edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. 1 Within the last ten years tho progress of discovery In every department of knowl edge has" made a new work of reference an Imperative want, ' ' The movement ot political affuin has kept paco with tho discoveries of science, and their fruitful application to tho Indus trial ami useiui arts nnn tne convenience and refinement of social lite, lireat wars and consequent revolutions have occurred, involving national changes of peculiar moment. Tbo civil war of our own coun try, which was at its height when tho- laat volume oi mo oiu w ' rKappeureii, iuls nap pily been ended, and a new course of com mercial and industrial activity lias been eoniineueeil. , large accessions to our GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE Have boen mado by the indefntiffsblo ex plorers of Africa. ine rci poiiticiu revolutions or mo laat docuile, w ith tho natural result of the lapse of time, have brought into publio view a multitude of new men. whose names are in every one's mouth, and of wliooe lives every one Is curious lo know the particulars. Ureat battles have becu r......i.. .....4 i .... BIH,. of which the details are as vet preserved only in tne newspapers or in tne transient publications of the day, but which ought now to twice their piaeo in , , PERMANENT AXD AITIIEJIT1C 1IIST0RT. In preparing the present edition for tha pross.it has aeiwrdinaly been the aim of the editors to bring dowu tha information to tho latest posi rlo datou, and to furnish an aocurate account of the most recent dis coveries in science, of every fresh produc tion in literature, and of the ue west in von tious in the practical arts, as well as to give a succinct and orlgiuul r coord of tho progress or , POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL EVENTS.' The work has been begun after long and careful preliminary lalsir, and with the most ample resources mr carrying it on to a succcssiui termination. Xono of the erigiri:il Tdereotypo platen have been used, but every page Ixvs boen PRINTED 0?i NEW TYPE, Forming in fact a new Cyclopiedin, with tho sumo plan and compass as its prede cessor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such improuements ill 1UI mini itowimni iu uniu uitii niiuKiiu bv longer experience anu enlarged auowi edge. TII ILLUSTRATIONS which are introdii'-ed for the first time iu the present edition have been lidded not for the sake of pictorial elloct, but to give greater lu iidily and force to the explana tions in . the text. They ouibnu o till branches of science and of natural history, anu uepict tne most iamoiis una rumui ks ble features of scenery, auhiticture, aud art, as well as the various processes of tnoeliuliles ana nianuiaclurcs. Altnougn intended for instruction rather than em bellisliiiient, no pains have been spared to insure ineir . , ! ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE. The cost of their exeoution is enormous, and it is helievod thev will find a welcome reueption as an admirable feature of the I veloutuia, ana worthy t lis oigu cliar aetur. This work is sold to subscribers only, payable on dell very of each volume, it will be complete in Sirlfrn iMrge OelaiQ olumf. each containing about M0 puges, fully illustrated with several thousand WiMid Kngravings, and with, numerous colored Lithographic Maps. Price and Style of Binding-: Iu extra Cloth, per volume , - - $5 00 lu Library Leather, ar vol. - . - - 00 I haif Turkey nioroeuo, per vol. - 7 00 Ju hulf Russia oxira gilt, tier vd. - 8 00 Iu full morocco, uulioue, gilt edecs . , jier vol. ... - - iu no III full Russia, per vol, , r , - 10 00 Firm VOLUMES sow eeady. 8iieceeding voliiines, until eonipletion, will lie issued onco iu two mouths. y-Sieciincn pages of The American Cyclopiedin, showing typo, illustrations, etc., will be sent gratis on application. fbfl-Chitt Qjuwixtntf ,gcit Wanted. Address tho 1'iiblhdinra, i. a prr.inoy x co., ,') i.lO ,t e."l lr"iidwu-, . Y. ?, jy X.'n '.i 1 ox 171'i. 'il Citv! Pa. ' . ;. THE . .SEW"D0PST-IC. A D0UBLH TllEAD LOCK-STXTrjli i MACHINE. . ! - A ,. ; "4 e;i:etSv- 4U f-iVr'"-' V.:r' ' f-f ' IT Htwim mil th virtue of tW R-.nJ ' "DOMS3TIC." lnclui; lU Automtt , Tension, which wt J U th in u -t ' ' -rUMeuikuurl ATKNV H HIfcSri COVICAL HEAHIifCS on bortttVw Machlit and buiul. ' 1 1 ; ; . i Our new ami oKI tilrav. VtVlrd put wifti hrB ivw Machinery and T"oU at oitr own newtrHti, Id the huv vitjr mT Nevr trk, New l.-rkc. h.w iv.-a n a sun Unl .tf MKCU VN U Al, K.i. l I.. . l.KNCR. MtMuatim ( frl tftm Mxiiuwa Oi' iJjitiiliiy, aJ rh; vf Work Mve Jierctufvrt ' rwatl in the Sewuif Mchitui vurU. f.. . TO .THIS STATEMENT ANd' tIIE MACIUNB ITSELF. . W iavti tin attentlen of all, nnseUlly rbos havlnf high fnhDlel skill ct ekMrvaUva. N, B. AH 14cliis fully nmnud. t 4 -,.-,j " ; DOMESTIC GEWINC MACHINE CO., IScs-vy "Voi-lc nncl ' ClU?agro,' , , LADIES. USE "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. fflf?A DA, (tuarauntoed using your Well Auger A Prilla. 1(H) taiJ t month paid to. good agents. Auger Mok frae. J lis Auger Co., Kt. Louis, lo. I!M a : ' U. 0 H EH o Ph. CO Z o u a I 0 2 I 1 I u - K U. I O m 9 o CO Q O O O m m Ui Eh" I O o : t-t . (,; " ; I . r n ' n . American fe Foreign ' " la(ent!. fJILMORE tt CH., Successors to Chip man, HoHiner t Co., Solicitors. Patents pi'oeiireil in all countries. : No Foes in ad vance. No charge unless the patent- is giauted. No lees lor making prelimina ry examinations. No additional fees lor obtaining and conducting a rehearing, liy a recent decision of thet'omuii-aioner ai.i. rejected appliQHtioia. may bo revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases before tho Patent Olllee, Kxtcnsions beforo Congress, Infringement bulls iu different States, and all litigation apor tainlug to Inventions or Patents. (Send aUtmp to Uilinore & To., for pamphlet of sixty pages. T.niul 'h, lVarrniitfli ami , Svrlp. . :. Contested Land Cases prosecuted liefore tho U. S. (e:icral Land Dlliee and Ilopart ment of the Iutirior. Private Land Claims, Mining and Pre-emption Claims, and Homestead Casen attended to. Land Scrip in 40, 80, and 1U0 acre pieces for sale. This Kcrlp is assignable, and can be local od in tht name of the purchaser iimiu any tlov ernincnt land subject to private entry, at $1.25 per acre. It is of ciiual valuo with lUmnty Ijtnd Warrants. Send aimnp to dl more t Co., tor pamphlet of Instruc tion. 1 . Arrears of Pay & ISounty. Oflleers, Soldiers, and Sailors of the lato war, or their heirs, are iu many eases en. titled to money from the laovernmont of which tliey have no knowledge Write full history of servleo, and stale amount of pay and bounty received. LucIoho stamp to Uilinore A Co.. and a full reply, alter examination, will lie given you free. IV'it.tioii. All Olllners, Soldiers, and Sailors woiin-, dod, ruptured, nr lti.iured 111 the late unr, however slightly, can obtitin a pension by addrossing Uilinore A' Co. Cases iirosecutcd bv tlilmoro Ac Co. lie- fire the Supreme I'ourt of the United States, the Courtof Cliiims, and the South ern Chums oiiiuussion. lOui h department of our business isisin dni'ted ill a scpumlo bureau, under charge of the same e.tpeiieneed part lee employed by the old linn. Attention to all business ...... I ... iiil. ........ Mr :.. ... villi wn u iiiii'ii7 vf, n lima nc cured. Wo desire to win success by dc scr iug ii. 1 Address 'W 1 JtOKl-: X fit., n. 1 MnM, Wu-lrnrtcn, l. C, 1U1' be si" l Imii So- isi.Ii I 1 ?r- Ml ' n Wit Somctlilng Now J ;Xi AT THE OLD 11' "'! FISHER STORE! r. 't : -.1 - - 1 . .. WE HAVE STARTED A, t 1 FLOUR & FEED STORE In the building formerly ooonpled by J, 3, Ji'isiicr. 1 . 1 ,. . 1 j i il (I..VI, .; .! OUR CHOP la mmlo from CORN. WIIKAT A OATS, and will lie sold at present, for $1.75 owT. OUR FLOUR 1 . ... 1 m . 1. . v 1 u't vTiiri wit ,s iiihu v mill, nit- 1 hi. 1 bik ...ii.A., every barrel of which Is warranted and will bo sold prupoi'tiuuately low.. - . I l 111. Iii connection with C:e ubove, we are keeping the best brand of : TOBACCOS, ' I f I- if. ... fixe cirr,' ; ;"; ' i,..C e ' I euitod to tha nioit fMstld'oui tnilo. 1'IeitweKxnnilno our fstovVc SO : J. II. PKKICKSOir A CO. II. V. :Tll.KEIi & CO. I WHOLESALE, & JiHTAIL . ..PealeraW L, '!. ' " ' Hardware, Iron and KalU, 1 Kloves and Tlnwarcf . , BELTING OF ALL SIZES Coustantly ou band, at loir prices. , " A Ino Maiuufuetureraof , t. -i MIEET IKOX WOIIK, Smoko Staolcs,I3roecli ; ing, Slieot Iron, "Well Casing, . . FORSALK OiioSccond-hiind ten horse power Woodberry Slatioimrv Holier and Engine. , . , ,, , II. G. TINKER & CO., . , "01LC1TT, PA TIME TRIED AND FIRE T2CSTED ! Tliti OHIOIWAt, ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY O K H A n r r O It U, CO X X. ASS UTS Doe. 31, lr-73, h n , ? :i n , t vs n . f u. Mil US W. T VTF. uh Agent. 1 IB - T-onetn, 1. t f't'tll If'S . niioA , Meditls und Plpk.tnus AvtarJorl, AnEXTS'WAXtKDI 1 for IIOLMAN NEW PICTORIAL BIBLES. l.stK) illnstnittons. Addryn for new clrcubirs, A, J. flolni.tn A Co.. VM Arefc St.,riiilu. - ' I OeNTWikMMMOIWCtanlmllH-MWiMkb, ailJlJCjllZU i BRI0BA1T8 T7A wife Ynitnfle ThtirniiJinreeeof tS. jew, Ath (Wii 1ft fgmTVrV B.apn vi mormon mm roiyHAmya wo tnnn's Stor l lr.tro4n i.obr alohn ft. ftOO -TllraltAna, Po n4 emrMT wttk Wk aatil yea staear lllaulei rireeteft, tievliii lam Met, fN M, " OUTFITS l JRKKrK FOOTPRINTS OrTHE IGEJ. Oar Ouvprnmont ntid History. 1 (IrsvU apeed'a 1'nb, House, Jletv York, and Chi- CHRO. . ' - " M. CIO a llav ut home. Amenta wanted. Ouu 4 lit and Hrrnn fr, - THUtt X., ArtBtwia,.. Maine. ..),( .; : 1 1 , i' a - TT WUVK RnivraTiteed to MaleanA T t 1 rrmnle nifeilts, Irt their. licnllly. Costs nolhino try k. Pkrtlcnlnra fr'. Y. O. Vickery Co., Augusta,1 Me. I-U LOfl l'or ar at Imrne,? Tern a 4J f 4AU free.- Addres leo. Mlnsou Co., PortlaUd, Mo,'.i ..iH 8n M Tn1KAT)1X; Payeliomaner, FaV-clnatlon.- Soul 'hnrroln(r, Moamer Ism.and Marrlnire Uulde, ahowinir hrrw either sex may fascinate and piin the lor and afTectlOn of any person thev choose In stantlvi 400 nnpes.- lty mail 60 eta. Hunt. tC Co.,' 1UU a. , tit U, 1'hila. ,;ru5i'i "DYSPEPSIA n.TAj. CURED FREE.:A " Any person aurfnrinK from.Uyepapalai, or Iudiircatlon tvjll bo cured by using DR. MLtniD'S tMPDCXB PBTTDEM, Send for a trial packafrn. it oosta nothlnr. ami will euro you. Andreas DIHHI.KR if CO., Chemists, ISM broadwav, Mv York. 34 - IKF.IC U 1 FT of a Piano for destrlbullmr our eJreulnra ; address U. I, llano Co. H) Urondway. .New -York., . . , . Cl Yhiltlna Cards, with your name J J tiueb print -d, aeut lor li,"o. Ve bare 100 stylist, A sent wantinl. a samples for stiimu, 11. Fullor. Jt Co... llroektoa. Mats. LAND FOR SALE. 00,000 ACKIJ Of firmliift and Umber' lands; near the Kreat Kanawaha Kiver, In l'utnaiu Coua ly, West Virginia, lu qunnlllli to ault jniti liasurs. Soil Kood, water, pure . autl abundant, timber excellent ehurclisa, iH-liisils and mills oonrunWnt; title parfavt. Price H to $8 per acre. Terms accoiauio datiuK. Ki nd for full description to J. U, McLean, Win Held, Putnam Couuty. Weaa Vlryinln. " . Furnit u r o R o o ra 8 t The underslKned bejri lcare to Inform the cltir.eiia of Tionwsta, and the public In ironerol, that ho has opened a FIH-SI .'.. I AV VI'lXITritK MTOEK, In hla new buildinit at tho Junction of Klui' v. and tne Dutch Hill road, whore ha kaepa on hn ud a larjre assortment of FURNITURE-' Consisting In part of TalAnt Parlor Rets, ' " l K' ' - T Cl-.amlier Sets,- ..; .-! I ' Y' " OnnoSeatCTialra, ' ' . ,; Wood Seat rvatre. ' ',' " " "' ' ItoHttnir tttalra, ,' . ' ' Mnlnr Table-, , ' Txteiislon Tables, ' ' Marble Top Tnbloe, - 1 """"" Kitchen Furuiture, 7 . . , n. ', , liureniis, '" ''I ' lledtnfl, ' I'. VAT.. ''' ' "tvUm4i, it (t.-i. ..-.,; t Lounges, ' r. "' ' ' ' Mattreaiea. i -.: 1-.- Copboarda,- ' 1 " ' BookCasw, . i Fancy llraekete, - ' Lonkln Olaasew, . ' . .' Picture Fraiuoe, u. yM,V!,ff PICTURES FltAiTEP. ' ' ' ' .'id - i ' AlrtfV' ' ''. '( SASH ScX50033 ! al way a on hand',. , i Ills rooma boins lareo, ami well sltaaK ed ha is preparod to otfer Superior lndaoe-i men is to purchasers. : ' Call and examine hla stock and prleea. and ho convinced UNDERTAKIKGi A full assortment of toftlne and Caakeea constantly in store. 23 ly A, n. PATtTRIDOB. Theexpeiieiiceof fire vears has proved that (Ins Compact aud M liahle work of Oenoral Information is better adapted to the wants ef ill c!aasa of the eoin iiiuuity than any other work of the kind ever ZELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA! m mm uniu. 1QEST8 W1ITED. published. It bas lieen proveu by its ' IMMENSE 9 ALES,' ' by Hie numerous ' ' 1 ' OOM MKNDATOHY ' NOtICK'. TtKCP And by Us nni form . .j ..." RUCCKSS WITH AGENTS, Tho edllion of 1S70 lias been THOROUGHLY REVISED TO DATA It Miiitalna liO.OW). artlnJoft, WOO w4 oiij-ravings and eielduen liamlsomely sail .iii. i-ii hiiii miiurrn majis, The work is issued in parts, und aspect-. Ulttll en copy, with map, will lie sent to1! any BAKER, DAVIS ft CO., Publishers, - (Nuccei-sors to T. KIwooA lell.)" Nos. 17 and 19 South. Sixth Slreot, . 4tf PniLAOEkyaiAt V. "fztsTepxlepsy; FALLING .FITS CURED, This Is no hunibuif. For Inforniatina. inquire of or write to MOYKIt llll)TH Kits, Wholesalo Uru:(-rls, liloomabiirj, t M.uiaibi i ceiinty, lv. 4