The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 12, 1876, Image 3

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    Ml1 L.' -J
' Burqexi Jon Rccic.
(Smnoilmcn . W. Robinson, S. A,
Varner, A. B. Kellv, K. H. Haslet, A. IX
Partridge, M. O. Davl.
Jtuiiac oth Peace D. S. Knox, C. A,
Randall. ,
OmttahleM, SwsRgart
fHool frirtctor. H. Krrnx, H. O. Div
H. H. J. Wolcott, H. n. Haslet, A. B,
Jtolly. D. Clark.
Pretttlent JvtlftL. P. Wtmohf.
Uieei'af J m)yciiu. O. DaI.k, Ed
'VciMurer S. J. HKTI.BT.
I'rothnnotarj, Hrgiatcr it Jiccorilttr,c.
Sheriff Justis Shawkkt.
CbmmuMiVmrrs Eli Burmk, Isaac
County .SWet-inffticfent U. 8. BnocK-
' District Attnrntu 9. P. Irwix.
Jury Comrm.iimer If. S5. ToWjfEn,
(Yunty HHrvryorT, T. CoLLlK.
'. Ou onev M. Ittf.l. Jr.
Vountv Auditors Nicholas. Thomp-
Mambern Vonifrrss G no. A, Jbn'ks.
' Assembly I. B. Aomw,
Time o ZVafoa
At TIONESTA STATION, on and after
xu. a, ja, o i
Train M . 0:24 a. in.
I u M . - - . 8:42 p. in.
Train R P:24 a. m.
" 21 8:42 p. m.
Train 23, south, and 21, north, are lit
inu; us oilier aro accommodation
freight. These train only aro allowed to
carry passengors.
On tho River Division . . from Oil City
to Irvinoten, up tho river is North ; down
the river, south.
Cajt. Knox and family desire us to
tender their tliauks to friends and
neighbors who manifested 'their sjin-
path in deeds ef kindness during the
ek-kneea, ' death and burial ' of their
daughter, Sullio. They will ever be
grjtlefully rem ruberJ by the bereaved
family.', ... ; " ;
' .. . ii
' Buy ealicoea at Freeman & Cor-
tuTe for Tc. 2 It
--'A.' T. Stewart, the great New
,York Dry Goods man, died yesterday.
His estate it valued at nearly $100,
000,000. Our readers will notice thechaDge
iu Dr. Coburn'i card on this page.
His residence is now iu the Wolcott
liouse, El in St.
Scvoral rafts have gone down ihe
river from above, but none have yet
gone out of Tionesta creek.' There
are twu Alleghcuies coupled up iu the
tuouth of theoretic.
Cha. Bonnet returned home yes
.iterdrty, and is gladly welcomed by
Lnmctous friends. It is to be hoped
ihut he will concludo to cease his
wandering and stop with us hereafter.
We are very sorry to learn that
tho residence of Mr. James A. Scott,
of Jenks township was completely con
sumed by fire lust week. We are with
out particulars, but understand that he
.Saved none of his household goods.
The weather for about a week
iit has been beautiful nud spi iug
Ttke, but this rooming it is raining
.heavily. Thunder and lightniug, also,
lhavo put in an appearance, and . we
.nre really of the opinion that spring
has come.
The case of Chas. Larribee, the
iiuau who was sentenced to bo hanged
for the murder of cue Williams iu
Oil City, upward of a year ago, has
ibeen looked over by the Board of
Pardons, and a recommendation mado
that the sentcuco be commuted to
.imprisonment fur life.
The Grove A Hart well on the
dnld brick-yard property, inside the
borough limits, is down nearly a hun
dred feet, and the work is beiug push
ed rapidly. It is considered certain,
that oil will be found at 300 feet but
j n what quantity nobody will kuow
until the well is down.
Some half a dozen or more ducks
liave been sailing on the turbulent
waters of the Allegheny about here
fgr few day past, and a great deal
of powder has been wasted on them.
We have heard of only one being
killed. Better get longer range gunn,
or better arrangod shootists.
Our Washington correspondent
did not favor us this week, for which
we arc sorry, as wo consider his letters
(mod reading. We made arrange
incuts for a weekly letter as long as
Congress was iu suasion, nnd this is
tho lirut time it has failed to come to
baud. .Nest week w will probably
jit-t tt lun'f r. ,
1 .. J! 0!!'. ".'".'!. J. ...-
War with Mexico.
After a hci'ius of skirmishes along
the 1 ine between Texas and Mexico,
actual open hostilities seem' to have
broken out. From yesterday's papers
we extract the following :
Laredo, Texas, April 10. A spe
lial to the Galveston Aries says at the
request or a hpevial Ucnuty United
States Marshall, Mnjor Merriam plan
ted a twelve pounder on the bank of
the river this morning, and at one
o'clock this afiernoou the Mexicans
opened a hot fire from New Laredo on
our guard at tho ferry, and they were
compelled to withdraw. The fire was
then concentrated upon tho gunners,
whereupon Col. 8axton threw two
shells into Xscw Laredo, Mexico, from
his twelve pounder, which silenced tho
Mexican hre on our soldiers and
American citizens. Two men aud
three women of this city were woun
ded badly.
Laredo, Texas, April 10. The
Mexican federal troops opened fire on
the Uuited Stales Government troops
at seven o clock to-night. Tho Uni
ted States troops are returning the
hre with twelve pound howitzers, shel
ling New Laredo, Mexico. A hot
fight is going on.
Roll of Honor.
Report of Tionesta Union School
for month ending March 30, 1876:
Room No. 1,0. J. Gunning teacher.
Number enrolled, 50
Pupils neither absent or tardy du
ring month: Emma Davis, Linnie
Grove, Cora Knox, Emma Sawyer,
Lizzia Thompson, Ellis Shawkey,
Mary Shawkey, Theo. Riddle, Chas.
Davis, Walter .Adams, Alex. Dale,
James Ilaelct.
Roam No. 2, Dorcas D. F. Walter
teacher. Number enrolled, 41.
Pupils neither absent or tardy du
ring month: Katie Pease, Sadie
Pease, Bertha Harlan, Louie Rich
ards, Sally Hulings, Albert Richards,
Tardy but not absent: Flora Wal
ter, Minnie McDonald, Sadie Elliot,
Charles Adams, Sammy Clark, Char
ley Ki'mer, Forest Proper, Sammy
The following are the officers for
the current term of Tionesta Lodge
No. 3G9, I. O. O. F., who were install
ed on Friday evening last by D. D. G.
M. Jas. Woodingtou :
N. G., C. A. Raudull.
V. G., T. J. Van Gicsen.
A. S., S. J. Sctley.
Treas., A. B. Kelly.
Trustee, 18 mos., Dr. Blaise.
Warden, S. A. Varncr.
Con., J. E. Blaine.
R. R. S., D. W. Ciark.
L. S. S., W. Y. &iggius.
R. S. N. G., L. Agnew.
L. S. N. G., P. M. Clark.
R. S. V. G., S. Bradenburger.
L. S. V. G., J. G. Dale.
I. G., M. W. Tate.
O. G., A. Wilier.
Finance Com. G. W. Sawyer,
J. E. Blaiue, 8. A. Varncr.
Now while investigation is the
order of the day, we would like to
know why iu blazes we canuot get a
letUir here from Frnuklin or Mead
ville, tho same day it is mailed 7 The
mail on tho A. & G. W. R'y gets iuto
Oil City 50 minutes before the train
starts up the river. Now if this isu't
time euough to sort that mail, what
is the sense in runuing those fust mail
traius? We would like to have some
body investigated, nud further, we
would like this negligence remedied.
The "exceis" on this 0. C. & A.
R. R'y, is something fearful to con
template. The Gen. Pass. Agt. is de
termined that passengers shall buy
tickets, or suffer iu their most tender
point, f. ., the. packet book. For in
stance, the price of a ticket from here,
to Oil Cily is 75cts; fare ou the cars,
$1,00. So it is aloug the whole line.
Hence we advise the traveling public
to buy tickets.
Attention is called to the card of
Williams & Co., Taxidermists, Mead
ville, Pu., which appears in to-day's
RErirnucAN. We have seen numer
ous specimen's of their work, aud can
conscientiously recommend it to our
readers. Every sportsman occasion
ally gets specimens which he would
like to preserve. To such we would
say, Williams & Co. will fix them up
lor you in the best style, and at reas
onable rates.
Immeuae invoice of lino dress
goods, prints, cambrics Ac, just open
ed at Frcemau A Corbet's. 2 It
Thoso beautiful lots just north of
Mm. Henry's residence cau bo bought
cheap, on long time, by applying to
thu editor ol thii paper. Iff,
Jury List for May Term, 1876.
Harmony twp. John Pctereson,. fore
man, Iiiali Jones.
Laniott. -.Ilnzzard Sponro, Uarry War
ner, E. C, Mays, Peter Oadlny, James Pat
torson. Green. James Walter, Joseph Harri
son, J. B. Hagirorty.
Hickory. Uriah Keinter, Geo. Walters.
Howe. Thomas Porter.
Jenks. S. F. Ilohrer, David S. Eldrldp,
James Colo, Henry Keller.
Klngsley. Jainos York, Win. Gibson,
Ooorge Morgan, Michael llreeht.
Tionesta. D. O. Hunter.
Tlonoeta Bor. T. B. Cobu, P. M. Clark.
Harnett. A. Cook, Jno. Kellogg, Jacob
Ureon. II. W. Ledabnr, Win. Cropp,
Ed. Chant), J. G. Lacy, Henry Matlut, Jan.
Harmony. J. RurchAeld, R. C. Hays,
J. II. Pennell, W. A. Handy, Syo Xeill,
John Thompson, Frank Burchlleld.Oarvey
Thompson, T. C. Ferry, W. Luce, John
Setloy, E. L. Walker.
Hickory. W. B. Hall, T. J. Bowman,
Jacob Smith. ,
Howe. W. Moore.
Jenks. D. E. Baker, C. F. Hunt.
Ulngsloy. Phiictus Thompson, J. C.
Tionesta. D. Andrews, G, Jamieson.
Tionesta Bor. C. A. Hill, J. E. Blaine,
W. R. Dunn, E. M. Riddle, L. J. Johnson,
Win, Richards.
Forest county, one of the richest in
timber and coal and probably contain
ing as much if not more oil than any
iu Western Pennsylvania is soon to
be the scene of active operations.
Three companies beside many individ
uals are making preparations to tap
the oil belt that is believed to run
from tho Clarion developemer.t to
Bradford. Why this belt should not
be found continuous and rich in For
est as iu Clarion there is no reason.
Former efforts made in 1864 65 proves
that there is oil, and that too in pay.
ing quantities, but this section of the
oil belt has been singularly neglected
by operators, and the result is that
thousands of acres of good land, rich
in timber, coal, and most likely oil, in
Forest lies idle. But at last its day
has come, aud we predict that the
coming year will make a revolution
in this county, as startling to the old
settlers who have been dreaming away
their lives in listless solitude ta it
will be agreeable and profitable to the
land owners and all concerned. One
huudred wells in Forest county will
make her sing with new life and it is
believed do much to add to the wealth
and enterprise of the old Keystone
State. A railroad from Brookville.
in Jefferson couuty, to Sheffield, Vaa
reu couuty, whicb we btlieve is in the
near future, will open a field of coal,
lumber, oil and a good country to set
tlement that will surprise many.
Emlenton Time.
Mr. M. Carpeuter has secured the
ogeucy of Rev. Dr. Boyd's history of
the wonderful career of Moody and
Saukey in Great Britain and America,
together with the Trials and Triumphs
of Faith as illustrated in the lives of
Patriarchs, Prophets, Kings and
Apostles. The book contains about
750 pages, and is sold at $2.00 and
$2.50, according to the binding.
These are not flush times, aud
patched trousers, and turned gar
ments), are the really consistent , and
natural result. Economical, home
made dresses are now the rule ralhsr
than the exception and serve to show
not only the great popular drift, but
also the very important part which
"Domestic Paper Fashions" sustain in
the economy of the household.
The May number of Ballou's
Monthly Magazine is issued, and con
tains an immense, variety of interest
ing matter, in addition to M. Quad's
great story of "That Taylor Boy," one
of the most exciting continued stories
that the noted humorist of the West
ever wrote. Its interest continues to
increase, and much speculation will
be made as to what will be the boy's
ultimate fate. That he will come out
all right, we feel assured. Published
by Thomes A Talbot, 23 Hawley
street, and for sale at all periodical
depots in tho country, sent at $1.50
per year, postpaid.
Teachers' Examinations.
The publio Examinations will be
held as follows:
Maricnville, May 12.
Clarington, " 13.
Nebraska, " 15.
Nwtown, " 10.
East Hickory," 17.
Neillsburg, 18.
Tionesta, " 19.
Examinations nill commence at 9
u. in. Directors aud citizens aro re
spectfully invited.
New stuck boots and shecs at bot
tom prices, at Robinsnu A Bonucrs.49
Landlord aud Tenant Leases, the
most approved form, for salo at this
We will pay cash on dolivery at
our mill in Tionesta, for white oak
stave and heading bolts at the follow
ing prices:
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4.50. Heading belts
22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4
ft., $400. Heading bolts must be
made from timber at least 20 inches
in diameter. Office at Lawrence
House. J. II. Derickson A Co.
I hereby give notice to all parties
owing roe to call and settle before the
last of April. After that time all ac
ceunts will be left in the hands of a
collector. Wm. Lawrencb.
March 7, 1876.
The valuable and beautiful home
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
G. Dale, and in which be now resides,
is in my hands for sale at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchase
money down, and the balance in one
!d two years. Miles W. Tatb.
IT. M. Internal Revenue Npe
rial Taxes-nay 1, 176,
to April SO, 1877.
The revised statutes of the U. R.,
Sections 3232, 3237, 3238, and 3239,
require every person engaged in any
business, avocation, or employment
which renders him liable to a Special
Tax, to procure and place conspicu
ously in his establishment or place of
business a Stamp denoting tho pay
ment of said Special Tax for tho Special-Tax
Year beginning May 1, 1876,
before commencing or continuing bus
iness after April 30, 1876 The taxes
embraced within the provisions of the
law above quoted are the following
Roctlfiers 200 00
Dealers, retail liquor 25 00
Dealers, wholesale liquor. ... 109 00
Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale. 50 00
Dealers in malt liquors, retail 20 00
Dealers In leaf tobacoo 25 00
Retail dealers in leaf tobacco 500 00
And on sales of over 81,000, nfty
cents for every dollar in excess
Manufacturers of stills 15 Oo
And for each still manufactured... 50 00
And for each worm manufactured 20 00
Manufacturers of tobacco 10 00
Manufacturers of cif!rs 10 00
Peddlers of tobacco, tint class-more
than two horse or other animals 60 00
Peddlers of tobacco, second class
. two horses or other animals 25 00
Peddlers of tobacco, third class
one horse or other animal 15 00
Peddlers of tobacco, fourth cians
on loot or public conveyance 10 00
Brewers of loss than 500 barrels 50 00
Brewers of 500 barrels or more 100 00
Any person, so liable, who shall fail
to comply with the foregoing require
ments will be subject to severe penal
ties. Persons or firms liable to pay
any of the Special Taxes named above
must apply to James C. Brown, Col
loctor of Internal Revenue at Green
ville, Pa., and pay fur and procure
the Special-Tax Stamps they need,
prior to May 1, 1876, and without
further notice.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Office of Internal Revenue, Washington,
li. C. February 1st, 1878. 60
Sewing Machine Needles.
Mrs. C. M. Heath has just rcoeived
the largest and most coipplete assort
ment of sewing machine needles ewer
brought to town. She keeps the only
sewing machine needles for eale in
town. Her place of businoss is iu tho
Acotub Building, up stairs.
STOW April 3d, 1876, at 4p. m., Ernost
I lichee Stow, iu his 21l year, at the
residence of ids nude, 11. llohart Stow,
iio'J Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.
"Leaf by loaf the roses full
Drop by drop the springs run dry."
GUNNING. At his homo in Klnaua,
Warren, county, Pa., of hsart disease,
April 10th, 1870, James O. Gunning, afrod
sixty-live years and twelve days. le
ccuHud was the father of Mr. Uunuiug,
late of Tionesta.
t .
By Robinson A Bonner, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour t$ barrel
Corn Meal, boiled
Chop feed
Rye 4 bushel -
Outs bushel
Corn, esrs
llenns bushel
Hani, sifter cured
87.00 8.75
$1 .85 1.70
- 40(45
Break ftvst Bacon, sugar cured 17
Sugar ...... 10(412)
Syrup . - w . . . 7(i;1.00
N. (). Molassos ' 80('J DO
Roast Rio Cofleo No, 1 . . 30(ii,32
Rio Coffee, ..... 25(0,28
Java Cotfee - . - 85
Tea ...... .50(21.20
Butter ...... 30(j.32
Bice 10
Eggs, fresh .... l.OfvlS
Salt 2.152.25
Tard ------ 15(o,20
Iron, common bar . 3.75
Nnils, 10,1, y keg .... ,1.00
I'otat'.p - . ' - - - "5v 40
Acio AdverlUiemcnta. .
BIRDS and Animals stufTod and mount
ed to order. Artificial Eyes kept in
stock. S-ly
A services to the people of Forest Co.
Having had an experience of Twelve
Years in constant praotieo, Dr. Coburn
guarantees to itive satisfaction. Dr. Co-
burn makes a specialty of the treatment
of Nasal, Throat, Lung and all other
Chronio or lingering diseases. Having
Investigated all scientific methods of cur
ing disease and selected the good from all
systems, he will miarantee relief or a cure
in all case where a cure is possible. No
Charge for Consultation. All foos will be
reasonable. Professional visits made at
all hours. Parties at a distance can con
suit him by letter.
OlHee and Residence second building
below tho Court House. Tionesta. Pa. Of
fice days Wednesdays and Saturdays. 25tf
Financial Report of Hickory T'p.
Township in accouut with said township
for tho year 1875.
Dr. Cr.
To Rm't of Rood tax levied
for road purpos-s (1,15010
By ain't expon'd on roads
and bridges as per ro
turn made bv Hoard
Masters $1,156 10
Balance SI, 156 10 f 1,156 10
We, i! Auditors of Hickory Township,
do hereby certify tiiat we have examined
tho accounts of the Road Commissioners
of said township lor tho year ending on
the date thereol and audited, allowed and
sett led the same as correct and true.aecord
ing the bsst of our knowledge and belief,
tlUs 3d day of April, 1876.
Sam'l Mkrvin, 1
G. W. Siooiws, Auditors.
Jonathan Ai.bauoii, )
Attest : 3. P. Albauqh, Clerk.
THOMAS J. BOWMAN, Treasurer of
Hickory Township, in account with said
township for tho year ending on the
date hereof:
Dr. Cr.
By bal. due Treasurer, on last
Kcttlomeut f 31 20
" Township orders redeemed 156 37
To unseated road tax for 1872 2I 26
" " special tax " 21 6
" " road tax 1873 19 75
" " special tax " 19 75
62 02 187 57
Balance due Treasurer 105 65
We, the Auditors of Hickory Township,
do eortify that we have examined the ac
counts of the Treasurer of said township,
and find thorn correct and truo as above
represented, and have allowed, audited
and settled them accerding to tho best of
our knowledge and belief, this 3d duy of
April, in in.
Sam'i. Mehvix, )
Geo. W. Sioqihs. - Auditor.
Jonathaw Aliiauobt, )
Attest: J, P. Albauou, Clerk.
Allegheny Valley Rail Road.
Oil Creek & Allegheny River Rail
way, and Buffalo, Corry & Pitts
burgh R. R.
N AND AFTER Sunday, Docombcr 5,
i8i o, trains yiii run as iouowst
Northward. Southward
Ko. 1 X. So. So. I ho ( Km.
am p m p in p m a in p in
Pittsburgh R:4fi 1:20 8:.'10 0:15 3:05 6:25
W PonJuiiclO:02 2:50 10:30 7:45 I: W 4:33
Kittauniiig 10:40 4:01 1 : : V 7:02 12:48 3:!15
R. B'k .liincll:2l 5:01112:50 5:5nil: 2:20
Brad y Bend ll::w 6:17 1:15 5:32 11:32 2:00
Parker 12;15 5:54 2:13 4:.H 10:40 12:35
Kmlonton 12:54 0:2.) 2:4(1 4:27 10:22 12:00
Scruhgrass 1:35 7:14 4;00 3:41 8:36 10:30
Franklin 2:14 8:05 5:07 2:58 8:oO 0:15
Oil City 2:50 8:54 6:00 2:2(1 8:1 0 8:25
Oloopolis 8:07 7:64 10:02 6:17
KagleRock 3:17 0:52 4:45
Tionesta 3:42 0:24 9:24 8:42
Tidiouto 4;i5 10:55 8:33 2:05
Irvinetou 5:10 12:30 7:45 12:45
Rousevllle '3:13 9:08 6:28 1:3(1 7:40 7:52
Titnsvillo 4:05 10:00 7:35 12:32 7:00 6:45
Corry 5:!M 8:55 11:08 6:20
Mavvlllo 7:10 10:37 0:26 -3:46
Buil'alo 0:15 1:15 0:00 12:15
p. in p. m p. in a. m a. ni p. m
jrauinriui oy j ujjuuiimit i tutu.
DAVID McCARUO, Ueu'i Kup't.
Uen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent.
A weekly journal of Sixtoen Pages,
Devoted to
Fish culture Protection of Game, Preser
vation of Forests, Yachting and
Boating, Rille Practice,
aud all out-door
It is tho only Journal in this country
that fully supplies the wants and meets
the necessities of thu Gentleman Sports
inun. TerniN, 85.00 i Vcnr,
r-Send for Specimen Cony,
Forest &. Stream Pub. Co.,
17 Chatham Kt., (City Hall Square.)
P. O. Box 2832. NEW YORK.
The Surveyor General of Washington
Territory, who sends a cluhof live sub
scribers, writes, sayjng: "I consider that
your journal has done moie to properly
educuto tho sportsmen of this country
than all the other publications put togeth
er. I shall induce every true sportsman
to become a subscriber that I cuu."
Mr. Thomas A. Logan ("Gloan") says:
You uro doing giwid work
w ith tho pupcir, and you have more and
probably greater than you dream of tho
wishes aud God speed of tho gentlemen of
tho gun."
Hundreds of similar endorsements from
prominent gentlemen sportsmen might bo
added, showing the estimation in w hich
threat ami Stream isjield by its reader.
7"I T1T Pi Tlio best course or Book
L JJLU Keeping, tho Lest sys
tem of actual practice, tho most elegant
penmanship, the lowest rates of board ami
tuition, at Washington Businoss College.
Jamestown, N. Y. Circulars free. 34 4
EMPLOYMENT, Mule and female, sala-
1 A f-V ... I I . i uu 1. .It , 1 it ir .
salury of 3U a week and ex pi uses. Kur-
sa .Munuiaciuriug l'o., uuriloru. Votin.
Particulars free. 414
SUBSCRIBE for tbe Ftwuo itpuVlicin
It will nav.
1T B "W
Furnit u ro llooms!
The undersigned beg leave to Infwrtn
the citir.ons of Tionesta, and the public In
general, that he has opened a FIRST
new building at the junction of Elm St.
and the Dutch Hill road, where be keep
on hand a large assortment of
Consisting In fart cwf
Walnut Parlor SeU,
Chamlmr Sets,
Cane Seat Chairs,
Wood Seat Oh sirs.
Rocking Chair.
Dining Tables,
Extension Tables,
Marble Top Tables,
Eltehen Furniture,
M starts sea.
Book Cases,
Fancy Braotots,
Looking Glasses,
Picture Frames, and
always on hand. '
His rooms bolng large, and well altaat
ed be la prepared to offor superior Indues
ments to purchasers.
Call and examine bis stock, and prloo
aud be convinced
A full assortment of Cofflns and Caskets)
constantly In store.
23 ly A. H. PARTRIDOK. '
Dealers la
Hardware, Iron and ITaJl.
Lumber Wagon, second hand.
Also, one side spring Buggy, with snafb
and pole ; as good as new.
For terms inquire at this office,
43 ly
SoinetMiig Noirl
in the building formerly occupied by J, J.
is made from CORN. WHEAT fc OAT,
and will be sold at present, for
1.75 PEH CUT.
is made from the best WINTER WnEAl .
every barrel of w hich Is warranted aaii
will be sold proportionately low, .
In cooueoUoQ with the above, we are
keeping the best brands of
riaxi, ASD
suited to the most fastidious taste.
llMiMolCjcnmint our Htoolc
The expel lence of Ave
vears has proved that
this Compact and re
liable work of General
Information is better
.ulaptod to thu wauls uf
ill classes of the com
munity than any other
work of tho kind ever
lei mm l.HM.
published. It has been proven bv its
by the numerous
And by Its uniform
The edition of 1876 has bsen
It contains 150,000 articles, 3000 wood
engravings and eighteen handsomely ea
gravud and colored limps.
The work is issuud iu parts, and aspeoi
men copy, with map, will be sent to any
address, free of postage, for twenty eeata,
BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers,
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