EDITOR. WEDNESDAY M0R5LNB, APR. 1J, 1S76. FOR PRESIDENT JOHN F. HAKTRANFT, of Pennsylvania. Southern Travel. At 4 o'clock we weighed anchor, and having taken Paget'a boat in tow at this point, did not sail as fast, with the same wind as we Lad formerly done. We passed Fort Tierce before dark, but there -is nothing there to in dicate its existence, except a few old tumble-down shanties,- which were evi dently used as barracks during the Seminole War. Farrell made up his mind that lie would run the boat all. night, to make up lost time, so shortly after dark Pa get and oursolf curled up on the thwarts, and wrapping our blankets about us, slept as best we could, until morning. Awakening, we found ourselves in St. Lucie Bay, quite a large and beautiful sheet of water at the mouth of St. Lucie River. The bay was literally covered with ducks and coots, who were evidently stran gers to civilized life, as our presence did not seem to frighten them. We gave them a lesson however, which cost some of them their lives. The coot is a small dark colored fowl, with a white, short bill, and half-webbed feet; when they are sitting on the wa ter, they look not unlike the guinea fowl. When they rise, they tread the water with their feet, fur same dis tance, helping themselves along by both sail and paddlo, and get out of gun-ihot in a short time. . Leaving the bay, we saw several openings, all of which looked like navigable channels. Our map giving no explanation of this feature of the river, we took what itemed the best water, and sailed in with a fresh breexe. After going in about half a mile, we found that the channel didn't extend any farther in that di rection, so took the oars and pulled out. Tried another opening, with the tame result, Pulled back and tried . another, and run into the mangroves on the bank. Here we became disgus ted, and ate breakfast, cooking a fish which had jumped into our hind boat during the night. Pulled out and tried it Hgain. Sailed along for a while quite briskly, but found we had Struck another "pocket" as they are called. In this manner we explored five "pockets' before we struck the right channel, which proved to be the one which had all along looked the most unmpromising. We were obli ged to pay out money at almost every turn we made while in Florida, but this was the only occasion we were really rejoiced on being "out of pock et." Just here, about the pockets, on the ocean side, is a place, now as hard to find as the channel, called Peck's Landing. Hero it was that a man named Peck, years ago, squatted, and tried to make a name for himself and a home for posterity. He labored faithfully, but it was "Love's Labor Lost;" his bones now enrich the soil which he once fertilised with muck from the swamps. The time may come when all this stretch of land, between the river and ocean will be settled up, but it will be years before it can be made to pay. It was Jupiter Narrows we enteied after pocketing our boat so much. Just after entering we came across a place on the west shore, where a clump of cabbage palmettoes rose far above the mangroves, which lined either shore. Here is one of the regular camping places for travelers up and down toe river. Wherever you see the cabbage palmetto you find dry ground ; wherever the mangrove flour ishes there is almost no ground at ail, and the peculiar formation of the tree makes it almost impossible to land. .This tree presents the singular specta cle of a tree with two "tops," to use an Irish bull ; one at the top and one at the bottom. The mangrove swamps present the appearance of a forest on freitle workjykfl roots of the tree brining the trestles. OAeu the bot tom of the trunk is tea feet from the . ground. These swamps are said to ho the abode of the deadly moccasin snake, but we didn't sec any of these pets. Jupiter Narrows are eight miles in lVtofli, and (lie scenery is nut varied, boing' an impenetrable mangrove swamp on both sides. Sails are use less here, and a "white ash breeze" in- dispensiblo. A couple of hours of steady rowing however, put us through the narrows, and wo sighted Hope Sound. This is a sheet of water about one mile wido and three in length. As good breeze was blowing, our sail went up iu a hurry, and we skimmed over water at a rate that was almost alarm iog, considering the oyster beds in this vicinity. Along this sound are Spauish land grants, and tuauy efforts have been made by the owners to have them set tled up, but after speoding an im mense amount of money for improve ments, and getting no returns, they were all allowed to lapse into their old, tangled, and wild condition, and a person would scarce know that the foot of man had ever disturbed its peace. Nothing of any note is observed from bore to Jupiter Lighthouse, which place we reached about noon on the 18th of February. Here we were warmly welcomed by Capt. Ar mour and family, and his two assist ants, Messrs. Moore and Whitehead. The family quarters was a large build ing, with verandas all around it, built apparently, of coucrete. The light house is situated on a bluff about thir ty feet high, just west of the family residence, and is itself one hundred feet high. It is built of brick, circular ; is 20 feet in diameter at the base, and about 10 feet at the top. The founda tion is 16 feet deep. The light is made with sperm oil, and can be seen probably fifty miles. We saw it nt the distance of twenty miles. Each lighthouse on the coast has its own peculiarities, and the mariner who has lost his reckoning, may know to a certanty where he is, if he sees one of these lights. For instance : One light flashes brightly for a few seconds, and is then seen no more for four minutes; another has a interval of six minutes; another eight; another has a flash, a steady light, and an interval ; another a colored light and so on. Thus it is that every light on the coast is as well known to the seamen tea the points of the compass. At Jupiter is the junction of the Indian, the Lokohatchie, and Jupiter rivers, and Lake Worth Creek, beside the ocean inlet. The two latter rivers and the creek, are fresh water. The inlet is at present closed with sand and shells thrown up from the ocean. After a hearty dinner we went fish ing, but experiencing difficulty iu finding bait, wandered to the ocean beach, and watched the "sad sea waves" and picked up shells mid sea beans. On the south shore of the in let the siscl hemp, of which manilla paper is made, grows profusely. It resembles the century plant near the ground, but from the centre shoots up a long crooked trunk about fifteen feet iu hight. No doubt, when trans portation facilities are once made good about there, this plant will be cultiva ted with success and profit. On the morning of the 19th, after a good night's sleep and a hearty break fast, Farrell and oursclf started down the beach, for Lake Worth. We car ried a haversack, filled with ammu nition, a guu, aud a bottle of coffee. This bottle business is necessary be cause no fresh water can be found be tween Jupiter and Lake Worth Inlet, a distance of about twelve miles. Farrell had a haversack with a few hard tack in it; also a bottle of cof fee. To equalize the burden a little, he relieved us of our gun, and for a hundred yards or so we traveled along together. Then the young man took off bis shoes and stockings aud lit out. Walking on the beach, with a load, is just as much worse the breaking a road in a deep snow a one could im agine. Beforo we had traveled a mile, we were as tired as if we had been huoting deer all day over the hills of Forest couuty. Farrell, on the contrary, walked on, aud on,' un til he looked no bigger than a. rabbit, and we plodded painfully after. We spare our readers an account of all we suffered iu this walk. Suffice to say about dark we reached Lake Worth lolet, where we fouud a vacant house. This we entered and threw our luggage on the floor. We were too tired to grumble. Here we fouud a well containing fresh water, ia which we discovered the "wriggler," which we find liere in rain water after it has stood in the suu a few days. Here also we found a ripe pawpaw,, which was pretty poor eating, but grateful on ncotint of the moisture it contain ed. This fruit is about the size of a medium sized Apple, is yellow when ripe, and as full of seeds as a black berry. Dipgiug in the deserted gar den we found n nieo lot of sweet pota toes which we baked in the nsiies. They were very nice, but we were too tired to eat more than a ldw mouth fulls; Farrell, however, sustained, his ruputation on potatoes as on walking. After this meal we lay down in some beau straw iu the house, and we had a pretty good sleep, and tho fleas had a regular old blow-out upon our cuti cle. CONTINUED NEXT WKKK. APPLETOITS' NEW REVISED EDITION. ENTIRELY REWRITTEN HY THE ABLEST WRITERS OX EVERY SUBJECT. Frinled from New Tvpp, and illustrated with spvrrlnl Thousand En gravings and Mars. Tho work originally published under tho title or THE NEW AMERICAN CYCLO PAEDIA waa completed In 186:1, since whieh time, tho wido ciroulation which it has attained in all pints of the United States, and the signal developments whieh have taken place in every brunch of science, literature, and art, have induced the editors and publisher to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and to issue a new edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. Within the last ten years the progress of discovery in every department of knowl edge has made a new work of reference an imperative want. ' The movement of political affairs lias kept pace with the discoveries of science, and thoir fruitful application to tho indus trial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of social life. Great wars and consequent revolutions ha vo occurred, involving national changes of peculiar moment, Tho civil war of our own coun try, which was at its height when tho last volume of tho old wr-rk appeared, ha hap pily been ended, and a new course of com mercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Largo accessions to our GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE Have been made by the indcfatigablo ex plorers of Africa. The great political revolutions of the last decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time, have brought Into public view a multitude of new men, whose names are in every one's mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious to know the particulars. Groat battles have been fought aud important sieges maintained, of which the (fetalis are as yet preserved only in the uowspapars or in the transient publications of the day, but which ought now to tuke their place in PEBMA.NEST AJiD ACTIIEJTIC DISTORT. In preparing the present edition for the press.it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to bring down tho information to tho latest possible dales, and to furnish an accurate account of the most recent dis coveries in science, of every fresh produc tion in literature, and of the newest inven tions in tho practical arts, as well as to give a succinct and original record of tho progress of POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL EVENTS. The work has been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the most ample resources for carrying it on to a successful termination. None of tho original stereotype plates have been used, but cveTpage' Ims been HINTED OS SEW TYPE, Forming in fact a new Cyclopa-dia, with the sumo plan and compass as its prede cessor, but with a fur greater pecuniary expenditure, aud with such improucmcnt in its composition as have been suggested by longer experience and enlarged knowl edge. TliE ILLISTRATMS which are introduced for the first timo In the present edition have Is-en added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lu-idity and force to tho explana tions in the text. They embrace all brunches of science and of natural history, 'and depict the most famous and remarka ble features of scenery, achltieture. and art, as well as toe various processus of mecnamcs ana mamiiacTures. Although intended for instruction rather than em bellishment, no pains havo been spared to insure their , ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE. The cost of their execution In enormous, ami it is believed thev will find a welcome reception as un admirable feature of the t'.velopiediu, and worthy of its high char acter. This work is sold to subscribers onlv, payable on delivery of each volume. It will be complete iu Sixteen Luric Octavo Volume, each containing alxnit S0O pages, fully illustrated with several thousand Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored Lithographic Maps. Price and Style of Binding : In extra Cloth, per volume - - (6 00 In Library Leather, per vol. - - 0 00 In half Turkey morocco, per vol. . 7 00 in half Russia exira gilt, per vol. 00 In full morocco, antique, gilt edges per vol. - - - - 10 00 In full Russia, par vol. 10 00 FIFTEEN VOLUMES NOW EEADY. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be issued oni in two months. yrd-Speoimen pages ofThe American Cyclopedia, showing typo, illustrations, etc., will bo sent gratis on application. Firtl-Clait Cunvw.iing Agent Wanted. Address the Publishers, D. APrLETON A.CO., 50 040 A 601 Broadway, N. Y. Medicine Rendered Useless! VOLTA'S ELECTG0 BELTS & BANDS are endorsed by tho most eminent physi. cians iu the world for ilia cure of rheuma tism, neuralgia, liver complaint, dyspep sia, kidney disease, aches, plains, nervous disorders, fits, female com plaints, nervous and general debility, and other chronic discuses of theehnst, heart, liver, stomach, kiduevs and blood. Hook with full par ticulars free by VuLTA KELT ., fin cinnati, Ohio, - 34 4 TOR WORK of all kinds dor ' lice on short notice. le at (bis uf- THE - HEW "DOMESTIC," DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STrTOII MACHINE. ... JE-rv -zrrh TT mtm all the of iht t.i ;hr Ruinlnj "DOMESTIC," luduiKng th Automstl Tension, whi:h was am) 1 ihe w.t in utr, -riaM notice out I'ATt.N I H K HKN K D COXICAL BEARINGS on both K Machin and Stand. Our new and oUl Idea, w-rled ftnt with bnntl ww M.tchiner ami T ('-! a m,r pn new wnrlct, iVwi-w ? !C'ty "f X,'Wi,r' ! !''" inn-1-r.l ..f M RCI ! AS 1C A I. F.XCKU l.KNCK, Minimum of Kriitiun, M.oumum ut iurbi!.ty, aliJ range tti work, never fieretufure rteicncil in the Sewing Maihiuc wutld, TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF W Invite the attention of ah, especially thai haying high mechanical skill tr Observation, h. fl. All Machines fully waitatittai. DOMESTIC GCWINC MACHINE CO., IS'o-xv "V'oi-lc itutl CJliloiig-o. LADIES. USE " DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. flOf"ADA aTuaratintced using lej Vnir Well A uper A Drills. 100 MvaCieiO'a month paid to Rood amenta. Auper book free J Hi angtr Co., (St. Louis, Mo. . 26 4 CO Z O S3 c3 EH 03 H 0 B a i w p rv, OS" XT) CO Q O O 2 . E u u Lu -a EH CQ u u C5 Amrrieaii & Foreign Ialtiits. OILMORE it CO., Successors to Chip man, Ilomnor ct- Co., Solicitors. Patents procured in all eonnlrie. No Eeea in atl vanco. i No charges unless the patent Is Ki tinted. No fees for makiiip; jiieliiniiia ry ex.tminatioiis. No additional fees for obtaining and conducting a rehearing, liy a recent decision of the Commi-sioner ai.i. rejected applications may bo revived. Special attention miven to Inteifcrcnco Cases before the Patent Office, Extensions before Congress, Infringement Suits in dilt'erent States, and all lititration aper taininir to Inventions or Patents. Send stamp to Ciiliuoro A Co., for pamphlet of sixty pages. liUiid CascK, WavruufM mid Contested Ijind ('ascs lu'osecnted beforo tho U. S. e:icral Land Olllce and llepart nicnt of the Intirior. Private Land Claims, Mining and Pre-emption Claims, and Homestead Cases attetvted to, Land Scrip in 40, CO, and 100 acre pieces for sale. This Scrip is assignable, and can bo located in tho name of tho purchaser upon any Gov ern ment laud stt liject to private entry, at fl.ltt per acre. It is of oijual value with Itounly Land Warrants. Send slump to iilmoro A Co., for pamphlet of Instruc tion. ArrenrM of Iay .V llouufy. Ofllcers, Sohlicrs, and Sailors of tho lato war, or their heirs, are in many eases en titled to money from tho Uovernmont of which tlie have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and iKiuiity received. Enclose stamp to (iilmoru A Co., aud a full reply, alter examination, will be given you tree. lVusloiitt. All Ofllcers, Soldiers, and Sailors woun ded, ruptured, or injured iu the lato war, however slightly, can obtain a pension by addressing Ciilmoru A Co. Cases prosecuted by (iilmore A Co. be fore tho Supreme i'niirt of the I'niUxl States, tho Court of Claims, and tho South ern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is con ducted in a separate bureau, under clnirgo of the siiine experienced parties employed by tho oltl tir in. Attention to all business entrusted to (.iilmore A Co. is thus se cured. Wo dosire to win auocess by de serving it. Address Olt.MoRK A CO., 6J!1 K St red, Wa-luiigt'ui, l. c. Jltf d 5! M M (0 2 S orricii or KINGS COUNTY REFINERY, 1U1 A'all Stiwt, Now York. Having reorganized with improvud" ma chinery, is prsiroil to offer, through ilia leading Wholesale (iriH-ers ( who-wiii send samplea on application,) its celebrated Standard Maple Drips Syrup. ' if i TIME TRIED AND FIRE TESTED ! Tilt; oniuiKAi. ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY III' lIAHTl'OHI, CONN. AS SETS lice. 31, 1S73, HB.rnn.tisis.o. MILK W. TATC, (?.jl. Agent. 1 r-oiiftts Vn. ko. r now ell jeea. MedaUand Diplomas Awarded. AtiENTS WANTEDI for HOLMA'tt NEW PICTORIAL BIBLES. I.fioo illnstratlotes. Addroa for yjdvt circultira, A. J. Holman A Co., 8.10 Arch St., Phlla. .40 4 C I) a day at home, A gout wanted. Oltt 41 tit and tenna fre. TrtUE A VO Augusta, Maine. v i . Agentt for the tut soli ng PriEQ Package in tho world. It contain- IS sheets paper, IS envelope;," Helden Pt Vi Holder, P encil, Patent Yard Measure, and a piece of Jewelry. Single package, With elegant prize, ioNpaitl, lii cent, t for ll.on. This package, han been examined by the publisher of the 1'owa.aT llKrUal.l oan, and found as represented worth tho moiiey. Watches given awav to all agent. Cirenlara free. HKIUK A CO., 706 liroad way, New Y'ork. 40 4 fPllKTANITK CO., Ktroudsburg, 1 A Emery WheoU and Machinery. 4 a. 4 4 $5 COfl l,cr 'T ' home. Terms 4U free. Addre (lis). Stinaoj. C Co., Porthuul, Me, 0 n psYCHOMANCY, or Houl Charm log 1 How either sex may rasclnateand pain' tho love and affection of any pervoti thev choose, instantly. Thia almplo meiiliil ao ciilrement nil can possess, free, by mall, lor W eonu 1 together wllh at Mrriaa. Cluulo, Egyptian Orae.o. Hreams. HintaUv Ladies. A queer book. 10O,CK0 lold. Aif. dress T. William A Co., Publisher, Phil adelphia. 49 it FITS & EPILEPSY POSITIVEIaY c i iii:i. ) Tlio worst casea of tho longimt atandlnv by tislna Dr. HEniJAItDS CUKE. It Imim cured thousands, and will give $1,00 for a i-nsn it will not benefit. A bottle sent free to .all addressing J. li. DIBBLir.lt, Chemist, onieo: 1365 Broadwav, Mew Vork. i'Ji i ADVICE FREE. For Inereaso of Pension, Piuent, or old Western Land Claims, write J. Vanca Lewii A Co., Washington, D. C. 48 4 Kfl Vijilting Card, with vour Ha JJ finely ltrint ,h1, aent ror2Ao. Welu lflOatylea. Agents wantoil. Ssnmi los nam lutva plea for stamp. A. II. Eullor Co., Urocktoa,. 49 4 .Mass. HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA WANTED AGENTS In every town U eanviuss tor Dr. CORNELL'S new and popular History or. Pennavlvania, from tho earlcst tliseovery 4o the present time,. A sprenilid book, complete in one Tola me. Illustrated, and published at price with-, in reach of tho people. A rare ebanee Tor a first-claas canTussor. Address the W dress the publishers. Qtiakur Citv Pbbm lishlng Co., 204 Month lltb St., rkl)a4sa !'' - 40 4 TITS, EPILEPSY, . r FALLING FITS CUREtt- This is no humbug. Tor Informatloa). Inquire or dr write to MOYEH BHOTH EKS, Wholesale DrugKists, iilooinsburf , Columbia county, Pa. 49 4 II THE GREAT SOUTHWEST r The Little Rock and Fort Smith Hall way Company is selling, at exceptional ly low prices aud cu Urins to suit pr chasers, over ONE MILLIONIACRCS of their magnllii'ent grant on every (Ida within twenty miles of their road. Ad mirably suited for, production of Cora, Cotton, (train, (irass. Fruits, and all other Noithern. crops. Winters are mild, per mitting out disir labor for eleven months. Soil fertile beyond precedent. No grass hoppers, no . rought. Special Induce intuits for rstablirhmeiitfof manufactories. For circulars, address W. 1. SLACK, Land Commissi- nor,. Little Hock. Arkan sas. 41 1 tnnK WK,:K guaranteed to Male anal 'Jl I Fomala agents, in tl.lr l.v.ui. Costa nolllHl'r to trv it. l'arlielll.r. rraa. P. O. Vickery C Co., Aaguata, Me. - toTFOIt 1870.-M PPLETONS1 JOURNAL. A Household Weekly Magazine, DevotiMl In POPlLAIt LITER ATVRE AND ALL CULTURE. .- . , .A llllll. Illl.u' .Tiii.n.l n.mAaMtt I - . I I " ' .i... hi 1 i-ci a ,,, now tTpei and vvilli other mechanical improvements. muLttnir It. tl.a l.u...l. ..1. 1.. 1:.. T Jouriial ill the country.' AppluUins' Joor- "mil w . t-iajsiprriicnsi vo, incinaiUK in its plan all branches of literature, (and treating all atibjeels or iulorest to intelli gent readers j it designs to be elevated in taste and pnro in tone; it gives in quanti ty liiliy twenty-five tier cent, more than tlin IsnwMt. ni tl. f....it.i. m : ..... p-w w. ..... .....iniiiT ningiuiiuca, while in quality lis literature is of Ilia ...H"-"K-in. 1 nee, r per annum : Itleiai. per number. . SFECIAUNNOUSCEWENT. - - " K MUs VAWII btVrlV lOl Mlllisrri Itnra tr. A ttt.la.i....! T..- . - . , . , ----- iM'twwun fwnr- nnl, a Hpleiulid U- engrnvhitf ot 'IHAKLhS DU'KEXSlLVIlIS STrDT " V hieh is ottered undni oiai..i , .. a. every subscriber in advanco to Journal tor IsTti. This steel engraving It in line and. stip ple. It is not a fancy picture, but an act ual representation ,f Chailea Pickens's study at UadshiJl, whilo the portrait oii faithflll t:,1ei'i"'I'Cd uulhor atrlklngly Tho hUc of the plate Is 20xH, printed 01 heavy plate paper I'lxSO, making a larae and iiandst.iHo engraving for the parlor nr lil.rary wall. The execuUon of the Plata is of a superior onUr. The oriliiiary price of a steel engravlna, of this character in the print-shops woulrt not be loss iimn e, and perhaps six doU tars n is oflercd exclusively to subarih. crs. in adtliiloi, u lh Journal for on a year, fur .-..00--t!J1.t is, fut Jl.00 additions iwch yearly advance subsribor to th Journal for is7U may reoelre a superb aa iiraymg worth fully five times theamouni. J his engraving is entiry;nsw. . It hast' never bcuii ft,r aali in the print shops, an' lannot bo o tt.ined except in connection wiih Applgtops' Journal upoa the tarma. and conditions given above. It will be. mailed to subscribers i.ostai;e prenald. D. APPLE ! An A CO., 1 il 5ol Bivattway, If. -y JOB WORK netlyex,ctiHgi at thia oIKc.,