Dr. J. Walker's California Tin. egar J.illers nro a purely Yegotabla preparation, mado chiefly from tbo na tive herbs found on tbo lower range o( tie Sierra Nevada mountains of Cnlifor nia, tho inoriiriiial nropcrtlos of "which nro extracted therefrom without tbo use of Alcoliol. Tho question is almost Uaiiy asked. " What is tho cuuao of tla unpanillclcU success of Vixkgah Bit TKi:st" Our answer is, Hint tlioy roniOTO tlio cause of disease, mid tho patient re covers his lionltli. TUoy are the great blood ptirilicrnnd a lil'a-c'ivlng principlo, perfect Hcpovator and Invlgorator of tlie systajn. Novcr bofore in tho history of the world ha a medicine beta compounded posscMing the remarkable nalitios of Vi.vKoia IIittirr in healing th tick of every dieao man it heir to. They re a rentlo Pnrgaiivo a well u a Tauie, relieving Concestion or Inflammation ef the Liver anil Visceral Organs iu Bilious liaae - The properties of Da, Wamtkb's . Tiseoar Diitiri are Aperient Diaphoretic, CarutinaUre, Nutrition, Laxative, Uiurelie, Sedative. Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera tire, and Auti-Bilioua. . . Urateful Thousands proclaim Vnr. GAR Ditteks tho most wonderful In i arrant that erer susuiucd th sinkiug pyttrm. . . . No Person can tako these Bitters according to directions, and remain Ion g unwell, provided their bones aro not de stroyed by mineral poison or other Means, and vital organs wasted bejou repair. JJilions. Remittent and Inter mittent levers, which aro so preva lent in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout tbo United States, especially thoeo of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas. Red, Colorado, Brazos, Hio Grande, l ean, Alauama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual beat and dryness, aro iuvariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of tbo stomach and liver, jtuu otner abdominal vtseora. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon theso .various or gans, Is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Pr. J. Walxkr's Vixruak liiTrms, M tbey will spcodlly reuinvo tho dark colorsd viscid mutter with which bowols are loadud, at tho enrr.o tiu-.e stimulating tbo secretions of the livor, .and generally restoring tbo healthy functions of tho digestive organs. Fortify the bodv asaiiiNl disrnR by purifying nil its fluids with Vinkaak JJitteks. Ko epidemic enn take LoM of a system Uuis fore-armed. . Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, J'uin id tlia MuuMrs, ';i;'ii. Tightness of tho Chest, Dizxinass. Koiir Eructstums of tho Stonnuli,. Jl;ul Taste ju tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Tnlpita lation of tho Heart, Inflammation ol tho Lungs, Pain in the region of tho Kid noys, and a hundred other painful nvnin- , liiius, are tho nlisprings m liysp'p'.a. One bottle will provo a betterguarsiiiipe cf its marks ib.ui a Icii-vhv advci;;;.' n:e:it. Scrofula, or situs's Evil, ' ffclliujrs. l.'licr, f)r mih ias, Jivelii-d Nr. I . Coitw, tiorofulou lHe4aitiMia, loilol.i.' Inflammation, lIoiviin.il Artei-iimc., Uiu Suras, Lrujitioija f the M.in. Sore K, i-. o;c. I:i lhs. as in all oilier ronstiiiiiiwti.i! ennes, Wallkr's Vijckoar :ittkus hare .shown tboir great rurmive nuwrrn in ilie jniKtsiltiniile and iutructalilu mitt. i'or Inlliiinnialory nnd Chronic llheuimitism, Gout, Bilious, r.e,.,a tent stiUIiJtciia.ttout Fevers, UIsmi.'w: -,f (he llhud, I.ivcr, Kidney- and I'UiiV. theso Ilium hare no cm.nl. Sue it Urea ei are caused by Vitiated UI-.hM.. MecliaitieAl Diseases. rer n i en gaged iu Taints and Miner:, Is, mu-!i ac I'luinuera, Type-iettn. Cu!.! 1,aui, tn: Iliuers, as (hey advmue in life, ml jr.r' to paralysis df I he li.iwo!-. X" ifi(,n ' against thin, take a ilwe of Walci's V in coas Dittrm ort.a.'.-iimsj.'r. K'orfektu bisoMsr slv.iiip'.i.tci, Tot ler, f-alt Uheum, Kluieho. f poi. t'iiu)iie. I'BSUile, UoiU. C'attHiuelat. ji;.jr wt.ru,' Scald-head, Soro Kye. Kr.r iie:a. Uil. icnift, lisculuralioiu of t'lf Sl ip, li t: i;t -r-nd iretfoa of the sl.in of wh.t'eror iiime or niltire, aro literally dnr up n::.! cvr.fu oui 01 me syiicas :u a .tUu.t t:t.io in- i.e 'of tbeaa Di iters. Tin, Tape, ami otlcr '.Von.is, lurking in the syftemof so ,;.any tu. -v.-hiui , wie effectually iWiri.Yi-n ai.il if iunt !, No rstfin if iiiuilietuv, i.n cnuifii!'-i, i,u an theliuinitlcs v. ;l!f;et the y iru fr..m imr.- lite 1hA liitt.irj For Fe!iiaIe('o::tj)!afiiis. in youn XT old, marrii'il ir .;i!fif. iti i: of ftii)iod. or ilia f.cii of lil'iv the 'l'm:ie llitlera diNplar so iliH-tilil iui Kf'tearc tn! iniproTeiiicnt U wion pe: ?:r I Jeansellie ViUatcd I;!u.tl when. ever you find its impu, itics btir.-ti;, i!n'iiij:ii the 6km in Pimples, lni!ion. or h.i'e. : tlean?e it wlicn you V.iA it oht;-nct.-rt r..ii flupifh in the Vdiiiij tl-aiie it wio.ii is f"ul , your "cehinr- aiil ii jl rou wnm Kt i. .he tlo: J la-i ::J tU U'.ft .f t'.e Will ll."W. II, U, Hi UOXAI.n A ("-.. 1P lUl!dlicti A el-.. S,i:, K; .-..i. ;., enj r.tr of V".hni:rl '-i hi t i'l;wrloi!r kulH toy all iJruail.K mul FOUND, li00.0!- 7 - - wo ik-i vo te m of actual praetiee, the most elegant penmannhtp, the loweut rales of board and i-,iiuui , Munigwiu jiuHinefla coueore, JsmestewB, V. Y. Circulara free. U i T7MPL.OYMENT. Male and female, aala ry or eomuiiaoioQ. We pay agent a euaiir Ul iu w BQaexprlibSH. jure- w .usnuurauniig to., Uurtlord, Conn, 1'articulare free. 41 4 JOB WORK r f all kinds done at this of- JOB WORK DOITX AT TUB 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At h4 lowest oath prioes, neatly, prompt. ly, and i ttile equal to that oj any ofAer uiahliehment in the District. BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CJLEDS, VISITING CARDE, $C OOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TJCKETS, MONTHLY STATE5IKXTS, ENVELOPES BILL EADS, LETTER HEADS, NOl'E HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, Ac STANDARD Fire and Burglar lS Jh. 37 23 tSi m Counter, Platform, Wagon & Track SCAHiES. Sen4 for Price-Llat." Aa-eale rnnte4. Marvin's Safe Co., 263 Broadway, Hew Tork, 721 Chestnut St., Phlla. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER It P. P. Sundar Mrv 1, 1870, Trains arrive at and loave the Union Depot, corner of Waahiutou and Liberty street, as follows: ARRIVE. Mall Train. 1.80 a m 1 Fast Line. 1112 a m ; Well'saecotnniodntlon No. 1, 6.20a m" J Brin ton accommodation Ko 1, 7.60 a in; y mi " -iA,uuiuiuviiuu . . u ti,ud in , 1- ill- clnnait expreas 9.20 a m ; Johnstown no lsommooi'0n 10.60 am; Uroddix'.k's ae pomniodnthn No 1, 7.00 p m j Pittsburph express 1.80 p m; Paclflc exprena 1.50 p in ; Wall's coominltJon No 8, 2.35 p m ; Hoinewood atpomiodaUon No 1, 9.55 p m; Wall's accojiimQdatio No 4, 6.50 p m j Brinton aoooraMukUtion No 2, 1.10 p m ; Way Passenger 10.28 p m. DEPART. Southern express 6.20 m ; Paelfio ex- rreas 2.40 a m ; Wall's accominodntion No , A.SOa m t Mall Train 8.10 a 111 ( Brinton's aecommodntion li.'iO a m : Uraddouk'a ao contmodatlon No 1,6.10 p in; C'tucinnnti express 12.83 p m j Wall's accommodation N 2, 11.81 a m ; Johnstown accommodation 4.05 p m ; Homowood accommodation No 1, 8.50 p m; Philadelphia exproHs 8.50 p m; Wall accommodation No 3,3.05 p in; Wall's accommodation No 4, 6.05 p m ; Fast Line 7.40 p in ; Wall's No 5, 11.00 p 111. The Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at 9.05 a. m., reaching Pitta burgh at 10.06 a, ?u. Returning leave Pitts burgh at 12.50 p. m., and arrive ot Wall's Station at 2.10 p. m. Cincinnati express leaves dily. South ern express daily except Mony All oth er Trains dail v, except Bundar. For further information aply to W. H. BECKWITII, Agenf. The Pennsylvania Railroad roinnnn " wiU not asHume any Risk for Baggage ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponnibllity to One Hundrod Dollai val ue. All baggage exceeding that ount In value will be at the risk of the ;ner, unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altoons Pa. GREAT WESTERN PITTSBURGH, The following lint embraooa only a part of our hnnieiiHG htnek t at $12, 15, an.1 $25. jouDia arrei Kines, fjo to $5(1. Dfli ViltS RiflAa and Cll-tA4 ili..n : . I m.w. wuu UUB, UJUslM UVCT and under, or side by side.and at all prices Single-Barrel Shot Ouns. for men or tlOVl! rllMn Bafa anJ Jnwl.l. 1,1 I 13.60 to i5 each. Pouble Barrel SnoT Guns. Our flay different style, made of Iron, Mndon Twist, Laminated Steel or Damas cus Barrels, finished in the bout and latest atylo. all sizos, for men and boys, at prices PJ?-81""."' 10' 15' M f40. M, fia to 1100. PISTOLS, In variety from $1.00 to $8.00. EEVOLVERS. 4, 6, 6, or 7 shooters, of every kind, at all prices from $6.00 to $25.00. BREECH-LOADING RIFLES. Winchester Improved 18 shooter. Best tong range gun iu tha world, price onl Sharp's Celebrated Breech-Loading Ri fles only $10 each. Remington Breech-Loading Rifles at looHt factory pricon. Wleeaon's and Stephen's Pocket Rifles, using metal cartridges, at 12, $16 and $18. Breech-Loading Shot Guns. The Dexter Single Barrel Brooch Load ing Shot Gun, UHing BrassHholltt price $20. Stephens' B. L. bintrle Gun, $16. Double Barrel Breech Loador.of Moore's Dean s Woodhill's, Greenon's, Richards', Scoot's and other line niakos, at all prices, from $50 to $300 each. 1 ' Send or Price Lint to J. II. JOHNSTON, GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 285 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. PV.. and state that saw this advertisement In ls FoHEvr Kkitbi.ican. Take Noticb I will buy or trade for Army Killtw, Carbines, Revolvers, Ac. For prices see Catalouo. Orders by mail recuive prompt attention. Goods sent by express to ajiv point O. O. D., to bo examined before paid lor, when reiiuostod. u You Can Save Jloney Cy buying your PIANr.'.S and ORGANS from tho undoi-Niuod ManuruL'turtira' Aki'iU, foi the licit bruiidu in the market. Instruments shipped direct from tho Fuo r.v. f II AS. A. SIIL'I.TZ, Tunr, a t."i k l-vjt 171M, oil i.itj'4 l. v!3V"TT9 5'"?v Immenso Reduction A.t the Wholesale and Retail -V 4 ; - . - r. . .;.;'-.-'riW5ivri y", ' ''-iu,4ii'n,.it ' t : 8 Jt: S. HAMILTON & CO.; 77 5T AVE., PITTSBURGH, l'A OUR MOTTO IS AND HAS BEEN QUICK SALfiS AND SMALL PROFITS. l?,lwVinP J.h. 1" "me, "n.d """ion to this trxcluai vo y .7u.I u,non..a wJ.,u' l"s vory often exceed these numbers in a siuKle yiwnttoUatlOi.orent.p,ntoncil, than they ca.T.t , ' v mo?tL"biZlHf , v. luv uro Pyme.nt- T,he "y. Ur"ml 81 mu iZ ,Thu?i eni -nvo yeara, wnilo Uie felebrHtod Taylor A Farley C'olimtes trSdilcnm? Th ar over Twenty years. A nd now for the purple of in. svufouiuii au wie ouumry towns or tlia is tato. wo have made new and very heavy contract Ibr large numbera of thorn, which we pro pone to sell on their merits, and without the sssistanceofAGKNTS OR MIDDLE MEN giving the purchaser the benefit of commisHlons and wholesale diacounta. we are thus Bnabled to oflor theso Organs at tho following prices, at which wp ahall kII TforTshort CABINET DoutJe Reed, 4 Stop Organs, Regular Price, $U5.oo at$ S5,oo " 0 b " FULL RESONANT CASES, Double Reed, 4 Ston Organs, Regular Price, $165.00 at 5 " " 175.00 at " 6 " " 185.00 at 21 sets Reeds 6 " Vox Hi.mana 3 8 "Viola These Organs are all Solid Walnut, Paneling nd Cat ying all of Solid Walnut. N thor saw-dust moulding nor cheap brans trinkets ore useij on those instrument eve tlung is of the very boat, and are all fully varrauuvl for fivo j oars. THE 8RADSURT c XJJZCXtKFl PIAHOO WILL BE SOLD AT TIIK SAME RATES OF DISCJpVNT The abova ( are strictly cash prices, but if or semi. annual above pr ing madi fralKt I """ payuioiiw win oe iiiKen at an advance of 10 pe." cent. iir annum on the prices. 1 ersons ordering by lottor can depend on Hie mit carefu) seloctton be '? tiih l',r".'a lm M'ul w,Ul tho ordor, the InBtrume'it will bo Bhlnped by it. If not si-comiwniod with the cah, tho Orgsq will )o sh;rpo,1 by Ux press, C. O. 1 time bo deaired. wa remiirn imLi.a win, ,..i . m ...r.. ' i iJ- i "V","i'?,"ou wiui me cann, tno J-. II time bo deaired. wa reouirn ,.!,. in, ' "l" Address for Catalogue, and state feb!7 14m O A. EPETS! CARPET HOUSE, MEADVILLE, PA., SHRYOCK & DELAMATER Wholesale and Hetail Dealers in . , Foreign & American. Carpetings, JVIattiiiKs, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Laco Cui'tains, Lambrequins, Sec. . area a i contracts made ix Fvnsismxa CXIURCHUS, HOTEIvS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. SHRYOCK & DELAMATER, Mammoth Carpet and House Furnishing Establishment, 23tf $3 SAMPLE FREEZLband?e8,L!e everywhere. Address Tho L'nion Pub. Co., Newark, N. J. -J.1U Th.e Republican Office KEEPS constantly on hand a larKe as. aortuient of lllank Deeds, Mortitairoa HubiMi;iiHM, Warrants, Summons, Ac. to be s-iir; "'vr -.r srw'V ." r-sc- to Suit the Tinier ! ! Piano and OrganJ Emporium o -SS- to give our trade. Thus where other dealers kc from UIU K11U IU UNO of a fow ciiiiHianiiv anuinir every meritorious im- enough's Combination 6r,,8 nav been CASKS! " ioo.W at WW " 105.00 at 95.00 95.00 100.00 105.00 215.00 at 125.00 275.00 at 1G0.00 desired by the purchaser, either quarterly Urgsq will lo shinpoi'J Dy HxproM, C. O. ,..i m ,.,i ...r.. ' enw-niHri Ul miwi 'pnivinccaw. where you read ti;is notice. S. HAMILTON & CO., 77 Fifth Avenue, friUsburvh, Ju. DOUBLE YOUH TRADK Druggists, Grocers and Dealers! Puro China and Jupun Tes in scaled packsgos screw top cans, Iiohm or halt ehCNt-1 Growers' prices. Send for circular. Tho Wells Te:i C-onimnv, 201 l-'ulum Wt N Y., P. .O. liox 4iio. " jS rOH WOHK neatly exoi-nled at tho KT. I I'l ltl.ICAN Otliec. i CLOTHING ! UfMtClolJi! Itrt Make! JtrNl.lIlN! The nucsllon In these linrd tiuios Is not only "What shall wo do lor grub to cat V but " WI1 Elv' FAVITI IA1 j SHALL WE BE CLOTHED ?' It is a notorious fitct llmt iu iiiont towns and eilios round about us, clothing made to order is not sold In acuordnneg to tho depreciation of otuor necessaries of life. There Is, however, an honorablo cxcmi tlon to this rule in the person of - V. M ISl, TIr reliant Tailor, TIDIOUTE, PA., Who makes clothing of the vrrv best klnrt tits guaruutcod, Irdiu . 25 to 30.Per Cent. Below' tho prices of other dealers In this part ot the couulry. WHY IS THIS THUS?- Uocauso 1st, Mr. Wise pnvs no large fiil ures for rent, as he owns 'tho building lis oi-cupics. ad, he dooau't pav a culler 2600 to I-I0O0 a year, but does hi own out ting, and is not excelled In this lino in Western Pennsylvania. 3d, ho bnva cloths lor cash, thus getting a reduction on ordinary ratos. 4th be soils for cash, and thua has no bail debts to make up. The lare la Me, from this plsco to Tld louto, and at the prevent time, you can go up In the morning and back at 3:.T0, hav ing three hours In Tidioiito to select j-our goods and leave your orders, Oivo him a trial, and you will not onlr save money, but will get perfect fits, anil any style or quality of cloih you want. Komembertho name and place, 7 ly N. WISE, Tldiente, Tm. WATERS' CONCERTO & ORCHESTRAL ORGANS'"" ,nol oiKuiifui I I" - m im tier m4l TS f'4K t l H IO and eHCHKH. IH.tl, KIO VH an Ik, bl fvr ilnrrd In snjr nrm cmlrn rl ot rvrds, , 'cullnrljr volcNt,mr ff. n i-f of ,Kt.h u imivr ( IMIIHIMimfSIII h i I It II l lr i ti. I I A I IUXHflli nSf VOICR U Ml I' I It II. ' 1 ho.e organs WATERS' NCW SCALE . PIANOS. w frrcat pnw-' r axl a IIiiki slntlni lanr. ' MS all madrrn Iniprortinriiia. and an Ikt brut 1'Imiioh lkia.fi. '! ! rs"S aiul I'lmina an H nrntnlH fm- rsn lrkvM calrcmttlr lw fir ratals or pars ra.li, ou aalaara M aonthlir oaarivrlr pa mealsa srnS-haaS liiklriiiiitm lakaa as tifhn, IIIIKI'I INIl (K IIIIN i llltll AUKISTS WAN'I'Kltor rvvrr 'Uy ami ('ansv a IS. h. aad auatfa. A laral. ' 71lfm,.WiHilr,,l r kr. Si Svou,ada. , V. 11.11 STK ATKIX-A TA II HI I ' HI MA lUtK IIOHAl'K WsTlillS aV UoUT . 41 Braa4way aa4 IS Mweer (M KU f. Testimoniala of Waters' Pianos and Organs. 'Waters' Concerto Parlor Oruan ixmi- acnncM a lienutiful and pei'Ulinrly aoit tone. Tho Concerto Stop in, without doubt, the st bent over placed in any organ. It la pro duced by an extra sot 'of rceda, - uliarly voiced, from which tho eltci-t la motit charming, and its Imitation of the Iniinui) voice Is homtIi. 1 ur stteclncM of tcti and urclicNtral cllccls It ha po ciiml." jy. i . i lines. ' Tho Concerto TVrlor flrtran 'la hiirn. thing entirely new ; it ta a ttniiinul rl..r a fill tone Ih a iiioM m.,,,,? t ia Mt)ii- iitoi unu uoiiiM a iiu u - t j yi'i,, sa vor." A'. 1. i.rrn.H', An Ouch k-1 u I ir ... Tim orchdilral ori;aii tn II. o . . r rt organ rccclill v ann-.i, ... . .( r . II . W'a tera A S.n. TU inu bn.mi , this nnme IVom Its reo'i.llv lm -it. it on li -tritl Mlai. Tbo i.i. ii.n of iliia ia iMx-uliar. prnlucing tho il..i- ul a full awcrl nou tral to voice. Its (im t ellW I ia prmluced w hen the stois are draw n. so that an or chestral client ia given, Tho canelx imiqno and makes a Imn.isonio aitlclo of furui ture." Jf. Y. Ana. Tho Waters Pianos are known s anion he very beat. We are eniililvd to apeak of no.o iiiHtrumenlri with contidenca. from personal knowledge. A. 1'. AVutiiWul. ii-IT Dr. J. Walker's California l" Ogar llittoi-s aro a purely VcseiaWi picparatioti, tuado cliiolly fioiu tho na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges ef the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal properties of which aro extntctod thorcfioiu without tho uso of Alcohol. Tlio question is almost daily nsked, "What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vinmsau Bit XKjist" Our answer is, tliat thoy remove tho cuuso of disease, ami the patient re covors his healtli. 'l'licy aio the j;rat blood purifier and alifu-givinp; principle, a perfect Kenovator and Imigoratnr; el tho systom. . Nover before in the history of tlio world has a medicine befit coiiipoiindcil possessing tlio reinaikihla qualities of Vinruab Uirrscs in liualiiiK tte iclc of every disease man is heir to. They are a peutia Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Coniicstiou or luflaiiunulioii uf the Liver uud Viaveral Organs iu Isiilous l)i.-fases The proppillos cf Dk. Wai.kem's Vixkgar UriTHttS are Aperient. liiai.lio:!ic, Cariniuatire, Nutriliuus, J.uxutivc. Iiurtic, Sedative, Coiinter-Iri'ituiit Sudurilic, Alicia- tive, aud Ami liiliou. n. ii. in.uovsi.u & ro.. I'"i(riruij o. i.l lien. A ,,!., H.11; FrannlSLii. C'nHfnnil.1, una ui.r. of Wiial.tiit.niii mi l I i n, I1..11 us. S. V. Uulil by all Druggl.ta u4 Uculcr.. .. . . . a - A DVKHTfKKKS send 'J.l cents to lco. j P. ltowcll d- l.o., 41 Purk How, N. Y., fur their Kightv-isnri. , . . -,i . I -t . showing i"1-1 l ii.lvi'i-isinu ..'.. ' ft it .