f EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AM, 4, 1876. FOR riUCSIDEXT JOHN F. HARTRANFT, of Pennsylvania. Republican State Convention. IIarrisburo, Mar. 29, 1876. The Republican Stato Convention met at noon to-day, and was called to order by Col. Henry M. Iloyt, Chair mau of the State Committee. Maj. A. Wilson Noiria, of the same com mittee, read the lict of delegates. Mr. Y. II. Kountz, of Somerset, was chosen temporary Chairman. On taking the chair, he spoke at some length, referring to the proud position Pennsylvania has held in the past in the politics of the country. The speaker claimed for Pennsylvania the prestige of naming the next President. A committee appointed for that pur pose then piesented an excellent plat form, of which the following is the first resolution : Resolved, That wo hereby reaffirm the platform adopt-d by the Republi can State Convention at Lancaster in 1875, and, in view of recent events at Washington, we emphatically endorse that part of it which demands "honest men in office men with brains enough to know dishouesty when they Bee it, and courage enough to fight it wher ever they find it. The Republican party is committed by its origin, its traditions, its history and its duties to an intrepid and honest administration of public aliii'irs, and wherever in National, State, or municipal life maladministration has existed, or does exist, we demand that it be exposed and corrected, and the guilty punish ed; and to this end we pledge the full measure of our support as citizens aod voters. The platform was adopted with great enthusiasm. The following res olution was also adopted : Resolved, That in recognition of the eminent services, both iu the field and Cabinet, the rare executive ability and unswerving - rectitude of Governor John F. Ilartrauft, the Republicans of Pennsylvania with just pride pre sent liia name to the consideration of -the Republicans of the Union for nomiuaiiou lor the Presidency : of the United States, iu the full confidence that the great qualities which have rendered bis adiuiniglraliou of State affairs a model, even by the confession of political foes, would insure as wise, capable, unflinching, honest and suc cessful conduct of the vael and varied interest of the nation, and that the delegates from Pennsylvania to the National Republican Convention aro hereby instructed to present Governor Hartranfl's name to that convention as the choice of Pennsylvania, and to give hi in an earnest, constant and united support, and upon all questions to be brought before or arising iu the convention to cast the vote of Pennsylvania as a unit as the majori ty of the delegation shall direct. The following gentleman were se lected as electors: Electors' at large: Benjamin II. Brewster, Philadelphia 5 J. W. Cbal fant, Allegheny. Electors: 1, John Welsh, Phila.; 2, Henry Disston, Phila.; 3, Christian J. Hoffman, Phila.; 4, Charles Thompson Jones, Phila.; 5, Edwin A. Filler, Phila.; 6, Dr. Ren jamia Smith, Bucks; 7, J. W. Bern ard, Chester; 8, Jacob Knabb, Berks; 9, JohnB. Wiight, Lancaster; 10, Dr. Joseph Thomas, Bucks; 11, Ario Pardee, Luzerne; 12, Lewis Pughe, Luzerne; 13, Edward Silliman,Scuvl kill; 14, William Colder, Dauphin; 15, Mile It. Traev, Wayne; 16, S. W. Starkweather, Lycoming; 17, Daniel Morrell, Cambria; 18,Jereroiah Lyons, Juniatta; 19, William Hay, York ; 20, William Cameron, Unioo ; 21, J. B. Donnelly, Fayette; 22, Daniel O'Neill, Pittsburgh; 23, William Neeb, Alle gheny; 24, Andrew B. Berger, Law rence; 25, Samuel M.Jackson, Arm strong; 26, James Westerman, Mercer; 27, W. W. Wilber Warren. Our Washington Letter. . Upoolal to the Republican. WAeaiNOTOs, D. C, Mar. 31, '76. The decision of the Supreme Court, delivered last Monday in the two cases from Louisiana and Kentucky, which came up to test the validity of the en forcement, should be a Jessou to the republicans of the country. The 13th, 14th and 15tb Amendments to the Constitution were paused to secure the results of the war. The last confer red suffrage on the enfranchised ne groes, and authorized Congress to pass suitable lobulation for its enforcement. In May 1870 what is called the en forcement act was passed. Uiider its provisions, Wm. J. Cruikslmuk, Wm. D. Irwin tin. I John P. lladnot, of Grant Parish, Louisiana, were indicted ' for preventing some colored men from "peacenbly assembling." Tho court lias decided that as the constitution of of the United States did not confer that right, it being iu existence beforo the constitution was made, that only XV. It. DUXX . the States ran punish for a violation of it. This turns over the colored peo ple of the South to the tender mercies of southern mobs, and oourts controll ed by those mobs, and deprives them of any retires iu the courts of the na tioii. The other case was from Ken tucky, whore two inspectors were in dicted for refusing to permit a colored man to vote. The court pronounced the law for the appointing of these in spectors unconstitutional. . The effect of the two decisions is to deprive the enforcement act of any power to pro tect the colored people and the repub lican!, of the south in their right of franchise, or in thei- lives and proper ty. It was intended that the act should do both, and as it fails to do so the 15th amendmeut is rendered null. The republicans of the country, the men who saved the life of the nation, and who deserve to save the results of the war, should at once see that enough republican are elected to the next Congress to secure such legislation as will make the 15(h amendment effec tive, and secure every man in the peaceful enjoyment of all loyal rights. The House still continues its wild crusade against the efficiency of the Government. As the provisions of the executive, legislative and judicial ap propriation bill are more clearly known, it is most conclusively shown that should it pass in the form pre sented by the committee, it will crip ple and embarrass every department of the government. The republican Senators have determined not to per mit this and have put the only bill be fore them, "The Consulnr and Diplo matic," in such shape that the govern ment will not be disgraced at home and abroad by the pretended economy of the democrats. On Wednesday the ex-confederates took their satisfaction out of the army officers who led the armies that defeated them, by reduc ing their pay. They particulaiiy in rtu.ged their spite at Sherman and Sheridan in this way, largely reducing the pay of these two officers. The articles of iaipeaclimcut arraiuit Belknap were presented in the House, on iuesuay, anil ttie seven managers to conduct the case will be elected to day or to-morrow. It was discovered by a clse canvass of the hotels last night, that every democratic lawyer in the House ja a candidate for these positions, and tbere will be a lively time in selecting them. All the little log rolling tricks familiar to the aver age democrat are now being resorted to, the paucity of material to work on, (nearly all being candidates), cramps the geuiua of some of these men, as horse-trading, by directing the thought entirely into one channel, cramps the ability of some first class liars. The republican conventions in Ver mont, Pennsylvania end Ohio were held on Wednesday. The resolutions adopted iu each State had the ring of true republicanism about them, and all demauded that honest meu should oome to the front. That the results of the war should not be thrown away by allowing the ex-oonfederatea to rule, and that specie is the only basis for money. The New York Tribune thinks that these conventions all fa vor Blaine, though the Vermont dele gates were uninstructed, with Luke P. Poland at the head, and he is thought to favor Bristow. The Pennsylvania delegation ia instructed foi Ilartrauft of that State, and John D. Cameron was put at the head of the list of dele pates. Ohio instructed for Hays, and Benjamin b. Wade and Ex-Governor XVoye8 were put among the delegates. rr aua is inougnt to lavor Morton. It is reported from abroad that the Czar of Russia is about to abdicate ia favor of bis son. Should this be done it may make a marked change iu Eu- ..... !. . I . , ruicau auairs, as tne uzarowitz is Uuowu to be a hater of Germany. Maxwell. IttOXEY. . We will pay cash on delivery at our mill in Tlonesta, for white oak stave and bending bolts at the follow ing prices: Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4.50. Heading belts 22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4. 00. Heading bolts must be made from timber at. least. 20 inches in diameter. Office at Lawreace House. J. II. Derickbon & Co. 27tf SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri facias, Issued oot of tli Court of Common I'leasof Forest County and to me directed, there will be exposed to sale lv public vendue or outcry, at the Court H'ouso, iu the llorough of Tionosut, on MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1876, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following described real estate, to-wit: J. J. Fisher vs. William P. flail, Ki. Fa. No. 10, May Term, l7tf. Tute. All that ccrtuin messuage and tract of land Hituate in tho Township of lireou, County of For est, and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and described as follows, to-win lieginning at a post on the line of lajids owned by Peter Young, and running thence north west KiO perches to a post thence 2 east loa porches to a post, thonee south 8s cast 1,10 perches to a post, thunc south 12 west 100 pen-bun to a post, the place of beginning. Containing: one hun dred acres mora or less.-Containing one lo houMe. one and one-half stories high and oua log bai n and out buildings. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William 1). Hall, at the suit of J. J. Fisher. Terms cash, c, .... JTISSriAWKKY, Sheriff-. Mienir s oiHco, Tinnesta, Mar. 'JK, M7 , MEfllCAMYCLOPM. NEW REVISED EDITION. EPiTtllKLY KKWRITTKV 1!Y THE ABLEST WKITKHS O.N KVKRY St" B J KIT. Printed from Now Tvpo. and Illustrated with povorlal Thousand u gravings and Mays, ; i i i The work originally published tindertho title or Til K N KM AM KKKM N : YCI.O P. Kill A wan completed in IMW, since which liine, the wide circulation which It linn ntliiinod in nil parla of the 1'nitcd Unites, and the aiuiial developments which hava taken place in every branch of science, literature, and art, have induced tho editors amKmhlisbcra u submit it to nn exact and thorough revision, and to issue a now edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA Within the last ton yearn tho program of wscovcry m every ocpartmani ot knowl edge has made a new work of relorenoeau imperative want. The movement of nnliticar nffslm has kept pace with the riisi-overies of science, and their fruitful application to the indus trial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of social life, limit no and consequent revolutions have occurred, involving national ensures or pecHUar moment. Tho civil war of our own coun try, which was at Its height when tho last volumo of tho old W'-rk appeared, has hap pily been ended, and a no w con me of com mercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Larue accessions to our GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE Hove been mode bv the indefatigable ex plorers of Africa. I no grnt political revolutions of the last decade, v jth tho natural result of the lupso of time, havo brought Into public view a iiiultitudo of now moil, wiiose names are in every one's mouth, and of who. e lives ovcry one is curious to know the particulars. Great battles havo Isjen fought and important sieves maintained, of w hich the details are as yet preserved only in the iicwspaprfrs or in the transient publications of tho day, but which ought now to take tlioir place in rERSASEM AXD AUTHENTIC IIISTORT. In preparing the present edition for tho press.it lias accordingly been I he aim of iho editors to bring down tho information lo the latest possible dntes, and to furnish an accurate account of the most recent dis coveries In science, of every fresh produc tion in literature, and of the newest inven tions in the prartical arts, as well as to (five a succinct and original record of the progress of POLITICAL AXD HISTORICAL EVENTS. The work has boon begun after long and careful preliminary labor, nnd with the most ample resources for carrying it on to a successful termination. None of tho original stcrootvnn dittos havo been used, but evory pago liis been PRINTED OS NEW TYPE, Forming In fact a new Cyclopaedia, with tho same plan and compass as its prede cessor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, nnd with such improucmcnts in its composition iu have lieen suggested by longer experience and euhirged knowl edge. THE ILLUSTRATIONS which are introduced for the first time In the present edition have boon added not for the sake or pictorial effect, but to give greater lucidity and force to the explana tions in the text. They embrace all branches of science and of natural history, and depict the most (anions and remarka ble features of scenery, ocbitieture, ami art, as well as tne various processes of mechanics and manufacture. Although intended for instruction rather than em bellishment, no pains have boon snared to insure their ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE. The cost of their execution is enormous, ami it is believed thev will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopaedia, aud worthy of its high char acter. This work in sold to subscribers only, payable on delivery of each volumo. It will be complete in ,'Uteen Large Octavo Volumes, each containing about bO0 pages, fully' illustrated r.-'tu several thousand Wood Engravings, and witii numerous colored Lithographic Maps. ' ' Price and Style of Binding; In extra Cloth, per volume i - fs 00 In Library Leather, per vol. . . J ot) Ir half Turkey morocco, per vol, 7 ou In half Kussia exira gilt, icr vol, . ' 8 up u iun uiurwOT, antique, gut Ui?e per vol. . . - - - 10 00 In full Kussia, per vol. - - 10 00 FIFTEEN VOLUMES HOW EEADT. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be issued once in two mouths. . yMf-Speclmen pages of The American v yciopienia, showing type, illustrations, ""i " " sum kihuh oil application. First-Class Canvassing Agents Wanted. Address the Publishers, D. APPLETON Ji CO., 60 " 549 551 Broadwa-r, Jg. Y. FOREST AUD STREAM, , A weekly Journal of Sixteen Pages, Devoted to FIIJLD SPORTS, PHACTICAL NATURAL HISTORY, risn culture, protection of name, Prusor vation of Forests, Yachting and Boating, Uille Practtco, aud all out-door IlUC'ltHATIOV A KTUIiY. It is the only Journal lu this country that fully supplies tho wants and meets the necessities of the Gentleman Sports man. T-t-ns, W.-5.00 n "V'uir. tr-Send for Specimen Copy. Forest & Stream Pub. Co.. . 17 Chatham St.. (Citv Hall Sinian. 1 P. O. Dox SW32. NKW YORK. The Survovor General of Washington Territory, who sends a club of live sub scribers, writes, saying: "I consider that your Journal has done nioie to rrronarlsr educate tho sportsmeu of this country than all the other publications put togf-tli-er. I chall induce every trim sportsman to booome a subscriber that I can." Mr. Thomas A. Logan ("Oloau") says: You aro doing good work with tlie paper, and you havemore and probably greater thaii you dream of tho wishes and tiod speed bf Uio gentlemen of tho gun." . Hundreds of Himilar ondoraemouts from prominent gentlemen sportsmeu might bo added, showing tho estimation iu which v,vv nn'l Ati i'im is held hv its widow. A ; DOUBLE THREAD .a C i" ;w.-m. i -n if -l'ieae notiire our PALKN 1' H Ki lifSt'll nu Maim. (ur new ami oUI M-3i. wrV.i oit Uii hrnT i liMri in me iiuw aty vt rsrwjrtt, iw Ttirv 1-r.NCr., Mtnii-nnm tf Krntiit, Mi(!X4.u u L i rached in the Scwtn,; Machine w.tlj. . u. ...in. ii in " '.7 1 oV -p 1 TO THIS STATEMENT AND Til!' MACHINE ITSELF W invila ht attention of all, ajpeHjlly thaia having hlh nicchaolcal aklU or Obalrvation. r. 1..-AII MjLl. iki I'.'iiy w.irr.oi;.t. LADIES. USE "DOMESTIC" PAPER I'ASHIONS. S25: DAY jruaraunteed usine nir Well Aucer Drills, lino month paid to ucmmI airent. AiiKer lsok froo. Jilx AUgr t'c, (it. Ixuia, Mo. U6 4 o a I o 22 0 S S - 1 -c I 2 CO O H O 2 CO Q O O a a A m 0 u tsJ 01 O O m m hi U U. o o 35 O o u 05' CO Amcrfoaii A Foreign ' GILMORE ( CO., Sunoessora ul Chip man, Hosiuer Co., Solioitors. I'aienls procured in all countriss. No Foes in ad vance. No charges unless the patent is Hi an tod. No fees for making prellmiim. ry examinations. No additional foes for obtaining and conducting a rehearing. 5y a recent decision of tho (.'onnni-sioner Al.t, irjrsTitsi nppiu-uuons may lie revived Special attention given to Interference Case beforo the Patent Ollico, Kxtcnsions oeiore congress, Jntrmgcuioiit Kuita iu diffurent stales, and all litigation apper taining to Inventions or I'atonts. fSond BtamptoGiluiore&t'o., lor pamphlet of Land Vnsvs, Warrant s nnd Nrrlp. t ontestod Land Cases prosecuted bofore me u. n. lie , oral ijnd Otth-Q and Depart ment of tiie Intirior. 1'rivate Land Claims, Mining and l're-emption Claims, and Homestead Casen attended to. Land Hi-rip in 40, so, aud HiO aero pioces for sa!o. This iscrip is assignalilo, and can Ire located in tho name of the purchaser upon any (Jov ornment laud subiect to m-iviitn nirv ui per acre. It' is of equal value with Bounty Utnd Warrants. Send sutnm to tlilinore it Co., for pamphlet of Instruc tion. Arrears of Iuy & Ilouitty. Olllccrs. Soldiors. and 8nilors of tha lata war, or tlmir heirs, are iu many cases en titled to money from tho Uovurumunt of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, aud statu amount of psy and bounty received. L ncli se stamp to Uilmore k Co., ijd a full reply, alter examination, will be triveu vou free. l'riisiuik. All Officers. Soldiers, and Sail ors woun ded, ruptured, or injured in tho late war, however sliuhtlv. can obtain a luoisifiii liv addressing Uilniore Sc d. Coses prosecuted bv Oilmore A Co. l,o- foro tho Supreme Omit of tlie fulled JSUites, the Court of tlairus, and tlie South ern i isiiiis L omuiissnm. Lach deinrtnicnt of our business l,,n. ducu d in u separate bureau, under charge of tho same experienced parties oniploved by tlie old firm. Attention lo all tmaianaa .entrusted to (ignore iV, Co, is tlius se cured. v o uesiie to w in uivcohm by. de serving it. Address OILMORE flfl FRtrp., W"hm?ion, D. c. 4!tf LOCKSTITCH r MACHINE. ffi: 0- W-' 1'iWlcil EA.UINCS on boUi thi Machim Mtiir asH tftnU .1 m nirfl mw wtraa ! , t UhikUM .4" MF.CKAMCAL KXl.'l I.. ii. tut r.uj! ui woe, ntnr her.iufur. , , , , . . . j Sr.VKiCI MACHINE CO., H CD' P3 4 A OFFIfB or KINGS COUNTY REFINERY, 101 Wall Street. New Yosk. Having reorgauliod Willi improved ma chinery, is prepared to offer. Hi loading holosi!o iroccrs i bo wiilsanrl samples on apjilcation,) its celebrated Standard -.Maple .'Drips -Srup. TIME TRIED AND FIRE TESTED ! THK ORIQfKAC. ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF IIAUl FOHD, CONN. ASSKTS Doe. 81, 1873. n , f : rs , t ks n . v t. MILKS W. T.VTl' S-.il. uvo. r, no well itvo. a.. ... .H..iL Medals and Diplomat AwarJed. AOKNTS WANTED I for HOLMAN'8 NEW PICTORIAL BIBLES, Illustrations. Addrosa . fr now clrculai si A. J. llnlnmn A Co., Ou An U s'., J btliy. 49 4 5I9 ?,,',ny V A'l"it w"antl"ouU tit mil I terms tt.o. TUL'K Co.. Aiigiisla, AJui'ie. 4y 4 ' ents Tor the titst fill ug l'riao l'avkage in llin .vor ,1. 1 ...,inM. ,it Holder, IVncil. raicnt Yard Measure, and a piece of .lowelry. Single packnge. with e ogant 't-rlre. post-paid, enlSi or f 1.00. i his package has hncn cxitmlned by the publisher of tho Toiikst Kri BM OAN, and Ibnnil a rcpresenrtd worth tha money. Watches given awav to all agent. Circulars nor. ltltipi: & CO., 70S ltroad-' way, Now York. 4i) 4 ryitK T.VNITB CO., Htroudsbtiigu l'a A rmcry Wheels and Machinery, w i $5 2 ttOft per day nt homo. Terms U free. AddrMiallmi kn,n,. ct Co., l'ovtlaud, Mo. pSYCUOMANCY, or Son! Charing 1 How cither sex ninv fnscinnte nnrl cin tho love nnd alfeollons iif any person iln y eboiisr, instantly. 1h1s aimpM mental e qulrcnicnt all can possess, free, by m ill, ("T Uii rents ; togi-thor with a M'arriago. ' Ooido, lCpryptian Orae.e, Dreams. Hints t v Ladles. A uuoer book. 100,0011 sold. A iV dross T. William dc Co., Vubliliei. 1'hil advlphla. 4U 41, FITS S EPILEPSY rOSITIVHI.Y ClUUD.) Th worst ras of the longest tnndlnr, by using Dr. 11 KI1I1AHI) S CLliK. I: Ilia i-nred lluvnsands, and will jrt.e $1,000 for a M It will not lienet'it.i A bottle sent free to. all -addressing..), li. DIUULKK, Cln)in!st. 'Oillop; la,"i5 Broadway, New York.. . ,..' ,.. i .,,,,. 4i4 ... ADVICE FREE. Jor Increase of Pension, I'uteuts. or old Western l-ainU'lainc,, wrlto J. Ynnce Lewis A Co., Wasliintjton, D. C. 49 4 f(1 VlsltliiaT Cards, -with ronrliaine finely print -d, Kent torifio. We bav l'H) stylos. Agents wantml. samples for sismp. A.M. 1'ullcr . Co., : Droi-kton. Miss. 4D 4 HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA WANTED A 'IK. NTS In pvry town Im canvass for Dr. . COKNKLJ. a new and popular, History of I'eniiNylvnnia, frou tho carlost (iiscovery to the present 'tirtiw A splendid book, complete in one volume, Illustrated, and published at a prlc-, with., in reach of the people. A rare chine for iiiii-riiMiiiuTiiMHr, Aoures.1 iiiv nva. dress the publishers. Quaker, Citv rub lisbhilr Oi llli Sit,itl. mi. . Tit. . I - .i i 11.. "' 41 4 . FALLING "FITS -CURED. This is no hnnilmg. Tor Inrormatlna. inoiilroof orwritoto MlYE!4 UitO Til -KKH, Wholesale lriirgiat, llloomsburi, Culumbia county, JX 7 . . .i HA CHI. A P I. A I l THE GREAT SOUTHWEST! ThP Little ltock and Fort Kmith Rall wav Company la selling, at exceptional ly low nricos nii.l i.m -. -- . - .V HI UH cliasors, ovor . flNriMII I muiarnrfi of their inasniticent grant rn everr aid . .,..,, v-o-T iniirn im iiipir roau. Ad mirably suited for. production of Corn, Cotton, lirain, CJrass, Fruits, arid ail -thr Vol tl,,rr 11':. ....... ...ti nutting out door 11 lor cloven n'ontha. Soil fertile bi j I'nd rtcedent. No grass lioppcis. p.. "roiiaht. Spndul ii;dnce- niHiiis ror cstatilinimeiitjof mnnujBitorles l'or circulars, u:hlress W. I. ULACt" Ijind CoiiimissU ncr Litt!a Hock. Arkaul us. A, A jpiy ry A WKV.K guaranteed to Male and Umu notiutiK to try it. rmtioulari r, 1 . t. lilkurV ( it.- Allirn.lu (. A A F O 11 18741, -jt PPLETONS fa .innr?rj ai A Household Weekly Magaziner Ilevobsl , . . T - w w v - mm m PurCLAR LITKHATURU, AND ALL V. 11.1 lMK.JIJ . - ' CL'LTLKK. ... " " . Armlctons Jmitiial ilm... t- . . ami u Uh other luccliaidcal improveinoiits, -Ulshinif it tiio ii.'iiolrkoiMui. wiU.iu i.,.. .... Journal in the country. Appletona' Jnor- ........... n v,. ..r, rAiiiiiiirnrnKiva, IllCfliailig in Its plan all braiichos or liiraii.r, and trtatine? all siil jeis of Interest to tntelli-, gent rcsdora; it designs to bo elevated iu last and pure in tone) it give in ouanti ty lolly twentv-Ilva per cnut. more than the largest of the Monthly Masasiuei Wlliln In ,null.r lu II. , 7T . . . . i ' . is oi tue Uigheat cla.is. I'rlce.'f l per annum ; Wet, per number. " " i - SPECIfiLAKSDUKCEhlEflT. Tim tf rillll-M.itiajl l.uu. .1 - --- ..aw pilouiUI V1U1U bivt.y ior HiiU-i iijgrs to Aiiplcioiii' Joum "lilAKLtS DICKCXS IX Ills STCDT." S'liii-li ia iiU'.ii'ih! ii.t.l.. b.v....:..i - . . i. u , BpivMll fcei I11S, Ll every subsciilii r in u l v. ,,,.(., T...,rn.i for 1S7U. This sU ol engraving Is in line and t!p- iat repfesontmi.iu of Charles Dickens's stnuy at Uailshill, while the portrait ol the distinguished author ia itrikinglv tan h fill. i . : J i'iltl SltfM tt I I, A ..l.O.. 1 O.-l- ( , i . i . . .. .v J..I.W iii'ii uisiimoq liuavv i.iuin i.m.,., i.i. L i an jiundsoiMO engiuviug for the parlor or j . uAtcuuun oi uio Plata is ot a superior ordor. 'l lui or,li.,,. . ....... r .i , ' i'f"" siuri engravii a of tins cl.ura.Hor pi tho print-shops would not boles II. mi live, and jrlmps six dol lars it is oll.rcl exclusively U subirlb ers. in add i u. in to the journal for oua i uT.' "'"i i", tor Sl.00 addiUonal Jourilttl for lkTii 1.. ui - ..... , tha - r , wool U M U Uvru Ml- 8ravllitf worth fully live times thsiuiount. .,; . B . "s ' sm.;roiy uuw. Il has never been , ,,! i .i , wWi::& co.iueet.ou ,i !.-. -miiiii upon uia lenns and con.litnma given above. It will bo .o sunscrib.ira postage prepaid. 414 1,1 A"M't:1'U.S.'C,-. - u o,i jiroauway, W. Y, OH WOI!K noatly executed at tbisMJic. at lea,--.!!!,1!' r iles. . I