The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 05, 1876, Image 3

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    'She m$t $cpu!)Unm..
of Pennsylvania.
Republican State Convention.
HAitRiHBURQ, Mar. 29, 1876.
The Republican Stato Convention
met at uooo to day, and wni called to
order by Col. Henry M. Hoyt, Chair
mau of the State Committee. Maj.
A. Wilson Noiris, of tlie same com
mittee, read the Mel of delegates.
Mr. W. II. Kountr., of Somerset,
was chosen temporary Chairman. On
taking the chair, . he spoke at some
length, referring to the proud position
Pennsylvania has held in the past in
the politics of the country. The
speaker claimed for Pennsylvania the
prestige of naming the next President.
A committee appointed for that pur
pose then presented an excellent plat
form, of which the following is the
first resolution :
Rciohed, That wo hereby reaffirm
the platform adoptd by the Republi
can State Couveuiion at Lancaster in
1875, and, in view of receut events at
Washington, we emphatically endorse
that part of it which demands "honest
men in office men with brains enough
to know dishonesty when they see it,
and courage enough to fight it wher
ever they fiud it. The Republican
party ia committed by its origin, its
traditions, its history and its duties to
an intrepid and honest administration
of public alia ire, and wherever iu
National, State, or municipal life
maladministration has existed, or does
exist, we demand that it be exposed
and corrected, and the guilty punish
ed ; and to this end we pledge the full
measure of our support as citirensaod
The jtlatforra was adopted with
great enthusiasm. The following res
olution was also adopted :
Jiesolved, That in recognition of the
eraineut services, both iu the Geld and
Cabinet, the rare executive ability and
unswerving rectitude of Governor
John F. llartrauft, the Republicans
of Pennsylvania with just pride pro
sent his name to the consideration of
-the Republicans of the Union for
nomtuaitou tor the 'residency of the
United Slates, In the full confidence
that the great qualities which have
rendered his administration of State
affairs a model, even by the confession
of political foes, would insure as wise,
capable, unflinching, honest and suc
cessful conduct of the vast and varied
interests of the nation, and that ' the
delegates from Pennsylvania to the
National Republican Convention are
hereby instructed to prepent Governor
flartranft's name to that convention
as the choice of Pennsylvania, and
to give him an earnest, constaut and
united support, and upon all questions
to be brought before or arising iu
the convention to cast the vote of
Pennsylvania as a unit as the majori
ty of the delegation shall direct.
The following gentleman were se
lected us electors;
Electors at large: Benjamin IF.
Brewster, Philadelphia; J. W. Chal
fant, Allegheny. Elector: l.John
Welsh, Pliila.; 2, Henry Disston,
Phila.; 3, Christian J. Hofl'uian, Phila.;
4, Charles Thompson Jones, Phila.; 5,
Edwin A. Fitler, Phila.; 6, Dr. Ben
jamio Smith, Bucks; 7, J. W. Bern
ard, Chester; 8, Jacob Knabb, Berks;
9, John B. Wiight, Lancaster; 10,
Dr. Joseph Thomas, Bucks; 11, Ario
Pardee, Luzerne; 12, Lewis Pughe,
Luzerne; 13, Edward Silliman.Scuvl
ktll; 14, William (Udder, Dauphfu;
15, Mil L. Tracy, Wayne; 16.S. W.
Starkweather, Lycoming; 17, Daniel
Morrell, Cambria; 18,JereniiHU Ly on,
Juniatta ; 19, William Hay, York ; 20.
William Cameron, Union ; 21, J. B.
Donnelly, Fayette; 22, Daniel O'Neill,
Pittsburgh; 23, William Neeb, Alle
glany; 24, Andrew B. Berger, Law
rence; 25, Samuel M. Jackson, Arm
strong; 26, James Westerman, Mercer:
27, W. W. Wilber, Warren.
Our Washington Letter. .
Bpoelsl to the Hxr iiblicak.
Waaiunotox, D. C, Mar. 81, 76.
The decision of the Supreme Court,
delivered last Monday in the two cases
front Louisiana and Kentucky, which
came up to test the validity of the en
forcement, should be a lesson to the
republicans of the country. The 13th,
14th and 15tb Amendments to the
Constitution were paused to secure the
results of the war. The last confer
red sufl'raga on the enfranchised ne
groes, and authorized Congress to pass
suitable legislation for its enforcement.
Iu May 1870 what is called the en
forceuiciit act was passed. Under its
provisions, Wm. J. Cmiksliunk, Wm.
1). Irwin and John P. Hadnot. of
Grant, Louisiana, were indicted
for preventing some colored men from
"neuceablv assemblim " Tim .iiim
bus decided that as the constitution of
of the I nitei states did not confer
that right, it being in existence before
( he eviiMihiti'iii wsj tnndo, that only
the States ran punish for a vinlutinu
of it. This turns over the colored peo
ple of the Sonth to the tender mercies
of southern mobs, and courts controll
ed by those mobs, and deprives thorn
of any redrtss In the courts of the na
tioii. The othor case was from Ken
tucky, whore two inspectors were in
dicted for refusing to permit a colored
man to vote. The court pronounced
the law for the appointing of these in
spectors unconstitutional. The effect
of the two decisions is to deprive the
enforcement act of any power to pro
tect the eolored people and the repub
licans of tlio south in their right of
franchise, or id thei" live and proper
ty. It was intended that the act should
do both, and as it tails to do so the
15th amendment i rendered null. The
republicans of the country, the men
who saved the life of the nation, and
who deserve to save the reeulta of the
war, should at once see that enough
republicans are elected to the next
Congress to secure such legislation as
will make the 15th amendment effec
tive, and secure every man in the
peaceful enjoyment of all loyal rights.
The Houso still continues its wild
crusade against the efficiency of the
Government. As the provisions of the
executive, legislative and judicial ap
propriation bill are more clearly
known, it is most conclusively shown
that should it pass in the form pre
sented by the committee, it will crip
ple and embarrass every departmect
of the government. The republican
Senators have determined not to per
mit this and have put the only bill be
fore them, "1 he Consular and Diplo
matic," in such shape that the govern
ment will not be disgraced at home
and abroad by the pretended economy
of the democrats. On Wednesday the
ex-confederates took their satisfaction
out of the army officers who led the
armies that defeated them, by reduc
ing their pay. They particularly in
du.ged their spite at Shermau and
Sheridan in this way, largely reducing
the pay of these two officers.
The articles of ioipeachmeat against
Belknap were presented in the House,
on Tuesday, and the seven managers to
conduct the case will be elected to
day or to-morrow. It was discovered
by a close canvass of the hotels last
night, that every democratic lawyer
in the House Ja a candidate for these
positions, and there will be a lively
time in selecting them. All the little
log-rolling tricks familiar to the aver
age democrat are now being resorted
to, the paucity of material to work ou,
(nearly all being candidates), cramps
the geuius of eume of these men, as
horse-trading, by directing the thought
entirely into one channel, cramps the
ability of some first class liars.
The republican conventions in Ver
mont, Pennsylvania end Ohio were
held on Wednesday. The resolutions
adopted in each State had the ring of
true republicanism about them, and
all demanded that honest lueu should
come to the front. That the results of
the war should not be thrown away
by allowing the ex-oonfederates to
rule, and that specie is the only basis
for money. The New York Tribune
thinks that these conventions all fa
vor Blaine, though the Vermont dele
gates were uninstructed, with Luke P.
Poland at the head, and he is thought
to favor Bristow. The Pennsylvania
delegation is instructed foi llartrauft
of that State, and John I). Cumeron
was put at the head of the list of dele
pates. Ohio instructed for Kajs, and
Benjamin F. Wade and Ex-Governor
Noyes were put among the delegates.
Wade is thought to favor Morton.
It is reported from abroad that the
Czar of Russia is about to abdicate in
favor of his son. Should this he done
it may make a marked change iu Eu
ropean affairs, as the Czarowitx is
kuowu to be a hater of Germany.
We will pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tlotiesta, for white oak
stave and Lending bolts at the follow
ing prices : '
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 ft. by 4 ft., 84.50. Heading bells
22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4
ft., 14 00. Heading boll must be
made from timber at least 20 inches
in diameter. Office at Lawrence
House. J. II. Dekickbos & Co.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri facias,
issued out of tlia Court of Cotnmoii
Pleas of Forest Count van J to me directed,
there will Im exposed to Hale tv public
vendue or outcry, at the Court House, iu
the Borough of Tiunosia, on
MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1876,
at 10 o'eloek, a. in., the following described
real estate, lo-wit :
J. J. Fisher vs. William P. Itall, Fi. Fa.
No. 10, May Teruj, 1K7J. Tate. All thai
certain mevsiiae ami tract of laud situate
in tho Township of Ureeu, County of For
est, and Stato of Pennsylvania, and
bounded and described as follow, to-wit:
licKiiiuing at a post on the line of lands
owned by Peter Young, and ruuuiHjr
thence north NJ west KHj perches to a post,
thence 2 east lOd perches to a post, tlienee
south Sn east l.'sl perches to (poet, thwu-l
south west led perches to it post, the
place of bcLiiiuuil. Containing one hun
dred ae res mora or less. Containing one
log house, one and one-half stories high,
and ou lug barn and out buildings.
Taken in executiou ami to be sold a the
iiroperty of William D. Hall, at the suit of
I. J. Fisher.
Terms cash.
Slierilfa Mllee, TioneM.i, Mr.', l7i
.A.:F:PIl:E2To:Ts, .
Printed from New Tvpo, and Illustrated
with sevnrlal Thousand En
gravings and Mays,
The work orliriimllv published nnrlerthe
P.FD1A u completed in IMW, since
which time, tho wide circulation which it
has attained in all parta of the I'nitcd
nwi'B, Mill, lilt MIK1IH1 UCVCItipillCniS WtllCIl
Iinvo taken place in every branch of
science, literature, and nrt. have induced
tlin ml ntli I.llli1luliil tr. ni I.... ll a
an exact and thorough revision, and to
issue a new edition entitled
Within the last ten yeara tho progress of
discovery in every department of knowl
edge baa made a new work of rulerenoeam
imperative want.
Tho movement of political affair has
kept pace with the discoveries of science,
and their fruitful application to the Indus
trial and useful arts and thn convenience
and refinement of social lite. Ureal warn
and consequent revolutions have occurred,
involving national changes of peculiar
moment. Tho civil war of our own coun
try, which was nt Ita height when the laat
volume of tho old work appeared, has hap
pily been ended, and a newcotirsenf com
mercial and industrial activity has been
commenced. Largo accessions to our
Have boeu made by the Indefatigable, ex
plorers of Africa.
Tho grat ix'litioal revolutions of the
laat decade, w ith the natural result of the
iupso of time, Jiavo brought into publto
view a iiiultitiido of now mon, whoue
names are in evory one's mouth, and of
who. e lives every ono is curious to know
the particulars, fireat battles have been
fought and important sieges maintained,
of which tho details are aa yet preserved
only iu the newspapers or iu the transient
publications of tho day, but which ought
now to take their place in
In preparing tho present edition for the has accordingly been the aim oX tho
editors to bring down the information lo
the latest psiblo dates, anil to furnish an
accurate account of the moat reoent dis
coveries in science, of every fresh produc
tion in literature, and of the newest inven
tions in the practical arts, as well as to
give a succinct and original record of the
progress of
The work has been Isgun after lorg and
careful preliminary lalior, and with the
most ample resources tor carrying it on to
a successful termination.
None of tho original stereotype plates
have been used, but every pago lias been
Forming in fact a new Cyclopaedia, with
tho same plan and compass as its proJo
cessor, but Willi a far greater pecuniary
expenditure, and with such improuements
in its composition as have been suggested
by longer exporionee and enlarged knowl
which are Introduced for the first time in
the present adit ion have been added not
for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give
greaur lucidity and force to the explana
tions in the text. They embrace all
branches of science and of natural history,
and depict the moat famous and remarka
ble features of scenery, ocbitieture, and
art, aa well as tue various processes of
mechanics and mainil.u luies. Although
intended for instruction rather than em
bellishment, tio pains have boon spared to
insure their
The cost of their execution la enormous,
ami it is believed thev will find a w elcome
reecptiou aa ail aUinirahle feature of the
Cyclopaedia, aud worthy of its high char
acter. This work is sold to subscribers onlv,
payable on delivery of each volunio. It
will be complete in Sixteen Large Octai o
Volumei, each containing aboiit stH) pages
fully' Illustrated V'tii several thousand
Wood Engravings, and witl; numerous
colored L.iihographlo Mapa.
Pries and Style of Binding-:
In extra Cloth, per volume f5 00
In Library Leather, per vol. - ti 00
Ir half Turkey morocisi, per vol, . 7 on
In half Ilu.aia exira gilt, per vol, . " 8 U0
Iu lull morocco, antique, gilt edges
per vol. - - - . 10 00
In full Russia, per vol. - - 10 00
Succeeding volumes, until completion,
will lie iasued on in two mouths.
.AS-Specimen pages of The American
Cyelopiedia, showing type, illustratious,
etc., will be sent gratis oil application.
JTirst-Clasi Canvassing Agents Wanted.
Addrcsa the Publishers,
60 ' 64a 651 Broadway, Jf. Y.
A weekly Journal of Sixteen Pages,
!e voted to
Fish culture. Protection of Came, Preser
vation of Forests, Yachting and
Boating, Rilie Practice,
and all out-door
It is the only Journal in this country
that fully supplies the wants and meets
the necessities of the Gentleman Sports
man. Te-rniw, 3.()() n Year.
trirSeiid fur UpoWmen Coj.y.
Forest & Stream Pub. Co.,
17 Chatham St., (City Hall Siiuaie.l
P. O. Box M2. NEW YORK.
The Surveyor General of Washington
Territory, who sends a club of live sub
scribers, writes, saying: "I consider that
your journal has ib me moie to properly
educate, the sportsmeu of this country
than all tho other publications put togeth
er. I shall induce every truo t-ponsuian
to become a subscriber that I can."
Mr. TUoiuas A. Logan ("Uloau") eavs:
You are doing good work
with tlie paper, and you havemore and
probably greater thau you dream of the
wishes aud Uod spi ed "of Uio genlleoutn of
the gun."
Hundreds of similar endorsement from
prominent gentlemen sortinuu might be
a ided, showing tho estimation iu which
Aovs' Srrmm is IpM hv it f easors.
-.-THE.v HEW"U01BSTIC."-;
1 1
-t--.rtwsi, J
ll r.iii4 u i:f Timi m tre ?.'-'il u ini.i
Ten. tort, whirh w .ml i. the I. ct u r
-l'le.e iiuliLe oat I'AIKN I U Ki
lur lie .ii'.l ohl ta.. WMrttvt mil wUH
in the liusv city vl Newark. T.-irv . hj tv
nachctl in lit. Sewing MactiltK viltl.
Kjf- m v 'i-i- xXin&iA. r:i.H v-i-';- , t ;
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bstrvatioa, h. C.-Ail Mil. ml hiiy atft.sit.t.
IS'-v "Vrlc itn.l Chletigo.
artt A DAY enaraunteed using
flk M 'lour Well Auger A Urtlla. $100
UriUin month paid to good agent.
Auger book froo. Jill Auger Co., HU
lxuis, Mo. '26 i
CO r
O c
o .
O v
O 5
American & Forclga
GILMORE CO., Smxiessora i.5 Chip
man, Hosiuer Co., Kjolktltors. Patents
procured in all countries. No Fees in ad
vanoe. So charges unless the patent is
giantod. No fees for making prelluiinu.
rv examinations. No additional fws for
obtaining and conducting a rehearing. Ity
a recent decision of tbe t'ommi-sioner Al.t.
rejei-teil applications may be revived.
Special attention given to Interference
Cases before tbe Patent Ollice, Kxbnsion
before Congress, Infringement hints iu
dilferent States and all litigation apper
taining to inventions or Putonts. .Send
stamp to Uilmore & Co., for pamphlet of
sixty pages.
Laud Vnsvs, Warrants mid
Contested Land Cases nroaeeuted liofore
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ment of the Intirior. Private Land Claims.
Milling and Pre-emption Claims, and
Homestead Cases atten ded to. Land Scrip
in 4i), HI, ami ItiO acre pim-rs for sale. This
Scrip is assiirnaltlo, ami ran lie located in
tho name of tho purchaser uon any Gov
ernment land subject to privato entry, at
ll.ia per acre. It is of equal value with
K ouniv Land Warrants. Send stamp to
(ilmore A Co., for pamphlet of Instruc
tion. Arrears of Iuy A Itouuty.
Ollleera, Soldiers, and Sailors of the late
war, or thuir heirs, are iu many cases en
titled to money from tho Government of
which the- have uo knowledge. Write
full history of svi vice, and statu amount
of pay ami bounty received. Knclose
stamp to Uilmoro A Co., mid a full reply,
alter examination, will be given you freo.
AH Otlloers, Soldiers, and Sailors woun
ded, ruptured, or iniurvd in tho late war,
however slmhtly, ean nhuin a pension by
addressing Uilmore Jk Co,
Cases prosecuted by Gilmoje A Co. le
foro tho Supreme court of the l uited
istates, the i:..urt of Claims, and the South
ern i nuns commission.
F.ach department of our business is oon-ducu-d
in a separate bureau, under charge
of the sa i uu experienced jiartjcs cmplm ed
by the old til in. Attention to all tmsiaess
entrusted to Giluore A Co. is thus se
cured. We desire to win tumcij bv. de
serving it.
Address GILMORE A IK)., 9:9 I" Street,
V M'tim'on, 1. C . 4!tf
s if'SK
f mm
DOMESTIC." int-t kditi. Ui. Autom.tte
St'D CONICAL l'.E VKlNlTS on Lolli the M.chtn.
,ew Mainerv asH T'l. at nwr own nee Ntrk, .
ic--ii ii kUwUnt .s M Kelt AN 11. At. KXll I..
Lixl.' ftui r-ti-? uf wik, nervr heratufur.
W 8
oFFtt'K or
101 Wall Strevt, New York.
Having reortniulEixl with i llllirov-a.l ma.
eliineiy, is prepared to elfcr, through the
luading hole-)i!o Grocers tw)m wi.lsend
samples ou apiieut:on,) its celobrati-d
Standard Maple. Drips Syrup.
Of 11 AIUKOItl), CONN,
AS.SKTS Doc. 81, le;:),
n , v st rs , ik n . -y t.
MILKS W. XATK, Sub Agent,
T:oiKti, rSi
OL O. V. ItO KLL C V(.
Meilalsaiid Diplomas A war Jed.
l.soo llliistrationn. Adtlrnsa for now
circulars, A. J. llolnmn A Co., PJ0 Arch,
St., Phlht. - 48 4
(MO a day at home. Aneiits wanted. Out
111 and terms iieo, TUU li A CO.,
Augusta,'io. i'j 4
gents for tho bt fili
ng 1'i iso 1'a. ksga in ihn
.veil, I. It eonlaina l.t
sheets pnpjr, 15 rnvelorxis. fitd Jen P. n,
Holder, Pencil, Patent Vnnl Measure, and
a piece of Jewelry. Single packnge, with
elegant 'irlre, posNpahl, m oents, 8 tor
Pl.tHi. This packnge has been exiiuilned
by the publisher of tint For ion HnriBt.1
cak, ainl tbtind b4 n presonctd worth tho
inoney. H'ntches given awnv to all Hgent.
Clreiilars fi-T. UltlDK CO., 705 ltroad'
way, New York. 1 4t 4 -
rpiIK TANITB CO., Stroudsbtnjrv Pa.
i.iiici ii iiccin iiiMi aiiicninery
VU free. Adilresn Ion LUnuin
, ..... -.....-...u. ..r.,ika
r Co., Purtlaod, Mt. j . v 49
PSYCIIOMANCY, or Soul Charming"
1 How either sex may flisclnnte nnrl ctn
the love and aireetions of any person tiny
rhoose, instantly. I his sim'pM mental ae
qulrenient all ran possess, free, br m itl,
tor '.'5 rents : together with a Marriago.
Ouldo, lCfTX-ptinn Orac.e, Dreams. Mints to
Ladles. A uuocr book. KlO.OOti sold. Atl
dross T. William A Co., Publishers, Phil
adelphia. 41J 4t.
Th wtirst rase" or the longest standing,
by using Dr. HKHIIAKDS CLI1K. I;
lis tslred tluifrsands, and will gie 1,(K
Tor a Hum it will not benol'u.i A bottle sent
freo Jo, all adilrvssing . J. Ii. DIUULKK,
( Iftunlst. 'Otllc: 1305 UroailwnV, New
York. ...t-;' . , '41)4 ,
For Increase of Pension, Putenls, or
old Western l-iind Claims, vrito J, Vanes
Lewis A Co.. Washington, l. C, 4U 4
F( Vlattlntr Cards, with your nam
Jf finely print d, sent foritie. We bare
HHJ styles. Agent wanted. samples for
stamp. A. .11. I'uller it Co., Uropkton,
Muss. 40 4
WANTED A'JK.N'Ts in every town U
canvas for Dr. , COK NELL S new and
popular History of Pennsylvania, froua
fill! eurlfinf (Ii aiunni I.a .1.-
- -- ' ' j ..." (htii, itnis,
A spreiulia book,rsimplete ill one Wiluine, nu n, nun puutisneti bi a jirire wilb.
Iu reach of the people. A rare chance for
ftrut.l,di Ii1lllflt..a. A l .1 h - . L 1.
..... ... .v ...... ..noi-. . .IIUIC. Llj. HVV.
dress the publishers. Quaker. City Pub
1 ImIiI. rr 'Mil W....U ll.. . '
.. v.w., -.v. ouuiii inn si.; x iiuauei
phia. , 4i 4
PALLINO FITS CURED. l 1 1 . . . .. I
. ... ..v. iiiiiiiiiii. or iiiioi uiuuns
in)tnroor or writn to MOYEIt Ultoril
KKS, Whol.ale lrii(rjjist, llloomsburi,
Columbia county, IX j v ; 4 4
The Llttla itock sod Vti-t u.niii. n.i i
wav Company is selling, at exceptional
ly low prices and i d terms to suit pur
chasers, over T
of their mustilllcent grant rm eei-r able
WifMtl IW.illv irtilAM nf I l.Al. r AM
mirably suited for. production of Corn,
Cotton, tirain. Grass, Fruits, and all ether
Vit t li..i-n ,u l'-. ...ill
. 11 j,i--is niu iiiiiu, per-
inittinir out door l.b,.r tor eleven month.
Sod fertile lit en, I en cn,1iuit K..
linppvi.s. no Miiabt. Spe'cliti tuduee-
inoiits tor establif linicntifmantimctorlrs.
I.'i.r .!.,., ... ... .....
Ijind Commissii ncr Litt! itix k. Arkans
sas. 41 A
I?'77 AN KEK Kuaranteed to Male anj
y I I I emalo atrontH, in thulr lotialltr.
tHwls nothing to try it. Pailioulars i fee.
1'. V.. ickory it Co., Augusta, Me. it-U
r- FOR I870.-W
I a .!fIIE?MAI
A Household Weekly Magazine,"
' Pevobxl Ut . . 3
-.niciuioc lAMii'AJi IJ .
CULTLKK. . .- " '
A rulfrin' Jnivi,nl
Ami Willi othur met-tiHuii-at iniprovfmoiitv
UliihilliF it tin h-.MUf4i..uuL ww,L(. ;,.r..
Journal iu the country. Appletons' Jour".
ni,i nuns u us nomprenensive, Includiui:
in Its plan all branches of JiU ratare, ami
treatlnirall subjects of intorebt to tnteili
Kent readers; ii dosiKns ti bo elevated In
taste and pure In tone( u ivea in qtisnti
tv tully twenty-live per cnnU inoro
the largest of the Monthly Marariiiee,
wlnlo in (piallty its llleraiure is of the
lilKhCBt class. Price,'?! per annum ; ltfct.
per number. " '
Tlie tttuloiHiti.-ikJsui i.uu. . i i ..
sivciy lor siibscribots to Appleton.1 Jour.
ISl. a M'Lilillliil 1 t-iorrn. I,,.. .
uiiyuf SpiK-UU UrillS, l
every subscriber iu advance to Journal
tor lsrt).
This steel entrraving Is In line and stip
ple. It is not a limey picture, but au aot
liul repfeseutaliou of Charles Dickens's
stiuiy at tiadsbill whilo the lairtrait ot
tlie distitif-iitvliM.l u,.tt...- t.. V.-n.
faithful. ' " V
Thosire of the pluto is 30x14, piintedou
heavy obiiik e.ui.i.i-" i-:ii i. i -
aial liandsuiuo engruviiin fr the parlor -r
library v. ail. The extculion of the plate
Tlal oj'iiiituru lll-i,. r - ..I .1 .... I. -
of this character pi u,t, priiit-t.Uou would
lot be less limn o. fi . . ...i
i , . ..w unit lairnaiai six ooi-
lars It. is olli re.1 uii.liK.i i.. ... ..i..,ih.
era. ii; addiiloii to the Journal for oue
Vear. tor s.'i iiti ii.-.i .-.. .... .... i
L.. ,i. . i 'or ffi.ouaaiiiuoiisj,
ea.h yearly udvanco suUribor lo the
- ... ..,..., io,ti may reoeive a suprij eti
fra iu,j worth fully five times tiisauiuunt.
nev T.on'i''av",j; ia. entirely uv. H ha.
I'm, i . ' luu print suops.aini
w,,i. . u,1",,ul"ut except In coniiectiou
in i Al,r1Vl"'"' Jouinal upon the terms
niailud t.. subscribers postau-e piebald.
, 1). APl',i:TtN,vCO..
' tM A .U, N. Y,
Oil W'OIM? neatly executed at tl,ise:l!e
at rea,in.l.'e r iles.