I r PUBLISHED ETEBY WEDNESDAY, BY " tt. 11. DUNN. friOB in BOTTWBOW BOHlfEE'8 B0TLDIH8 ELM 8TBKET, TIOHEBTA, Pi. TERMS, $2.00 A YEAR. No Subscription received for a shorter period than throe montln. Correspondence solicited from all part of the onuntry. No nolle will b taken uf annenyraotis communications. 111! IJ. i- BUSINE8S DIRECTORY. TIOITESTA LODGE Xo. SG9, O. of O. TP. MEETS every Friday evening, at 7 o'clock, in the Kali formerly occupied by the Good Tcmplnrs. O. W. BAWTER, N.O. S. n. H ABLET, Sec y. 27 -If. TIONESTA COUNCIL, NO. 342, o. tt. .a., jul. MEETS at Odd Follows' Lodge Room, every Tuesday vpning, at 7 o'clock. f. M, CLARK, C. P. A, VARNER, R. 8, 81 iif. irjtf. roaEL, OFFICEo pposite Lawrence House, Tlo. nosta. Fa., where he can he found at all timoa when not proremionally absent. 36 ly DR. J. E. BLAISE, OFFICE and residence In house former ly occupied Dr. Wlnane. Office daya, Wednesdays and Saturdays. S2tf I. B. AONEW, W. C. LATHY, TUseita, Pi. Brit, Pa. AGNEW te r,A.xiIY, Attorneys at Law, - Tlonesta, Pa. Offlce on Kirn Street. May If, 1876.-tf E. L. Davis, ATTORN IT AT LAW, Tlonesta, Pa. Collections mado in this and adjoin ing oouaties. ly ATTORNEY AT LAW, he J-., TIONKSTJt, rA. F.W.Hays, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Notaby Pcrlio, Reynolds Hiikill A Co.'a leak, aJeaeoa alt.. Oil City, I'a. S8-ly 0. jaaaaaxiu r. B. axiuiv, , XIJTXEJR SSTILEY, AMaraaya at Law, Fraaklln, Pa. P fc ACTIO K In the several Courts of aango, Crawford, Forest, and adjoin sag counties. 89-ly. VATIOXAL IfOTEX, TI3DIOTJTE!., IF-A W. D..BUCKLIN, - Pbopribtoil. Frist-Class Licensed House. Good sta ble eonnoeled. 13-ly Tlonesta Houea,, ANDREW WELLER, Proprietor. This koase has boon newly fitted up and If ow open for the acoonitnodation of the pa alii. Charges reasonable. St ly CENTRAL HOUSE, BONWER A AGNEW BLOCK. L. Aohkw, Proprietor, Thin is a new ease, and has just boon fitted up for the aemninodatinn of the public A portion f the patronage of the pnbllo I solicited. 6-ly Lawrerca House, TIONKBTA, PA., WILLIAM LAW RENCE. Phoprif.tob. Thia houa in neutrally located. Everything new and well furnished Superior aocominoda tloaa and ntriot attention given to guests. -Vegetables and Fruits of all kinds aerved act their season. 8ample room for Com "aneroial Agents. rOIKST HOUSE, " O . A. VARNER PRorniETOn. (Opposite P. Court House, Tlonesta, Pa. J not opened. Everything new and clean and fresh. The best of liquors kept constantly n hand. A portion of the publio patron ag la respectfully solicited. 4-17-lv Dr. J. L. Aeontb, PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has had nfteen years' experience (q a largo and auocessfuf practice, will attend all Profeasional Calls. Office in his Drug and Grocery Store, located in Tidioute, tio&r Tidioute House. , IN IIIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery. Glaus, PainU, Oils, Cutlery, all of the boat quality, and will he sold' at reasonable rates. Mil. CHAS. O. DAY, an experienced Physician and Druggist from New York, has charge of the Sture. AU preaorlptlous pat u p accurately. av a. tuJ- no. r. mi. a. MA T, PARK & CO., 33 -JL InE E K S Or a or of Elm A Wulnnt Sts. Tlonesta. Bank of Discount and Deposit. IaUx-est allowed on Time Deposits. eeBeaUonsrnadeonall the Principal points of Uj U. S. Collections toliolted. " ' W. C. COBURH, M. D., .-DIIYSICIAN A 8UROEON offers his X services to the people of Forest Co. Having had an experience of Pwolve Voir in constant practice. Dr. Cohurn pusruntoes to give satisfaction. Dr. Co btirn niskesa spogjalty of the treatment of Nasal, Throat, Lunir and all other Chroulo or lingering diseases. Having nventigated all scientific mt)tods of cur ing disease and solcti the grtod troin 11 svStcnis, he will guarantee rnlief or acure lh all cao where a cure is poHsible. No Chorga f"' Consultation. All fops will be reasonable. Profewional visits mado at all houia. Parties at a dikUuoe cau con sult him by letter. Offlce and Residence 1st door east of Partridge's Now Hlock, foot of Dutch ilill Road, Tlonosta, I'a. Ss5lf AKLT CA RPKTI SiiH, 35 cts. per yard. FKLT CEI LING for rooms in plaVo of l'laster. I'l'L I ' KOUl l.NU iiuiniui.nu For niiii'laa, aJdro.i C. J. FAY, Cimdon, Nov Jiiii-y. VOL. IX. NO. 1. Painting, PapervHanging &c, EII. CHASE, of Tlonesta, offers his sor"lcoa to those in need of PAINTING, GRAINING, CALOlMINTNG, SIZING VARNISHING, 8I(N WRITING, PAPER HANGING, AND CARRIAGE WORK, . Work promptly attended to and KntlMfUcitlon Oiia.i-nntoet. Mr. Chsse will work in the country when desired. IS-if. nns.v.n: iijeatii, DRESSMAKER, Tioncsta, Pa. MRS. HEATH has recently moved lo this place for the purpoao of meeting a want which the Indies of the town and county have fhr a long time known, thnt of having a dressmaker, of experience among them. I am nrepartd In make all klnda of dresses in the latest atria, and guarantee aatiataction. Stamping' fur braid ing and embroidery done in the best man ner, with the newest patterns. All I ask is a (air trial. Reaidenoe on Water Street, in the house formerly occupied bv Jacob Shriver. - 14tf Frank Itobbliia, PHOTOGRAPHER, (SCCmCSSOB TO HBMIHO.) Pictures In every styloof the art. Views of the oil regions for sale or taken to or der. CENTRB STREET, near R, It. crossing. eJTCAMORE STREET, near Union De pot, Oil City, Ta. iio-tf PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. ILK MTKBET, SOUTH OF ROBINSON A BONNER'S STORE. Tionssta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, ... Proprietor. Pictures taken In all the latest styles ths art. lu . KLEIN, (in BOVARD CQ.'S Store, Tioaesta, Pa.) VBAOTUJai, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, DEALER IN Watchet, Clocks, Solid and Plated Jewelry, JiUick jewelry. Eye Glaaaet, Spec tacle, Violin String b, f e., f e. Will examine and ropair Fino Enirllsh, Swiss or Amerifarj Watches, audi as Re peaters, Independent Soconds, Stem Winders, Duplex, Levers, Anchors and LepincM, and will mako any new pieces for the same, such as (Stalls, Forks, l'el letts, Wheels, Pinions, Cylinders, Bar rels, Arbors, and in fact any part apper taining to fine watches. Work Warranted. I can safely thai, any work undertaken by me will be done in such a manner and at such prices for coon wo it it that will give satisfaction to all who may favor mo with their orders. L. KLEIN, H-ly Author of "The Watch." NEBRASKAGRIST MILL. THE GRIST MILL at Nebraska (Lacy town,) Forest county, has been th"r oughly overhauled and refuted in (irt i,ider, and is now runniliE and doing all kinds of V CUSTOM GRIXDIXa. FLOUR, FEED, AND OATS, Constantly on hand, and sold at the very lowest figures. 3-6m II, W. LEDEBUR. 'A Wsiaaa fair to look apoa." ' SARA, THE PRINCESS. Faenimileof a Celebrated Oil Painting by BROCHA KT, iu 21 oil colors ni.e 17x22 inches. The royal beauty of face and form, rich Oriental costume, romantic Fastem landscape back-ground, with Its uol), palm trees, flocks, tents, and long stretch of desert and distant boundary of mountains, combine to form a rai and lovely piotifie, ' It would grace the ' ivallH of any pitlilic or private gallery, i-'an-vasst ra are wild' over it,' and are compet ing for the Cash Premiums, tjonu for our splendid otfer. Address, V it J. B. VOWO CO., N. Y. Cilv. X0t TIONESTA, PA.f SEATED AND UNSEATED LANDS In Forest County, Pa. Bv virtue of aiindrv writs nnii. nmnr. al Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania misting to the sale of Seat- Oil ana Unseated lands in the County of r uresi, ewj., ior taxes aue ana unpaid, l will offer at publio sale, at the Conrt House, in the Borough of Tionesta, Pa., on the SECOND SOMA! OF JLNF, 1S76, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described pieces of land, or such part thereof as msy be necesssry to satisfy the amount of taxes and oosts d lis and unpaid against the same, and continue the sale from day to day, as the same may be found necessary. TERMS OF BALE: The amount of taxes and costs must be paid when the property is struck oil", or tho sale may be avoided and the property put up and resold. All tracts not otherwise marked, are ad vertised for taxes of 1874 aud 1S76. UNSEATED LANDS. pAaNETT TOWNSHIP. Os;ilby heirs . H 8 Wlnlack Winlack At? H L fc J L , Darrah A Moor Rajr Win Reid B J, Shippen E Oilfoil Elizabeth Colvin JR 1875 llilbronnor L KINGSLEY TOWNSHIP. Gill DA Co Superior Lumber Co Harmer Josuih Plummer A I'nknown part of tract McDermoiA Forker Tu. Ill SO 16179 7 49 100 91 P6 00 90 00 18 00 14 64 22 60 4 49 15 30 15 00 159 4VS 149 07 6701 1 3160 440 2U) 12 210 65 S701 . 150 80 3312 160 3311 100 6134 61.15 6136 61S5 Mott 511Q M2S &1IHJ 6108 610A 6234 61X3 3142 51112 5186 6187 6187 6193 6187 6188 214 5268 51 VI 6217 61H6 5186 5131 619S 51 WO 865 1000 20 500 600 900 3(10 1000 1000 300 50 100 150 100 390 60 192 18 100 320 2U0 3(30 60 1100 100 loo 614 50 330 75 1S3 75 294 00 294 00 33 08 S30 7S 11025 367 50 307 60 367 60 110 25 830 75 49 49 48 89 33 08 124 75 19 84 58 80 588 33 08 73 60 93 67 134 66 19 11 6."1 25 S3 07 3S62 77 17 95 55 7 Taylor Charles Blood A Stewart J 8 Bleaklcy W heeler, Buaonbury 4 Co J Beck Wolf A Co M 4. Lewis E E A Uonvor Dice A Dale Snoblot Herman Wm Sinclair, S A Ford Schooly J C A Co Richardson W II Perkeoman oil Co Hall, Lamb A Scbooly Irlonsides Oil Co ZuendellC Brooklyn oil oo GravSU ' UilrillanC F A A Porter MICKOEY TOWNSHIP. Economlte $oclelv 187S 68 40 " " 1 IS Noble A Jennings 68 20 " Dolnrnater, Alcorn 61 45 Davis Wra, Porterrield 1 10 26 Wilkins, Croker A Long 117 60 Cincinnati it Pittsburgh 5208 290 6221 1 5207 203 175 523S 300 6203 650 6190 798 Oil Co 220 50 70 " 82 44 5218 750 Brown S Q and others 735 00 51U1 200 Unknown 29 40 4 T D Collins J O Reld 8 60 6280 S31 Mead George 1875 45 60 30S9 329 Percival C, Hay J as 73 60 6192 100 Cole BR 29 40 5219 60 Petigrew A J 11 01 25 Alcorn, above E, Illokorv 1 80 5192 250 Becker Richard " 7S 60 Inland 6 T D Collins 6 88 120 M'FeeLongwell,DNoble 4410 83 Day Wm, T D Collins 11 01 60 M'Calmot J S, GSMiggins 14 70 3089 300 Woleott t Wolcott 66 15 100 Dsvld Boaty 36 75 8090 96 White W H) M Walters '75 15 20 20 First Nat. B k Allegheny City, Prater beira 7 35 1 F L Roberts 1 47 82 Wiggins E R 14 70 1 Anderson W L, C M Hunter 1 47 6 Mrs. Amelia Cary 2 21 60 H H Stow 11 01 16 Dr. D R Colbert and I Q Reld J .15 5220 820 G C Carpenter, J 8 Mayera 188 16 TIONESTA TOWNSHIP. SO Wlnans J Hllands 10 49 S$22 1000 S Wood'a heirs 350 00 8821 10(H Helm Jacob 420 00 3)0 II J Caswell 70 00 P848Rre Jacob.W W Hnllngs 34 17 2821 175 Allen A, Oeorge M'Cray 6121 60 Haalett Samuel 1874 8 62 60 Walker K T, Dale A Bro 21 00 242 Mav Huntor 85 69 139 Cook W 48 65 400 N May A Irwin. M Stewart 140 00 2823 168JSub. 8-S2J Susan S Pink- - ard 68 M 116 Copeland Otis heir 40 2.1 2825 SHJfSub. 1-32) John Ludling 11 6S 2823 671Sub. 1-101 N O Lariinore 23 44 127 Amy D W, Knox 44 42 2828 67iSub. 1-16J John A Buck- ner 23 44 2823 135 Sub. 2-10 Elizabeth Mo Call , 47 22 2323 671Sub. 1-16 Henry V. Mo- Call 23 44 2823 S40 Sub.8-16JohnM'Dougal 18900 E"i!T 25 Pf rrv A Co 8 87 60 H J Milev, J Noble 17 50 275 Edwin Clapp 103 24 8r " " , 124 60 2SS6 VM Hannah A Giltillan 816 80 2826 100 Unknown 35 00 108 Oi,odhope Pet. Co 87 80 2838 1000 E E Clapp - 850 00 2828 200 J W Kieldor 70 00 25Oeo. 8 Hunter 8 74 2828' 50 Powell 8. 17 50 3821 60 Grubbs John 17 60 i9 Cascade Pet Land Ass'n 7 00 of 170 J A Dale A Kume ' SO 11 3826 106 Dale A Bro. to Oil Co f7 W 2826 90 Samu.l West 31 61 2828 200 Dr Dav 70 00 Varr, l.li.5 C W Holmos 1 70 2828 170 Dr Day 66 61 90 C II Shepherd. Dais heirs 31 51 2826 300 Bonehool . others. 8 West 105 00 100 BissullA Bishop.R Curtis !v" 00 2822 1000 St. Louis Oil Co SM 00 2N24 180 Gilmore A Co, Burns 63 00 2824 6iK " ! 210 00 2828 80 John Myofs 28 00 221 1 In 7 L Gil more - 40 00 3823 130 F T Walkor, Towner 46 49 2 i l J A Data 33 00 APRIL 5, 187G. 1 Hunter John 2 Ilopburn C J 87 Bunker Hill Oil Co, Me intire 'aland 8 J 0 Shaw. Hunter Cof f60 J 8 Mni aimot, Kx'r 8824 152 F T Walker, Dale to oil CO 41 W F Dairy mplo HOWE TOWNSHIP. 80 44 1 06 102 49 63 20 15 04 W.r. S188 S1!I2 819S 8194 8198 8195 Mtk. 900 990 990 6im AW II L A J L Tu 193 02 193 02 193 02 112 82 87 70 19 49 165 65 194 95 97 48 )00 Vact. 850 3ri65 J(KK) 2018 600 8799 1049 6103 170 2735 893 2S78 lOfiS 4790 890 2980 106J 4791 990 Roberta AnnaR Nicholson J w arder J 204 61 Mifflin J. N Dobba IS 07 Mifflin J, whole tract 448 acres 78 05 W Willink 206 09 " 165 96 IINTwonbly 2o6 09 Cusbuian J 193 02 2736 2736 2736 2850 2850 2850 200 100 100 100 100 100 62 a 53 68 60 1 6 38 99 IS 89 29 60 19 49 19 49 " Hunt " Schofield " Roundlev " Frismou'th J German Town Mln'g a M'fgCo W Willink, Mo Neal R " Wilson J " Blundin V M Stewart J 19 49 19 49 19 49 19 49 19 49 19 49 9 78 9J8 2850 100 2916 2916 2916 2916 2808 2808 2808 2808 100 100 100 100 60 11 13 19 20 i of 23 Taw is Mi. 60 1 of 24 I' t F "SO Inf A u .W W T" - "'I - -"I " . W UllnK lewis 11 47 S3 100 27 ' Park Dr IV 4V 2877 2995 2995 2995 60 i of 84 " Thompson W " Maze W " Wilson J 11 1. 0 100 14 100 47 19 49 19 49 19 49 194 95 288 24 11 23 47 46 100 46 2464 1000 243 1075 " 3181 69 " Hubbard R 4545 611 E A Yarnell, Clover Beth 8186 88 W Williak, Dobbs B Vact. 450 R Atkinson, Cutant A " 279 Win Bell " 13 12J 8 09 65 70 65 70 19 49 19 49 9 27 145 03 112 84 19 49 194 95 112 27 194 95 116 16 116 16 116 26 194 95 '33 42 173 02 83 50 193 02 193 02 48 26 270 Wm Stitt 100 Sub. J41 Burnett S F 100 Mifflin J 150 Campbell II 760 B Dobbs 730" Funk heirs 100 Campbell II. Link. 2018 8185 6108 6102 6103 6103 6104 1000 Kunk heirs 6105 678 Campbell II 6101 1000 Funk hairs 3196 696 Howe Lumbeer Co S198 696 " " 4792 696 Matthews Chas 62S2 1000 Funk heirs 8133 100 Bonner J, Mifflin J 8142 696 Fox C J 2306 200 Shelton Oil A Miu'g Co 8183 990 H L A J L 8184 990 " J Bonner 2308 210 W Willink JUNKS TOWNSHIP. Vr. ir Sufc. VuTHlNHti:ilMOnH. Tftx 6142 132 11 Baynton P Mo Cray 25 8i 5144 145J 12 N.half.PaulJ i!8 66 51 14 . 68 14 " Clark J 11 29 6144 68 14 " S 4 Murklns Edd! ' 11 59 8145 105 E. part 38 25 8169 495 Osrilbv heirs 117 84 3100 445 II L A J L 108 78 8191 95 18 f " 23 27 8102 1100 " 209 60 31H3 888 " 217 40 3164 090 " " 243 63 3165 400 C Brcneman, J Reid 93 83 8108 990 n L J L 212 64 4174 63 42 Germantown Ml- ningaM'fgCoS 4 12 08 3174 581 47 Germantown Mi ning a M'fg 13 72 8174 106J 60 " " 25 96 3177 114 S3 II Let J L 27 92 " 60 24 " " 8, 12 2 " 60 24 ' " NJ 12 24 " 100 25 "it 2450 " 114 26 " " 27 92 ' 100 82 f 24 60 " ,96 33 OermantownMl- , niug f- M'fg Co 28 26 " 64 84 II LA J L IS 2S " 64 34 " " 13 23 77 39 Germantown Mi ning a M'fg Co 24 16 S178 78S 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 17 a 18 II LA J L 1876 103 74 3279 98 4S II LA J L 22 78 " 93 46 " " 22 78 " SHI 61 S F Rohrer 9 70 " Ml 61 " E.part 13 46 " 03 64 " 22 87 " 129 69 " 81 89 8181 114 21 II La J L 27 93 ' 100 22 " " 24 60 " 100 27 " " 24 60 114 28 " 2T98 " 144 29 " " 67 98 " 93 85 " " 22 87 " 107 36 " ' 26 21 't 7 ST. " " 2S76 8190 91) II L A J L 242 55 6137 250 Harmer J 012 6137 163 f Wost a. of li. part 43 61 5139 800 122 60 6140 600 " 122 60 3661 1000 Nicholson J.Crab- treea Dav is S92 00 3660 645 " A M'Pherson 127 40 3667 1000 " " 245 00 36VJH 1000 " " 245 00 3ftii9 1000 " " 1875 132 50 iWl I0O0 " 245 00 3672 1000 1 " " 215 00 8550 618 Smith Rev. Wra. 126 90 8551 618 " " 126 90 25i9 900 . W Willink 22050 4130 lOiKl ' Wallace 8, Lang- shore 268 62 4133 900 " 220 50 4136 1092 " 2"i6 54 3800 1014 C B Wright A Co 847 78 3101 1014 " 847 78 3661 60 5 a 6 Nicholson A Mo- Pberaon Prentice 12 25 3661 800 2, 4, 7, 11, 20 a 26 J 8 a Hugh M' James 73 60 3173 90 Sutton Robert 22 04 8119 80 McClatchy It I9 60 3170 686 Blood Cyrus ot. 14258 3179 60 Germantown Ml n'g M'fg Uo 12 25 3179 100 45 " " " 24 50 8179 218 52 A 53 " ' M 60 27 3185 830 ' B Dsm 102 42 310 106 Germantown Mi.i'g A M'fg Co A B Farm 24 50 3191 304 Germantown Min'gaM'fg Co Anderson 74 48 6129 68 Ilohb J B 14 20 5136 80 Funk heirs 19 60 5138 365 Harmer Josiah 80 41 6106 1010 Funk heirs 207 0, ol07 100 " " 245 00 $2 FEU ANNUM. 6110 3322 3lf0 8170 753 Mifflin J, E. part 181 48 I of400 8 H Hill, ftickenbrode 00 98 64 Germantown Min'gAM'ftr Co A B Farm JS 03 by Snb. 60J H L A J L, T Martin 1875 7W nAKMONY TOWNSHIP. W i'-m TiimiH ar Rpwd c.ml 80 E Newbery 50 Biggins J Y, McKinloy s-jbi330 J S McCalmot Ex'r " 100 150 A G Barr A Beach 100 W A Connly Git EES TOWNSHIP." Tu 24 00 16 79 86 40 28 80 72 00 24 00 5157 6183 8819 6185 8818 5600 6184 5184 5188 619 6189 6189 600 Bonner J 120 Brccht M 400 Dale A Bro 800 Dale J O. II McClintock 600 Duncan K 66 G 8 Lacy 700 Ford a Ij,cy 290 Gillespie a Owens 102 00 8 16 82 60 34 09 102 00 9 62 272 00 89 44 120 Mers Peter 180 May II H 'i'ionosta Oil and Bbl. Co 24 48 84 00 300 T F Thomas 40 80 100 150 Luppy Conrad 1875 Alice Henry Weller L t 8 10 19 23 79 100 61 Irwin H M a S T May 8 47 6 80 644 00 680 00 680 00 3818 5601 6504 6505 44 1000 1000 1000 SEATED LANDS. BARNETT TOWN8niP. Warm., r faketa OwMr. Armstrong Estate War. larra. 100 42 3314 100 25 S161 620 T.I. 10 81 6 76 22 50 2 06 47 43 68 85 11 24 48 07 83 08 140 60 95 70 266 8 62 6 74 13 80 12 94 10 14 18 73 24 77 12 48 2 64 1 28 1 43 uuzzard Isaac Black D Haight Joseph '73 McClosky R 75 a i. 7Q Shippen Edward 1.58 090 6700 8 3t44 206 8148 162 3145 758 3187 600 Sheriff J P and S A i 8weueyAlex!75 60 oigwortn a Li Black James Esq '74 Kcllog J A '74 Black J P '74 ' 82 80 100 kinosley Township. 56 Bastian Robert, dee'd 75 McClintock Hamilton 5186 6187 6186 100 6193 400 Lake Erlo Pot. Co '75 5194 6214 80 " " '75 50 I 25! I Cosnor Jncob ' 6180 Smith J U '74 HICKORY TOWNSHIP. 1 Barnhart A Bender '75 3990 83 Clark IBD Rustler 60 " " C A Hill 60 " J AlbaugU 5210 25 Dawson A Bowman Island 8 Dale J A 3093 176 National Oil Co 8093 1 Siggins John 171 UnionCherryRunOAM co B0 " ' ii 16 Van D 11 son Hidnoy '73 5208 600 Webb W 11 71 0 75 8 37 37 837 6 20 20 20 2 12 18 78 8 75 4 62 81 00 TIONESTA TOWNSHIP, Banner Oil Co 1. 11 Douglass McKinloy '76 Hatlield A Co Rorson It Winner Whitn.au John "75 Webster A Co H 'Sotley Walktr F T '76 OarrctMon II Canaway '75 Whitman Gecrge '75 Sieklos G G Pwttigrew Joseph Walkof F T '75 25 160 280 123 40 23 106 0 102 23 4 10 170 6 75 48 20 27 30 82 64 12 00 8 15 88 12 1 21 10 96 1 40 -46 2 20 8 10 2828 HOWE TOWNSHIP. Blood K L '75 6 67 Kldridge James '78-4-5 37 49 Hays J as Taylor T 8 76 McManis '75 8 76 Taylor T B Hays '75 S 75 P'ghA Forest co Lum.co '75 17 20 " ' 22 02 17-18ths, Ray Wm '75 20 84 JENKS TOWNSHIP. Blood K L '75 15 63 Bonner J" 7 9j Daniels JW 81 07 Dobba B J 20 20 Reynur 8 B J Aet al whole tract 290 4 29 Reynar 8 B J A et al 10 28 Scboneld G W 81 39 " " 19 69 Vaet. 2850 3186 2808 8186 4821 4823 2016 Vaet. 3186 8J70 3173 Vact. 8148 6141 6170 Vact. 3169 150 300 100 200 100 688 467 200 250 60 220 220 210 B0 160 100 100 1 121 20 100 Thompson John 28 09 Wyunkook John Est 1 68 Weber C B 23 76 " " Isabel Scott 3 92 ruin tor J Jjeury Lot '74 10 13 HARMONY TOWNbHIP. Barr Frank 20 86 Brown Col Jt, 4j Barnes Dale Watsu A uo '73 21 83 Cecil J It v 67 05 " " 27 05 Coleman Manross 4 37 Clark Brees A Co 26 10 Cook John 14 50 Coleman 11 '73 65 Davis Wm Flemmli'tf 82 26 Davsofl Hull Oil Co 155 76 Dowdell Chas 68 89 Kaston II H J White 20 28 Kdeuburough oil co Kepler 7 28 Fisher Bros 85 98 GilespieJJ 17 40 Gilbronsou A Russell '75 8 75 Glenn J D Ntow 11 11 '74 4 71 Ilutchinso i McKiuloy '75 124 llaworth TI10& 72 97 Harris David 8 83 llidekoopor 48 05 Hester 1'ot Co 19 47 Hotchkiss O A Copeland 2 38 Jenkins J D 4 24 Liedom '75 4 97 Hinkley'A McGlafferty 10 00 Huntr Wm Foreman '75 9 19 i. .. "8 23 M.-Oalmont J 8 75 67 9a Allen V W 0 21 ltonuey '. 21 8 Babbitt M T 30 39 Bradie R C . 19 83 Brown Bros 16 49 Brownsou A II 18 24 Mills 8 M Day '76 8 97 McGarveyACoRosctilmugh 146 95 McClintock iiouiest'd co 75 6 'A Moyer L C hotel lot '75 V 93 " Richardson 18 15 100 60 147 215 116 10 108 60 10 175 637 217 216 109 144 01 100 844 50 1 1 195 12 125 AO 12 8 1 200 100 76 300 40 60 60 06 60 4'H 18 3W 40 1 n 10 80 8 20 8 60 1 76 ft 75 218 .-00 I of 4, Miles Hugh '75 19 85 Neil! W T Wilson A Htowell 2 13 NeiUST 30 30 2 62 784 4 87 1 60 t 19 23 19 1 13 14 91 02 70 2 1 61 Keill I.ouia NeillJ U Paul D J Kepler J M 73 Roup Saui'l Heid Fleming Suel J H Hpiague A Co Shaw A Kaston 75 Sweet J A Co Smith J II Rates of Advertising. Que Kquare1 Inch,) one Inortlon . - 1 1 50 OneSuare " one month - - 3 imi One Square '.( throe months - 8 00 One Square 11 or.o year - - 10 Oil Two Squares, one year - - - 15 Oo Quarter Col. " - . 30 00 Half " " .... so 00 Pne " ' . . '. . 9Q f0 Legal notices at established rates. MiirrlxKO and death notices, gratis. All bills for yearlv advertisements col lected quarterly. Temporary advertise ments must bo paid for iu advance. Job work, Cash on Delivery. 70 Scott Waltor Pet co '75 11 100 Mmlley Dr 117 6 Siggins A J 2 23 SU l la Pet Co 9 982 W. Hickory Mining As'n 804 150 Webster Hugh A Co 49 100 Wisncr J T Church 75 15 80 Wilson A Noill 34 40 WarrenAVonangooil co 76 13 T7 Wilson John '75 J 124 ' A Robinson 43 100 P'ghACIierry Bun oil co'75 12 02 28 09 01 , 88 13 88 92 IMI 71 Sl 50 00 81 47 Philips Bros 75 6 7 7 7 2 au tinnier J V 75 40 Allen FW 74 60 Brown H A Copeland heirs" 10 Horr.oilon Eb " 65 81 75 Jones E L If Miles 131 Mathows E Birohlleld 28 Mvers John I ' " 1 McKinloy W 35 Neill W T 6 Neill Emetine 70 Shambureh il Cninnlll " 18 "23 80 80 11 ' 1 20 40 88 75 18 " 9 " 1 2 117 Thouilinson A And or eon " 26 OHEEN TOWNSHIP. 47 Brognard a Dalo, Conroy 108 I lain A Itrn 8825 6185 6 25 10 60 37 37 88 6 75 881617 675 Wallace Onln 3820 12 Whitman John.Klionn 1875 3818 66 Raflorty John hoira 1874 33 i Wood linli-u lBTi S320 3825 22 50 75 Whitman Selden,Shoupl674 12 S7 TIONESTA BOnOLGn. 1 Davis Mrs E L 1 Ford S A i Mullen Bishop i Riddle S O 1875 1'Simmonds, Crawford 1875 424 Sickles G G 1875 i Clark R P Knox a Shriver 6 Irwin a Uidrick 1874 8J " ' 11 11 Shrivcr 1874 i Hunter D G 1874 22 80 10 6Q 3 43 1 29 6 10 157 20 12 20 4 19 2 60 7 88 1 86 Tionesta. Forest Conntv P. l,tu ood. day of March, 1876. B. J. So. TIjK Y, Treasurer, George Washington wa a conapic-: uous aad beautiful instance of tt uian tbat minded 1. is own business. Sun nose an iutellippnt ticrson livinn- !n one of the European centres of civ ilization had been asked, about thu year 1770, what man then over thirty, seven years of age was most likely to be the typical great and-good man of the modern world I Would ha lmv singled out the Virginia militia offi cer, at mat time oukying nimselt with the care of his plantation on the Po tomac, and whatever social duties aud delights, or whatever polite politic were convenient and apcronriata? The strong point about Washington was, that the duty or the pleasure, the ceremony or the self-sacrifice, that lay in his way, he-, enjoyed or performed without shrinking, and to the very bett of his ability. He did not, as a youth, lie awake o' tiigbU wondering "what he would Le when he grew up to be a man." IVhon ha lim. n aiau he showed neither imagination nor genius, but had one trait of genius, namely, concentration. He put bis mind upon his present occupa tion, without lookintr back or look. ing ahead. He engineered, fought the Indians, rode horseback, wmto letters, went fox hunting, al tendril church, proposed to youug womon, conducted campaigns, and governed the United States each at the proper time, and each with sincerity of pur pose and assiduity. We do not hear of his swearing often; but when he did, it was thoroughly and efi'ectivoly done. If he seems not to have been as successful in the matter of matri monial nroDosals as in other acouoh. tions, we must remember that the ccu tennially revived, old wives' talcs of early and indiscreet refusals of Wash ington Dy the said old wives themsel ves, must be taken with a few rrsins of deferential allowance. The Old Cabinet; Scribner for April. IT WAS UU. A man forty years old aud as long as a rail went into one of the banks baturday to get the cash for a $1' olieck drawn br a party living 1:. Nankiu Township. "You will have to be iudentiiied," said the cashier as ha looked at tl -. check. "I'm the man," was the reply. "But I don't know who you are." "But I do." "You must bring some one lu . who knows you." "Don't I know myself?" exclaim- i the check-tenderer. !'liut I must know ynu. You a .1 - be Tom Jones for all I know." "You must be a oousarned fuel think I think I'm some one elso'' ' growled the man in response. , iiiua, u IUUVUV...OU, I. 1 1 iuo caanier. "That's lay name. I tell ve. this is me, and if this bank gits riled I'll lick the hull crowd of over behind that railing!" Ibe cashier woulda t pay. am man couldn't Cud any one who -him, and at uoou he was waiting that fuller who sasscd him to - out." Detroit Free I'ress. The Sultau of Turkey has iir. o'lior concession iu favor of 1I1 mcu. Iiereaisr no Turk can d . his wiib without giving her til pack licr Irtiuk and boy her rai. ticket.