At the breakfast table, tire other morning a Detroit landlady gave Mr. . J on 09 a severe look and said : "Mr. Joues, I understood you Lava been circulating injurious reports about mjr house. "How, madam?" '. "I understand you said you had used better butter than I have here to grease wagons with." "I did say so, madam, but not to injure your bouse. I have used better butter, madam, to' groase wag ons, but I wouldu't do it again, I'd sell it to you!" She accepted the apology.' , ,.. Two little children, a1 boy and a girl, were playing on a bridge in Dan ville,' Ky. The girl fell into the stream, and the boy,runniog to the other aide of the low bridge, caught ber by her hair as aba floated along and pulled her out. "Gol ding yer, she said, after getting the water out of her mouth and' catching breath, "what'd yer pnll .my .ha't forT Yar allers a Tuoning qq mt,"yeribig, Jub- The French do not bury in single f raves like their English brethren, hey buy or hire a plot of ground four or five, or nine or ten feet square, if they are rich,, and then dig one grave deep enough for ail the family. Over this is built a little house in stone a chapel in the sides of which are written the names of the dead be low,.'-'rir '" .! .ir A new style in trains, called coul isse, is that in which the train is cross ed horizontally, with gatherings at regular Intervals, and the gatherings . barred over with bands of faille. All trains are still long and narrow, with the skirts more and more clinging to the figure, 1 . . , . . . . , iTwo old ladies, who were known to be of the same age, had the same de sire to keep that same number con cealed ; one U3ed, therefore, every New Year's day, to visit the other and say: "Madam, I have come to.taow how old we are to be this vear 7 " ? . It has not been decided wether any one will be allowed to sell molasses candy on the Centennial .grounds Gentlemen, your hesitation may jr vent the State of Michigan from tak ing any active part in the great cx hibition. Freertess. , ', Cruz Lopez, a former pensive pea nut vender of San Francisco, is now the wildest bandit on the Mexican border: lie went to the bad because every policeman or millionaire that passed his stand stole a nut with an air of abstraction.' '."For One Only." This, cleaminc from the back of each parlor chair, is what met tlie astonished gsze or Mary mid Charles upon their return from meeting Sunday evening. It is Said to have been the-work of. an econ omical mother. , .", ,,, ..c. . A man went home the other eve ning and found his house locked up, Geltiug in at the window with great aitncuity, he lound on a table a note from his wife : "I have cone out : you will Cad the door-key on one side of the aoor-stcp. v . ... A raptured waiter inquires; "What is there under heaven more humaniz ing, or if we may use the term, more angeuung than a fiue black eve iu lovely woman T" Two black eyes is the only answer thought of at present. A New Orleans paper coneratu iates the people of that, city on the abolition . ot the .detective - force. 'Now," it says, "burglars are. captur ed wiioin a lew oours aner the onense transpires.' . .. a An exchange says: "In our obitua ry notice of the late Mr r-, in yes terday's issue, for the phrase .'he was a nobJe and pig-headed . man, . redd "he was a noble and big-hearted man, A Tassaio father wants to know "what will keep a respectable but poor youug mau liom banging round the front of the house." Tell him the girl is sitting on the back fence. : A Vermont man returned home the other day, after an absence' of eleven "years, and found that neither of the three husbands bis wife had married and buried had taxed the gate. ' One of the brightest sign of the units, nuu wmcn proves mat the ten dencies of things, to day, are, in the main, healthy, is that the people are growing to love facts. Some people will be over polite. ."Don't trouble yourself, I can find the way myself." "Oh, nonsense, my - dear ; . I'm very pleased, indeed, to show you out." - At Fort Wayne, Bernard Martin, ; "after eating his supper sat down to read his paper and dropped dead." The paper is believed to have been the. "Your dress," said a husband to his fashionable wife, "will never please the 1 wen." "I dou't dress to please men," . was the reply, "but to worry other wo men." ' Catch not too soon at an ofTense,uor , give too caay way to anger; the one : ahows a weak judgmeut, the other , a perverse nature. Of the 38,000 persons employed in watch making iu Switzerland one third are womeu. Elihu Burrett can d-ive a strange log out of his yard in' tliirty-thrte Irtiifuaifes. JOB WORK . DOSI AT THIS , if., v REPUBLICAN" OFFICE :- ' . ' Ji..-." , ; ' ' ; ' I ' O - .' ' 1 rf' I , j . ... ' : ' J : : !.,.-: , '' : .." ; ! . w ! . t At ht lowest cash prices, neatly, prompt- ly, and in style eitl to that of any other establishment in tht District. ' .. I . , . ..-.,.. ..!' .: ' : : , .. ... BUSINESS CARDS , ' i'SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARDS, " - .... . ... v SCHOOL CARDS . WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, 7 INVITATIONS, -: .; .. , W V 1 . ' t ... BALL TICKETS, . ... ADMISSION TICKETS,' MONTHLY STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES . BILLHEADS, LETTER HEADS, . NOTE HEADS,. CIRCULARS, BLANKS, P O ST E R S a DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, . RHTPPIKO TAGS, STA2TCXARD Fire and Burglar S jL 2?! 353 JS . vCoanter, Platform, Wagon A Track for FriM-LUt. AfCBM Wutei, Marvin's S$fc Co., .265 Broadway, Hew York, . " 721 Chestnut SL, Phlla.' PENTISYI.VAIA " CEN TRAL iiAILltOAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. J. Sundav May 1, 1870, Trains arrive at and leore the Union Depot, corner of Waahlnton and taoerty airoet, as wilowat AHK1VK. i- Mail Train, 1.S0 a m : Fast Lino. 12.12 a ra ; Well's accommodation No. I, 6.20 a m ltriuton aooommodatioj Ko 1, 7.60 awm; Wall' cc-commodntion No ?. 8.55a m -rin. cinnntl axreiM 9.W a ra ; Johnstown ao oommoUution 10.5 a m ; liraddook'a ac- nommouauon nti, 7.W pm; ntmbnifrh exproNs i.8 p m; Fncitto express 1.60 p in i W'alP . 1 -H X- n A OK ! Homewood accommodation No 1,9.55pm; TV Klin VOOOilinjIOtVlllfUl Q.MI n fn ' Brintoa arooi.niioJ.iiioii No 2, 1.10 p m; Way Prsamigor 10.20 p nu , DEPART,' ' Southern expreM 5.20 a ni : Pnci.lo ex press 2.40 a m ; W.ill'a aocommodntion No 1, 6.80 n m ! Mcll Xrin 8.10 a m i Urinton's accoiuinoltioii 1J.2J a m : BraddocU's ao odmmodatmii No 1, fi.10 p in j- Clnoinnntl expresa 12.35 p in j Wall's acimmodation i z, n.oi n ii ; jo'iujio-m aecomipodntlon 4.06 p ui j Homowofxt euomuiodation No 1. 8.50 p at; PMlHdulpliia exprntu 8.S0 p n; Wall a-xxmuiCHRtion No 3,11.05 p di( Wall's acoomniodHtion No 4. 0.05 n m t Pat Lina 7.40 p m( Wall's No 6, 11.00 p m. The Church Trains learo Wall's Station every Sunday at 9.0.7 a. in., reaching l'ittw burgh at lO.tua. m. Rot ii ruing leave Pitta burh at 12.50 p. m., and arrive at Wall's Station at 2.10 p. m. , Cincinnati exprons lenrnn dally. South ern express daily except Monday. AU oth er Trains daily, except Snndnv. For further Information apl'y to ' W. H. BKCKWITH, Anent, The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not asan me any Risk for BairRHjre ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rspoiiHibility to One llundrcd Dolla' val ue. All bnpfrage exoeedinfr that a ount in value will Iks at the risk of tue nor, unless taken by special contract. A.J. CASSaI General Superintendent, A 1 toons Pa. PITTSBURGH, IA The fflllowlnn. IIhI ntn ir.l ,.iu nnlv . nvt of our immenae stock s Muaale-fjoadtna- Rifles, full or half stock at 912, tin, t J), and t. Double Barrel Rifles, fJO tn T0. ' Doubl Rifles and Shot Guns, either over and under, or side by aide,and at all prices from I0 to .. . Blnarle-Barrel Shot Guns, for men ar boys .- cheap safe and durable. AU prioes $3.50 to $36 each. . , ... . Double Barrel Shot Guns. Our fifty different styles, made of Iron, London Twist, Laminated Steel or Damas cus Barrels, finished in the best and latest style, all sises, fiir men and bovs, at prices ramiii g from $8, $10, $14, $20 $25, $3$, $40, $50, $75 to $100. . ; . PISTOLS, in varioty from $1.00 to $8.00. REVOLVERS, 4, 5, 0, or 7 shooters, of every kind, at all prices from $f.00 to $25.00. BREECH-LOADING RIFLES. Winchester Improved 18 shooter. Best long range gun iu the world. Price only $45- Sharp's Celebrated Breech-Loading Ri flea only $10 each. Remington Breech-Loading Rifles at loest factory pricos. Wlesecm'a and Stephen's Pocket Rlflaa usinir metal cartridges, at $12, $15 and $18. Breech-Loading Shot Guns. The Dexter Single Barrel Breech Load ing Shot Gun, using Brashells price $0. Stephens B. L. fcingla Gun, $16. Double Barrel Breech Moore's Dean's Woodhill s, Ureeneu's, Richards', Scoot s and other fine uiakos, at all prices, from $50 to $300 each. , 'eulvr Price 1AM to J. II. JOHNSTON, GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 283 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA, and stat that saw this advertisement in The obest Republican. . Tabb None a I will buy or trade for Army Kitioa, Carbines, Revolvers, Ac. for prices see Catalogue. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. ( I ill W1 M 1 hv AvnwAau : . . , , . , ' - " 1 1 mi r Injun u, J. ., to be examined before paid for, when requested. 40 tf " " " ' - - j You Can Save 9fo By buying your PIANOS and ORGANS from the umlerxigno.l Manulaoturcrs' Agent, foi the best brands in the market. Instruments shipped direct from the Fac tory. I'll AS. A. SU V LTZ, Tuner. 3'v Lock Ihjx 17 i. Oil Citv. Pa. Imiiieiisc Reduction At the Wlioles-ile' ajd Retail ; ' H k :A - ; S. HAMILTON & CO., 77 5T AVE,, PITTSBURGH, PA i. . '."' 5 V";.V,l.-.',1J : ;c ; ; , OUR MOTTO IS AND II AS BEEN' ; ' '". .', QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. usEf!voilw v'to altwlTo'-1.1!1" M r n Rp.nt for u"- M lh"y vat-ial,ty Introduce "j ,BVO,aL"y all who see tlroui. Wo have sold and in use - .- moutMn.?,l",, Jhey are not some new Orgsn, the growth of a' few provonnL tT.s rc,ni o.Ti-9"' J tantly adding avorv meritorious im 5 SvJ ?nd i"mraon'. lo1l,'h', "nr have been Oraus Taylor A Varley Celestes trodZ2n?TL 11 'tUr.el, 1M T"ty '- And now for the purpsaa or ln he mSde nw d t?UK'''y hr,"hl't " t country towns of he' State, we SoeoTnllon h'- h we pro. . 1 , 0ir "'f'V" an'' without the sssisUincoofAUENTS OR M1DDLI0 MKN e ,a& to SffSr' iCrVie bonoa,t,,1 cjmiintaHUma and wholesale dlsunU, wo are tlmJ enabled to otlor these Organs at the following prioes, at which wo shall sell for a short , CABINET CASES,. . - Double Reed, 4 Stop Organs, Regular Price, $145.00 at $ 85.00 5 " " 155.00 at 00.00 t i ft 0. . : " 1 165.00 at 05.00 FULL RESONANT CASES, uouDie rfeed, 4 btop Urgans, Regular Price, $165.00 at 95.00 ' , 5 " 6 ,. " 2i sets Reeds 6 . " Vox Humana " 215.00 at 125.00 0 "Viola These Organs ars all 8olid Walnut, Paneling and Carving all of Solid Walnut Vol h"Tof tho vo0rv tTan'T C"eT, rrr trirCt "r" SmAy: tuing is or tho ory beat, and are all fully warranted, for live j ears. , . ; ' IHS BRAnaURT A DGCKBR PIAROS WILL BE SOLD AT THE SAME RATES OP DISCOUNT. . mJPr t'!rchaser. either ,.-,i.y alHve prices. l5er n e cash nrie lie sent win. n. freight, if aotsocomnafiied with th .i. 1. It; time be desired, we require n.'Wuh m Address for Catalogue, and state where you read this notice 1 " ! , ' ' ,; ; s. Hamilton & co., ..! '' fetl714m ' 77 fifth Avenue, I'iUaburgh, Fa. 1 :y ;; CARPETS! CARPET HOUSE, MEAD VILLE, PA., SHRYOCK & DELAMATER , . .... v " ' '; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ' ,,: ' ' ' ' ' " 1 ' ' It Vil.l . , Foreign. & American Carpetings, ' Mattings, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, ;: i ; --: Curtains, IjambrequinH, jo. V . ; ; SPECIAL COXTRACTSMADlt IN FmXlSTIl NO ' ' '-' ' ' ! '. ' . CHURCHZS, HOTELSt AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. ' ! ' ' " ' 1 SHRYOCK & DELAMATER, . . Mammoth Carpet and House Furnishing Establishment, 23tf . jVTTn A -n-rTTT T- -r-n -t . a v -v . " maleand female everywhere Address The L'uion Pub. Co., Newark, N. J. . Th,a Repubtiean Ofllc T'EEFS oonsUntly on hand a lariro as. IV sorlmentoflllank Deeds, Morttes Subpoenas, Warrants, Summons, Ac. to be Hold chean lor casi ' w to Suit the Times! I Piano' ajid 0rgan Emporium of i ;t - , "... A 275.00 at 100.00 , .iS5.oo .105.00 " 275.00 at 160.00 the i'- .i. . : " ik. ,.. i Si !' " snipped by i 1 1 , n.,t rjx. DOUBLE YOUR TRatip Priipgists Grocers and Dealers 1 ri,, China and Japan Tea. in seal d a'kLes rw u.p cans, boxes or lmltP chZ!!! We0lUPTHk,,l.l',, S0,U,f,r ' l"ho CLOTHING ! ItoHt.Clolltn! .. , j f Itrnl JltiUc! -.. The (nicstloii In tlicne hard tiibM Is nt only "What ahull wo do lor grub to eatf lint 1 - -...,,,. -"WlIKltEWITIIATy. SHALL WE BE CLOTHED ?' Tt I" a notorious flu-t that in moat towns and cities ronnrt aljcuttia, cloililng ma. Is , to order is not sold in accordance to the dcprei'iation of other necesssrics of HO. Tlicro in, however, nn honorublu tcp lion to this rule 111 the person of Ti. V1H1 Itlfrhnnt Tailor, TIDIOUTE, PA.,, - Who makes clothing of tlie very best kind, ..() uarantcod, irom , v "25 to 1?0 Per Centi Below " dealers In this part the prices of othur . . , . the country. , . . WHY IS THIS ,ii:tJb? Because 1st, Sir. Wlso pays no larK ' area for rent, as he owns thO liulldlUfc e--uiies. id. ha doesn't pay a $ii( tn $.1000 a vear, but loo tils own C" ting, andis not esccllcxl In Ihls line Irf WcHtern Pennsyl vanla. 3d, be bnys cloths lor eaah, thus getting a rortVetlon o" ordinary raU'a. 4th he sells for cash, and thus has no had debts to make up. - The tare is Mkj. from this place to Tld loute, $ud at the present time, yon ran go op in the morning and back at :, hir ing three hours iu Tidionte to select your goods and lonvo vour ordera. .- live him a trial, and yO'.r will not only save monev, but will get perfect fits, and any stylo or quality of cloth you want, k Reiueuibortho name nnd place, . 7 Jy ... ' N. WISE, Tldleute, Fa. f ATLTi? CONCERTO & ORCHESTRAL n r" ut r rerlsct Ion t'KHIII W OKl'llKH, THtl.STVPKan'b rvrr mrel In mmy er eaira sst r rKl , T -iilln.rlr vaicetl,'' f t" I 'H T of irAi. M MONT IIAIIit1IM)an4KOI'l M l' I II II I U, Ik, I i II 4IIO VI. mm am FOICR U m rl UII. Thm Urraai an im heal suuu nttrn niais , WATERS' NCW SCALE I PIANOS. v imI a 1 1 m alnslnsr tos. mih kirnr ImprcTcmruLa. nS a tke brt I'lnviion ntl. Thm rgavBS m I'lnHO n wrmBl4 ftr j f t'Hrh Prtrva filrcaitl ivr m cavsh r psvrt rash, mnd kalSM s . I luonlhlr w tiMMriorlr pavmniti, f a4.iirl-nanfll lnirnmrni iAkN ajs- CxrllKlie. U KKA'I' nill'tK. HlliN IS k SI THADK' AVIKKTS -MitM I KII fr every City .J C'Mntr t tki V. H. mi CasaSa. A Inrgs al. . MIlDtle THl, ket-l, kfrrAel, Vfc kfc m, atr. II 1. 1 XI HA 17' CA TA .(,( .( MA 1L.M ' IIUIIAt't: WAl tJM 4c BOX), M DrMtmj as 4S Uerow S44 H. E Testimonials of Waters' Pianoa tn . Organs, , , , ; "Waters' Concerto I'arlor Oran pns hcumi a Itcnntihil and pw-nlinrlv aoft tons. run 1 nnccrto Mtop is, witnnuv (ifiiiiii, ins boxt ever placed in any orpin. It Is pro duced by an extra set 'of rcod, peculiarly voiced, 'from which tlie fteitt is most cliiirinlng, and its Imitation of the human voice is superb. For sweetness of tone and orchestral t llects it has no eual." if. Y. Times. . . .. i. ..... . ' The Concerto I'arlor Organ"ls' aenis. thing entirely new ; it is'a beautiful parlor orniiuient, poHHcxNcs a sweet and power ful tone is a most coiuinondiihlo inven tion and holds a high place in public, fs-vor."--A'. 1. At'CTiifiiF J"ost. 'An (VncnESTM is Tnn PAnras. The orchoatrai orau is the name of anew rerd urKan recently annnuncml by Horace Wa ters A Hn. The instrument bikes this name from its recently invented orches tral Htsn. The voicing of this Is peculiar, firoducinu the ctloct ot a full sweet eon raltovolco. Its linest cfl'oct 1s produced when the stops are drawn, so that an or chestral ellect is piven, The case is unions snd ma' a handsome artiolo of furui ture," Jf. y, mx. ... , The Waters Pianos are known as sniouR the very best. We are enabled tonpeak ft these instruments with conttdencs, from persoual knou'ledgo. aV. J". i.'vcHoelUL 2-lV waaenvft a VUtllll lilt f ! tar liittt'i'S mo a vmrcly TcRctubla preparation, mado chiotly from the na tive liQi tis found ou tuo lower ranstB oC tLe Siorra NoviuLttuountaliis of Califor nia, tho medicinal piopci tics of which nro extractod thorefi-oui without the ufo of Alcoliol. Tho question is aliiiort daily asked, "What is tho causo of ilia tniparallolcd euccess of Visthak Hi t TKitst" Our anawor la, that lljoTiciuora, tue cause of disoasc, and tlio patient re-, covers his health. Thoy nro tho stent blood nurittsr nnd a lifo-givinc pi iii'ilf . a pcrfisct Kenovator ami Im inmatoi . of tho system. Never before in th. hutory of the world htw a medicine Iwa couiiouiidt.(l poscsius tho rcma: katl qualiiies of Vinkoah Ui rn:Ks in licaliinr tick of every disease man i Irnir to. They are a gemla Purj-aiive m well a.i a Tunic relieving Conposiion or InQamiuatioii of ins Liver aud Visceral Orgau iu Uilim- The pi'oiicrtlos cf ni:. WAr.KKk's INKUAS Kittkiu are i icrieiit, liinpliorutir. cartiiiualivo, Nutritious, l.nxuiivc. i)iiirti', beaatire, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera tive, ud Auti-Liliou.s. , . y M "uKl.u nail Uc.l.n. DyKRTl5Klise"mr25 w,ta ufoo for tln ii- 1 ' i . l"'- 11 1 alk """'. N- ... ...!",i.,I-,;,tiv;l'"u I'-'i'l'lilct, showinjt 1