VEDSESDAT SCEMNG, FEB. !i,',87l. BOROUGH OFFICERS. KurftuJoitn Rkck. CfeKacilMan O. W. Robinson, U. A. Yaruor, A. 11. Kelly, 8. M. Haslet, A. II. f abridge, H. O. llavls. JutUt4 9tht rtact D. B. Knox, C. A. ClvsjfaMa n. Swaifgart ' ' Vl ' eAiAoeZ ftiwloi-i-1. 8. Ktinx, H. O. ! Via, N. J. Woloutt, H. ft. Haslet, A. B. Kelly, U. Clark, FOREST COUNTY OFriCKIS. JYiii Jvdot L. I). WjrryoKC. ,4iar Jadyt -Jo. U. Dil.B, Eo ttoKntB, i JVaJrr S. J. Hktlkv, JYef fcaaelary, &gi.,ttr t itevrdtr, . 1. W. Clauk" - nhi-ijK J uti a 9 a w k r r . CVanwioner Kit UtiM), Isaac Luna, JoK!f Kuok. ' tt(y ,Vi()rirtffn!fif H. 8. Brock Wlt. AKjfricf Attorn S. D. tawi. 7ry (.inmtiuntri II. Z. 1'unKtR, 1.TMAM COK. (bsiUy ryor-T. T, Colli s. Ooritr ii. Ittil, Jk. Oasmiy Auditors NicnoLA Tbomp tM, J. K. Nbill, K. A. Zl'kndki.l. Jkltmbtrof Oirfi-11 Ro. A. Jmill. .iMcoitly J. II. Aaxiw, lutof TVa4n At TIONKSTA STATION, on and after SOVTU. Trsla ft . . . . . B:24 . 111. " M - - 1:42 p.m. . KORTH. Tralutt . .. :x4. ra. - XI . . . . 8:42 p. m. Train t, south, and tl, north, ere 11 el; the other are accommodation freights. TIwm train only areollowed to , 3 n 11.. tit. I. Ion t a fnM fill ili ( ta Irviaatan, up tha rlrtr la North ( down M.. rtva. ...ulti - - LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Special Notice. ' 4 The editor of tliit paper will be ab eent for about t mouths from date, and hi business during that time will be left, in lb haod f Mr. J. 12. Want:,' whose receipt wilt bo good fol-aay-rnouey paid Liu on account-'.All ' peraeu kuewiog themselves indebted, 4iIL''eafr a favor by sendiug, or liauSiag the money to Mr. Went. ' ' ' V. II. Dcm. ; Tlaiaat. Fab. 2. 187G. ' ' ' -J-tiV. ' Elliot will preach 1n tiro Presbyterian clmrcb do Sunday next, .Morning aud evening. Sub but h School t 3 o'clock p. m. " -Our Washington letter arrived tee lata fur publication ibis week. . The t, E. Cburcb lias n uew or gau.. - A verj fina toned iuntruraeut. K. L. Davia, Eq., of this place La been appointed Notary Public- . Ret. Wildar is conducting ' a re viral at llolemao's Flats at preacut. Tbrao cold frosty mornings bring bautiwarui of jaybirds, aud Robin tub's coru bai to antfor. ' IToo. J. B. Agnaw will please .uecepl tbauks for favor received, whbia tbe laft faw dnrs. J - l'rof. Klein' dance lant Friday ' vning was a very enjoyable affair. Mr. K. propose giving a danco every -week. . i -"Another letter from tho proprio . .tor in to-day's paper. He has safely .reached the delightful clime of alli gators and turkey-buzzard. -VT have oiir opinion cf a rettau rateur who will nk bis customer if they want 'era stowed raw. However, Rudy gets up a very palatable dish. "I De Clare" favors us again this . week, and addressee us "dear editor," which will be accounted for when it ia taken into oouaideratioo that ye editor is absent . The Freo Methodists will have ferric again on next Tuesday eve ning, in the Universalis cburcb. Re. Janes, we believe will occupy the pulpit. . Court commence next Monday, . and a usual quite a number pf For est' citizen will he in town. While you are here, gentlemen, call in and 4nd-fea u. . Fousp Betweeu the Trcsbyteriau Church and the Central House, a gold - jing. The ownoi can have it by railing in Mr. II. Shoemaker, aud detcribing fhe same. - For the benefit of those who prob ably have none, we might state that the thermometer indicated about 5 be Jow zero, thit morning, and that it cold. .-The Prebytor'mn Church bell ha been lowered, in order to let out to ore sound. Wholher thU has the desired effect, only those of tho tub " urbs cau judge. r-Make no delay iu getting to Freo (ima it Corbet'. IIeajuartcr for cheap bonts nnd slmt'S. )( '2t Lacytown Correspondence. Lacytows, Feb. f!, 1876. Dear Editor : It was well that you reminded u of our duty; we were about despair ing of life, did not know, until last Monday, t lint . we were "cross-eyed," "reel footed," "pumpkin-headed," etc. Never had becu called "old flirt" be fore, and as yet have not proponed that we should receive the "mittcu." Guess we'll have to join tb A. S.. B. for consolation. The township election held on Tuesday, wn one of interest ; thore being much opposition, consequently much electioneering. Voting ran high fvr certain candidates, each man tupporting birotelf. Our elec tions are noted for good order, in gen eral, never being disGgurod by high word or drinking. If you waut bail, political aid, or hymeneal service, just address him' a 'Squire Siverliug after this. The mail bag this and last week: have been unusually full; no doubt owing to the oceam of valentines received. Post matter Ledabur in forms us that we handle as much if not more mail (tun any other office on the line. , t. One of our politicians was seen rushing around on Wednesday search ing for the Salt River channel. He had run for Justice of the Peaco. On raft is safe in the harbor, put there by J. B. Ilaggerty, the owner. Our town has had so many visitors during the week it is quite impossible to ineutiou all, uuless Peter Youngk and John Weaot, who are passing at the timo of writing. I Dm Clark. . Western Correspondence. Lone Rock, Rich la so Co., Wis., 1 - 1 Feb. 18, 1870. J Ei. Ri:rfBUOAjr: : , After quite a pe riod of silence I again forward a few items for your paper. At present writing the ground is hare aud every thing indicates April went her. We have had,' thus far, one of the pleas antcst winters on record, for this State ; yet we are fearful of the next two months, for our winter must come in someaherc, uuless the Centennial has a bearing on the seasons that we are not awnre of. , By way of improvements here, I will moution that tho Stevens Point and Pine River Valley Railroad Co. have now determined to continue the above Railroad to Freeport, III, for the southern terminus, aud to Lacrosse, Wis., to make a junction at the latter place with the Milwaukee and St, Puul Railway. There will be a great demand . fur laborer when . spring open, to do the grading, Considerable excitement it found here In political circle, concerning the next Presidential campaign. The feeding here is io favor of Gov. Hays, and our State. Delegate are instructed to upport him at the coming National Convention,' ' ' . . ; Busiuess i very dull at present, money belug very close; our bueiness men find it difficult 'to exteud their busineis, consequently we look for better limes not iu resuming specie circulation but iu a larger supply of greenbacks ia the market. We are, generally speaking, "rag money" meu here and all that we ask is plenty of that "promise to pay" by Uncle Sam. The Black Hill are the point oi attractiou at preseut, and as soon as spriug opens many intend visiting this new Eldorade, iu hopes of mak ing their fortunes ia a few days ; the L glowing accounts given by several who have returned to this quarter excite mauy. More anon, N. B. Hood. complete' history of Peunsyl vaniu is being compile j at the preseut time, by Dr. Y H. Egle, of Harris burg, under the auspices of the His torical Society, of Pa. The aim is a complete work,' geographical, his torical, and descriptive. Each couuty is to be treated separately, the history aud resources of each county described and set forth. The work is to be on a larger scale than auy thing hereto fire attomptcd, and is designed to be a fit memorial of the Crnteuuial year. Mr. Carpenter, our artist, ha been taking views illustrating this county for the work. It will go to press and be issued iu May. The compiler, Dr. Egle has secured corrctpoudeuts in each ccuuty to socure the accuracy of the work. Forest Co. is written up by S. D. Irwin I'cij., who is a member of the above named soriety. We are In receipt of J. R. Mur doch's descriptive catalogue of flowers and seeds. Their place of business is 112Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. A lnrgn boiler was taken through this plnoe bit Monday last en reufa for Edenburg. We did not learn for what purpose. Probably to extroct the dry holes of that region. A Kerr Hill correspondent of the Titusville Courier says, "the girls want something more about striped stock ings." And now ws'd like to know what the youug men of that place are made of. The Forest Prett office was gor geously illumiuated lost night in hon or of- Washington's birthdays The display was magnificent, and is the only demonstration of .the kind that took place here. A Butler county minister will mar ry a couple when the bride is pretty for nothing, but for marrying a home ly girl he charges double. Derrick. That minister would starve in Tio ncsta, even if he had twenty ceremo nies of this kind to k every day. , -Clarion narrowly escaped a large fire last week. - It was checked by the fire department find water works, the workings of which are receiving much praise from the papers of that place, lucendiarlsm was the cause of the fire. Davy Hilands has collected a string of rattlesnake rattles about a yard long, and is steadily increasing it. He expects to make the string as much longer; and then send it to Phil adelphia. Thus Forest county will have a rattling representation at' the Centennial. - A tramp printer stalked into our office the other day so thoroughly saturated with "tangle-foot," that on inhaling the odor thereof we became pretty comfortably boosy.' We gave him 20 eta. aud told him it was train time. Its the cheapest drunk we've had since Lee surrendered.' Old Sol. united the Groundhog and Old Prob. iu the bonds of matri mony recently, and they have ever since been rusticating at Niagara, which accounts for the unsettled weather. They are expected .back about the first of March to see how the lion and the lamb are going to make it. As will be seen by notice else where in this issue, there is to be a do nation at the residence of Mr. T. J. Payne, near Newman ville, on the 29th insL Should there be such a thing as sleighing at that time it would be an excellent opportunity for the young folk of this place to enjoy a nice sleigh-ride, besides assisting a noblo cause. W. S. Welsh, Republican, was elected Mayor, of Franklin at the re cent elections. G. B. Delaraater, al so Republican, was elected for the same position in Meadville. Oil City re-elected W. B. Foster, and Titusville, redeemed herself by electing D. II. Mitchell, the first Republican Mayor for three years. Hurrah for Titus ville I A week ago last Saturday, 12lh iust., while chopping wood for Mr. J. A. Da wson of Stewart's Run, a young man named Oliver Lefferd, about 16 years of age, cut his right leg just above the ankle, severing two arteries and some of the cords. He nearly bled to death before medical aid reach ed him.. Dr. Coburn dressed the wound, and says the young man will proba bly be crippled, in a measure, for life. He is a son of Jas. Lefferd of Troy twp., Crawford county. Here it is girls ; if any of you would like to be immortalized uow you have a chance. Look at this: The New York Graghie offers to en grave and publish the portrait of the baudsQnieat ladjr in any community, without charge. The lady must be choson by ballot. The geutlemen can make nominations, and a ballot will be had to decide the matter. We will publish 'any number of an nouncements aud print tickets free of charge. Dou't be backward. .Osborne ' the quack doctor of whom we spoke recently as having, by malpractice, murdered a young lady named Mary Jennings, was caught and lodged in Meadville jail, and Is awaiting his trial. The Crawford Democrat says ; "Ooborue the quack sent from the jail ou Tuesday to bor row a spriug lancet of Dr. Chase to bleed himself. The Doctor took the laucct aud offered to do the bleediug himself, but that did not suit Otborne. He evidently was meditating uuieida by tapping an artery." Dr. Blaine and Vogel, who are attending Mr. M. Ilaggerty, ho. se verely froze his feet recently found it necessary to amputate part of the right fret, taking it Off about an inch back' of the toes. This leaves him about two-thirds of a right foot. Off the left they took four tqs, loayiog the fifth,' or little toe. Since this opera tion was performed tl)9 old gentleman has been getting nloug very well. Tho esse is a sd one, as, Mr. II. is rather an aged man however, it ruighi tiaWe been muU worse, s it was feared the entire font would have to be taken off. As it is be will, we think, be , able to walk and be about without the use of crutcheslc T" "r :v aft v. t . ' . ... : . '-..-i. . . Our Court, at its last session, ap pointed ' viewers for' the purpose "of laying a new and vacating the old road from the Tiohcsta creek bridge to a point below Dhhridge's mill. The viewers have located the new road at the foot of the bill, directly back of the farms of Wo. Hood aud .G.- W. Dithridge, connecting with, the creek road about fifty rods below the mill, which, if built, will at all times insure a highway unobstructed by high wa ter, as the old one frequently is; be sides shortening the distance to that point at least one-half. : ''A petition is in circulation,' and is being numerously signed by our best citizens, for the purpose of organ izing a company to put down a test oil well on what is known as the old brick-yard property, a short distance above the cemetery. The shares are sold at $25 each, and forty share are to be taken. Mr. J. 51. Kepler, an old operator, is'coufident that oil can be found ou this place. Drilling will commence as soon as the shares are all taken, which will be very soon, as they are going fust.. 1 Next Saturday, 2Gth inst., there will be a sale of several large tracts of valuable land by the U. S. Govern ment, as per advertisement in anoth er column, which has been running in this paper for some lime. This ex ccllcnt opportunity for a good invest ment should not be overlooked by capitalist, as these tracts are among our best furmiug lands ; besides some of them have at oue lime produced oil in paying quantities. State Superintendent Wickers ham intends to have a primary school, in full working order, on exibition at the Centennial, among other displays in the interests of the Cora mon Schools ystem of the State. An appropria tion of fifteen thousand dollars has been asked of the Legislature, and the Centennial Committee iu the House has unanimously reported in favor of the grant. Twenty-five thousand dol lars, however, will be required to car ry out the Superintendent's pro gramme, aud circulars will be issued to City and County Superintendents, Colleges, Normal Schools,' . etc., ask ing for contributions to make up tho deficiency. Venango Citizen. ' ' Peterson's' Magaziue for March is at hand, and ia as beautiful and in teresting as usual. The steel eugrav ing entitled "Pay Toll First," is one of the finest we have ever seen. It is alone worth tho 1 subscription price ($2.00) of the, magazine for a year. Chas. J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut St, Philadelphia. The March number of The Re public Magazine has been received. As we are about to enter upou oue of the most active Presidental carupagns of our bietory we commend to every citizen who desires to inform himself of the issues of the hour this indispen sable political monthly. Send $2 for a year's subscription to Republic Pub lishing Company, Washington, D. C. The Home. We have received cop ies of a neatly printed and illustrated young folks' paper, of the above name, published by S. L. Thorpe, No. 14 Bolivar St., Cleveland, Ohio. It is printed on clear white paper, aud is filled with a variety of interesting and inntructive reading for youth. It is issued monthly for 80c. per year, or semi-uiouthly at GOc. Tbe publishers offer very liberal inducements to agents and guarantee each subscriber a Cue cbroiuo. They also offer to send sample copies free to all who desire to examine it. In Seribner for March a full il lustrated description is given of the now buildiugs of Trinity College, now in course of erection at Hartford. These mark a "new depurture" in the college architecture of the country. Dr. Edward Eggleston publishes a popular discripvion of Ftoebcl's prin ciples and methods in an artlolo cut the Cbi.d-Cardeu. Five chapters of lVet llarle's "(iubriel Conroy" are published; .and . two , chapter of Edward Everett Hale' tory, "Philip Nolan's Friends." A new feature appears in Homo and society, namely, a number of paragraphs on rural top ics by Mr. P. T. Quinn, the well known agricultural writer, in which specific directions are given for the laying out of small places. Scrib nur A Co., 743 Broadway, N. Y. "Leap Year I" said he as he threw himself iudolcutly upon the lounge. "Oh, dou't I wish I was a pretty, faci Dating stunner of a girl 1 I'd have all my clothes cut after the "Domestic Fashions" and just heap the style on. And Wouldu'l I pile on the dudt and wear a big bustle I Oh no. Hi! Ouch 1" and just here his father, as he led him out by the ear, said, "Young man, if you don't climb out'n this and make a big bustle in the neighborhood of that wood pile I'll fix you so's you could't wear a bustlo for a month." " Donation. Nswmax ville, Feb. 17, 1876. ; Take notice, that there will be a Donation at the house of T. J. Payne, on Tuesday, Feb. 2(nh, for the benefit of the Rev. J. C. Rhodes, Pastor of the Whashington Circuit An invitation is extended to all the old folks dur ing the day, and the young folks in the evening. An oyster supper will be served. All kinds of produce taken in exchange fur preachiug. T. J. Patke. Cod-fish, White-fish, Trout and Mackeral at Robinson & Bonner's.' 44 3IGXJEY. We will pay cash on delivery at our mill in Tiouesta, for white oak stave and heading bolts at tho follow ing prices: Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4.50. Heading bolts 22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $400. Heading bolts must be made from timber at least 20 inches in diameter. Office at Lawrence House. J. II. Dericksox Si Co. 27tf FOR SALE. The valuable and beautiful homo stead formerly owned by IIou. Joseph G. Dale, and in which he now resides, is in my hands for sale at very low figures. Terms one-third purchase money dowu, and the balance in one and two years. Miles W. Tate. lOtf. TIOJNKSTA ItlCTW. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, ' By Robiuson i Bonuer, Dealers in General Merchandise. Flour $ barrel ... $a.757.75 Buckwheat flour cwt 8.00 Corn Meal, bolted - - 1.00 Chop feed .... $1.85(1.75 Rye 9 bushel - . . . 80(j00 Oats bushel 40(346 Corn, ears - 40($45 Deans $ bushel ... 1.5002.50 Ham, sugar cured .... 16 Breakfast Bacon, augar cured 16 Sugar 10 124 Syrup ...... 71 1.00 N. O. Molassos .... to Roast Rio C'offoo No. 1 . tl Rio Coffee, bent ' . . . .28 Java Coffee ..... 3,1 Tea ...... ,60 1.25 Butter ...... 80 Si Rice ........10 ERga, fresh . . . - 25 32 Salt 2.16(32.25 Ijird ....... ISftjIO Iron, common bar .... 4,00 Kail, lOd, f keg .... 4.00 Potatoes ..... S5($40 Onions, t buahel .... .DO New Advertisement. Applications for License at February Sessions, I87C. T.oauarrl Ap'iew, Hotel Tionexta borough. John 1'eUTHOo, " Truukeyvillo. NhiuiioI WiiftfinH, " Kaguiulua. John K. Xoill, " KufriimliiH. P. V. C LARK, Clerk. Jon. 1, 1876. PROCLAMATION. Whf.hcam, The Hon. L. T. Wetmore, PreHidciit JuoVe at the Court of Com mon I'leus aal Quarter SoMiiouK iu and for the county of l-'oroht, ban hMund hia pre. cupt for holding a Court of Common l'loua Quarter NoiwionM, At, at Tioiu-Htii, for the County of Foruxt, to ooiiininnix! on llm fourth Moiulay of boh. unit, luting tha 2ih day of Fob. 1K70. Notice ia therefore Hi veil to tho Coroner, J uatioc of tiio I'cwa and ConNtablox of aicl county, thai they be tliitn and there in lhtir proper pcnumH at ton o'olook, A. M., of wuui ciav, with their rx-ord, Inquisition exinuluHtioiiH and other romwinbruni-CH, to 1I0 tlnuto thing which tulltoir oilhn apMirtnin to Ixidooo, undtutiujKO who bound iu ref(nlxanoa to proccuteujuinKt the prixonui'N that are or hliull boin tiio jail of Forest County, Unit they Ih) then uml there pre. cot to proiicciito MKiiinxl thorn us ahull bo juat. t.ivuii un der luv tianil and Ncnl A. I, 1870. JUSTIN SHAWK1SY, Sheriff. i-rn n ivr n Tn ,,ct "ro of uik- A vUlL, Kwpinu, tho beat ay. U'ln of actual practice, the moxt clrgunt uuiuannhip, the lowest ratoa of bourd and uition, at WRKhinKlon BiiHinoji Collng", Jum"Mowu, N. V. Circulars tree. :j 4 .. Proclamation in Divorce. Jimtis Shawkev, Sheriff of Korent county, To Mary K. lloup, Uretlingt Whickran, 8. C. Roup did, on tlx Hth day of Mnrch, A. 1). J87A, prefer his Ptt tion to tho Judccns of the Court of Com' mon lima f sairl County, praying forth muma therein net fortb, that he mivbt be divorced from tho bondn of Matrimony heretofore entered into with yon, Mary K. Roup. Now thin in to repilro yoa, the anid Mary K. Roup, to appear before tha said JudtfcM, wt Tionentn, county of Koreot, on Monday, February 2, 1876, to annwer the complaint of tho iwid S. C. Roup, and show rauw, If any you have, why a di vorce abould not rxra:ranUMl to tho said U. C. Roup from tho bonda of matrimony en tered into by him, with yon aarreeahfy to Act of Aaeinbly In avcleeaeea mado and provided. ' . . JUSTIS SHAWKKT, flherlif. Sheriff's Olbeo, Tlonewta, Jan. 3, 176. T Register'aTNotiobi " ' Rruihtkr's Orrica Yonwrr Co., f . Tionta, Jan. M, UWt. Notice ia hereby given to all parHosnAn cornod that D. W. Clark, Adujiirirrtor of the eetate of V. Olaanner deenmed, hair filod hia final account in this olams and the Hams will be presented to theaojating? ular Court for confirmation m ii. . P. W. OI. ARK, RogiaaW; II. (.. TINKER & CO. 'i OI t CITT, PA., WHOLESALE & UHTA1L . Poelors In ' ' - Hardware, Iron and Xnlltv 1SKLTINCJ, FILES, AND : , M11V.X, suiji3Liii:s. FOR HALBCHKAP. Ono Two-Uera Lumber Wagon, aooond haud. Aiao, one aide spring Buggy, with studs and pole ; aa pood as new. For tonus inquire at tlila ofllce. . 4ly The expel lenee of five veara bun proved that thin t'ompact and re liable work of General Information ia hotter adapted to tho wants of all elaiuoe of the com munity than any other work of tho kiud erec ZELL'fi lei mlM Uitioi. AQEHT8 WAITED, publinlied. It has been proven by IU IMMENSE HALErt, by the numoroua COMMENDATORY N0TICK8 RIOTX,. And by IU uniform . 8CCCE8S WITH AGENTS. The edition of 1876 haa beon THOROUGHLY REVISED TO DATS. It conUina 160,000 article, 3000 wood engraving and eighteen handsomely en graved aud colored mup. The work ia ittuod in pnrta, and apeoI nien eopy, with map, will be aent to any address, freo of postage, for twenty eeaU. BAKER, DAVIS k CO., Pnblialiew, '. (Suceeeaora to T. JCIwood Zell.) : No. 17 and 10 South Sixth Street.. 42tf rniLADBI.FAIA, PA. GOVERNMENT LAND SALF.. Pkpartmrht or Jtranra. ' Offlce of the Solicitor of tlie Treaaury r Washington, 1). C, Nov. 17, 18 j Public sale, of farnia and oil lands near Tiouosta, Forest County, Pennsylvania, by Wu ford Wilson, solicitor of the Treas ury, with the approval of tho Secretary of tho Treasury. The following described proper'.y lying in Forest and VonangooountieunearTlon eaU, will bo oft'erod at public tWe to the highest bidder at Aguew'a Hotel, In the town of Tiouesta, on Saturday the 19th day of February next, at ten eeloek la Ike forenoon, via : - Tract No, I. Tho original Iloluman Farm, containing 401 acres. Tract No. 2. 617 acroa, made tip of three pieces, eae of 391 acres, one of 61 acres and thehither of 46 acres, adjoining. These tract a bouad ou the Allegheny River at Holenian's Flats, and are situated about three mliee from Tiouesta. Much of tao land U cov ered with excellent timber. The cleared part la good furm and bottom land. A number of good house aud bartia ax e each tract. Tract No. 3. 437 acres, situated near the month f Weat Hickary Creek, ou the AllghBjr River, Ave miles above Tiouesta, aud con sist of bottom ami hill land. There are two house aud good out building on tat tract. These tracts are considered Valuable oil lanua, and it is thought that, upon being properly tested, will ba reiiuiuouUive. They were taken by the United SUle for debt. The title la bolieved to le undisput ed, anil can be examined by Milder fur themselves before tho day of sal. The solicitor of the Treasury lui 110 powder to give warranty deods,anu Mtitl only sell and couvev to the purchaser all the rigiit and title of the United Statta. The several tract uumbered'l, 1, aud S, will bo sold separately. The highest bidder for oach tract whia tho same is struea off to him aa the pur chaser, will be required to sign bis name to a certificate setting forth tlutl he ia so ok purchaser ami ugreeing to comply with tha condition of sole, and will also be required to pay to tiio atrent of tha gov ernment attending the sale, the sum ef '200,0, which will be forfeited if he shall Dtil to make the payment ami deliver tbe security according the conditions. Payment will be made a follows 1 Ono lmlf of the purchase money, lose the &OO.00 paid on thu day of sale, shall Ue paid on delivery of the dewt conveying the tract, the reiuuinifig hajf to ) paid tu one year from the day of snle with inurast at six per cent, lor which deferred pay ment, purchaser shall give hia bond secur. tod by lirst mortgage un tiie premise sold. An agent of tho govoruiueul will attend at the poNtotliceatOiUnty.on Wednesday, March 1st, 170, and where eaoh purabaasr will bo required to pay to him one-half of the purchase money, less tha $100 alroady paid, aud deliver to him the proper secur ities lor the remaining ball', aud to reoeive a conveyance ecu,id bv lb solicitor of the Treasury, of all the right and title of tiie United Sutea of, inLajidtu Ih tract sold to him. Ui.V'vuM) WlusoM. Melicltor oi the Treasury, Approved. ' 11. 11. llUlHTOWv Recretury of the Treasury. For further information in regard to tha alsjve dtwerihed lands, apply to J. H Agnew, Altoniey-at-Law, Tii.nesla, J'a.