4- a PUBLISHED EVEKY WKTWJKrUT, BY " . W. 11. DUNN. ' ' ., gLM BTaEET, TI0NB3TA, PA. . , TERMS, $2.00 A YEAR. Wo Subscriptions received for a shorter period than lliroe months. Corrospondeneo Solicited from all part cf the oountry. No notice will bo taken of anonymous communications. 'ii" : BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TI02JESTA LODGE Jvo. 360. I. O. of O. F. MEETS every Friday evening,' at 7 o'clock, In the Hall formerly occupied Vy the Good Templars. - O.W, 8AWYER.N.O. . H. Haslet, Heo-y. 27.tr. TIONESTA COUNCIL, NO, 342, O. "UV.A. M. , MEETS at Odd Fallow' Ledge Room, very Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock, i. it. ULAHK. e. 8. A VARNER, R. H. .., , "AP' uj. Ilt. WM, VOOEL, OFFICE at Lawrence IToum, Tlonoota, Pa., wIwm lie can us found atoll times when not professionally absent. - - M ly in.j. k. iilaixk, . i 0 rriCK and rcsWr.riI Louse form-- IT 6c.niL1 Tr Aim .i Wsdaesdaya and Saturdays. , 32tf (- . 9, AQNKW, ' W. E. LATHY, ttatt,ra, Eri,ra. .Attorneys at Law, - t Tlonesta, Pa. .' ' Office on Kim Street., ' : ' " ' .asey ll.1874.-tf ' ' K. JU Davit, 4 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tlonesta. Ta. Collections mada In thla and adjoin ing oountle. . 0-ly MILEH AT. TA.TK, -I' ATTORNEY AT LAW,' 1 srf, "' TIONKSTA, PA. " . . F.W. Hays, . ATTORN T AT LAW, and Notaht Pes no, Reynolds Uukill A Co.'s look, Bsaoea alt., OH CHty, l'a.- ' 39-ly r. KUIIIAt. i.if- . P B SM1L.BT. ; .r xixxma it $ amiLET, ',. ' Vttoraoya at Law, - Fraaklln, Pa. PRACTICE In tha several CoarU of -naagn. Crawford, Forest, and ad'nln ag ooauties. - 89-.Jy, ' XATIOXAL IIOTCl ' W. D. BUCKLIK, - PKormrroB. - PrlT-rlata Liecn'teKf Hoonv OoM iU yoouDMlad. ,' ' . lS-ly , . TJonnsta Hous! AWDRV.W WKI.I.KR. Proprietor. Tlila houiw liaa 1knii nnwly tilted lip and ia liw rpnn for the accommodation of the fiabli. Charges reasonable. M ly . . CENTR.AL HOUSE, A AOMKW BLOCK. I Aox aw, l'ropriotor. This ia a new and haa junt lioen fittml up for the aaeetamoriatioii of the public. A portion t tae patronage of the publio ia solicited. 4-ly , , Lawrnrvce House, TIOESTA, PA., WILLIAM LAW RE N U K, Propriktoh. This liouat ia eoutrally located. Uvcrythini; new and well farniaiieil Mnporior acuominoda- lions and strict atUmtlon aiven to guests. Vexetahlea and Fruits of all kinds aorvod in their season. Unmple room for Com meroial Agents. FOIEST HOUSE, S- A. VARNER PRorniRTOB. Opposite Court . Mouse... Tlonottta,. Ta. Juat apeaed. Kvcrvthim; now and clean and freu. The host of liquors kept constantly a hand. A portion of the public atroii ag Is roapoctfully sollcitod. , 4-17-Jy n1 " Vr. . i. L. Aeotnb, i ., PHTRICIAN AN D SUR1 KOX, who ha , I hail lift eon yearaoVxpericnc in a larire ' and auocesaful proctleo, will attend all Professional Calls. Office in his Drun and tJrooery 8tore, locatod in Tidiouto, near 'TldiouU House, :;, IN UIS STORE W'lUi BE FOUND A full assortment of Mediolnon, Liquors -Tobfio, Clgani, Wtationevy, tilas, l'uiutu. Oils. Cutlery, all of the lwi quality, and will be sold at reasonable tnUa. " DR. CHAS. (. 1AY, an experienced PhTsieian and Drupfist from New York, ' has chnrKS of the Stre. All prescriptions . put uy accurately. jxo. r. ri a. a KSLLT. IT A Y, FA It K .e CO., .3.fJL T iE3 S ' Corner of Elm. A Walnut Sits. Tionosta. " I Rank of Disoouit and Deposit. Iatovest allowed on Time Deposit. OoHeaMonsmadeonall the Principal points i . tf the U. S. r Collections solicited. 18-1 y. .' ' W. C. COBURTJ, M. D., PIYSICIAH A SURKON offers his services to the people of Forent Co. HnviUK had an experience of Twelve Years in conxtant practii, Dr.-Coburn unaranteea to Kiv0 satisfaction. Dr. Co ' Vjnrn innWts a specialty of the treatment of Nasal, Throat, Lun atd all othor Chronic or lingeriiiK diseases. Having tnvestiiiaioil all sclontillc methods of our- inif diseaso and sol-ctod tlio t-ood from all avstema, he will irtiarantco relief or acure .11 ...u. .l.nra a cure is IHSHlblC. Nci Charee for Consultation. All fees will be rentiablo. Pnifewional visits made nt all hours. Parties at a. i.tanoe cim eon i. 1.1... Lu Ijtrtnr Vx-.... H.lli,(.iua IhI door east of - Partridge's New Uloi-k,, foot of lut;h JI ill Road, Tionosta, PV jjJ f M'LT CA ltl'K I'IXUS, V ets. per yard. P i.'i.T T fl'MLINtl for rooms in phinnnl .oru.'.plV. -.MrtMi V. J-.VAY, Camden, VOL. VIII. NO. 45. Painting, Paper-Hanging &c, 1 II. CHASE, of Tionaata, offers his J services to those In need of PAINTTNO, ' 1 ORAINIXO, ' CALcrvtrNrifa. - fiizrva a Varnishing, may writdso, PAPPTR HANGINO, ; AND CARRIAGE WORK. Work promptly attended to and Nu t Isifuolloix Ouarantoed. Mr. Chasa will work in the country when desired. lit-tr. C. 51. IIKATII, DRESSMAlG: Tlonesta, Pa. Tr4 HIJATIl baa reoantly mored to this plans for tha purpose f meetins wantwhich tha ladiea of tha town and county have for a long time known, that of having a dressmaker of experlenne amoni them. I am prepared to make all !r...k of dresses in the latest styles, and guarantee satisfaction. Stamping for braid ing and embroidery dona in the best man ner, wit& the newest patterns. All I ask is a tair trial. Residenoo on Water Street, in the house formerly oecapled by Jsoob Shriver. 14tf N Frank Robblnt, pnoiooiiApnER, (scocissorto DUMino.)' Pfeturea in everv atvleof the art. Vim of the oil regions for sale or taken to or der, i . - CENTRR STREET, near R, R. crossing. HTCAMORK STREET, near Union Pe- ljv, u vt, i a. " . i m-w PJIOTOOUAPa GALLERY. ELMUTHKBT, 80UTH OF ROBINSON A BONNER'S . .- 8TORE, Tiomestai Pa., M. CARPENTEB," . . Proprietor. Pictures taksn In all the latest stvlea the art. 26-tr L.KLEIN, (in COVARD t CO.'S Store, Tionosta, Pa.) ' ralcTioAt. PATCHfilAKER & JEWELER, ' ; DEALER IX H atches, Clocks, Solid and Hated Jewelry, IHa-ck Jewelry. Eye Glasttet, Spec tacles, Violin Strings, fc, Pc, Will examine ami repair Fino Enullsh, Swiss or American Watuhes, such as Ke-jatei-a, Indepeadent Seconds, Stem Winders, Duplex, Levers, Anchors and LepineH, and will make any new pieces for the same, such as Stafta, Forks, Pel letts, Wheels. Pinions, Cylinders, Bar rels, Arbors, and in fact any port apper taining to fine watches, -A.U Work Wnvrantod. I can safely that any work undertaken by me will bo done in such a manner and at such prices for OOOD WO II It that will iilvn satisfaction to all who iuay liivor me with their order. L. KLEIN, H-ly Author of "The Watch." NEBRASKAGRIST MILL. THE GRIST MILL at Nebraska (Lacy town,) Forest county, has been thor oughly overhauled and retittod in nrst elas order, and is now running and doing all kinds of CIJHTOM URIXDING. FLOUR, FEED, AND OATS. Constantly on hand, and sold at the very lowest figures. 43-on U. W. LEDEBUR. i Woman fair to look apaa." SARA, THE PRINCESS. Facsimile of a Celebrated Oil Paintinuby BROCHA KT, iu 21 oil oolora izu I7xii inches, 'i'ha royal beauty of faoo and firm, rich Oriental costume, romantic Eastern landscape liwk-Krouud, with its well, palm trees, flocks, tenU, and long stretch of desert and distant boundary of mountains, combine to form a rure and lovely picture. It would ((race the walls of nn'v public or privato nailery. Can vassers are wild over it, and are compet ing for the 1'asb, Premiums, aionu tur our splendid oiler. Adilrs in i it ivniii m'ii v v rMic - 41 $ u&t T10NESTA, PA., FEBRUARY 23, 187G. CO. -A.UDITOI1S' IlEI'ORT FOR 1875. 8. J. SETLEY, Treasurer of Forest County, In account with the Funds of said Connty for the year ending December 81, 1875. Dr, To am't ree'd from F. Glnssner 12,323 41 nunion return county 1H4...... " " " bridro " " unscat'd" county " " '.' " brldr " " aeatod oonnty tax 1875 " " bridjre " - unseated county tax " " ' brldeo t " Jury fees ree d of J. B. Agnew, Prothonotary " redemption on county lands... " reoeived ftw bonds " " coal sold " f Green township... 87B04 219 86 6,321 56 1.5K0 18 9,278 30 2,317 10 6,314 06 1,676 12 800 15 63 2,000 00 10 75 105 23 78 70 138 94 60 00 708 00 oe S07 50 60 00 750 x18 86 " from Jndjrm' C. J. Fox " ' for lands sold by eounty to R. Dodge " " for lands sold by county to C. H. Dnhring .. M for lands sold by county to J. D. Hunt.... " 60 day list connty bridge 1H76 " amount received of T. J. Van Gieaen for use of heater " amount rco'd of T. F. Walker. oounty and bridge tax " repaid tax (see Treas.'s Un seated Land Book, page US) $4,323 64 To balance M 10,020 95 S. J. SETLEY, Treasurer ot Forest county, In account with the funds of the Com monwealth for the year ending Dec 81, 1876. Dr. To State tax for 1875...; 181 88 " retailers'a license 194 00 " billiard saloon license 70 00 " hotel license 295 00 " pamphlet lawa 14 00 " htato lax on loans to Jan 1, 1870 60 00 1 853 38 To balance 106 66 H. J. SETLEY, Treasurer of Forest County, In account with the funds of redemp tion of aaid county for the year ending a)ec, 81, 1875. Dr, To am't ree'd of F Glassner, Trea. . or individuals 1,481 76 To balance., Commissioners of Forest County in account for the year ending Dec 31, 1875, JOHN THOMPSON. Dr. 319 41 69 30 To county orders drawn " balance ,. 378 71 JAMES K. Dr. 287 82 ' 74 58 36184 To county orders drawn I. " balance , ELI Dr. 246 4 To county orders drawn.., " balance , ffll 20 Foreat Counl j- h. We, the nnderaigned Auditors of Forest Connty, do hereby certify that ws mot at the Commissioners' Office in said counly according to law, and did audit and adjust the several accounts of the Treasurer, Sheriff, Prothonotary and County Commission ers for the year onding December 31st, 1 75, and find them as set forth in the foregoing report. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal this 0th day or January, A. l. 1876. xm. Attrst: J. T. DALR, Clerk. EXPENDITURES OF FOREST CO. FOR County Commissioners " Work Auditors and Clerk Counsel fees.; Cat and fox bounties Jury fees Jury Commissioners Assessors Printing? Constables - Court Crier . Road view .... Fuel and lights Elections Commonwealth costs. 840 70 720 00 133 80 150 00 112 95 1,721 69 64 36 110 00 574 35 229 71 60 73 75 40 342 99 375 98 19 02 116 90 112 00 2t3 59 640 66 Books, stationery Ao .-. Registry m Repairs on Court IIouso - Western Pa. Hospital FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF FOREST JMUattTEDNKSS. Connty bonds $15,000 00 Bridge bonds 10,000 00 Interest due on bridge bonds 406 00 interest due on county bonds 1,000 00 Countv orders outstanding .. 3i2 09 J. N. Tiuts worth on Judgment..... Jl 50 $30,809 59 Forest Counly ss. Pursuant to law, wo, the undersigned the foregoing exhibit of the Receipts and ending Doc. 31, A. l, ltwa. witness our Attest: J. T. BRENNAN, Clerk. TIME TRIED AND FIRE TESTED ! THB ORtOlHAI. ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. ASSETS Doc. 81, 1873, n b.v it , o s cs . y o. MILES W. TATE, Sub Agent, 45 T'ouustu, Pa. N. P. BtJRNIIAM'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL A' as selected, 4 years ago, and put to work in the U. H. Patent Oflieo, D. '.. and has proved to be the best. 10 sizes made. Prices lower than any other first-class Wheel, pamphlet free. Address N. K llMri.liitMl Vmli I'u 18 it Sliemhlwmi. Cr By eounty and bridge orders re deemed for 1874 A 1876 110,604 65 and coupons, 2,144 00 " seated lands returned county and bridge 1874 and 1875... ' exonerations county A bridge. 1874 and 1875 "... " pid collectors . "5perot.on $3,609.28 paid be fore August 1st..?. " refunding order to John Wolf M am'teState tax on loans for 1874 u 8 pr ct. on 110,604 65 oonnty orders redeemed " 8) per ot. on $2,144.00 connty bridge coupons redeemed " 81 per ot. on $96.96 paid State Treasurer Slperct. on $1.25 refunding order ' SJ per ct. on $274.95 redempt'n " 8) per ct. on $52.98 paid col lectors Dalanoe 1,408 41 857 97 ' ' 62 65 180 46 125 97 21 871 1 75 04 8 39 64 - 9 62 1 84 19,020 95 84,323 64 Cr. 40 00 507 60 152 33 84 99 11 90 106 66 853 38 By State Traa. reo't March 11, 1875 ,r. . " . July 9, 1875 " " " " Dec 4,1875 5 per ct on $609.33 " exonorationa . , Balance ...... Cr. 274 05 By amounts paid Individuals...! Balance '. 1,208 80 1,481 75 , Cr. By balance duo last settlement 79 41 "P2dsys' services 276 00 " 233 miles' travel 23 30 878 71 59 30 Cr. 79 84 207 00 75 00 By balance CLARK. By bal. due last settlement....... " 09 davs' services "750niiles' travel 361 81 74 52. Cr. 31 80 213 00 46 40 29120 By balance BERLIN. 80 By bal. duo last settlement.. 40 " 71 davs' services " 44 miles travel By balance. 44 40 'i MDMt-atiM. l10 I HENRY A. ZUENDEL, J.R.NEILL. If-"- r Auditors. L.a.jJ THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 31st, 1876. Witness Sheriff'a fees......... Redemption of lands erronsous- lvaold Prothonotary fees Janitor Teachera' Institate..... Bridge repairs.. County Line..,.. Horse hire ; - Western Penitentiary Furniture Postage Interest Paid collectors of 1874 " " 1875 State tax on loans for 1874 Treasurer's commissions District Attorney's fees 16 50 193 40 707 03 91 60 72 00 69 00 14199 . 66 91 29 70 48 36 707 22 10 83 2,426 21 134 36 62 65 97 21 558 29 11 00 COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDING ASSKTH. Balance due from Treasurer $19,020 95 Seated lauds ret. for 1H74 1875... 1,48 41 Due from estate of F. Glassnor... 202 !4 Due from Green Township 75 81 $J0,708 11 Commissioners of Forest Connty, publish Expenditures of Forest County, for the year nanus ana seni mis uin uayoi January, iota. ISAAC LONG, Co. Commissioners. JOHN RECK, J Jtl NfVKU-KAIl.IMJ AGUE CURE fhosll. bull by Drogginu. $000 Reward if it fails to euro. Dr. C. B. Howe. Seneca Falls. N. Y. 26 4t riH.unt mnd ProBtablo KntvloTMOal. "Beautiful I" "Charming I" "Oh, how lovely I" "What are they worth T" Ac. Such are exclamations by those who see the larire elegant New Chronios produced by the Kuroiwcn and American Chromo Publishing Co. They are all perfect Gems of Art. No one can resist the temptation to buv when seeing the Chromes. Cau vMKne'rs. stents, and ladies and gentlemnn out of employment, will find this the best opening ever ollered to make money. For full particulars, send sunup lor uoiimieu- 7s Washington St., Boston, Mass. 'SI it $2 PER ANNUM. MR. AND MRU. SHOT. ' Mr. Shott bado't been out of Detroit in seven years when, the other dsjr, ousiness causa mm to Ubicago. Mrs. Shott wanted to go along, but be said that time were too hard, he didn't want to navs the bother of taking care of her, and she was compelled to re main at home. He reached home in the evening after an absence of two days, and as he sat eating bis supper ua unserved I "I tell you it was a long ride, and I'm glad you didn't go." "Lionesome, was it T she asked. "It would have been fearful if hadn't had a yonng lady in the seat wud tna, ne replied. "Wuatiayoung lady iu the seat with your "That is that is you knoW the car was crowded," he said. aoq you ooerea her half your seatr "I that is, she sat down there," be stammered. Mrs. Bhott's ears grew red and her eyes snapped. "And so it was lonesome, was it ? You dido't speak, to her, I suppose?" inquired the wife. "Why. I I spoke once or twice, of course. - ' "Nice young lady, I suppose?" "Well, no, I can't say as she was." "And there you sat and looked your sweetest, and I'll bet you passed your self off as a single man." "I don't know as I did," he replied, as he drank his tea. "Did you iuform her that you were married and had three children V She demanded. . "I don't remember, though I pre sume I did." ' "You presume you did I Well I pre sume you didu't. I know just now you sat up there and pretended to be a rich widower, and took care of ber satcbels.and bought popcorn and illus trated papers for ber! Mr. Shott iuqutred if there was any more biscuit. "It's a nioe operation yoar coming home and expecting to find hot biscuit for you 1" she went on. "Why didn't you ask if that young lady could make biscuit? Why didn't shcotue home to tea with you ?" . "Nancy don't be foolish," he ob served. "Don't be foolish! Who is foolish? Here I was, scrubbing around and baking and patching, and breaking m v back, and vou were braced un in a seat beside a young lady, stroking those yellow whiskers and talking about your bonds and mortgages and your lonely widower life!" "I wssn't," he briefly observed. "Daniel, did that girl ride all tbe way from Chicago with you?" asked Mrs. Shott, as she toyed with the han dle of tbe milk-jug. "Did she? Lemme see!" he mused, as he helped himself to the butter. "You know she did I shouted Mrs. Shott. .-.v - . "If she cot off at any of the stations I didn't see her," he admitted.. "And there you sat and sat, and rode and rode, and you paid out tbe money we need so much in the bouse for peanuts, and popcorn, and juba paste, and picture papers! Daniel, let me see your wallet !" ' "My wallet?" "Yes, sir, your wallet?" "What for, Nancy?" "I want to see your wallet?" "It's the same one I always had." "You left home with twenty-six dol lars, and I know exactly what the trip cost. , Fare to Chicago and back, seventeen dollars. Hotel bill, two dollars. I'll allow one dollar more for iucideotals, and now where' that six dollars V "I I !" he stammered. "You what?" "I met Green down by the depot and lent him four dollars." "Daniel Shott, who is Green, and where does be live?" Daniel didn't reply. "Daniel Shott, you've lied to me !" she exclaimed. "You didn't want to take me alone owing to the hard times. You said I'd bother you. If I'd been along you'd have growled four times a mile about the bother and expense, and there you went and both ered with a young lady and squander ed four dollars on her, and heie I've worn these old shoes seven months to save expense 1" "I'll get you a new pair pretty soon," he replied. "You will, eh 1 "When f "Before the Fourth of July, any how." "You can squander four dollars on an unknown girl and make me wait four months for shoes, can you ?" "What unknown girlr "Daniel Shott 1 And the milk-pitcher came down on his head, she caught bira by the neck-tie and the oldest boy ran out doors and yelled "fire!" Several of the neighbors ran over, but Mr. Sbolt Rated of Advertising. One Rouare (1 inch,) one Inertion $1 Ons Square " one month - - 8 e One Square " three months - 6 00 One Square - one year 10 00 Two Squares, one year - - 13 0a QtiarterCol. . . . . 80 00 Half ... ....... . w oo One . ' . . 1W Igal notices at established rate Marriage and doath notices, gratis. All bills for yearly advertisement ooW lected quarterly. Temporary advertise ments must be paid for in advance. Job work. Fash on Delivery. met them al the door and said it was only a burning chimney. When they asked for Mr. Shott she remarked : ' "Mr. Shott doesn't feel a bit well and is covered up on the lounge !" A NOVEL E.BAF TB AH PARTY. rlt may amuse some of our party-going readers to reveal to them a . new sty i of lean-year amusement nn. ; vogue among the fashionable folks of aV t I A as . Atiauia, ueorgia. A look at tbe pro gramme inclines us to believe that a good deal ef harmless fuu could be made out of such a gathering : The party is to be entirely composed of the young people of tbe best society married folks to be ercluded as spectators. The participants are to be in roasqne and costume and remain so until midnichL Each mih. t.J. upon arrival deposits in a - box a sealed proposal of marriage, signing ; u- .f .l. i . . . i. .an iuo uiiui qi me cnaracter she renresenta. Tha .Aim. An.t -1 " WMlj KCUblCOlQU draw these from tbe box, and each one must nna out the fair lady represcn , ting the character signed to tbe pro posal, conduct her before a knrlv Mil. tennial magistrate, who will perform a quaint, old-time, quasi ceremony, From that time until midnight tbe counle are to he com nan inn .nt .n. joy themselves as one. But at mid night a pompous Chicago judge, with ' a sheriff and two attorneys, enter and onen a divorn.A court Tha n.rti.a are severally called up in couples, tell horrible things of each other, are sol emnly divorced, and unmasked by the sheriff. This will ha the richest nart of the fun. When all tbe couples are divorced, supper is announced, and after that the party continues in the usual way. ASLYOLDVOX. ' The Reese River (Nov.") Reveille tells the following: "There was an old fox which for a period of several years had continually evaded the fleetest and keeueet-tcented hounds, the scent being invariably lost in the vioinity of a house situated in the woods and removed from any habitation, aud which was used as a store house for pelts. At last one day the hounds started the old fox, and away he went in the direction of the house, with a pack of youug hounds in full cry af ter him, but on bearing the bouse be disappeared leaving the hounds and hunters non-pluBsed as usual. While the hunters were gathering in and around the house discussing tbe fre quent mysterious disappearance of the fox, a veteran bound came liming up, and, entering the door, set up a vigor ous barking and tried to jump up on the wall. 11 is singular action attract ed the attention of the hunters, and -an examination being made, the old tox was found suspended by bis tail to a nail in the wall, keeping perfectly still, aud looking, unless closely ob served, like the pells with which tbe walls were hung. J his plainly showed that the' old fox, when tod closely pressed, bad taken refuge in the house and bung himself up on tbe nail by his tail, which was the reason fot - the dogs always losing tbo scent at that particular place. A MY8TEKY OF TUB 8BA. Three times within the last half year tbe wires of tbe direct cable have par ted near Tor bay, tbe last surface resting place on this side. The Brt break occurred three hundred miles cast of Tor bay, near where the cable cro8ts that ot the trench Cable Com pany. Wbon the steamer Faraday found the break ber officers became . convinced tbat violence had caused., tbe disaster- Tbe .cable near tha " break bore fresh indentations and .. worn spots tbat could have been made ' only by an anchor or by a grapnel of some kind. Iu the hope tbat it might turn out that tbe damage bad bseo done by carelessness rather than by design the company's officer said nothing at tbe time. Then in Octo ber a break occured about two hun dred miles west of Tor bay, and the Faraday found in that case also marks osVviolence near tbe break. Thereat , the company offered (5,000 for infor mation, and siuce then many seafar ing men have called at the offices of tbe company with what they deemed important information, but nothing trustworthy has been discovered. The break of a few days ago ia be lieved to have occurred uear where ' the cable first parted. Two travelers having Lean assigned ' to the same bed-rootu ia a crowded hotel, one of them, before retiring,, knelt down to pray, and confessed aloud a long catalogue of sins. Ou rising from his kuees heawbisfullow- traveler, valise in liund, going out of the door, ami exclaimed : "What's the maitor? What's up?" "Oh, noth ing," was tho reply; "ouly I'm not goiug to risk uyself with such a Kcaiup as you coDfci yvureelf to be." rt'i'-Wi