The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 16, 1876, Image 4

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    She !w$t gfjmMfcan.
tlurff$iJou& nti'K.
tV)Nio(iHn . W. Robinson, S. A.
faroer, A. U. Kcllv, P. II. Iln8lt, A. II.
)artrldre, II. O. Payi.
Justice otk J'eaceD. S. Knox. C. A.
Uon(i6f II, Swaggart
uAool ttirtrtom-iit. U. Knox, V. O. Pa
Yle, H. J. Wolcott, 8. II. Haslet, A. B.
Jfceily, P. Clark.
frttident Judge T. Wtrxiinp,
' Atteeiatt JudffttJott. U. Dalr, Kd-
IVeanurerfi. J. Heti.KT.
. ' It-ntAonolary, Jiegieter it Recorder, f e.
It. W.l'LABK.
Sheriff--Jusris Siiawkkv.
CfcHMliillfl--Sl.t DliBI.IIf, Isaac
L,oxu, Jon Ruck.
0s(y peni(fn(tcvi( II. 8. IlnocK
Vat. JHetriei A Heme 8. D. Inwi.v.
. sry tbmM4toner II. 7.. Towsiin,
1.TMAM Cook.
(bunly ifHrvejor T. P. CoLtms.
ibrosr M. ITTKI., Jr.
Cpunfy Auditor Nicholas Tuohp
!. J. R. Nkilu, II. A. y.rn!URi.!..
. Member of Conitrem -Geo. A. Jek.
Aelttiibl! . II. AoNRW, '
'JHmeof Train
Deo. 0, 1975 1
Train 23 - -. 8:34 a.m.
; ' " 64 :U p. ni.
Train it ' . 1 - . O-.SI a. ra.
" tl ' - S:4i p. m.
Train 22, south, and St, north, nro 1st
laas the othors aro accommodation
freight. These train only arc allowed to
ourry poaaeagere.
Oa the Rlvor Division . . from Oil City
4o IrvlaeWn, up the rlvor is North ; down
the river, aoutli. .
Special Notice.
, The editor of this pa'per will be ab
sent for about tiro months from date,
and hi business during thai time will
be left -4n - tbe hand of Mr.' ' J., H.
Wnk, whose rooeipts will be good. for
y money paid him on account. "All
parsons knowing themselves iudebtod,
will ooufer a favor by sending, . or
binding tbo money to Mr. Wank,'
.."-t - ' .... i IV.' R, Duss. '
.TUasata, Feb. 2, 1876. ,
" ' Cod iSab, - Wb "tc-fisli. Trout 'and
MacVeral at Itobinson A Bonner's.
, , Mr. Craig, our gentlemanly sta-
. I . 4 .. ... 1 , . 4
. Vllt.
. . A UW 11 MIIUII JiUH U1I9 lllllUJt:il III
- Tl.- ... r ! I :..
a saw bead which adds- greatly to its
A down -town cbap sport a pair
f "Buritaidos" which are just ia style
. Flipping coppers, or "crack-loo"
bat been revived in town, aud is in
dulged ia by old and young.
Wonder what's the mutter of our
Lacytown correspondent this week
Probably joined the A. S. B. society.
Make no delay in getting to Free
in an & Corbet's. Heaquarters for
pheap boots aud tboes. 44 2t
A letter from the boas, in another
column will be read with interest, lie
didn't get sea-sick. Brandy keeps off
' ea -sickness.
" D. D. Faseett, Esq., of Tittieville,
ad II. II. Collins of Pittsburgh,
partner of Mr. Dill. ridge were m town
.during the week.
- S. A. Miller, fruit tree agent from
Lineivillo, Crawford Co., is again
around. Sam. does the square thing
.by his customers..
Oil has suffursed a slight decline
ia price within the last few dayn, but
is now firm at 11.95, from which we
think It will not vary,' unlets it goes
The rnild weather ou Sunday
brought out the festive potato bug,
which reminds us that spring is near
at hand, and l'aris Green will be in
'Loo. Stroup has been hobbling
around for a few days past with a sore
ankle, having cut it while getting out
bolts. He used telegraph polos fi.r
Alei. I len age has stritightened up
considerably since that camel's, bump
was trimmed ulT the back of hia neck.
It was a good job, and he is getting
along finely.
Colds are prevalent throughout
towu just now, ind nearly everybody
curries an extra handkerchief. We
ker kerchoo have a elight touch
of it ourielf.
As will be seen oUewhere in this
isue, our efficient chajrmau, Mr. J.
T. Dale, publshes a call for a meeting
of the liepiiblican County Committee.
A full a.te.idivice is desiivd.
Southern Correspondence
Savassah, Oa., Feb. 8, 1876V
At Fhiliidelphia on Saturday Inst,
at noon, I boarded the good sliin
"Juniata," Ctipt. J. W. Catherine,
and shortly after wo were under way,
down the Delaware Bay. The "Ju
niata," is one of the Philadelphia and
Southern Steumtih:p line, uud is of
1320 tons burden. The Cuptain is a
gentleman whom it is a pleasure to
meet, and does everything iu his pow
er to make his passengers comfortable.
Tbe fnro was good, aud the firt day
was parlakeu of by all with appetites
that did justice to the grub. But on
Tuesday morning, alas I only four
passengers sat dowu to their nieals;
the rest, O, where were they? Well
you couldn't see them, but you could
hear them in their sjate rooms, appar
ently playing some game, every little
while some ouo ejaculating o o-o o-h!
with an unction, and then would hear
a souud that was suggestive, but not
appetizing. Your humble servant had
the honor to be one of tbe brave four,
whose stomachs were proof against
caVukuess, the bottoms of said ttoni
achs remaining true to the attraction"
of gravity. .
On the second duy we camo in sight
of laud, Poplur Island, aud pissed
Cape Ilatterns just as the sun was set
ling. The water was rough, to a land
man, but tho officers averred that it
was profoundly smooth. On this day
we uoticed a dog, a rat and tan ter
rier, which belonged to the captain's
sou, aud we must (ay that in all our
experience we never saw such n de
praved beast. It actually chewed to
bacco I aud would snap savagely at
any one who attempted to deprivo it
of the sweet morsel. We were hu
miliated, and went off and smoked.
Monday we had a quiet dnyfc nud
watched the "sad sea waves," and tbe
gulls, of which latter some fifteen or
twenty followed us from Philadelphia
to the mouth of the Eavainmh river.
This day we bad a fresh accession, of
about three at the table, and thi lo
gan to appear more bright. 1 ai oust
forgot to mention tho dolpliius, of
which, in the morning, about n half
dozen got immediately under our bowS,
and swam just ahead of the vessel lor
about an hour. Iu the afternoon,
about a dozen of these fih got under
our bows, and swam from two to three
hours. The dolphin is about six to
eight feet long, with a slim nose ubout
five inches long,- fiu on cither side,
and the tail put on its body horizon-
lallyi instead of square up aud down,
like a respectable fiih. They have no
scales, are a "seal brown" on the back,
and white oa tho belly. In the top
of the head is a valve, which is closed
when they nre uuJer water, but when
they come up, as they do at short in
tervals, the valve opens, and shows a
round hole, apparently about tbe size
of a silver dollar, which is closed im
mediately when this pnrt goes under
water. They are warm blooded, and
are callnd by the, ' "hog-fish."
This morning wheu we awoke we
saw land on either side, and wero told
that we were entering the Savannah
river. Eveu uftereuch a short inter
val, terra firma looked good, and we
wero glad to know we should soou set
foot upon it. This river is about
twenty miles long, with low banks,
some of the fluts being used for raisin"
rice,wnd is flooded at the pleasure of
the owner, from the river, by means
of flood-gates and ditches.
Suvanuttb is a beautiful city, laid
out not expressly with an eye to busi
ness, but with an idea that pleasant
surroundings conduco to health nrul
longevity. Ilctiee (he wholo city
(which contains about 30,(00 inhabit
ants,) is dotted all over with p'iblic
parks, containing from five to fifty
acres; nil planted with beautiful trees,
and in several of theai beautiful foun
tains playing. In a private enclosure,
in front of a handsome residence, I
saw two orango tres, loaded with this
luscious fruit, and I longed to clutch
some of them, but was restrained by
tho presence of a policeman ou tbe
corner. '
This afUruoon I am off for Jackson
ville by rail, and thence, shortly after
arriving there. I take a steamer up to
me tiean ef si, Johns. Will write
you again shortly, probably from En
terprise, I la. W. It. D.
The ice crop thua far has amount-
ed to nothing, and lemonade, tod a-
waier ami the like will have to be
taken with a "stick" iu it next gum
mear, uuluss there be a sudden and
severe change in ihe weather.
Spring Elections. ' -
Inst Saturday evening ns usual
the citizens mwt nt iho arbitration
room of the Court Ifou3e and nomina
ted, what was suppose to bo a "citi
zen's ticfcel." It was composed of some
of .the best men of the place, and ta
ken altogether was a good ticket.
But as we said Inst week, it didn't "go
down" with a number of tho voters,
consequently another meeting was
called ou Monday evening, and anoth
er ticket put on the track.
It appears that at this meeting
something was said which was cal
culated to diuturb the feelings of the
Democrats, and perhaps they though'.
they were not getliug their share of
the candidates. At any rate, after the
caucus bad adjourned, two or three of
them got together and fixed up a
straight-out Democratic ticket, and
had tickets printed bright and early
yestorday morning, and stuck togeth
er as ouly Demociats can for we
must give them this credit for the
election of their ticket. Excitement
ran rather high during the day, but
all passed off pleasantly, aud no blows
were thought of. Time and spaco will
uot permit us giviug the votes receiv
ed by each candidate, so we will mere
ly give the names of thoso elected :
Burges3 J. A. Dale.
Town Council Q. W. Robinson, T.
J. Van Gicsen.S. A. Varuer,Wm. Law
rence, W. R. Reck, W. J. Roberts.
1 High Constable Fred. Kauffmau.
Justico of the Pcaco D. S. Knox.
Constable II. Swaggart. , .
Assessor D. S. Knox.
' Ass't Assessois II. O. Davis, G.
W. Robinson.
School Directors II. O. Davis, II.
II. May.
Overseers of the Poor M.Einstein,
II. II. May.
Auditors Y P. Msscilliott, W
W. Grove.' K " '
Judge of Election Joseph Grove.
Inspectors C. A. Hill, John W.
Strjup. - : ;
' There wero 03 votes polled, and 72
candidates in the field. If any town
iu the State, with a population of 500
cau beat that, we would like to hoar
from it.
A bill, increasing the 'bounty on
red foxc to one dollar, and makiug
the bounty on grey ' foxes fifty cents,
has passed tho lower house of the
Legislature. We suppose as soon as
Reynard learns of the action of the
Legislature in this matter be will va
moose the country and go to climes
more cougenial to his scalp ; and small
game, pheasants, rabbits, Ac, will
roam our forests, monarchs of all ihey
survey, with none to molest or muke
afraid. Then can tho frisky ground
hog come firth to gaze upon his shad
ow without entailing upon us a six-
week's winter; and the innocent lamb
shall gambol upon the village grceu
without fear of being kidnapped by
bis foxsbip. The lusty chanticleer
will send forth .lis notes with greater
eclat than ever; and then shall the
old grey goose smilo on tho gander,
and join him in singing praises to
Jake Kepler the prime mover in this
grand scheme.
Valentino day in this place was
thoroughly enjoyed by some, and not
so thoroughly by others, .The, post
office was drained of l et. stVmpj, and
as far as we can learn "uo guilty mau
escaped, or was slighted. . Some were
"touched," aud to avengo themselves
hurled uucompliiuentary remarks at
every one .'hum they thought might
have had something tj do with tl)
sending of them ; consequently many a'
poor innocent cuss had to sutler for
another's mischief, our honest friend
D. F. Robinson was among these. To
say the least it ia a cowardly' way of
showing ouo s dislike for another, and
shows envy instead. However a great
many hearty laughs wero indulged iu
by tho majority of our populace, and
especially the juveifilts.
A petition for raioirg a militia
company is being quite numerously
signed by our citizens. About forty
have already enlisted, among t!y;m
quite a uumber of "old soldiers." This
is what wo like lo see, because we have
often wondered why Tionesta couldn't
just as well have au orgauizatiou of
this kind as any other town, as we
have the material among uj to make
as good a company as can be furnished
iu the State, and if the right spirit is
bhown we will Imve it. We hope lo
see the cempaey painding our trct
uext summer in full uniform.
Landis, the murderer of Curruth,
of Vincland, N. J., has been acquitted
on tbe-groutids of insanity.
The small-pox is quite prevalent
in aorua ef.-tli lower, oil Holds... Hope,
it Won't meander in this direction.
New Castlo has invested two
thousand dollars in u frnso ball -club.
Of course oul- town will nbt be behind.
How is it fellows? -. ...
Tho miielftalked 'of'board walk,
to the school house, has fiunlly been
laid. Now lot's liave a crossing in
front of the Presbyterian church.
Col; pewor "andffaroilyt are at
present visiting friends in Tionesta.
The Col,, goes to ' Philadelphia iooO.
where ho expects to take up his resi
dence. Sorry o have them leave un
Are you preparing to atLLciiil.the
anniversary dance at the Lawrence
IIouso next Tues Jay evening f If you
ain't, you had better be, for if you miss
ibis dunce you will regret it for the
next hundred years. . . ; .j
Jim. Hiding ha Qxed up a neat
barber shop in the Davis building, just
north of Mr. Maine's residence. If you
want a pair of ear-tags blocked out
Jim.'s the chap to do it. Office hours
on Wednesday and Thursday eveuings,
and Saturday afternoons and evenings,
A Lake a milo and a half long
by a mile wide has just been discover
ed in Idaho, so densely inhabited by
trout that they appear along the
shores in one coulinuous school. Ex.
If that lake was situated Dear Tiones
ta, we would agieo uot to growl about
hard tiroes for six years.
''.'Tho "Lenp-Yenr Necktie" for
gentleman has a spring, which being
touched, moves a .thickness of silk
aside, and shows a disc indiscribed
"No." Ex.
The boys around here would rath
er Lave the word "Yes" inscribed
thereon, no doubt.
Judge McJunkin, of Butler coun
ty, has decided that oil wells 'are ex
empt from nil tax,' Heretofore it has
been customary to impose a separate
tax on wells in Butler county, and
consequntly there bat boeu considera
ble interest manifested in regard to
what his decision would be.' , '
At Newtown last Thursday, while
the crpek was rising very fast a board
pile was carried off, the bank having
washed from under it Frank Duseu
bury promptly 6 1 raddled a horse and
headed it at the mouth of tho creek,
and by the assistance of several parties
it was safely tied up, after which "all
bauds" took we'l, it's no difference
what they took. . , (
A specimen copy of thcMeadville
Weekly Republican has been sent us,
and we must say that such enterprise
as is shown iu the general "get-up" and
appearance of this paper is truly com
mendable. The citizens of Crawford
couuty may now congratulate them
selves that they have a weekly paper
which will compare favorably with
any in the State. '
Washinpton.s Birthday will be
celebrated in Franklin. Captain Busch
will fire a salute of one hundred guns.
The baud will give a seruade, and oth
er festivities will be introduced. Our
citizens shoud eucourage this celebra
tion. Citizen.
Cau'4. Tionesta do something of this
sort. Get out some nnvils aud let's
have a little noise anyway.
. Tho Mercer . Frets says that
Phoulb, the young man . who stole a
watch out of Hinkley's store, in Mer
cer on being sentenced to six mouth's
imprisonment in the county jail, turn
ed and winked to on icquaintanc,
whereupon Judge McDerraitt recalled
him and added three months to his
term. "Never crow until y..u're out
of tho woods," Ac.
A Baltimore, Md., dispatch of
Feb. 10th soys: "Reverdy Johuson,
tho distinguished statesman aud jurist,
was found dead this evening nt 8:1.1 in
tho grounds surrounding ;iho Execu
tive Mansion at Annapolis. Mr. John
son was iho guest of Gov. Carroll, and
diued this afternoon with other gen
tlemen at tbo Executive Mansion.
He was found dead in the yard by a
The convention of general rail
road ticket ngenU of America began
Us sesiiou at Louisville, Wednesday,
having been called together to adopt
rates to be charged during the centen
nial year. Nearly all the principal
roads in America were represented.
It is thought a reduction of 23 per
cent, from tho regular rates will be
made. , If the railroad companies
aiu't eareful they will, by their gem-rosily,
be bu'sted. We must say tbat
this reduction of fare would bo htujo,
and would probably enable every
millionaire in tbo country to attend
the Cuiteunial.
Last Friday evening a danco
came off at Partridgo's hall, under the
auspices t'C Frcf., Klein. About tix
teen couples -were present, and tho af
fuir was said to have been thoroughly
enjoyed by all.
Ballou's Monthly Magazine for
March is issued, and is just ns interes
ting and ns smart ss ever. M. Quad's
great serial story, "That Taylor Boy,"
is of absorbing interest, and will at
tract as much attention as any atory
that has been published for some
years. Amcng the contents we notice
a thrilling sen-story, several tales of
adventure;, half a dozen nico domes
tic stories of lovo and hnppiuess, sev
eral pieces of poetry, and a dozen or
more illustrated articles, such as will
please the general reader. Published
by Thomes & Talbot, 23 Ilawlcy St.,
nt $1.50 per year, postpaid, and for
sale by oil newsdealers.
' ' JIOJiEY.
We will pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tionesta, for whito oak
stave and heading bolts nt tho follow
ing prices:
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 ft. by 4 ft., 84 50. Heading bolts
22 inches long, per cord of 8 A. by 4
f;., $400. Heading bolts must be
made from timber at least 20 inclus
in diameter. Oflico at Lawrence
27lf p ,
J. II. Derickson & Co.
The valuable and beautiful homo
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
G. Dale, and in which he now resides,
is in my hands for sale nt very low
figures. Terni3 one-third purchase
money down, and the balance in one
and two years Miles W. Tate.
VAN WYCK CiILOKR.-.Ian. 30th, 187ii,
lv Mnv. A. Wilrlnr. Mr. K. H. Van
Vfyck, and Mis Ktba Oilpnr, both of
Aiicgnony twp., Venango count r.
FKRRYSIGGINH. Fch. 9th. lM7f. bv
the tiniiio. Cant. H. ('. Ferrv and Mine
.r.n. V Uimritia l.nll. aC W f r t ., 1i,,
wi.i.u . uiiiii. .uvu .i.i. nulla A....,
Korext county.
By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour V barrel - -' ffl.75&7."5
Ruc kwliont flour 1 cwt - 8.00
Corn Meal, bolted - - - 1.00
Chop feed .... 1 1. OS 1.75
Ryo bushel - . . .- , 80(490
OnUi 'i bushel . 4045
Corn, ears ..... 4045
Bean bushol ... 1.802.50
11am, sugar cured .... 0
Breakfast Bacon, eugar oared ...... in
Sugar ...... 10rtvl2J
Syrup 73 1.00
N. O. Molu-sHofi .... po
Roast Rio Cofloo No. 1 - - - IS1
Rio Coffco, boat .. . . . 28
Java Coffoo ..... 85
Tea - - - . . . .50&1.25
Butter . - . '' . 3032
Rico ....... to
E(TKsi fresh .... 25 22
Salt 2.15ffi,2.25
Ijird ....... 15ff20
Iron, common bar .... 4,00
Nails, lOd, "p keg .... 4,00
Potatoes . . . . 35(ivl0
Onion, a bushel .... ,00
New Advertisement,
Applications for License at February
sessions, 100.
liConard Afrnow, Motol Tionesta borough
John retnrxun, , " Trunkoy ville.
Sumiiol Wiifirina, Kagundu.
John R. Neill, " FaiindiiH.
P. W. CLARK, Clerk.
Jan. 1, 187(1.
Whereas The Hon. I.. V. Wotmore,
Pri'Mdiiiit Juduo of tho Court of Com
mon I'li'iut and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forext. has issuod his nro-
pept for holding a Court of Common 1'W
(mirtnr Sessions, Au., at 'i'ioueata, for
inu i -on 1 1 iy 01 inrest, 10 eomnionee en tlio
fourth Monday of Fob. next, heintt the
iSlh day of Fob. Ix7"i. Notice is lliorcl'oro
(riven to tho Cormier, J list Icon of tho IVttee
and Constable sot mod fount v. that thev be
then and there in their proper persons at
ten o'elock, A. M., of said day, with their
records, inquisitions examinations and
otlior rcmemlu unces, to do tiioso things
which to their ollices apiiei tuin to bo clone,
and to those who bound in reco-niimce
to prosecute against Ihe prisoners that nro
or snail no 111 tlio.i.ul ot r-orcsl County, that
they be then and there present to prosecute
against them as shnll be just. Uivcn un
der my hand and seal A. l, ls7d.
Proclamation in Divorco.
Justis Shawkey, Siioriif of Forest i-ouuty.
To Mary K. Roup, i i t timj :
AViiKMKAs, K. C. Roup did, 011 Iho 1-4U
day of .March, A. 1). is;,',, prefer Ids poll
tiuu to the Judi(M of the Court of Com
mon Fleas of said County, prnyinif for the
cause therein set forth, that he niiuht be
divueed from the bonds of Matiimouv
hcroWuro entered into with you, Mary it.
Roup. Now this m to roquiro you, the
said Mary K. Roup, to appear buforo the
UU1 Judges, nt Tionesta, county of Forest,
on Monday, February us, 1S7H," to answ er
tlio complaint of tho said S. C. Roup, uurl
show cause, if any you have, why a di
vorce should not bo grained to tho'suid H.
C. Roup from tlio Ismds of
to rod into by him, with you asjieealjly to
Act of Assembly In such cases made and
SlieiitT's Odico, TioncMa, Jan. y, b',.
Register's Notice.
RK'H.sTrn'i Oi'PifK Ponmr Co., I
TloWKSTA, J I'll. SI, 1876. f
Notice in hereby aivon to all parties oon
corned that I). V. i'lnrk, Administrator
of the estate of F. Ol.tssner deceased, haa
bled his final account in tin olnce, ami
the Mime will beprosenlod to tlio next reg
ular Court for confirmation ni
P. W. CXARK, Reenter.
Mercantile Appraisement,
In and for tho hunty of Forett. .11 H 0
l'tnmylvnnut, for the lear le76v
Dealers in Merchandise, Liquors, Sut,
Class. Ta.
A. Wellcr, hot-l S ' 00
" " i billiard tablos 40 0")
A. It. rartridie. furniture 14 7 00
J. II. Periekson Co...... 14 7 00
M. KinMein 13 10 00
RovardACo . 13 10 00
K Klein, jeweler 14 TOO
Freeman fc Corbet 11 10 00
Wni. Lawrence, hotW ft 60 00
" " 2 billiarld tables 40 00
A. Mnrry U T 00
Robinson A Bonner 10 20 00
J. II. Fones, druffs H ' 7 00
L. Agnow, hotel 5 : 60 on
8. A. Varner, hotel 5 80 00
.Tiq. No!!! 14 70
W. C. Noil! 14 ' 7 on
John Weodi-oek, hotel S 50 00
J. It. Weill, hotel 5 50 00
tnmuel WiRiriii, hotel 5 60 00
John l'eterson, store 14 7 00
" , ". , ho,cl . R 60 00
T. J. tViwiuan 13 14 60.
Wheeler. Pusenburf t TOO
T. P. CJllins '. 14 00
Wheolor A Pusenbury 14 " T 00
A. Cook II TOO
i. I. l'earsnll 14 TOO
Ford it Laey 14 J W
, . . . 11 owe t'p.
P. Oraliam 14 . T 00
Appeal will be held In tho oflleo of tho
County Treasurer, in Tionesta, on the 19LU
of February. A. P. 1870.
JAMES HWAILU8, Mor. App'r.
Thccxpoilenocof flv
venra haa provod that
ihi Compaet and re
liable work of General
In formation ia bettor
ulnpted to tho wants of
ill classes of the com
munity than any other
work of the kind ever
lei mm Wilion,
published. It has been proven by ita
by tho nnmeroiM ' . v .
And by its uniform .- -i f
Tho edition of 1878 has boon 1 '
It contains 150,000 articles, 3000 wood
eiig-rftviiiirs and eighteen handsomely en
graved and coiorod maps. . ..,'.
Tho work ia issuod in parts, and a speci
men copy, with map, will bo aont to any
add ross, frco of postago, for twenty renin.
BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers,
(Successors to T. Elwood Zell.V 1
No. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street, '
Ofllce of the Solioltor of tho Treasnrv,
Washington, P. C, Nov. 17, 178.
. Public sale, of farms and oil lands near
Tionesta, Forest County, 1'ornKylvanla
by Bluford Wilson, solicitor of the Treas
ury, with the approval of tlio Korctary of
the Treasury.
' Tho followins described properly Ivlng
In Forest and Vonunno counties near Tion
esta, will be offored at publio sale to the
highest bidder at Akuw's Hotel, In the
town of Tionnsta, oil Saturday the 2Ath
day of February next, at tan oclock In the
forenoon, viz :
Tract No. 1.
The original Holoinan Farm, containing
401 acres.
Tract No. 2.
517 acres, made up of throe ploeos, one
of 391 acres, one of Ml oeroa and thcfiUier of
45 acres, adjoining. These tracts bound
on the Allegheny River at Holaman'a
FlaU, aud are situated about three miles
from Tionesta. Much of the hind la cov
ered with excellent timber. The cleared,
part 1b good farm and bottom land. A
number of gitud houses and uacua are oa
each tract.
Tract No. 3.
4:17 acres, situated near tho month of
West Hickory Creek, on the Allegheny
River, five miles above Tionesta, and con.
sisls of bottom and hill land. There are
tvo houses and good out buildings ou this
These tracts are considered valuable oil -hums,
and it U thought that, upon being
properly tested, will las remunerative.
They wero taken by the United hlatea for
debt. Tho title is believed to be undisput
ed, and can bo examined by bidder for
themselves before the day of aale. The
solicitor of ihe Treasury has no power to
give warranty deeds.and will onlr sell and
convey to the purchaser all the right and
titlo of the United States.
The several tracts uumberod I, 2, and I,
will be sold aopnrittely.
The higliost bidder for em h tract when
tho same is struck off to him as the pur
chaser, will he required to situ his name
to a eertilieate selling forth that he ia auch
purchaser and agreeing to comply with
the conditions of sale, aud will also be
required to puy t tlte agent of the gov
ernment attending the salo, the sum of
fMUH), which will bo lori.iled if he shall
fail to make the payment and deliver Ik
security aocording tho conditions.
Payments will be made its follows t
One half of tho fiurchase money, lose
the V4J0.00 paid uu tho day of sale, shall be
paid on delivery of iho 'deed conveying
iho tract, the remaining half 10 Is) paid iu
ouo year from the duy of sale withinloroat
ill uu per cunt, lor which deferred pay
ment purchaser shall give hia bond secur
ed by llrst mnrtgago on tho premise sold.
Au iif.'t nt of tho govm nmunt will attend
at Ihe postoihco at Oil City, on Wednesday,
March 1st, l7tl, uud where euuh purchaser
will bo rciiuired to pay to him oue-lulf of
the iiiuchiiso money, less the SX already
paid, and deliver tii him die proper secur
ities for the leimtiniiiK- half, and to receive
a conveyance executed bv Ihe solicitor of
tho Treasury, of all the right and title ot
the United hiatus of. iu. and to Hid trao
sold to him, lli.ii-'onu Wiijiox.
H.ilioitor of ihe 'lioakitry.
B. II. IlHlSToW.
Kecrelary of the Treasury.
For further Information In wirftrd b iho
above tiwsorilHid bonis, apply to- J. H,
Aguew, Attorney et-ljiw, Tioiicstu. 1'a.
Jl'lSKCHIBEforthe Forest Republican.
J It will pay.