The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 19, 1876, Image 3

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She igovtft JvjpuWitan.
14 nLUiU.iMJAI HIIUAIAU, 19, 10t.
Jiurgr3onx Ruck.
ryunrilmen O. W. Robinson, 8. A.
Vainer, A. It. Kcllv, H. II. Haslet, A. II.
Partridge, II. O. Davis.
Juttiret oj the J'caceD. S. Knox, C. A.
I'lniKtulilf. II. Swaagart
SVAoof himetnn 1. S. Knox, H. O. Da
vis, S. J. Wot.-ott, H. H. Haslet, A. R.
Kelly, I. Clark.
PrrtiAmt Juititrli, D. Wktmork,
-' slssnrirtfa Jmlyet Jos. U. Dai.r, Kd
Waii Khiir.
,f 7-ein (!f H. .T.
iVof nnaortiry, Itegitter it Iteeorder, ctft
t. W. Ci.Aim'.
, .Sherijr .Irs-ris Siiawkkt.
f Oi in hiiim.'o nrr ICl.t IlKNLItf, Isaac
HnNn, John HrccK.
f Ot(fy Superintendent l. H. Krock-
JHHrtet Attorney H. P. Tnwiw.
f Jury mmisiuner It. Z. ToWWKR,
: I.TMAN Cook.
. tuHty .Viirwyor T. P. CoLMsm.
Oirfmrr M. Ittkl, Jn.
)imlv ,4 tirtifor Nicholas Tiiomp-
no. J. tt. Knir.t,, II. A. Zi Ksiim.i.. OiniWM Oko. A. Jknks.
AcmbtyS. It. Aoukw.
Time of Tmins
At TIONESTA STATION, on and after
I Poo. 6, 1875 1
Train 24 8:24 a. m.
' 64 - - - - 3:42 p. in.
v ! NORTH,
f Train M - - - fc2I a. m.
J, " 21 - - - - 8:42 p. m.
7 Trnln 22, smith, and 21, north, aro 1st
class s ttit otheni ro, aooommodatlim
freights. These trains only ro allowed to
carry passengers.
t Ob tho River Division I. e. from Oil City
o Irvinotmi, up tho rlvr Is North ; down
tlio river, south.
Lost Book.
i Some time ago I lent a book entitled
f California," bouuri iu blue cloth, to
onie person in town. Any one bar
ing tho came will please return it to
May, Park & Co.'s Bnuk.
I C . A. B. Kelly.
,-l - v .
The Oil City Grays participated
la the inauguration, ceremonies at
llarrisburg yesterday.
ji J..T. Brcnoan, has bean appoiut-
cd Commissioner's Clerk fur one year.
5 8oo notice of appeals in this Issue. '
i The Auditors have got their an-
f . nual report in readiness for publication.
. t . - n : . e i.- . i
jit win appear in our issue r curuk-
ry 2d.
Carl Bchunt lectures at Franklin
to-morrow evening. There will be uo
excursion traiu run from this point on
that evening.
Alex. Wilson's sister returned
iome lust week, taking with her a
.finely upholstered child's sleigh for
Alcx.'s grand-son.
"It's an ill wind that blows no
body good." This mild weather, al
though rough on teamsters and lum
bermen, is tolerably easy on fuel.
The Jiiylilrd Hat on a hickory limb;
Anil HobiiiHon .itood up looking at him.
The juyblril sang a hymn to the morn,
Then mine down and stole muno of Rob
inson's corn.
Jas. Swailes has been appointed
Mercantile Appraiser for 1876. All
ye merchants and billiard men get
ready for a visitation.
y Some of our anglers have been
tempting the sportive fish from bis na
tive element during the past week.
. What kind of luck they bad we have
not heard.
W. L. Torler, of Kmlenton, has
commenced work on a Steamboat, de
designed te run between Pittsburgh and
Tidioute. Hope bis investment will
pay him handsomely.
It's amusing to read, in our Dem
ocratic exchanges, accouuta of how
Blaine was used up by Cox and Hill,
. in the Amnesty discussion. Poor fel
low, he couldn't help it.
Tho Post Offico at Petroleum
Centre has been discontinued. Time
was wheu this town was one of the
. jreliest iu the Oil Region. How are
eighty fullen!
S"e; Shawkey has made no
arrests since ha . i
1 . worn in. fur
ther the jail is empty, and i. ,,ja to
be so uutil some one offends the ma
jesty of the law more than usual.
Dr. Vogel's wife at present ser
t Sously ill with tcarlet fever and foars
) are entertained that she may pot re-
cover: She has the best of care. It
is to bo hoped that the disease will not
jS Jiigbt aces in a pack of cards
Hsnused a ructiou in Franklin recently.
It would seem as if some of the cili
vns of the "Nursery" were up to
'ways that a ro dark and tricks that
lire vaiu."
Hprx'lnl to the Pcrrlrk.
11 AHRISBltlKI, Jan. 18.
At 12 noon, with artillery booming
and great eclat, John F. Hartranfl
was inaugurated as Governor ef Penn
sylvania, in the presence of twenty
thousaud people. The military and
civil authorities are more fully repre
sented than ever before on a similar
occasion. The Legislature witnessed
the ceremonies in a body. Great en
thusiasm provails, and although the
weather is inclement, the city is
thronged and thousands are "crowding
main thoroughfares. The Governor's
address, after a benediction by Rev.
Paxton, was read and embodied the
leading principle in bis message to
the Legislature. In the evening Pro
fessor Jackson, of Philadelphia, gave
a magnificent display of fire-works,
after which the organixation disban
ded and went to their hemes, bappy
in the belief that they would be well
protected during tbe coming three
years under His Excellency, as they
have been during the past three
years of his term. Brutus.
The friends of Mr. Elliot who has
had the pastoral charge of the Pres
byterian church of Kerr Hill for tbe
last four and a half years, do not pro
pose to have him sever his connection
with them without giving him some
token of their respect and love, and
therefore have decided to give bim a
donation party at the residence of
r o... . i i. tl l :
il io. iii uui jverr, juurvuny vTeuiiig,
the 27th iust. Knowing well the feel
ing of the people of Kerr Hill and
vicinity towards their pastor, we can
safely say that the donation will be
worthy both of the recipient and the
parish. TUunville Jleruld,
It is to be hoped that the. Kerr Hill
people will do something handsome,
as the subject has found its way into
the papers. If they do themselves
proud, we shall be pleased to give
them a complimentary notice.
"Hon. Geo. A. Jenks, our mem
ber of Congress, spent tbe holidays
and recess at home, in Brookville, and
then returned to his post in Washing
ton to vindicate the rights of the peo
ple against the usurpation and tyran
ny exercised by the Radical leaders in
and put of Congress."
The above Is from the pen of the
old pbariseo of Clarion Jaeksonian.
Now, if wo had been let into tbe se
cret that George was going to Wash
ington as a "vindicator," not only in,
but out of Congress, we should have
protested more than we did. ''Usur
pation and tyranny," flows aa natur
ally from the old man's pen as if he
had taken up arms for the Southern
Confederacy, instead of merely sym
pathising with the rebels.
We are under obligations to Mr.
C. L. Hanna, formerly of West Hick
ory, for late files of Denver and Gree
ley papers. The Colorado Sun is re
sponsible fur the fullowing items :
Chas. L. Hanna, who has a largo
band of sheep on the Geary place,
some fourteen miles down the Platte,
was obliged to feed out about half a
ton of hay per day to bis stock on ac
count of the snow.
Judge Levi and Charles Hanna
have lately taken up one hundred and
sixty acres of land dowu the Platte
about seventy-five miles, and jntend
to move their sheep there another sea
son. They are putting up a large cor
ral, the lumber fur which was hauled
from Greeley. They estimste that
about two thousand miles travel were
required to gel the material to its pres
ent location.
At a meeting recently held, the
Crjiwfurd County Republican Com
mittee passed resolutions against the
continuance of the Crawford County
System as a mode of nomination, and
recommocded a return to the dele
gate system. The question is - to be
submitted 'to the voters at the next
primary meetings. It may not work
well there, but we believe everybody
is satisfied that it is tbe best system
for this county. Tbe Democracy of
Forest adopted this system something
over a year ago.
It depends somewhat on how the
lumber trade starts up in the spring,
whether ... gome of our oldest
residents. We have beard several
persons who have heretofore made
lumbering their business, say that if
business did not brighten up in the
spring, they would seek homes in the
far west.
Wm, Heath has opened bis coal
bank on Dutch Hill, and has given a
leasn to tbe Osgood boys. Borne of
tbe eoal has been hauled to town but
we have not heard anything as to tbe
quality of it. Hop it is good, as it
is bandy to t jwu.
When Haslet, llulings and Hi
lands were np in the woods two or
three parties who got strayed from
their camps, stayed with them over
night. Tbe strangers being mostly
green hunters, were handed over to
Haslet for instructions. His first in
struction was to practice jumping logs
for three days, in order to be ablo to
get away from a bear wheu hard push
ed. The next was to always carry
two compasses, so that in case one was
lost the bold hunter would have anoth
er. A great many other tricks of the
trade he imparted to them, but we
cannot just now recall them.
One who has tried it and found it
a success, says that by eating an
orange whenever your appetite craves
strong drink, you will instantly feel
that you wouldn't take a drink, even
if it were offered you.
This remedy would be a little rough
on oranges, if some of our"babituals"
tried it. Nothing less than a full
fledged orange grove would supply
the demand if they had to eat aa or
ange every time their appetite craved
strong drink.
Senator Anderson of Allegheny
has introduced a bill in the State Sen
ate designed to punish persons for the
careless use of firearms. It provides
that any person who shall point, dis
charge or threaten to discbarge any
gun or pistol, at any other person,
shall ba guilty of a misdemeanor, and
subject to a fine of $1,000 and two
years' imprisonment. The Legisla
ture will largely benefit tbe communi
ty by making this a law.
Again we have weathur which is
not really appropriate to winter. But
we are careful not to complain, be
cause we have a vivid recollection of
of bow the mercury crowded down to
ward tbe bulb last winter; and a rep
etition of that same after the weather
we have had this winter, would throw
the whole nation into a general neu
ralgia. Yesterday, at noon, tbe ther
mometer indicated 61 in the shade.
"Eddie Simmons' case will come
up in the criminal court at Franklin
next week. It is rumored that there
are palliating circumstances in the
case, of which the public is not aware,
which will put matters in a better light
fur "Eddie," but more will be known
when the trial comes off.
Rev. James, Free Methodist, held
forth last evening in tbe Universalist
church, to quite a large congregation,
many of whom were attracted by tbe
report that a lady was to cocduct tbe
services. Another appointment was
made for the same place on Tuesday
eveuing, February 1st.
A petition :a being circulated in
town praying the Boro Fathers to
build a foot-walk from Elm St. to tbe
school house; a distance of perhaps
200 feet. The petition is being gener
ally signed, and without doubt, the
walk will soon be built.
J. M. Kepler has a barn on his
premises now. It is not exactly a new
barn, as be bought Varner's old one,
and moved it to a new place, the rear
of his lot. As he does not koep much
stock, this barn will serve his turn as
well as a more expensive one.
An unknown man, supposed to
have been intoxicated, was struck by
a train below Franklin, on the A. V,
R. R. on Monday night. He was
taken to Franklin in am unconscious
condition. It is not known how badly
he is hurt.
Coming down to bard pan. The
wages of the track men, on a portion
of tbe Philadelphia A Erie Railroad,
have been cut down to 90 cts. per day.
And yet, "Uncle Sam has land enough
to give us all a farm," and is willing
to de so. .
The river is just now at good raft
ing stage, and the weather is as favor
able for running as it is generally in
the spring. We hear, however of no
rafts going out from this point, and
observe none coming out from above.
Gen. Beauregard has applied to
Congress, by letter, for the removal of
his political disabilities. If Jeff. Da
vis is the only one to be eterncMy dis
franchised, we see no reason why the
petition should not be granted.
The poor tax is being collected
just now, and to hear some tax-payers
talk, you would think that they need
ed assistance from the poor board.
But that don't wash, and tbey invari
ably bave to "come down."
Tbe amount of ice that has been
put up this winter,, in this latitude,
wouldn't furnish sherry cobblers for
Congress twenty-four hours, even if
there were no argument on tbe Am
ncsty bill that day.
The Teachers' . Association of
Colorado met tbe other day, and re
solved to ask the Constitutional Con
vention to insert a clause in the Con
stitution to tbe effect that tbe daily
reading of the Bible in the public
schools should never be compelled by
law, nor should it ever be prohibited.
State Superintendent Wickers
bam, in his report submited to the
Legislature at its present session, says
that section 6, of the act of April 20,
1874, applies to school directors,, and
it is their duty to comply with its
provisions. We quote from this sec
tion, as follows:
"Tbe corporate authorities of every
such inunicpality or district shall an
nually, in the month of January, pre
pare and publish, in at least two
newspapers of said municipality or of
the county in which the same is sit
uate, if so many be printed therein, a
statement showing iu detail the actual
indebtedness, the amount of the fun
ded debt, the amount of the floating
debt thereof, the valuation of taxable
property therein, the assets of the cor
poration, with the character and na
ture thereof, and a neglect or failure
so to do shall be a misdemeanor, pun
ishable by fine not exceeding one
thousand dollars."
Barnum is known to be a great
hombugger, but there is no humbug
about this extract from a recent lec
ture in New York, on "the world and
how to live in it," He said :
"The only real economy is to regu
late the outgo to the income, so that
the latter shall be greater than the
former, and every year we shall be
worth more than the preceding one.
The real comforts of life coot but
little; it is the eyes of others, not our
own eyes, that rule us ; it is the fear
thst Mrs. Grundy shall have some
thing to say that governs us. The
rest wants cost little in comparison
to what is earned, but it is this out
side show that is so unfortunate for
Americans. 'Pay as you go is the
philosopher's stone, nearer than al
cbeniist can get it."
Wanted Wild Cats.
We desire to purchase two dead
wild cats, that have been caught in
traps, and whose skins are not injured.
We want them for a taxidermist, who
wishes to skin tbe animals himself,
preparatory to stuffing. A fair price
will be paid if tbe animals arc brought
in soon. 37tf
The valuable and beautiful homo
stead formerly owned by Hon. Joseph
G. Dale, and in which he now resides,
is in my hands for sale at very low
figures. Terms one-third purchase
money down, and the balance in one
and two years. Miles W. Tate.
lOtf. .
We will pay cash on delivery at
our mill in Tionesta, for white oak
stave and heading bolts at the follow
ing prices :
Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord
of 8 ft- by 4 ft., $4.50. Heading bolts
22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4
f;., 14.00. Heading bolts must be
made from timber at least 20 inches
in diameter. Office at Lawrence
House. J. II. DEtucraox & Co.
Sewing Machine Needles. .
Mrs. C. M. Heath has just received
the largest and most complete assort
ment of sewing machine needles ever
bronght to town. She keeps the only
sewing machine needles for sale in
town.' Her place of business is in the
Acotnb Building, up stairs.
a W. Grant, of Oil City, (Rey
nolds & Hukill's Block,) keeps con
stantly on band a full assortment of
the latest Foreign and Domes'.io goods
for the manufacture of gentlemen's
clothing. He keeps none but first
class goods, and employs the best cut
ter in the Oil Regions. Whatever
you get there you can depend upon its
being of the latest style, and first-class
goods. His prices are reasonable for
the superior kind of goods he keeps
on baud. If you want poor clothing,
you cannot be accommodated at bis
establishment. But if you want a No.
1 article, made in tbe latest style,
Grant's is the place to go. Remem
ber tbe place: Reynolds fc Hukill's
Block, Seneca St., Oil City, Pa. 35 2t
Mrs. Butler has just . received a
new stock of Millinery Goods, consist
ing of Hats, Frames, Featheis, Flow
ers, Ribbous, Velvets &e., &c, in the
building north of Lawrence House.
She solicits a continuance of the pat
ronage of the ladies of Tionesta aud
vicinity. C2 (5
Hie lightest running Machine in
the world is tho Grovcr & Baker, at
least Baldwin, of Tidiottto says so,
and he knows. 46 ly
Those beautiful lots jit north of
Mrs. Henry's residenco can be bought
cheap, on long time, by applying to
the editor of this paper. tf.
Landlord and Tenant Leases, tho
most approved form, for sale at this
DATKS-WAPM. On Jalioary tut, IS70,
!n Menrivlllu, Mr. Harry S. BnUis and
Miss Adclado M. Wade, both of the
above place; Kev. Craighead officiating.
Harry and his bride have our best
wishes for a happy and prosperous fu
ture. TIONKMTA aiAltlCKTH.
By Robinson A. Bonner, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour lp barrel -Buckwheat
flour 9 cwt
Corn Meal, bolted -Chop
feed - - -. -Hyo
biiHhel -Oats
Corn, ears -Beans
1 bushel - - -Ham,
sugar curod -Breakfast
Bacon, sugar cured
Sugar - , - - -Syrup
- -
N. O. MoIasNca ...
Roast Rio Cofleo No. 1
Rio Coffee, best -Java
Co (Too -Tea
Rice .....
l .05 1.75
40Q 45
- 40(345
- " 17
- 1(1
- 10C12J
- 70 1.00
- 30
- .50 1.25
- 30(,32
- . 10
- 15Q20
- 4.00
Eggx, fresh
Salt -I-ard
Iron, common bar
Kails, lOd, keg -Potatoes
OhIoiih, bitHhel
New Advertisement a.
Appeal Notice.
CommiMtioner' Office of Fvrtxl Comity, 1
Tioncxta, '., Jan. 13, 1870. )
Notice in horoby given that Hie Commis
sioners of Forest County will meet at their
ofliee in tho Court House at Tionesta on
7th, 8th akd Ptu of February,
for the purposo of holding a Court of Ap
peals for tho assessment of J87A.
By order of Co. Commissioners,
J. T. BRKXNAN, Clerk.
A Woiiikii fall' to look upon."
Facsimileof af'elobratod Oil fainting bv
BKOCHA KT, in 21 oil-colors si.o 7x
inches. Tho royal beauty of face and
form, rich Oriental costume, romantic
Kastcrn landscape back-ground, with its
well, palm trees, llocks, tents, and long
stretch of desert and distant boundary of
mountains, combine to form a rare anil
lovely picture. It would gruco tho walls
of any public or privato pillory. Can
vassers aro wild over It, and aro compet
ing for the Cash Premiums. Scnu for our
splendid oiler. Address,
40 8t J. It. FORD 4 CO., N. Y. City.
SomctMng New!
In the building formerly occupied by J. J,
Is made from CORV. WHEAT & OATS,
and will bo sold at present, for
1.75 1KK OWT.
Is made from tho best WINTER WHEAT,
every barrel of which is warranted and
will be sold proportionately low.
In connection with the above, wo are
keeping tho best brands of
rixi: cut,
suited to tho most fastidious taste.
l'lcuiscK.tamliic uin- Hluclc
THE GRIST MILL at Nebraska (Lai y
town,) Forest county, has linen thor
oughly overhauled and relitted in
elasM order, and is now running and doing
all kinds of
(Vmstuntly on hand, and sold at tho very
lowest figures.
u i;m u. w. i.iiij:i;cn.
IMalc Xotlt'i.
lvitido of Doctor J. WiniuiM Kite .of
Tionesta Borough, Forest eotinty. de
ceased. All persons Indebted to sliiil en
lalo arc requested to inukn imnioilialo
payment, and those luring leul claims
against tho name, will present 'liem with
out delay in proper order for settlement,
J. V. II. RKISIX'JE!!, 1 . , ... .,
K. D. M.TRKAUY, ""''lt .
OL I V K W1NANH, Adminint rat ri x .
or, MILKS W. TATE, Attorney.
Tionesta, Pa., Nov. 10, 1875. (it
Df.pabtxknt of JrsTirK. )
Otllee of the Solicitor of tlwi Trvalurv, r
Washington, 1. ('., Nov. 17, 1H75.
' Public sale, of farms arid oil lands nxnr
Tionesta, Forest County, Pennsylvania,
by Wul'oi-d Wilson, solicitor of thi) Trcas
ury, witli tho approval of tho sd;rclary of
the Treasury.
The following described property Tying
In Forost and Vimangocouutics near 'l ion-,
esta, will be olfurod at public sale to tho
highest bidder at Agnew's Hotel, In Um
town of Tionesta, on Saturday tho 2thr
day of February next, at tun oi'loe.k in tho,
forenoon, viz :
Tract No. I.
The original Holpman Farm, containing
401 acres.
Tract No. 2. '
517 acres, maila np of three pieces, one
of 3!i of 81 aerrts and thcjotlter of
45 acres, adjoining. Those trai ts houuil.
on tho Allegheny River at 1 lineman's
Flats, and arc situated about three miles'
from Tionesta. Much of tho land Is cov
ered with excellent timber. The vlc:ul
part is good farm ami bottom land. A.
number of good houses and barns aro on,
each tract. 1
Tract No. 3. . '
437 acres, situated near tho mouth of
West Hickory Creek, on tho Allegheny
River, five miles alsvo Tionesta, and con
sists of bottom and hill land. There, aro
two houses and good out buildings on this
Those tracts are considered valuable oil
lands, and it is thought Hint, upon being
properly tested, will be reuuninraUve.
They wero taken by tho United ijtntcs for
debt. The tillo is believed to be undisput
ed, and can be examined by bidders for
themselves before tho day of sale. Thu
solicitor of the Treasury has no power to
givo warranty dccds.and will only sell and
convey to the purchaser all tho right and
title of tho United Statos.
The several tracts numbered 1, 2, and S,
will bo sold separately.
Tho highest bidder for each tract when
the same is struck otT to him as the pur
chaser, will bo required to sign ids name
to a certificate setting forth that ho is such
purchaser and agreeing to comply with
tho conditions of sale, and w ill also bu
requirod to pay to tho agent of tho gov
ernment attending tho salo, the sum of
$200.00, which Will bo forfeited if ho shall
fail to make the payment and deliver ,the
security according tho conditions.
Payments will bo made ns follows :
Olio -half of tho purchuso monev, less
the $200.00 paid on the day of salo, shall bo
paid on delivery of tlio deed conveying
the tract, tho remaining half to bo paid In
ono yoar from tho day of salo with interest
at six per cent, tor which deforrcd pay
ment purchaser shall give his bond secur
ed by tirst mortgago on tho premises sold.
An agent of the government will attend
at tho pnstollice at Oil City, on Wednesday,
March 1st, lsyu, and where each purclianor
will bo required to pav to him one-half of
tho purchase money, less the S2U0 already
paid, and deliver to him the proper secur
ities for tlio roinaining half, and to receive
a conveyance executed bv the solicitor of
tho Treasury, of all the right and titlo of
the United States of, in, and to tho tract
sold to him. lii.UKoitn Wilson.
Solicitor of tho Treasury.
It. If. Uhihtow.
Socrotury of tlio Treasurj'.
For further information In regard to tho
abovo described lands, apply to J. U.
Agnow, Attorncy-at-Law, Tionesta. Pa.
ALL OPERATIONS pertaining to Sur
gical or Mechanical Dentistry per
formed with care, and wm ranted. 1 guar
antee success or refund the monev.
Remember tho placo.
:U2-ly. , , a. W. EARNE&'f.
DR. C'RUMIt. established for many
years in Hurfalo, by an entirely new
system of medication, treat succussfully
Catarrh, itronohitis, and Disoukcx of tbu
Lungs, Liver and Kldnovs, also Ditltcul
tios of a Conlidentinl Nature, wherein
Hkill aud experience aro required. . Dr.
Crumb has developed a practice which
from Its unparalleled success in thousands
of cases, many of a very aggravated char
acter, is ablo to positively guarantee a per
fect and permanent cure iu every case ho
undertakes, lie sends no Circulars or
Treatises on these diseases to his patiouts,
as it is undeniable that such knowledge is
in general extremely prejudicial, exorcis
ing an injurious ctlbd by rounding and
frequently counteracting a cure,, tending
to alarm the patient, which Is tlio princi
pal object of such productions, and ex
cites and exaggerates his fears as to tiie
curability of his complaint. Tim Doctor
requires simply a brief history of the case
and a cuudid plain stalcinciil of present
symptoms a thorough examination will
then be made, and if considered remedi
able a sincere, eonsieutions opinion w ill
be given promptly and such meilicino as
will bo applicable w ill be scut by express,
accompanied by full aud explicit direc
tions. Charies very moderate and wiUi
iil tlio roach o( all, Hid success guaranteed.
Such cases as have liiiicd under other
trcatmout particularly desired. Ail letters
must enclose f 1.00 tor consultation fee aud
correspondence during treatment, aud ad
dressed to DR. W. R. C lU.'.M II,
20 4 102 Pearl St., llutlalo, . Y.N
IELTCARPKTINOS, 3.-ets. per yard.
X FKLT ('Kll.l.Ni; for rooms in placiof
Plaster. FFLT ROUl'lNii andSlDlMi
For samples, address C. J. FAY, Camden,
Now Jersey.
You fun Sine .Tloiu-y
liy Inlying your PI AMIS ami OlttJANS
from the undersigned ' Miuiulkcturers'
Agent, fot the Iicsl In .mds in (lie market.
Instrument" -hipped direct Trout the Fac
tory. CHAS. A. SlIfl.TZ, Tuner,
:i lv Lock I o II", nil I l. . I'.i.
4 V. "
D lb