The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 22, 1875, Image 2

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Wxt &oxtfit $tpuMican.
It is now the legislative braucli
of the government iu South Carolina
that is out of orJcr. It has elected
Judges of the Courts, it is sttid, men
who are ignorant to a degree. It real
ly looks as if South Carolina is to be
continuedly and terribly puuinlied for
the crime of secession.
The difference between the two
political parties of the country receives
a new illustration in the Tweed case.
The doctrine of the Republican party
is "Let no guilty man escape;" that of
the Democratic party is "Let all guil
ty men escape who (like Tweed) be
long to our party," Venango Cithcn.
Mr. Farwell, of Illinois, has in
traduced a bill to hasten specie re
sumption by retiring $1,000,000 geen
babks a month. It is a measure not
likely to be acceptable . to any one.
To those who wish to hurry forward
specie resumption it is too slow ; and
to those who do not wish it, the bill is
unacceptable because It contracts the
currency. Tt is this eternal tinkering
at the finances that does the work of
injury. ' '' :!
An exchange perpetrates the ; fol
lowing: "The Democratic leaders
hare loudly proclaimed for many
jeara Uuti government salaries ought
to be, reduced one-half. , The party
baa just given places to abont a htiti
dred and fifty persons in the house of
1 representatives, whose Salaries range
from eight thousand a year . to seven
hundred and fifty dollars for the ses
sion. We shall now see how much
lioneety there was in their reform pre
tensions." i . .
Hon. E. D.' Morgan, , Chairman
bas issued a pall for the meeting of
the ItepuUican National Committee,
on Wednesday, Jan. ISth, at the Ar
lington Hotel, Washington, for he
purpose of fixing the time and place
for holding the next Republican Na
tional Gouvention for the nomination
of President and Vice President. It
is not improbable the convention will
be held In Philadelphia, as that city
will have an irresistable attraction in
.the Centennial Exhibition. 1
' Itve iatiniated that Senator JCd
rounds' motion for a new clectio t"
.Fresidont pro tern, of the Senate means
'.more than was indicated on its face,
"HreTe is a real and positive effort be
ing secretly made to displace Mr. Fer
ry ,--the movement being under the
direction of. tbe hard money Seuut?rs
,t the East. Very properly,. Mr. Fer-
ry refuses to step aside, and prefers to
have the matter- legitimately settled.
Senator Morton's Committee, have the
subject in charge, and will promptly
.act upou it. i i j ! . . : i 1
fiaya the Washington coirespon
leut of the Pittsburgh Commercial,
since the receut ' srtTir in the wliisky
trials, tbe President and Secretary
T5 ristow have beea in private confer
ence, in which the whole subject was
reviewed. The President again di
rected the Secretary to push the prose
cution to the extreme limits,, regard
less of whom it reached. The remov
al of Henderson was through no dis
position to shield any one. The Pres
ident is relentless towards those who
have betrayed bis confidence, as will
be seen hereafter, when the factt are
indisputably ebowu. . ; , , .
Already the preliminary move
ments are being made to open the
.-door for .the reuels to get into the
Treasury. Tlie law prohibiting those
not k-nown to be opposed to the rebel
lion from prosecuting claims against
the United States on account of losses
'suffered during tbe war, was earnestly
opposed by Mr. Vance, and a move
meut made for its repeal. It is au in
dication of the tendency of events. It
is evident that the Bout hern element
are determined to take care of their
irictida. - It w, of course, impossible
for them to attain their purposes, and
it seems absurd that they should desiro
to do so. The fact that they are bold
enough to put forlb an effort to do
what it is impossible they should do,
roves the spirit that animates them.
It is the old rebel idea, rampant onco
more. uazelte.
It is proposed to make the second
inauguration of Guverow: llartranft
"tho most imposing military and civil
display we have had at the capital for
"many years. Military men in differ
ent parts of the State have already
"bad some informal cousultatiou and
correspoudcuue ou the subject, while
the proposition to secure the attend
ance of a large number of civil socie
ties is discussed by mcu who generally,
carry what they undertake to do into
successful effect. The Governor is now
busily engaged on bis inaugural ad
dress. Tho message will be the first
under the new constitution commenc
ing'a gubernatorial term. With this
term the Governors are not eligible to
a second election. A term must in
tervene before they become so, and
the term of service under the not
constitution is four years.
The following from the Pittsburgh
Gazelle will be cheerful reading for
some of our readers, no matter how
much credit they may give the state
la our intercourse with manufac
turers and business men, wo find an
m proved feel ins as to tbe business
outlook. It is believed by many that
we have reached what is usually term
ed "hard pan," and that we must short
ly nave an improved coodilion ot af
fairs. Our manufacturers who have
borne the strain thus far are regarded
as strong and perfectly able to meet
the demands upon them in the future
Tbe reduction in the price of puddling
while not a serious item to each rud
dier, is la tbe aggregate of great ini
portauee to manufacturers. . it bas in
spired them with courage and hope,
and they arc, we understand, diposed
to prosecute tho work of manufacture
with energy. : We have not leagu
ed ai tu tliu demand of roanufucured
iron, but it is said that nails are vory
salable at present, 'and that tbe de
mand will be large in tbe early spring,
If the predictions of those, not usually
anguine, are realieeed we shall havo
much better conuitioa of attain! - by
the return of spring than me have hud
these many years. -
1 no agricultural report lor . toe
year, indicates a larger annual , crop
yield, during tbe past season, than for
any year, lor a long time past. 'Mine
crops of 1 870 and 1372 . were large,
but the one just now harvested is fully
equal, if not superior to theiu. .Every
quarter of tbe country baa bad an in
crease in the number of bushels grown
and though iu soma cases ;, slight. . in
ethers it has been so much greater as
to raise the sura total of . the, crop
twenty-five per cent, above that of
1874. Tbe increase in the New Eue
laud States is not large,, but : that of
the Middle States will reach ten par
cent,, that of tho Oulf folates seventeen
other Southern States about fifty, and
the Western States in general about
sixty percent.: - Kut, while the quan
tity is so abundant, the quality. is uot
us (rood as could be desired., liae cold
unseasonable weather and the early
and heavy Irosts have made much of
the corn soft, wet and almost unmark
etable. The potato crop is about one'
fourth larger than Inst. year,. Cotton
cannot ba fully reported just yet,-.bu
enough is. known to show, that the
Gulf States exhibit a larger,, and. the
AthtuUc .states a smaller, crop tban
usual. , The best authorities on cotton
statistics are certain that the crop will
exceed sales, and some
place it as high as 4,250 ,000. ,..
; sheriff's SAt .
BY VIItTUlt o .ur.tliy wrluof Fl. Fa.
and Vendi. Ex. hwued otlt oi tl'.2
Court of Cominon Pleas of Forest County,
and to me directod, Uicra will be expowd
to xalo by public vendue or oit rv, at the
Court llinut, tathe borough of lionestu,
on :..,'.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th, A. D., 187,
at 11 o'clock A. M.,the following described
real estate, to-wit : '
Roxalene McIIonry,
McHenry, deoeaaed, vs. The Koiest Coun
ty Oil and Mining Company, Vendi. Ex.
No. 20 Dee. Term, 1875, E. 1). No, 49 Sept.
Term, 1S75 Tato. All tbe following de
scribed several tracts, lots, pieces or par
cels ot land situate in Jenks township,
Forest county, Pa., ono of thorn, No. U4, In
the subdivision of a tract warranted in the
name of Jeroy A Unklaln, lieinir warrant
No. 8177, described us follows, to-wit: llo
pinntng at a beech at corner of sub. No. 25
thence east 59 perches to beach, Uience
north 161 parboes to a point, tbeuce sveet
53 perchos to a beech at ourner of sub. No.
2rt, thence south 154 perches to the place of
lMKinninfr. Containing 60$ acres, more or
leas. . ., 1 -' v i t.i-ii - !
Also, Sub. No. 25 of said tract or war
rant doscribed, lie. Befrtnnln(r at a beech,
corner of sub. No. 32, thence east crossing
the south branch of Malmon ernek 106 per
ches to a beech corner of sub, No. 24,
thence north 154 perches to a beech corner
of snb. No. 23, thence west recrossinKsaid
brunch of balmon creek lot) perches to s
birch cornor of sub. No. 25, thenco south
15 pcrchcii to tlio place of beginning. Con
taininn 100 acros, more or luss.
Aumv-Sub. Now 'M of sall tract, de
scribed as follows: ltecinuiuK at a birch
corner of sub. Nn. 2., thence east cros&ing
tho south branch of w-altnon creek 106 pei
elies to leeh, oorner of sub. No. 24,
thence urtli rocruHHing asid south branch
of Salmon creek 171 perches to apoMt,'cor
ncr of sub. No, 22, tliem-o west 10(i porches
to a beech, corner of sub. No. t7, thence
Houth 174 perches to place of boginuing.
Contaning 114 ueres, uiore or Icsa. . ,
Aio, Hub. No. 32, dcacribod, Ao. Ito
arinning at a beech at oorner of sub. Mo.
iJJ, tlteuoe oust 1ml perches to a bceeh at
corner of sub. No. 25, thence north 11
perches to a birch, corner of sub. No. 2(1,
thence Trust lOrt icrchs to maple, enrner
of sub. No. Ii4. thence south 154 iKtrohes to
tho place of boginuing. Containing lOOj
acros, moro or less, 1
Also, -Wub. No. 46 of warrant N-. 817fl,
vjuacriutHM . . Jieglnning at a iHieuli, cor-
jier ot sub. No. 51, lucnoe oat crossing the
est branch of Salniou creek 1H0 porches
tua post, corner of snb. No. 4:1, thence
north recruuiing the said w est brunch of
Suliiion crock 150 perdies to a post, corner
of sub. No. 44, thence west loo perches to
a beech, corner of sub. No. 5-, tlieine
south 150 iercheu to the place of begin
ning. Containing 0:1) acres, more or less.
Auto, 8ub. No. 43, doscribed, o. llo
ginning at a post, corner of sub. No, 40,
tlioute c.i'.l 100 pculici to a bucch, cornel'
of suit. No. 18, thence north 150 perches to
nL corner or sub. Io. .17, tlienoo went
crossbill the went branch of Balmon frock
100 porches to a post, coi ner of nub. No. 4
thence mi nth rwmsstns; mild wont brunch
of Salmon crock I.W porch to the place
beginning. Containing 93 acre, moroor
loss. 1
A i-fco, A tract or Una In name town-
1 1 it. warranto! In the name of Samuel
Wallace, boiiiR warrant No. 4 1. lit, doscrl lod
Hi: Hoirlnnlnir at a snirnr tree on uie dis
trict lino of liistricts live and six, thonco
north I IM porches to a nnjrar troo, thence
past t4 perches to a Iswh, thence south
ItH pernio to suirar, thence west por-
hos to ino piai-o 01 DCKtnninir. vomiiiu-
tnir KW61 acres, with allowance.
Taken in execution and to bo sold as tho
property of Forest County Oil and Min
na lmrmnv, at tne mm or noxaieno mc-
Henry, Uxecnlrix of A. J I. MclU-nry, lc-
James I. Pavis uro of Itonnott Pobbs,
now for nse of William W. Hrewer Vs.
William S. Chapman, 1. Fa., No. IVe.
Term. 1875. O. 1). No. Doc. Term. 1875.
Tate. Alt that certain piece or parcel of
land nitttatn in jpiiks uiwnanip, roreni
county, and Stale of Ponnnvlvaiim, bouml-
Ml and (lcscribod as follows, to-witi On
tho northwest by warrant numbered Ave
thotiaand one hundred ami twenty-nine.
on tho north bv warrant numbered Ave
thousand on hundred and aovantvthreo,
on the northeast bv tnanirle. on outli
cast liv warrant nnmnorca live mmiHaiui
one hiinitrcKl and tvrenty-nnie, on the
aouthwest bv warrant ntimltcrcd live
thonsnmt one bundrmt'and tlilrtv-wix.
Cnntnininft three hundred and (lfleen acrox
more or Iobs. part or warrant no, 51 sm.
Iiiken In execution ana u no sola as tno
propertynf William 8. Chapman, at tho
unit of Jamos 1. lavls dm of lWxincIt
DobbH, now for uite 04 H Uliain W iirow
The Dillowlnir must be strictly compiled
wiin wiion property is inncaen iown t
1st. Whon U10 plojiitirr or ntner lien
creditors become the purchaser, tho wvbi
on tnoj-nts must to paid, and a list 01
liens nVcJndtn ttiorTrH)fo. Marches on tho
iironerty std,iogvtnir with such lien ored
ilor a reeeH!: wr tbe amount of tua iiro-
cemla of the sale or snob nortlon thereof us
ho ninv elaiui mnst be fxirnished by the
Shoriil.. i' ' .!.
, Seo I'urd.m'i Uiwl, Otli 11., itago -H6,
. 'Smith s forma, pnu;o-sl. .
1 2d. All bids most be Paid trt full.
All snlm not settled imniodiatolr will ho
tmntiuuod until 2 o'clm-k p. nu, of tbe day
01 sale, nt wuicii lime ail proM'ri.v noi act
fled for will aim in bo put tin anil sold a
the -expenxn and risk of the person to
WDouj lirt aniik it
J. T. VAN tlTKSKN. Shorllt
RhcrMT'a OlHeO, Tloncsta, Pa., lleo. 7th,
187n.. t ', " 1 , ' ' "
Scribners' Uonthlv for 1 876
' Tho publishers Invite attention to the
following list of some of the attractive ar
tiuios secured for Scrlbners' Monthly, for
the cominar vear. , In tlm Mold of liotion
besides iiunienms nm-elcttes and shorter
stories, there will be ' ' ' .
'The Brut of these, now couiplero in our
Honda, ,i. ,i
m ; By BRUT. IIAKTU, , ,,,
... Itcgins in the Novenrlior number,
nnd will run for twelve innuUis... This is
Mr.'. Hnrte's . first xtomlod work. The
seenos and characters, which tho author
lias chosen from bis favorite held, t ali for
ilia, are cajiited with characteristic vivid'
nesa and power ; and the work is without
doubt the most graphic rejwrd of early
Can lorn la uie tnat nux yet appeareo.
We bltall also begin iu Uiv JaBuary uum-
1 Or Show Your Pas porta,
' Thscno of this story la laid in the
Southwestern territory, now forming the
Status of Louisiana and Texas, at thu time
Of Aaron Burr's treason. Tho characters
liv-wl in ssoctioii which was now Ameri
eon, now French anl now Hnanish, and
this rorond .f tboir adventurous lives
makes a story of intense and untlaiigin
- BvOl. OEO. K. WAKINO, Jr.
' nT Win..Lnn'n Europe, visiting,
I.". 2 r'ow-lsr ride of twohitnu7rfMlnlty
miles, one Of toft n.C !"-tile and intercsij.
Ing of the vine-growing valleys 01 . V"-'
This second series of pajtera premises to'
lie even more interesting than those wtth
which our readers are already familiar.
Ed i tod by Johx Vasck Chekgt. ..
A rare collection of Revolutionary Let
ters, mainly from stores In the hands of
the dtwoendanta of Col.- Joseph Ward.
'I bey are lull of interest, and will be read
with a rare relish in connection with tho
Centennial eclebrajion of tho year.
Brilliantly DltuitratedArtioles'on ' '
Written respectively by theirfrlends, will
appear during the year. Tho revived In
terest in eolleA lii makes those paiiers
especially Umuljr, aul MU mmurg tut tliem
uuusuul altuution. ( t
Elogantlv Illustrated articles on OldNew
York, by John P. Mines, will iiear at
oiuw, and will attract tbe attention of all,
In eity or oeuutry, who naark with interest
tiie dtU elouuiMii of the grout metropolis,
snd aliactiunately reiueinber the iuaiut
poeuliaritios of its olden time. 1
Kvery nanr.har is profusely lllustratod,
(bus enablitiK us o ifive to our descriptive
and narrative articles, and permanent ral
ne never nttalnod in a non illustrated pe
riodical. Under its aeeus.tojuod limnasre
inent tbe inauasioe will in the future be
devoted, a it has been 1 11 the past, to sou nd
litctuture and Christian prowiss.
Th Koitokial Pjwahtmknts,
occupy over twenty papres of each number
and i-ontain Dr. llolland's ii(fiu-oii and
timelv editorials, as well as Kecu waul the
latest works iu Art Literature aud aictuuee.
i , TliltMS:
$4.00 a Taai in Advanoe; 35 oU. a 5umW.
Tlio 10 vols, (xmipleto, Nov. 1870 to Oct.
1875, bound iu maroon clotlL ..?J0.UO
do. do. In half moroeeo iMi.uo
.Vola begin in November and May. Any
of Uie earlier volumes U to VI 11 ) will bo
supplied separately to parties who wish
thcin to complete sets at this rate, i. e.,
cloth, Ji.oo; lialfnioroeco; a.'t00.
.tie supplied at rates that will enable them
to fill any of the above oilers.
Nubscj-ibura will please remit In V. O.
Money Orders, or in Hand Cheeks, or
Krafts, or by registered letters. , Money
iu lt lUjrhiiot registered, at sciMler's libk.
8CHIUNi:it A CO., .
' ; 713 Broadway, New York.
$3 SAMPLE FREEf,V.e?dfc.T.
everywhere. Address Tho I nion Tub.
Co., Newark, N. J. 'i U
Wholeanle ami
IToreign & American Oarpe tings,
Mattings, Oil ClotliM, "Window Shatles, Loco
Om-tninM, Lambrequins, &o coxmacts
i j ...; ,.!!( ! ! I. '
MammotH Carpet, arid House
.i. ' :;... i'"- I ; I'
. '
23tf . ' , . KEArVILLE.,PA. , . ' . ;
: 1 1 .':!W ;
tudioxtte, i
" .' if-'.i : : r-. '' i- i i ' '! " ;
Second loor Kaat ' from IDepot ' fltrfet.
Trtl? only full nmT complete, assortment
of tine goods in the place. Krerythliin
warranted, as represented. Uoxxto sent
C O. 1. to any place with the privilege of
! Tire and Burglar'
Counter, Platform, Wagon & Track
hen tor PrlewlUl. AgasU WauUs,
Marvin's Safe Co.,
265 Broadway, New York,
, , ,, , 721 Chestnut SU Phila.
IOH WORK neatly executed ut the Uli-
o i'uulica;
IN OlUcc.
t-.!i; A ' !-..
I FROM OTHER TOWNS.. .! O .:; ,:t , .'!
I r ' ' 1 . .2: H . rn "
.'l'...'!,.u ... -..;r, (u.i.h,!! S rf Z P
r,l. u-rj VjA i g ill
s tu - t . - t-r grs r- & m - i
o'j'E 9 'H:":,S t&&i-fcm
.oi) : .!i ' V .' '- 1- tsj H ' m
,'' !. 'r: ? ' i'.' i";.' PROCLAMATION. .... it
Retail Dealers in
madk rx rmyj.nt rxc., ,
'.I . ! -'-l ' ,
Furnishing Establishmertt,
- . i
s i ' . ! '"
WirKnEAa, The llon.'I,. 1 1). "Wet more,
President JKdicu of - the' Court of Com
mou Pleas and Quarter !4cssien is and for
the conn, v of Forest, lias issued liis nre-
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Hessious, A-e., at Tionesta, for
the County of Forest, to commonoo en tho
tburth Monday of leer. next, lxiiitr tho
ST7th day of llocV. 1MT3. Notice Is therefore
(fiven to the Coroner, Justices of the Heoce
and Constables of Raid county, that ther bo
then and there In their proper persons at
ton o'clock A. M., of Haal diir, with their
rociHrdH, lnquisitioiis eKamlnarlons and
otlwr remembrHiuvs, to do tliosu Uiiiiirs
which totlieir ortlnea appertain to bo dono,
aud to those who iHiiind in reMf(uiziinco
to prosecute against the prisoners that nro
or. shut) belli thq.lallof f'orwt(Vunty,iliat
they bo then unit liiurc t proscculc against
thorn as shall bo just. Given under my
hand .grid, seal tkia 1st rtnv of Peer., A. I),
l7o. T. J. VAX fllKSKN, Sh'H'.sV
tits; EPriEPsV,
This Is no iunibii. For Information,
Inquire or or write to MdYKK 1IHOT1I
lilts. Wholesale liruggists, llluomsburg,
Coliunbiacownty, 1. , - Mi
' y'bo Oldai-tniid inosl lelial 4 Institatloji
for obtainiiiK a Mcrcuulilu iliication. For
Circulars write to P. DUFF SONS,
314 Pittsburgh, Pa
SUIiSCHIRKforthe Forest Itepubliean
It will pay.
, - . t : - ' - 6.
., -i .. i . ivs '
, tfM .. A . W , ,
' r df .' '" H -s . "Ci .
sw . Sri 5
M.'.-M, , n,jH . a r.ir1.;.rf.
Furnituro Rooms!
S: U.rti:''.
The utiilerslined bi its leave io inform
tlm Ht rt'tis ir rionem, Mul the pablie m
irenenil. Unit he lias opened a f'lllSl
tv,.l.v.v r ( K.MIl UK nriii:i;, lit nis
new bnililln-t at tb jiiiictlon ot lilm M.r
nnd Inn Dutch Hill roiul, where lie keep
on hand a tui ito assortment of
ConslKiing in part of
Walnut Parlor Sets,
Chamber Set, ,
Cune Seat Chairs, ..
J V I : ,', ,', i.M'mal .sent Chairs, '
rtM-k i iilt Chairs,
1 IHnins I'ablea, .
if. Hf, iision tables,-
Marble Top Tables, .-. i ft
Kitchen Kurnilure, . I '
: , Jtiirciius, '
HihIsIisiiIh, .
Waslistnnds, a
, '. '..ii ; ,i lamina:",
Miitli sne,
"' Ciiiiboards, f )
' :' ' Hook Cases,
I'linev llraekcls,
IhUuih (jliissos, ,
Picture Kranics, nnd " '
.always on hanil.. .
HIsVoofiis'bl'nKlluire, hrtif w'tu situat
ed ho is prepare! to prior superior Induce
ment to purchasers.
Call and rxamtuo his stock and prices,
and be convinced
1 A full assortment of Conlnssnd ('. via
conslaiitlv in store.
ally ' A. II. TARTRlbOE.
"c ii ii a p' i.Ti' af ri ft
The I.iltlo ItfM'k nnd Fort Smith Hall-W-av
Otiipany Is sellini;, at execpliml
Iv low iriees nnd oil ttirnis to suit pur
chasers, over
of their nmitnilli'iint grant Ou every aids
within twenty miles of their road". Ad
mirably suited for production of Coin,
Cotton, tlrniii, tlniss, Kruils, ami all ether
Nortlwni crisis, tVintcrs are siilld, per
mlttlnir out-fsir labor fur eleven mouih.
Soli U-rtilo lieyond precedent... No Kras.
hoppers, no rroiipht. Svei'll Induce
ments tor catnhlhhinont of
For circulars, address W. l. SLAtli,
lyiiul CoitiuiisNii'iicr, I.ittlo Rock, Arlsu
sns. 34 4
Libersl Tarmc nf Vt.
chai'Rfcr6iwond-h .i 1
rmliuo Cl cvervduv.
I I itriptisn.''- -i ' t
. Tli hums (. S-M6.t4. fiirCULxriw.
Watt rostxsno srwiss kachws cd.
imtniii ME1V (Utlll.
$12 1ft
y at home. Atrenls wanted. O'ju
od terms frw. .TltL'K'.t I t .,
Maine.' ; ' !U
Mil VS. httVti POISONS.'
Modlcinc Ren.lerod Useless! 1 .
aro emloriivJ ly the iiiosi cuiiiioiit pKyi
elans in the world for thex-ure of riieuif s
tlsm, ncuralirln, liver complaint, dyspla
sia, kidney iliscase, aches, ilalns, iierv j t
disorders," fits female coin plaints, ncri"lH
and penernl debility, ami other ehreJ
diseases of f he eliest, fiend, liver, teiii:-' h,
kidneys and blond. Hook Willi, full p:tr
ticulai-s free by VOLT A UKLT C'., t il.
ciiinati.Ohio. ( ;v.--..,.r 34 4
leyryA WIORK itniiraiiteWt l Main
I'cmalo a'.-iHits, in Oiclr toca4.iT.
4losm nothlPK to trv it. I'artteulara rrro.
1'. O. VifMorv f Co., AlH?iistu, M". 54-4t
fltfva month to cnonteiiei iivhi and
t3OvVwnmon everywhere, llusincss
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